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Use Tensorize to Leverage Hardware Intrinsics
**Author**: `Yizhi Liu <https://github.com/yzhliu>`_

This is an introduction material on how to perform tensorization in TVM.

By using schedule primitive :code:`tensorize`,
people can replace a unit of computation with the corresponding intrinsics,
making it easy to leverage handcrafted micro-kernels,
as well as extend TVM to support new hardware architectures.

The purpose of this tutorial is to show the functionality
and usage of tensorize instead of providing an efficient solution.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import tvm
import numpy as np

# Define Matrix Multiplication
# ----------------------------
# Take matrix multiplication as our example.
# Matmul first multiply the corresponding elements between two matrix,
# then accumulate across a certain axis.
# The following lines describe the computation :code:`A * B^T` in TVM.
N, M, L = 1024, 512, 64
A = tvm.placeholder((N, L), name='A')
B = tvm.placeholder((M, L), name='B')
k = tvm.reduce_axis((0, L), name='k')
C = tvm.compute((N, M), lambda i, j:
                tvm.sum(A[i, k] * B[j, k], axis=k), name='C')
s = tvm.create_schedule(C.op)
print(tvm.lower(s, [A, B, C], simple_mode=True))

# Schedule the Matmul
# -------------------
# Now, suppose we have an accelerator that supports
# matrix-vector multiplication (GEMV) as a hardware primitive,
# which can take arbitrary size of reduce axis,
# but another axis needs to be no larger than 16.
# Thus we break down the matmul loops to make the innermost loops a (16x64) GEMV.
factor = 16
x, y = C.op.axis
z, = C.op.reduce_axis
yo, yi = s[C].split(y, factor=factor)
s[C].reorder(x, yo, yi, z)
print(tvm.lower(s, [A, B, C], simple_mode=True))

# As showed in the IR printed above,
# the inner loops :code:`j.inner` along with :code:`k` together form a computation of GEMV
# - within the inner most two loops, the index :code:`i` is fixed,
# the access to the matrix :code:`A` only varies by :code:`k`,
# which makes the access pattern of :code:`A` a "vector".
# In order to leverage our hypothetical hardware's GEMV instruction,
# we can tensorize over :code:`j.inner`.
# Define GEMV Tensorization Intrinsic
# -----------------------------------
# Before scheduling the tensorization, we need to first define the intrinsic function for GEMV.
# It includes two parts, the first is a compute definition of GEMV.
# TVM uses it to match the computing pattern in the original Matmul schedule.
# The second is to specify how to execute GEMV on the device,
# which is done in :code:`intrin_func` below.
def intrin_gemv(m, l):
    a = tvm.placeholder((l,), name='a')
    b = tvm.placeholder((m, l), name='b')
    k = tvm.reduce_axis((0, l), name='k')
    c = tvm.compute((m,), lambda i: tvm.sum(a[k] * b[i, k], axis=k), name='c')
    Ab = tvm.decl_buffer(a.shape, a.dtype,
    Bb = tvm.decl_buffer(b.shape, b.dtype,
                         strides=[tvm.var("s1"), 1])
    Cb = tvm.decl_buffer(c.shape, c.dtype,
    def intrin_func(ins, outs):
        ib = tvm.ir_builder.create()
        aa, bb = ins
        cc = outs[0]
        ib.emit(tvm.call_extern("int32", "gemv_update",
                                m, l, bb.strides[0]))
        return ib.get()
    with tvm.build_config(offset_factor=1):
        return tvm.decl_tensor_intrin(c.op, intrin_func, binds={a: Ab, b: Bb, c: Cb})

# Here :code:`tvm.decl_tensor_intrin` declares how to execute the computation :code:`c.op`.
# Our implementation simply takes the inputs and outputs,
# converts them to pointers and emit an external function call.
# Note that tensorization requires user to specify :code:`offset_factor`,
# with this information, TVM has knowledge of whether the data is aligned
# between the start address of the original data structure
# and the offset being passed to tensorize,
# so that it has chance to optimize with vectorized loading.
# We set the factor to 1 for simplification.
# Buffers are also declared for inputs and outputs, though this is not required,
# we benefit from the extra information provided by buffers. For example, we pass
# :code:`bb.strides[0]` as an argument to the external function :code:`gemv_update`.
# For now :code:`bb.strides[0] == l`,
# but later we will see how they can differ with more complicated schedules.
# Note that we use :code:`tvm.var("s1")` as the first stride dimension for :code:`B`.
# If the strides can be inferred
# - in this case, TVM knows tensor B is compact thus the strides are :code:`[L, 1]` -
# such placeholder can be put to let TVM automatically bind the inferred value for us.
gemv = intrin_gemv(factor, L)
s[C].tensorize(yi, gemv)
print(tvm.lower(s, [A, B, C], simple_mode=True))

# By tensorizing over :code:`yi`, the inner most two loops are
# now replaced by the intrinsic function we defined before.
# In order to build and run the module, let's define the external function :code:`gemv_update`,
# it is a naive implementation of GEMV, just for demonstration.
def gemv_impl():
    cc_code = """
      extern "C" int gemv_update(float *cc, float *aa, float *bb, int m, int l, int stride) {
        for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < l; ++j) {
                cc[i] += aa[j] * bb[i * stride + j];
        return 0;
    from tvm.contrib import util, clang
    temp = util.tempdir()
    ll_path = temp.relpath("temp.ll")
    # Create LLVM ir from c source code
    ll_code = clang.create_llvm(cc_code, output=ll_path)
    return ll_code

# Now we leverage the pragma attribute :code:`import_llvm` to import llvm asm inline.
# The importing needs to happen before the tensorized GEMV being executed.
s[C].pragma(x, "import_llvm", gemv_impl())
print(tvm.lower(s, [A, B, C], simple_mode=True))

# Finally we compare the tensorize version with that :code:`numpy.dot` produces,
# ensure our implementation is correct.
func = tvm.build(s, [A, B, C], target="llvm", name="gemv")

from topi.util import get_const_tuple
dtype = A.dtype
ctx = tvm.context("cpu", 0)
a = np.random.uniform(size=get_const_tuple(A.shape)).astype(dtype)
b = np.random.uniform(size=get_const_tuple(B.shape)).astype(dtype)
c = tvm.nd.array(np.zeros(get_const_tuple(C.shape), dtype=dtype), ctx)
func(tvm.nd.array(a, ctx), tvm.nd.array(b, ctx), c)
tvm.testing.assert_allclose(c.asnumpy(), np.dot(a, b.T), rtol=1e-3)

# Reduce-update for Tensorize
# ---------------------------
# So far you have learned the basic idea of tensorize,
# now let's move one step forward to a more complicated case.
# Assume our accelerator could only multiply a vector by a square matrix,
# in which the vector size needs to be no larger than 16.
# Given such hardware constrain, now we need to split the reduce axis as following,
zo, zi = s[C].split(z, factor=factor)
s[C].reorder(x, yo, zo, yi, zi)

# However, since the tensorize intrinsic now only covers a part of the reduce axis,
# instead of using one "body" function, TVM requires a :code:`reduce_reset` function,
# which will be invoked before the reduce for-loop, and a :code:`reduce_update` function,
# which defines the "update" computing strategy.
def gemv_impl():
    cc_code = """
      extern "C" int gemv_update(float *cc, float *aa, float *bb, int m, int l, int stride) {
        for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < l; ++j) {
                cc[i] += aa[j] * bb[i * stride + j];
        return 0;
      extern "C" int gemv_reset(float *cc, int m) {
        for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
            cc[i] = 0.0;
        return 0;
    from tvm.contrib import util, clang
    temp = util.tempdir()
    ll_path = temp.relpath("temp.ll")
    # Create LLVM ir from c source code
    ll_code = clang.create_llvm(cc_code, output=ll_path)
    return ll_code

def intrin_gemv(m, l):
    a = tvm.placeholder((l,), name='a')
    b = tvm.placeholder((m, l), name='b')
    k = tvm.reduce_axis((0, l), name='k')
    c = tvm.compute((m,), lambda i:
    tvm.sum(a[k] * b[i, k], axis=k), name='c')
    Ab = tvm.decl_buffer(a.shape, a.dtype,
    Bb = tvm.decl_buffer(b.shape, b.dtype,
                         strides=[tvm.var("s1"), 1])
    Cb = tvm.decl_buffer(c.shape, c.dtype,
    def intrin_func(ins, outs):
        aa, bb = ins
        cc = outs[0]
        def _body():
            ib = tvm.ir_builder.create()
            ib.emit(tvm.call_extern("int32", "gemv_update",
                                    m, l, bb.strides[0]))
            return ib.get()
        def _reduce_reset():
            ib = tvm.ir_builder.create()
            ib.emit(tvm.call_extern("int32", "gemv_reset", cc.access_ptr("w"), m))
            return ib.get()
        def _reduce_update():
            return _body()
        return _body(), _reduce_reset(), _reduce_update()
    with tvm.build_config(offset_factor=1):
        return tvm.decl_tensor_intrin(c.op, intrin_func, binds={a: Ab, b: Bb, c: Cb})

# Note that :code:`intrin_func` now returns a triplet:
# :code:`(body, reduce_reset, reduce_update)`.
# If tensorization includes all the reduce axes, function :code:`body()` will be invoked,
# otherwise :code:`reduce_reset()` and :code:`reduce_update()` together will be used.
# In our example :code:`body()` and :code:`reduce_update()`
# share the same implementation,
# while in other cases, hardware may have different instructions for these two functions.
# Moreover, we can see now :code:`bb.strides[0]` is different from :code:`l`
# due to the tiling.
# Tensorize for squared GEMV, build and check the results,
gemv = intrin_gemv(factor, factor)
s[C].tensorize(yi, gemv)
s[C].pragma(yo, "import_llvm", gemv_impl())

func = tvm.build(s, [A, B, C], target="llvm", name="gemv")
a = np.random.uniform(size=get_const_tuple(A.shape)).astype(dtype)
b = np.random.uniform(size=get_const_tuple(B.shape)).astype(dtype)
c = tvm.nd.array(np.zeros(get_const_tuple(C.shape), dtype=dtype), ctx)
func(tvm.nd.array(a, ctx), tvm.nd.array(b, ctx), c)
tvm.testing.assert_allclose(c.asnumpy(), np.dot(a, b.T), rtol=1e-3)

# Summary
# -------
# This tutorial demonstrates the usage of tensorize intrinsic in TVM.
# Tensorize provides a way for users to get fully optimized schedule via micro-kernels.
# For example, INT8 quantization on Intel CPUs uses tensorization
# to invoke AVX instruction directly.
# It also enables TVM to compile to ASICs -
# checkout `VTA <https://docs.tvm.ai/vta/index.html>`_ for details.
# We also demonstrates how to use inline assembly importing,
# which helps users inject asm easily into the schedule.