# pylint: disable=invalid-name """Utility to invoke Xcode compiler toolchain""" from __future__ import absolute_import as _abs import os import sys import subprocess from .._ffi.base import py_str from . import util def xcrun(cmd): """Run xcrun and return the output. Parameters ---------- cmd : list of str The command sequence. Returns ------- out : str The output string. """ cmd = ["xcrun"] + cmd proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) (out, _) = proc.communicate() return out.strip() def codesign(lib): """Codesign the shared libary This is an required step for library to be loaded in the app. Parameters ---------- lib : The path to the library. """ if "TVM_IOS_CODESIGN" not in os.environ: raise RuntimeError("Require environment variable TVM_IOS_CODESIGN " " to be the signature") signature = os.environ["TVM_IOS_CODESIGN"] cmd = ["codesign", "--force", "--sign", signature] cmd += [lib] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) (out, _) = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: msg = "Codesign error:\n" msg += py_str(out) raise RuntimeError(msg) def create_dylib(output, objects, arch, sdk="macosx"): """Create dynamic library. Parameters ---------- output : str The target shared library. objects : list List of object files. options : str The additional options. arch : str Target major architectures sdk : str The sdk to be used. """ clang = xcrun(["-sdk", sdk, "-find", "clang"]) sdk_path = xcrun(["-sdk", sdk, "--show-sdk-path"]) cmd = [clang] cmd += ["-dynamiclib"] cmd += ["-arch", arch] cmd += ["-isysroot", sdk_path] cmd += ["-o", output] if isinstance(objects, str): cmd += [objects] else: cmd += objects proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) (out, _) = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: msg = "Compilation error:\n" msg += py_str(out) raise RuntimeError(msg) def compile_metal(code, path_target=None, sdk="macosx"): """Compile metal with CLI tool from env. Parameters ---------- code : str The cuda code. path_target : str, optional Output file. sdk : str, optional The target platform SDK. Return ------ metallib : bytearray The bytearray of the metallib """ temp = util.tempdir() temp_code = temp.relpath("my_lib.metal") temp_ir = temp.relpath("my_lib.air") temp_target = temp.relpath("my_lib.metallib") with open(temp_code, "w") as out_file: out_file.write(code) file_target = path_target if path_target else temp_target # See: # - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metal/gpu_functions_libraries/building_a_library_with_metal_s_command-line_tools#overview # pylint: disable=line-too-long # # xcrun -sdk macosx metal -c MyLibrary.metal -o MyLibrary.air # xcrun -sdk macosx metallib MyLibrary.air -o MyLibrary.metallib cmd1 = ["xcrun", "-sdk", sdk, "metal", "-O3"] cmd1 += ["-c", temp_code, "-o", temp_ir] cmd2 = ["xcrun", "-sdk", sdk, "metallib"] cmd2 += [temp_ir, "-o", file_target] proc = subprocess.Popen( ' '.join(cmd1) + ";" + ' '.join(cmd2), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) (out, _) = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: sys.stderr.write("Compilation error:\n") sys.stderr.write(py_str(out)) sys.stderr.flush() libbin = None else: libbin = bytearray(open(file_target, "rb").read()) return libbin class XCodeRPCServer(object): """Wrapper for RPC server Parameters ---------- cmd : list of str The command to run lock: FileLock Lock on the path """ def __init__(self, cmd, lock): self.proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd) self.lock = lock def join(self): """Wait server to finish and release its resource """ self.proc.wait() self.lock.release() def popen_test_rpc(host, port, key, destination, libs=None, options=None): """Launch rpc server via xcodebuild test through another process. Parameters ---------- host : str The address of RPC proxy host. port : int The port of RPC proxy host key : str The key of the RPC server destination : str Destination device of deployment, as in xcodebuild libs : list of str List of files to be packed into app/Frameworks/tvm These can be dylibs that can be loaed remoted by RPC. options : list of str Additional options to xcodebuild Returns ------- proc : Popen The test rpc server process. Don't do wait() on proc, since it can terminate normally. """ if "TVM_IOS_RPC_ROOT" in os.environ: rpc_root = os.environ["TVM_IOS_RPC_ROOT"] else: curr_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(__file__))) rpc_root = os.path.join(curr_path, "../../../apps/ios_rpc") proj_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(rpc_root, "tvmrpc.xcodeproj")) if not os.path.exists(proj_path): raise RuntimeError("Cannot find tvmrpc.xcodeproj in %s," + (" please set env TVM_IOS_RPC_ROOT correctly" % rpc_root)) # Lock the path so only one file can run lock = util.filelock(os.path.join(rpc_root, "ios_rpc.lock")) with open(os.path.join(rpc_root, "rpc_config.txt"), "w") as fo: fo.write("%s %d %s\n" % (host, port, key)) libs = libs if libs else [] for file_name in libs: fo.write("%s\n" % file_name) cmd = ["xcrun", "xcodebuild", "-scheme", "tvmrpc", "-project", proj_path, "-destination", destination] if options: cmd += options cmd += ["test"] return XCodeRPCServer(cmd, lock)