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"""Tests for module functionality."""
import tvm
from tvm import relay
from tvm.relay import Module
from tvm.relay.prelude import Prelude
from tvm.relay.testing import add_nat_definitions

def constructor_list(p):
    return [p.nil, p.cons, p.rose, p.some, p.none, p.z, p.s]

def adt_list(p):
    return [p.nat, p.l, p.optional, p.tree]

def test_constructor_tag_round_trip():
    mod1 = Module()
    p1 = Prelude(mod1)
    mod2 = Module()
    p2 = Prelude(mod2)

    # ensure hashes match across modules
    ctors1 = constructor_list(p1)
    ctors2 = constructor_list(p2)

    for i in range(len(ctors1)):
        tag = ctors1[i].tag
        ctor = mod2.get_constructor(tag)
        assert ctor == ctors2[i]
        assert ctor.name_hint == ctors1[i].name_hint

def test_constructor_tag_differences():
    # ensure that if we have the type data for a given ADT, the tags
    # for the constructors of the *same ADT* are simple offsets from
    # each other
    mod = Module()
    p = Prelude(mod)

    adts = adt_list(p)
    for adt in adts:
        data = mod[adt]
        for i in range(len(data.constructors) - 1):
            ctor1 = data.constructors[i]
            ctor2 = data.constructors[i + 1]
            assert ctor2.tag - ctor1.tag == 1
            # make sure there is something present at the MSB
            assert ctor1.tag - i != 0
            assert ctor2.tag - (i + 1) != 0