/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /*! * Copyright (c) 2017 by Contributors * \file schedule_dataflow_rewrite.cc */ #include <tvm/schedule.h> #include <tvm/operation.h> #include <tvm/ir_mutator.h> #include <tvm/ir_pass.h> #include <unordered_set> #include "message_passing.h" #include "../pass/ir_util.h" #include "../arithmetic/compute_expr.h" namespace tvm { // find first occurance location in leaf template<typename T> size_t FindNodeRef(ArrayNode* array_node, const T& v) { const Node* n = v.get(); for (size_t i = 0; i < array_node->data.size(); ++i) { if (array_node->data[i].get() == n) return i; } return array_node->data.size(); } // The replacer of cache. class VarReplacer : public ir::IRMutator { public: explicit VarReplacer( const std::unordered_map<const Variable*, Expr>& vsub) : vsub_(vsub) {} Expr Mutate_(const Variable* op, const Expr& e) { auto it = vsub_.find(op); if (it != vsub_.end()) return it->second; return e; } ir::CommReducer MutateCommReducer(ir::CommReducer combiner) { // Replace free variables in combiner auto new_identity = ir::UpdateArray(combiner->identity_element, [this] (const Expr& e) { return this->Mutate(e); }); auto new_result = ir::UpdateArray(combiner->result, [this] (const Expr& e) { return this->Mutate(e); }); if (combiner->identity_element.same_as(new_identity) && combiner->identity_element.same_as(new_result)) { return combiner; } else { return ir::CommReducerNode::make( combiner->lhs, combiner->rhs, new_result, new_identity); } } Expr Mutate_(const ir::Reduce* op, const Expr& e) { Expr new_e = IRMutator::Mutate_(op, e); const ir::Reduce* new_reduce = new_e.as<ir::Reduce>(); ir::CommReducer new_combiner = MutateCommReducer(op->combiner); if (op->combiner.same_as(new_combiner)) { return new_e; } else { return ir::Reduce::make( new_combiner, new_reduce->source, new_reduce->axis, new_reduce->condition, new_reduce->value_index); } } private: const std::unordered_map<const Variable*, Expr>& vsub_; }; Expr InjectPredicate(const Array<Expr>& predicates, Expr body) { using ir::Reduce; using ir::Select; if (predicates.size() == 0) return body; const Reduce* reduce = body.as<Reduce>(); if (reduce) { auto n = make_node<Reduce>(*reduce); n->condition = n->condition && arith::ComputeReduce<ir::And>(predicates, Expr()); return Expr(n); } return Select::make(arith::ComputeReduce<ir::And>(predicates, Expr()), body, make_zero(body.type())); } // Replace data flow appears in all stages given the tensor change. // Also update vmap if subsequent dataflow need to be replaced. // Need to keep an update to the date transitive closure property on the vmap by a reverse map. void ReplaceDataFlow(const Array<Stage>& stages, std::unordered_map<Tensor, Tensor>* vmap, std::unordered_map<Tensor, Tensor>* rvmap) { for (Stage s : stages) { Operation op = s->op->ReplaceInputs(s->op, *vmap); if (!op.same_as(s->op)) { for (int i = 0; i < op->num_outputs(); ++i) { auto it = rvmap->find(s->op.output(i)); if (it != rvmap->end()) { (*vmap)[it->second] = op.output(i); } else { (*vmap)[s->op.output(i)] = op.output(i); (*rvmap)[op.output(i)] = s->op.output(i); } } s->op = op; } } } inline bool ReduceEqual(const ir::Reduce* a, const ir::Reduce* b) { return (a->combiner.same_as(b->combiner)) && (a->source.same_as(b->source)) && (a->axis.same_as(b->axis)) && (a->condition.same_as(b->condition)); } Tensor Schedule::cache_read(const Tensor& tensor, const std::string& scope, const Array<Operation>& readers) { (*this)->InvalidateCache(); // create identity mapping. std::ostringstream os; os << tensor->op->name; if (tensor->op->num_outputs() != 1) { os << ".v" << tensor->value_index; } os << "." << scope; std::unordered_map<Tensor, Tensor> vsub; Stage s = operator[](tensor->op); Tensor sugar_tensor = s->op.output(tensor->value_index); Tensor cache = compute(sugar_tensor->shape, [&sugar_tensor](const Array<Var>& i) { return sugar_tensor(Array<Expr>(i.begin(), i.end())); }, os.str()); vsub[sugar_tensor] = cache; std::unordered_map<Tensor, Tensor> vmap; std::unordered_map<Tensor, Tensor> rvmap; for (Operation op : readers) { Stage s = operator[](op); Operation repl_op = s->op->ReplaceInputs(s->op, vsub); CHECK(!repl_op.same_as(s->op)) << "Cannot find " << tensor << " in the inputs of " << s->op; vmap[s->op.output(0)] = repl_op.output(0); rvmap[repl_op.output(0)] = s->op.output(0); s->op = repl_op; } ReplaceDataFlow((*this)->stages, &vmap, &rvmap); ArrayNode* stages = (*this)->stages.CopyOnWrite(); Stage op_stage = operator[](tensor->op); size_t pos = FindNodeRef(stages, op_stage); Stage cache_stage = Stage(cache->op); cache_stage.set_scope(scope); CHECK_LT(pos, stages->data.size()); stages->data.insert(stages->data.begin() + pos + 1, cache_stage.node_); (*this)->stage_map.Set(cache->op, cache_stage); // Update group cache_stage->group = op_stage->group; if (cache_stage->group.defined()) { ++cache_stage->group->num_child_stages; } return cache; } template<typename OpType> void PrepareAxisMapping(Stage orig_stage, OpType* op, std::unordered_set<IterVar>* p_red_axis, Array<IterVar>* p_new_axis, std::unordered_map<IterVar, Range>* p_dom_map, std::unordered_map<const Variable*, Expr>* p_vsub, std::unordered_map<const Variable*, Expr>* p_vsub2newvar, std::vector<Expr>* p_predicates) { auto& red_axis = *p_red_axis; auto& new_axis = *p_new_axis; auto& dom_map = *p_dom_map; auto& vsub = *p_vsub; auto& vsub2newvar = *p_vsub2newvar; auto& predicates = *p_predicates; arith::Analyzer analyzer; for (IterVar iv : op->reduce_axis) { red_axis.insert(iv); } for (IterVar iv : op->axis) { dom_map[iv] = iv->dom; analyzer.Bind(iv->var, iv->dom); } schedule::PassDownDomain(orig_stage, &dom_map, &analyzer, true); { // The source->cache std::unordered_map<IterVar, Expr> value_map; for (IterVar iv : orig_stage->leaf_iter_vars) { if (red_axis.count(iv)) continue; CHECK_EQ(iv->iter_type, kDataPar) << "Can only relayout with in data parallel dimensions"; Range dom = dom_map.at(iv); IterVar new_iv = IterVarNode::make( dom, iv->var.copy_with_suffix(".c"), iv->iter_type); new_axis.push_back(new_iv); if (is_one(dom->min)) { value_map[iv] = dom->min; } else { value_map[iv] = iv->var; vsub2newvar[iv->var.get()] = new_iv->var; } } // skip reduction iteration. std::unordered_set<IterVar> skip_bound_check; for (IterVar iv : op->reduce_axis) { skip_bound_check.insert(iv); } schedule::PassUpIndex(orig_stage, dom_map, &value_map, true); predicates = schedule::MakeBoundCheck( orig_stage, dom_map, value_map, true, skip_bound_check); // The root axis for (IterVar iv : op->axis) { if (value_map.count(iv)) { vsub[iv->var.get()] = value_map.at(iv); } // to handle tensor axis } } } Array<Tensor> ReplaceOriginalOp(Schedule sch, Stage orig_stage, const std::string& scope, Operation cache_op, Operation orig_new_op, size_t tensor_size) { Array<Tensor> cache_tensor_list; for (size_t i = 0; i < tensor_size; i++) { Tensor cache_tensor = cache_op.output(i); cache_tensor_list.push_back(cache_tensor); } // The replace of the dataflow std::unordered_map<Tensor, Tensor> vmap; std::unordered_map<Tensor, Tensor> rvmap; vmap[orig_stage->op.output(0)] = orig_new_op.output(0); rvmap[orig_new_op.output(0)] = orig_stage->op.output(0); for (size_t i = 0; i < tensor_size; i++) { vmap[orig_stage->op.output(0)] = orig_new_op.output(0); rvmap[orig_new_op.output(0)] = orig_stage->op.output(0); } ReplaceDataFlow(sch->stages, &vmap, &rvmap); // mutate orig stage orig_stage->op = orig_new_op; orig_stage->all_iter_vars = orig_stage->op->root_iter_vars(); orig_stage->leaf_iter_vars = orig_stage->all_iter_vars; orig_stage->relations = Array<IterVarRelation>(); // create schedule for new cached stage. ArrayNode* stages = sch->stages.CopyOnWrite(); size_t pos = FindNodeRef(stages, orig_stage); Stage cache_stage = Stage(cache_op); cache_stage.set_scope(scope); CHECK_LT(pos, stages->data.size()); stages->data.insert(stages->data.begin() + pos, cache_stage.node_); sch->stage_map.Set(cache_op, cache_stage); // Update group cache_stage->group = orig_stage->group; if (cache_stage->group.defined()) { ++cache_stage->group->num_child_stages; } return cache_tensor_list; } // Cache write and relayout the data according to loop pattern Array<Tensor> CacheWriteWithReLayout(Schedule sch, const Array<Tensor>& tensor_array, const std::string& scope) { size_t tensor_size = tensor_array.size(); sch->InvalidateCache(); Tensor tensor = tensor_array[0]; Stage orig_stage = sch[tensor->op]; const ComputeOpNode* compute = orig_stage->op.as<ComputeOpNode>(); std::unordered_set<IterVar> red_axis; Array<IterVar> new_axis; std::unordered_map<IterVar, Range> dom_map; std::unordered_map<const Variable*, Expr> vsub; std::unordered_map<const Variable*, Expr> vsub2newvar; std::vector<Expr> predicates; PrepareAxisMapping(orig_stage, compute, &red_axis, &new_axis, &dom_map, &vsub, &vsub2newvar, &predicates); Expr body; Array<Expr> body_list; const ir::Reduce* first_reduce = nullptr; for (auto cbody : compute->body) { body = VarReplacer(vsub).Mutate(cbody); body = InjectPredicate(predicates, body); body = VarReplacer(vsub2newvar).Mutate(body); // Reduce nodes in ONE computeOp must be the same except value_index // This is right only if the original body ensures Reduce nodes are the same if (body->is_type<ir::Reduce>()) { const ir::Reduce* reduce_body = body.as<ir::Reduce>(); if (first_reduce != nullptr) { CHECK(ReduceEqual(reduce_body, first_reduce)); body = ir::Reduce::make(first_reduce->combiner, first_reduce->source, first_reduce->axis, first_reduce->condition, reduce_body->value_index); } else { first_reduce = reduce_body; } } else { CHECK(first_reduce == nullptr) << "cannot mix reduce and other node in ONE compute bodys"; } body_list.push_back(body); } // The reader args Array<Expr> args; { // cache->compute std::unordered_map<IterVar, Expr> value_map; for (IterVar iv : compute->axis) { value_map[iv] = iv->var; } schedule::PassDownIndex(orig_stage, dom_map, &value_map, true); for (IterVar iv : orig_stage->leaf_iter_vars) { if (red_axis.count(iv)) continue; args.push_back(value_map.at(iv)); } } Operation cache_op = ComputeOpNode::make( compute->name + "." + scope, compute->tag, compute->attrs, new_axis, body_list); Array<Expr> cache_expr_list; for (size_t i = 0; i < tensor_size; i++) { Tensor cache_tensor = cache_op.output(i); cache_expr_list.push_back(cache_tensor(args)); } Operation orig_new_op = ComputeOpNode::make( compute->name, compute->tag, compute->attrs, compute->axis, cache_expr_list); return ReplaceOriginalOp(sch, orig_stage, scope, cache_op, orig_new_op, tensor_size); } // for tensor compute op Array<Tensor> CacheWriteWithReLayoutTensor(Schedule sch, const Array<Tensor>& tensor_array, const std::string& scope) { size_t tensor_size = tensor_array.size(); sch->InvalidateCache(); Tensor tensor = tensor_array[0]; Stage orig_stage = sch[tensor->op]; const TensorComputeOpNode* tensor_op = orig_stage->op.as<TensorComputeOpNode>(); CHECK_EQ(tensor_op->num_outputs(), 1) << "cache write only support single output tensor_compute_op"; std::unordered_set<IterVar> red_axis; Array<IterVar> new_axis; std::unordered_map<IterVar, Range> dom_map; std::unordered_map<const Variable*, Expr> vsub; std::unordered_map<const Variable*, Expr> vsub2newvar; std::vector<Expr> predicates; PrepareAxisMapping(orig_stage, tensor_op, &red_axis, &new_axis, &dom_map, &vsub, &vsub2newvar, &predicates); for (int i = tensor_op->schedulable_ndim; i < static_cast<int>(tensor_op->axis.size()); ++i) { IterVar iv = tensor_op->axis[i]; IterVar new_iv = IterVarNode::make( iv->dom, iv->var.copy_with_suffix(".c"), iv->iter_type); new_axis.push_back(new_iv); } Array<Region> new_regions; for (Region old_region : tensor_op->input_regions) { Region region; for (Range r : old_region) { Expr min = VarReplacer(vsub2newvar).Mutate(r->min); Expr extent = VarReplacer(vsub2newvar).Mutate(r->extent); region.push_back(Range::make_by_min_extent(min, extent)); } new_regions.push_back(region); } Array<Expr> new_scalar_inputs; for (Expr old_input : tensor_op->scalar_inputs) { new_scalar_inputs.push_back(VarReplacer(vsub2newvar).Mutate(old_input)); } Operation cache_op = TensorComputeOpNode::make( tensor_op->name + "." + scope, tensor_op->tag, new_axis, tensor_op->reduce_axis, tensor_op->schedulable_ndim, tensor_op->intrin, tensor_op->inputs, new_regions, new_scalar_inputs); // axis will be used in generating compute op Array<IterVar> compute_axis = tensor_op->axis; for (size_t i = tensor_op->schedulable_ndim; i < tensor_op->axis.size(); ++i) { IterVar iv = tensor_op->axis[i]; IterVar aiv = IterVarNode::make(iv->dom, iv->var, kDataPar); compute_axis.Set(i, aiv); } // The reader args Array<Expr> args; { // cache->compute std::unordered_map<IterVar, Expr> value_map; for (IterVar iv : compute_axis) { value_map[iv] = iv->var; } schedule::PassDownIndex(orig_stage, dom_map, &value_map, true); for (IterVar iv : orig_stage->leaf_iter_vars) { if (red_axis.count(iv)) continue; args.push_back(value_map.at(iv)); } // tensorized region axis for (size_t i = tensor_op->schedulable_ndim; i < tensor_op->axis.size(); ++i) { IterVar iv = compute_axis[i]; args.push_back(value_map.at(iv)); } } Array<Expr> cache_expr_list; for (size_t i = 0; i < tensor_size; i++) { Tensor cache_tensor = cache_op.output(i); cache_expr_list.push_back(cache_tensor(args)); } Operation orig_new_op = ComputeOpNode::make( tensor_op->name, tensor_op->tag, {}, compute_axis, cache_expr_list); return ReplaceOriginalOp(sch, orig_stage, scope, cache_op, orig_new_op, tensor_size); } Array<Tensor> Schedule::cache_write(const Array<Tensor>& tensor_array, const std::string& scope) { (*this)->InvalidateCache(); CHECK(tensor_array.size() > 0) << "size of tensor_array must be greater than 0"; Tensor tensor = tensor_array[0]; Stage orig_stage = operator[](tensor->op); const ComputeOpNode* compute = tensor->op.as<ComputeOpNode>(); CHECK(static_cast<size_t>(compute->num_outputs()) == tensor_array.size()) << "size of input tensor list must be same as number of stage outputs"; for (size_t i = 1; i < tensor_array.size(); i++) { Stage tmp_stage = operator[](tensor_array[i]->op); CHECK(orig_stage.same_as(tmp_stage)) << "Input tensor list must be generated by ONE computeOp"; } return CacheWriteWithReLayout(*this, tensor_array, scope); } Tensor Schedule::cache_write(const Tensor& tensor, const std::string& scope) { // support original compute and tensor compute both (*this)->InvalidateCache(); const char* type_key = tensor->op->type_key(); if (!strcmp(type_key, "ComputeOp")) { return (CacheWriteWithReLayout(*this, {tensor}, scope))[0]; } else if (!strcmp(type_key, "TensorComputeOp")) { return (CacheWriteWithReLayoutTensor(*this, {tensor}, scope))[0]; } else { LOG(FATAL) << "cache write only take ComputeOp or TensorComputeOp as writers"; return Tensor(); } } void RebaseNonZeroMinLoop(const Schedule& sch) { std::unordered_map<IterVar, IterVar> rebase_map; for (Stage s : sch->stages) { if (s->attach_type == kInlinedAlready) continue; auto root_iter_vars = s->op->root_iter_vars(); ArrayNode* leaf_vars = s->leaf_iter_vars.CopyOnWrite(); for (IterVar iv : root_iter_vars) { size_t idx = FindNodeRef(leaf_vars, iv); auto it = s->iter_var_attrs.find(iv); // don;t need to rebase path that are binded. if (it != s->iter_var_attrs.end() && (*it).second->bind_thread.defined()) { continue; } if (idx < leaf_vars->data.size()) { // insert rebase IterVar rebased = IterVarNode::make( Range(), iv->var.copy_with_suffix(""), iv->iter_type); s->relations.push_back(RebaseNode::make(iv, rebased)); if (s->iter_var_attrs.count(iv)) { s->iter_var_attrs.Set(rebased, s->iter_var_attrs.at(iv)); } leaf_vars->data[idx] = rebased.node_; rebase_map[iv] = rebased; } } } // remap the parent relation for (Stage s : sch->stages) { if (s->attach_type != kScope) continue; if (rebase_map.count(s->attach_ivar)) { s->attach_ivar = rebase_map.at(s->attach_ivar); } } for (Stage s : sch->groups) { if (s->attach_type != kScope) continue; if (rebase_map.count(s->attach_ivar)) { s->attach_ivar = rebase_map.at(s->attach_ivar); } } } void InjectInline(ScheduleNode* sch) { sch->InvalidateCache(); std::vector<Array<Expr> > new_body(sch->stages.size()); std::vector<bool> changed(sch->stages.size(), false); // inline all the ops for (size_t i = sch->stages.size(); i != 0; --i) { Stage stage = sch->stages[i - 1]; if (stage->attach_type == kInline) { stage->attach_type = kInlinedAlready; Array<Var> args; Expr body; { // setup args const ComputeOpNode* compute = stage->op.as<ComputeOpNode>(); CHECK(compute) << "can only inline compute op"; for (auto iv : compute->axis) { args.push_back(iv->var); } CHECK_EQ(compute->body.size(), 1U) << "can only inline compute op with 1 output"; body = compute->body[0]; } for (size_t j = i; j < sch->stages.size(); ++j) { Stage s = sch->stages[j]; const ComputeOpNode* compute = s->op.as<ComputeOpNode>(); if (compute) { if (!new_body[j].size()) { new_body[j] = compute->body; } if (new_body[j][0]->is_type<ir::Reduce>()) { // specially handle reduction inline for multiplre reductions. const ir::Reduce* reduce = new_body[j][0].as<ir::Reduce>(); for (size_t k = 1; k < new_body[j].size(); ++k) { const ir::Reduce* reduce_ = new_body[j][k].as<ir::Reduce>(); CHECK(reduce_); CHECK(ReduceEqual(reduce_, reduce)) << "The Reduce inputs of ComputeOp should " << "have the same attribute except value_index"; } Expr new_value = ir::Inline(ir::Evaluate::make(new_body[j][0]), stage->op, args, body).as<ir::Evaluate>()->value; if (!new_value.same_as(new_body[j][0])) { changed[j] = true; const ir::Reduce* r = new_value.as<ir::Reduce>(); CHECK_EQ(new_body[j].size(), r->source.size()); CHECK(r != nullptr); for (size_t k = 0; k < new_body[j].size(); ++k) { auto n = make_node<ir::Reduce>(*r); n->value_index = static_cast<int>(k); n->type = r->source[k].type(); new_body[j].Set(k, Expr(n)); } } } else { for (size_t k = 0; k < new_body[j].size(); ++k) { Expr new_value = ir::Inline(ir::Evaluate::make(new_body[j][k]), stage->op, args, body).as<ir::Evaluate>()->value; if (!new_value.same_as(new_body[j][k])) { new_body[j].Set(k, new_value); changed[j] = true; } } } } } } } std::unordered_map<Tensor, Tensor> repl; // rewrite dataflow for (size_t i = 0; i < sch->stages.size(); ++i) { Stage s = sch->stages[i]; if (s->attach_type == kInlinedAlready) continue; if (new_body[i].size()) { // Logics from ReplaceDataFlow const ComputeOpNode* compute = sch->stages[i]->op.as<ComputeOpNode>(); CHECK(compute); Operation op = s->op; if (changed[i]) { op = ComputeOpNode::make( compute->name, compute->tag, compute->attrs, compute->axis, new_body[i]); } op = op->ReplaceInputs(op, repl); if (!op.same_as(s->op)) { for (int idx = 0; idx < s->op->num_outputs(); ++idx) { repl[s->op.output(idx)] = op.output(idx); } s->op = op; } } else { Operation op = s->op->ReplaceInputs(s->op, repl); if (!op.same_as(s->op)) { for (int j = 0; j < op->num_outputs(); ++j) { repl[s->op.output(j)] = op.output(j); } s->op = op; } } } } Schedule Schedule::normalize() { Schedule sn = copy(); InjectInline(sn.operator->()); RebaseNonZeroMinLoop(sn); return sn; } // Handle reduction factor. Array<Tensor> Schedule::rfactor(const Tensor& tensor, const IterVar& axis, int factor_axis) { (*this)->InvalidateCache(); using ir::Reduce; CHECK_EQ(axis->iter_type, kCommReduce) << "Can only factor reduction axis"; Stage reduce_stage = operator[](tensor->op); const ComputeOpNode* compute_op = reduce_stage->op.as<ComputeOpNode>(); CHECK(compute_op) << "Can only factor ComputeOp"; ArrayNode* leaf_vars = reduce_stage->leaf_iter_vars.CopyOnWrite(); { size_t axis_pos = FindNodeRef(leaf_vars, axis); CHECK_NE(axis_pos, leaf_vars->data.size()) << "Cannot find IterVar " << axis << " in leaf iter vars"; } // Find touched reduction axis. std::unordered_map<IterVar, int> touch_map; touch_map[axis] = 1; schedule::PassUpBitMaskOr(reduce_stage, &touch_map, true); schedule::PassDownBitMaskOr(reduce_stage, &touch_map, true); // skip reduction iteration. std::unordered_set<IterVar> skip_bound_check; // Verify normal axis are not touched. for (IterVar iv : compute_op->axis) { CHECK(!touch_map.count(iv)) << "Factor axis touches normal axis."; skip_bound_check.insert(iv); } // get analyzer. arith::Analyzer analyzer; // Get the replace index std::unordered_map<IterVar, Range> dom_map; std::unordered_map<IterVar, Expr> value_map; for (IterVar iv : compute_op->reduce_axis) { if (touch_map.count(iv)) { dom_map[iv] = iv->dom; } else { skip_bound_check.insert(iv); } analyzer.Bind(iv->var, iv->dom); } schedule::PassDownDomain(reduce_stage, &dom_map, &analyzer, true); for (IterVar iv : reduce_stage->leaf_iter_vars) { if (touch_map.count(iv)) { Range dom = dom_map.at(iv); if (is_one(dom->extent)) { value_map[iv] = dom->min; } else { value_map[iv] = iv->var; } } } schedule::PassUpIndex(reduce_stage, dom_map, &value_map, true); std::vector<Expr> predicates = schedule::MakeBoundCheck( reduce_stage, dom_map, value_map, true, skip_bound_check); // Get the factored op node. const int factor_axis_pos = \ factor_axis >= 0 ? factor_axis : static_cast<int>(compute_op->axis.size() + 1) + factor_axis; CHECK_LE(factor_axis_pos, compute_op->axis.size()); auto n = make_node<ComputeOpNode>(); n->name = compute_op->name + ".rf"; { // axis relacement. auto iv_node = make_node<IterVarNode>(); iv_node->dom = dom_map.at(axis); CHECK(is_zero(iv_node->dom->min)) << "Can only factor reduction domain starting from 0"; iv_node->var = axis->var; iv_node->iter_type = kDataPar; const int size = compute_op->axis.size(); for (int idx = 0; idx < size; ++idx) { if (factor_axis_pos == idx) { n->axis.push_back(IterVar(iv_node)); } n->axis.push_back(compute_op->axis[idx]); } if (factor_axis_pos == size) { n->axis.push_back(IterVar(iv_node)); } } // predicate generation, copy not touched axis. int idx = tensor->value_index; const Reduce* reduce = compute_op->body[idx].as<Reduce>(); CHECK(reduce) << "Can only rfactor non-inline reductions"; predicates.push_back(reduce->condition); Expr predicate = likely(arith::ComputeReduce<ir::And>(predicates, Expr())); std::unordered_map<const Variable*, Expr> vsub; for (IterVar iv : compute_op->reduce_axis) { if (!touch_map.count(iv)) { n->reduce_axis.push_back(iv); } else { CHECK(value_map.count(iv)); Expr index = value_map.at(iv); vsub[iv->var.get()] = index; } } // Copy touched axis. for (IterVar iv : reduce_stage->leaf_iter_vars) { if (touch_map.count(iv) && !iv.same_as(axis)) { CHECK_EQ(iv->iter_type, kCommReduce); auto ncpy = make_node<IterVarNode>(*iv.operator->()); ncpy->dom = dom_map.at(iv); n->reduce_axis.push_back(IterVar(ncpy)); } } VarReplacer replacer(vsub); Array<Expr> new_source = ir::UpdateArray(reduce->source, [&replacer] (const Expr& e) { return replacer.Mutate(e); }); Expr new_pred = replacer.Mutate(predicate); std::vector<Expr> body; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < reduce->source.size(); ++idx) { body.emplace_back(Reduce::make(reduce->combiner, new_source, n->reduce_axis, new_pred, idx)); } n->body = Array<Expr>(body); // refresh relations, keep the un-touched relations. Array<IterVarRelation> rels; for (IterVarRelation rel : reduce_stage->relations) { bool touched = false; if (const SplitNode* r = rel.as<SplitNode>()) { if (touch_map.count(r->parent)) touched = true; } else if (const FuseNode* r = rel.as<FuseNode>()) { if (touch_map.count(r->fused)) touched = true; } else if (const RebaseNode* r = rel.as<RebaseNode>()) { if (touch_map.count(r->parent)) touched = true; } else { LOG(FATAL) << "unknown relation type"; } if (!touched) { rels.push_back(rel); } } // initialize the factored stage. Operation factor_op(n); ArrayNode* stages = (*this)->stages.CopyOnWrite(); size_t stage_pos = FindNodeRef(stages, reduce_stage); Stage factor_stage = Stage(factor_op); factor_stage->relations = rels; CHECK_LT(stage_pos, stages->data.size()); stages->data.insert(stages->data.begin() + stage_pos, factor_stage.node_); (*this)->stage_map.Set(factor_op, factor_stage); factor_stage->group = reduce_stage->group; if (factor_stage->group.defined()) { ++factor_stage->group->num_child_stages; } // Replace the old reduction. IterVar repl_red_axis = reduce_axis( dom_map.at(axis), axis->var->name_hint + ".v"); Array<Tensor> factor_tensors; Array<Tensor> old_tensors; int size = factor_op->num_outputs(); for (int idx = 0; idx < size; ++idx) { factor_tensors.push_back(factor_op.output(idx)); old_tensors.push_back(reduce_stage->op.output(idx)); } Array<Tensor> repl_tensors = compute(old_tensors[0]->shape, [&](const Array<Var>& i) { Array<Expr> indices; const int idx_size = static_cast<int>(i.size()); for (int idx = 0; idx < idx_size; ++idx) { if (factor_axis_pos == idx) { indices.push_back(repl_red_axis->var); } indices.push_back(i[idx]); } if (factor_axis_pos == idx_size) { indices.push_back(repl_red_axis->var); } Array<Expr> factor_exprs; for (int idx = 0; idx < size; ++idx) { factor_exprs.push_back(factor_tensors[idx](indices)); } Array<Expr> reductions; Array<IterVar> axis = {repl_red_axis}; Expr cond = const_true(); for (int idx = 0; idx < size; ++idx) { reductions.push_back(Reduce::make(reduce->combiner, factor_exprs, axis, cond, idx)); } return reductions; }, reduce_stage->op->name + ".repl"); std::unordered_map<Tensor, Tensor> vmap; std::unordered_map<Tensor, Tensor> rvmap; for (int idx = 0; idx < size; ++idx) { vmap[old_tensors[idx]] = repl_tensors[idx]; rvmap[repl_tensors[idx]] = old_tensors[idx]; } ReplaceDataFlow((*this)->stages, &vmap, &rvmap); // revamp the reduction stage. reduce_stage->op = repl_tensors[0]->op; reduce_stage->all_iter_vars = repl_tensors[0]->op->root_iter_vars(); reduce_stage->leaf_iter_vars = reduce_stage->all_iter_vars; reduce_stage->relations = Array<IterVarRelation>(); return factor_tensors; } } // namespace tvm