# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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import numpy as np
import tvm
from tvm.contrib import graph_runtime
import topi.testing
import nnvm.symbol as sym
import nnvm.compiler
from nnvm.testing.config import ctx_list
from nnvm.testing.check_computation import check_function

def test_check_function():
    # test the testing function

    x = sym.Variable("x")
    y = sym.Variable("y")

    # different styles of returning gradients from the backward function
    check_function(x + 2*y, lambda x, y: x + 2*y,
                   lambda x, y, head_grads: [head_grads, 2*head_grads],
                   shape={'x': (1, 2), y: (1, 2)}, dtype='float32')
    check_function(x + 2*y, lambda x, y: x + 2*y,
                   lambda x, y, head_grads: (head_grads, 2*head_grads),
                   shape={'x': (1, 2), y: (1, 2)}, dtype='float32')
    check_function(x + 2*y, lambda x, y: x + 2*y,
                   lambda x, y, head_grads: {'x': head_grads, 'y': 2*head_grads},
                   shape={'x': (1, 2), y: (1, 2)}, dtype='float32')
    check_function(x + 2*y, lambda x, y: x + 2*y,
                   lambda x, y, head_grads: {'y': 2*head_grads},
                   shape={'x': (1, 2), y: (1, 2)}, dtype='float32')
    check_function(x + 2*y, lambda x, y: x + 2*y,
                   lambda x, y, head_grads: [2*head_grads],
                   shape={'x': (1, 2), y: (1, 2)}, dtype='float32')
    check_function(x + 2*y, lambda x, y: x + 2*y,
                   lambda x, y, head_grads: 2*head_grads,
                   shape={'x': (1, 2), y: (1, 2)}, dtype='float32')
    check_function(x + 2*y, lambda x, y: x + 2*y,
                   lambda x, y, head_grads: 2*head_grads,
                   shape={'x': (1, 2), y: (1, 2)}, dtype='float64')

    # test just numerical gradients
    # different styles of shape and dtype passing
    check_function(x + 2*y, shape={'x': (1, 2), y: (1, 2)},
    check_function(x + 2*y, shape={'x': (1, 2), y: (1, 2)}, dtype='float32',
    check_function(x + 2*y, shape={'x': (1, 2), y: (1, 2)}, dtype={x: 'float32', 'y': 'float32'},
    check_function(x + 2*y, shape=(1, 2), dtype='float32',

    # specifying variable attributes on variable creation
    # (in this case type codes must be used)
    x = sym.Variable("x", dtype=0, shape=(1, 2))
    check_function(x + 2*y, shape={y: (1, 2)}, dtype={'y': 'float32'}, numerical_grads=True)
    y = sym.Variable("y", dtype=0, shape=(1, 2))

    # shape overriding
    def _fwd1(x, y):
        assert x.shape == (1, 1)
        assert y.shape == (1, 2)
        return x + 2*y
    check_function(x + 2*y, _fwd1, shape={x: (1, 1)})

    # in_range
    def _fwd2(x, y):
        assert x.shape == (100,)
        assert (x <= 0.9).all()
        assert (x >= 0.8).all()
        return x + 2*y
    check_function(x + 2*y, _fwd2, shape=(100,), in_range=(0.8, 0.9), numerical_grads=False)
    check_function(x + 2*y, _fwd2, shape=(100,), in_range={'x': (0.8, 0.9)}, numerical_grads=False)
    check_function(x + 2*y, backward=lambda x, y, head_grads: [1.0, 2.0],
                   in_range={'head_grads_0': (1.0, 1.0)})
    # explicit passing of values
    check_function(x + 2*y, backward=lambda x, y, head_grads: [1.0, 2.0],
                   values={'head_grads_0': np.full((1, 2), 1.0)})

    # check that the function reports errors
    def _check_function_must_fail(*args, **kwargs):
        error = AssertionError
        if 'error' in kwargs:
            error = kwargs['error']
            del kwargs['error']
            check_function(*args, quiet=True, **kwargs)
        except error:
            raise AssertionError("check_function didn't raise an exception")

    _check_function_must_fail(x + 2*y, error=ValueError)
    _check_function_must_fail(x + 2*y, lambda x, y: x + y)
    _check_function_must_fail(x + 2*y, backward=lambda x, y, head_grads: [1.0, 2.0])
    _check_function_must_fail(sym.block_grad(x + 2*y), numerical_grads=True)
    _check_function_must_fail(x*x, numerical_grads=True,
                              numerical_grads_params={'atol': 0.0, 'rtol': 0.0})
    _check_function_must_fail(sym.log(-x*x), numerical_grads=True, error=ValueError)

    # different styles of returning results from the forward function
    check_function(x + 2*y, lambda x, y: [x + 2*y], numerical_grads=False)
    _check_function_must_fail(x + 2*y, lambda x, y: [x + 2*y, x], numerical_grads=False,
    _check_function_must_fail(x + 2*y, lambda x, y: [], numerical_grads=False,

    # multiple outputs
    z = sym.Group([2*x + y, x + 2*y])
    check_function(z, lambda x, y: [2*x + y, x + 2*y])
    check_function(z, lambda x, y: (2*x + y, x + 2*y))
    check_function(z, backward=lambda x, y, head_grads: [2*head_grads[0] + head_grads[1],
                                                         head_grads[0] + 2*head_grads[1]])
    _check_function_must_fail(z, backward=lambda x, y, head_grads: [2*head_grads[0],
    check_function(z, backward=lambda x, y, head_grads: [head_grads[1], 2*head_grads[1]],
                   in_range={'head_grads_0': (0, 0)})
    check_function(z, numerical_grads=True)

    z = sym.Group([sym.block_grad(2*x + y), x + 2*y])
    check_function(z, lambda x, y: [2*x + y, x + 2*y], numerical_grads=False)
    _check_function_must_fail(z, lambda x, y: [2*x + y, x + 2*y])
    _check_function_must_fail(z, numerical_grads=True)

    z = sym.Group([2*x + y, sym.block_grad(x + 2*y)])
    _check_function_must_fail(z, numerical_grads=True)

    z = sym.Group([2*x + y, x + 2*y, x, y, sym.sum(x)])
    check_function(z, lambda x, y: [2*x + y, x + 2*y, x, y, np.sum(x)])

    # passing additional parameters to forward and backward
    def _fwd3(x, p):
        assert p == 'v'
        return x + 1
    def _bwd3(x, p, head_grads):
        assert p == 'v'
        return head_grads
    check_function(x + 1, _fwd3, _bwd3, additional_params={'p': 'v'})

    # implicitly created variables and shape/dtype inference for inputs
    x = sym.Variable("x", shape=(2, 3), dtype=0)
    b = sym.Variable("b")
    y = sym.dense(data=x, bias=b, units=4)
    # Don't check gradients on cuda because is doesn't yet support ewise after reduce
    check_function(y, exclude_targets={'cuda'}, numerical_grads=True)
    check_function(y, shape={'x': (3, 4)}, exclude_targets={'cuda'}, numerical_grads=True)
    check_function(y, dtype={'x': 'float64'}, exclude_targets={'cuda'}, numerical_grads=True)

    x = sym.Variable("x")
    b = sym.Variable("b")
    w = sym.Variable("w")
    y = sym.dense(data=x, bias=b, weight=w, units=4)
    def _fwd_dense(x, w, b):
        return np.dot(x, w.T) + b
    check_function(y, _fwd_dense, shape={'x': (1,2)}, dtype={'x': 'float32'}, numerical_grads=False)
    check_function(y, _fwd_dense, shape={'x': (1,2)}, dtype={'w': 'float64'}, numerical_grads=False)
    _check_function_must_fail(y, _fwd_dense, shape={'x': (1,2)},
                              dtype={'w': 'float64', 'b': 'float32'},
    # fails because no shape
    _check_function_must_fail(y, _fwd_dense, numerical_grads=False, error=ValueError)
    # ok because type is float32 by default
    check_function(y, _fwd_dense, shape={'x': (1,2)}, numerical_grads=False)

def test_relu():
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    y = sym.relu(sym.leaky_relu(x, alpha=0.3) - 0.2)

    def forward(x):
        x = (x < 0) * x * 0.3 + (x > 0) * x - 0.2
        return (x > 0) * x

    def backward(head_grads, x):
        sub = (x < 0) * x * 0.3 + (x > 0) * x - 0.2
        return [(sub > 0).astype("float") * \
                ((x > 0).astype("float") + 0.3 * (x < 0).astype("float")) * head_grads]

    shape = {'x': (1, 3, 32, 32)}
    check_function(y, forward, backward, shape=shape)

def test_prelu_nchw():
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    a = sym.Variable("a")
    y = sym.prelu(data=x, alpha=a)

    def forward(x, a):
        return (x < 0) * (x * a.reshape(3, 1, 1)) + (x>=0) * x

    shape = {'x': (1, 3, 32, 32), 'a': (3,)}
    check_function(y, forward, shape=shape)

def test_prelu_nhwc():
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    a = sym.Variable("a")
    y = sym.prelu(data=x, alpha=a, axis=3)

    def forward(x, a):
        return (x < 0) * (x * a.reshape(1, 1, 3)) + (x>=0) * x

    shape = {'x': (1, 32, 32, 3), 'a': (3,)}
    check_function(y, forward, shape=shape)

def test_sym_scalar_pow():
    scalar = 3
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    y = x**scalar

    def forward(x):
        return x**scalar

    def backward(head_grads, x):
        return [scalar * x**(scalar -  1) * head_grads]

    shape = {'x': (1, 3, 32, 32)}
    check_function(y, forward, backward, shape=shape)

def test_scalar_sym_pow():
    scalar = 3
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    y = scalar**x

    def forward(x):
        return scalar**x

    def backward(head_grads, x):
        return [np.log(scalar) * scalar**x * head_grads]

    shape = {'x': (1, 3, 32, 32)}
    check_function(y, forward, backward, shape=shape)

def test_exp():
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    y = sym.exp(x)

    def forward(x):
        return np.exp(x)

    def backward(head_grads, x):
        return [np.exp(x) * head_grads]

    shape = {'x': (1, 3, 32, 32)}
    check_function(y, forward, backward, shape=shape)

def test_log():
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    y = sym.log(x)

    def forward(x):
        return np.log(x)

    def backward(head_grads, x):
        return [1. / x * head_grads]

    shape = {'x': (1, 3, 32, 32)}
    check_function(y, forward, backward, in_range=(0.002, 2.0), shape=shape)

def test_tanh():
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    y = sym.tanh(x)

    def forward(x):
        return np.sinh(x) / np.cosh(x)

    def backward(head_grads, x):
        y_np = forward(x)
        return [(1 - y_np**2) * head_grads]

    shape = {'x': (1, 3, 32, 32)}
    check_function(y, forward, backward, shape=shape)

def test_sigmoid():
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    y = sym.sigmoid(x)

    def forward(x):
        return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-x))

    def backward(head_grads, x):
        y_np = forward(x)
        return [y_np *(1 - y_np) * head_grads]

    shape = {'x': (1, 3, 32, 32)}
    check_function(y, forward, backward, shape=shape)

def test_softmax():
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    y = sym.softmax(x)

    def forward(x):
        return topi.testing.softmax_python(x)

    def backward(head_grads, x):
        y = topi.testing.softmax_python(x)
        grad = y * (head_grads - np.sum(y * head_grads, axis=1, keepdims=True))
        return [grad]

    check_function(y, forward, backward,
                   shape={'x': (10, 1000)}, numerical_grads=False)
    check_function(y, forward, backward,
                   shape={'x': (2, 10)})

def test_log_softmax():
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    y = sym.log_softmax(x)

    def forward(x):
        return topi.testing.log_softmax_python(x)

    def backward(head_grads, x):
        y = topi.testing.log_softmax_python(x)
        grad = head_grads - np.exp(y) * np.sum(head_grads, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        return [grad]

    check_function(y, forward, backward,
                   shape={'x': (10, 1000)}, numerical_grads=False)
    check_function(y, forward, backward,
                   shape={'x': (2, 10)})

def test_dense():
    x = sym.Variable("x", shape=(10, 100))
    w = sym.Variable("dense_weight", shape=(3, 100))
    b = sym.Variable("dense_bias", shape=(3,))
    y = sym.dense(x, w, b, use_bias=True, units=3, name="dense")
    y = sym.flatten(y)

    def forward(x, dense_weight, dense_bias):
        return np.dot(x, dense_weight.T) + dense_bias
    shape = {
        'x': (10, 100),
        'w': (3, 100),
        'b': (3,)
    # Don't check gradients on cuda because is doesn't yet support ewise after reduce
    check_function(y, forward, shape=shape,
                   exclude_targets={'cuda'}, numerical_grads=True)
    check_function(y, forward, shape=shape,
                   only_targets={'cuda'}, numerical_grads=False)

def test_batchnorm():
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    beta = sym.Variable("beta")
    gamma = sym.Variable("gamma")
    moving_var = sym.Variable("moving_var")
    moving_mean = sym.Variable("moving_mean")
    eps = 1e-5
    y = sym.batch_norm(
        x, gamma, beta, moving_mean, moving_var, epsilon=eps)

    def forward(x, gamma, beta, moving_mean, moving_var):
        return (x - moving_mean) / np.sqrt(moving_var + eps) * gamma + beta

    shape = {
        'x': (10, 20),
        'gamma': (20,),
        'beta': (20,),
        'moving_mean': (20,),
        'moving_var': (20,)

    check_function(y, forward, in_range=(0.001, 1.0), shape=shape)

def verify_concatenate(ishape, axis):
    x = [sym.Variable("x%d" % i, shape=ishape[i]) for i in range(len(ishape))]
    y = sym.concatenate(*x, axis=axis) + 1

    def forward(**kwargs):
        return np.concatenate(list(kwargs.values()), axis=axis) + 1

    check_function(y, forward)

def test_concatenate():
    verify_concatenate([(2, 3, 4), (1, 3, 4)], axis=0)
    verify_concatenate([(2, 4), (2, 7)], axis=1)

def verify_split(ishape, indices_or_sections, axis):
    x = sym.Variable("x", shape=ishape)
    y = sym.split(x, indices_or_sections=indices_or_sections, axis=axis)

    def forward(x):
        return np.split(x, indices_or_sections, axis=axis)

    check_function(y, forward)

def test_split():
    verify_split((2, 3), 2, axis=0)
    verify_split((5, 3), [3], axis=0)
    verify_split((5, 9, 3), [3, 4], axis=1)

def verify_strided_slice(ishape, begin, end, strideinp=None):
    stride = strideinp if strideinp else [1, 1, 1]
    x = sym.Variable("x", shape=ishape)
    if strideinp:
        y = sym.strided_slice(x, begin = begin, end = end, stride = stride) + 1
        y = sym.strided_slice(x, begin = begin, end = end) + 1

    for i in range(len(begin), 3):
    for i in range(len(end), 3):

    def test_forward(x):
        return x[begin[0]:end[0]:stride[0],
                    begin[1]:end[1]:stride[1], begin[2]:end[2]:stride[2]] + 1

    check_function(y, test_forward)

def test_strided_slice():
    verify_strided_slice((3, 4, 3), [0, 0, 0], [4, -5, 4], [1, -1, 2])
    verify_strided_slice((3, 4, 3), [1, 1, 0], [4, 4, 3], [2, 1, 1])
    verify_strided_slice((3, 4, 3), [1, -1, 0], [4, -5, 3], [2, -1, 1])
    verify_strided_slice((3, 4, 3), [1, 0, 0], [2, 2, 3], [1, 1, 2])
    verify_strided_slice((3, 4, 3), [1, -1, 0], [2, -3, 3], [1, -1, 1])
    verify_strided_slice((3, 4, 3), [1, 1, 0], [4, 4, 3])
    verify_strided_slice((3, 4, 3), [1, 1, 0], [4, 1000, 3])
    verify_strided_slice((3, 4, 3), [1, 1, 0], [4, 4])
    verify_strided_slice((3, 4, 3), [1, 1], [4, 4, 3])

def verify_take(src_shape, indices_src, axis=None):
    src_dtype = "float32"
    indices_dtype = "int32"
    indices_src = np.array(indices_src, dtype=indices_dtype)
    a = sym.Variable("a", shape=src_shape)
    indices = sym.Variable("indices", shape=indices_src.shape)
    y = sym.take(a, indices, axis=axis)

    def forward(a, indices):
        return np.take(a, indices=indices, axis=axis)

    a_src = np.arange(np.prod(src_shape), dtype=src_dtype).reshape(src_shape)

    check_function(y, forward,
                   dtype={'a': src_dtype, 'indices': indices_dtype},
                   values={'a': a_src, 'indices': indices_src})

def test_take():
    verify_take((4,), [1])
    verify_take((4,), [[0,1,2,3]])
    verify_take((3,3,3), [[11,25]])
    verify_take((4,), [[0,1],[2,3]])
    verify_take((4,), [1], 0)
    verify_take((2,2), [[[1,0],[0,1]]], 0)
    verify_take((2,2), [[[1,0],[0,1]]], 1)
    verify_take((4,3,5,6), [[2,1,0,0]], -2)

def verify_squeeze(shape, axis):
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    if axis is not None:
        y = sym.squeeze(x, axis=axis)
        y = sym.squeeze(x)
    y = y + 1

    def forward(x):
        return np.squeeze(x, axis=axis) + 1

    def backward(head_grads, x):
        return [np.reshape(head_grads, x.shape)]

    check_function(y, forward, backward, shape=shape)

def test_squeeze():
    verify_squeeze((1, 3, 2, 5), None)
    verify_squeeze((1, 3, 1), axis=0)
    verify_squeeze((1, 3, 2, 5, 1), axis=-1)

def test_pad():
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    y = sym.pad(x, pad_width=((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1), (2, 3)), pad_value=1.)

    def forward(x):
        return np.pad(x,
                      pad_width=((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1), (2, 3)),
                      mode='constant', constant_values=1.)

    shape = {'x': (1, 3, 28, 28)}
    check_function(y, forward, shape=shape)

def verify_lrn(ishape, size, axis, bias, alpha, beta):
    x = sym.Variable("x", shape=ishape)
    y = sym.lrn(x, size=size, axis=axis, bias=bias, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)

    def forward1(x):
        return topi.testing.lrn_python(x, size, axis, bias, alpha, beta)

    check_function(y, forward1)

    def forward2(x):
        y = forward1(x)
        return (y > 0)*y

    #Checking LRN op followed by elementwise op relu
    check_function(sym.relu(y), forward2, in_range={'x': (-10.0, 10.0)})

def verify_l2_normalize(ishape, eps, axis):
    x = sym.Variable("x", shape=ishape)
    y = sym.l2_normalize(x, eps=eps, axis=axis)

    def forward1(x):
        return topi.testing.l2_normalize_python(x, eps, axis)

    check_function(y, forward1)

    def forward2(x):
        y = forward1(x)
        return (y > 0)*y

    #Checking L2 normalization op followed by elementwise op relu
    check_function(sym.relu(y), forward2, in_range={'x': (-10.0, 10.0)})

def test_lrn():
    verify_lrn((1, 3, 20, 20), 3, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)
    verify_lrn((1, 3, 20, 20), 3, 1, 2.0, 1.0, 0.75)

def test_l2_normalize():
    verify_l2_normalize((1, 3, 20, 20), 0.001, (1,))
    verify_l2_normalize((1, 3, 20, 20), 0.001, (1, 2))

def verify_gather_nd(src_shape, indices_src):
    src_dtype = "float32"
    indices_dtype = "int32"
    indices_src = np.array(indices_src, dtype=indices_dtype)
    a = sym.Variable("a", shape=src_shape)
    indices = sym.Variable("indices", shape=indices_src.shape)
    y = sym.gather_nd(a, indices)

    def forward(a, indices):
        return topi.testing.gather_nd_python(a, indices)

    a_src = np.arange(np.prod(src_shape), dtype=src_dtype).reshape(src_shape)

    check_function(y, forward,
                   dtype={'a': src_dtype, 'indices': indices_dtype},
                   values={'a': a_src, 'indices': indices_src})

def test_gather_nd():
    verify_gather_nd((4,), [[1]])
    verify_gather_nd((4,), [[1, 3, 2]])
    verify_gather_nd((2, 3), [[1]])
    verify_gather_nd((2, 3), [[1], [0]])
    verify_gather_nd((2, 3), [[1, 0], [0, 2]])
    verify_gather_nd((2, 3, 4), [[1, 0], [0, 2]])
    verify_gather_nd((2, 3, 4), [[1, 0], [0, 2], [3, 1]])
    verify_gather_nd((2, 3, 4), [[[1, 0], [0, 1]], [[0, 2], [1, 2]],
                                 [[3, 1], [0, 2]]])
    verify_gather_nd((2, 3, 4, 5), [[1, 0], [0, 2]])
    verify_gather_nd((2, 3, 4, 5), [[1, 0], [2, 1], [3, 2], [4, 2]])

if __name__ == "__main__":