 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

 * \file relay/backend/compile_engine.cc
 * \brief Internal compialtion engine.
#include <tvm/ir/type_functor.h>
#include <tvm/te/schedule.h>
#include <tvm/te/operation.h>
#include <tvm/te/schedule_pass.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/registry.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/container.h>
#include <tvm/relay/attrs/device_copy.h>
#include <tvm/relay/analysis.h>
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
#include <tvm/relay/expr_functor.h>
#include <tvm/relay/op.h>
#include <tvm/relay/op_attr_types.h>
#include <tvm/driver/driver_api.h>

#include <topi/tags.h>
#include <utility>
#include <limits>
#include <mutex>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>

#include "compile_engine.h"

namespace tvm {
namespace relay {


LoweredOutput::LoweredOutput(tvm::Array<te::Tensor> outputs, OpImplementation impl) {
  auto n = make_object<LoweredOutputNode>();
  n->outputs = std::move(outputs);
  n->implementation = std::move(impl);
  data_ = std::move(n);

CCacheKey::CCacheKey(Function source_func, Target target) {
  auto n = make_object<CCacheKeyNode>();
  n->source_func = std::move(source_func);
  n->target = std::move(target);
  data_ = std::move(n);

struct IsDynamicVisitor : public TypeVisitor {
  bool is_dyn{false};
  void VisitType_(const TensorTypeNode* tt) {
    for (auto dim : tt->shape) {
      if (dim.as<Any>()) {
        is_dyn = true;

bool IsDynamic(const Type& ty) {
  IsDynamicVisitor v;
  return v.is_dyn;

// TODO(@jroesch): MOVE ME

Array<IndexExpr> GetShape(const Array<IndexExpr>& shape) {
  // for now, we always use int32 shape when possible
  // even if the result of shape inference becomes int64.
  Array<IndexExpr> res;
  for (IndexExpr val : shape) {
    const int64_t* pval = tir::as_const_int(val);
    if (pval != nullptr) {
      CHECK_LE(pval[0], std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
      CHECK_GE(pval[0], std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min());
      res.push_back(IntImm(DataType::Int(32), *pval));
    } else if (val->IsInstance<tir::AnyNode>()) {
    } else {
  return res;

// The getter to get schedule from compile engine.
// Get schedule from functor.
class ScheduleGetter :
      public ExprFunctor<Array<te::Tensor>(const Expr&)> {
  explicit ScheduleGetter(Target target)
      : target_(target), device_copy_op_(Op::Get("device_copy")) {}

  CachedFunc Create(const Function& prim_func) {
    auto cache_node = make_object<CachedFuncNode>();
    cache_node->target = target_;
    for (Var param : prim_func->params) {
      Array<tvm::te::Tensor> inputs;
      if (const auto* ttype = param->checked_type().as<TensorTypeNode>()) {
        tvm::te::Tensor tensor = tvm::te::placeholder(
            GetShape(ttype->shape), ttype->dtype);
      } else {
        // flatten tuple of tensor type.
        const auto* tuple_type = param->type_as<TupleTypeNode>();
        for (Type field : tuple_type->fields) {
          const auto* ttype = field.as<TensorTypeNode>();
          // TODO(@icemelon): Allow recursive tuple
          CHECK(ttype != nullptr);
          tvm::te::Tensor tensor = tvm::te::placeholder(
              GetShape(ttype->shape), ttype->dtype);
      memo_[param] = inputs;
    readable_name_stream_ << "fused";
    cache_node->outputs = this->VisitExpr(prim_func->body);
    auto candidate_name = readable_name_stream_.str();
    constexpr static size_t kMaxFuncNameLength = 80;
    if (candidate_name.size() > kMaxFuncNameLength) {
      std::stringstream truncated_name;
      truncated_name <<  candidate_name.substr(0, kMaxFuncNameLength);
      truncated_name << "_" << std::hash<std::string>{}(candidate_name) << "_";
      candidate_name = truncated_name.str();
    cache_node->func_name = candidate_name;

    // Fusion over tupled results may leave identity relationships
    // between inputs and outputs, and those should not be scheduled.
    // Hence schedule only non PlaceholderOp outputs.
    tvm::Array<te::Tensor> tensor_outs;
    for (const auto& tensor : cache_node->outputs) {
      if (!tensor->op.as<te::PlaceholderOpNode>()) {
    te::Schedule schedule;
    // No need to register schedule for device copy op.
    if (master_attrs_.as<DeviceCopyAttrs>() == nullptr) {
      schedule = master_implementation_.Schedule(master_attrs_, tensor_outs, target_);
      for (const auto& scalar : scalars_) {
        if (schedule->Contain(scalar)) {
    cache_node->schedule = std::move(schedule);
    return CachedFunc(cache_node);

  Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr(const Expr& expr) {
    auto it = memo_.find(expr);
    if (it != memo_.end()) {
      return it->second;
    } else {
      Array<te::Tensor> res = ExprFunctor::VisitExpr(expr);
      memo_[expr] = res;
      return res;

  Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const VarNode* op) final {
    LOG(FATAL) << "Free variable " << op->name_hint();
    return {};

  Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const ConstantNode* op) final {
    using tir::make_const;
    void* data = op->data->data;
    DataType dtype = DataType(op->data->dtype);
    auto value = te::compute({}, [&](const Array<tvm::tir::Var>&) {
        if (dtype == DataType::Int(32)) {
          return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const int32_t*>(data)[0]);
        } else if (dtype == DataType::Int(64)) {
          return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const int64_t*>(data)[0]);
        } else if (dtype == DataType::Float(32)) {
          return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const float*>(data)[0]);
        } else if (dtype == DataType::Float(64)) {
          return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const double*>(data)[0]);
        } else if (dtype == DataType::Bool()) {
          return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const uint8_t*>(data)[0]);
        } else {
          LOG(FATAL) << "not handled";
          return tvm::PrimExpr();
    }, "compile_engine_const", topi::kBroadcast);
    return {value};

  Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const CallNode* call_node) final {
    static auto fpattern =
    static auto flower_call = tvm::runtime::Registry::Get("relay.backend.lower_call");
    CHECK(flower_call) << "relay.backend.lower_call is not registered.";

    Array<te::Tensor> inputs;
    int count_tuple = 0;
    for (Expr arg : call_node->args) {
      if (arg->checked_type().as<TupleTypeNode>()) {
      for (te::Tensor tensor : VisitExpr(arg)) {
    if (count_tuple) {
      CHECK_EQ(call_node->args.size(), 1U)
        << "Only allow function with a single tuple input";

      << "Primitive function only allows call into primitive ops";
    Op op = Downcast<Op>(call_node->op);

    Array<te::Tensor> outputs;
    OpImplementation impl;
    // Skip fcompute for device copy operators as it is not registered.
    if (op == device_copy_op_) {
      const auto* copy_input = inputs[0].operator->();
      outputs.push_back(te::TensorNode::make(copy_input->shape, copy_input->dtype,
                                         te::Operation(), 0));
    } else {
      LoweredOutput lowered_out = (*flower_call)(GetRef<Call>(call_node), inputs, target_);
      outputs = lowered_out->outputs;
      impl = lowered_out->implementation;

    int op_pattern = fpattern[op];
    if (op_pattern >= kCommReduce) {
      CHECK(!master_op_.defined() || master_op_pattern_ < kCommReduce)
        << "Two complicated op in a primitive function "
        << " master=" << master_op_ << " current=" << op;
    if (op_pattern >= master_op_pattern_) {
      master_op_ = op;
      master_attrs_ = call_node->attrs;
      master_op_pattern_ = op_pattern;
      master_implementation_ = impl;
    if (outputs.size() != 1) {
      const auto* tuple_type =
      CHECK(tuple_type) << "Expect output to be a tuple type";
      CHECK_EQ(tuple_type->fields.size(), outputs.size());
    // Set the name to `__copy`. It will be detected in graph runtime to perform
    // data copy across devices.
    if (op == device_copy_op_) {
      readable_name_stream_ << "__copy";
    } else {
      readable_name_stream_ << '_' << op->name;
    return outputs;

  Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* op) final {
    LOG(FATAL) << "Do not support sub function";
    return Array<te::Tensor>();

  Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op) final {
    Array<te::Tensor> val = VisitExpr(op->value);
    memo_[op->var] = val;
    return VisitExpr(op->body);

  Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op) final {
    Array<te::Tensor> fields;
    for (Expr field : op->fields) {
          << "Only allow Tuple of Tensor";
      Array<te::Tensor> res = VisitExpr(field);
      CHECK_EQ(res.size(), 1);
    return fields;

  Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const TupleGetItemNode* op) final {
    const auto* tuple_type = op->tuple->type_as<TupleTypeNode>();
    Array<te::Tensor> tuple = VisitExpr(op->tuple);
    CHECK_EQ(tuple_type->fields.size(), tuple.size());
    CHECK_GE(op->index, 0);
    CHECK_LT(static_cast<size_t>(op->index), tuple.size());
    return {tuple[op->index]};

  tvm::Target target_;
  Op master_op_;
  Attrs master_attrs_;
  int master_op_pattern_{0};
  OpImplementation master_implementation_;
  std::ostringstream readable_name_stream_;
  std::unordered_map<Expr, Array<te::Tensor>, ObjectHash, ObjectEqual> memo_;
  Array<te::Operation> scalars_;
  // Cache device copy op for equivalence checking to reduce registry lookup
  // overhead for each invocation of call node when retrieving schedules.
  const Op& device_copy_op_;

// Creates shape function from functor.
class MakeShapeFunc : public ExprFunctor<Array<te::Tensor>(const Expr&)> {
  MakeShapeFunc() {}

  std::pair<te::Schedule, CachedFunc> Create(const Function& prim_func) {
    for (auto param : prim_func->params) {
      param_states_[param] = kNoNeed;
      Array<tvm::te::Tensor> data_inputs;
      Array<tvm::te::Tensor> shape_inputs;

      auto add_placeholder = [&data_inputs, &shape_inputs](const TensorTypeNode* ttype) {
        // Add data placeholder
        Shape shape = GetShape(ttype->shape);
        tvm::te::Tensor data_tensor = tvm::te::placeholder(shape, ttype->dtype);
        // Add shape placeholder
        int64_t ndim = shape.size();
        Shape sshape;
        if (ndim > 0) {
        tvm::te::Tensor shape_tensor = tvm::te::placeholder(sshape, DataType::Int(64));

      if (const auto *ttype = param->checked_type().as<TensorTypeNode>()) {
      } else {
        // flatten tuple of tensor type.
        const auto *tuple_type = param->type_as<TupleTypeNode>();
        // TODO(@icemelon): Support recursive tuple
        for (Type field : tuple_type->fields) {
          const auto *ttype = field.as<TensorTypeNode>();
      param_data_[param] = data_inputs;
      param_shapes_[param] = shape_inputs;
    readable_name_stream_ << "shape_func";
    auto cache_node = make_object<CachedFuncNode>();
    cache_node->outputs = VisitExpr(prim_func->body);
    auto candidate_name = readable_name_stream_.str();
    constexpr static size_t kMaxFuncNameLength = 80;
    if (candidate_name.size() > kMaxFuncNameLength) {
      std::stringstream truncated_name;
      truncated_name <<  candidate_name.substr(0, kMaxFuncNameLength);
      truncated_name << "_" << std::hash<std::string>{}(candidate_name) << "_";
      candidate_name = truncated_name.str();
    cache_node->func_name = candidate_name;

    // set inputs
    for (auto param : prim_func->params) {
      int state = param_states_[param];
      cache_node->shape_func_param_states.push_back(IntImm(DataType::Int(32), state));
      if (state & kNeedInputData) {
        for (auto t : param_data_[param]) {
      if (state & kNeedInputShape) {
        for (auto t : param_shapes_[param]) {

    CachedFunc cfunc(cache_node);
    // generate schedule for shape func
    Array<te::Operation> out_ops;
    for (auto t : cache_node->outputs) {
    auto schedule = te::create_schedule(out_ops);
    for (const auto& scalar : scalars_) {
      auto scalar_op = scalar->op;
      if (schedule->Contain(scalar_op)) {
    return std::make_pair(schedule, cfunc);

  Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr(const Expr& expr) {
    auto it = memo_.find(expr);
    if (it != memo_.end()) {
      return it->second;
    } else {
      Array<te::Tensor> res = ExprFunctor::VisitExpr(expr);
      if (expr.as<VarNode>() == nullptr) {
        // Do not memoize vars because shape functions could use either the data
        // or the shape of a var each time.
        memo_[expr] = res;
      return res;

  Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const VarNode* var_node) final {
    auto var = GetRef<Var>(var_node);
    auto it = param_states_.find(var);
    if (it == param_states_.end()) {
      LOG(FATAL) << "Free variable " << var->name_hint();
      return {};
    } else {
      bool data_dependant = data_dependants_.back();
      if (data_dependant) {
        param_states_[var] |= kNeedInputData;
        return param_data_[var];
      } else {
        param_states_[var] |= kNeedInputShape;
        return param_shapes_[var];

  Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const ConstantNode* op) final {
    using tir::make_const;
    bool data_dependant = data_dependants_.back();
    if (data_dependant) {
      void* data = op->data->data;
      DataType dtype = DataType(op->data->dtype);
      auto value = tvm::te::compute({}, [&](const Array<tvm::tir::Var>&) {
          if (dtype == DataType::Int(32)) {
            return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const int32_t*>(data)[0]);
          } else if (dtype == DataType::Int(64)) {
            return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const int64_t*>(data)[0]);
          } else if (dtype == DataType::Float(32)) {
            return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const float*>(data)[0]);
          } else if (dtype == DataType::Float(64)) {
            return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const double*>(data)[0]);
          } else if (dtype == DataType::Bool()) {
            return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const uint8_t*>(data)[0]);
          } else {
            LOG(FATAL) << "not handled";
            return tvm::PrimExpr();
      }, "data_const", topi::kBroadcast);
      return {value};
    } else {
      auto value = tvm::te::compute({}, [&](const Array<tvm::tir::Var>&) {
          return tir::make_const(DataType::Int(64), 0);
      }, "shape_const", topi::kBroadcast);
      return {value};

  Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const CallNode* call_node) final {
    static auto fshape_func = Op::GetAttr<FShapeFunc>("FShapeFunc");
    static auto tshape_data_dependant = Op::GetAttr<TShapeDataDependant>(
      << "Primitive function only allows call into primitive ops";
    Op op = Downcast<Op>(call_node->op);
    CHECK(data_dependants_.empty() || !data_dependants_.back())
      << "Error in op fusion: output of the shape func is fed to a "
      << "data-dependant shape func";
    CHECK_GT(fshape_func.count(op), 0)
      << "Internal error, cannot find ShapeFunc for " << op->name;
    CHECK_GT(tshape_data_dependant.count(op), 0)
      << "Internal error, cannot find TShapeDataDependant for " << op->name;

    // Visit all inputs
    Array<te::Tensor> inputs;
    int count_tuple = 0;
    for (Expr arg : call_node->args) {
      if (arg->checked_type().as<TupleTypeNode>()) {
      for (te::Tensor tensor : VisitExpr(arg)) {
    if (count_tuple) {
      CHECK_EQ(call_node->args.size(), 1U)
        << "Only allow function with a single tuple input";
    // Get output ndims
    auto ret_type = call_node->checked_type();
    Array<IndexExpr> out_ndims;
    if (const auto* ttype = ret_type.as<TensorTypeNode>()) {
      out_ndims.push_back(IntImm(DataType::Int(32), ttype->shape.size()));
    } else {
      auto rtype = ret_type.as<TupleTypeNode>();
      // TODO(@icemelon): Allow recursive tuple
      for (size_t i = 0; i < rtype->fields.size(); ++i) {
        auto ttype = rtype->fields[i].as<TensorTypeNode>();
        out_ndims.push_back(IntImm(DataType::Int(32), ttype->shape.size()));
    // Call shape function
    auto outputs = fshape_func[op](call_node->attrs, inputs, out_ndims);
    readable_name_stream_ << "_" << op->name;
    return outputs;

  Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* op) final {
    LOG(FATAL) << "Do not support sub function";
    return Array<te::Tensor>();

  Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op) final {
    Array<te::Tensor> val = VisitExpr(op->value);
    memo_[op->var] = val;
    return VisitExpr(op->body);

  Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op) final {
    Array<te::Tensor> fields;
    for (Expr field : op->fields) {
        << "Only allow Tuple of Tensor";
      Array<te::Tensor> res = VisitExpr(field);
      CHECK_EQ(res.size(), 1);
    return fields;

  /*! \brief String stream for function name */
  std::ostringstream readable_name_stream_;
  /*! \brief Map from parameter to its shape function usage state */
  std::unordered_map<Expr, int, ObjectHash, ObjectEqual> param_states_;
  /*! \brief Map from parameter to list of data placeholder */
  std::unordered_map<Expr, Array<te::Tensor>, ObjectHash, ObjectEqual> param_data_;
  /*! \brief Map from parameter to list of shape placeholder */
  std::unordered_map<Expr, Array<te::Tensor>, ObjectHash, ObjectEqual> param_shapes_;
  /*! \brief Memoized visit result */
  std::unordered_map<Expr, Array<te::Tensor>, ObjectHash, ObjectEqual> memo_;
  /*! \brief Stack of data dependencies for shape function */
  std::vector<bool> data_dependants_;
  /*! \brief Scalars used in the shape function */
  Array<te::Tensor> scalars_;

class CompileEngineImpl : public CompileEngineNode {
  // Lower the function.
  CachedFunc Lower(const CCacheKey& key)  {
    return LowerInternal(key)->cached_func;

  // For now, build one module per function.
  PackedFunc JIT(const CCacheKey& key) final {
    CCacheValue value = LowerInternal(key);
    if (value->packed_func != nullptr) return value->packed_func;
    // build the function.
    tvm::runtime::Module m;
    if (const auto* f = runtime::Registry::Get("relay.backend.build")) {
      m = (*f)(value->cached_func->funcs, key->target);
    } else {
      m = build(value->cached_func->funcs, key->target, Target(nullptr), BuildConfig::Current());
    value->packed_func = m.GetFunction(value->cached_func->func_name);
    return value->packed_func;

  CachedFunc LowerShapeFunc(const CCacheKey& key) final {
    return LowerShapeFuncInternal(key)->cached_func;

  Array<tvm::runtime::Module> LowerExternalFunctions() {
    std::unordered_map<std::string, IRModule> ext_mods;
    std::vector<CCacheKey> cached_ext_funcs;
    for (const auto& it : cache_) {
      auto src_func = it.first->source_func;
      if (src_func->GetAttr<tir::StringImm>(attr::kCompiler).defined()) {
        auto code_gen = src_func->GetAttr<tir::StringImm>(attr::kCompiler);
        CHECK(code_gen.defined()) << "No external codegen is set";
        if (ext_mods.find(code_gen->value) == ext_mods.end()) {
          ext_mods[code_gen->value] = IRModule({}, {});
        auto symbol_name = src_func->GetAttr<runtime::String>(tvm::attr::kGlobalSymbol);
        CHECK(symbol_name.defined()) << "No external symbol is set for:\n"
                                     << AsText(src_func, false);
        auto gv = GlobalVar(std::string(symbol_name));
        ext_mods[code_gen->value]->Add(gv, src_func);

    Array<tvm::runtime::Module> ret;
    for (const auto& it : ext_mods) {
      std::string ext_name = "relay.ext." + it.first;
      auto pf = tvm::runtime::Registry::Get(ext_name);
      CHECK(pf) << "Failed to find the codegen tool for " << ext_name << "\n";
      runtime::Module ext_mod = (*pf)(it.second);
      CHECK(ext_mod.defined()) << "No external runtime is generated.";

    // No need to cache external functions as we collected them all to create
    // external runtime modules.
    for (const auto& it : cached_ext_funcs) {
    return ret;

  void Clear() final {
  // List all items in the cache.
  Array<ObjectRef> ListItems() {
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
    Array<ObjectRef> items;
    for (auto& kv : cache_) {
    return items;
   * \brief Create schedule for target.
   * \param source_func The primitive function to be lowered.
   * \param target The target we want to create schedule for.
   * \return Pair of schedule and cache.
   *  The funcs field in cache is not yet populated.
  CachedFunc CreateSchedule(const Function& source_func, const Target& target) {
    return ScheduleGetter(target).Create(source_func);

  // implement lowered func
  CCacheValue LowerInternal(const CCacheKey& key)  {
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
    CCacheValue value;
    auto it = cache_.find(key);
    if (it != cache_.end()) {
      it->second->use_count += 1;
      if (it->second->cached_func.defined()) return it->second;
      value = it->second;
    } else {
      value = CCacheValue(make_object<CCacheValueNode>());
      value->use_count = 0;
      cache_[key] = value;
    // No need to lower external functions for now. We will invoke the external
    // codegen tool once and lower all functions together.
    if (key->source_func->GetAttr<tir::StringImm>(attr::kCompiler).defined()) {
      auto cache_node = make_object<CachedFuncNode>();
      const auto name_node =
          << "External function has not been attached a name yet.";
      cache_node->func_name = std::string(name_node);
      cache_node->target = tvm::target::ext_dev();
      value->cached_func = CachedFunc(cache_node);
      return value;
    // Enforce use the target.
    With<Target> target_scope(key->target);

    auto cfunc = CreateSchedule(key->source_func, key->target);
    auto cache_node = make_object<CachedFuncNode>(

    // Skip lowering for device copy node.
    const Expr body = (key->source_func)->body;
    if (const CallNode* call_node = body.as<CallNode>()) {
      if (call_node->attrs.as<DeviceCopyAttrs>()) {
        value->cached_func = CachedFunc(cache_node);
        return value;

    cache_node->func_name = GetUniqueName(cache_node->func_name);
    // NOTE: array will copy on write.
    Array<te::Tensor> all_args = cache_node->inputs;
    for (te::Tensor arg : cache_node->outputs) {
    // lower the function
    if (const auto* f = runtime::Registry::Get("relay.backend.lower")) {
      cache_node->funcs = (*f)(
          cfunc->schedule, all_args, cache_node->func_name, key->source_func);
    } else {
      tvm::BuildConfig bcfg = BuildConfig::Create();
      std::unordered_map<te::Tensor, tir::Buffer> binds;
      cache_node->funcs = tvm::lower(cfunc->schedule, all_args, cache_node->func_name,
                                     binds, bcfg);
    value->cached_func = CachedFunc(cache_node);
    return value;
  // implement lowered shape func
  CCacheValue LowerShapeFuncInternal(const CCacheKey& key) {
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
    CCacheValue value;
    auto it = shape_func_cache_.find(key);
    if (it != shape_func_cache_.end()) {
      it->second->use_count += 1;
      if (it->second->cached_func.defined()) return it->second;
      value = it->second;
    } else {
      value = CCacheValue(make_object<CCacheValueNode>());
      value->use_count = 0;
      shape_func_cache_[key] = value;
    // Enforce use the target.
    With<Target> target_scope(key->target);

    auto spair = MakeShapeFunc().Create(key->source_func);
    auto cache_node = make_object<CachedFuncNode>(
    cache_node->func_name = GetUniqueName(cache_node->func_name);
    cache_node->target = key->target;

    Array<te::Tensor> all_args = cache_node->inputs;
    for (te::Tensor arg : cache_node->outputs) {
    tvm::BuildConfig bcfg = BuildConfig::Create();
    std::unordered_map<te::Tensor, tir::Buffer> binds;
    cache_node->funcs = tvm::lower(spair.first, all_args, cache_node->func_name, binds, bcfg);
    value->cached_func = CachedFunc(cache_node);
    return value;
   * \brief Get unique name from name.
   * \param name The orginal name.
   * \return Updated name which is unique.
  std::string GetUniqueName(std::string name) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < name.length(); ++i) {
      if (name[i] == '.') name[i] = '_';
    while (true) {
      auto it = name_map_.find(name);
      if (it == name_map_.end()) {
        name_map_[name] = 1;
        return name;
      } else {
        std::ostringstream os;
        os << name << "_" << it->second;
        name = os.str();
    return name;
  /*! \brief compiler cache lock*/
  std::mutex mutex_;
  /*! \brief internal name map to get an unique name */
  std::unordered_map<std::string, int> name_map_;
  /*! \brief internal compiler cache */
  std::unordered_map<CCacheKey, CCacheValue> cache_;
  /*! \brief internal compiler cache for shape funcs */
  std::unordered_map<CCacheKey, CCacheValue> shape_func_cache_;

/*! \brief The global compile engine */
const CompileEngine& CompileEngine::Global() {
  // intentionally allocate raw pointer to avoid
  // free during destructuion.
  static CompileEngine* inst = new CompileEngine(
  return *inst;

.set_body_typed([](tvm::Array<te::Tensor> outputs, OpImplementation impl) {
  return LoweredOutput(outputs, impl);

.set_body_typed([](Function source_func, Target target) {
  return CCacheKey(source_func, target);

.set_body_typed([]() {
  return CompileEngine::Global();

.set_body_typed([](CompileEngine self) {

    [](CompileEngine self, CCacheKey key) {
  return self->Lower(key);

    [](CompileEngine self, CCacheKey key) {
  return self->LowerShapeFunc(key);

.set_body_typed([](CompileEngine self) {
  return self->LowerExternalFunctions();

    [](CompileEngine self, CCacheKey key) {
  return self->JIT(key);

    [](CompileEngine self){
  return static_cast<CompileEngineImpl*>(self.operator->())->ListItems();
}  // namespace relay
}  // namespace tvm