/*! * Copyright (c) 2017 by Contributors * \brief Replace certain copy with copy intrinsics. * \file copy_intrin_rewrite.cc */ #include <tvm/ir.h> #include <tvm/packed_func_ext.h> #include <tvm/ir_mutator.h> #include <tvm/ir_pass.h> #include "../arithmetic/pattern_match.h" namespace tvm { namespace ir { using runtime::PackedFunc; class CopyIntrinInjector : public IRMutator { public: CopyIntrinInjector(const std::string& pragma_key, const PackedFunc& flower_copy_fromto) : pragma_key_(attr::pragma_scope_prefix+ pragma_key), flower_copy_fromto_(flower_copy_fromto) { } Stmt Mutate_(const AttrStmt* op, const Stmt& s) final { if (op->attr_key == attr::storage_scope) { const Variable* buf = op->node.as<Variable>(); storage_scope_[buf] = op->value.as<StringImm>()->value; } else if (op->attr_key == pragma_key_) { Stmt ret; CHECK(MatchCopyPattern(op->body, &ret)) << "Cannot match copy pattern of " << op->body; return ret; } return IRMutator::Mutate_(op, s); } private: bool MatchCopyPattern(Stmt stmt, Stmt *out) { using namespace arith; Stmt body = stmt; bool is_single_point_copy = false; // strip the loops std::vector<const For*> loops; while (const For* op = body.as<For>()) { if (!is_zero(op->min)) return false; loops.push_back(op); body = op->body; } const Store* store = body.as<Store>(); if (store == nullptr) return false; // Expr sel_cond, sel_true_value, sel_false_value; // match select or if PVar<Expr> sel_cond, sel_true_value, sel_false_value; bool has_cond = if_then_else(sel_cond, sel_true_value, sel_false_value).Match(store->value) || select(sel_cond, sel_true_value, sel_false_value).Match(store->value); const Cast* cast = store->value.as<Cast>(); const Load* load = store->value.as<Load>(); if (0 == loops.size()) { is_single_point_copy = true; CHECK(!has_cond); } // for now only support true condition matching if (has_cond) { load = sel_true_value.Eval().as<Load>(); } // cast can be part of the pattern if (cast != nullptr) { load = cast->value.as<Load>(); } if (load == nullptr) return false; if (load->type.lanes() != 1) return false; Array<Var> loop_vars; for (const For* op : loops) { loop_vars.push_back(Var(op->loop_var.node_)); } Array<Expr> store_strides = arith::DetectLinearEquation(store->index, loop_vars); Array<Expr> load_strides = arith::DetectLinearEquation(load->index, loop_vars); if (load_strides.size() == 0 || store_strides.size() == 0) return false; Array<Expr> dst_shape; auto loop_var_size = loop_vars.size(); if (is_single_point_copy) { loop_var_size = 1; dst_shape.push_back(make_const(Int(32), 1)); } else { for (const For* op : loops) { dst_shape.push_back(op->extent); } } Array<Expr> src_shape = dst_shape; Array<Expr> pad_before, pad_after; Expr pad_value; Expr src_elem_offset = load_strides[loop_var_size]; if (has_cond) { Array<Expr> clip_bound = arith::DetectClipBound(sel_cond.Eval(), loop_vars); pad_value = sel_false_value.Eval(); if (clip_bound.size() == 0) return false; CHECK_EQ(src_shape.size(), loop_vars.size()); CHECK_EQ(clip_bound.size(), loop_vars.size() * 2); for (size_t i = 0; i < src_shape.size(); ++i) { Expr min_value = clip_bound[2 * i]; Expr max_value = clip_bound[2 * i + 1]; Type t = loop_vars[i].type(); Expr svalue = src_shape[i]; if (min_value.defined()) { Expr pbefore = Simplify(Max::make(min_value, make_zero(t))); src_elem_offset = src_elem_offset + pbefore * load_strides[i]; svalue = svalue - pbefore; pad_before.push_back(pbefore); } else { pad_before.push_back(make_zero(t)); } if (max_value.defined()) { Expr pafter = Simplify(Max::make(loops[i]->extent - max_value - make_const(t, 1), make_zero(t))); svalue = svalue - pafter; pad_after.push_back(pafter); } else { pad_after.push_back(make_zero(t)); } src_shape.Set(i, Simplify(svalue)); } src_elem_offset = Simplify(src_elem_offset); } CHECK_EQ(load_strides.size(), store_strides.size()); CHECK_EQ(load_strides.size(), loop_var_size + 1); Array<Expr> src_strides(load_strides.begin(), load_strides.begin() + loop_var_size); Array<Expr> dst_strides(store_strides.begin(), store_strides.begin() + loop_var_size); Buffer dst = BufferNode::make( Var(store->buffer_var.node_), store->value.type(), dst_shape, dst_strides, store_strides[loop_var_size], store->buffer_var->name_hint, GetStorageScope(store->buffer_var.get()), 0, 0); Buffer src = BufferNode::make( Var(load->buffer_var.node_), load->type, src_shape, src_strides, src_elem_offset, load->buffer_var->name_hint, GetStorageScope(load->buffer_var.get()), 0, 0); *out = flower_copy_fromto_(src, dst, pad_before, pad_after, pad_value); CHECK(out->defined()) << "flower function did not return correct stmt"; return true; } // Get storage scope std::string GetStorageScope(const Variable* var) const { auto it = storage_scope_.find(var); if (it != storage_scope_.end()) { return it->second; } else { return ""; } } // pragma key std::string pragma_key_; // function to lower copy intrinsics. const PackedFunc& flower_copy_fromto_; // Storage scope std::unordered_map<const Variable*, std::string> storage_scope_; }; Stmt InjectCopyIntrin(Stmt stmt, const std::string& pragma_key, const PackedFunc& flower_copy_fromto) { return CopyIntrinInjector(pragma_key, flower_copy_fromto) .Mutate(stmt); } } // namespace ir } // namespace tvm