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"""Wrapping functions to bridge frameworks with DLPack support to TVM"""
from .. import ndarray

def convert_func(tvm_func, tensor_type, to_dlpack_func):
    """Convert a tvm function into one that accepts a tensor from another
       framework, provided the other framework supports DLPACK

    tvm_func: Function
        Built tvm function operating on arrays

    tensor_type: Type
        Type of the tensors of the target framework

    to_dlpack_func: Function
        Function to convert the source tensors to DLPACK
    assert callable(tvm_func)

    def _wrapper(*args):
        args = tuple(ndarray.from_dlpack(to_dlpack_func(arg))\
            if isinstance(arg, tensor_type) else arg for arg in args)
        return tvm_func(*args)

    return _wrapper

def to_pytorch_func(tvm_func):
    """Convert a tvm function into one that accepts PyTorch tensors

    tvm_func: Function
        Built tvm function operating on arrays

    wrapped_func: Function
        Wrapped tvm function that operates on PyTorch tensors
    import torch
    import torch.utils.dlpack
    return convert_func(tvm_func, torch.Tensor, torch.utils.dlpack.to_dlpack)