/*! * Copyright (c) 2017 by Contributors * Lower TVM related buildin intrinsics such as packed call. * \file lower_tvm_buildin.cc */ #include <tvm/ir.h> #include <tvm/ir_mutator.h> #include <tvm/ir_pass.h> #include <unordered_set> #include "ir_util.h" #include "../arithmetic/compute_expr.h" namespace tvm { namespace ir { inline Expr ConstInt32(size_t index) { CHECK_LE(index, std::numeric_limits<int>::max()); return make_const(Int(32), static_cast<int>(index)); } inline Expr StackAlloca(std::string type, size_t num) { Array<Expr> args = {StringImm::make(type), ConstInt32(num)}; return Call::make(Handle(), intrinsic::tvm_stack_alloca, args, Call::Intrinsic); } // Calculate the statistics of packed function. // These information are needed during codegen. class BuiltinLower : public IRMutator { public: Stmt Build(Stmt stmt) { stack_shape_ = Var("stack_shape", Handle()); stack_array_ = Var("stack_array", Handle()); stack_value_ = Var("stack_value", Handle()); stack_tcode_ = Var("stack_tcode", Handle()); stmt = this->Mutate(stmt); if (max_shape_stack_ != 0) { stmt = LetStmt::make( stack_shape_, StackAlloca("shape", max_shape_stack_), stmt); } if (max_array_stack_ != 0) { stmt = LetStmt::make( stack_array_, StackAlloca("array", max_array_stack_), stmt); } if (max_arg_stack_ != 0) { stmt = LetStmt::make( stack_value_, StackAlloca("arg_value", max_arg_stack_), stmt); stmt = LetStmt::make( stack_tcode_, StackAlloca("arg_tcode", max_arg_stack_), stmt); } return stmt; } Stmt Mutate(Stmt stmt) final { stmt = IRMutator::Mutate(stmt); CHECK_EQ(run_shape_stack_, 0); CHECK_EQ(run_array_stack_, 0); while (prep_seq_.size() != 0) { stmt = Block::make(prep_seq_.back(), stmt); prep_seq_.pop_back(); } return stmt; } Stmt Mutate_(const Allocate* op, const Stmt& s) { // Lower allocate to device allocate when needed. Stmt stmt = IRMutator::Mutate_(op, s); op = stmt.as<Allocate>(); if (op->new_expr.defined()) return stmt; // Get constant allocation bound. int64_t dev_type; int64_t nbytes = GetVectorBytes(op->type); if (device_type_.defined()) { if (arith::GetConst(device_type_, &dev_type)) { if (dev_type == kDLCPU) { int32_t constant_size = op->constant_allocation_size(); if (constant_size > 0 && constant_size * nbytes < runtime::kMaxStackAlloca) { return stmt; } } } } Expr total_bytes = make_const(op->extents[0].type(), nbytes); for (size_t i = 0; i < op->extents.size(); ++i) { total_bytes = total_bytes * op->extents[i]; } CHECK(device_type_.defined()) << "Unknown device type in current IR"; CHECK(device_id_.defined()) << "Unknown device id in current IR"; Stmt throw_last_error = Evaluate::make(Call::make(Int(32), intrinsic::tvm_throw_last_error, {}, Call::Intrinsic)); Stmt body = Block::make( IfThenElse::make(Call::make(Bool(1), intrinsic::tvm_handle_is_null, {op->buffer_var}, Call::PureIntrinsic), throw_last_error), op->body); Stmt alloca = LetStmt::make( op->buffer_var, Call::make(op->buffer_var.type(), "TVMBackendAllocWorkspace", {cast(Int(32), device_type_), cast(Int(32), device_id_), cast(UInt(64), total_bytes), IntImm::make(Int(32), op->type.code()), IntImm::make(Int(32), op->type.bits())}, Call::Extern), body); Expr free_op = Call::make(Int(32), "TVMBackendFreeWorkspace", {cast(Int(32), device_type_), cast(Int(32), device_id_), op->buffer_var}, Call::Extern); Stmt free_stmt = IfThenElse::make(free_op != make_zero(Int(32)), throw_last_error); body = Block::make(alloca, free_stmt); body = AttrStmt::make( op->buffer_var, attr::storage_alignment, make_const(Int(32), runtime::kTempAllocaAlignment), body); return body; } Stmt Mutate_(const AttrStmt* op, const Stmt &s) final { if (op->attr_key == attr::device_context_id) { CHECK(!device_id_.defined()); device_id_ = op->value; return Mutate(op->body); } else if (op->attr_key == attr::device_context_type) { CHECK(!device_type_.defined()); device_type_ = op->value; return Mutate(op->body); } else { return IRMutator::Mutate_(op, s); } } Expr Mutate_(const Call* op, const Expr &e) final { if (op->is_intrinsic(intrinsic::tvm_call_packed)) { return MakeCallPacked(op, e); } else if (op->is_intrinsic(intrinsic::tvm_call_trace_packed)) { return MakeCallTracePacked(op, e); } else if (op->is_intrinsic(intrinsic::tvm_stack_make_shape)) { return MakeShape(op, e); } else if (op->is_intrinsic(intrinsic::tvm_stack_make_array)) { return MakeArray(op, e); } else if (op->is_intrinsic(intrinsic::tvm_context_id)) { return make_zero(op->type); } else { return IRMutator::Mutate_(op, e); } } // call shape Expr MakeShape(const Call* op, const Expr& e) { size_t stack_begin = run_shape_stack_; run_shape_stack_ += op->args.size(); Expr expr = IRMutator::Mutate_(op, e); op = expr.as<Call>(); for (size_t i = 0; i < op->args.size(); ++i) { prep_seq_.emplace_back( Store::make(stack_shape_, cast(Int(64), op->args[i]), ConstInt32(stack_begin +i), const_true(1))); } return AddressOffset(stack_shape_, Int(64), stack_begin); } // make array Expr MakeArray(const Call* op, const Expr& e) { size_t idx = run_array_stack_; run_array_stack_ += 1; Expr expr = IRMutator::Mutate_(op, e); op = expr.as<Call>(); prep_seq_.emplace_back( TVMStructSet(stack_array_, idx, intrinsic::kArrData, op->args[0])); prep_seq_.emplace_back( TVMStructSet(stack_array_, idx, intrinsic::kArrShape, op->args[1])); Expr strides = op->args[2]; if (!strides.defined() || is_zero(strides)) { strides = make_zero(Handle()); } prep_seq_.emplace_back( TVMStructSet(stack_array_, idx, intrinsic::kArrStrides, strides)); prep_seq_.emplace_back( TVMStructSet(stack_array_, idx, intrinsic::kArrNDim, op->args[3])); Type dtype = op->args[4].type(); prep_seq_.emplace_back( TVMStructSet(stack_array_, idx, intrinsic::kArrTypeCode, make_const(UInt(8), static_cast<int>(dtype.code())))); prep_seq_.emplace_back( TVMStructSet(stack_array_, idx, intrinsic::kArrTypeBits, make_const(UInt(8), dtype.bits()))); prep_seq_.emplace_back( TVMStructSet(stack_array_, idx, intrinsic::kArrTypeLanes, make_const(UInt(16), dtype.lanes()))); // set byte offset int data_bytes = GetVectorBytes(dtype); Expr byte_offset = op->args[5]; if (!is_zero(byte_offset)) { byte_offset = byte_offset * make_const(byte_offset.type(), data_bytes); } prep_seq_.emplace_back( TVMStructSet(stack_array_, idx, intrinsic::kArrByteOffset, cast(UInt(64), byte_offset))); CHECK(device_type_.defined()) << "Unknown device type in current IR"; CHECK(device_id_.defined()) << "Unknown device id in current IR"; prep_seq_.emplace_back( TVMStructSet(stack_array_, idx, intrinsic::kArrDeviceId, cast(Int(32), device_id_))); prep_seq_.emplace_back( TVMStructSet(stack_array_, idx, intrinsic::kArrDeviceType, cast(Int(32), device_type_))); return TVMStructGet(Handle(), stack_array_, idx, intrinsic::kArrAddr); } // call packled. Expr MakeCallPacked(const Call* op, const Expr& e) { size_t restore_shape_stack = run_shape_stack_; size_t restore_array_stack = run_array_stack_; size_t arg_stack_begin = run_arg_stack_; run_arg_stack_ += op->args.size(); // Specially handle the buffer packed intrinsic Expr expr = IRMutator::Mutate_(op, e); op = expr.as<Call>(); for (size_t i = 1; i < op->args.size(); ++i) { Expr stack_index = ConstInt32(arg_stack_begin + i - 1); Expr arg = op->args[i]; Type t = arg.type(); Type api_type = APIType(t); if (t != api_type) { arg = Cast::make(api_type, arg); } prep_seq_.emplace_back(TVMStructSet( stack_value_, static_cast<int>(arg_stack_begin + i - 1), intrinsic::kTVMValueContent, arg)); int arg_tcode = api_type.code(); if (IsArrayHandle(arg)) arg_tcode = kArrayHandle; prep_seq_.emplace_back( Store::make(stack_tcode_, ConstInt32(arg_tcode), stack_index, const_true(1))); } // UPDATE stack value max_arg_stack_ = std::max(run_arg_stack_, max_arg_stack_); max_shape_stack_ = std::max(run_shape_stack_, max_shape_stack_); max_array_stack_ = std::max(run_array_stack_, max_array_stack_); run_shape_stack_ = restore_shape_stack; run_array_stack_ = restore_array_stack; run_arg_stack_ = arg_stack_begin; Array<Expr> packed_args = { op->args[0], stack_value_, stack_tcode_, ConstInt32(arg_stack_begin), ConstInt32(arg_stack_begin + op->args.size() - 1) }; return Call::make( Int(32), intrinsic::tvm_call_packed_lowered, packed_args, Call::Intrinsic); } Expr MakeCallTracePacked(const Call *op, const Expr &e) { size_t restore_shape_stack = run_shape_stack_; size_t restore_array_stack = run_array_stack_; size_t arg_stack_begin = run_arg_stack_; run_arg_stack_ += op->args.size(); size_t args_size = op->args.size(); CHECK_GT(args_size, 0); Expr expr = IRMutator::Mutate_(op, e); op = expr.as<Call>(); for (size_t i = 1; i < op->args.size(); ++i) { Expr stack_index = ConstInt32(arg_stack_begin + i - 1); Expr arg = op->args[i]; Type t = arg.type(); Type api_type = APIType(t); if (t != api_type) { arg = Cast::make(api_type, arg); } prep_seq_.emplace_back(TVMStructSet( stack_value_, static_cast<int>(arg_stack_begin + i - 1), intrinsic::kTVMValueContent, arg)); int arg_tcode = api_type.code(); CHECK(!IsArrayHandle(arg)) << "Trace does not support Buffers"; prep_seq_.emplace_back( Store::make(stack_tcode_, ConstInt32(arg_tcode), stack_index, const_true(1))); } // UPDATE stack value max_arg_stack_ = std::max(run_arg_stack_, max_arg_stack_); max_shape_stack_ = std::max(run_shape_stack_, max_shape_stack_); max_array_stack_ = std::max(run_array_stack_, max_array_stack_); run_shape_stack_ = restore_shape_stack; run_array_stack_ = restore_array_stack; // Update the top of the stack, so we can use more than one // packed function's arguments with the one stack. run_arg_stack_ = arg_stack_begin + args_size - 1; Array<Expr> packed_args = { op->args[0], stack_value_, stack_tcode_, ConstInt32(arg_stack_begin), ConstInt32(arg_stack_begin + op->args.size() - 1), // Pass traced value. op->args[args_size - 1] }; return Call::make( op->type, intrinsic::tvm_call_trace_packed_lowered, packed_args, Call::Intrinsic); } private: bool IsArrayHandle(const Expr& arg) { // specially set array handle. if (const Call* buf = arg.as<Call>()) { if (buf->is_intrinsic(intrinsic::tvm_struct_get) && buf->args[2].as<IntImm>()->value == intrinsic::kArrAddr) { return true; } } return false; } // The prepration sequence to be emitted. std::vector<Stmt> prep_seq_; Expr device_type_; Expr device_id_; // Var handle for each stack. Var stack_shape_; Var stack_array_; Var stack_tcode_; Var stack_value_; // The running statistics uint64_t run_shape_stack_{0}; uint64_t run_array_stack_{0}; uint64_t run_arg_stack_{0}; // statistics of stacks uint64_t max_shape_stack_{0}; uint64_t max_array_stack_{0}; uint64_t max_arg_stack_{0}; }; LoweredFunc LowerTVMBuiltin(LoweredFunc f) { auto n = make_node<LoweredFuncNode>(*f.operator->()); n->body = BuiltinLower().Build(n->body); return LoweredFunc(n); } } // namespace ir } // namespace tvm