/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /*! * \file tvm/te/schedule.h * \brief Define a schedule. */ // Acknowledgement: Many schedule primitives originate from Halide and Loopy. #ifndef TVM_TE_SCHEDULE_H_ #define TVM_TE_SCHEDULE_H_ #include <tvm/tir/expr.h> #include <tvm/te/tensor.h> #include <tvm/te/tensor_intrin.h> #include <tvm/support/with.h> #include <string> #include <unordered_map> namespace tvm { namespace te { // Node container for Stage class StageNode; // Node container for Schedule class ScheduleNode; // Node container for IterVarRelation class IterVarRelationNode; // Attribute of itervar. class IterVarAttrNode; /*! \brief the attachment type */ enum AttachType : int { kGroupRoot = 1, kInline = 2, kInlinedAlready = 3, kScope = 4, kScanUpdate = 5 }; /*! \brief Stage, contains scheduling for a stage of computation. */ class Stage : public ObjectRef { public: Stage() {} explicit Stage(ObjectPtr<Object> n) : ObjectRef(n) {} /*! * \brief create a new schedule for op. * \param op The operator in the schedule */ explicit Stage(Operation op); /*! * \brief access the internal node container * \return the pointer to the internal node container */ inline const StageNode* operator->() const; /*! * \brief access the internal node container * \return the pointer to the internal node container */ inline StageNode* operator->(); /*! * \brief set the memory scope of the stage * \param scope The memory scope. */ TVM_DLL Stage& set_scope(std::string scope); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief specify the schedule to be computed at the parent schedule's scope. * \param parent The parent schedule. * \param scope The iteration point to carry the schedule. * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& compute_at(Stage parent, IterVar scope); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Compute the function inline. * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& compute_inline(); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Compute the function at group root. * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& compute_root(); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Bind the IterVar to thread index. * * \param ivar The IterVar to be bound. * \param thread_ivar The thread axis to be bound. * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& bind(IterVar ivar, IterVar thread_ivar); /*! * \brief Set the predicate to determine whether a store to the array should be performed. * Use this when there are multiple threads performing the same store and we only * need one of them to do the store. * * \note This is a dangerous scheduling primitive that can change behavior of program. * Only do when we are certain that thare are duplicated stores. * \param predicate The condition to be checked. * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& set_store_predicate(PrimExpr predicate); /*! * \brief Specify environment threads that launched around the group's scope. * This can only be used in group stage. * \param threads The threads to be launched around the scope. * \note Each thread can only appear in one env_threads. * This is a beta feature. * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& env_threads(Array<IterVar> threads); /*! * \brief Split the parent by factor, generate * \param parent The parent iteration domain. * \param factor The split factor of the loop. * \param p_outer The result outer domain * \param p_inner The result inner domain. * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& split(IterVar parent, PrimExpr factor, IterVar* p_outer, IterVar* p_inner); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Split the iteration with given number of parts. * * \param parent The parent domain. * \param nparts The number of parts in the outer domain. * \param p_outer The result outer domain. * \param p_inner The result inner domain. * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& split_by_nparts(IterVar parent, PrimExpr nparts, IterVar* p_outer, IterVar* p_inner); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Fuse the inner outer domain to the target * \param outer The outer domain to be fused. * \param inner The inner domain to be fused * \param p_target The result target domain. * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& fuse(IterVar outer, IterVar inner, IterVar* p_target); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Fuse all the axes together into a single axis. * * \param axes All the axes to be fused. * \param p_target The result target domain. * * \note axes can be an empty array, * in that case, a singleton IterVar is created and * inserted to the outermost loop. * The fuse of empty array is used to support zero-dimension tensors. * * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& fuse(const Array<IterVar>& axes, IterVar* p_target); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Reorder the iteration * \param order The order of iteration variable. * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& reorder(const Array<IterVar>& order); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Perform tiling on two dimensions * The final loop order from outmost to inner most are * [x_outer, y_outer, x_inner, y_inner] * * \param x_parent The original x dimension * \param y_parent The original y dimension * \param x_factor The stride factor on x axis * \param y_factor The stride factor on y axis * \param p_x_outer Outer axis of x dimension * \param p_y_outer Outer axis of y dimension * \param p_x_inner Inner axis of x dimension * \param p_y_inner Inner axis of y dimension * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& tile(IterVar x_parent, IterVar y_parent, // NOLINT(*) PrimExpr x_factor, PrimExpr y_factor, IterVar* p_x_outer, IterVar* p_y_outer, IterVar* p_x_inner, IterVar* p_y_inner); /*! * \brief Vectorize iteration. * \param var The axis to be vectorized. * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& vectorize(IterVar var); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Replace computation of the current stage by tensor intrinsic f. * \param var The axis marks beginning of tensorization. * Every operations inside the axis(include axis itself is tensorized). * \param f The Tensor compute intrinsics. * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& tensorize(IterVar var, TensorIntrin f); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Unroll iteration. * \param var The axis to be unrolled. * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& unroll(IterVar var); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Parallelize iteration. * \param var The axis to be parallelized. * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& parallel(IterVar var); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Annotate the iteration with pragma * * \param var The axis to be parallelized. * \param pragma_type The pragma type. * \param pragma_value The pragma value * * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& pragma(IterVar var, const std::string& pragma_type, const PrimExpr& pragma_value = PrimExpr()); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Fetch data in advance. * \param domain the tensor to be prefetched * \param var the iteration point at which to apply prefetching * \param offset the number of iterations be to fetched in advance * \return reference to self */ TVM_DLL Stage& prefetch(const Tensor &domain, IterVar var, PrimExpr offset); //NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Set alignment requirement for specific dimension. * * Such that stride[axis] == k * factor + offset for some k. * * \param axis The dimension to be specified for alignment. * \param factor The factor multiple of alignment * \param offset The required offset factor. * \return reference to self */ TVM_DLL Stage& storage_align(IterVar axis, int factor, int offset); //NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Compute current stage with double buffering. * \return reference to self. */ TVM_DLL Stage& double_buffer(); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Schedule for OpenGL fragment shader. * \return reference to self. */ Stage& opengl(); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief whether the stage has been scheduled. * \return whether the stage has been scheduled. */ bool is_scheduled() const; /*! * \brief Get attachment spec of current stage. * If the stage compute at Group root, this function * will traverse the group function to get the * final spec from the group. * \return A stage representing the attach spec of the group. */ Stage GetAttachSpec() const; // declare container type using ContainerType = StageNode; }; /*! * \brief Global schedule container * For operations and all the operations they depend on. * The schedule per Operation is named as stage. */ class Schedule : public ObjectRef { public: Schedule() {} explicit Schedule(ObjectPtr<Object> n) : ObjectRef(n) {} /*! * \brief Get a copy of current schedule. * \return The copied schedule. */ Schedule copy() const; /*! * \brief Get the stage corresponds to the op * \param op The operation. */ TVM_DLL Stage operator[](const Operation& op); /*! * \brief Short hand for getting the stage of tensor's operation. * \param tensor The tensor * \return The stage corresponding to the tensor's op */ TVM_DLL Stage operator[](const Tensor& tensor) { return this->operator[](tensor->op); } /*! * \brief Create a new stage group for all intermediate * operations between inputs and outputs. * * \param outputs The output boundary of the group. * \param inputs The input boundary of the group. * \param include_inputs Whether include inputs if they are reachable from outputs. * \return The new grouped stage. */ TVM_DLL Stage create_group(const Array<Tensor>& outputs, const Array<Tensor>& inputs, bool include_inputs = false); /*! * \brief create a cache read of original tensor for readers. * This will mutate the body of the readers. * A new stage will be created for the tensor. * \param tensor The tensor cached. * \param scope The scope of the cache. * \param readers The readers to redirect to the tensor. * \return The created tensor. */ TVM_DLL Tensor cache_read(const Tensor& tensor, const std::string& scope, const Array<Operation>& readers); /*! * \brief Create a cache write tensor for producing tensor. * The the tensor will take over body of original tensor op. * * This function can be used to do data layout transformation. * If there is a split/fuse/reorder on the data parallel axis of tensor * before cache_write is called. The intermediate cache stores * the data in the layout as the iteration order of leave axis. * The data will be transformed back to the original layout in the original tensor. * User can further call compute_inline to inline the original layout and keep * the data stored in the transformed layout. * * \param tensor The tensors to be produced. * \param scope The scope of the storage. * \return The created tensor. */ TVM_DLL Array<Tensor> cache_write(const Array<Tensor>& tensor, const std::string& scope); /*! * \brief Create a cache write tensor for producing tensor. * The the tensor will take over body of original tensor op. * * This function can be used to do data layout transformation. * If there is a split/fuse/reorder on the data parallel axis of tensor * before cache_write is called. The intermediate cache stores * the data in the layout as the iteration order of leave axis. * The data will be transformed back to the original layout in the original tensor. * User can further call compute_inline to inline the original layout and keep * the data stored in the transformed layout. * * \param tensor The tensor to be produced. * \param scope The scope of the storage. * \return The created tensor. */ TVM_DLL Tensor cache_write(const Tensor& tensor, const std::string& scope); /*! * \brief Factor a reduction axis in tensor's schedule to be an explicit axis. * This will create a new stage that generated the new tensor with axis * as the first dimension. The tensor's body will be rewritten as a reduction * over the factored tensor. * * P. Suriana, A. Adams and S. Kamil. Parallel associative reductions in halide. CGO'17 * * \param tensor The tensor to be factored. * \param axis The reduction axis in tensor's schedule to be factored. * \param factor_axis The position where the new axis is placed. * \return The created factored tensors. */ TVM_DLL Array<Tensor> rfactor(const Tensor& tensor, const IterVar& axis, int factor_axis = 0); /*! * \brief Normalize the schedule. * This is needed before bound inference. * Insert necessary RebaseNode to make sure all leaf_iter_vars * are in form [0, extent) * * \return A normalized schedule, can be same as current one. */ Schedule normalize(); /*! * \brief access the internal node container * \return the pointer to the internal node container */ inline const ScheduleNode* operator->() const; /*! * \brief access the internal node container * \return the pointer to the internal node container */ inline ScheduleNode* operator->(); // declare container type using ContainerType = ScheduleNode; }; /*! * \brief The schedule relation between IterVars * can be Split, Fuse. */ class IterVarRelation : public ObjectRef { public: IterVarRelation() {} explicit IterVarRelation(ObjectPtr<Object> n) : ObjectRef(n) {} /*! * \brief access the internal node container * \return the pointer to the internal node container */ inline const IterVarRelationNode* operator->() const; }; /*! * \brief Additional scheduable attributes about IterVar. */ class IterVarAttr : public ObjectRef { public: IterVarAttr() {} explicit IterVarAttr(ObjectPtr<Object> n) : ObjectRef(n) {} /*! * \brief access the internal node container * \return the pointer to the internal node container */ inline const IterVarAttrNode* operator->() const; }; /*! * \brief represents a stage. * * relations form a Directed acylic hypergraph in bipartite manner. * With each node is represented by a IterVar, * and each hyper-edge is represented by a IterVarRelation. * The relations connects the IterVars in the graph. * * Besides typical stage that corresponds to operations. * There is also group stage, which groups stages together. * Each stage's group(given by group) represent an constraint, * the stage can only be attached to stages within the group. * * The group stage node can be attached to IterVars as in normal stage. */ class StageNode : public Object { public: /*! * \brief The operation of stage, can be different from original op. * If it is null, then this stage is a group stage. */ Operation op; /*! * \brief The original operator. * The op field can change during schedule to alternate the dataflow, * while origin_op remains fixed. */ Operation origin_op; /*! \brief All the nodes in the iter var */ Array<IterVar> all_iter_vars; /*! \brief The current active leaf iter vars in the stage. */ Array<IterVar> leaf_iter_vars; /*! * \brief Specify threads to be launched at the stage. * This is only valid for composite ops such as Scan. * \note Experimental primitive: used for thread persistence. */ Array<IterVar> env_threads; /*! * \brief The predicate under which store can happen * Use this when there can be duplicated threads doing the same store. * \note Experimental primitive: used by cross thread-reduction. */ PrimExpr store_predicate; /*! \brief The relation bwteen of IterVars */ Array<IterVarRelation> relations; /*! \brief additional attributes about iter var. */ Map<IterVar, IterVarAttr> iter_var_attrs; /*! \brief The attachment type of the schedule */ AttachType attach_type{kGroupRoot}; /*! \brief The attach point of this schedule. */ IterVar attach_ivar; /*! \brief The stage this node attaches to */ Stage attach_stage; /*! \brief The thread storage scope level of the stage */ std::string scope; /*! \brief Whether this is an output stage */ bool is_output{false}; /*! \brief Whether this is an OpenGL stage */ bool is_opengl{false}; /*! \brief Whether apply double buffer optimization to this stage */ bool double_buffer{false}; /*! * \brief The parent group of the current stage. * The stage cannot be assigned to stages outside the group. */ Stage group; /*! \brief Number of direct child stages, only used for group stage.*/ int num_child_stages{0}; void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) { v->Visit("op", &op); v->Visit("origin_op", &origin_op); v->Visit("all_iter_vars", &all_iter_vars); v->Visit("leaf_iter_vars", &leaf_iter_vars); v->Visit("env_threads", &env_threads); v->Visit("relations", &relations); v->Visit("iter_var_attrs", &iter_var_attrs); v->Visit("attach_type", &attach_type); v->Visit("attach_ivar", &attach_ivar); v->Visit("attach_stage", &attach_stage); v->Visit("scope", &scope); v->Visit("is_output", &is_output); v->Visit("is_opengl", &is_opengl); v->Visit("double_buffer", &double_buffer); v->Visit("group", &group); v->Visit("num_child_stages", &num_child_stages); } static constexpr const char* _type_key = "Stage"; TVM_DECLARE_FINAL_OBJECT_INFO(StageNode, Object); }; /*! \brief node container for schedule */ class ScheduleNode : public Object { public: /*! \brief The output operations in original data flow graph */ Array<Operation> outputs; /*! * \brief list of all stages for ops. * The stages are sorted in dependency order. */ Array<Stage> stages; /*! * \brief List of all stage groups. */ Array<Stage> groups; /*! \brief map of original operation to the stages */ Map<Operation, Stage> stage_map; /*! * \brief Internal stage map to map internal ops to stages. * This is created on demand and can be invalidated. */ std::unordered_map<const Object*, Stage> op2stage_cache_; void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) { v->Visit("outputs", &outputs); v->Visit("stages", &stages); v->Visit("groups", &groups); v->Visit("stage_map", &stage_map); } /*! \brief Initialize temp cache. */ void InitCache(); /*! \brief Invalidate temp cache. */ void InvalidateCache(); /*! * \brief Check if the schedule contains an Operation. * \param op The candidate Operation. * \return true if the schedule has the Operation. Otherwise, false. */ TVM_DLL bool Contain(const Operation& op) const; /*! * \brief Check if the schedule contains a Tensor. * \param tensor The candidate tensor. * \return true if the schedule has the tensor. Otherwise, false. */ TVM_DLL bool Contain(const Tensor& tensor) const { return Contain(tensor->op); } /*! * \brief Create a schedule for array of ops(and their dependencies). * \param ops The ops to be scheduled. * \return sch The created Schedule. */ TVM_DLL static Schedule make(Array<Operation> ops); static constexpr const char* _type_key = "Schedule"; TVM_DECLARE_FINAL_OBJECT_INFO(ScheduleNode, Object); }; /*! * \brief Create a schedule for array of ops(and their dependencies). * \param ops The ops to be scheduled. * \return sch The created Schedule. */ inline Schedule create_schedule(Array<Operation> ops) { return ScheduleNode::make(ops); } /*! \brief node container for IterVar attr */ class IterVarAttrNode : public Object { public: /*! \brief The iteration type. */ IterVarType iter_type{kDataPar}; /*! \brief The thread this iter Var binds, can be null */ IterVar bind_thread; /*! \brief List of tensor to be prefetched in this loop */ Array<Tensor> prefetch_data; /*! \brief The offset used in each prefetch */ Array<PrimExpr> prefetch_offset; /*! * \brief Tensor intrinsic used in tensorization, * when the axis is marked as Tensorized */ TensorIntrin tensor_intrin; /*! \brief Alignment factor of buffer dimension */ int dim_align_factor{0}; /*! \brief Alignment offset of buffer dimension */ int dim_align_offset{0}; /*! * \brief Additional pragma keys, array of StringImm */ Array<PrimExpr> pragma_keys; /*! * \brief Additional values of pragma, if any */ Array<PrimExpr> pragma_values; void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) { v->Visit("iter_type", &iter_type); v->Visit("bind_thread", &bind_thread); v->Visit("prefetch_data", &prefetch_data); v->Visit("prefetch_offset", &prefetch_offset); v->Visit("tensor_intrin", &tensor_intrin); v->Visit("dim_align_factor", &dim_align_factor); v->Visit("dim_align_offset", &dim_align_offset); v->Visit("pragma_keys", &pragma_keys); v->Visit("pragma_values", &pragma_values); } static constexpr const char* _type_key = "IterVarAttr"; TVM_DECLARE_FINAL_OBJECT_INFO(IterVarAttrNode, Object); }; /*! \brief base node of iteration var */ class IterVarRelationNode : public Object { public: static constexpr const char* _type_key = "IterVarRelation"; TVM_DECLARE_BASE_OBJECT_INFO(IterVarRelationNode, Object); }; /*! * \brief Split the parent domain into product of * outer and iter. */ class SplitNode : public IterVarRelationNode { public: /*! \brief The parent domain */ IterVar parent; /*! \brief The outer domain */ IterVar outer; /*! \brief The inner domain */ IterVar inner; /*! \brief The split factor */ PrimExpr factor; /*! \brief Number of parts, only factor or nparts can be given */ PrimExpr nparts; void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) { v->Visit("parent", &parent); v->Visit("outer", &outer); v->Visit("inner", &inner); v->Visit("factor", &factor); v->Visit("nparts", &nparts); } static IterVarRelation make(IterVar parent, IterVar outer, IterVar inner, PrimExpr factor, PrimExpr nparts); static constexpr const char* _type_key = "Split"; TVM_DECLARE_FINAL_OBJECT_INFO(SplitNode, IterVarRelationNode); }; /*! * \brief Fuse two domains into one domain. */ class FuseNode : public IterVarRelationNode { public: /*! \brief The outer domain */ IterVar outer; /*! \brief The inner domain */ IterVar inner; /*! \brief The target domain */ IterVar fused; void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) { v->Visit("outer", &outer); v->Visit("inner", &inner); v->Visit("fused", &fused); } static IterVarRelation make( IterVar outer, IterVar inner, IterVar fused); static constexpr const char* _type_key = "Fuse"; TVM_DECLARE_FINAL_OBJECT_INFO(FuseNode, IterVarRelationNode); }; /*! * \brief Rebase the iteration to make min to be 0. * This is useful to normalize the Schedule * to make every leaf variable's min to be 0. */ class RebaseNode : public IterVarRelationNode { public: /*! \brief The parent domain */ IterVar parent; /*! \brief The inner domain */ IterVar rebased; void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) { v->Visit("parent", &parent); v->Visit("rebased", &rebased); } static IterVarRelation make(IterVar parent, IterVar rebased); static constexpr const char* _type_key = "Rebase"; TVM_DECLARE_FINAL_OBJECT_INFO(RebaseNode, IterVarRelationNode); }; /*! * \brief Singleton iterator [0, 1) */ class SingletonNode : public IterVarRelationNode { public: /*! \brief The singleton iterator */ IterVar iter; void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) { v->Visit("iter", &iter); } static IterVarRelation make(IterVar iter); static constexpr const char* _type_key = "Singleton"; TVM_DECLARE_FINAL_OBJECT_INFO(SingletonNode, IterVarRelationNode); }; /*! \brief Container for specialization conditions. */ class SpecializedConditionNode : public Object { public: /*! * \brief List of conditions in conjunctive joint form (CNF). * Each condition should be a simple expression, e.g., n > 16, m % 8 == 0, etc., * where n, m are tvm::Var that represents a dimension in the tensor shape. */ Array<PrimExpr> clauses; void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) { v->Visit("clauses", &clauses); } static constexpr const char* _type_key = "SpecializedCondition"; TVM_DECLARE_FINAL_OBJECT_INFO(SpecializedConditionNode, Object); }; /*! * \brief Specialized condition to enable op specialization */ class SpecializedCondition : public ObjectRef { public: /*! * \brief construct from conditions * \param conditions The clauses in the specialized condition. */ TVM_DLL SpecializedCondition(Array<PrimExpr> conditions); // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief Get the current specialized condition. * \return the current specialized condition. */ TVM_DLL static SpecializedCondition Current(); TVM_DEFINE_OBJECT_REF_METHODS(SpecializedCondition, ObjectRef, SpecializedConditionNode); class Internal; private: // enable with syntax. friend class Internal; friend class With<SpecializedCondition>; /*! \brief Push a new specialized condition onto the thread local stack. */ TVM_DLL void EnterWithScope(); /*! \brief Pop a specialized condition off the thread local context stack. */ TVM_DLL void ExitWithScope(); }; // implementations inline const StageNode* Stage::operator->() const { return static_cast<const StageNode*>(get()); } inline StageNode* Stage::operator->() { return static_cast<StageNode*>(get_mutable()); } inline const ScheduleNode* Schedule::operator->() const { return static_cast<const ScheduleNode*>(get()); } inline ScheduleNode* Schedule::operator->() { return static_cast<ScheduleNode*>(get_mutable()); } inline const IterVarRelationNode* IterVarRelation::operator->() const { return static_cast<const IterVarRelationNode*>(get()); } inline const IterVarAttrNode* IterVarAttr::operator->() const { return static_cast<const IterVarAttrNode*>(get()); } } // namespace te } // namespace tvm #endif // TVM_TE_SCHEDULE_H_