/*! * Copyright (c) 2017 by Contributors * \file inject_virtual_thread.cc */ #include <tvm/ir.h> #include <tvm/ir_visitor.h> #include <tvm/ir_mutator.h> #include <tvm/ir_pass.h> #include <unordered_set> #include "../arithmetic/compute_expr.h" namespace tvm { namespace ir { // If expression is touched by var. class ExprTouched final : public IRVisitor { public: explicit ExprTouched(const std::unordered_set<const Variable*> &touched) : touched_var_(touched) {} void Visit(const NodeRef& n) final { // early stopping if (expr_touched_) return; IRVisitor::Visit(n); } void Visit_(const Load *op) final { HandleUseVar(op->buffer_var.get()); IRVisitor::Visit_(op); } void Visit_(const Variable *op) final { HandleUseVar(op); } void HandleUseVar(const Variable* var) { auto it = touched_var_.find(var); if (it != touched_var_.end()) { expr_touched_ = true; } // rember the used vars // in case the var get touched later in a loop. if (!expr_touched_) { used_vars_.push_back(var); } } // the fields. bool expr_touched_{false}; std::vector<const Variable*> used_vars_; const std::unordered_set<const Variable*>& touched_var_; }; // Analyze if the buffers are invariant to value of var class VarTouchedAnalysis : public IRVisitor { public: void Visit_(const LetStmt *op) { ExprTouched tc(touched_var_); tc.Visit(op->value); Record(op->var.get(), tc); this->Visit(op->body); } void Visit_(const Store *op) { ExprTouched tc(touched_var_); tc.Visit(op->value); tc.Visit(op->index); Record(op->buffer_var.get(), tc); } void Visit_(const For *op) { ExprTouched tc(touched_var_); tc.Visit(op->min); tc.Visit(op->extent); Record(op->loop_var.get(), tc); this->Visit(op->body); } void Visit_(const Allocate *op) { ExprTouched tc(touched_var_); for (size_t i = 0; i < op->extents.size(); ++i) { tc.Visit(op->extents[i]); } tc.Visit(op->condition); if (op->new_expr.defined()) { tc.Visit(op->new_expr); } Record(op->buffer_var.get(), tc); this->Visit(op->body); } void Record(const Variable* var, const ExprTouched& tc) { if (touched_var_.count(var)) return; if (tc.expr_touched_) { touched_var_.insert(var); } else { for (const Variable* r : tc.used_vars_) { affect_[r].push_back(var); } } } std::unordered_set<const Variable*> TouchedVar(const Stmt& stmt, const Variable* var) { touched_var_.insert(var); this->Visit(stmt); // do a DFS to push affect around dependency. std::vector<const Variable*> pending( touched_var_.begin(), touched_var_.end()); while (!pending.empty()) { const Variable* v = pending.back(); pending.pop_back(); for (const Variable* r : affect_[v]) { if (!touched_var_.count(r)) { touched_var_.insert(r); pending.push_back(r); } } } return std::move(touched_var_); } private: // Whether variable is touched by the thread variable. std::unordered_set<const Variable*> touched_var_; // x -> all the buffers x read from std::unordered_map<const Variable*, std::vector<const Variable*> > affect_; }; // Inject virtual thread loop // rewrite the buffer access pattern when necessary. class VTInjector : public IRMutator { public: using IRMutator::Mutate; // constructor VTInjector(Var var, int num_threads, std::unordered_set<const Variable*> touched_var) : var_(var), num_threads_(num_threads), touched_var_(touched_var) { } // Inject VTLoop when needed. Stmt Mutate(Stmt stmt) final { CHECK(!visit_touched_var_) << stmt->type_key() << stmt; stmt = IRMutator::Mutate(stmt); if (visit_touched_var_) { if (!vt_loop_injected_) return InjectVTLoop(stmt, false); visit_touched_var_ = false; } return stmt; } // Variable Expr Mutate_(const Variable *op, const Expr& e) final { if (touched_var_.count(op)) { visit_touched_var_ = true; } return e; } Expr RewriteIndex(Expr index, Expr alloc_extent) const { return index + var_ * alloc_extent; } // Load Expr Mutate_(const Load* op, const Expr& e) final { Expr expr = IRMutator::Mutate_(op, e); op = expr.as<Load>(); if (touched_var_.count(op->buffer_var.get())) { visit_touched_var_ = true; } auto it = touched_alloc_.find(op->buffer_var.get()); if (it != touched_alloc_.end()) { return Load::make(op->type, op->buffer_var, RewriteIndex(op->index, it->second), op->predicate); } else { return expr; } } // Store Stmt Mutate_(const Store* op, const Stmt& s) final { Stmt stmt = IRMutator::Mutate_(op, s); op = stmt.as<Store>(); if (touched_var_.count(op->buffer_var.get())) { visit_touched_var_ = true; } auto it = touched_alloc_.find(op->buffer_var.get()); if (it != touched_alloc_.end()) { return Store::make(op->buffer_var, op->value, RewriteIndex(op->index, it->second), op->predicate); } else { return stmt; } } // Attribute Stmt Mutate_(const AttrStmt* op, const Stmt& s) final { Expr value = Mutate(op->value); if (visit_touched_var_) { return InjectVTLoop(s, true); } else { Stmt body = Mutate(op->body); if (value.same_as(op->value) && body.same_as(op->body)) { return s; } else { return AttrStmt::make(op->node, op->attr_key, value, body); } } } // LetStmt Stmt Mutate_(const LetStmt* op, const Stmt& s) final { Expr value = this->Mutate(op->value); if (visit_touched_var_ && !vt_loop_injected_) { return InjectVTLoop(s, true); } visit_touched_var_ = false; Stmt body = Mutate(op->body); if (value.same_as(op->value) && body.same_as(op->body)) { return s; } else { return LetStmt::make(op->var, value, body); } } // For Stmt Mutate_(const For* op, const Stmt& s) final { CHECK(is_zero(op->min)); Expr extent = Mutate(op->extent); if (visit_touched_var_ && !vt_loop_injected_) { Stmt stmt = InjectVTLoop(s, true); ++max_loop_depth_; return stmt; } visit_touched_var_ = false; Stmt body = Mutate(op->body); ++max_loop_depth_; if (extent.same_as(op->extent) && body.same_as(op->body)) { return s; } else { return For::make( op->loop_var, op->min, extent, op->for_type, op->device_api, body); } } // IfThenElse Stmt Mutate_(const IfThenElse* op, const Stmt& s) final { Expr condition = this->Mutate(op->condition); if (visit_touched_var_ && !vt_loop_injected_) { return InjectVTLoop(s, true); } visit_touched_var_ = false; CHECK_EQ(max_loop_depth_, 0); Stmt then_case = this->Mutate(op->then_case); Stmt else_case; if (else_case.defined()) { int temp = max_loop_depth_; max_loop_depth_ = 0; else_case = this->Mutate(op->else_case); max_loop_depth_ = std::max(temp, max_loop_depth_); } if (condition.same_as(op->condition) && then_case.same_as(op->then_case) && else_case.same_as(op->else_case)) { return s; } else { return IfThenElse::make(condition, then_case, else_case); } } // Block Stmt Mutate_(const Block* op, const Stmt& s) final { CHECK_EQ(max_loop_depth_, 0); Stmt first = this->Mutate(op->first); int temp = max_loop_depth_; max_loop_depth_ = 0; Stmt rest = this->Mutate(op->rest); max_loop_depth_ = std::max(max_loop_depth_, temp); if (first.same_as(op->first) && rest.same_as(op->rest)) { return s; } else { return Block::make(first, rest); } } // Allocate Stmt Mutate_(const Allocate* op, const Stmt& s) final { if (op->new_expr.defined() && !vt_loop_injected_) { return InjectVTLoop(s, true); } Expr condition = Mutate(op->condition); if (visit_touched_var_ && !vt_loop_injected_) { return InjectVTLoop(s, true); } bool changed = false; Array<Expr> extents; for (size_t i = 0; i < op->extents.size(); i++) { Expr new_ext = Mutate(op->extents[i]); if (visit_touched_var_ && !vt_loop_injected_) { return InjectVTLoop(s, true); } if (!new_ext.same_as(op->extents[i])) changed = true; extents.push_back(new_ext); } visit_touched_var_ = false; Stmt body; if (touched_var_.count(op->buffer_var.get())) { // place v on highest dimension. Expr stride = extents[0]; for (size_t i = 1; i < extents.size(); ++i) { stride = arith::ComputeExpr<Mul>(stride, extents[i]); } if (op->type.lanes() != 0) { stride = stride * op->type.lanes(); } Array<Expr> other; other.push_back(num_threads_); for (Expr e : extents) { other.push_back(e); } extents = other; changed = true; // mark this buffer get touched. touched_alloc_[op->buffer_var.get()] = stride; // Mutate the body. body = Mutate(op->body); } else { // Mutate the body. body = Mutate(op->body); } if (!changed && body.same_as(op->body) && condition.same_as(op->condition)) { return s; } else { return Allocate::make( op->buffer_var, op->type, extents, condition, body, op->new_expr, op->free_function); } } // inject vthread loop Stmt InjectVTLoop(Stmt stmt, bool before_mutation) { CHECK(!vt_loop_injected_); // reset the flags visit_touched_var_ = false; vt_loop_injected_ = true; if (before_mutation) { stmt = this->Mutate(stmt); } // reset the flags after processing. vt_loop_injected_ = false; visit_touched_var_ = false; if (max_loop_depth_ == 0) { // do unrolling if it is inside innermost content. Stmt blk = Substitute(stmt, {{var_, make_zero(var_.type())}}); for (int i = 1; i < num_threads_; ++i) { blk = Block::make( blk, Substitute(stmt, {{var_, make_const(var_.type(), i)}})); } return blk; } else { // insert a for loop Var idx(var_->name_hint + ".s", var_->type); stmt = Substitute(stmt, {{var_, idx}}); return For::make(idx, 0, num_threads_, ForType::Serial, DeviceAPI::None, stmt); } } private: // vthread variable Var var_; // the threads/lanes int num_threads_; // whethe the loop is already injected. bool vt_loop_injected_{false}; // whether current expression get touched. bool visit_touched_var_{false}; // the counter of loops in after mutation. int max_loop_depth_{0}; // The variables that get touched. std::unordered_set<const Variable*> touched_var_; // The allocations that get touched -> extent std::unordered_map<const Variable*, Expr> touched_alloc_; }; class VirtualThreadInjector : public IRMutator { public: Stmt Mutate_(const AttrStmt* op, const Stmt& s) final { Stmt stmt = IRMutator::Mutate_(op, s); op = stmt.as<AttrStmt>(); if (op->attr_key == attr::virtual_thread) { IterVar iv(op->node.node_); int nthread = static_cast<int>(op->value.as<IntImm>()->value); VarTouchedAnalysis vs; auto touched = vs.TouchedVar(op->body, iv->var.get()); VTInjector injecter(iv->var, nthread, touched); return injecter.Mutate(op->body); } else { return stmt; } } Stmt Mutate_(const Provide* op, const Stmt& s) final { LOG(FATAL) << "Need to call StorageFlatten first"; return s; } }; Stmt InjectVirtualThread(Stmt stmt) { stmt = VirtualThreadInjector().Mutate(stmt); return ConvertSSA(stmt); } } // namespace ir } // namespace tvm