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#pylint: disable=invalid-name, unused-argument
"""Backend compiler related feature registration"""
from __future__ import absolute_import

from topi.nn.util import get_pad_tuple
from topi.util import get_const_tuple

from ..expr import Tuple, TupleGetItem, const
from . import nn as _nn
from .op import register_gradient
from .reduce import sum as _sum
from .tensor import (
from .transform import (

def log_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns [grad * (1 / x)]"""
    x = orig.args[0]
    return [grad * ones_like(x) / x]

def cos_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns [grad * (-sin(x))]"""
    x = orig.args[0]
    ones = ones_like(x)
    return [grad * (-ones * sin(x))]

def sin_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns [grad * cos(x)]"""
    x = orig.args[0]
    return [grad * cos(x)]

def atan_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns [grad * 1 / (1 + x ^ 2)]"""
    x = orig.args[0]
    a = const(2.0)
    return [grad * ones_like(x) / (ones_like(x) + power(x, a))]

def exp_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns [grad * exp(x)]"""
    return [grad * exp(orig.args[0])]

def sqrt_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns [grad * 0.5 * (x ^ -0.5)]"""
    a = const(0.5)  # (TODO) type?
    return [grad * a * power(orig.args[0], negative(a))]

def sigmoid_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns [grad * sigmoid(x) * (1 - sigmoid(x))]."""
    return [grad * orig * (ones_like(orig) - orig)]

def tanh_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns grad * (1 - tanh(x) * tanh(x))."""
    return [grad * ones_like(orig) - orig * orig]

def relu_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns grad * (select(x < 0, 0, 1))."""
    x = orig.args[0]
    zeros = zeros_like(x)
    ones = ones_like(x)
    return [where(less(x, zeros), zeros, ones * grad)]

def add_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns [grad, grad]"""
    return [collapse_sum_like(grad, orig.args[0]),
            collapse_sum_like(grad, orig.args[1])]

def subtract_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns [grad, -grad]"""
    return [collapse_sum_like(grad, orig.args[0]),
            collapse_sum_like(negative(grad), orig.args[1])]

def multiply_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns [grad * y, grad * x]"""
    x, y = orig.args
    return [collapse_sum_like(grad * y, x),
            collapse_sum_like(grad * x, y)]

def divide_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns [grad / y,  - grad * (x / y) / y]"""
    x, y = orig.args
    return [collapse_sum_like(grad / y, x),
            collapse_sum_like(- (grad * orig / y), y)]

def zeros_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns []"""
    return []

def ones_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns []"""
    return []

def zeros_like_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns [0]"""
    return [orig]

def ones_like_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns [0]"""
    return [zeros_like(orig.args[0])]

def collapse_sum_like_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns [broadcast_to_like(grad, x), 0]"""
    x, y = orig.args
    return [broadcast_to_like(grad, x), zeros_like(y)]

def abs_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns grad * (select(x < 0, -1, 1))."""
    x = orig.args[0]
    zeros = zeros_like(x)
    ones = ones_like(x)
    return [where(less(x, zeros), -ones * grad, ones * grad)]

def clip_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns grad * (select(x < min || max < x , 0, 1))."""
    x = orig.args[0]
    a_min = orig.attrs.get_int("a_min")
    a_max = orig.attrs.get_int("a_max")
    a_mins = broadcast_to_like(const(a_min), x)
    a_maxs = broadcast_to_like(const(a_max), x)
    zeros = zeros_like(x)
    ones = ones_like(x)
    return [where(less(x, a_mins), zeros, where(less(a_maxs, x), zeros, ones * grad))]

def max_pool2d_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns the gradient of max_pool2d."""
    attrs = orig.attrs
    pool_grad = _nn.max_pool2d_grad(grad, orig.args[0], pool_size=attrs.pool_size,
                                    strides=attrs.strides, padding=attrs.padding,
                                    layout=attrs.layout, ceil_mode=attrs.ceil_mode)
    return [pool_grad]

def avg_pool2d_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns the gradient of avg_pool2d."""
    attrs = orig.attrs
    pool_grad = _nn.avg_pool2d_grad(grad, orig.args[0], pool_size=attrs.pool_size,
                                    strides=attrs.strides, padding=attrs.padding,
                                    layout=attrs.layout, ceil_mode=attrs.ceil_mode,
    return [pool_grad]

def global_avg_pool2d_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns the gradient of global_avg_pool2d."""
    data = orig.args[0]
    shape = data.checked_type.shape
    layout = orig.attrs.layout

    # we assume NCHW or NHWC layout for now, but easy to add more
    assert layout in ["NCHW", "NHWC"]
    if layout == "NCHW":
        pool_size = shape[2], shape[3]
    elif layout == "NHWC":
        pool_size = shape[1], shape[2]

    pool_grad = _nn.avg_pool2d_grad(grad, data, pool_size=pool_size,
                                    strides=(1, 1), padding=(0, 0),
    return [pool_grad]

# not implemented, this is only for testing.
def concatenate_grad(orig, grad):
    assert len(orig.args) == 1
    t = orig.args[0]
    x = TupleGetItem(t, 0)
    y = TupleGetItem(t, 1)
    # Assume only two element in tuple rn.
    # In the real implementation, concatenate_grad probably need to be implemented by an operator.
    return [Tuple([zeros_like(x), zeros_like(y)])]

def conv2d_grad(orig, grad):
    """Gradient of conv2d"""
    attrs = orig.attrs
    data, weight = orig.args
    data_shape = get_const_tuple(data.checked_type.shape)
    weight_shape = get_const_tuple(weight.checked_type.shape)
    _, _, grad_h, grad_w = get_const_tuple(orig.checked_type.shape)
    batch, in_channel, in_h, in_w = data_shape
    out_channel, _, filter_h, filter_w = weight_shape

    # infer output_padding
    fpad_top, fpad_left, fpad_bottom, fpad_right = get_pad_tuple(get_const_tuple(attrs.padding),
                                                                 (filter_h, filter_w))
    stride_h, stride_w = get_const_tuple(attrs.strides)
    dilation_h, dilation_w = get_const_tuple(attrs.dilation)
    out_h = (grad_h - 1) * stride_h - fpad_top - fpad_bottom + filter_h
    out_w = (grad_w - 1) * stride_w - fpad_left - fpad_right + filter_w
    output_padding = (in_h - out_h, in_w - out_w)

    assert attrs.data_layout == 'NCHW', 'only support NCHW data layout'
    assert attrs.kernel_layout == 'OIHW', 'only support OIHW kernel layout'
    assert attrs.out_layout in ['', 'NCHW'], 'only support NCHW output layout'

    backward_data = _nn.conv2d_transpose(grad, weight,
    grad = tile(grad, [1, in_channel // attrs.groups, 1, 1])
    grad = reshape(grad, [-1, 1, 0, 0])  # batch * oc * ic // groups, 1, oh, ow
    data = reshape(data, [1, -1, 0, 0])  # 1, batch * ic, ih, iw

    backward_weight = _nn.conv2d(data, grad,
                                 groups=in_channel * batch)
    # infer shape of backward_weight
    padded_weight_grad_h = (in_h - (grad_h - 1) * stride_h - 1 + fpad_top + fpad_bottom) \
                           // dilation_h + 1
    padded_weight_grad_w = (in_w - (grad_w - 1) * stride_w - 1 + fpad_left + fpad_right) \
                           // dilation_w + 1
    backward_weight = reshape(backward_weight,
                              [batch, in_channel // attrs.groups, out_channel,
                               padded_weight_grad_h, padded_weight_grad_w])
    backward_weight = _sum(backward_weight, axis=0)
    backward_weight = transpose(backward_weight, [1, 0, 2, 3])

    assert padded_weight_grad_h >= filter_h
    assert padded_weight_grad_w >= filter_w
    if padded_weight_grad_h > filter_h or padded_weight_grad_w > filter_w:
        backward_weight = strided_slice(backward_weight, begin=[0, 0, 0, 0],
                                        end=[None, None, filter_h, filter_w])

    return [backward_data, backward_weight]

def _get_reduce_axis(call):
    """Helper function that returns the reduce axis of the call as plain python ints."""
    x, axis = call.args[0], call.attrs.axis
    shape = x.checked_type.concrete_shape

    # should never exclude when axis is None
    assert not (axis is None and call.attrs.exclude)

    if axis is None:
        return None

    # convert to nonnegative integers and sort
    axis = sorted([ax if ax >= 0 else len(shape) + ax for ax in map(int, axis)])
    if call.attrs.exclude:
        axis = [ax for ax in range(len(shape)) if ax not in axis]
    return axis

def _unreduce_expand(x, axis):
    """Helper function that returns x expanded on the reduced dimensions in axis."""
    # assume axis is sorted nonnegative ints
    for ax in axis:
        x = expand_dims(x, ax)
    return x

def max_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns the gradient of max"""
    x, axis = orig.args[0], _get_reduce_axis(orig)
    shape = x.checked_type.concrete_shape

    repeated = orig
    if axis is None:
        repeated = full_like(x, repeated)
        # expand dims (if necessary) and repeat along each axis
        if not orig.attrs.keepdims:
            repeated = _unreduce_expand(repeated, axis)
            grad = _unreduce_expand(grad, axis)
        for ax in axis:
            repeated = repeat(repeated, shape[ax], ax)

    indicators = cast_like(equal(repeated, x), grad)
    num_selected = _sum(indicators, axis, keepdims=True)
    # spread error across all max weights
    return [indicators * grad / num_selected]

def softmax_grad(orig, grad):
    """Gradient of softmax"""
    return [(grad - _sum(grad * orig, orig.attrs.axis, True)) * orig]

def log_softmax_grad(orig, grad):
    """Gradient of log_softmax"""
    x = orig.args[0]
    sm = _nn.softmax(x, axis=orig.attrs.axis)
    grad = grad / sm
    return softmax_grad(sm, grad)

def bias_add_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns gradient of bias_add"""
    data = orig.args[0]
    return [collapse_sum_like(grad, data),
            _sum(grad, orig.attrs.axis, keepdims=False, exclude=True)]

def dense_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns [grad' @ weight, data @ grad']"""
    data, weight = orig.args
    return [collapse_sum_like(transpose(grad) * weight, data),
            collapse_sum_like(data * transpose(grad), weight)]

def reshape_grad(orig, grad):
    """Gradient of reshape"""
    return [reshape_like(grad, orig.args[0])]

def cast_grad(orig, grad):
    x = orig.args[0]
    return [cast_like(grad, x)]

def batch_flatten_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns grad reshaped to data dims"""
    data = orig.args[0]
    return [reshape_like(grad, data)]

def transpose_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns grad transposed over the complement of original transpose axes"""
    orig_axes = orig.attrs.axes
    if orig_axes:
        dims = len(orig_axes)
        new_axes = [0] * dims
        for i in range(dims):
            new_axes[int(orig_axes[i])] = i
        new_axes = None
    return [transpose(grad, axes=new_axes)]

def negative_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns -grad"""
    return [-grad]

def sum_grad(orig, grad):
    """Returns grad broadcasted to data dims"""
    data, axis = orig.args[0], _get_reduce_axis(orig)
    if not orig.attrs.keepdims:
        if axis is None:
            axis = list(range(len(data.checked_type.concrete_shape)))
        grad = _unreduce_expand(grad, axis)
    return [broadcast_to_like(grad, data)]

def cross_entropy_grad(orig, grad):
    x, y = orig.args
    shape = shape_of(x)
    batch_size = take(shape, const(0, dtype='int32'), axis=0)
    grad = grad / batch_size.astype('float32')
    return [-grad * y / x, -grad * log(x)]

def cross_entropy_with_logits_grad(orig, grad):
    x, y = orig.args
    shape = shape_of(x)
    batch_size = take(shape, const(0, dtype='int32'), axis=0)
    grad = grad / batch_size.astype('float32')
    return [-grad * y, -grad * x]