import tvm def test_storage_sync(): m = tvm.var('m') l = tvm.var('l') A = tvm.placeholder((m, l), name='A') A1 = tvm.compute((m, l), lambda i, j: A[i, j], name='A1') A2 = tvm.compute((m, l), lambda i, j: A1[i, j] + 3, name='A2') s = tvm.create_schedule(A2.op) xo, xi = s[A2].split(A2.op.axis[0], factor=8) s[A2].bind(xo, tvm.thread_axis("blockIdx.x")) s[A1].compute_at(s[A2], xo) s[A1].set_scope("shared") bounds = tvm.schedule.InferBound(s) assert isinstance(bounds, tvm.container.Map) stmt = tvm.schedule.ScheduleOps(s, bounds) Ab = tvm.decl_buffer(A.shape, A.dtype, name='A') A2b = tvm.decl_buffer(A2.shape, A2.dtype, name='A2') stmt = tvm.ir_pass.StorageFlatten(stmt, {A: Ab, A2: A2b}, 64) f = tvm.ir_pass.MakeAPI(stmt, "test", [Ab, A2b], 0, True) flist = tvm.ir_pass.SplitHostDevice(f) f = flist[1] f = tvm.ir_pass.ThreadSync(f, "shared") body_list = tvm.make.stmt_list(f.body.body.body.body) assert(body_list[1] == "tvm_storage_sync") def test_coproc_sync(): @tvm.register_func("") def meminfo_cache(): return tvm.make.node( "MemoryInfo", unit_bits=8, max_simd_bits=32, max_num_bits=128, head_address=tvm.call_extern("handle", "global_cache")) ib = tvm.ir_builder.create() n = tvm.var("n") cp = tvm.thread_axis((0, 1), "cop") A = ib.allocate("float32", 128, name="A", scope="global.cache") with ib.for_range(0, n, name="i") as i: A[i] = A[i] + 1 with ib.for_range(0, 8, name="k") as k: with ib.for_range(0, 10, name="j") as j: ib.scope_attr(cp, "coproc_scope", 1) A[j] = A[j + k * 10] + 2 stmt = ib.get() stmt = tvm.ir_pass.CoProcSync(stmt) body = stmt.body.body.body blist = tvm.make.stmt_list(body) assert(blist[1] == "cop.coproc_read_barrier") assert(blist[1].value.args[3].value == 80) assert(blist[-2] == "cop.coproc_sync") assert(blist[-1] == "cop.coproc_write_barrier") assert(blist[-1].value.args[3].value == 10) def test_coproc_sync2(): ib = tvm.ir_builder.create() n = tvm.var("n") cp = tvm.thread_axis((0, 1), "cop") ty = tvm.thread_axis("cthread") A = ib.allocate("float32", 128, name="A") ib.scope_attr(ty, "virtual_thread", 2) with ib.new_scope(): ib.scope_attr(cp, "coproc_scope", 2) A[ty] = 0.0 with ib.for_range(0, n, name="i") as i: with ib.new_scope(): ib.scope_attr(cp, "coproc_scope", 1) A[ty] = 1.0 with ib.new_scope(): ib.scope_attr(cp, "coproc_scope", 2) A[ty] = 1.0 stmt = ib.get() stmt = tvm.ir_pass.CoProcSync(stmt) def test_coproc_sync3(): def __check_list(tvm_array, py_list): for ti, li in zip(tvm_array, py_list): if ti.value != li: return False return True ib = tvm.ir_builder.create() n = tvm.var("n") cp = tvm.thread_axis((0, 1), "cop") A = ib.allocate("float32", 128, name="A", scope="global.cache") with ib.for_range(0, n, name="i") as i: with ib.for_range(0, n, name="i") as j: with ib.new_scope(): ib.scope_attr(cp, "coproc_scope", 1) A[i] = 1.0 with ib.new_scope(): ib.scope_attr(cp, "coproc_scope", 2) A[i] = 1.0 with ib.new_scope(): ib.scope_attr(cp, "coproc_scope", 3) A[0] = 0.0 stmt = ib.get() stmt = tvm.ir_pass.CoProcSync(stmt) slist = tvm.make.stmt_list(stmt.first.body.body) push_st = slist[2] slist = tvm.make.stmt_list(slist[-1]) pop_st = slist[0].body.first assert( == "cop.coproc_dep_push") assert(__check_list(push_st.value.args, [2,3])) assert( == "cop.coproc_dep_pop") assert(__check_list(pop_st.value.args, [2,3])) if __name__ == "__main__": test_coproc_sync() test_storage_sync() test_coproc_sync2() test_coproc_sync3()