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# pylint: disable=eval-used,invalid-name,too-many-arguments
"""Utility functions"""
from tvm import relay
from tvm.relay import transform

def has_multiple_inputs(node_list, node_idx, input_names):
    """Check whether a node has multiple input nodes
    except variable nodes.

    node_list : list of dict of str to object
        List of all nodes in a graph.

    node_idx : int
        Node index to be checked.

    input_names : list of str
        List of input names of graph.

    out : bool
        Whether the specified node has multiple input nodes
    num_inputs = 0
    node = node_list[node_idx]
    for in_idx in node["inputs"]:
        in_idx = in_idx[0]
        in_node = node_list[in_idx]
        # Exclude parameter nodes
        if in_node["op"] != "null" or \
                ("name" in in_node and in_node["name"] in input_names):
            num_inputs += 1
    return num_inputs > 1

def is_boundary_node(node_entry, input_names):
    """Whether a node is a boundary node.
    Currently input node and nodes in LAYOUT_FIXED_OP are
    counted as boundary.

    node_entry : dict
        Node entry.

    input_names : list of str
        List of input names of graph.

    out : bool
        whether node is a boundary node.
    # Operators dependent on original layouts.
    _LAYOUT_FIXED_OP = ["batch_flatten", "transpose", "reshape",
                        "multibox_prior", "multibox_transform_loc", "where",
                        "non_max_suppression", "strided_slice"]

    out = node_entry["op"] in _LAYOUT_FIXED_OP or \
          ("name" in node_entry and node_entry["name"] in input_names)
    return out

def is_skipped_node(node_entry):
    """Whether a node is not counted.

    node_entry : dict
        Node entry.

    out : bool
        whether node is skipped.
    # Operators not counted in graph tuner.
    _SKIPPED_OP = ["Tuple"]

    return node_entry["op"] in _SKIPPED_OP

def bind_inputs(expr, input_shapes=None, input_dtypes="float32"):
    """Bind input variables of a relay function expression
    to new shapes and/or dtypes.

    expr : tvm.relay.Expr.Function
        Input relay function expression.

    input_shapes : dict of str to tuple of int, optional
        Input shapes.

    input_dtypes : str or dict of str to str, optional
        Input dtypes.

    out : tvm.relay.Expr.Function
        Bind relay function expression.
    if input_shapes is None:
        return expr
    if isinstance(input_dtypes, str):
        input_dtypes = {key : input_dtypes for key in input_shapes.keys()}

    updated_input_dict = {}
    for input_name in input_shapes.keys():
        updated_input = relay.var(input_name, shape=input_shapes[input_name],
        updated_input_dict[input_name] = updated_input

    rebind_dict = {}
    for var in expr.params:
        if var.name_hint in updated_input_dict:
            rebind_dict[var] = updated_input_dict[var.name_hint]
    updated_expr = relay.expr.bind(expr, rebind_dict)

    mod = relay.Module.from_expr(updated_expr)
    mod = transform.InferType()(mod)
    entry = mod["main"]
    return entry if isinstance(updated_expr, relay.Function) else entry.body