/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /*! * \file tvm/runtime/node_base.h * \brief Base data structure for Node. * * \note Node is not a runtime feature. * This file only exposes the signature of NodePtr for PackedFunc. */ #ifndef TVM_RUNTIME_NODE_BASE_H_ #define TVM_RUNTIME_NODE_BASE_H_ #include <utility> #include <atomic> namespace tvm { // forward declarations template<typename T> class NodePtr; class Node; class NodeRef; /*! * \brief Base class of Node for runtime destructor purposes. * * Node is a reference counted object which is used to construct AST. * Each node is backed by a custom deleter, which deletes the object. * Do not call create raw Node pointer, always use tvm::make_node. * * \note In most cases, please inheritate tvm::Node. * \sa Node, NodePtr, make_node */ class NodeBase { public: /*! * \brief type of NodeBase deleter * \param self pointer to the NodeBase. */ typedef void (*FDeleter)(NodeBase* self); protected: // default constructor and copy constructor NodeBase() {} // override the copy and assign constructors to do nothing. // This is to make sure only contents, but not deleter and ref_counter // are copied when a child class copies itself. NodeBase(const NodeBase& other) { // NOLINT(*) } NodeBase(NodeBase&& other) { // NOLINT(*) } NodeBase& operator=(const NodeBase& other) { //NOLINT(*) return *this; } NodeBase& operator=(NodeBase&& other) { //NOLINT(*) return *this; } private: /*! \brief Internal reference counter */ std::atomic<int> ref_counter_{0}; /*! * \brief deleter of this object to enable customized allocation. * If the deleter is nullptr, no deletion will be performed. * The creator of the Node must always set the deleter field properly. */ FDeleter deleter_ = nullptr; // reference counting functions void IncRef() { ref_counter_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); } void DecRef() { if (ref_counter_.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_release) == 1) { std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_acquire); if (this->deleter_ != nullptr) { (*this->deleter_)(this); } } } int use_count() const { return ref_counter_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); } // friend declaration template<typename> friend class NodePtr; template<typename Y, typename... Args> friend NodePtr<Y> make_node(Args&&...); }; /*! * \brief Smart pointer for Node containers, * must be subclass of NodeBase * \tparam T the content data type. */ template<typename T> class NodePtr { public: /*! \brief default constructor */ NodePtr() {} /*! \brief default constructor */ NodePtr(std::nullptr_t) {} // NOLINT(*) /*! * \brief copy constructor * \param other The value to be moved */ NodePtr(const NodePtr<T>& other) // NOLINT(*) : NodePtr(other.data_) { } /*! * \brief copy constructor * \param other The value to be moved */ template<typename Y> NodePtr(const NodePtr<Y>& other) // NOLINT(*) : NodePtr(other.data_) { static_assert(std::is_base_of<T, Y>::value, "can only assign of child class NodePtr to parent"); } /*! * \brief move constructor * \param other The value to be moved */ NodePtr(NodePtr<T>&& other) // NOLINT(*) : data_(other.data_) { other.data_ = nullptr; } /*! * \brief move constructor * \param other The value to be moved */ template<typename Y> NodePtr(NodePtr<Y>&& other) // NOLINT(*) : data_(other.data_) { static_assert(std::is_base_of<T, Y>::value, "can only assign of child class NodePtr to parent"); other.data_ = nullptr; } /*! \brief destructor */ ~NodePtr() { this->reset(); } /*! * \brief Swap this array with another NDArray * \param other The other NDArray */ void swap(NodePtr<T>& other) { // NOLINT(*) std::swap(data_, other.data_); } /*! * \return Get the content of the pointer */ T* get() const { return static_cast<T*>(data_); } /*! * \return The pointer */ T* operator->() const { return get(); } /*! * \return The reference */ T& operator*() const { // NOLINT(*) return *get(); } /*! * \brief copy assignmemt * \param other The value to be assigned. * \return reference to self. */ NodePtr<T>& operator=(const NodePtr<T>& other) { // NOLINT(*) // takes in plane operator to enable copy elison. // copy-and-swap idiom NodePtr(other).swap(*this); // NOLINT(*) return *this; } /*! * \brief move assignmemt * \param other The value to be assigned. * \return reference to self. */ NodePtr<T>& operator=(NodePtr<T>&& other) { // NOLINT(*) // copy-and-swap idiom NodePtr(std::move(other)).swap(*this); // NOLINT(*) return *this; } /*! \brief reset the content of ptr to be nullptr */ void reset() { if (data_ != nullptr) { data_->DecRef(); data_ = nullptr; } } /*! \return The use count of the ptr, for debug purposes */ int use_count() const { return data_ != nullptr ? data_->use_count() : 0; } /*! \return whether the reference is unique */ bool unique() const { return data_ != nullptr && data_->use_count() == 1; } /*! \return Whether two NodePtr do not equals each other */ bool operator==(const NodePtr<T>& other) const { return data_ == other.data_; } /*! \return Whether two NodePtr equals each other */ bool operator!=(const NodePtr<T>& other) const { return data_ != other.data_; } /*! \return Whether the pointer is nullptr */ bool operator==(std::nullptr_t null) const { return data_ == nullptr; } /*! \return Whether the pointer is not nullptr */ bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t null) const { return data_ != nullptr; } private: /*! \brief internal pointer field */ NodeBase* data_{nullptr}; /*! * \brief constructor from NodeBase * \param data The node base pointer */ explicit NodePtr(NodeBase* data) : data_(data) { if (data != nullptr) { data_->IncRef(); } } // friend declaration friend class Node; template<typename> friend class NodePtr; template<typename Y, typename... Args> friend NodePtr<Y> make_node(Args&&...); }; } // namespace tvm #endif // TVM_RUNTIME_NODE_BASE_H_