# pylint: disable=superfluous-parens, redefined-outer-name, redefined-outer-name,pointless-string-statement # pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate,invalid-name """Tuning record and serialization format""" import argparse import base64 import logging import multiprocessing import pickle import json import time from collections import OrderedDict from .. import build, lower, target as _target from . import task from .task import ConfigEntity, ApplyHistoryBest from .measure import MeasureInput, MeasureResult AUTOTVM_LOG_VERSION = 0.1 logger = logging.getLogger('autotvm') try: # convert unicode to str for python2 _unicode = unicode except NameError: _unicode = () try: _long = long except NameError: _long = int def measure_str_key(inp, include_config=True): """ get unique str key for MeasureInput Parameters ---------- inp: MeasureInput input for the measure include_config: bool, optional whether includes config in the str key Returns ------- key: str The str representation of key """ config_str = str(inp.config) if include_config else "" return "".join([str(inp.target), inp.task.name, str(inp.task.args), str(inp.task.kwargs), config_str]) def encode(inp, result, protocol='json'): """encode (MeasureInput, MeasureResult) pair to a string Parameters ---------- inp: autotvm.tuner.MeasureInput result: autotvm.tuner.MeasureResult pair of input/result protocol: str log protocol, json or pickle Returns ------- row: str a row in the logger file """ if protocol == 'json': json_dict = { "i": (str(inp.target), inp.task.name, inp.task.args, inp.task.kwargs, inp.task.workload, inp.config.to_json_dict()), "r": (result.costs if result.error_no == 0 else (1e9,), result.error_no, result.all_cost, result.timestamp), "v": AUTOTVM_LOG_VERSION } return json.dumps(json_dict) elif protocol == 'pickle': row = (str(inp.target), str(base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps([inp.task.name, inp.task.args, inp.task.kwargs, inp.task.workload])).decode()), str(base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(inp.config)).decode()), str(base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(tuple(result))).decode())) return '\t'.join(row) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid log protocol: " + protocol) def decode(row, protocol='json'): """Decode encoded record string to python object Parameters ---------- row: str a row in the logger file protocol: str log protocol, json or pickle Returns ------- input: autotvm.tuner.MeasureInput result: autotvm.tuner.MeasureResult """ # pylint: disable=unused-variable if protocol == 'json': row = json.loads(row) tgt, task_name, task_args, task_kwargs, workload, config = row['i'] tgt = _target.create(str(tgt)) def clean_json_to_python(x): """1. Convert all list in x to tuple (hashable) 2. Convert unicode to str for python2 """ if isinstance(x, list): return tuple([clean_json_to_python(a) for a in x]) if isinstance(x, _unicode): return str(x) if isinstance(x, (_long, int)): return int(x) return x tsk = task.Task(clean_json_to_python(task_name), clean_json_to_python(task_args)) tsk.workload = clean_json_to_python(workload) config = ConfigEntity.from_json_dict(config) inp = MeasureInput(tgt, tsk, config) result = MeasureResult(*[tuple(x) if isinstance(x, list) else x for x in row["r"]]) return inp, result elif protocol == 'pickle': items = row.split("\t") tgt = _target.create(items[0]) task_tuple = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(items[1].encode())) config = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(items[2].encode())) result = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(items[3].encode())) tsk = task.Task(task_tuple[0], task_tuple[1]) tsk.workload = task_tuple[3] return MeasureInput(tgt, tsk, config), MeasureResult(*result) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid log protocol: " + protocol) def load_from_file(filename): """Generator: load records from file. This is a generator that yields the records. Parameters ---------- filename: str Yields ------ input: autotvm.tuner.MeasureInput result: autotvm.tuner.MeasureResult """ for row in open(filename): if row and not row.startswith('#'): yield decode(row) def split_workload(in_file, clean=True): """Split a log file into separate files, each of which contains only a single workload This function can also delete duplicated records in log file Parameters ---------- in_file: str input filename clean: bool whether delete duplicated items """ tic = time.time() lines = list(open(in_file).readlines()) logger.info("start converting...") pool = multiprocessing.Pool() lines = pool.map(decode, lines) logger.info("map done %.2f", time.time() - tic) wkl_dict = OrderedDict() for inp, res in lines: wkl = measure_str_key(inp, False) if wkl not in wkl_dict: wkl_dict[wkl] = [] wkl_dict[wkl].append([inp, res]) if clean: for i, (k, v) in enumerate(wkl_dict.items()): # clean duplicated items added = set() cleaned = [] for inp, res in v: str_key = measure_str_key(inp) if str_key in added: continue added.add(str_key) cleaned.append([inp, res]) # write to file logger.info("Key: %s\tValid: %d\tDup: %d\t", k, len(cleaned), len(v) - len(cleaned)) with open(args.i + ".%03d.wkl" % i, 'w') as fout: for inp, res in cleaned: fout.write(encode(inp, res) + '\n') else: for i, (k, v) in enumerate(wkl_dict.items()): logger.info("Key: %s\tNum: %d", k, len(v)) with open(args.i + ".%03d.wkl" % i, 'w') as fout: for inp, res in v: fout.write(encode(inp, res) + '\n') def pick_best(in_file, out_file): """ Pick best entries from a file and store it to another file. This distill the useful log entries from a large log file. Parameters ---------- in_file: str The filename of input out_file: str or file The filename of output """ best_context = ApplyHistoryBest(load_from_file(in_file)) best_set = set() for v in best_context.best_by_model.values(): best_set.add(measure_str_key(v[0])) for v in best_context.best_by_targetkey.values(): best_set.add(measure_str_key(v[0])) logger.info("Extract %d best records from the %s", len(best_set), in_file) fout = open(out_file, 'w') if isinstance(out_file, str) else out_file for inp, res in load_from_file(in_file): if measure_str_key(inp) in best_set: fout.write(encode(inp, res) + "\n") best_set.remove(measure_str_key(inp)) """ Usage: This record executable module has three modes. * Print log file in readable format e.g. python -m tvm.autotvm.record --mode read --i collect_conv.log --begin 0 --end 5 --ir --code * Extract history best from a large log file e.g. python -m tvm.autotvm.record --mode pick --i collect.log * Split a log file into separate files, each of which contains only a single wkl e.g. python -m tvm.autotvm.record --mode split --i collect.log """ if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--mode", choices=['read', 'pick', 'split'], default='read') parser.add_argument("--i", type=str, help="input file") parser.add_argument("--o", type=str, default=None, help='output file') parser.add_argument("--begin", type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument("--end", type=int, default=5) parser.add_argument("--ir", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("--code", action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if args.mode == 'pick': args.o = args.o or args.i + ".best.log" pick_best(args.i, args.o) elif args.mode == 'read': for i, (inp, result) in enumerate(load_from_file(args.i)): if args.begin <= i < args.end: with inp.target: s, arg_bufs = inp.task.instantiate(inp.config) print("") print(inp.target, inp.task, inp.config) print(result) if args.ir: with inp.target: print(lower(s, arg_bufs, simple_mode=True)) if args.code: with inp.target: func = build(s, arg_bufs) print(func.imported_modules[0].get_source()) elif args.mode == 'split': split_workload(args.i)