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# pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""measure bandwidth and compute peak"""

import logging
import tvm
from . import util
from .. import rpc

def _convert_to_remote(func, remote):
    """ convert module function to remote rpc function"""
    temp = util.tempdir()
    path_dso = temp.relpath("tmp_func.tar")

    func = remote.load_module("tmp_func.tar")
    return func

def measure_bandwidth_sum(total_item, item_per_thread, stride,
                          base_type, bits, lanes,
                          target, target_host, remote, ctx, n_times):
    """ measure memory bandwidth of gpu by product reduction for a given type

    The IR for measurement is

    for each thread
        for i in 1..num_per_thread:
            y[global_id] = y[global_id] * x[base + i * stride]

    total_item: int
        number of elements in input array
    item_per_thread: int
        number of elements each thread accumulates
    stride: int
        stride in memory access
    base_type: str
        can be "int", "float"
    bits: int
        can be 16, 32
    lanes: int
       lane of the vector type, can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
    target: :any:`tvm.target.Target`
        the target and option of the compilation.
    target_host : str or :any:`tvm.target.Target`
        host compilation target
    ctx: TVMcontext
        the context of array
    remote: tvm.rpc.RPCSession
        remote rpc session
    n_times: int
        number of runs for taking mean

    GBPS: float
         gigabyte per second
    n, m = total_item, item_per_thread
    n //= lanes

    base_type = str(base_type) + str(bits)
    dtype = base_type if lanes == 1 else base_type + "x" + str(lanes)

    k = tvm.reduce_axis((0, m), name="k")

    x = tvm.placeholder((n,), dtype=dtype, name="x")
    op = tvm.comm_reducer(lambda x, y: x*y, lambda t: tvm.const(1, dtype=t), name="sum")
    y = tvm.compute((n // m,),
                    lambda i: op(x[i // stride * stride * m + i % stride + k * stride], axis=k))
    s = tvm.create_schedule(y.op)

    yo, yi = s[y].split(y.op.axis[0], target.max_num_threads)
    s[y].bind(yo, tvm.thread_axis("blockIdx.x"))
    s[y].bind(yi, tvm.thread_axis("threadIdx.x"))

        func = tvm.build(s, [x, y], target, target_host=target_host)

        x = tvm.nd.empty((n,), dtype=dtype, ctx=ctx)
        y = tvm.nd.empty((n // m,), dtype=dtype, ctx=ctx)

        func = _convert_to_remote(func, remote)
        time_f = func.time_evaluator(func.entry_name, ctx, number=n_times)
        time = time_f(x, y).mean
    except tvm._ffi.base.TVMError:
        # build error (occur when device does not support half)
        return -1

    return 1.0 * (total_item * bits / 8) / 1e9 / time

def measure_bandwidth_all_types(total_item, item_per_thread, n_times,
                                target, target_host, remote, ctx, verbose=True):
    """ measure memory bandwidth for all types

    total_item: int
        number of elements in input array
    item_per_thread: int
        number of elements each thread accmulates
    n_times: int
        number of runs for averaging
    target: :any:`tvm.target.Target`
        the target and option of the compilation.
    target_host : str or :any:`tvm.target.Target`
        host compilation target
    remote: tvm.rpc.RPCSession
        remote rpc session
    ctx: TVMcontext
        the context of array
    verbose: bool
        whether outputs immediate result

    result: list
        a list of (type_name, GBPS) pairs
    max_threads = target.max_num_threads

    result = []
    for base_type in ["float"]:
        for bits in [32]:
            for lanes in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]:
                max_speed = -1e9
                # try different strides
                for stride in [max_threads, total_item // (lanes * item_per_thread)]:
                    speed = measure_bandwidth_sum(total_item, item_per_thread, stride,
                                                  base_type, bits, lanes, target,
                                                  target_host, remote, ctx, n_times)
                    max_speed = max(max_speed, speed)
                type_name = base_type + str(bits)
                result.append(["%sx%d" % (type_name, lanes), max_speed])
                if verbose:
                    logging.info("\t%-10s %.2f GBPS", result[-1][0], result[-1][1])
    return result

def measure_compute_mad(total_item, item_per_thread, base_type, bits, lanes,
                        target, target_host, remote, ctx, n_times):
    """ measure peak compute speed by computing mad for a type

    The IR for measurement is

    for each thread
        for i in 1..item_per_thread
            x = mad(x, x, y)
            y = mad(y, y, x)

    total_item: int
        number of elements in input array
    item_per_thread: int
        number of operations each thread does
    base_type: str
        can be "int", "float"
    bits: int
        can be 16, 32
    lanes: int
       lane of the vector type, can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
    target: :any:`tvm.target.Target`
        the target and option of the compilation.
    target_host : str or :any:`tvm.target.Target`
        host compilation target
    remote: tvm.rpc.RPCSession
        if it is not None, use remote rpc session
    ctx: TVMcontext
        the context of array
    n_times: int
        number of runs for taking mean

    GOPS: float
         giga operation per second

    n = total_item

    if bits >= 64 or lanes >= 16:
        n //= 2

    max_threads = target.max_num_threads

    base_type = str(base_type) + str(bits)
    dtype = base_type if lanes == 1 else base_type + "x" + str(lanes)

    def extern(ins, outs):
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        """construct measurement function by building IR directly"""
        ib = tvm.ir_builder.create()

        bx = tvm.thread_axis("blockIdx.x")
        tx = tvm.thread_axis("threadIdx.x")

        ib.scope_attr(bx, "thread_extent", n // max_threads)
        ib.scope_attr(tx, "thread_extent", max_threads)

        idx = bx.var * max_threads + tx.var

        a = ib.allocate(dtype, (1), name='a', scope='local')
        b = ib.allocate(dtype, (1), name='b', scope='local')

        a[0] = outs[0].vload(idx, dtype)
        b[0] = outs[0].vload(idx, dtype)

        if base_type.find('float') != -1:
            mad_func = lambda x, y: (x * x + y)
            mad_func = lambda x, y: y * y + x

        for _ in range(item_per_thread // 4 // lanes):
            a[0] = mad_func(a[0], b[0])
            b[0] = mad_func(b[0], a[0])

        ib.emit(outs[0].vstore(idx, b[0]))
        return ib.get()

    y = tvm.extern((n,), [], extern, name="y", dtype=dtype)
    s = tvm.create_schedule(y.op)

        func = tvm.build(s, [y], target, target_host=target_host)
        func = _convert_to_remote(func, remote)
        time_f = func.time_evaluator(func.entry_name, ctx, number=n_times)
        y = tvm.nd.empty((n,), dtype=dtype, ctx=ctx)
        time = time_f(y).mean
    except tvm._ffi.base.TVMError:
        # build error (occur when device does not support half)
        return -1

    return 1.0 * (n * item_per_thread) / 1e9 / time

def measure_compute_all_types(total_item, item_per_thread, n_times,
                              target, target_host, remote, ctx, verbose=True):
    """ measure peak flops for all types

    total_item: int
        number of elements in input array
    item_per_thread: int
        number of elements each thread accmulates
    n_times: int
        number of runs for averaging
    target: :any:`tvm.target.Target`
        the target and option of the compilation.
    target_host : str or :any:`tvm.target.Target`
        host compilation target
    remote: tvm.rpc.RPCSession
        remote rpc session
    ctx: TVMcontext
        the context of array
    verbose: bool
        whether outputs immediate result

    result: list
        a list of (type_name, GFLOPS/GIOPS) pairs
    result = []
    for base_type in ["float", "int"]:
        for bits in [16, 32, 64]:
            for lanes in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]:
                if base_type == 'int' and bits != 32:  # only measure int32

                max_speed = -1e9
                for per_thread in [item_per_thread//2, item_per_thread, item_per_thread*2]:
                    speed = measure_compute_mad(total_item, per_thread,
                                                base_type, bits, lanes, target,
                                                target_host, remote, ctx, n_times)
                    max_speed = max(max_speed, speed)
                type_name = base_type + str(bits)
                result.append(["%sx%d" % (type_name, lanes), max_speed])

                unit = "GFLOPS" if base_type == "float" else "GIOPS"

                if verbose:
                    logging.info("\t%-10s %.2f %s", result[-1][0], result[-1][1], unit)

    return result

def measure_peak_all(target, target_host, host, port):
    """measure memory bandwidth and peak compute for gpu devices

    target: str or :any:`tvm.target.Target`
    target_host: str
    host: str
    port: int

    target = tvm.target.create(target)
    remote = rpc.connect(host, port)
    n_times = 20

    bandwidth_total_item = 1 << 25
    bandwidth_item_per_thread = 32

    compute_total_item = 1 << 21
    compute_item_per_thread = 4096

    if str(target).startswith("opencl"):
        ctx = remote.cl()
    elif str(target).startswith("cuda"):
        ctx = remote.gpu()
    elif str(target).startswith("metal"):
        ctx = remote.metal()
        raise RuntimeError("Unsupported target")

    logging.info("========== measure memory bandwidth ==========")
    measure_bandwidth_all_types(bandwidth_total_item, bandwidth_item_per_thread,
                                n_times, target, target_host, remote, ctx)

    logging.info("========== measure peak compute ==========")
    measure_compute_all_types(compute_total_item, compute_item_per_thread,
                              n_times, target, target_host, remote, ctx)