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Implementation of a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) cell.

Adapted from:

from tvm import relay
from . import layers
from .init import create_workload

def lstm_cell(num_hidden, batch_size=1, dtype="float32", name=""):
    """Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) network cell.

    num_hidden : int
        Number of units in output symbol.

    batch_size : int
        Batch size (length of states).

    result : tvm.relay.Function
        A Relay function that evaluates an LSTM cell.
        The function takes in a tensor of input data, a tuple of two
        states, and weights and biases for dense operations on the
        inputs and on the state. It returns a tuple with two members,
        an output tensor and a tuple of two new states.
    builder = relay.ScopeBuilder()

    input_type = relay.TensorType((batch_size, num_hidden), dtype)
    weight_type = relay.TensorType((4*num_hidden, num_hidden), dtype)
    bias_type = relay.TensorType((4*num_hidden,), dtype)

    dense_type = relay.TensorType((batch_size, 4*num_hidden), dtype)
    slice_type = relay.TupleType([input_type, input_type,
                                  input_type, input_type])
    ret_type = relay.TupleType([input_type,
                                relay.TupleType([input_type, input_type])])

    inputs = relay.Var("inputs", input_type)
    states = relay.Var("states",
                       relay.TupleType([input_type, input_type]))

    i2h_weight = relay.Var("i2h_weight", weight_type)
    i2h_bias = relay.Var("i2h_bias", bias_type)

    h2h_weight = relay.Var("h2h_weight", weight_type)
    h2h_bias = relay.Var("h2h_bias", bias_type)

    i2h = builder.let(("i2h", dense_type),
                          units=num_hidden * 4,
                          weight=i2h_weight, bias=i2h_bias,
                          name="%si2h" % name))
    h2h = builder.let(("h2h", dense_type),
                          data=relay.TupleGetItem(states, 0),
                          units=num_hidden * 4,
                          weight=h2h_weight, bias=h2h_bias,
                          name="%sh2h" % name))

    gates = builder.let(("gates", dense_type), relay.add(i2h, h2h))
    slice_gates = builder.let(("slice_gates", slice_type),

    in_gate = builder.let(("in_gate", input_type),
                          relay.sigmoid(relay.TupleGetItem(slice_gates, 0)))
    forget_gate = builder.let(("forget_gate", input_type),
                              relay.sigmoid(relay.TupleGetItem(slice_gates, 1)))
    in_transform = builder.let(("in_transform", input_type),
                               relay.tanh(relay.TupleGetItem(slice_gates, 2)))
    out_gate = builder.let(("out_gate", input_type),
                           relay.sigmoid(relay.TupleGetItem(slice_gates, 3)))

    next_c = builder.let(("next_c", input_type),
                                                  relay.TupleGetItem(states, 1)),
                                   relay.multiply(in_gate, in_transform)))
    next_h = builder.let(("next_h", input_type),
                         relay.multiply(out_gate, relay.tanh(next_c)))
    ret = builder.let(("ret", ret_type),
                      relay.Tuple([next_h, relay.Tuple([next_h, next_c])]))

    body = builder.get()

    return relay.Function([inputs, states, i2h_weight,
                           i2h_bias, h2h_weight, h2h_bias],
                          body, ret_type)

def get_net(iterations, num_hidden, batch_size=1, dtype="float32"):
    '''Constructs an unrolled RNN with LSTM cells'''
    input_type = relay.TensorType((batch_size, num_hidden), dtype)
    weight_type = relay.TensorType((4*num_hidden, num_hidden), dtype)
    bias_type = relay.TensorType((4*num_hidden,), dtype)

    state_type = relay.TupleType([input_type, input_type])
    cell_type = relay.TupleType([input_type, state_type])

    builder = relay.ScopeBuilder()

    zeros = builder.let(("zeros", input_type),
                        relay.zeros((batch_size, num_hidden), dtype))
    init_states = builder.let(("init_states", state_type),
                              relay.Tuple([zeros, zeros]))

    states = init_states
    out = None

    for i in range(iterations):
        inputs = relay.Var("data", input_type)
        i2h_weight = relay.Var("i2h_%s_weight" % i, weight_type)
        i2h_bias = relay.Var("i2h_%i_bias" % i, bias_type)
        h2h_weight = relay.Var("h2h_%s_weight" % i, weight_type)
        h2h_bias = relay.Var("h2h_%s_bias" % i, bias_type)

        cell_fn = lstm_cell(num_hidden, batch_size, dtype, "lstm_%s" % i)

        call = builder.let(("call_%s" % i, cell_type),
                                      [inputs, states, i2h_weight,
                                       i2h_bias, h2h_weight, h2h_bias]))
        new_out = builder.let(("out_%s" % i, input_type),
                              relay.TupleGetItem(call, 0))
        new_states = builder.let(("states_%s" % i, state_type),
                                 relay.TupleGetItem(call, 1))
        states = new_states
        out = new_out

    body = builder.get()
    args = relay.analysis.free_vars(body)
    return relay.Function(args, body, input_type)

def get_workload(iterations, num_hidden, batch_size=1, dtype="float32"):
    """Get benchmark workload for an LSTM RNN.

    iterations : int
        The number of iterations in the desired LSTM RNN.
    num_hidden : int
        The size of the hiddxen state
    batch_size : int, optional (default 1)
        The batch size used in the model
    dtype : str, optional (default "float32")
        The data type
    mod : tvm.relay.Module
        The relay module that contains a LSTM network.
    params : dict of str to NDArray
        The parameters.
    net = get_net(iterations, num_hidden, batch_size, dtype)
    return create_workload(net)