# pylint: disable=no-else-return,invalid-name,consider-using-enumerate,abstract-method """Base class for model-based tuner This type of tuner will fit a cost model and use some optimization methods to find optimums points of cost model in space. """ import gc import numpy as np from .tuner import Tuner from ..env import GLOBAL_SCOPE class FeatureCache(object): """Feature cache manager for cache sharing between different cost models""" def __init__(self): self.feature_cache = {} def get(self, key): """ Get feature cache dictionary for a key Parameters ---------- key: str The key of a feature type Returns ------- fea_cache: dict cache dictionary """ if key not in self.feature_cache: self.feature_cache[key] = {} return self.feature_cache[key] def size(self, key): """" Get the size of a feature cache dictionary Parameters ---------- key: str The key of a feature type Returns ------- n: int """ return len(self.feature_cache.get(key, tuple())) def clear(self, key): """Clear feature cache for a key Parameters ---------- key: str The key of a feature type """ del self.feature_cache[key] self.feature_cache[key] = {} gc.collect() class CostModel(object): """Cost model to predict the speed of a config""" def __init__(self): pass def fit(self, xs, ys, plan_size): """Fit to training data Parameters ---------- xs: Array of int indexes of configs in the config space ys: Array of float The speed (flop, float number operations per second) plan_size: int The plan size of tuner """ raise NotImplementedError() def fit_log(self, records, plan_size): """Fit training data from log. Parameters ---------- records: Array of Tuple(MeasureInput, MeasureResult) The tuning records plan_size: int The plan size of tuner """ raise NotImplementedError() def predict(self, xs, output_margin=False): """Predict the speed of configs Parameters ---------- xs: Array of int The indexes of configs to predict output_margin: bool, optional Whether output the untransformed margin. When a model is used as base model, it should output untransformed margin Returns ------- preds: Array of float The prediction """ raise NotImplementedError() def load_basemodel(self, base_model): """Load base model for transfer learning Parameters ---------- base_model: CostModel base model """ raise NotImplementedError() def spawn_base_model(self): """Clone a base model with the same parameters. The base model is used to fit history data in transfer learning. Returns ------- model: CostModel A model with the same hyperparameter (argument) """ raise NotImplementedError() class ModelOptimizer(object): """Optimizer used to find optimal points of cost model""" def __init__(self): pass def find_maximums(self, model, num, exclusive): """Find maximum of a cost model Note we use cost model to predict GFLOPS, so we should find the maximum Parameters ---------- model: CostModel Cost model num: int The number of returned maximum points exclusive: set, optional The excluded set of this optimizer. Return results won't include any elements in this set. """ raise NotImplementedError() class ModelBasedTuner(Tuner): """Base class for model based tuner This type of tuner will fit a cost model and use an optimizer to find the maximums of the cost model as next trials Parameters ---------- task: autotvm.task.Task The tuning task cost_model: CostModel The cost model that predicts the speed of a config (IR) model_optimizer: The optimizer to find local optimum points of cost model in tuning search space plan_size: int Tuner will re-fit model per `plan_size` new measure samples diversity_filter_ratio: int or float, optional If is not None, the tuner will first select top-(plan_size * diversity_filter_ratio) candidates according to the cost model and then pick plan_size of them according to the diversity metric. """ def __init__(self, task, cost_model, model_optimizer, plan_size, diversity_filter_ratio=None): super(ModelBasedTuner, self).__init__(task) # space self.task = task self.target = task.target self.plan_size = plan_size self.space = task.config_space self.space_len = len(task.config_space) self.dims = [len(x) for x in self.space.space_map.values()] self.cost_model = cost_model self.model_optimizer = model_optimizer self.diversity_filter_ratio = diversity_filter_ratio if self.diversity_filter_ratio: assert self.diversity_filter_ratio >= 1, "Diversity filter ratio " \ "must be larger than one" # trial plan self.trials = [] self.trial_pt = 0 self.visited = set() # observed samples self.xs = [] self.ys = [] self.flops_max = 0.0 self.train_ct = 0 def next_batch(self, batch_size): ret = [] counter = 0 while counter < batch_size: if len(self.visited) >= len(self.space): break while self.trial_pt < len(self.trials): index = self.trials[self.trial_pt] if index not in self.visited: break self.trial_pt += 1 if self.trial_pt >= len(self.trials) - int(0.05 * self.plan_size): # if the trial list is empty or # the tuner is doing the last 5% trials (e-greedy), choose randomly index = np.random.randint(len(self.space)) while index in self.visited: index = np.random.randint(len(self.space)) ret.append(self.space.get(index)) self.visited.add(index) counter += 1 return ret def update(self, inputs, results): for inp, res in zip(inputs, results): index = inp.config.index if res.error_no == 0: self.xs.append(index) flops = inp.task.flop / np.mean(res.costs) self.flops_max = max(self.flops_max, flops) self.ys.append(flops) else: self.xs.append(index) self.ys.append(0.0) # if we have enough new training samples if len(self.xs) >= self.plan_size * (self.train_ct + 1) \ and self.flops_max > 1e-6: self.cost_model.fit(self.xs, self.ys, self.plan_size) if self.diversity_filter_ratio: candidate = self.model_optimizer.find_maximums( self.cost_model, self.plan_size * self.diversity_filter_ratio, self.visited) scores = self.cost_model.predict(candidate) knobs = [point2knob(x, self.dims) for x in candidate] pick_index = submodular_pick(0 * scores, knobs, self.plan_size, knob_weight=1) maximums = np.array(candidate)[pick_index] else: maximums = self.model_optimizer.find_maximums( self.cost_model, self.plan_size, self.visited) self.trials = maximums self.trial_pt = 0 self.train_ct += 1 def load_history(self, data_set): # set in_tuning as True to make the feature extraction consistent GLOBAL_SCOPE.in_tuning = True # fit base model base_model = self.cost_model.spawn_base_model() success = base_model.fit_log(data_set, self.plan_size) if not success: GLOBAL_SCOPE.in_tuning = False return # use base model to select initial points if not self.trials: # no plan yet, use base model to select initial trials maximums = self.model_optimizer.find_maximums(base_model, self.plan_size, self.visited) self.trials = maximums self.trial_pt = 0 self.cost_model.load_basemodel(base_model) GLOBAL_SCOPE.in_tuning = False def has_next(self): return len(self.visited) < len(self.space) def point2knob(p, dims): """convert point form (single integer) to knob form (vector)""" knob = [] for dim in dims: knob.append(p % dim) p //= dim return knob def knob2point(knob, dims): """convert knob form (vector) to point form (single integer)""" p = 0 for j, k in enumerate(knob): p += int(np.prod(dims[:j])) * k return p def submodular_pick(scores, knobs, n_pick, knob_weight=1.0): """Run greedy optimization to pick points with regard to both score and diversity. DiversityScore = knob_weight * number of unique knobs in the selected set Obj = sum(scores[i] for i in pick) + DiversityScore Note that this objective function is a monotone submodular function. Parameters ---------- scores: Array of float score of every points knobs: Array of Array of int feature vector (tunable knobs) of every points n_pick: int number of points to pick knob_weight: float weight of an unique knob feature """ n = len(scores) assert n == len(knobs) n_knobs = len(knobs[0]) knobs_set = [set() for _ in range(n_knobs)] ret = [] remain = list(range(len(scores))) for _ in range(n_pick): max_x = -1 max_delta = -1e9 for x in remain: tmp_delta = scores[x] for i in range(n_knobs): if knobs[x][i] not in knobs_set[i]: tmp_delta += knob_weight if tmp_delta > max_delta: max_delta, max_x = tmp_delta, x ret.append(max_x) remain.remove(max_x) for i in range(n_knobs): knobs_set[i].add(knobs[max_x][i]) return ret