# pylint: disable=no-else-return,invalid-name,consider-using-enumerate,abstract-method
"""Base class for model-based tuner
This type of tuner will fit a cost model and use some optimization methods to
find optimums points of cost model in space.
import gc

import numpy as np

from .tuner import Tuner
from ..env import GLOBAL_SCOPE

class FeatureCache(object):
    """Feature cache manager for cache sharing between different cost models"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.feature_cache = {}

    def get(self, key):
        """ Get feature cache dictionary for a key

        key: str
            The key of a feature type

        fea_cache: dict
            cache dictionary
        if key not in self.feature_cache:
            self.feature_cache[key] = {}

        return self.feature_cache[key]

    def size(self, key):
        """" Get the size of a feature cache dictionary

        key: str
            The key of a feature type

        n: int
        return len(self.feature_cache.get(key, tuple()))

    def clear(self, key):
        """Clear feature cache for a key

        key: str
            The key of a feature type
        del self.feature_cache[key]
        self.feature_cache[key] = {}

class CostModel(object):
    """Cost model to predict the speed of a config"""
    def __init__(self):

    def fit(self, xs, ys, plan_size):
        """Fit to training data

        xs: Array of int
            indexes of configs in the config space
        ys: Array of float
            The speed (flop, float number operations per second)
        plan_size: int
            The plan size of tuner
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def fit_log(self, records, plan_size):
        """Fit training data from log.

        records: Array of Tuple(MeasureInput, MeasureResult)
            The tuning records
        plan_size: int
            The plan size of tuner
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def predict(self, xs, output_margin=False):
        """Predict the speed of configs

        xs: Array of int
            The indexes of configs to predict
        output_margin: bool, optional
            Whether output the untransformed margin.
            When a model is used as base model, it should output untransformed margin

        preds: Array of float
            The prediction
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def load_basemodel(self, base_model):
        """Load base model for transfer learning

        base_model: CostModel
                base model
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def spawn_base_model(self):
        """Clone a base model with the same parameters.
        The base model is used to fit history data in transfer learning.

        model: CostModel
            A model with the same hyperparameter (argument)
        raise NotImplementedError()

class ModelOptimizer(object):
    """Optimizer used to find optimal points of cost model"""
    def __init__(self):

    def find_maximums(self, model, num, exclusive):
        """Find maximum of a cost model

        Note we use cost model to predict GFLOPS, so we should find the maximum

        model: CostModel
            Cost model
        num: int
            The number of returned maximum points
        exclusive: set, optional
            The excluded set of this optimizer. Return results won't include any
            elements in this set.
        raise NotImplementedError()

class ModelBasedTuner(Tuner):
    """Base class for model based tuner
    This type of tuner will fit a cost model and use an optimizer to
    find the maximums of the cost model as next trials

    task: autotvm.task.Task
        The tuning task
    cost_model: CostModel
        The cost model that predicts the speed of a config (IR)
        The optimizer to find local optimum points of cost model in tuning search space
    plan_size: int
        Tuner will re-fit model per `plan_size` new measure samples
    diversity_filter_ratio: int or float, optional
        If is not None, the tuner will first select
        top-(plan_size * diversity_filter_ratio) candidates according to the cost model
        and then pick plan_size of them according to the diversity metric.

    def __init__(self, task, cost_model, model_optimizer, plan_size, diversity_filter_ratio=None):
        super(ModelBasedTuner, self).__init__(task)

        # space
        self.task = task
        self.target = task.target
        self.plan_size = plan_size
        self.space = task.config_space
        self.space_len = len(task.config_space)
        self.dims = [len(x) for x in self.space.space_map.values()]

        self.cost_model = cost_model
        self.model_optimizer = model_optimizer
        self.diversity_filter_ratio = diversity_filter_ratio

        if self.diversity_filter_ratio:
            assert self.diversity_filter_ratio >= 1, "Diversity filter ratio " \
                                                     "must be larger than one"

        # trial plan
        self.trials = []
        self.trial_pt = 0
        self.visited = set()

        # observed samples
        self.xs = []
        self.ys = []
        self.flops_max = 0.0
        self.train_ct = 0

    def next_batch(self, batch_size):
        ret = []

        counter = 0
        while counter < batch_size:
            if len(self.visited) >= len(self.space):

            while self.trial_pt < len(self.trials):
                index = self.trials[self.trial_pt]
                if index not in self.visited:
                self.trial_pt += 1

            if self.trial_pt >= len(self.trials) - int(0.05 * self.plan_size):
                # if the trial list is empty or
                # the tuner is doing the last 5% trials (e-greedy), choose randomly
                index = np.random.randint(len(self.space))
                while index in self.visited:
                    index = np.random.randint(len(self.space))


            counter += 1
        return ret

    def update(self, inputs, results):
        for inp, res in zip(inputs, results):
            index = inp.config.index
            if res.error_no == 0:
                flops = inp.task.flop / np.mean(res.costs)
                self.flops_max = max(self.flops_max, flops)

        # if we have enough new training samples
        if len(self.xs) >= self.plan_size * (self.train_ct + 1) \
                and self.flops_max > 1e-6:
            self.cost_model.fit(self.xs, self.ys, self.plan_size)
            if self.diversity_filter_ratio:
                candidate = self.model_optimizer.find_maximums(
                    self.cost_model, self.plan_size * self.diversity_filter_ratio, self.visited)
                scores = self.cost_model.predict(candidate)
                knobs = [point2knob(x, self.dims) for x in candidate]
                pick_index = submodular_pick(0 * scores, knobs, self.plan_size, knob_weight=1)
                maximums = np.array(candidate)[pick_index]
                maximums = self.model_optimizer.find_maximums(
                    self.cost_model, self.plan_size, self.visited)

            self.trials = maximums
            self.trial_pt = 0
            self.train_ct += 1

    def load_history(self, data_set):
        # set in_tuning as True to make the feature extraction consistent
        GLOBAL_SCOPE.in_tuning = True

        # fit base model
        base_model = self.cost_model.spawn_base_model()
        success = base_model.fit_log(data_set, self.plan_size)

        if not success:
            GLOBAL_SCOPE.in_tuning = False

        # use base model to select initial points
        if not self.trials:
            # no plan yet, use base model to select initial trials
            maximums = self.model_optimizer.find_maximums(base_model, self.plan_size, self.visited)
            self.trials = maximums
            self.trial_pt = 0

        GLOBAL_SCOPE.in_tuning = False

    def has_next(self):
        return len(self.visited) < len(self.space)

def point2knob(p, dims):
    """convert point form (single integer) to knob form (vector)"""
    knob = []
    for dim in dims:
        knob.append(p % dim)
        p //= dim
    return knob

def knob2point(knob, dims):
    """convert knob form (vector) to point form (single integer)"""
    p = 0
    for j, k in enumerate(knob):
        p += int(np.prod(dims[:j])) * k
    return p

def submodular_pick(scores, knobs, n_pick, knob_weight=1.0):
    """Run greedy optimization to pick points with regard to both score and diversity.
    DiversityScore = knob_weight * number of unique knobs in the selected set
    Obj = sum(scores[i] for i in pick) + DiversityScore
    Note that this objective function is a monotone submodular function.

    scores: Array of float
        score of every points
    knobs: Array of Array of int
        feature vector (tunable knobs) of every points
    n_pick: int
        number of points to pick
    knob_weight: float
        weight of an unique knob feature
    n = len(scores)
    assert n == len(knobs)
    n_knobs = len(knobs[0])

    knobs_set = [set() for _ in range(n_knobs)]

    ret = []
    remain = list(range(len(scores)))

    for _ in range(n_pick):
        max_x = -1
        max_delta = -1e9

        for x in remain:
            tmp_delta = scores[x]
            for i in range(n_knobs):
                if knobs[x][i] not in knobs_set[i]:
                    tmp_delta += knob_weight

            if tmp_delta > max_delta:
                max_delta, max_x = tmp_delta, x

        for i in range(n_knobs):

    return ret