Commit e2970b22 by Ehsan M. Kermani Committed by Nick Hynes

[RUST][FRONTEND] Add rust frontend v0.1 (#2292)

parent 18b2ebac
max_width = 100 max_width = 100
hard_tabs = false hard_tabs = false
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newline_style = "Auto" newline_style = "Auto"
use_small_heuristics = "Default" use_small_heuristics = "Default"
indent_style = "Block" indent_style = "Block"
...@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ trailing_comma = "Vertical" ...@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ trailing_comma = "Vertical"
match_block_trailing_comma = false match_block_trailing_comma = false
blank_lines_upper_bound = 1 blank_lines_upper_bound = 1
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edition = "2015" edition = "2018"
merge_derives = true merge_derives = true
use_try_shorthand = true use_try_shorthand = true
use_field_init_shorthand = false use_field_init_shorthand = false
...@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ unstable_features = false ...@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ unstable_features = false
disable_all_formatting = false disable_all_formatting = false
skip_children = false skip_children = false
hide_parse_errors = false hide_parse_errors = false
error_on_line_overflow = false error_on_line_overflow = true
error_on_unformatted = false error_on_unformatted = true
report_todo = "Never" report_todo = "Never"
report_fixme = "Never" report_fixme = "Never"
ignore = [] ignore = []
[package] [workspace]
name = "tvm" members = [
version = "0.1.0" "common",
license = "Apache-2.0" "runtime",
description = "TVM Rust runtime" "runtime/tests/test_tvm_basic",
repository = "" "runtime/tests/test_nnvm",
readme = "" "frontend",
keywords = ["tvm", "nnvm"] "frontend/tests/basics",
categories = ["api-bindings", "science"] "frontend/tests/callback",
authors = ["TVM Contributors"] "frontend/examples/resnet"
default = ["nom/std"]
sgx = ["nom/alloc"]
bounded-spsc-queue = "0.4.0"
error-chain = { version = "0.12.0", default-features = false }
itertools = "0.7.8"
lazy_static = "1.1.0"
ndarray = "0.11.2"
nom = {version = "4.0.0", default-features = false }
serde = "1.0.59"
serde_derive = "1.0.79"
serde_json = "1.0.17"
[target.'cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))'.dependencies]
num_cpus = "1.8.0"
name = "tvm-common"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["TVM Contributors"]
license = "Apache-2.0"
runtime = []
frontend = ["tvm-sys"]
error-chain = { version = "0.12.0", default-features = false }
tvm-sys = { version = "0.1.0", path = "tvm-sys", optional = true }
//! Error types for `TVMArgValue` and `TVMRetValue` conversions.
error_chain! {
errors {
TryFromTVMArgValueError(expected: String, actual: String) {
description("mismatched types while converting from TVMArgValue")
display("expected `{}` but given `{}`", expected, actual)
TryFromTVMRetValueError(expected: String, actual: String) {
description("mismatched types while downcasting TVMRetValue")
display("invalid downcast: expected `{}` but given `{}`", expected, actual)
//! This crate contains the refactored basic components required
//! for `runtime` and `frontend` TVM crates.
#![crate_name = "tvm_common"]
#![recursion_limit = "1024"]
#![allow(non_camel_case_types, unused_imports)]
#![feature(box_syntax, try_from)]
extern crate error_chain;
/// Unified ffi module for both runtime and frontend crates.
pub mod ffi {
#![allow(non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals, unused)]
#[cfg(feature = "frontend")]
pub extern crate tvm_sys as ts;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
pub mod runtime {
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_void};
include!(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/src/"));
pub type BackendPackedCFunc = extern "C" fn(
args: *const TVMValue,
type_codes: *const c_int,
num_args: c_int,
) -> c_int;
pub mod errors;
pub mod ty;
pub mod value;
pub use errors::*;
pub use ty::TVMTypeCode;
pub use value::{TVMArgValue, TVMRetValue, TVMValue};
//! This module containes `TVMTypeCode` and `TVMType` with some conversion methods.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! let dtype = TVMType::from("float");
//! println!("dtype is: {}", dtype);
//! ```
use std::{
ffi::{CStr, CString},
fmt::{self, Display, Formatter},
/// TVM type codes.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum TVMTypeCode {
kDLInt = 0,
kDLUInt = 1,
kDLFloat = 2,
kHandle = 3,
kNull = 4,
kTVMType = 5,
kTVMContext = 6,
kArrayHandle = 7,
kNodeHandle = 8,
kModuleHandle = 9,
kFuncHandle = 10,
kStr = 11,
kBytes = 12,
kNDArrayContainer = 13,
impl Default for TVMTypeCode {
fn default() -> Self {
impl From<TVMTypeCode> for i64 {
fn from(arg: TVMTypeCode) -> i64 {
match arg {
TVMTypeCode::kDLInt => 0,
TVMTypeCode::kDLUInt => 1,
TVMTypeCode::kDLFloat => 2,
TVMTypeCode::kHandle => 3,
TVMTypeCode::kNull => 4,
TVMTypeCode::kTVMType => 5,
TVMTypeCode::kTVMContext => 6,
TVMTypeCode::kArrayHandle => 7,
TVMTypeCode::kNodeHandle => 8,
TVMTypeCode::kModuleHandle => 9,
TVMTypeCode::kFuncHandle => 10,
TVMTypeCode::kStr => 11,
TVMTypeCode::kBytes => 12,
TVMTypeCode::kNDArrayContainer => 13,
impl Into<TVMTypeCode> for i64 {
fn into(self) -> TVMTypeCode {
match self {
0 => TVMTypeCode::kDLInt,
1 => TVMTypeCode::kDLUInt,
2 => TVMTypeCode::kDLFloat,
3 => TVMTypeCode::kHandle,
4 => TVMTypeCode::kNull,
5 => TVMTypeCode::kTVMType,
6 => TVMTypeCode::kTVMContext,
7 => TVMTypeCode::kArrayHandle,
8 => TVMTypeCode::kNodeHandle,
9 => TVMTypeCode::kModuleHandle,
10 => TVMTypeCode::kFuncHandle,
11 => TVMTypeCode::kStr,
12 => TVMTypeCode::kBytes,
13 => TVMTypeCode::kNDArrayContainer,
_ => unreachable!(),
impl Display for TVMTypeCode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
TVMTypeCode::kDLInt => "int",
TVMTypeCode::kDLUInt => "uint",
TVMTypeCode::kDLFloat => "float",
TVMTypeCode::kHandle => "handle",
TVMTypeCode::kNull => "null",
TVMTypeCode::kTVMType => "TVM type",
TVMTypeCode::kTVMContext => "TVM context",
TVMTypeCode::kArrayHandle => "Array handle",
TVMTypeCode::kNodeHandle => "Node handle",
TVMTypeCode::kModuleHandle => "Module handle",
TVMTypeCode::kFuncHandle => "Function handle",
TVMTypeCode::kStr => "string",
TVMTypeCode::kBytes => "bytes",
TVMTypeCode::kNDArrayContainer => "ndarray container",
macro_rules! impl_prim_type {
($type:ty, $variant:ident) => {
impl<'a> From<&'a $type> for TVMTypeCode {
fn from(_arg: &$type) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a mut $type> for TVMTypeCode {
fn from(_arg: &mut $type) -> Self {
impl_prim_type!(usize, kDLInt);
impl_prim_type!(i64, kDLInt);
impl_prim_type!(i32, kDLInt);
impl_prim_type!(i16, kDLInt);
impl_prim_type!(i8, kDLInt);
impl_prim_type!(u64, kDLUInt);
impl_prim_type!(u32, kDLUInt);
impl_prim_type!(u16, kDLUInt);
impl_prim_type!(u8, kDLUInt);
impl_prim_type!(f64, kDLFloat);
impl_prim_type!(f32, kDLFloat);
impl_prim_type!(str, kStr);
impl_prim_type!(CStr, kStr);
impl_prim_type!(String, kStr);
impl_prim_type!(CString, kStr);
impl_prim_type!([u8], kBytes);
//! This module provides the the wrapped `TVMValue`, `TVMArgValue` and `TVMRetValue`
//! required for using TVM functions.
use std::{
ffi::{CStr, CString},
fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter},
os::raw::{c_char, c_void},
#[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
use ffi::runtime::TVMValue as _TVMValue;
#[cfg(feature = "frontend")]
use ffi::ts::TVMValue as _TVMValue;
use errors::*;
use ty::TVMTypeCode;
/// Wrapped TVMValue type.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct TVMValue {
pub inner: _TVMValue,
impl TVMValue {
/// Creates TVMValue from the raw part.
pub fn new(inner: _TVMValue) -> Self {
TVMValue { inner }
pub(crate) fn into_raw(self) -> _TVMValue {
impl Debug for TVMValue {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
unsafe {
"TVMValue: [v_int64: {:?}], [v_float64: {:?}], [v_handle: {:?}],\
[v_str: {:?}]",
self.inner.v_int64, self.inner.v_float64, self.inner.v_handle, self.inner.v_str
impl Deref for TVMValue {
type Target = _TVMValue;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
macro_rules! impl_prim_val {
($type:ty, $field:ident, $cast:ty) => {
impl From<$type> for TVMValue {
fn from(arg: $type) -> Self {
let inner = _TVMValue {
$field: arg as $cast,
impl<'a> From<&'a $type> for TVMValue {
fn from(arg: &$type) -> Self {
let inner = _TVMValue {
$field: *arg as $cast,
impl<'a> From<&'a mut $type> for TVMValue {
fn from(arg: &mut $type) -> Self {
let inner = _TVMValue {
$field: *arg as $cast,
impl TryFrom<TVMValue> for $type {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(val: TVMValue) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(unsafe { val.inner.$field as $type })
impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a TVMValue> for $type {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(val: &TVMValue) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(unsafe { val.into_raw().$field as $type })
impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a mut TVMValue> for $type {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(val: &mut TVMValue) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(unsafe { val.into_raw().$field as $type })
impl_prim_val!(isize, v_int64, i64);
impl_prim_val!(i64, v_int64, i64);
impl_prim_val!(i32, v_int64, i64);
impl_prim_val!(i16, v_int64, i64);
impl_prim_val!(i8, v_int64, i64);
impl_prim_val!(usize, v_int64, i64);
impl_prim_val!(u64, v_int64, i64);
impl_prim_val!(u32, v_int64, i64);
impl_prim_val!(u16, v_int64, i64);
impl_prim_val!(u8, v_int64, i64);
impl_prim_val!(f64, v_float64, f64);
impl_prim_val!(f32, v_float64, f64);
impl<'a> From<&'a str> for TVMValue {
fn from(arg: &str) -> TVMValue {
let arg = CString::new(arg).unwrap();
let inner = _TVMValue {
v_str: arg.as_ptr() as *const c_char,
impl<'a> From<&'a String> for TVMValue {
fn from(arg: &String) -> TVMValue {
let arg = CString::new(arg.as_bytes()).unwrap();
let inner = _TVMValue {
v_str: arg.as_ptr() as *const c_char,
impl<'a> From<&'a CString> for TVMValue {
fn from(arg: &CString) -> TVMValue {
let arg = arg.to_owned();
let inner = _TVMValue {
v_str: arg.as_ptr() as *const c_char,
impl<'a> From<&'a [u8]> for TVMValue {
fn from(arg: &[u8]) -> TVMValue {
let arg = arg.to_owned();
let inner = _TVMValue {
v_handle: &arg as *const _ as *mut c_void,
/// Captures both `TVMValue` and `TVMTypeCode` needed for TVM function.
/// The preferred way to obtain a `TVMArgValue` is automatically via `call_packed!`.
/// or in the frontend crate, with `function::Builder`. Checkout the methods for conversions.
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// let s = "hello".to_string();
/// let arg = TVMArgValue::from(&s);
/// let tvm: String = arg.try_into().unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(arg, s);
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct TVMArgValue<'a> {
/// The wrapped TVMValue
pub value: TVMValue,
/// The matching type code.
pub type_code: TVMTypeCode,
/// This is only exposed to runtime and frontend crates and is not meant to be used directly.
pub lifetime: PhantomData<&'a ()>,
impl<'a> TVMArgValue<'a> {
pub fn new(value: TVMValue, type_code: TVMTypeCode) -> Self {
TVMArgValue {
value: value,
type_code: type_code,
lifetime: PhantomData,
impl<'a, 'b> TryFrom<&'b TVMArgValue<'a>> for i64 {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(arg: &TVMArgValue<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
if (arg.type_code == TVMTypeCode::kDLInt)
| (arg.type_code == TVMTypeCode::kDLUInt)
| (arg.type_code == TVMTypeCode::kNull)
Ok(unsafe { arg.value.inner.v_int64 })
} else {
impl<'a, 'b> TryFrom<&'b TVMArgValue<'a>> for f64 {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(arg: &TVMArgValue<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
if arg.type_code == TVMTypeCode::kDLFloat {
Ok(unsafe { arg.value.inner.v_float64 })
} else {
impl<'a, 'b> TryFrom<&'b TVMArgValue<'a>> for String {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(arg: &TVMArgValue<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
if arg.type_code == TVMTypeCode::kStr {
let ret_str = unsafe {
match CStr::from_ptr(arg.value.inner.v_str).to_str() {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(_) => "Invalid UTF-8 message",
} else {
/// Main way to create a TVMArgValue from suported Rust values.
impl<'b, 'a: 'b, T: 'b + ?Sized> From<&'b T> for TVMArgValue<'a>
TVMValue: From<&'b T>,
TVMTypeCode: From<&'b T>,
fn from(arg: &'b T) -> Self {
TVMArgValue::new(TVMValue::from(arg), TVMTypeCode::from(arg))
/// Creates a conversion to a `TVMArgValue` for an object handle.
impl<'a, T> From<*const T> for TVMArgValue<'a> {
fn from(ptr: *const T) -> Self {
let value = TVMValue::new(_TVMValue {
v_handle: ptr as *mut T as *mut c_void,
TVMArgValue::new(value, TVMTypeCode::kArrayHandle)
/// Creates a conversion to a `TVMArgValue` for a mutable object handle.
impl<'a, T> From<*mut T> for TVMArgValue<'a> {
fn from(ptr: *mut T) -> Self {
let value = TVMValue::new(_TVMValue {
v_handle: ptr as *mut c_void,
TVMArgValue::new(value, TVMTypeCode::kHandle)
/// An owned version of TVMPODValue. It can be converted from varieties of
/// primitive and object types.
/// It can be downcasted using `try_from` if it contains the desired type.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let a = 42u32;
/// let b: i64 = TVMRetValue::from(a).try_into().unwrap();
/// let s = "hello, world!";
/// let t: TVMRetValue = s.into();
/// assert_eq!(String::try_from(t).unwrap(), s);
/// ```
pub struct TVMRetValue {
/// A primitive return value, if any.
pub prim_value: usize,
/// An object return value, if any.
pub box_value: Box<Any>,
pub type_code: TVMTypeCode,
impl TVMRetValue {
fn new(prim_value: usize, box_value: Box<Any>, type_code: TVMTypeCode) -> Self {
Self {
/// unsafe function to create `TVMRetValue` from `TVMValue` and
/// its matching `TVMTypeCode`.
pub unsafe fn from_tvm_value(value: TVMValue, type_code: TVMTypeCode) -> Self {
let value = value.into_raw();
match type_code {
TVMTypeCode::kDLInt | TVMTypeCode::kDLUInt => {
Self::new(value.v_int64 as usize, box (), type_code)
TVMTypeCode::kDLFloat => Self::new(value.v_float64 as usize, box (), type_code),
| TVMTypeCode::kArrayHandle
| TVMTypeCode::kNodeHandle
| TVMTypeCode::kModuleHandle
| TVMTypeCode::kFuncHandle => {
Self::new(value.v_handle as usize, box value.v_handle, type_code)
TVMTypeCode::kStr | TVMTypeCode::kBytes => {
Self::new(value.v_str as usize, box (value.v_str), type_code)
_ => Self::new(0usize, box (), type_code),
/// Returns the underlying `TVMValue` and `TVMTypeCode`.
pub fn into_tvm_value(self) -> (TVMValue, TVMTypeCode) {
let val = match self.type_code {
TVMTypeCode::kDLInt | TVMTypeCode::kDLUInt => TVMValue::new(_TVMValue {
v_int64: self.prim_value as i64,
TVMTypeCode::kDLFloat => TVMValue::new(_TVMValue {
v_float64: self.prim_value as f64,
| TVMTypeCode::kArrayHandle
| TVMTypeCode::kNodeHandle
| TVMTypeCode::kModuleHandle
| TVMTypeCode::kFuncHandle
| TVMTypeCode::kNDArrayContainer => TVMValue::new(_TVMValue {
v_handle: self.prim_value as *const c_void as *mut c_void,
TVMTypeCode::kStr | TVMTypeCode::kBytes => TVMValue::new(_TVMValue {
v_str: self.prim_value as *const c_char,
_ => unreachable!(),
(val, self.type_code)
impl Default for TVMRetValue {
fn default() -> Self {
TVMRetValue {
prim_value: 0usize,
box_value: box (),
type_code: TVMTypeCode::default(),
impl Clone for TVMRetValue {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
match self.type_code {
TVMTypeCode::kDLInt | TVMTypeCode::kDLUInt | TVMTypeCode::kDLFloat => {
Self::new(self.prim_value.clone(), box (), self.type_code.clone())
| TVMTypeCode::kArrayHandle
| TVMTypeCode::kNodeHandle
| TVMTypeCode::kModuleHandle
| TVMTypeCode::kFuncHandle
| TVMTypeCode::kNDArrayContainer => Self::new(
box (self.prim_value.clone() as *const c_void as *mut c_void),
TVMTypeCode::kStr | TVMTypeCode::kBytes => Self::new(
box (self.prim_value.clone() as *const c_char),
_ => unreachable!(),
impl Debug for TVMRetValue {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
"prim_value: {:?}, box_value: {:?}, type_code: {:?}",
self.prim_value, self.prim_value as *const c_void as *mut c_void, self.type_code
macro_rules! impl_prim_ret_value {
($type:ty, $code:expr) => {
impl From<$type> for TVMRetValue {
fn from(val: $type) -> Self {
TVMRetValue {
prim_value: val as usize,
box_value: box (),
type_code: $code,
impl<'a> From<&'a $type> for TVMRetValue {
fn from(val: &$type) -> Self {
TVMRetValue {
prim_value: *val as usize,
box_value: box (),
type_code: $code,
impl<'a> From<&'a mut $type> for TVMRetValue {
fn from(val: &mut $type) -> Self {
TVMRetValue {
prim_value: *val as usize,
box_value: box (),
type_code: $code,
impl TryFrom<TVMRetValue> for $type {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(ret: TVMRetValue) -> Result<$type> {
if ret.type_code == $code {
Ok(ret.prim_value as $type)
} else {
impl_prim_ret_value!(i8, TVMTypeCode::kDLInt);
impl_prim_ret_value!(i16, TVMTypeCode::kDLInt);
impl_prim_ret_value!(i32, TVMTypeCode::kDLInt);
impl_prim_ret_value!(i64, TVMTypeCode::kDLInt);
impl_prim_ret_value!(isize, TVMTypeCode::kDLInt);
impl_prim_ret_value!(u8, TVMTypeCode::kDLUInt);
impl_prim_ret_value!(u16, TVMTypeCode::kDLUInt);
impl_prim_ret_value!(u32, TVMTypeCode::kDLUInt);
impl_prim_ret_value!(u64, TVMTypeCode::kDLUInt);
impl_prim_ret_value!(usize, TVMTypeCode::kDLUInt);
impl_prim_ret_value!(f32, TVMTypeCode::kDLFloat);
impl_prim_ret_value!(f64, TVMTypeCode::kDLFloat);
macro_rules! impl_ptr_ret_value {
($type:ty) => {
impl From<$type> for TVMRetValue {
fn from(ptr: $type) -> Self {
TVMRetValue {
prim_value: ptr as usize,
box_value: box (),
type_code: TVMTypeCode::kHandle,
impl TryFrom<TVMRetValue> for $type {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(ret: TVMRetValue) -> Result<$type> {
if ret.type_code == TVMTypeCode::kHandle {
Ok(ret.prim_value as $type)
} else {
impl_ptr_ret_value!(*const c_void);
impl_ptr_ret_value!(*mut c_void);
impl From<String> for TVMRetValue {
fn from(val: String) -> Self {
let pval = val.as_ptr() as *const c_char as usize;
let bval = box (val.as_ptr() as *const c_char);
TVMRetValue::new(pval, bval, TVMTypeCode::kStr)
impl TryFrom<TVMRetValue> for String {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(ret: TVMRetValue) -> Result<String> {
// Note: simple downcast doesn't work for function call return values
let ret_str = unsafe {
match CStr::from_ptr(ret.prim_value as *const c_char).to_str() {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(_) => "Invalid UTF-8 message",
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::convert::TryInto;
fn numeric() {
macro_rules! arg_ret_tests {
($v:expr; $($ty:ty),+) => {{
let v = $v as $ty;
let b = TVMRetValue::from(&v);
let b: $ty = b.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(b, v);
arg_ret_tests!(42; i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64);
fn string() {
let s = "hello".to_string();
let tvm_arg: String = TVMRetValue::from(s.clone()).try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(tvm_arg, s);
name = "tvm-sys"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["TVM Contributors"]
license = "Apache-2.0"
description = "Raw C API"
bindgen = "0.37.4"
extern crate bindgen;
use std::path::PathBuf;
fn main() {
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}/build", env!("TVM_HOME"));
let bindings = bindgen::Builder::default()
.clang_arg(format!("-I{}/3rdparty/dlpack/include/", env!("TVM_HOME")))
.blacklist_type("max_align_t") // @see rust-bindgen#550
.expect("unable to generate bindings");
.expect("can not write the bindings!");
name = "tvm-frontend"
version = "0.1.0"
license = "Apache-2.0"
description = "Rust frontend support for TVM"
repository = ""
homepage = ""
readme = ""
keywords = ["rust", "tvm", "nnvm"]
categories = ["api-bindings", "science"]
authors = ["TVM Contributors"]
name = "tvm_frontend"
crate-type = ["dylib"]
error-chain = "0.12.0"
lazy_static = "1.1.0"
ndarray = "0.12.1"
num-traits = "0.2"
tvm-common = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../common/", features = ["frontend"] }
blas = ["ndarray/blas"]
# TVM Runtime Frontend Support
This crate provides an idiomatic Rust API for [TVM]( runtime frontend. Currently this requires **Nightly Rust** and tested on `rustc 1.32.0-nightly`
## What Does This Crate Offer?
Here is a major workflow
1. Train your **Deep Learning** model using any major framework such as [PyTorch](, [Apache MXNet]( or [TensorFlow](
2. Use **TVM** to build optimized model artifacts on a supported context such as CPU, GPU, OpenCL and specialized accelerators.
3. Deploy your models using **Rust** :heart:
### Example: Deploy Image Classification from Pretrained Resnet18 on ImageNet1k
Please checkout [examples/resnet](examples/resnet) for the complete end-to-end example.
Here's a Python snippet for downloading and building a pretrained Resnet18 via Apache MXNet and TVM
block = get_model('resnet18_v1', pretrained=True)
sym, params = nnvm.frontend.from_mxnet(block)
# add the softmax layer for prediction
net = nnvm.sym.softmax(sym)
# compile the model
with nnvm.compiler.build_config(opt_level=opt_level):
graph, lib, params =
net, target, shape={"data": data_shape}, params=params)
# same the model artifacts, "deploy_lib.o"))
cc.create_shared(os.path.join(target_dir, ""),
[os.path.join(target_dir, "deploy_lib.o")])
with open(os.path.join(target_dir, "deploy_graph.json"), "w") as fo:
with open(os.path.join(target_dir,"deploy_param.params"), "wb") as fo:
Now, we need to input the artifacts to create and run the *Graph Runtime* to detect our input cat image
as demostrated in the following Rust snippet
let graph = fs::read_to_string("deploy_graph.json")?;
// load the built module
let lib = Module::load(&Path::new(""))?;
// get the global TVM graph runtime function
let runtime_create_fn = Function::get("tvm.graph_runtime.create", true).unwrap();
let runtime_create_fn_ret = call_packed!(
// get graph runtime module
let graph_runtime_module: Module = runtime_create_fn_ret.try_into()?;
// get the registered `load_params` from runtime module
let ref load_param_fn = graph_runtime_module
.get_function("load_params", false)
// parse parameters and convert to TVMByteArray
let params: Vec<u8> = fs::read("deploy_param.params")?;
let barr = TVMByteArray::from(&params);
// load the parameters
call_packed!(load_param_fn, &barr)?;
// get the set_input function
let ref set_input_fn = graph_runtime_module
.get_function("set_input", false)
call_packed!(set_input_fn, "data", &input)?;
// get `run` function from runtime module
let ref run_fn = graph_runtime_module.get_function("run", false).unwrap();
// execute the run function. Note that it has no argument
// prepare to get the output
let output_shape = &mut [1, 1000];
let output = empty(output_shape, TVMContext::cpu(0), TVMType::from("float32"));
// get the `get_output` function from runtime module
let ref get_output_fn = graph_runtime_module
.get_function("get_output", false)
// execute the get output function
call_packed!(get_output_fn, &0, &output)?;
// flatten the output as Vec<f32>
let output = output.to_vec::<f32>()?;
and the model correctly predicts the input image as **tiger cat**.
## Installations
Please follow TVM [installations](, `export TVM_HOME=/path/to/tvm` and add `libtvm_runtime` to your `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`.
*Note:* To run the end-to-end examples and tests, `tvm`, `nnvm` and `topi` need to be added to your `PYTHONPATH` or it's automatic via an Anaconda environment when it is installed individually.
## Supported TVM Functionalities
### Use TVM to Generate Shared Library
One can use the following Python snippet to generate `` which add two vectors on GPU.
import os
import tvm
from tvm.contrib import cc
def test_add(target_dir):
if not tvm.module.enabled("cuda"):
print(f"skip {__file__} because cuda is not enabled...")
n = tvm.var("n")
A = tvm.placeholder((n,), name='A')
B = tvm.placeholder((n,), name='B')
C = tvm.compute(A.shape, lambda i: A[i] + B[i], name="C")
s = tvm.create_schedule(C.op)
bx, tx = s[C].split(C.op.axis[0], factor=64)
s[C].bind(bx, tvm.thread_axis("blockIdx.x"))
s[C].bind(tx, tvm.thread_axis("threadIdx.x"))
fadd_cuda =, [A, B, C], "cuda", target_host="llvm", name="myadd"), "add_gpu.o"))
fadd_cuda.imported_modules[0].save(os.path.join(target_dir, "add_gpu.ptx"))
cc.create_shared(os.path.join(target_dir, ""),
[os.path.join(target_dir, "add_gpu.o")])
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
### Run the Generated Shared Library
The following code snippet demonstrates how to load and test the generated shared library (``) in Rust.
extern crate tvm_frontend as tvm;
use tvm::*;
fn main() {
let shape = &mut [2];
let mut data = vec![3f32, 4.0];
let mut arr = empty(shape, TVMContext::gpu(0), TVMType::from("float32"));
let mut ret = empty(shape, TVMContext::gpu(0), TVMType::from("float32"));
let mut fadd = Module::load(&Path::new("")).unwrap();
let fadd_dep = Module::load(&Path::new("add_gpu.ptx")).unwrap();
function::Builder::from(&mut fadd)
.set_output(&mut ret)?
assert_eq!(ret.to_vec::<f32>().unwrap(), vec![6f32, 8.0]);
**Note:** it is required to instruct the `rustc` to link to the generated `` in runtime, for example by
See the tests and examples custom `` for more details.
### Convert and Register a Rust Function as a TVM Packed Function
One can use `register_global_func!` macro to convert and register a Rust
function of type `fn(&[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue>` to a global TVM **packed function** as follows
extern crate tvm_frontend as tvm;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use tvm::*;
fn main() {
register_global_func! {
fn sum(args: &[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue> {
let mut ret = 0f32;
let shape = &mut [2];
for arg in args.iter() {
let e = empty(shape, TVMContext::cpu(0), TVMType::from("float32"));
let arg: NDArray = arg.try_into()?;
let arr = arg.copy_to_ndarray(e).unwrap();
let rnd: ArrayD<f32> = ArrayD::try_from(&arr).unwrap();
ret += rnd.scalar_sum();
let ret_val = TVMRetValue::from(&ret);
let shape = &mut [2];
let mut data = vec![3f32, 4.0];
let mut arr = empty(shape, TVMContext::cpu(0), TVMType::from("float32"));
let mut registered = function::Builder::default();
let ret: f64 = registered
.get_function("sum", true)
assert_eq!(ret, 14f64);
name = "resnet"
version = "0.0.0"
authors = ["TVM Contributors"]
license = "Apache-2.0"
build = ""
ndarray = "0.12.1"
tvm-frontend = { path = "../../" }
image = "0.20.1"
csv = "1"
## Resnet example
This end-to-end example shows how to:
* build `Resnet 18` with `tvm` and `nnvm` from Python
* use the provided Rust frontend API to test for an input image
To run the example, first `tvm`, `nnvm` and `mxnet` must be installed for the python build. To install mxnet for cpu, run `pip install mxnet`
and to install `tvm` and `nnvm` with `llvm` follow the [TVM installation guide](
* **Build the example**: `cargo build`
To have a successful build, note that it is required to instruct Rust compiler to link to the compiled shared library, for example with
`println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", build_path)`. See the `` for more details.
* **Run the example**: `cargo run`
use std::process::Command;
fn main() {
let output = Command::new(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/src/"))
.expect("Failed to execute command");
std::path::Path::new(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/deploy_lib.o")).exists(),
"Could not prepare demo: {}",
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import csv
import logging
from os import path as osp
import sys
import numpy as np
import mxnet as mx
from import get_model
from mxnet.gluon.utils import download
import tvm
from tvm.contrib import graph_runtime, cc
import nnvm
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Resnet build example')
aa = parser.add_argument
aa('--batch-size', type=int, default=1, help='input image batch size')
aa('--opt-level', type=int, default=3,
help='level of optimization. 0 is unoptimized and 3 is the highest level')
aa('--target', type=str, default='llvm', help='target context for compilation')
aa('--image-shape', type=str, default='3,224,224', help='input image dimensions')
aa('--image-name', type=str, default='cat.png', help='name of input image to download')
args = parser.parse_args()
target_dir = osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__)))
batch_size = args.batch_size
opt_level = args.opt_level
target =
image_shape = tuple(map(int, args.image_shape.split(",")))
data_shape = (batch_size,) + image_shape
def build(target_dir):
""" Compiles resnet18 with TVM"""
deploy_lib = osp.join(target_dir, 'deploy_lib.o')
if osp.exists(deploy_lib):
# download the pretrained resnet18 trained on imagenet1k dataset for
# image classification task
block = get_model('resnet18_v1', pretrained=True)
sym, params = nnvm.frontend.from_mxnet(block)
# add the softmax layer for prediction
net = nnvm.sym.softmax(sym)
# compile the model
with nnvm.compiler.build_config(opt_level=opt_level):
graph, lib, params =
net, target, shape={"data": data_shape}, params=params)
# save the model artifacts
cc.create_shared(osp.join(target_dir, ""),
[osp.join(target_dir, "deploy_lib.o")])
with open(osp.join(target_dir, "deploy_graph.json"), "w") as fo:
with open(osp.join(target_dir,"deploy_param.params"), "wb") as fo:
def download_img_labels():
""" Download an image and imagenet1k class labels for test"""
img_name = 'cat.png'
synset_url = ''.join(['',
synset_name = 'synset.txt'
download('', img_name)
download(synset_url, synset_name)
with open(synset_name) as fin:
synset = eval(
with open("synset.csv", "w") as fout:
w = csv.writer(fout)
def test_build(target_dir):
""" Sanity check with random input"""
graph = open(osp.join(target_dir, "deploy_graph.json")).read()
lib = tvm.module.load(osp.join(target_dir, ""))
params = bytearray(open(osp.join(target_dir,"deploy_param.params"), "rb").read())
input_data = tvm.nd.array(np.random.uniform(size=data_shape).astype("float32"))
ctx = tvm.cpu()
module = graph_runtime.create(graph, lib, ctx)
out = module.get_output(0).asnumpy()
if __name__ == '__main__':"building the model")
build(target_dir)"build was successful")"test the build artifacts")
test_build(target_dir)"test was successful")
download_img_labels()"image and synset downloads are successful")
extern crate csv;
extern crate image;
extern crate ndarray;
extern crate tvm_frontend as tvm;
use std::{
fs::{self, File},
use image::{FilterType, GenericImageView};
use ndarray::{Array, ArrayD, Axis};
use tvm::*;
fn main() {
let ctx = TVMContext::cpu(0);
let img = image::open(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/cat.png")).unwrap();
println!("original image dimensions: {:?}", img.dimensions());
// for bigger size images, one needs to first resize to 256x256
// with `img.resize_exact` method and then `image.crop` to 224x224
let img = img.resize(224, 224, FilterType::Nearest).to_rgb();
println!("resized image dimensions: {:?}", img.dimensions());
let mut pixels: Vec<f32> = vec![];
for pixel in img.pixels() {
let tmp =;
// normalize the RGB channels using mean, std of imagenet1k
let tmp = [
(tmp[0] as f32 - 123.0) / 58.395, // R
(tmp[1] as f32 - 117.0) / 57.12, // G
(tmp[2] as f32 - 104.0) / 57.375, // B
for e in &tmp {
let arr = Array::from_shape_vec((224, 224, 3), pixels).unwrap();
let arr: ArrayD<f32> = arr.permuted_axes([2, 0, 1]).into_dyn();
// make arr shape as [1, 3, 224, 224] acceptable to resnet
let arr = arr.insert_axis(Axis(0));
// create input tensor from rust's ndarray
let input =
NDArray::from_rust_ndarray(&arr, TVMContext::cpu(0), TVMType::from("float32")).unwrap();
"input size is {:?}",
input.shape().expect("cannot get the input shape")
let graph =
fs::read_to_string(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/deploy_graph.json")).unwrap();
// load the built module
let lib = Module::load(&Path::new(concat!(
// get the global TVM graph runtime function
let runtime_create_fn = Function::get("tvm.graph_runtime.create", true).unwrap();
let runtime_create_fn_ret = call_packed!(
// get graph runtime module
let graph_runtime_module: Module = runtime_create_fn_ret.try_into().unwrap();
// get the registered `load_params` from runtime module
let ref load_param_fn = graph_runtime_module
.get_function("load_params", false)
// parse parameters and convert to TVMByteArray
let params: Vec<u8> =
fs::read(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/deploy_param.params")).unwrap();
let barr = TVMByteArray::from(&params);
// load the parameters
call_packed!(load_param_fn, &barr).unwrap();
// get the set_input function
let ref set_input_fn = graph_runtime_module
.get_function("set_input", false)
call_packed!(set_input_fn, "data", &input).unwrap();
// get `run` function from runtime module
let ref run_fn = graph_runtime_module.get_function("run", false).unwrap();
// execute the run function. Note that it has no argument
// prepare to get the output
let output_shape = &mut [1, 1000];
let output = NDArray::empty(output_shape, TVMContext::cpu(0), TVMType::from("float32"));
// get the `get_output` function from runtime module
let ref get_output_fn = graph_runtime_module
.get_function("get_output", false)
// execute the get output function
call_packed!(get_output_fn, &0, &output).unwrap();
// flatten the output as Vec<f32>
let output = output.to_vec::<f32>().unwrap();
// find the maximum entry in the output and its index
let mut argmax = -1;
let mut max_prob = 0.;
for i in 0..output.len() {
if output[i] > max_prob {
max_prob = output[i];
argmax = i as i32;
// create a hash map of (class id, class name)
let mut synset: HashMap<i32, String> = HashMap::new();
let file = File::open("synset.csv").unwrap();
let mut rdr = csv::ReaderBuilder::new()
for result in rdr.records() {
let record = result.unwrap();
let id: i32 = record[0].parse().unwrap();
let cls = record[1].to_string();
synset.insert(id, cls);
"input image belongs to the class `{}` with probability {}",
.expect("cannot find the class id for argmax"),
//! Provides [`TVMByteArray`] used for passing the model parameters
//! (stored as byte-array) to a runtime module.
//! For more detail, please see the example `resnet` in `examples` repository.
use std::os::raw::c_char;
use crate::ts;
/// A struct holding TVM byte-array.
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// let v = b"hello".to_vec();
/// let barr = TVMByteArray::from(&v);
/// assert_eq!(barr.len(), v.len());
/// assert_eq!(, vec![104i8, 101, 108, 108, 111]);
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TVMByteArray {
pub(crate) inner: ts::TVMByteArray,
impl TVMByteArray {
pub(crate) fn new(barr: ts::TVMByteArray) -> TVMByteArray {
TVMByteArray { inner: barr }
/// Gets the length of the underlying byte-array
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Gets the underlying byte-array as `Vec<i8>`
pub fn data(&self) -> Vec<i8> {
unsafe {
let sz = self.len();
let mut ret_buf = Vec::with_capacity(sz);
ret_buf.set_len(sz);, sz);
impl<'a> From<&'a Vec<u8>> for TVMByteArray {
fn from(arg: &Vec<u8>) -> Self {
let barr = ts::TVMByteArray {
data: arg.as_ptr() as *const c_char,
size: arg.len(),
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn convert() {
let v = vec![1u8, 2, 3];
let barr = TVMByteArray::from(&v);
assert_eq!(barr.len(), v.len());
assert_eq!(, vec![1i8, 2, 3]);
let v = b"hello".to_vec();
let barr = TVMByteArray::from(&v);
assert_eq!(barr.len(), v.len());
assert_eq!(, vec![104i8, 101, 108, 108, 111]);
//! Provides [`TVMContext`] and related device specific queries.
//! Create a new context by device type (cpu is 1) and device id.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! let ctx = TVMContext::new(1, 0);
//! let cpu0 = TVMContext::cpu(0);
//! assert_eq!(ctx, cpu0);
//! ```
//! Or from a supported device name.
//! ```
//! let cpu0 = TVMContext::from("cpu");
//! println!("{}", cpu0);
//! ```
use std::{
fmt::{self, Display, Formatter},
use crate::{function, ts, Result};
/// Device type can be from a supported device name. See the supported devices
/// in [TVM](
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// let cpu = TVMDeviceType::from("cpu");
/// println!("device is: {}", cpu);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct TVMDeviceType(pub usize);
impl Default for TVMDeviceType {
/// default device is cpu.
fn default() -> Self {
impl From<TVMDeviceType> for ts::DLDeviceType {
fn from(device_type: TVMDeviceType) -> Self {
match device_type.0 {
1 => ts::DLDeviceType_kDLCPU,
2 => ts::DLDeviceType_kDLGPU,
3 => ts::DLDeviceType_kDLCPUPinned,
4 => ts::DLDeviceType_kDLOpenCL,
7 => ts::DLDeviceType_kDLVulkan,
8 => ts::DLDeviceType_kDLMetal,
9 => ts::DLDeviceType_kDLVPI,
10 => ts::DLDeviceType_kDLROCM,
12 => ts::DLDeviceType_kDLExtDev,
_ => panic!("device type not found!"),
impl From<ts::DLDeviceType> for TVMDeviceType {
fn from(device_type: ts::DLDeviceType) -> Self {
match device_type {
ts::DLDeviceType_kDLCPU => TVMDeviceType(1),
ts::DLDeviceType_kDLGPU => TVMDeviceType(2),
ts::DLDeviceType_kDLCPUPinned => TVMDeviceType(3),
ts::DLDeviceType_kDLOpenCL => TVMDeviceType(4),
ts::DLDeviceType_kDLVulkan => TVMDeviceType(7),
ts::DLDeviceType_kDLMetal => TVMDeviceType(8),
ts::DLDeviceType_kDLVPI => TVMDeviceType(9),
ts::DLDeviceType_kDLROCM => TVMDeviceType(10),
ts::DLDeviceType_kDLExtDev => TVMDeviceType(12),
_ => panic!("device type not found!"),
impl Display for TVMDeviceType {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
TVMDeviceType(1) => "cpu",
TVMDeviceType(2) => "gpu",
TVMDeviceType(3) => "cpu_pinned",
TVMDeviceType(4) => "opencl",
TVMDeviceType(8) => "meta",
TVMDeviceType(9) => "vpi",
TVMDeviceType(10) => "rocm",
TVMDeviceType(_) => "rpc",
impl<'a> From<&'a str> for TVMDeviceType {
fn from(type_str: &'a str) -> Self {
match type_str {
"cpu" => TVMDeviceType(1),
"llvm" => TVMDeviceType(1),
"stackvm" => TVMDeviceType(1),
"gpu" => TVMDeviceType(2),
"cuda" => TVMDeviceType(2),
"nvptx" => TVMDeviceType(2),
"cl" => TVMDeviceType(4),
"opencl" => TVMDeviceType(4),
"metal" => TVMDeviceType(8),
"vpi" => TVMDeviceType(9),
"rocm" => TVMDeviceType(10),
_ => panic!("{:?} not supported!", type_str),
/// Represents the underlying device context. Default is cpu.
/// ## Examples
/// ```
/// let ctx = TVMContext::from("gpu");
/// assert!(ctx.exist());
/// ```
/// It is possible to query the underlying context as follows
/// ```
/// println!("maximun threads per block: {}", ctx.max_threads_per_block());
/// println!("compute version: {}", ctx.compute_version());
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TVMContext {
/// Supported device types
pub device_type: TVMDeviceType,
/// Device id
pub device_id: usize,
impl TVMContext {
/// Creates context from device type and id.
pub fn new(device_type: TVMDeviceType, device_id: usize) -> Self {
TVMContext {
device_type: device_type,
device_id: device_id,
macro_rules! impl_ctxs {
($(($ctx:ident, $dldevt:expr));+) => {
impl TVMContext {
pub fn $ctx(device_id: usize) -> Self {
Self::new(TVMDeviceType($dldevt), device_id)
impl_ctxs!((cpu, 1);
(gpu, 2);
(nvptx, 2);
(cuda, 2);
(cpu_pinned, 3);
(cl, 4);
(opencl, 4);
(metal, 8);
(vpi, 9);
(rocm, 10);
(opengl, 11);
(ext_dev, 12));
impl<'a> From<&'a str> for TVMContext {
fn from(target: &str) -> Self {
TVMContext::new(TVMDeviceType::from(target), 0)
impl TVMContext {
/// Checks whether the context exists or not.
pub fn exist(&self) -> bool {
let func = function::Function::get("_GetDeviceAttr", true /* is_global */)
.expect("API function always exists");
let dt = self.device_type.0 as usize;
// `unwrap` is ok here because if there is any error,
// if would occure inside `call_packed!`
let ret = call_packed!(func, &dt, &self.device_id, &0)
ret != 0
/// Synchronize the context stream.
pub fn sync(&self) -> Result<()> {
self.device_type.0 as i32,
self.device_id as i32,
ptr::null_mut() as *mut c_void
macro_rules! impl_device_attrs {
($(($attr_name:ident, $attr_kind:expr));+) => {
impl TVMContext {
pub fn $attr_name(&self) -> usize {
let func = function::Function::get("_GetDeviceAttr", true /* is_global */)
.expect("API function always exists");
let dt = self.device_type.0 as usize;
// `unwrap` is ok here because if there is any error,
// if would occur in function call.
let ret = function::Builder::from(func)
.args(&[dt, self.device_id, $attr_kind])
ret.prim_value as usize
impl_device_attrs!((max_threads_per_block, 1);
(warp_size, 2);
(max_shared_memory_per_block, 3);
(compute_version, 4);
(device_name, 5);
(max_clock_rate, 6);
(multi_processor_count, 7);
(max_thread_dimensions, 8));
impl From<ts::DLContext> for TVMContext {
fn from(ctx: ts::DLContext) -> Self {
TVMContext {
device_type: TVMDeviceType::from(ctx.device_type),
device_id: ctx.device_id as usize,
impl From<TVMContext> for ts::DLContext {
fn from(ctx: TVMContext) -> Self {
ts::DLContext {
device_type: ctx.device_type.into(),
device_id: ctx.device_id as i32,
impl Display for TVMContext {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}({})", self.device_type, self.device_id)
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn context() {
let ctx = TVMContext::cpu(0);
println!("ctx: {}", ctx);
let default_ctx = TVMContext::new(TVMDeviceType(1), 0);
assert_eq!(ctx.clone(), default_ctx);
assert_ne!(ctx, TVMContext::gpu(0));
let str_ctx = TVMContext::new(TVMDeviceType::from("gpu"), 0);
assert_eq!(str_ctx.clone(), str_ctx);
assert_ne!(str_ctx, TVMContext::new(TVMDeviceType::from("cpu"), 0));
fn sync() {
let ctx = TVMContext::cpu(0);
//! This module implements TVM custom [`Error`], [`ErrorKind`] and [`Result`] types.
use std::{ffi, option};
use crate::{common_errors, rust_ndarray};
error_chain! {
errors {
EmptyArray {
description("cannot convert from an empty array")
NullHandle(name: String) {
description("null handle")
display("requested `{}` handle is null", name)
FunctionNotFound {
description("function not found")
display("function was not set in `function::Builder`")
TypeMismatch(expected: String, found: String) {
description("type mismatch!")
display("expected type `{}`, but found `{}`", expected, found)
MissingShapeError {
description("ndarray `shape()` returns `None`")
display("called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value")
AtMostOneReturn {
description("TVM functions accept at most one return value")
foreign_links {
impl From<option::NoneError> for Error {
fn from(_err: option::NoneError) -> Self {
//! This module provides an idiomatic Rust API for creating and working with TVM functions.
//! For calling an already registered TVM function use [`function::Builder`]
//! To register a TVM packed function from Rust side either
//! use [`function::register`] or the macro [`register_global_func`].
//! See the tests and examples repository for more examples.
use std::{
ffi::{CStr, CString},
os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_void},
ptr, slice, str,
use crate::{ts, ErrorKind, Module, Result, TVMArgValue, TVMRetValue, TVMTypeCode, TVMValue};
lazy_static! {
static ref GLOBAL_FUNCTIONS: Mutex<BTreeMap<&'static str, Option<Function>>> = {
let mut out_size = 0 as c_int;
let name = ptr::null_mut() as *mut c_char;
let mut out_array = name as *mut _;
&mut out_size as *mut _,
&mut out_array
let names_list = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(out_array, out_size as usize) };
.map(|&p| (unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(p).to_str().unwrap() }, None))
/// Wrapper around TVM function handle which includes `is_global`
/// indicating whether the function is global or not, `is_released`
/// to hint dropping the function handle and `is_cloned` showing
/// not to drop a cloned function from Rust side.
/// The value of these fields can be accessed through their respective methods.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct Function {
pub(crate) handle: ts::TVMFunctionHandle,
// whether the registered function is global or not.
is_global: bool,
// whether the function has been dropped from frontend or not.
is_released: bool,
// whether the function has been cloned from frontend or not.
is_cloned: bool,
unsafe impl Send for Function {}
unsafe impl Sync for Function {}
impl Function {
pub(crate) fn new(handle: ts::TVMFunctionHandle, is_global: bool, is_released: bool) -> Self {
Function {
handle: handle,
is_global: is_global,
is_released: is_released,
is_cloned: false,
/// For a given function, it returns a function by name.
pub fn get<S: AsRef<str>>(name: S, is_global: bool) -> Option<&'static Function> {
let mut globals = GLOBAL_FUNCTIONS.lock().unwrap();
globals.get_mut(name.as_ref()).and_then(|maybe_func| {
if maybe_func.is_none() {
let name = CString::new(name.as_ref()).unwrap();
let mut handle = ptr::null_mut() as ts::TVMFunctionHandle;
name.as_ptr() as *const c_char,
&mut handle as *mut _
handle, is_global, false, /* is_released */
unsafe {
std::mem::transmute::<Option<&Function>, Option<&'static Function>>(
/// Returns the underlying TVM function handle.
pub fn handle(&self) -> ts::TVMFunctionHandle {
/// Returns `true` if the underlying TVM function is global and `false` otherwise.
pub fn is_global(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns `true` if the underlying TVM function has been released
/// from the frontend and `false` otherwise.
pub fn is_released(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns `true` if the underlying TVM function has been cloned
/// from the frontend and `false` otherwise.
pub fn is_cloned(&self) -> bool {
impl Clone for Function {
fn clone(&self) -> Function {
if !self.is_released && !self.is_cloned {
Self {
handle: self.handle,
is_global: self.is_global,
is_released: self.is_released,
is_cloned: true,
} else {
Function::new(self.handle, self.is_global, self.is_released)
impl Drop for Function {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if !self.is_released && !self.is_global && !self.is_cloned {
self.is_released = true;
/// Function builder in order to create and call functions.
/// *Note:* Currently TVM functions accept *at most* one return value.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct Builder<'a, 'm> {
pub func: Option<&'m Function>,
pub arg_buf: Option<Box<[TVMArgValue<'a>]>>,
pub ret_buf: Option<TVMRetValue>,
impl<'a, 'm> Builder<'a, 'm> {
pub fn new(
func: Option<&'m Function>,
arg_buf: Option<Box<[TVMArgValue<'a>]>>,
ret_buf: Option<TVMRetValue>,
) -> Self {
Self {
pub fn get_function(&mut self, name: &'m str, is_global: bool) -> &mut Self {
self.func = Function::get(name, is_global);
/// Pushes a [`TVMArgValue`] into the function argument buffer.
pub fn arg<'b, T: ?Sized>(&mut self, arg: &'b T) -> &mut Self
TVMValue: From<&'b T>,
TVMTypeCode: From<&'b T>,
let tvm_arg = TVMArgValue::from(arg);
if self.arg_buf.is_none() {
self.arg_buf = Some(Box::new([tvm_arg]));
} else {
let new_arg_buf = self.arg_buf.take().map(|bbuf| {
let mut new_arg_buf = Vec::from(bbuf);
let new_len = new_arg_buf.len();
self.arg_buf = new_arg_buf;
/// Pushes multiple [`TVMArgValue`]s into the function argument buffer.
pub fn args<'b, T: 'b + ?Sized, I>(&mut self, args: I) -> &mut Self
I: IntoIterator<Item = &'b T>,
TVMValue: From<&'b T>,
TVMTypeCode: From<&'b T>,
for arg in args {
/// Sets an output for a function that requirs a mutable output to be provided.
/// See the `basics` in tests for an example.
pub fn set_output<'b, T: 'b + ?Sized>(&mut self, arg: &'b mut T) -> Result<&mut Self>
TVMValue: From<&'b T>,
TVMTypeCode: From<&'b T>,
if self.ret_buf.is_none() {
let tvm_ret =
unsafe { TVMRetValue::from_tvm_value(TVMValue::from(arg), TVMTypeCode::from(arg)) };
self.ret_buf = Some(tvm_ret);
} else {
/// Calls the function that created from `Builder`.
pub fn invoke(&mut self) -> Result<TVMRetValue> {
impl<'a, 'm> FnOnce<((),)> for Builder<'a, 'm> {
type Output = Result<TVMRetValue>;
extern "rust-call" fn call_once(self, _: ((),)) -> Self::Output {
if self.func.is_none() {
bail!("{}", ErrorKind::FunctionNotFound);
let mut ret_val = unsafe { mem::uninitialized::<ts::TVMValue>() };
let mut ret_type_code = 0 as c_int;
if self.arg_buf.is_some() {
let arg_buf = self.arg_buf?;
let mut num_args = arg_buf.len();
let mut values = arg_buf
.map(|tav| tav.value.inner)
let mut tcodes = arg_buf
.map(|tav| tav.type_code as c_int)
if self.ret_buf.is_some() {
num_args = num_args + 1;
let ret_buf = self.ret_buf?;
let (ret_val, ret_type_code) = TVMRetValue::into_tvm_value(ret_buf);
values.append(&mut vec![ret_val.inner]);
tcodes.append(&mut vec![ret_type_code as c_int]);
num_args as c_int,
&mut ret_val as *mut _,
&mut ret_type_code as *mut _
} else {
0 as c_int,
&mut ret_val as *mut _,
&mut ret_type_code as *mut _
let ret = unsafe {
TVMRetValue::from_tvm_value(TVMValue::new(ret_val), (ret_type_code as i64).into())
/// Converts a [`Function`] to builder. Currently, this is the best way to work with
/// TVM functions.
impl<'a, 'm> From<&'m Function> for Builder<'a, 'm> {
fn from(func: &'m Function) -> Self {
Builder::new(Some(func), None, None)
/// Converts a mutable reference of a [`Module`] to [`Builder`].
impl<'a, 'm> From<&'m mut Module> for Builder<'a, 'm> {
fn from(module: &'m mut Module) -> Self {
Builder::new(module.entry(), None, None)
unsafe extern "C" fn tvm_callback(
args: *mut ts::TVMValue,
type_codes: *mut c_int,
num_args: c_int,
ret: ts::TVMRetValueHandle,
fhandle: *mut c_void,
) -> c_int {
// turning off the incorrect linter complaints
let len = num_args as usize;
let args_list = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(args, len);
let type_codes_list = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(type_codes, len);
let mut local_args: Vec<TVMArgValue> = Vec::new();
let mut value = mem::uninitialized::<ts::TVMValue>();
let mut tcode = mem::uninitialized::<c_int>();
let rust_fn = mem::transmute::<*mut c_void, fn(&[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue>>(fhandle);
for i in 0..len {
value = args_list[i];
tcode = type_codes_list[i];
if tcode == ts::TVMTypeCode_kNodeHandle as c_int
|| tcode == ts::TVMTypeCode_kFuncHandle as c_int
|| tcode == ts::TVMTypeCode_kModuleHandle as c_int
check_call!(ts::TVMCbArgToReturn(&mut value as *mut _, tcode));
(tcode as i64).into(),
let rv = match rust_fn(local_args.as_slice()) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(msg) => {
return -1;
let (ret_val, ret_tcode) = TVMRetValue::into_tvm_value(rv);
let mut ret_val = ret_val.inner;
let mut ret_type_code = ret_tcode as c_int;
&mut ret_val as *mut _,
&mut ret_type_code as *mut _,
1 as c_int
unsafe extern "C" fn tvm_callback_finalizer(fhandle: *mut c_void) {
let rust_fn = mem::transmute::<*mut c_void, fn(&[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue>>(fhandle);
fn convert_to_tvm_func(f: fn(&[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue>) -> Function {
let mut fhandle = ptr::null_mut() as ts::TVMFunctionHandle;
let resource_handle = f as *mut fn(&[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue>;
resource_handle as *mut c_void,
&mut fhandle as *mut _
Function::new(fhandle, false, false)
/// Registers a Rust function with signature
/// `fn(&[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue>`
/// as a **global TVM packed function** from frontend to TVM backend.
/// Use [`register_global_func`] if overriding an existing global TVM function
/// is not required.
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// use std::convert::TryInto;
/// fn sum(args: &[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue> {
/// let mut ret = 0i64;
/// for arg in args.iter() {
/// let arg: i64 = arg.try_into()?;
/// ret += arg;
/// }
/// let ret_val = TVMRetValue::from(&ret);
/// Ok(ret_val)
/// }
/// tvm::function::register(sum, "mysum".to_owned(), false).unwrap();
/// let mut registered = function::Builder::default();
/// registered.get_function("mysum", true);
/// assert!(registered.func.is_some());
/// let ret: i64 = registered.args(&[10, 20, 30]).invoke().unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(ret, 60);
/// ```
pub fn register<S: AsRef<str>>(
f: fn(&[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue>,
name: S,
override_: bool,
) -> Result<()> {
let func = convert_to_tvm_func(f);
let name = CString::new(name.as_ref())?;
name.as_ref().as_ptr() as *const c_char,
override_ as c_int
/// Convenient macro for registering functions from frontend to backend as global
/// TVM packed functions without overriding. If overriding an existing function is needed
/// use the [`function::register`] function instead.
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// use std::convert::TryInto;
/// register_global_func! {
/// fn sum(args: &[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue> {
/// let mut ret = 0f64;
/// for arg in args.iter() {
/// let arg: f64 = arg.try_into()?;
/// ret += arg;
/// }
/// let ret_val = TVMRetValue::from(&ret);
/// Ok(ret_val)
/// }
/// }
/// let mut registered = function::Builder::default();
/// registered.get_function("sum", true);
/// assert!(registered.func.is_some());
/// let ret: f64 = registered.args(&[10f64, 20f64, 30f64]).invoke().unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(ret, 60f64);
/// ```
macro_rules! register_global_func {
fn $fn_name:ident($args:ident : &[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue> {
} => {{
fn $fn_name($args: &[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue> {
$crate::function::register($fn_name, stringify!($fn_name).to_owned(), false).unwrap();
/// Convenient macro for calling TVM packed functions by providing a
/// function identifier and some arguments. This macro outputs a `Result` type
/// and let user to perform proper error handling.
/// **Note**: this macro does *not* expect an outside mutable output. To
/// set mutable output use [`set_output`] directly in the builder pattern.
/// [`set_output`]:function/struct.Builder.html#method.set_output
/// ## Example
/// Instead of
/// ```
/// function::Builder::from(func).arg(&a).arg(&b).invoke();
/// ```
/// one can use
/// ```
/// call_packed!(func, &a, &b);
/// ```
macro_rules! call_packed {
($fn_name:expr, $($arg:expr),*) => {{
let mut builder = $crate::function::Builder::from($fn_name);
mod tests {
use super::*;
static CANARY: &str = "module._LoadFromFile";
fn list_global_func() {
fn get_fn() {
assert!(Function::get(CANARY, true).is_some());
assert!(Function::get("does not exists!", false).is_none());
fn provide_args() {
let mut func = Builder::default();
func.get_function("tvm.graph_runtime.remote_create", true)
.args(&[10, 20])
assert_eq!(func.arg_buf.take().map(|bv| Vec::from(bv).len()), Some(3));
//! [TVM]( is a compiler stack for deep learning systems.
//! This crate provides an idiomatic Rust API for TVM runtime frontend.
//! One particular use case is that given optimized deep learning model artifacts,
//! (compiled with TVM) which include a shared library
//! ``, `graph.json` and a byte-array `param.params`, one can load them
//! in Rust idomatically to create a TVM Graph Runtime and
//! run the model for some inputs and get the
//! desired predictions *all in Rust*.
//! Checkout the `examples` repository for more details.
#![crate_name = "tvm_frontend"]
#![recursion_limit = "1024"]
#![allow(non_camel_case_types, unused_unsafe)]
extern crate error_chain;
extern crate tvm_common as common;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate ndarray as rust_ndarray;
extern crate num_traits;
use std::{
ffi::{CStr, CString},
use crate::common::ffi::ts;
// Macro to check the return call to TVM runtime shared library.
macro_rules! check_call {
($e:expr) => {{
if unsafe { $e } != 0 {
panic!("{}", $crate::get_last_error());
/// Gets the last error message.
pub fn get_last_error() -> &'static str {
unsafe {
match CStr::from_ptr(ts::TVMGetLastError()).to_str() {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(_) => "Invalid UTF-8 message",
pub(crate) fn set_last_error(err: &Error) {
let c_string = CString::new(err.to_string()).unwrap();
unsafe {
pub mod function;
pub mod bytearray;
pub mod context;
pub mod errors;
pub mod module;
pub mod ndarray;
pub mod ty;
pub mod value;
pub use crate::{
errors as common_errors,
value::{TVMArgValue, TVMRetValue, TVMValue},
context::{TVMContext, TVMDeviceType},
/// Outputs the current TVM version.
pub fn version() -> &'static str {
match str::from_utf8(ts::TVM_VERSION) {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(_) => "Invalid UTF-8 string",
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn print_version() {
println!("TVM version: {}", version());
fn set_error() {
let err = ErrorKind::EmptyArray;
assert_eq!(get_last_error().trim(), ErrorKind::EmptyArray.to_string());
//! Provides the [`Module`] type and methods for working with runtime TVM modules.
use std::{
os::raw::{c_char, c_int},
use crate::ts;
use crate::{function::Function, ErrorKind, Result};
const ENTRY_FUNC: &'static str = "__tvm_main__";
/// Wrapper around TVM module handle which contains an entry function.
/// The entry function can be applied to an imported module through [`entry_func`].
/// Also [`is_released`] shows whether the module is dropped or not.
/// [`entry_func`]:struct.Module.html#method.entry_func
/// [`is_released`]:struct.Module.html#method.is_released
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Module {
pub(crate) handle: ts::TVMModuleHandle,
is_released: bool,
entry_func: Option<Function>,
impl Module {
pub(crate) fn new(handle: ts::TVMModuleHandle, is_released: bool) -> Self {
Self {
entry_func: None,
pub fn entry(&mut self) -> Option<&Function> {
if self.entry_func.is_none() {
self.entry_func = self.get_function(ENTRY_FUNC, false).ok();
/// Gets a function by name from a registered module.
pub fn get_function(&self, name: &str, query_import: bool) -> Result<Function> {
let name = CString::new(name)?;
let mut fhandle = ptr::null_mut() as ts::TVMFunctionHandle;
name.as_ptr() as *const c_char,
query_import as c_int,
&mut fhandle as *mut _
if fhandle.is_null() {
bail!(ErrorKind::NullHandle(format!("{}", name.into_string()?)))
} else {
Ok(Function::new(fhandle, false, false))
/// Imports a dependent module such as `.ptx` for gpu.
pub fn import_module(&self, dependent_module: Module) {
check_call!(ts::TVMModImport(self.handle, dependent_module.handle))
/// Loads a module shared library from path.
pub fn load<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: &P) -> Result<Module> {
let ext = path.as_ref().extension()?.to_str()?;
let func = Function::get("module._LoadFromFile", true /* is_global */)
.expect("API function always exists");
let ret: Module = call_packed!(func, path.as_ref().to_str()?, ext)?.try_into()?;
/// Checks if a target device is enabled for a module.
pub fn enabled(&self, target: &str) -> bool {
let func = Function::get("module._Enabled", true /* is_global */)
.expect("API function always exists");
// `unwrap` is safe here because if there is any error during the
// function call, it would occur in `call_packed!`.
let ret: i64 = call_packed!(func, target).unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
ret != 0
/// Returns the underlying module handle.
pub fn handle(&self) -> ts::TVMModuleHandle {
/// Returns true if the underlying module has been dropped and false otherwise.
pub fn is_released(&self) -> bool {
impl Drop for Module {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if !self.is_released {
self.is_released = true;
//! This module implements the [`NDArray`] type for working with *TVM tensors* or
//! coverting from a Rust's ndarray to TVM `NDArray`.
//! One can create an empty NDArray given the shape, context and dtype using [`empty`].
//! To create an NDArray from a mutable buffer in cpu use [`copy_from_buffer`].
//! To copy an NDArray to different context use [`copy_to_ctx`].
//! Given a [`Rust's dynamic ndarray`], one can convert it to TVM NDArray as follows:
//! # Example
//! ```
//! let a = Array::from_shape_vec((2, 2), vec![1f32, 2., 3., 4.])
//! .unwrap()
//! .into_dyn(); // Rust's ndarray
//! let nd = NDArray::from_rust_ndarray(&a, TVMContext::cpu(0), TVMType::from("float32")).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(nd.shape(), Some(&mut [2, 2]));
//! let rnd: ArrayD<f32> = ArrayD::try_from(&nd).unwrap();
//! assert!(rnd.all_close(&a, 1e-8f32));
//! ```
//! [`Rust's dynamic ndarray`]:
//! [`copy_from_buffer`]:struct.NDArray.html#method.copy_from_buffer
//! [`copy_to_ctx`]:struct.NDArray.html#method.copy_to_ctx
use std::{convert::TryFrom, mem, os::raw::c_int, ptr, slice};
use crate::rust_ndarray::{Array, ArrayD};
use num_traits::Num;
use crate::ts;
use crate::{Error, ErrorKind, Result, TVMByteArray, TVMContext, TVMType};
/// See the [`module-level documentation`](../ndarray/index.html) for more details.
/// Wrapper around TVM array handle.
pub struct NDArray {
pub(crate) handle: ts::TVMArrayHandle,
is_view: bool,
impl NDArray {
pub(crate) fn new(handle: ts::TVMArrayHandle, is_view: bool) -> Self {
NDArray {
handle: handle,
is_view: is_view,
/// Returns the underlying array handle.
pub fn handle(&self) -> ts::TVMArrayHandle {
pub fn is_view(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns the shape of the NDArray.
pub fn shape(&self) -> Option<&mut [usize]> {
let arr = unsafe { *(self.handle) };
if arr.shape.is_null() || {
return None;
let slc = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(arr.shape as *mut usize, arr.ndim as usize) };
/// Returns the total number of entries of the NDArray.
pub fn size(&self) -> Option<usize> {
.map(|v| v.into_iter().fold(1, |acc, &mut e| acc * e))
/// Returns the context which the NDArray was defined.
pub fn ctx(&self) -> TVMContext {
unsafe { (*self.handle).ctx.into() }
/// Returns the type of the entries of the NDArray.
pub fn dtype(&self) -> TVMType {
unsafe { (*self.handle).dtype.into() }
/// Returns the number of dimensions of the NDArray.
pub fn ndim(&self) -> usize {
unsafe { (*self.handle).ndim as usize }
/// Returns the strides of the underlying NDArray.
pub fn strides(&self) -> Option<&[usize]> {
unsafe {
let sz = self.ndim() * mem::size_of::<usize>();
let slc = slice::from_raw_parts((*self.handle).strides as *const usize, sz);
/// Shows whether the underlying ndarray is contiguous in memory or not.
pub fn is_contiguous(&self) -> Result<bool> {
Ok(match self.strides() {
None => true,
Some(strides) => {
// MissingShapeError in case shape is not determined
(true, 1),
|(is_contig, expected_stride), (shape, stride)| {
is_contig && *stride == expected_stride,
expected_stride * (*shape as usize),
pub fn byte_offset(&self) -> isize {
unsafe { (*self.handle).byte_offset as isize }
/// Flattens the NDArray to a `Vec` of the same type in cpu.
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// let shape = &mut [4];
/// let mut data = vec![1i32, 2, 3, 4];
/// let ctx = TVMContext::cpu(0);
/// let mut ndarray = empty(shape, ctx, TVMType::from("int32"));
/// ndarray.copy_from_buffer(&mut data);
/// assert_eq!(ndarray.shape(), Some(shape));
/// assert_eq!(ndarray.to_vec::<i32>().unwrap(), data);
/// ```
pub fn to_vec<T>(&self) -> Result<Vec<T>> {
if self.shape().is_none() {
bail!("{}", ErrorKind::EmptyArray);
let earr = NDArray::empty(self.shape()?, TVMContext::cpu(0), self.dtype());
let target = self.copy_to_ndarray(earr)?;
let arr = unsafe { *(target.handle) };
let sz = self.size()? as usize;
let mut v: Vec<T> = Vec::with_capacity(sz * mem::size_of::<T>());
unsafe {
.copy_from_nonoverlapping( as *const T, sz);
/// Converts the NDArray to [`TVMByteArray`].
pub fn to_bytearray(&self) -> Result<TVMByteArray> {
let v = self.to_vec::<u8>()?;
/// Creates an NDArray from a mutable buffer of types i32, u32 or f32 in cpu.
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// let shape = &mut [2];
/// let mut data = vec![1f32, 2];
/// let ctx = TVMContext::gpu(0);
/// let mut ndarray = empty(shape, ctx, TVMType::from("int32"));
/// ndarray.copy_from_buffer(&mut data);
/// ```
/// *Note*: if something goes wrong during the copy, it will panic
/// from TVM side. See `TVMArrayCopyFromBytes` in `include/tvm/runtime/c_runtime_api.h`.
pub fn copy_from_buffer<T: Num32>(&mut self, data: &mut [T]) {
data.as_ptr() as *mut _,
data.len() * mem::size_of::<T>()
/// Copies the NDArray to another target NDArray.
pub fn copy_to_ndarray(&self, target: NDArray) -> Result<NDArray> {
if self.dtype() != target.dtype() {
format!("{}", self.dtype().to_string()),
format!("{}", target.dtype().to_string()),
ptr::null_mut() as ts::TVMStreamHandle
/// Copies the NDArray to a target context.
pub fn copy_to_ctx(&self, target: &TVMContext) -> Result<NDArray> {
let tmp = NDArray::empty(self.shape()?, target.clone(), self.dtype());
let copy = self.copy_to_ndarray(tmp)?;
/// Converts a Rust's ndarray to TVM NDArray.
pub fn from_rust_ndarray<T: Num32 + Copy>(
rnd: &ArrayD<T>,
ctx: TVMContext,
dtype: TVMType,
) -> Result<Self> {
let mut shape = rnd.shape().to_vec();
let mut nd = NDArray::empty(&mut shape, ctx, dtype);
let mut buf = Array::from_iter(rnd.into_iter().map(|&v| v as T));
/// Allocates and creates an empty NDArray given the shape, context and dtype.
pub fn empty(shape: &[usize], ctx: TVMContext, dtype: TVMType) -> NDArray {
let mut handle = ptr::null_mut() as ts::TVMArrayHandle;
shape.as_ptr() as *const i64,
shape.len() as c_int,
dtype.inner.code as c_int,
dtype.inner.bits as c_int,
dtype.inner.lanes as c_int,
ctx.device_type.0 as c_int,
ctx.device_id as c_int,
&mut handle as *mut _,
NDArray::new(handle, false)
macro_rules! impl_from_ndarray_rustndarray {
($type:ty, $type_name:tt) => {
impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a NDArray> for ArrayD<$type> {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(nd: &NDArray) -> Result<ArrayD<$type>> {
if nd.shape().is_none() {
bail!("{}", ErrorKind::EmptyArray);
assert_eq!(nd.dtype(), TVMType::from($type_name), "Type mismatch");
Ok(Array::from_shape_vec(&*nd.shape()?, nd.to_vec::<$type>()?)?)
impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a mut NDArray> for ArrayD<$type> {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(nd: &mut NDArray) -> Result<ArrayD<$type>> {
if nd.shape().is_none() {
bail!("{}", ErrorKind::EmptyArray);
assert_eq!(nd.dtype(), TVMType::from($type_name), "Type mismatch");
Ok(Array::from_shape_vec(&*nd.shape()?, nd.to_vec::<$type>()?)?)
impl_from_ndarray_rustndarray!(i32, "int");
impl_from_ndarray_rustndarray!(u32, "uint");
impl_from_ndarray_rustndarray!(f32, "float");
impl Drop for NDArray {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if !self.is_view {
mod sealed {
/// Private trait to prevent other traits from being implemeneted in downstream crates.
pub trait Sealed {}
/// A trait for the supported 32-bits numerical types in frontend.
pub trait Num32: Num + sealed::Sealed {
const BITS: u8 = 32;
macro_rules! impl_num32 {
($($type:ty),+) => {
impl sealed::Sealed for $type {}
impl Num32 for $type {}
impl_num32!(i32, u32, f32);
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn basics() {
let shape = &mut [1, 2, 3];
let ctx = TVMContext::cpu(0);
let ndarray = NDArray::empty(shape, ctx, TVMType::from("int32"));
assert_eq!(ndarray.shape().unwrap(), shape);
assert_eq!(ndarray.ndim(), 3);
assert_eq!(ndarray.byte_offset(), 0);
fn copy() {
let shape = &mut [4];
let mut data = vec![1i32, 2, 3, 4];
let ctx = TVMContext::cpu(0);
let mut ndarray = NDArray::empty(shape, ctx, TVMType::from("int32"));
ndarray.copy_from_buffer(&mut data);
assert_eq!(ndarray.shape().unwrap(), shape);
assert_eq!(ndarray.to_vec::<i32>().unwrap(), data);
assert_eq!(ndarray.ndim(), 1);
assert_eq!(ndarray.byte_offset(), 0);
let mut shape = vec![4];
let e = NDArray::empty(&mut shape, TVMContext::cpu(0), TVMType::from("int32"));
let nd = ndarray.copy_to_ndarray(e);
assert_eq!(nd.unwrap().to_vec::<i32>().unwrap(), data);
#[should_panic(expected = "called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err`")]
fn copy_wrong_dtype() {
let mut shape = vec![4];
let mut data = vec![1f32, 2., 3., 4.];
let ctx = TVMContext::cpu(0);
let mut nd_float = NDArray::empty(&mut shape, ctx.clone(), TVMType::from("float32"));
nd_float.copy_from_buffer(&mut data);
let empty_int = NDArray::empty(&mut shape, ctx, TVMType::from("int32"));
fn rust_ndarray() {
let a = Array::from_shape_vec((2, 2), vec![1f32, 2., 3., 4.])
let nd =
NDArray::from_rust_ndarray(&a, TVMContext::cpu(0), TVMType::from("float32")).unwrap();
assert_eq!(nd.shape().unwrap(), &mut [2, 2]);
let rnd: ArrayD<f32> = ArrayD::try_from(&nd).unwrap();
assert!(rnd.all_close(&a, 1e-8f32));
//! This module implements the required conversions from Rust types to TVM types.
//! In TVM frontend only conversions from Rust's 32-bits (POD) numeric types (i32, u32, f32)
//! and 64-bits pointers are supported.
use std::{
fmt::{self, Display, Formatter},
ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
use crate::ts;
use crate::{Function, Module, NDArray, TVMByteArray, TVMContext, TVMDeviceType, TVMTypeCode};
macro_rules! impl_prim_type {
($type:ty, $variant:ident) => {
impl From<$type> for TVMTypeCode {
fn from(_arg: $type) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a $type> for TVMTypeCode {
fn from(_arg: &$type) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a mut $type> for TVMTypeCode {
fn from(_arg: &mut $type) -> Self {
impl_prim_type!(TVMDeviceType, kDLInt);
impl_prim_type!(TVMContext, kTVMContext);
impl_prim_type!(TVMType, kTVMType);
impl_prim_type!(Function, kFuncHandle);
impl_prim_type!(Module, kModuleHandle);
impl_prim_type!(NDArray, kArrayHandle);
impl_prim_type!(TVMByteArray, kBytes);
/// See the [module-level documentation](../ty/index.html) for more details.
/// Wrapper around underlying TVMType
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TVMType {
// inner fields are (code: u8, bits: u8, lanes: u16)
pub inner: ts::TVMType,
impl TVMType {
pub(crate) fn new(type_code: u8, bits: u8, lanes: u16) -> Self {
TVMType {
inner: ts::TVMType {
code: type_code,
bits: bits,
lanes: lanes,
/// Implements TVMType conversion from `&str` of general format `{dtype}{bits}x{lanes}`
/// such as "int32", "float32" or with lane "float32x1".
impl<'a> From<&'a str> for TVMType {
fn from(type_str: &'a str) -> Self {
if type_str == "bool" {
return TVMType::new(1, 1, 1);
let mut type_lanes = type_str.split("x");
let typ ="Missing dtype");
let lanes = type_lanes
.map(|l| u16::from_str_radix(l, 10).expect(&format!("Bad dtype lanes: {}", l)))
let (type_name, bits) = match typ.find(char::is_numeric) {
Some(idx) => {
let (name, bits_str) = typ.split_at(idx);
u8::from_str_radix(bits_str, 10)
.expect(&format!("Bad dtype bits: {}", bits_str)),
None => (typ, 32),
let type_code = match type_name {
"int" => 0,
"uint" => 1,
"float" => 2,
"handle" => 3,
_ => unimplemented!(),
TVMType::new(type_code, bits, lanes)
impl Display for TVMType {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let ts::TVMType { code, bits, lanes } = self.inner;
if bits == 1 && lanes == 1 {
return write!(f, "bool");
let mut tcode_str = match code {
0 => "int",
1 => "uint",
2 => "float",
4 => "handle",
_ => "Unknown",
tcode_str += &bits.to_string();
if lanes > 1 {
tcode_str += &format!("x{}", lanes.to_string());
impl From<TVMType> for ts::DLDataType {
fn from(dtype: TVMType) -> Self {
impl From<ts::DLDataType> for TVMType {
fn from(dtype: ts::DLDataType) -> Self {
Self::new(dtype.code, dtype.bits, dtype.lanes)
impl Deref for TVMType {
type Target = ts::TVMType;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl DerefMut for TVMType {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.inner
//! This module implements [`TVMArgValue`] and [`TVMRetValue`] types
//! and their conversions needed for the types used in frontend crate.
//! `TVMRetValue` is the owned version of `TVMPODValue`.
use std::{convert::TryFrom, mem, os::raw::c_void};
use crate::{
common_errors::*, ts, Function, Module, NDArray, TVMArgValue, TVMByteArray, TVMContext,
TVMDeviceType, TVMRetValue, TVMType, TVMTypeCode, TVMValue,
macro_rules! impl_tvm_val_from_handle {
($($ty:ty),+) => {
impl<'a> From<&'a $ty> for TVMValue {
fn from(arg: &$ty) -> Self {
let inner = ts::TVMValue {
v_handle: arg.handle as *mut _ as *mut c_void,
impl_tvm_val_from_handle!(Module, Function, NDArray);
impl<'a> From<&'a TVMType> for TVMValue {
fn from(ty: &TVMType) -> Self {
let inner = ts::TVMValue { v_type: ty.inner };
impl<'a> From<&'a TVMContext> for TVMValue {
fn from(ctx: &TVMContext) -> Self {
let inner = ts::TVMValue {
v_ctx: ctx.clone().into(),
impl<'a> From<&'a TVMDeviceType> for TVMValue {
fn from(dev: &TVMDeviceType) -> Self {
let inner = ts::TVMValue {
v_int64: dev.0 as i64,
impl<'a> From<&'a TVMByteArray> for TVMValue {
fn from(barr: &TVMByteArray) -> Self {
let inner = ts::TVMValue {
v_handle: &barr.inner as *const ts::TVMByteArray as *mut c_void,
impl<'a, 'b> TryFrom<&'b TVMArgValue<'a>> for NDArray {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(arg: &TVMArgValue<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
if arg.type_code == TVMTypeCode::kArrayHandle {
let handle = unsafe { arg.value.inner.v_handle };
let arr_handle = unsafe { mem::transmute::<*mut c_void, ts::TVMArrayHandle>(handle) };
Ok(Self::new(arr_handle, true))
} else {
impl<'a, 'b> TryFrom<&'b TVMArgValue<'a>> for Module {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(arg: &TVMArgValue<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
if arg.type_code == TVMTypeCode::kModuleHandle {
let handle = unsafe { arg.value.inner.v_handle };
Ok(Self::new(handle, false))
} else {
impl<'a, 'b> TryFrom<&'b TVMArgValue<'a>> for TVMByteArray {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(arg: &TVMArgValue<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
if arg.type_code == TVMTypeCode::kBytes {
unsafe {
let barr_ptr =
mem::transmute::<*mut c_void, *mut ts::TVMByteArray>(arg.value.inner.v_handle);
} else {
impl<'a, 'b> TryFrom<&'b TVMArgValue<'a>> for TVMType {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(arg: &TVMArgValue<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
if arg.type_code == TVMTypeCode::kTVMType {
let ty = unsafe { arg.value.inner.v_type };
} else {
impl<'a, 'b> TryFrom<&'b TVMArgValue<'a>> for TVMContext {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(arg: &TVMArgValue<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
if arg.type_code == TVMTypeCode::kTVMContext {
let ty = unsafe { arg.value.inner.v_ctx };
} else {
macro_rules! impl_boxed_ret_value {
($type:ty, $code:expr) => {
impl From<$type> for TVMRetValue {
fn from(val: $type) -> Self {
TVMRetValue {
prim_value: 0,
box_value: box val,
type_code: $code,
impl TryFrom<TVMRetValue> for $type {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(ret: TVMRetValue) -> Result<$type> {
if let Ok(val) = ret.box_value.downcast::<$type>() {
} else {
impl_boxed_ret_value!(TVMType, TVMTypeCode::kTVMType);
impl_boxed_ret_value!(TVMContext, TVMTypeCode::kTVMContext);
impl_boxed_ret_value!(TVMByteArray, TVMTypeCode::kBytes);
impl TryFrom<TVMRetValue> for Module {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(ret: TVMRetValue) -> Result<Module> {
if let Ok(handle) = ret.box_value.downcast::<ts::TVMModuleHandle>() {
Ok(Module::new(*handle, false))
} else {
impl TryFrom<TVMRetValue> for Function {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(ret: TVMRetValue) -> Result<Function> {
if let Ok(handle) = ret.box_value.downcast::<ts::TVMFunctionHandle>() {
Ok(Function::new(*handle, false, false))
} else {
impl TryFrom<TVMRetValue> for NDArray {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(ret: TVMRetValue) -> Result<NDArray> {
if let Ok(handle) = ret.box_value.downcast::<ts::TVMArrayHandle>() {
Ok(NDArray::new(*handle, false))
} else {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::convert::TryInto;
fn bytearray() {
let w = vec![1u8, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let v = TVMByteArray::from(&w);
let tvm: TVMByteArray = TVMRetValue::from(v).try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(, w.iter().map(|e| *e as i8).collect::<Vec<i8>>());
fn ty() {
let t = TVMType::from("int32");
let tvm: TVMType = TVMRetValue::from(t).try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(tvm, t);
fn ctx() {
let c = TVMContext::from("gpu");
let tvm: TVMContext = TVMRetValue::from(c).try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(tvm, c);
name = "basics"
version = "0.0.0"
authors = ["TVM Contributors"]
license = "Apache-2.0"
build = ""
ndarray = "0.12.1"
tvm-frontend = { path = "../../" }
default = ["cpu"]
cpu = []
gpu = []
fn main() {
let out_dir = std::env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let output = std::process::Command::new(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/src/"))
if cfg!(feature = "cpu") {
} else {
.expect("Failed to execute command");
std::path::Path::new(&format!("{}/", out_dir)).exists(),
"Could not build tvm lib: {}",
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", out_dir);
extern crate ndarray as rust_ndarray;
extern crate tvm_frontend as tvm;
use tvm::*;
fn main() {
let shape = &mut [2];
let mut data = vec![3f32, 4.0];
let (ctx, ctx_name) = if cfg!(feature = "cpu") {
(TVMContext::cpu(0), "cpu")
} else {
(TVMContext::gpu(0), "gpu")
let dtype = TVMType::from("float32");
let mut arr = NDArray::empty(shape, ctx, dtype);
let mut ret = NDArray::empty(shape, ctx, dtype);
let mut fadd = Module::load(&concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/")).unwrap();
if !fadd.enabled(ctx_name) {
if cfg!(feature = "gpu") {
fadd.import_module(Module::load(&concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/test_add.ptx")).unwrap());
function::Builder::from(&mut fadd)
.set_output(&mut ret)
assert_eq!(ret.to_vec::<f32>().unwrap(), vec![6f32, 8.0]);
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os.path as osp
import sys
import tvm
from tvm.contrib import cc
def main(target, out_dir):
n = tvm.var('n')
A = tvm.placeholder((n,), name='A')
B = tvm.placeholder((n,), name='B')
C = tvm.compute(A.shape, lambda i: A[i] + B[i], name='C')
s = tvm.create_schedule(C.op)
if target == 'cuda':
bx, tx = s[C].split(C.op.axis[0], factor=64)
s[C].bind(bx, tvm.thread_axis('blockIdx.x'))
s[C].bind(tx, tvm.thread_axis('threadIdx.x'))
fadd =, [A, B, C], target, target_host='llvm', name='myadd'), 'test_add.o'))
if target == 'cuda':
fadd.imported_modules[0].save(os.path.join(out_dir, 'test_add.ptx'))
osp.join(out_dir, ''), [osp.join(out_dir, 'test_add.o')])
if __name__ == '__main__':
main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
name = "callback"
version = "0.0.0"
authors = ["TVM Contributors"]
ndarray = "0.12.1"
tvm-frontend = { path = "../../" }
#![feature(extern_crate_item_prelude, try_from)]
extern crate ndarray as rust_ndarray;
extern crate tvm_frontend as tvm;
use rust_ndarray::ArrayD;
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use tvm::*;
fn main() {
register_global_func! {
fn sum(args: &[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue> {
let mut ret = 0f32;
let shape = &mut [2];
for arg in args.iter() {
let e = NDArray::empty(shape, TVMContext::cpu(0), TVMType::from("float32"));
let arg: NDArray = arg.try_into()?;
let arr = arg.copy_to_ndarray(e)?;
let rnd: ArrayD<f32> = ArrayD::try_from(&arr)?;
ret += rnd.scalar_sum();
let shape = &mut [2];
let mut data = vec![3f32, 4.0];
let mut arr = NDArray::empty(shape, TVMContext::cpu(0), TVMType::from("float32"));
let mut registered = function::Builder::default();
let ret: f32 = registered
.get_function("sum", true)
assert_eq!(ret, 14f32);
#![feature(extern_crate_item_prelude, panic_info_message)]
use std::panic;
extern crate tvm_frontend as tvm;
use tvm::*;
fn main() {
register_global_func! {
fn error(_args: &[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue> {
format!("{}", "i64".to_string()),
format!("{}", "f64".to_string()),
let mut registered = function::Builder::default();
registered.get_function("error", true);
registered.args(&[10, 20]);
println!("expected error message is:");
panic::set_hook(Box::new(|panic_info| {
if let Some(msg) = panic_info.message() {
println!("{:?}", msg);
if let Some(location) = panic_info.location() {
"panic occurred in file '{}' at line {}",
} else {
println!("panic occurred but can't get location information");
let _result = registered.invoke();
#![feature(extern_crate_item_prelude, try_from)]
extern crate tvm_frontend as tvm;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use tvm::*;
fn main() {
register_global_func! {
fn sum(args: &[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue> {
let mut ret = 0.0;
for arg in args.iter() {
let val: f64 = arg.try_into()?;
ret += val;
let mut registered = function::Builder::default();
registered.get_function("sum", true);
let ret: f64 = registered
.args(&[10.0f64, 20.0, 30.0])
assert_eq!(ret, 60f64);
#![feature(extern_crate_item_prelude, try_from)]
extern crate tvm_frontend as tvm;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use tvm::*;
fn main() {
fn sum(args: &[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue> {
let mut ret = 0i64;
for arg in args.iter() {
let val: i64 = arg.try_into()?;
ret += val;
tvm::function::register(sum, "mysum".to_owned(), false).unwrap();
let mut registered = function::Builder::default();
registered.get_function("mysum", true);
let ret: i64 = registered
.args(&[10, 20, 30])
assert_eq!(ret, 60);
#![feature(extern_crate_item_prelude, try_from)]
extern crate tvm_frontend as tvm;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use tvm::*;
fn main() {
register_global_func! {
fn concate_str(args: &[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue> {
let mut ret = "".to_string();
for arg in args.iter() {
let val: String = arg.try_into()?;
ret += val.as_str();
let mut registered = function::Builder::default();
registered.get_function("concate_str", true);
let a = "a".to_string();
let b = "b".to_string();
let c = "c".to_string();
let ret: String = registered
.args(&[a, b, c])
assert_eq!(ret, "abc".to_owned());
language: rust
- nightly
fast_finish: true
name = "tvm-runtime"
version = "0.1.0"
license = "Apache-2.0"
description = "A static TVM runtime"
repository = ""
readme = ""
keywords = ["tvm", "nnvm"]
categories = ["api-bindings", "science"]
authors = ["TVM Contributors"]
default = ["nom/std"]
sgx = ["nom/alloc"]
bounded-spsc-queue = "0.4.0"
error-chain = { version = "0.12.0", default-features = false }
itertools = "0.7.8"
lazy_static = "1.1.0"
ndarray = "0.11.2"
nom = {version = "4.0.0", default-features = false }
serde = "1.0.59"
serde_derive = "1.0.79"
serde_json = "1.0.17"
tvm-common = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../common/", features = ["runtime"] }
[target.'cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))'.dependencies]
num_cpus = "1.8.0"
...@@ -3,50 +3,50 @@ use alloc::alloc::{self, Layout}; ...@@ -3,50 +3,50 @@ use alloc::alloc::{self, Layout};
#[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))] #[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))]
use std::alloc::{self, Layout}; use std::alloc::{self, Layout};
use errors::*; use crate::errors::*;
const DEFAULT_ALIGN_BYTES: usize = 4; const DEFAULT_ALIGN_BYTES: usize = 4;
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Allocation { pub struct Allocation {
layout: Layout, layout: Layout,
ptr: *mut u8, ptr: *mut u8,
} }
impl Allocation { impl Allocation {
/// Allocates a chunk of memory of `size` bytes with optional alignment. /// Allocates a chunk of memory of `size` bytes with optional alignment.
pub fn new(size: usize, align: Option<usize>) -> Result<Self> { pub fn new(size: usize, align: Option<usize>) -> Result<Self> {
let alignment = align.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_ALIGN_BYTES); let alignment = align.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_ALIGN_BYTES);
let layout = Layout::from_size_align(size, alignment)?; let layout = Layout::from_size_align(size, alignment)?;
let ptr = unsafe { alloc::alloc(layout.clone()) }; let ptr = unsafe { alloc::alloc(layout.clone()) };
if ptr.is_null() { if ptr.is_null() {
alloc::handle_alloc_error(layout); alloc::handle_alloc_error(layout);
Ok(Self {
ptr: ptr,
layout: layout,
pub fn as_mut_ptr(&self) -> *mut u8 {
/// Returns the size of the Allocation in bytes.
pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the byte alignment of the Allocation.
pub fn align(&self) -> usize {
} }
Ok(Self {
ptr: ptr,
layout: layout,
pub fn as_mut_ptr(&self) -> *mut u8 {
/// Returns the size of the Allocation in bytes.
pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the byte alignment of the Allocation.
pub fn align(&self) -> usize {
} }
impl Drop for Allocation { impl Drop for Allocation {
fn drop(&mut self) { fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { unsafe {
alloc::dealloc(self.ptr, self.layout.clone()); alloc::dealloc(self.ptr, self.layout.clone());
} }
} }
use std::{ use std::{
any::TypeId, any::TypeId,
convert::TryFrom, convert::TryFrom,
mem, mem,
os::raw::{c_int, c_void}, ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
ptr, slice, os::raw::{c_int, c_void},
ptr, slice,
}; };
use ndarray; use ndarray;
use super::allocator::Allocation; use crate::{
use errors::*; allocator::Allocation,
use ffi::runtime::{ errors::*,
DLContext, DLDataType, DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat, DLDataTypeCode_kDLInt, DLDataTypeCode_kDLUInt, ffi::runtime::{
DLDeviceType_kDLCPU, DLTensor, DLContext, DLDataType, DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat, DLDataTypeCode_kDLInt,
DLDataTypeCode_kDLUInt, DLDeviceType_kDLCPU, DLTensor as _DLTensor,
}; };
/// A `Storage` is a container which holds `Tensor` data. /// A `Storage` is a container which holds `Tensor` data.
#[derive(PartialEq)] #[derive(PartialEq)]
pub enum Storage<'a> { pub enum Storage<'a> {
/// A `Storage` which owns its contained bytes. /// A `Storage` which owns its contained bytes.
Owned(Allocation), Owned(Allocation),
/// A view of an existing `Storage`. /// A view of an existing `Storage`.
View(&'a mut [u8], usize), // ptr, align View(&'a mut [u8], usize), // ptr, align
} }
impl<'a> Storage<'a> { impl<'a> Storage<'a> {
pub fn new(size: usize, align: Option<usize>) -> Result<Storage<'static>> { pub fn new(size: usize, align: Option<usize>) -> Result<Storage<'static>> {
Ok(Storage::Owned(Allocation::new(size, align)?)) Ok(Storage::Owned(Allocation::new(size, align)?))
pub fn as_mut_ptr(&self) -> *mut u8 {
match self {
Storage::Owned(alloc) => alloc.as_mut_ptr(),
Storage::View(slice, _) => slice.as_ptr() as *mut u8,
} }
pub fn size(&self) -> usize { pub fn as_mut_ptr(&self) -> *mut u8 {
match self { match self {
Storage::Owned(alloc) => alloc.size(), Storage::Owned(alloc) => alloc.as_mut_ptr(),
Storage::View(slice, _) => slice.len(), Storage::View(slice, _) => slice.as_ptr() as *mut u8,
} }
pub fn align(&self) -> usize { pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
match self { match self {
Storage::Owned(alloc) => alloc.align(), Storage::Owned(alloc) => alloc.size(),
Storage::View(_, align) => *align, Storage::View(slice, _) => slice.len(),
} }
pub fn align(&self) -> usize {
pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const u8 { match self {
self.as_mut_ptr() as *const _ Storage::Owned(alloc) => alloc.align(),
} Storage::View(_, align) => *align,
/// Returns a `Storage::View` which points to an owned `Storage::Owned`.
pub fn view(&self) -> Storage<'a> {
match self {
Storage::Owned(alloc) => Storage::View(
unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(alloc.as_mut_ptr(), self.size()) },
Storage::View(slice, _) => Storage::View(
unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.as_mut_ptr(), slice.len()) },
} }
pub fn is_owned(&self) -> bool { pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const u8 {
match self { self.as_mut_ptr() as *const _
Storage::Owned(_) => true,
_ => false,
} }
/// Returns a `Storage::View` which points to an owned `Storage::Owned`.
/// Returns an owned version of this storage via cloning. pub fn view(&self) -> Storage<'a> {
pub fn to_owned(&self) -> Storage<'static> { match self {
let s = Storage::new(self.size(), Some(self.align())).unwrap(); Storage::Owned(alloc) => Storage::View(
unsafe { unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(alloc.as_mut_ptr(), self.size()) },
s.as_mut_ptr() self.align(),
.copy_from_nonoverlapping(self.as_ptr(), self.size()) ),
Storage::View(slice, _) => Storage::View(
unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.as_mut_ptr(), slice.len()) },
pub fn is_owned(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Storage::Owned(_) => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns an owned version of this storage via cloning.
pub fn to_owned(&self) -> Storage<'static> {
let s = Storage::new(self.size(), Some(self.align())).unwrap();
unsafe {
.copy_from_nonoverlapping(self.as_ptr(), self.size());
} }
} }
impl<'a, T> From<&'a [T]> for Storage<'a> { impl<'d, 's, T> From<&'d [T]> for Storage<'s> {
fn from(data: &'a [T]) -> Self { fn from(data: &'d [T]) -> Self {
let data = unsafe { let data = unsafe {
slice::from_raw_parts_mut( slice::from_raw_parts_mut(
data.as_ptr() as *const u8 as *mut u8, data.as_ptr() as *const u8 as *mut u8,
data.len() * mem::size_of::<T>() as usize, data.len() * mem::size_of::<T>() as usize,
) )
}; };
Storage::View(data, mem::align_of::<T>()) Storage::View(data, mem::align_of::<T>())
} }
} }
/// A n-dimensional array type which can be converted to/from `tvm::DLTensor` and `ndarray::Array`. /// A n-dimensional array type which can be converted to/from `tvm::DLTensor` and `ndarray::Array`.
...@@ -118,154 +121,146 @@ impl<'a, T> From<&'a [T]> for Storage<'a> { ...@@ -118,154 +121,146 @@ impl<'a, T> From<&'a [T]> for Storage<'a> {
/// ``` /// ```
#[derive(PartialEq)] #[derive(PartialEq)]
pub struct Tensor<'a> { pub struct Tensor<'a> {
/// The bytes which contain the data this `Tensor` represents. /// The bytes which contain the data this `Tensor` represents.
pub(super) data: Storage<'a>, pub(crate) data: Storage<'a>,
pub(super) ctx: TVMContext, pub(crate) ctx: TVMContext,
pub(super) dtype: DataType, pub(crate) dtype: DataType,
pub(super) shape: Vec<i64>, // not usize because `typedef int64_t tvm_index_t` in c_runtime_api.h pub(crate) shape: Vec<i64>,
/// The `Tensor` strides. Can be `None` if the `Tensor` is contiguous. // ^ not usize because `typedef int64_t tvm_index_t` in c_runtime_api.h
pub(super) strides: Option<Vec<usize>>, /// The `Tensor` strides. Can be `None` if the `Tensor` is contiguous.
pub(super) byte_offset: isize, pub(crate) strides: Option<Vec<usize>>,
/// The number of elements in the `Tensor`. pub(crate) byte_offset: isize,
pub(super) size: usize, /// The number of elements in the `Tensor`.
pub(crate) size: usize,
} }
unsafe impl<'a> Send for Tensor<'a> {} unsafe impl<'a> Send for Tensor<'a> {}
impl<'a> Tensor<'a> { impl<'a> Tensor<'a> {
pub fn shape(&self) -> Vec<i64> { pub fn shape(&self) -> Vec<i64> {
self.shape.clone() self.shape.clone()
/// Returns the data of this `Tensor` as a `Vec`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the `Tensor` is not contiguous or does not contain elements of type `T`.
pub fn to_vec<T: 'static>(&self) -> Vec<T> {
let mut vec: Vec<T> = Vec::with_capacity(self.size * self.dtype.itemsize());
unsafe {
vec.as_mut_ptr().copy_from_nonoverlapping( as *const T,
} }
} /// Returns the data of this `Tensor` as a `Vec`.
/// Returns `true` iff this `Tensor` is represented by a contiguous region of memory. /// # Panics
pub fn is_contiguous(&self) -> bool { ///
match self.strides { /// Panics if the `Tensor` is not contiguous or does not contain elements of type `T`.
None => true, pub fn to_vec<T: 'static + std::fmt::Debug + Clone>(&self) -> Vec<T> {
Some(ref strides) => { assert!(self.is_contiguous());
// check that stride for each dimension is the product of all trailing dimensons' shapes assert!(self.dtype.is_type::<T>());
self unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts( as *const T, self.size).to_vec() }
(true, 1),
|(is_contig, expected_stride), (shape, stride)| {
is_contig && *stride == expected_stride,
expected_stride * (*shape as usize),
} }
/// Returns `true` iff this `Tensor` is represented by a contiguous region of memory.
/// Returns a clone of this `Tensor`. pub fn is_contiguous(&self) -> bool {
/// match self.strides {
/// # Panics None => true,
/// Some(ref strides) => {
/// Panics if the `Tensor` is not contiguous or does not contain elements of type `T`. // check that stride for each dimension is the
pub fn copy(&mut self, other: &Tensor) { // product of all trailing dimensons' shapes
assert!( self.shape
self.dtype == other.dtype && self.size == other.size, .iter()
"Tensor shape/dtype mismatch." .zip(strides)
); .rfold(
assert!( (true, 1),
|(is_contig, expected_stride), (shape, stride)| {
is_contig && *stride == expected_stride,
expected_stride * (*shape as usize),
/// Returns a clone of this `Tensor`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the `Tensor` is not contiguous or does not contain elements of type `T`.
pub fn copy(&mut self, other: &Tensor) {
self.dtype == other.dtype && self.size == other.size,
"Tensor shape/dtype mismatch."
self.is_contiguous() && other.is_contiguous(), self.is_contiguous() && other.is_contiguous(),
"copy currently requires contiguous tensors\n`self.strides = {:?}` `other.strides = {:?}`", "copy currently requires contiguous tensors\n`self.strides = {:?}` `other.strides = {:?}`",
self.strides, self.strides,
other.strides other.strides
); );
unsafe { unsafe {
.data .as_mut_ptr()
.as_mut_ptr() .offset(self.byte_offset as isize)
.offset(self.byte_offset as isize) .copy_from_nonoverlapping(
.copy_from_nonoverlapping(,, other.size * other.dtype.itemsize(),
other.size * other.dtype.itemsize(), );
); }
} }
/// Returns an owned version of this `Tensor` via cloning.
/// Returns an owned version of this `Tensor` via cloning. pub fn to_owned(&self) -> Tensor<'static> {
pub fn to_owned(&self) -> Tensor<'static> { let t = Tensor {
let t = Tensor { data:,
data:, ctx: self.ctx.clone(),
ctx: self.ctx.clone(), dtype: self.dtype.clone(),
dtype: self.dtype.clone(), size: self.size.clone(),
size: self.size.clone(), shape: self.shape.clone(),
shape: self.shape.clone(), strides: None,
strides: None, byte_offset: 0,
byte_offset: 0, };
}; unsafe { mem::transmute::<Tensor<'a>, Tensor<'static>>(t) }
unsafe { mem::transmute::<Tensor<'a>, Tensor<'static>>(t) } }
fn from_array_storage<'s, T, D: ndarray::Dimension>(
fn from_array_storage<'s, T, D: ndarray::Dimension>( arr: &ndarray::Array<T, D>,
arr: &ndarray::Array<T, D>, storage: Storage<'s>,
storage: Storage<'s>, type_code: usize,
type_code: usize, ) -> Tensor<'s> {
) -> Tensor<'s> { let type_width = mem::size_of::<T>() as usize;
let type_width = mem::size_of::<T>() as usize; Tensor {
Tensor { data: storage,
data: storage, ctx: TVMContext::default(),
ctx: TVMContext::default(), dtype: DataType {
dtype: DataType { code: type_code,
code: type_code, bits: 8 * type_width,
bits: 8 * type_width, lanes: 1,
lanes: 1, },
}, size: arr.len(),
size: arr.len(), shape: arr.shape().iter().map(|&v| v as i64).collect(),
shape: arr.shape().iter().map(|&v| v as i64).collect(), strides: Some(arr.strides().into_iter().map(|&v| v as usize).collect()),
strides: Some(arr.strides().into_iter().map(|&v| v as usize).collect()), byte_offset: 0,
byte_offset: 0, }
} }
} }
/// Conversions to `ndarray::Array` from `Tensor`, if the types match. /// Conversions to `ndarray::Array` from `Tensor`, if the types match.
macro_rules! impl_ndarray_try_from_tensor { macro_rules! impl_ndarray_try_from_tensor {
($type:ty, $dtype:expr) => { ($type:ty, $dtype:expr) => {
impl<'a, 't> TryFrom<&'a Tensor<'t>> for ndarray::ArrayD<$type> { impl<'a, 't> TryFrom<&'a Tensor<'t>> for ndarray::ArrayD<$type> {
type Error = Error; type Error = Error;
fn try_from(tensor: &'a Tensor) -> Result<ndarray::ArrayD<$type>> { fn try_from(tensor: &'a Tensor) -> Result<ndarray::ArrayD<$type>> {
ensure!( ensure!(
tensor.dtype == $dtype, tensor.dtype == $dtype,
"Cannot convert Tensor with dtype {:?} to ndarray", "Cannot convert Tensor with dtype {:?} to ndarray",
tensor.dtype tensor.dtype
); );
Ok(ndarray::Array::from_shape_vec( Ok(ndarray::Array::from_shape_vec(
tensor tensor
.shape .shape
.iter() .iter()
.map(|s| *s as usize) .map(|s| *s as usize)
.collect::<Vec<usize>>(), .collect::<Vec<usize>>(),
tensor.to_vec::<$type>(), tensor.to_vec::<$type>(),
)?) )?)
} }
} }
}; };
} }
impl_ndarray_try_from_tensor!(i32, DTYPE_INT32); impl_ndarray_try_from_tensor!(i32, DTYPE_INT32);
...@@ -273,97 +268,120 @@ impl_ndarray_try_from_tensor!(u32, DTYPE_UINT32); ...@@ -273,97 +268,120 @@ impl_ndarray_try_from_tensor!(u32, DTYPE_UINT32);
impl_ndarray_try_from_tensor!(f32, DTYPE_FLOAT32); impl_ndarray_try_from_tensor!(f32, DTYPE_FLOAT32);
impl_ndarray_try_from_tensor!(f64, DTYPE_FLOAT64); impl_ndarray_try_from_tensor!(f64, DTYPE_FLOAT64);
pub struct DLTensor {
pub(crate) inner: _DLTensor,
impl Deref for DLTensor {
type Target = _DLTensor;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl DerefMut for DLTensor {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.inner
impl DLTensor { impl DLTensor {
pub(super) fn from_tensor<'a>(tensor: &'a Tensor, flatten: bool) -> Self { pub(crate) fn new(raw: _DLTensor) -> Self {
assert!(!flatten || tensor.is_contiguous()); Self { inner: raw }
Self { }
data: unsafe { } as *mut c_void,
ctx: DLContext::from(&tensor.ctx), pub(crate) fn from_tensor<'a>(tensor: &'a Tensor, flatten: bool) -> Self {
ndim: if flatten { 1 } else { tensor.shape.len() } as i32, assert!(!flatten || tensor.is_contiguous());
dtype: DLDataType::from(&tensor.dtype), Self {
shape: if flatten { inner: _DLTensor {
&tensor.size as *const _ as *mut i64 data: unsafe { } as *mut c_void,
} else { ctx: DLContext::from(&tensor.ctx),
tensor.shape.as_ptr() ndim: if flatten { 1 } else { tensor.shape.len() } as i32,
} as *mut i64, dtype: DLDataType::from(&tensor.dtype),
strides: if flatten || tensor.is_contiguous() { shape: if flatten {
ptr::null_mut() &tensor.size as *const _ as *mut i64
} else { } else {
tensor.strides.as_ref().unwrap().as_ptr() tensor.shape.as_ptr()
} as *mut i64, } as *mut i64,
byte_offset: 0, strides: if flatten || tensor.is_contiguous() {
} else {
} as *mut i64,
byte_offset: 0,
} }
} }
impl<'a, 't> From<&'a Tensor<'t>> for DLTensor { impl<'a, 't> From<&'a Tensor<'t>> for DLTensor {
fn from(tensor: &'a Tensor<'t>) -> Self { fn from(tensor: &'a Tensor<'t>) -> Self {
DLTensor::from_tensor(tensor, false /* flatten */) DLTensor::from_tensor(tensor, false /* flatten */)
} }
} }
impl<'a, 't> From<&'a mut Tensor<'t>> for DLTensor { impl<'a, 't> From<&'a mut Tensor<'t>> for DLTensor {
fn from(tensor: &'a mut Tensor<'t>) -> Self { fn from(tensor: &'a mut Tensor<'t>) -> Self {
DLTensor::from_tensor(tensor, false /* flatten */) DLTensor::from_tensor(tensor, false /* flatten */)
} }
} }
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct DataType { pub struct DataType {
pub(super) code: usize, pub(crate) code: usize,
pub(super) bits: usize, pub(crate) bits: usize,
pub(super) lanes: usize, pub(crate) lanes: usize,
} }
impl DataType { impl DataType {
/// Returns the number of bytes occupied by an element of this `DataType`. /// Returns the number of bytes occupied by an element of this `DataType`.
pub fn itemsize(&self) -> usize { pub fn itemsize(&self) -> usize {
(self.bits * self.lanes) >> 3 (self.bits * self.lanes) >> 3
} }
/// Returns whether this `DataType` represents primitive type `T`. /// Returns whether this `DataType` represents primitive type `T`.
pub fn is_type<T: 'static>(&self) -> bool { pub fn is_type<T: 'static>(&self) -> bool {
if self.lanes != 1 { if self.lanes != 1 {
return false; return false;
let typ = TypeId::of::<T>();
(typ == TypeId::of::<i32>() && self.code == 0 && self.bits == 32)
|| (typ == TypeId::of::<i64>() && self.code == 0 && self.bits == 64)
|| (typ == TypeId::of::<u32>() && self.code == 1 && self.bits == 32)
|| (typ == TypeId::of::<u64>() && self.code == 1 && self.bits == 64)
|| (typ == TypeId::of::<f32>() && self.code == 2 && self.bits == 32)
|| (typ == TypeId::of::<f64>() && self.code == 2 && self.bits == 64)
} }
let typ = TypeId::of::<T>();
(typ == TypeId::of::<i32>() && self.code == 0 && self.bits == 32)
|| (typ == TypeId::of::<i64>() && self.code == 0 && self.bits == 64)
|| (typ == TypeId::of::<u32>() && self.code == 1 && self.bits == 32)
|| (typ == TypeId::of::<u64>() && self.code == 1 && self.bits == 64)
|| (typ == TypeId::of::<f32>() && self.code == 2 && self.bits == 32)
|| (typ == TypeId::of::<f64>() && self.code == 2 && self.bits == 64)
} }
impl<'a> From<&'a DataType> for DLDataType { impl<'a> From<&'a DataType> for DLDataType {
fn from(dtype: &'a DataType) -> Self { fn from(dtype: &'a DataType) -> Self {
Self { Self {
code: dtype.code as u8, code: dtype.code as u8,
bits: dtype.bits as u8, bits: dtype.bits as u8,
lanes: dtype.lanes as u16, lanes: dtype.lanes as u16,
} }
} }
impl From<DLDataType> for DataType { impl From<DLDataType> for DataType {
fn from(dtype: DLDataType) -> Self { fn from(dtype: DLDataType) -> Self {
Self { Self {
code: dtype.code as usize, code: dtype.code as usize,
bits: dtype.bits as usize, bits: dtype.bits as usize,
lanes: dtype.lanes as usize, lanes: dtype.lanes as usize,
} }
} }
macro_rules! make_dtype_const { macro_rules! make_dtype_const {
($name: ident, $code: ident, $bits: expr, $lanes: expr) => { ($name: ident, $code: ident, $bits: expr, $lanes: expr) => {
const $name: DataType = DataType { const $name: DataType = DataType {
code: $code as usize, code: $code as usize,
bits: $bits, bits: $bits,
lanes: $lanes, lanes: $lanes,
}; };
} }
make_dtype_const!(DTYPE_INT32, DLDataTypeCode_kDLInt, 32, 1); make_dtype_const!(DTYPE_INT32, DLDataTypeCode_kDLInt, 32, 1);
...@@ -372,64 +390,55 @@ make_dtype_const!(DTYPE_UINT32, DLDataTypeCode_kDLUInt, 32, 1); ...@@ -372,64 +390,55 @@ make_dtype_const!(DTYPE_UINT32, DLDataTypeCode_kDLUInt, 32, 1);
make_dtype_const!(DTYPE_FLOAT32, DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat, 32, 1); make_dtype_const!(DTYPE_FLOAT32, DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat, 32, 1);
make_dtype_const!(DTYPE_FLOAT64, DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat, 64, 1); make_dtype_const!(DTYPE_FLOAT64, DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat, 64, 1);
impl Default for DLContext {
fn default() -> Self {
DLContext {
device_type: DLDeviceType_kDLCPU,
device_id: 0,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct TVMContext { pub struct TVMContext {
pub(super) device_type: usize, pub(crate) device_type: usize,
pub(super) device_id: usize, pub(crate) device_id: usize,
} }
impl<'a> From<&'a TVMContext> for DLContext { impl<'a> From<&'a TVMContext> for DLContext {
fn from(ctx: &'a TVMContext) -> Self { fn from(ctx: &'a TVMContext) -> Self {
Self { Self {
device_type: ctx.device_type as u32, device_type: ctx.device_type as u32,
device_id: ctx.device_id as i32, device_id: ctx.device_id as i32,
} }
} }
impl Default for TVMContext { impl Default for TVMContext {
fn default() -> Self { fn default() -> Self {
Self { Self {
device_type: DLDeviceType_kDLCPU as usize, device_type: DLDeviceType_kDLCPU as usize,
device_id: 0, device_id: 0,
} }
} }
impl<'a> From<DLTensor> for Tensor<'a> { impl<'a> From<DLTensor> for Tensor<'a> {
fn from(dlt: DLTensor) -> Self { fn from(dlt: DLTensor) -> Self {
unsafe { unsafe {
let dtype = DataType::from(dlt.dtype); let dtype = DataType::from(dlt.dtype);
let shape = slice::from_raw_parts(dlt.shape, dlt.ndim as usize).to_vec(); let shape = slice::from_raw_parts(dlt.shape, dlt.ndim as usize).to_vec();
let size = shape.iter().map(|v| *v as usize).product::<usize>() as usize; let size = shape.iter().map(|v| *v as usize).product::<usize>() as usize;
let storage = Storage::from(slice::from_raw_parts( let storage = Storage::from(slice::from_raw_parts( as *const u8, as *const u8,
dtype.itemsize() * size, dtype.itemsize() * size,
)); ));
Self { Self {
data: storage, data: storage,
ctx: TVMContext::default(), ctx: TVMContext::default(),
dtype: dtype, dtype: dtype,
size: size, size: size,
shape: shape, shape: shape,
strides: if dlt.strides == ptr::null_mut() { strides: if dlt.strides == ptr::null_mut() {
None None
} else { } else {
Some(slice::from_raw_parts_mut(dlt.strides as *mut usize, size).to_vec()) Some(slice::from_raw_parts_mut(dlt.strides as *mut usize, size).to_vec())
}, },
byte_offset: dlt.byte_offset as isize, byte_offset: dlt.byte_offset as isize,
} }
} }
} }
/// `From` conversions to `Tensor` for owned or borrowed `ndarray::Array`. /// `From` conversions to `Tensor` for owned or borrowed `ndarray::Array`.
...@@ -438,51 +447,49 @@ impl<'a> From<DLTensor> for Tensor<'a> { ...@@ -438,51 +447,49 @@ impl<'a> From<DLTensor> for Tensor<'a> {
/// ///
/// Panics if the ndarray is not contiguous. /// Panics if the ndarray is not contiguous.
macro_rules! impl_tensor_from_ndarray { macro_rules! impl_tensor_from_ndarray {
($type:ty, $typecode:expr) => { ($type:ty, $typecode:expr) => {
impl<D: ndarray::Dimension> From<ndarray::Array<$type, D>> for Tensor<'static> { impl<D: ndarray::Dimension> From<ndarray::Array<$type, D>> for Tensor<'static> {
fn from(arr: ndarray::Array<$type, D>) -> Self { fn from(arr: ndarray::Array<$type, D>) -> Self {
assert!(arr.is_standard_layout(), "Array must be contiguous."); let storage = Storage::from(arr.as_slice().expect("NDArray must be contiguous"));
let size = arr.len() * mem::size_of::<$type>() as usize; Tensor::from_array_storage(&arr, storage.to_owned(), $typecode as usize)
let storage = }
Storage::from(unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(arr.as_ptr() as *const u8, size) }); }
Tensor::from_array_storage(&arr, storage, $typecode as usize) impl<'a, D: ndarray::Dimension> From<&'a ndarray::Array<$type, D>> for Tensor<'a> {
} fn from(arr: &'a ndarray::Array<$type, D>) -> Self {
} let storage = Storage::from(arr.as_slice().expect("NDArray must be contiguous"));
impl<'a, D: ndarray::Dimension> From<&'a ndarray::Array<$type, D>> for Tensor<'a> { Tensor::from_array_storage(arr, storage, $typecode as usize)
fn from(arr: &'a ndarray::Array<$type, D>) -> Self { }
assert!(arr.is_standard_layout(), "Array must be contiguous."); }
Tensor::from_array_storage( };
$typecode as usize,
} }
/// `From` conversions to `DLTensor` for `ndarray::Array`. /// `From` conversions to `DLTensor` for `ndarray::Array`.
/// Takes a reference to the `ndarray` since `DLTensor` is not owned. /// Takes a reference to the `ndarray` since `DLTensor` is not owned.
macro_rules! impl_dltensor_from_ndarray { macro_rules! impl_dltensor_from_ndarray {
($type:ty, $typecode:expr) => { ($type:ty, $typecode:expr) => {
impl<'a, D: ndarray::Dimension> From<&'a mut ndarray::Array<$type, D>> for DLTensor { impl<'a, D: ndarray::Dimension> From<&'a mut ndarray::Array<$type, D>> for DLTensor {
fn from(arr: &'a mut ndarray::Array<$type, D>) -> Self { fn from(arr: &'a mut ndarray::Array<$type, D>) -> Self {
DLTensor { DLTensor {
data: arr.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void, inner: _DLTensor {
ctx: DLContext::default(), data: arr.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,
ndim: arr.ndim() as c_int, ctx: DLContext {
dtype: DLDataType { device_type: DLDeviceType_kDLCPU,
code: $typecode as u8, device_id: 0,
bits: 8 * mem::size_of::<$type>() as u8, },
lanes: 1, ndim: arr.ndim() as c_int,
}, dtype: DLDataType {
shape: arr.shape().as_ptr() as *const i64 as *mut i64, code: $typecode as u8,
strides: arr.strides().as_ptr() as *const isize as *mut i64, bits: 8 * mem::size_of::<$type>() as u8,
byte_offset: 0, lanes: 1,
shape: arr.shape().as_ptr() as *const i64 as *mut i64,
strides: arr.strides().as_ptr() as *const isize as *mut i64,
byte_offset: 0,
} }
} };
} }
impl_dltensor_from_ndarray!(f32, DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat); impl_dltensor_from_ndarray!(f32, DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat);
...@@ -4,16 +4,12 @@ use alloc::alloc; ...@@ -4,16 +4,12 @@ use alloc::alloc;
use std::alloc; use std::alloc;
use std::num; use std::num;
use crate::common::errors as common_errors;
use ndarray; use ndarray;
use serde_json; use serde_json;
error_chain! { error_chain! {
errors { errors {
TryFromTVMRetValueError(expected: String, actual: i64) {
description("mismatched types while downcasting TVMRetValue")
display("invalid downcast: expected `{}` but was `{}`", expected, actual)
GraphFormatError(msg: String) { GraphFormatError(msg: String) {
description("unable to load graph") description("unable to load graph")
display("could not load graph json: {}", msg) display("could not load graph json: {}", msg)
...@@ -29,11 +25,12 @@ error_chain! { ...@@ -29,11 +25,12 @@ error_chain! {
GraphDeserialize(serde_json::Error); GraphDeserialize(serde_json::Error);
ParseInt(num::ParseIntError); ParseInt(num::ParseIntError);
ShapeError(ndarray::ShapeError); ShapeError(ndarray::ShapeError);
} }
} }
impl From<alloc::LayoutErr> for Error { impl From<alloc::LayoutErr> for Error {
fn from(_err: alloc::LayoutErr) -> Error { fn from(_err: alloc::LayoutErr) -> Error {
Error::from_kind(ErrorKind::Msg("Layout error".to_string())) Error::from_kind(ErrorKind::Msg("Layout error".to_string()))
} }
} }
...@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@ use nom::{alpha1, digit1, le_i32, le_i64, le_u16, le_u32, le_u64, le_u8, types:: ...@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@ use nom::{alpha1, digit1, le_i32, le_i64, le_u16, le_u32, le_u64, le_u8, types::
use serde; use serde;
use serde_json; use serde_json;
use super::{DataType, Module, Storage, TVMArgValue, TVMContext, Tensor}; use super::{DLTensor, DataType, Module, Storage, TVMContext, Tensor};
use errors::{Error, ErrorKind, Result}; use crate::{
use ffi::runtime::{ common::value::TVMArgValue,
DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat, DLDataTypeCode_kDLInt, DLDataTypeCode_kDLUInt, DLTensor, errors::{Error, ErrorKind, Result},
ffi::runtime::{DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat, DLDataTypeCode_kDLInt, DLDataTypeCode_kDLUInt},
}; };
// Magic number for NDArray file. @see `kTVMNDArrayMagic` in `ndarray.h` // @see `kTVMNDArrayMagic` in `ndarray.h`
const _NDARRAY_MAGIC: u64 = 0xDD5E40F096B4A13F; const _NDARRAY_MAGIC: u64 = 0xDD5E40F096B4A13F;
// Magic number for NDArray list file. @see `kTVMNDArrayListMagic` in `graph_runtime.h` // @see `kTVMNDArrayListMagic` in `graph_runtime.h`
const _NDARRAY_LIST_MAGIC: u64 = 0xF7E58D4F05049CB7; const _NDARRAY_LIST_MAGIC: u64 = 0xF7E58D4F05049CB7;
/// A TVM computation graph. /// A TVM computation graph.
...@@ -25,107 +26,105 @@ const _NDARRAY_LIST_MAGIC: u64 = 0xF7E58D4F05049CB7; ...@@ -25,107 +26,105 @@ const _NDARRAY_LIST_MAGIC: u64 = 0xF7E58D4F05049CB7;
/// ``` /// ```
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct Graph { pub struct Graph {
pub nodes: Vec<Node>, pub nodes: Vec<Node>,
pub arg_nodes: Vec<usize>, pub arg_nodes: Vec<usize>,
pub heads: Vec<Entry>, pub heads: Vec<Entry>,
pub node_row_ptr: Option<Vec<usize>>, pub node_row_ptr: Option<Vec<usize>>,
pub attrs: Option<HashMap<String, serde_json::Value>>, pub attrs: Option<HashMap<String, serde_json::Value>>,
} }
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct Entry { pub struct Entry {
pub id: usize, pub id: usize,
pub index: usize, pub index: usize,
pub version: usize, pub version: usize,
} }
impl Graph { impl Graph {
fn entry_index(&self, entry: &Entry) -> Result<usize> { fn entry_index(&self, entry: &Entry) -> Result<usize> {
self self.node_row_ptr
.node_row_ptr .as_ref()
.as_ref() .map(|nrp| nrp[] + entry.index)
.map(|nrp| nrp[] + entry.index) .ok_or("Missing node_row_ptr.".into())
.ok_or("Missing node_row_ptr.".into()) }
/// Attempt to deserialize a JSON attribute to a type `T`.
/// Attempt to deserialize a JSON attribute to a type `T`. fn get_attr<T: serde::de::DeserializeOwned>(&self, attr: &str) -> Result<T> {
fn get_attr<T: serde::de::DeserializeOwned>(&self, attr: &str) -> Result<T> { Ok(serde_json::from_value::<T>(
Ok(serde_json::from_value::<T>( self.attrs
self .as_ref()
.attrs .ok_or(ErrorKind::GraphFormatError(
.as_ref() "Missing graph attrs".to_string(),
.ok_or(ErrorKind::GraphFormatError( ))?
"Missing graph attrs".to_string(), .get(attr)
))? .ok_or(ErrorKind::GraphFormatError(format!(
.get(attr) "Missing {} attr",
.ok_or(ErrorKind::GraphFormatError(format!( attr
"Missing {} attr", )))?
attr .to_owned(),
)))? )?)
.to_owned(), }
} }
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct Node { pub struct Node {
pub op: String, pub op: String,
pub name: String, pub name: String,
pub inputs: Vec<Entry>, pub inputs: Vec<Entry>,
pub attrs: Option<HashMap<String, String>>, pub attrs: Option<HashMap<String, String>>,
pub control_deps: Option<Vec<Entry>>, pub control_deps: Option<Vec<Entry>>,
} }
struct NodeAttrs { struct NodeAttrs {
func_name: String, func_name: String,
num_outputs: usize, num_outputs: usize,
flatten_data: bool, flatten_data: bool,
} }
impl Node { impl Node {
fn parse_attrs(&self) -> Result<NodeAttrs> { fn parse_attrs(&self) -> Result<NodeAttrs> {
let attrs = self let attrs = self
.attrs .attrs
.as_ref() .as_ref()
.ok_or(format!("Missing node.attrs for `{}`",; .ok_or(format!("Missing node.attrs for `{}`",;
let func_name = attrs let func_name = attrs
.get("func_name") .get("func_name")
.ok_or(format!("Node `{}` is missing attrs.func_name", .ok_or(format!("Node `{}` is missing attrs.func_name",
.to_string(); .to_string();
let num_outputs = attrs let num_outputs = attrs
.get("num_outputs") .get("num_outputs")
.ok_or(format!("Node `{}` is missing attrs.num_outputs", .ok_or(format!("Node `{}` is missing attrs.num_outputs",
.parse::<usize>()?; .parse::<usize>()?;
let flatten_data = attrs let flatten_data = attrs
.get("flatten_data") .get("flatten_data")
.ok_or(format!( .ok_or(format!(
"Node `{}` is missing attrs.flatten_data", "Node `{}` is missing attrs.flatten_data",
))? ))?
.parse::<u8>()? .parse::<u8>()?
== 1; == 1;
Ok(NodeAttrs { Ok(NodeAttrs {
func_name, func_name,
num_outputs, num_outputs,
flatten_data, flatten_data,
}) })
} }
} }
impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a String> for Graph { impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a String> for Graph {
type Error = Error; type Error = Error;
fn try_from(graph_json: &String) -> Result<Self> { fn try_from(graph_json: &String) -> Result<Self> {
let graph = serde_json::from_str(graph_json)?; let graph = serde_json::from_str(graph_json)?;
Ok(graph) Ok(graph)
} }
} }
impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a str> for Graph { impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a str> for Graph {
type Error = Error; type Error = Error;
fn try_from(graph_json: &'a str) -> Result<Self> { fn try_from(graph_json: &'a str) -> Result<Self> {
let graph = serde_json::from_str(graph_json)?; let graph = serde_json::from_str(graph_json)?;
Ok(graph) Ok(graph)
} }
} }
/// A executor for a TVM computation graph. /// A executor for a TVM computation graph.
...@@ -154,193 +153,195 @@ impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a str> for Graph { ...@@ -154,193 +153,195 @@ impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a str> for Graph {
/// println!("{:#?}", Array::try_from(output).unwrap()); /// println!("{:#?}", Array::try_from(output).unwrap());
/// ``` /// ```
pub struct GraphExecutor<'m, 't> { pub struct GraphExecutor<'m, 't> {
graph: Graph, graph: Graph,
op_execs: Vec<Box<Fn() + 'm>>, op_execs: Vec<Box<Fn() + 'm>>,
tensors: Vec<Tensor<'t>>, tensors: Vec<Tensor<'t>>,
} }
unsafe impl<'m, 't> Send for GraphExecutor<'m, 't> {} unsafe impl<'m, 't> Send for GraphExecutor<'m, 't> {}
impl<'m, 't> GraphExecutor<'m, 't> { impl<'m, 't> GraphExecutor<'m, 't> {
pub fn new<M: 'm + Module>(graph: Graph, lib: &'m M) -> Result<Self> { pub fn new<M: 'm + Module>(graph: Graph, lib: &'m M) -> Result<Self> {
let tensors = Self::setup_storages(&graph)?; let tensors = Self::setup_storages(&graph)?;
Ok(GraphExecutor { Ok(GraphExecutor {
op_execs: Self::setup_op_execs(&graph, lib, &tensors)?, op_execs: Self::setup_op_execs(&graph, lib, &tensors)?,
tensors: tensors, tensors: tensors,
graph: graph, graph: graph,
}) })
} }
/// Runs the computation graph. /// Runs the computation graph.
pub fn run(&self) { pub fn run(&self) {
self.op_execs.iter().for_each(|op_exec| { self.op_execs.iter().for_each(|op_exec| {
op_exec(); op_exec();
}); });
} }
/// Allocates `Storages` for each `storage_id` and returns `Tensor`s to hold each output. /// Allocates `Storages` for each `storage_id` and returns `Tensor`s to hold each output.
fn setup_storages<'a>(graph: &'a Graph) -> Result<Vec<Tensor<'t>>> { fn setup_storages<'a>(graph: &'a Graph) -> Result<Vec<Tensor<'t>>> {
let storage_ids = graph.get_attr::<(String, Vec<usize>)>("storage_id")?.1; let storage_ids = graph.get_attr::<(String, Vec<usize>)>("storage_id")?.1;
let shapes = graph.get_attr::<(String, Vec<Vec<i64>>)>("shape")?.1; let shapes = graph.get_attr::<(String, Vec<Vec<i64>>)>("shape")?.1;
let dtypes = graph let dtypes = graph
.get_attr::<(String, Vec<String>)>("dltype")? .get_attr::<(String, Vec<String>)>("dltype")?
.1 .1
.iter() .iter()
.map(|dltype| { .map(|dltype| {
if let Ok((_, dtype)) = tvm_str_to_type(CompleteStr(dltype)) { if let Ok((_, dtype)) = tvm_str_to_type(CompleteStr(dltype)) {
Ok(dtype) Ok(dtype)
} else { } else {
Err(ErrorKind::GraphFormatError(format!("Invalid dltype: {}", dltype).to_string()).into()) Err(ErrorKind::GraphFormatError(
format!("Invalid dltype: {}", dltype).to_string(),
let align = dtypes.iter().map(|dtype| dtype.bits as usize).max();
let mut storage_num_bytes = vec![0usize; *storage_ids.iter().max().unwrap_or(&1) + 1];
for (i, &storage_id) in storage_ids.iter().enumerate() {
let dtype_size = dtypes[i].bits * dtypes[i].lanes >> 3;
let nbytes = dtype_size * shapes[i].iter().product::<i64>() as usize;
storage_num_bytes[storage_id] = cmp::max(nbytes, storage_num_bytes[storage_id]);
} }
.collect::<Result<Vec<DataType>>>()?; let mut storages: Vec<Storage> = storage_num_bytes
let align = dtypes.iter().map(|dtype| dtype.bits as usize).max(); .map(|nbytes| Storage::new(nbytes, align))
let mut storage_num_bytes = vec![0usize; *storage_ids.iter().max().unwrap_or(&1) + 1]; .collect::<Result<Vec<Storage>>>()?;
for (i, &storage_id) in storage_ids.iter().enumerate() {
let dtype_size = dtypes[i].bits * dtypes[i].lanes >> 3; let tensors = izip!(storage_ids, shapes, dtypes)
let nbytes = dtype_size * shapes[i].iter().product::<i64>() as usize; .map(|(storage_id, shape, dtype)| {
storage_num_bytes[storage_id] = cmp::max(nbytes, storage_num_bytes[storage_id]); let storage = storages[storage_id].view();
Tensor {
data: mem::replace(&mut storages[storage_id], storage),
ctx: TVMContext::default(),
dtype: dtype,
size: shape.iter().product::<i64>() as usize,
shape: shape,
strides: None,
byte_offset: 0,
} }
let mut storages: Vec<Storage> = storage_num_bytes /// Creates closures which represent the computation performed by this graph.
.into_iter() fn setup_op_execs<M: 'm + Module>(
.map(|nbytes| Storage::new(nbytes, align)) graph: &Graph,
.collect::<Result<Vec<Storage>>>()?; lib: &'m M,
tensors: &Vec<Tensor<'t>>,
let tensors = izip!(storage_ids, shapes, dtypes) ) -> Result<Vec<Box<Fn() + 'm>>> {
.map(|(storage_id, shape, dtype)| { ensure!(graph.node_row_ptr.is_some(), "Missing node_row_ptr.");
let storage = storages[storage_id].view(); let node_row_ptr = graph.node_row_ptr.as_ref().unwrap();
Tensor {
data: mem::replace(&mut storages[storage_id], storage), let mut op_execs = Vec::new();
ctx: TVMContext::default(), for (i, node) in graph.nodes.iter().enumerate() {
dtype: dtype, if node.op == "null" {
size: shape.iter().product::<i64>() as usize, continue;
shape: shape, }
strides: None, ensure!(node.op == "tvm_op", "Only TVM ops are supported.");
byte_offset: 0, ensure!(node.attrs.is_some(), "Missing node attrs.");
let attrs = node.parse_attrs()?;
if attrs.func_name == "__nop" {
let func = lib
.ok_or(format!("Missing function {}", attrs.func_name))?;
let arg_indices = node
.map(|entry| graph.entry_index(entry))
.chain((0..attrs.num_outputs).map(|oi| Ok(node_row_ptr[i].clone() + oi)));
let dl_tensors = arg_indices
.map(|idx| {
let tensor = &tensors[idx?];
Ok(if attrs.flatten_data {
DLTensor::from_tensor(tensor, true /* flatten */)
} else {
let op: Box<Fn()> = box move || {
let args = dl_tensors
.map(|t| t.into())
} }
}) Ok(op_execs)
/// Creates closures which represent the computation performed by this graph.
fn setup_op_execs<M: 'm + Module>(
graph: &Graph,
lib: &'m M,
tensors: &Vec<Tensor<'t>>,
) -> Result<Vec<Box<Fn() + 'm>>> {
ensure!(graph.node_row_ptr.is_some(), "Missing node_row_ptr.");
let node_row_ptr = graph.node_row_ptr.as_ref().unwrap();
let mut op_execs = Vec::new();
for (i, node) in graph.nodes.iter().enumerate() {
if node.op == "null" {
ensure!(node.op == "tvm_op", "Only TVM ops are supported.");
ensure!(node.attrs.is_some(), "Missing node attrs.");
let attrs = node.parse_attrs()?;
if attrs.func_name == "__nop" {
let func = lib
.ok_or(format!("Missing function {}", attrs.func_name))?;
let arg_indices = node
.map(|entry| graph.entry_index(entry))
.chain((0..attrs.num_outputs).map(|oi| Ok(node_row_ptr[i].clone() + oi)));
let dl_tensors = arg_indices
.map(|idx| {
let tensor = &tensors[idx?];
Ok(if attrs.flatten_data {
DLTensor::from_tensor(tensor, true /* flatten */)
} else {
let op: Box<Fn()> = box move || {
let args = dl_tensors
.map(|t| t.into())
} }
pub fn load_params(&mut self, params: HashMap<String, Tensor<'t>>) { pub fn load_params(&mut self, params: HashMap<String, Tensor>) {
params.into_iter().for_each(|(name, param)| { params.into_iter().for_each(|(name, param)| {
self.set_input(name, param); self.set_input(name, param);
}) })
pub fn set_input<S: AsRef<str>>(&mut self, name: S, value: Tensor<'t>) {
if let Some(idx) = self.get_input_index(name.as_ref()) {
// TODO: consider `new_with_params` to avoid ever allocating
let ptr = self.tensors[idx].data.as_ptr();
let mut to_replace = self.tensors.iter_mut().filter(|t| == ptr);
let mut owner = to_replace.nth(0).unwrap();
if {
// FIXME: for no-copy, need setup_op_execs to not capture tensor ptr
// mem::replace(&mut (*owner), value);
// to_replace.for_each(|t| {
// panic!("replacing");
// =;
// });
} else {
} else {
println!("Unexpected input `{}`", name.as_ref());
} }
pub fn set_input<S: AsRef<str>>(&mut self, name: S, value: Tensor) {
/// Returns the graph input with name `name`, if it exists. if let Some(idx) = self.get_input_index(name.as_ref()) {
pub fn get_input<S: AsRef<str>>(&mut self, name: S) -> Option<&Tensor> { // TODO: consider `new_with_params` to avoid ever allocating
self let ptr = self.tensors[idx].data.as_ptr();
.get_input_index(name.as_ref()) let mut to_replace = self.tensors.iter_mut().filter(|t| == ptr);
.and_then(move |idx| Some(&self.tensors[idx])) let mut owner = to_replace.nth(0).unwrap();
} if {
// FIXME: for no-copy, need setup_op_execs to not capture tensor ptr
/// Returns the graph output with index `index`, if it exists. // mem::replace(&mut (*owner), value);
pub fn get_output(&self, idx: usize) -> Option<&Tensor> { // to_replace.for_each(|t| {
let graph = &self.graph; // panic!("replacing");
graph.heads.get(idx).and_then(|entry| { // =;
graph // });
.entry_index(entry) owner.copy(&value);
.map(|idx| self.tensors.get(idx)) } else {
.unwrap_or(None) owner.copy(&value);
}) }
/// Returns the index for graph input with name `name`, if it exists.
pub fn get_input_index<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> Option<usize> {
let graph = &self.graph;
.skip_while(|&i| graph.nodes[i].name != name.as_ref())
.and_then(|i| {
if graph.arg_nodes.iter().any(|&id| id == i) {
graph.node_row_ptr.as_ref().map(|nrp| nrp[i])
} else { } else {
None println!("Unexpected input `{}`", name.as_ref());
} }
}) }
/// Returns the graph input with name `name`, if it exists.
pub fn get_input<S: AsRef<str>>(&mut self, name: S) -> Option<&Tensor> {
.and_then(move |idx| Some(&self.tensors[idx]))
/// Returns the graph output with index `index`, if it exists.
pub fn get_output(&self, idx: usize) -> Option<&Tensor> {
let graph = &self.graph;
graph.heads.get(idx).and_then(|entry| {
.map(|idx| self.tensors.get(idx))
/// Returns the index for graph input with name `name`, if it exists.
pub fn get_input_index<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> Option<usize> {
let graph = &self.graph;
.skip_while(|&i| graph.nodes[i].name != name.as_ref())
.and_then(|i| {
if graph.arg_nodes.iter().any(|&id| id == i) {
graph.node_row_ptr.as_ref().map(|nrp| nrp[i])
} else {
} }
/// Converts a string to TVM DLDataTypeCode. @see `String2TVMType` in packed_func.h /// Converts a string to TVM DLDataTypeCode. @see `String2TVMType` in packed_func.h
...@@ -368,10 +369,10 @@ named!( ...@@ -368,10 +369,10 @@ named!(
/// Converts a bytes to String. /// Converts a bytes to String.
named!( named!(
name<String>, name<String>,
map_res!(length_bytes!(le_u64), |b: &[u8]| String::from_utf8( map_res!(length_bytes!(le_u64), |b: &[u8]| String::from_utf8(
b.to_vec() b.to_vec()
)) ))
); );
/// Parses a TVMContext /// Parses a TVMContext
...@@ -397,76 +398,76 @@ named!( ...@@ -397,76 +398,76 @@ named!(
/// Parses a Tensor from a TVM array file. /// Parses a Tensor from a TVM array file.
named!( named!(
tensor<Tensor>, tensor<Tensor>,
do_parse!( do_parse!(
take!(8) take!(8)
>> bits!(tag_bits!(u64, 64, 0)) >> bits!(tag_bits!(u64, 64, 0))
>> ctx: tvm_ctx >> ctx: tvm_ctx
>> ndim: le_u32 >> ndim: le_u32
>> dtype: data_type >> dtype: data_type
>> shape: count!(map!(le_i64, |sz| sz as i64), ndim as usize) >> shape: count!(map!(le_i64, |sz| sz as i64), ndim as usize)
>> length: le_i64 >> length: le_i64
>> data: take!(length) >> data: take!(length)
>> (Tensor { >> (Tensor {
data: Storage::from(data), data: Storage::from(data),
ctx: ctx, ctx: ctx,
dtype: dtype, dtype: dtype,
size: shape.iter().product::<i64>() as usize, size: shape.iter().product::<i64>() as usize,
shape: shape, shape: shape,
strides: None, strides: None,
byte_offset: 0, byte_offset: 0,
}) })
) )
); );
/// Parses a graph params dict from a params binary file. /// Parses a graph params dict from a params binary file.
named!( named!(
parse_param_dict<HashMap<String, Tensor>>, parse_param_dict<HashMap<String, Tensor>>,
do_parse!( do_parse!(
take!(8) take!(8)
>> bits!(tag_bits!(u64, 64, 0)) >> bits!(tag_bits!(u64, 64, 0))
>> names: length_count!(le_u64, name) >> names: length_count!(le_u64, name)
>> tensors: length_count!(le_u64, tensor) >> tensors: length_count!(le_u64, tensor)
>> (HashMap::from_iter(names.into_iter().zip(tensors.into_iter()))) >> (HashMap::from_iter(names.into_iter().zip(tensors.into_iter())))
) )
); );
/// Loads a param dict saved using `nnvm.compiler.save_param_dict`. /// Loads a param dict saved using `nnvm.compiler.save_param_dict`.
pub fn load_param_dict(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<HashMap<String, Tensor>> { pub fn load_param_dict(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<HashMap<String, Tensor>> {
if let Ok((remaining_bytes, param_dict)) = parse_param_dict(bytes) { if let Ok((remaining_bytes, param_dict)) = parse_param_dict(bytes) {
if remaining_bytes.len() > 0 { if remaining_bytes.len() > 0 {
bail!(ErrorKind::LoadGraphParamsError("extra input".to_string())) bail!(ErrorKind::LoadGraphParamsError("extra input".to_string()))
} else {
} else { } else {
Ok(param_dict) bail!(ErrorKind::LoadGraphParamsError(
"invalid parameters file".to_string()
} }
} else {
"invalid parameters file".to_string()
} }
#[cfg(test)] #[cfg(test)]
mod tests { mod tests {
use super::*; use super::*;
#[test] #[test]
fn test_str_to_type() { fn test_str_to_type() {
assert_eq!( assert_eq!(
tvm_str_to_type(CompleteStr("float24")).unwrap().1, tvm_str_to_type(CompleteStr("float24")).unwrap().1,
DataType { DataType {
code: DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat as usize, code: DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat as usize,
bits: 24, bits: 24,
lanes: 1 lanes: 1
} }
); );
assert_eq!( assert_eq!(
tvm_str_to_type(CompleteStr("uint111x44")).unwrap().1, tvm_str_to_type(CompleteStr("uint111x44")).unwrap().1,
DataType { DataType {
code: DLDataTypeCode_kDLUInt as usize, code: DLDataTypeCode_kDLUInt as usize,
bits: 111, bits: 111,
lanes: 44 lanes: 44
} }
); );
} }
} }
...@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ ...@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
//! For examples of use, please refer to the multi-file tests in the `tests` directory. //! For examples of use, please refer to the multi-file tests in the `tests` directory.
#![feature( #![feature(
alloc, alloc,
allocator_api, allocator_api,
box_syntax, box_syntax,
fn_traits, fn_traits,
try_from, try_from,
unboxed_closures, unboxed_closures,
vec_remove_item vec_remove_item
)] )]
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")] #[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
...@@ -39,29 +39,36 @@ extern crate serde; ...@@ -39,29 +39,36 @@ extern crate serde;
#[macro_use] #[macro_use]
extern crate serde_derive; extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde_json; extern crate serde_json;
extern crate tvm_common as common;
pub mod ffi { mod allocator;
#![allow( mod array;
non_camel_case_types, pub mod errors;
non_snake_case, mod module;
non_upper_case_globals, #[macro_use]
unused mod packed_func;
)] mod graph;
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
pub mod sgx;
mod threading;
mod workspace;
pub mod runtime { pub use crate::common::{errors::*, ffi, TVMArgValue, TVMRetValue};
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_void};
include!(concat!( pub use self::{
env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), array::*, errors::*, graph::*, module::*, packed_func::*, threading::*, workspace::*,
"/src/runtime/" };
pub type BackendPackedCFunc = #[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
extern "C" fn(args: *const TVMValue, type_codes: *const c_int, num_args: c_int) -> c_int; use self::sgx::ocall_packed_func;
pub mod errors;
pub mod runtime;
pub use errors::*; #[no_mangle]
pub extern "C" fn TVMAPISetLastError(cmsg: *const i8) {
#[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))]
unsafe {
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
ocall_packed!("__sgx_set_last_error__", cmsg);
use std::{ use std::{
collections::HashMap, convert::AsRef, ffi::CStr, os::raw::c_char, string::String, sync::Mutex, collections::HashMap, convert::AsRef, ffi::CStr, os::raw::c_char, string::String, sync::Mutex,
}; };
use ffi::runtime::BackendPackedCFunc; use crate::{
use runtime::packed_func::{wrap_backend_packed_func, PackedFunc}; ffi::runtime::BackendPackedCFunc,
packed_func::{wrap_backend_packed_func, PackedFunc},
pub trait Module { pub trait Module {
fn get_function<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> Option<PackedFunc>; fn get_function<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> Option<PackedFunc>;
} }
pub struct SystemLibModule; pub struct SystemLibModule;
lazy_static! { lazy_static! {
static ref SYSTEM_LIB_FUNCTIONS: Mutex<HashMap<String, BackendPackedCFunc>> = static ref SYSTEM_LIB_FUNCTIONS: Mutex<HashMap<String, BackendPackedCFunc>> =
Mutex::new(HashMap::new()); Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
} }
impl Module for SystemLibModule { impl Module for SystemLibModule {
fn get_function<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> Option<PackedFunc> { fn get_function<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> Option<PackedFunc> {
.lock() .lock()
.unwrap() .unwrap()
.get(name.as_ref()) .get(name.as_ref())
.map(|func| wrap_backend_packed_func(func.to_owned())) .map(|func| wrap_backend_packed_func(func.to_owned()))
} }
} }
impl Default for SystemLibModule { impl Default for SystemLibModule {
fn default() -> Self { fn default() -> Self {
SystemLibModule {} SystemLibModule {}
} }
} }
#[no_mangle] #[no_mangle]
pub extern "C" fn TVMBackendRegisterSystemLibSymbol( pub extern "C" fn TVMBackendRegisterSystemLibSymbol(
cname: *const c_char, cname: *const c_char,
func: BackendPackedCFunc, func: BackendPackedCFunc,
) -> i32 { ) -> i32 {
let name = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(cname).to_str().unwrap() }; let name = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(cname).to_str().unwrap() };
.lock() .lock()
.unwrap() .unwrap()
.insert(name.to_string(), func); .insert(name.to_string(), func);
return 0; return 0;
} }
use std::{convert::TryFrom, marker::PhantomData, os::raw::c_void};
use super::Tensor;
use crate::ffi::runtime::{
BackendPackedCFunc, DLTensor as _DLTensor, TVMTypeCode_kArrayHandle,
TVMTypeCode_kNDArrayContainer, TVMValue as _TVMValue,
use super::DLTensor;
use crate::{
common::{TVMArgValue, TVMRetValue, TVMTypeCode, TVMValue},
pub type PackedFunc = Box<Fn(&[TVMArgValue]) -> TVMRetValue + Send + Sync>;
/// Calls a packed function and returns a `TVMRetValue`.
/// # Example
/// `call_packed!(my_tvm_func, &mut arg1, &mut arg2)`
macro_rules! call_packed {
($fn:expr, $($args:expr),+) => {
($fn:expr) => {
impl<'a> From<&'a DLTensor> for TVMArgValue<'a> {
fn from(arr: &'a DLTensor) -> Self {
let raw = _TVMValue {
v_handle: arr as *const _ as *mut DLTensor as *mut c_void,
TVMArgValue {
value: TVMValue::new(raw),
type_code: TVMTypeCode::kArrayHandle,
lifetime: PhantomData,
impl<'a> From<&'a mut DLTensor> for TVMArgValue<'a> {
fn from(arr: &'a mut DLTensor) -> Self {
let raw = _TVMValue {
v_handle: arr as *mut _ as *mut c_void,
TVMArgValue {
value: TVMValue::new(raw),
type_code: TVMTypeCode::kArrayHandle,
lifetime: PhantomData,
impl<'a> TryFrom<TVMArgValue<'a>> for Tensor<'a> {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(val: TVMArgValue<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
val.type_code == TVMTypeCode::kArrayHandle
|| val.type_code == TVMTypeCode::kNDArrayContainer,
"Could not downcast arg. Expected `{}` or `{}`, but got `{}`",
let dlt = unsafe { *(val.value.v_handle as *mut _DLTensor as *const _DLTensor) };
impl<'a, 't> From<&'t Tensor<'a>> for TVMRetValue {
fn from(val: &'t Tensor<'a>) -> Self {
TVMRetValue {
prim_value: 0,
box_value: box DLTensor::from(val),
type_code: TVMTypeCode::kNDArrayContainer,
impl<'a> TryFrom<TVMRetValue> for Tensor<'a> {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(ret: TVMRetValue) -> Result<Self> {
ret.type_code == TVMTypeCode::kArrayHandle
|| ret.type_code == TVMTypeCode::kNDArrayContainer,
"Could not downcast arg. Expected `{}` or `{}`, but got `{}`",
let dlt = unsafe { *(ret.prim_value as *mut _DLTensor as *const _DLTensor) };
// @see `WrapPackedFunc` in ``.
pub(crate) fn wrap_backend_packed_func(func: BackendPackedCFunc) -> PackedFunc {
box move |args: &[TVMArgValue]| {
.map(|ref arg| arg.value.inner)
.map(|ref arg| arg.type_code as i32)
.as_ptr() as *const i32,
args.len() as i32,
use std::{ use std::{
ffi::CString, ffi::CString,
os::raw::{c_char, c_int}, os::raw::{c_char, c_int},
}; };
use errors::Result; use errors::Result;
...@@ -11,50 +11,48 @@ pub use runtime::threading::tvm_run_worker as run_worker; ...@@ -11,50 +11,48 @@ pub use runtime::threading::tvm_run_worker as run_worker;
#[macro_export] #[macro_export]
macro_rules! tvm_ocall { macro_rules! tvm_ocall {
($func: expr) => { ($func: expr) => {
match $func { match $func {
0 => Ok(()), 0 => Ok(()),
err => Err(format!("SGX error: {}", err)), err => Err(format!("SGX error: {}", err)),
} }
}; };
} }
pub type SgxStatus = u32; pub type SgxStatus = u32;
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")] #[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
extern "C" { extern "C" {
fn tvm_ocall_packed_func( fn tvm_ocall_packed_func(
name: *const c_char, name: *const c_char,
arg_values: *const TVMValue, arg_values: *const TVMValue,
type_codes: *const c_int, type_codes: *const c_int,
num_args: c_int, num_args: c_int,
ret_val: *mut TVMValue, ret_val: *mut TVMValue,
ret_type_code: *mut c_int, ret_type_code: *mut c_int,
) -> SgxStatus; ) -> SgxStatus;
} }
pub fn ocall_packed_func<S: AsRef<str>>(fn_name: S, args: &[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue> { pub fn ocall_packed_func<S: AsRef<str>>(fn_name: S, args: &[TVMArgValue]) -> Result<TVMRetValue> {
let mut ret_val = TVMValue { v_int64: 0 }; let mut ret_val = TVMValue { v_int64: 0 };
let ret_type_code = 0i64; let ret_type_code = 0i64;
unsafe { unsafe {
tvm_ocall!(tvm_ocall_packed_func( tvm_ocall!(tvm_ocall_packed_func(
CString::new(fn_name.as_ref()).unwrap().as_ptr(), CString::new(fn_name.as_ref()).unwrap().as_ptr(),
args args.iter()
.iter() .map(|ref arg| arg.value)
.map(|ref arg| arg.value) .collect::<Vec<TVMValue>>()
.collect::<Vec<TVMValue>>() .as_ptr(),
.as_ptr(), args.iter()
args .map(|ref arg| arg.type_code as i32)
.iter() .collect::<Vec<i32>>()
.map(|ref arg| arg.type_code as i32) .as_ptr() as *const i32,
.collect::<Vec<i32>>() args.len() as i32,
.as_ptr() as *const i32, &mut ret_val as *mut TVMValue,
args.len() as i32, &mut (ret_type_code as i32) as *mut c_int,
&mut ret_val as *mut TVMValue, ))?;
&mut (ret_type_code as i32) as *mut c_int, }
))?; Ok(TVMRetValue::from_tvm_value(ret_val, ret_type_code as i64))
Ok(TVMRetValue::from_tvm_value(ret_val, ret_type_code as i64))
} }
#[macro_export] #[macro_export]
...@@ -70,13 +68,13 @@ macro_rules! ocall_packed { ...@@ -70,13 +68,13 @@ macro_rules! ocall_packed {
} }
pub fn shutdown() { pub fn shutdown() {
if env!("TVM_NUM_THREADS") != "0" { if env!("TVM_NUM_THREADS") != "0" {
sgx_join_threads() sgx_join_threads()
} }
} }
impl Drop for SystemLibModule { impl Drop for SystemLibModule {
fn drop(&mut self) { fn drop(&mut self) {
shutdown() shutdown()
} }
} }
use std::{ use std::{
os::raw::{c_int, c_void}, os::raw::{c_int, c_void},
sync::{ sync::{
atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering, ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT}, atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering, ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT},
Arc, Barrier, Arc, Barrier,
}, },
}; };
#[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))] #[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))]
use num_cpus; use num_cpus;
#[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))] #[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))]
use std::{ use std::{
env, env,
thread::{self, JoinHandle}, thread::{self, JoinHandle},
}; };
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")] #[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
...@@ -19,178 +19,177 @@ use std::{collections::VecDeque, ptr, sync::Mutex}; ...@@ -19,178 +19,177 @@ use std::{collections::VecDeque, ptr, sync::Mutex};
use bounded_spsc_queue::{self, Producer}; use bounded_spsc_queue::{self, Producer};
use super::super::errors::*; use crate::{errors::*, ffi::runtime::TVMParallelGroupEnv};
use ffi::runtime::TVMParallelGroupEnv;
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")] #[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
use super::{sgx::ocall_packed_func, TVMArgValue, TVMRetValue}; use super::{sgx::ocall_packed_func, TVMArgValue, TVMRetValue};
type FTVMParallelLambda = type FTVMParallelLambda =
extern "C" fn(task_id: usize, penv: *const TVMParallelGroupEnv, cdata: *const c_void) -> i32; extern "C" fn(task_id: usize, penv: *const TVMParallelGroupEnv, cdata: *const c_void) -> i32;
/// Holds a parallel job request made by a TVM library function. /// Holds a parallel job request made by a TVM library function.
struct Job { struct Job {
cb: FTVMParallelLambda, cb: FTVMParallelLambda,
cdata: *const c_void, cdata: *const c_void,
req_num_tasks: usize, req_num_tasks: usize,
pending: Arc<AtomicUsize>, pending: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
} }
impl Job { impl Job {
/// Splits this job into a number of `Task`s which can be scheduled. /// Splits this job into a number of `Task`s which can be scheduled.
fn tasks(&self, num_workers: usize) -> Vec<Task> { fn tasks(&self, num_workers: usize) -> Vec<Task> {
let num_tasks = if self.req_num_tasks == 0 { let num_tasks = if self.req_num_tasks == 0 {
num_workers num_workers
} else { } else {
self.req_num_tasks.min(num_workers) self.req_num_tasks.min(num_workers)
}; };, Ordering::SeqCst);, Ordering::SeqCst);
let barrier = Arc::new(Barrier::new(num_tasks)); let barrier = Arc::new(Barrier::new(num_tasks));
(0..num_tasks) (0..num_tasks)
.map(move |i| Task { .map(move |i| Task {
id: i, id: i,
flambda: self.cb, flambda: self.cb,
penv: TVMParallelGroupEnv { penv: TVMParallelGroupEnv {
sync_handle: &Arc::clone(&barrier) as *const _ as *mut c_void, sync_handle: &Arc::clone(&barrier) as *const _ as *mut c_void,
num_task: num_tasks as i32, num_task: num_tasks as i32,
}, },
cdata: self.cdata, cdata: self.cdata,
pending: Arc::clone(&self.pending), pending: Arc::clone(&self.pending),
}) })
.collect() .collect()
} }
/// Waits for all tasks in this `Job` to be completed. /// Waits for all tasks in this `Job` to be completed.
fn wait(&self) -> Result<()> { fn wait(&self) -> Result<()> {
while self.pending.load(Ordering::Acquire) > 0 { while self.pending.load(Ordering::Acquire) > 0 {
#[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))] #[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))]
thread::yield_now(); thread::yield_now();
} }
} }
/// A chunk of work requested by a TVM function. /// A chunk of work requested by a TVM function.
struct Task { struct Task {
id: usize, id: usize,
flambda: FTVMParallelLambda, flambda: FTVMParallelLambda,
penv: TVMParallelGroupEnv, penv: TVMParallelGroupEnv,
cdata: *const c_void, cdata: *const c_void,
pending: Arc<AtomicUsize>, pending: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
} }
unsafe impl Send for Task {} unsafe impl Send for Task {}
unsafe impl Sync for Task {} unsafe impl Sync for Task {}
impl FnOnce<()> for Task { impl FnOnce<()> for Task {
type Output = i32; type Output = i32;
extern "rust-call" fn call_once(self, _args: ()) -> Self::Output { extern "rust-call" fn call_once(self, _args: ()) -> Self::Output {
let status = (self.flambda)(, &self.penv as *const _, self.cdata); let status = (self.flambda)(, &self.penv as *const _, self.cdata);
self.pending.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::AcqRel); self.pending.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::AcqRel);
status status
} }
} }
#[derive(Default)] #[derive(Default)]
struct Threads { struct Threads {
#[allow(unused)] #[allow(unused)]
#[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))] #[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))]
handles: Vec<JoinHandle<()>>, handles: Vec<JoinHandle<()>>,
queues: Vec<Producer<Task>>, queues: Vec<Producer<Task>>,
} }
impl<'a> Threads { impl<'a> Threads {
#[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))] #[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))]
fn launch<F: Sync + Send + FnOnce(Consumer<Task>) + 'static + Copy>( fn launch<F: Sync + Send + FnOnce(Consumer<Task>) + 'static + Copy>(
num_threads: usize, num_threads: usize,
cb: F, cb: F,
) -> Self { ) -> Self {
let (handles, queues) = (0..num_threads) let (handles, queues) = (0..num_threads)
.map(|_| { .map(|_| {
let (p, c) = bounded_spsc_queue::make(2); let (p, c) = bounded_spsc_queue::make(2);
let handle = thread::spawn(move || cb(c.into())); let handle = thread::spawn(move || cb(c.into()));
(handle, p) (handle, p)
}) })
.unzip(); .unzip();
Threads { Threads {
handles: handles, handles: handles,
queues: queues, queues: queues,
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
fn launch<F: Sync + Send + FnOnce(Consumer<Task>) + 'static + Copy>(
num_threads: usize,
_cb: F,
) -> Self {
let mut consumer_queues = SGX_QUEUES.lock().unwrap();
let queues = (0..num_threads)
.map(|_| {
let (p, c) = bounded_spsc_queue::make(2);
ocall_packed!("__sgx_thread_group_launch__", num_threads as u64);
Threads { queues: queues }
} }
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
fn launch<F: Sync + Send + FnOnce(Consumer<Task>) + 'static + Copy>(
num_threads: usize,
_cb: F,
) -> Self {
let mut consumer_queues = SGX_QUEUES.lock().unwrap();
let queues = (0..num_threads)
.map(|_| {
let (p, c) = bounded_spsc_queue::make(2);
ocall_packed!("__sgx_thread_group_launch__", num_threads as u64);
Threads { queues: queues }
} }
struct ThreadPool { struct ThreadPool {
num_workers: usize, num_workers: usize,
#[allow(unused)] #[allow(unused)]
threads: Threads, threads: Threads,
} }
thread_local!(static THREAD_POOL: ThreadPool = ThreadPool::new()); thread_local!(static THREAD_POOL: ThreadPool = ThreadPool::new());
impl ThreadPool { impl ThreadPool {
fn new() -> Self { fn new() -> Self {
let num_workers = max_concurrency(); let num_workers = max_concurrency();
ThreadPool { ThreadPool {
num_workers: num_workers, num_workers: num_workers,
threads: Threads::launch(num_workers, ThreadPool::run_worker), threads: Threads::launch(num_workers, ThreadPool::run_worker),
} }
fn launch(&self, job: Job) { fn launch(&self, job: Job) {
let mut tasks = job.tasks(self.num_workers + 1); let mut tasks = job.tasks(self.num_workers + 1);
for (i, task) in tasks.split_off(1).into_iter().enumerate() {
for (i, task) in tasks.split_off(1).into_iter().enumerate() { tasks.pop().unwrap()();
self.threads.queues[i].push(task); job.wait().unwrap();
} }
tasks.pop().unwrap()(); fn run_worker(queue: Consumer<Task>) {
job.wait().unwrap(); loop {
} let task = queue.pop();
let result = task();
fn run_worker(queue: Consumer<Task>) { if result == <i32>::min_value() {
loop { break;
let task = queue.pop(); } else if result != 0 {
let result = task(); panic!("Error running task.");
if result == <i32>::min_value() { }
break; }
} else if result != 0 {
panic!("Error running task.");
} }
} }
// Send + Sync wrapper for bounded_spsc_queue::Consumer // Send + Sync wrapper for bounded_spsc_queue::Consumer
struct Consumer<T> { struct Consumer<T> {
consumer: bounded_spsc_queue::Consumer<T>, consumer: bounded_spsc_queue::Consumer<T>,
} }
impl<T> From<bounded_spsc_queue::Consumer<T>> for Consumer<T> { impl<T> From<bounded_spsc_queue::Consumer<T>> for Consumer<T> {
fn from(c: bounded_spsc_queue::Consumer<T>) -> Self { fn from(c: bounded_spsc_queue::Consumer<T>) -> Self {
Consumer { consumer: c } Consumer { consumer: c }
} }
} }
impl<T> Consumer<T> { impl<T> Consumer<T> {
fn pop(&self) -> T { fn pop(&self) -> T {
self.consumer.pop() self.consumer.pop()
} }
} }
unsafe impl<T> Send for Consumer<T> {} unsafe impl<T> Send for Consumer<T> {}
unsafe impl<T> Sync for Consumer<T> {} unsafe impl<T> Sync for Consumer<T> {}
...@@ -203,135 +202,135 @@ lazy_static! { ...@@ -203,135 +202,135 @@ lazy_static! {
#[cfg(all(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), not(target_env = "sgx")))] #[cfg(all(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), not(target_env = "sgx")))]
fn max_concurrency() -> usize { fn max_concurrency() -> usize {
if let Ok(threads_str) = env::var("TVM_NUM_THREADS").or(env::var("OMP_NUM_THREADS")) { if let Ok(threads_str) = env::var("TVM_NUM_THREADS").or(env::var("OMP_NUM_THREADS")) {
if let Ok(threads) = usize::from_str_radix(&threads_str, 10) { if let Ok(threads) = usize::from_str_radix(&threads_str, 10) {
return threads; return threads;
} }
} num_cpus::get_physical()
} }
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")] #[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
fn max_concurrency() -> usize { fn max_concurrency() -> usize {
usize::from_str_radix(env!("TVM_NUM_THREADS"), 10).unwrap_or(1) usize::from_str_radix(env!("TVM_NUM_THREADS"), 10).unwrap_or(1)
} }
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
fn max_concurrency() -> usize { fn max_concurrency() -> usize {
0 // wasm doesn't support threads yet 0 // wasm doesn't support threads yet
} }
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")] #[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
pub fn tvm_run_worker(_args: &[TVMArgValue]) -> TVMRetValue { pub fn tvm_run_worker(_args: &[TVMArgValue]) -> TVMRetValue {
let q = { let q = {
let mut qs = SGX_QUEUES.lock().unwrap(); let mut qs = SGX_QUEUES.lock().unwrap();
qs.pop_front() qs.pop_front()
// `qs: MutexGuard` needs to be dropped here since `run_worker` won't return // `qs: MutexGuard` needs to be dropped here since `run_worker` won't return
}; };
if let Some(q) = q { if let Some(q) = q {
ThreadPool::run_worker(q); ThreadPool::run_worker(q);
} }
TVMRetValue::default() TVMRetValue::default()
} }
#[no_mangle] #[no_mangle]
pub extern "C" fn TVMBackendParallelLaunch( pub extern "C" fn TVMBackendParallelLaunch(
cb: FTVMParallelLambda, cb: FTVMParallelLambda,
cdata: *const c_void, cdata: *const c_void,
num_task: usize, num_task: usize,
) -> c_int { ) -> c_int {
if max_concurrency() == 0 { if max_concurrency() == 0 {
let penv = TVMParallelGroupEnv { let penv = TVMParallelGroupEnv {
sync_handle: 0 as *mut c_void, sync_handle: 0 as *mut c_void,
num_task: 1, num_task: 1,
}; };
cb(0, &penv as *const _, cdata); cb(0, &penv as *const _, cdata);
} else { } else {
THREAD_POOL.with(|pool| { THREAD_POOL.with(|pool| {
pool.launch(Job { pool.launch(Job {
cb: cb, cb: cb,
cdata: cdata, cdata: cdata,
req_num_tasks: num_task, req_num_tasks: num_task,
pending: Arc::new(ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT), pending: Arc::new(ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT),
}); });
}); });
} }
return 0; return 0;
} }
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")] #[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
pub(crate) fn sgx_join_threads() { pub(crate) fn sgx_join_threads() {
extern "C" fn poison_pill( extern "C" fn poison_pill(
_task_id: usize, _task_id: usize,
_penv: *const TVMParallelGroupEnv, _penv: *const TVMParallelGroupEnv,
_cdata: *const c_void, _cdata: *const c_void,
) -> i32 { ) -> i32 {
<i32>::min_value() <i32>::min_value()
} }
THREAD_POOL.with(|pool| { THREAD_POOL.with(|pool| {
pool.launch(Job { pool.launch(Job {
cb: poison_pill, cb: poison_pill,
cdata: ptr::null(), cdata: ptr::null(),
req_num_tasks: 0, req_num_tasks: 0,
pending: Arc::new(ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT), pending: Arc::new(ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT),
}); });
}); ocall_packed!("__sgx_thread_group_join__", 0);
ocall_packed!("__sgx_thread_group_join__", 0);
} }
// @see for information on why this function is used. // @see for information on why this function is used.
#[no_mangle] #[no_mangle]
pub extern "C" fn TVMBackendParallelBarrier(_task_id: usize, penv: *const TVMParallelGroupEnv) { pub extern "C" fn TVMBackendParallelBarrier(_task_id: usize, penv: *const TVMParallelGroupEnv) {
let barrier: &Arc<Barrier> = unsafe { &*((*penv).sync_handle as *const Arc<Barrier>) }; let barrier: &Arc<Barrier> = unsafe { &*((*penv).sync_handle as *const Arc<Barrier>) };
barrier.wait(); barrier.wait();
} }
#[cfg(test)] #[cfg(test)]
mod tests { mod tests {
use std::{ptr, thread, time::Duration}; use std::{ptr, thread, time::Duration};
use super::*; use super::*;
#[test] #[test]
fn test_max_concurrency() { fn test_max_concurrency() {
env::set_var("TVM_NUM_THREADS", "42"); env::set_var("TVM_NUM_THREADS", "42");
env::set_var("OMP_NUM_THREADS", "24"); env::set_var("OMP_NUM_THREADS", "24");
assert_eq!(max_concurrency(), 42); assert_eq!(max_concurrency(), 42);
env::remove_var("TVM_NUM_THREADS"); env::remove_var("TVM_NUM_THREADS");
assert_eq!(max_concurrency(), 24); assert_eq!(max_concurrency(), 24);
extern "C" fn flambda(
task_id: usize,
penv: *const TVMParallelGroupEnv,
cdata: *const c_void,
) -> i32 {
if cdata == ptr::null() {
return 0;
} }
unsafe {
let &(ref counter, ref task_ids_sum) = &*(cdata as *const (AtomicUsize, AtomicUsize)); extern "C" fn flambda(
thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50 * task_id as u64)); task_id: usize,
counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); penv: *const TVMParallelGroupEnv,
task_ids_sum.fetch_add(task_id, Ordering::SeqCst); cdata: *const c_void,
assert_eq!((*penv).num_task, 3); ) -> i32 {
if cdata == ptr::null() {
return 0;
unsafe {
let &(ref counter, ref task_ids_sum) = &*(cdata as *const (AtomicUsize, AtomicUsize));
thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50 * task_id as u64));
counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
task_ids_sum.fetch_add(task_id, Ordering::SeqCst);
assert_eq!((*penv).num_task, 3);
fn test_parallel_launch() {
TVMBackendParallelLaunch(flambda, ptr::null(), 6);
let counter = ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT;
let task_ids_sum = ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT;
let cdata = (counter, task_ids_sum);
let num_tasks = 3;
TVMBackendParallelLaunch(flambda, &cdata as *const _ as *const c_void, num_tasks);
assert_eq!(cdata.0.load(Ordering::SeqCst), num_tasks);
} }
fn test_parallel_launch() {
TVMBackendParallelLaunch(flambda, ptr::null(), 6);
let counter = ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT;
let task_ids_sum = ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT;
let cdata = (counter, task_ids_sum);
let num_tasks = 3;
TVMBackendParallelLaunch(flambda, &cdata as *const _ as *const c_void, num_tasks);
assert_eq!(cdata.0.load(Ordering::SeqCst), num_tasks);
} }
use std::{ use std::{
cell::RefCell, cell::RefCell,
os::raw::{c_int, c_void}, os::raw::{c_int, c_void},
ptr, ptr,
}; };
use super::allocator::Allocation; use super::allocator::Allocation;
use errors::*; use crate::errors::*;
const WS_ALIGN: usize = 64; // taken from `kTempAllocaAlignment` in `device_api.h` const WS_ALIGN: usize = 64; // taken from `kTempAllocaAlignment` in `device_api.h`
struct WorkspacePool { struct WorkspacePool {
workspaces: Vec<Allocation>, workspaces: Vec<Allocation>,
free: Vec<usize>, free: Vec<usize>,
in_use: Vec<usize>, in_use: Vec<usize>,
} }
impl WorkspacePool { impl WorkspacePool {
fn new() -> Self { fn new() -> Self {
WorkspacePool { WorkspacePool {
workspaces: Vec::new(), workspaces: Vec::new(),
free: Vec::new(), free: Vec::new(),
in_use: Vec::new(), in_use: Vec::new(),
} }
fn alloc_new(&mut self, size: usize) -> Result<*mut u8> {
self.workspaces.push(Allocation::new(size, Some(WS_ALIGN))?);
self.in_use.push(self.workspaces.len() - 1);
Ok(self.workspaces[self.workspaces.len() - 1].as_mut_ptr())
fn alloc(&mut self, size: usize) -> Result<*mut u8> { fn alloc_new(&mut self, size: usize) -> Result<*mut u8> {
if == 0 { self.workspaces.push(Allocation::new(size, Some(WS_ALIGN))?);
return self.alloc_new(size); self.in_use.push(self.workspaces.len() - 1);
Ok(self.workspaces[self.workspaces.len() - 1].as_mut_ptr())
} }
let idx = self
.free fn alloc(&mut self, size: usize) -> Result<*mut u8> {
.iter() if == 0 {
.fold(None, |cur_ws_idx: Option<usize>, &idx| { return self.alloc_new(size);
let ws_size = self.workspaces[idx].size(); }
if !ws_size >= size { let idx = self
return cur_ws_idx; .free
.fold(None, |cur_ws_idx: Option<usize>, &idx| {
let ws_size = self.workspaces[idx].size();
if !ws_size >= size {
return cur_ws_idx;
cur_ws_idx.or(Some(idx)).and_then(|cur_idx| {
let cur_size = self.workspaces[cur_idx].size();
Some(match ws_size <= cur_size {
true => idx,
false => cur_idx,
match idx {
Some(idx) => {;
None => self.alloc_new(size),
} }
cur_ws_idx.or(Some(idx)).and_then(|cur_idx| {
let cur_size = self.workspaces[cur_idx].size();
Some(match ws_size <= cur_size {
true => idx,
false => cur_idx,
match idx {
Some(idx) => {;
None => self.alloc_new(size),
} }
fn free(&mut self, ptr: *mut u8) -> Result<()> { fn free(&mut self, ptr: *mut u8) -> Result<()> {
let mut ws_idx = None; let mut ws_idx = None;
for i in 0..self.in_use.len() { for i in 0..self.in_use.len() {
let idx = self.in_use[i]; let idx = self.in_use[i];
if self.workspaces[idx].as_mut_ptr() == ptr { if self.workspaces[idx].as_mut_ptr() == ptr {
self.in_use.remove(i); self.in_use.remove(i);
ws_idx = Some(idx); ws_idx = Some(idx);
break; break;
} }
.push(ws_idx.ok_or("Tried to free nonexistent workspace.")?))
} }
.push(ws_idx.ok_or("Tried to free nonexistent workspace.")?),
} }
thread_local!(static WORKSPACE_POOL: RefCell<WorkspacePool> = RefCell::new(WorkspacePool::new())); thread_local!(static WORKSPACE_POOL: RefCell<WorkspacePool> = RefCell::new(WorkspacePool::new()));
...@@ -84,36 +82,36 @@ const WORKSPACE_PAGE_SIZE: usize = 4 << 10; ...@@ -84,36 +82,36 @@ const WORKSPACE_PAGE_SIZE: usize = 4 << 10;
#[no_mangle] #[no_mangle]
pub extern "C" fn TVMBackendAllocWorkspace( pub extern "C" fn TVMBackendAllocWorkspace(
_device_type: c_int, _device_type: c_int,
_device_id: c_int, _device_id: c_int,
size: u64, size: u64,
_dtype_code_hint: c_int, _dtype_code_hint: c_int,
_dtype_bits_hint: c_int, _dtype_bits_hint: c_int,
) -> *mut c_void { ) -> *mut c_void {
let nbytes = if size == 0 { let nbytes = if size == 0 {
} else { } else {
size as usize size as usize
}; };
WORKSPACE_POOL.with(|pool_cell| { WORKSPACE_POOL.with(|pool_cell| {
pool_cell pool_cell
.borrow_mut() .borrow_mut()
.alloc(nbytes as usize) .alloc(nbytes as usize)
.unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut()) as *mut c_void .unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut()) as *mut c_void
}) })
} }
#[no_mangle] #[no_mangle]
pub extern "C" fn TVMBackendFreeWorkspace( pub extern "C" fn TVMBackendFreeWorkspace(
_device_type: c_int, _device_type: c_int,
_device_id: c_int, _device_id: c_int,
ptr: *mut c_void, ptr: *mut c_void,
) -> c_int { ) -> c_int {
WORKSPACE_POOL.with(|pool_cell| { WORKSPACE_POOL.with(|pool_cell| {
(match pool_cell.borrow_mut().free(ptr as *mut u8) { (match pool_cell.borrow_mut().free(ptr as *mut u8) {
Ok(()) => 0, Ok(()) => 0,
Err(_) => -1, Err(_) => -1,
}) as c_int }) as c_int
}); });
return 0; return 0;
} }
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Builds a simple NNVM graph for testing.""" """Builds a simple NNVM graph for testing."""
from os import path as osp from os import path as osp
...@@ -3,37 +3,37 @@ ...@@ -3,37 +3,37 @@
extern crate serde; extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json; extern crate serde_json;
extern crate tvm; extern crate tvm_runtime;
use std::{convert::TryFrom, fs, io::Read}; use std::{convert::TryFrom, fs, io::Read};
use tvm::runtime::Graph; use tvm_runtime::Graph;
#[test] #[test]
fn test_load_graph() { fn test_load_graph() {
let mut params_bytes = Vec::new(); let mut params_bytes = Vec::new();
fs::File::open(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/tests/graph.params")) fs::File::open(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/tests/graph.params"))
.expect("Could not find TVM graph. Did you run `tests/`?") .expect("Could not find TVM graph. Did you run `tests/`?")
.read_to_end(&mut params_bytes) .read_to_end(&mut params_bytes)
.unwrap(); .unwrap();
let _params = tvm::runtime::load_param_dict(&params_bytes); let _params = tvm_runtime::load_param_dict(&params_bytes);
let graph = Graph::try_from( let graph = Graph::try_from(
&fs::read_to_string(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/tests/graph.json")).unwrap(), &fs::read_to_string(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/tests/graph.json")).unwrap(),
) )
.unwrap(); .unwrap();
assert_eq!(graph.nodes[3].op, "tvm_op"); assert_eq!(graph.nodes[3].op, "tvm_op");
assert_eq!( assert_eq!(
graph.nodes[3] graph.nodes[3]
.attrs .attrs
.as_ref() .as_ref()
.unwrap() .unwrap()
.get("func_name") .get("func_name")
.unwrap(), .unwrap(),
"fuse_dense" "fuse_dense"
); );
assert_eq!(graph.nodes[5].inputs[0].index, 0); assert_eq!(graph.nodes[5].inputs[0].index, 0);
assert_eq!(graph.nodes[6].inputs[0].index, 1); assert_eq!(graph.nodes[6].inputs[0].index, 1);
assert_eq!(graph.heads.len(), 2); assert_eq!(graph.heads.len(), 2);
} }
...@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ ...@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
name = "test-nnvm" name = "test-nnvm"
version = "0.0.0" version = "0.0.0"
license = "Apache-2.0" license = "Apache-2.0"
authors = ["Nick Hynes <>"] authors = ["TVM Contributors"]
[dependencies] [dependencies]
ndarray = "0.11.2" ndarray = "0.11.2"
tvm = { path = "../../" }
serde = "1.0.59" serde = "1.0.59"
serde_json = "1.0.17" serde_json = "1.0.17"
tvm-runtime = { path = "../../" }
[build-dependencies] [build-dependencies]
ar = "0.6.0" ar = "0.6.0"
extern crate ar; extern crate ar;
use std::{ use std::{env, fs::File, path::Path, process::Command};
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use ar::Builder; use ar::Builder;
fn main() { fn main() {
let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let output = Command::new(concat!( let output = Command::new(concat!(
"/src/" "/src/"
)) ))
.arg(&out_dir) .arg(&out_dir)
.output() .output()
.expect("Failed to execute command"); .expect("Failed to execute command");
assert!( assert!(
Path::new(&format!("{}/graph.o", out_dir)).exists(), Path::new(&format!("{}/graph.o", out_dir)).exists(),
"Could not build graph lib: {}", "Could not build graph lib: {}",
String::from_utf8(output.stderr) String::from_utf8(output.stderr)
.unwrap() .unwrap()
.trim() .trim()
.split("\n") .split("\n")
.last() .last()
.unwrap_or("") .unwrap_or("")
); );
let in_path: PathBuf = [&out_dir, "graph.o"].iter().collect(); let mut builder = Builder::new(File::create(format!("{}/libgraph.a", out_dir)).unwrap());
let out_path: PathBuf = [&out_dir, "libgraph.a"].iter().collect(); builder.append_path(format!("{}/graph.o", out_dir)).unwrap();
let mut builder = Builder::new(File::create(out_path.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap());
println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=graph"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=graph");
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", out_dir); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", out_dir);
} }
...@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ def _get_model(dshape): ...@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ def _get_model(dshape):
def _init_params(graph, input_shapes, initializer=init.Xavier(), seed=10): def _init_params(graph, input_shapes, initializer=init.Xavier(), seed=10):
if isinstance(graph, sym.Symbol): if isinstance(graph, sym.Symbol):
graph = nnvm.graph.create(graph) graph = nnvm.graph.create(graph)
ishapes, _ = graph_util.infer_shape(graph, **input_shapes) ishapes, _ = graph_util.infer_shape(graph, **input_shapes)
param_shapes = dict(zip(graph.index.input_names, ishapes)) param_shapes = dict(zip(graph.index.input_names, ishapes))
np.random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed)
...@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ def _init_params(graph, input_shapes, initializer=init.Xavier(), seed=10): ...@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ def _init_params(graph, input_shapes, initializer=init.Xavier(), seed=10):
initializer(param, init_value) initializer(param, init_value)
# init_value /= init_value.sum() + 1e-10 # init_value /= init_value.sum() + 1e-10
params[param] = tvm.nd.array(init_value) params[param] = tvm.nd.array(init_value)
return params return params
def main(): def main():
...@@ -56,6 +58,7 @@ def main(): ...@@ -56,6 +58,7 @@ def main():[1], 'graph.o'))[1], 'graph.o'))
with open(osp.join(out_dir, 'graph.json'), 'w') as f_resnet: with open(osp.join(out_dir, 'graph.json'), 'w') as f_resnet:
f_resnet.write(graph.json()) f_resnet.write(graph.json())
with open(osp.join(out_dir, 'graph.params'), 'wb') as f_params: with open(osp.join(out_dir, 'graph.params'), 'wb') as f_params:
f_params.write(nnvm.compiler.save_param_dict(params)) f_params.write(nnvm.compiler.save_param_dict(params))
...@@ -5,76 +5,78 @@ extern crate ndarray; ...@@ -5,76 +5,78 @@ extern crate ndarray;
extern crate serde; extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json; extern crate serde_json;
extern crate tvm; extern crate tvm_runtime;
use std::{collections::HashMap, convert::TryFrom, fs, io::Read}; use std::{collections::HashMap, convert::TryFrom, fs, io::Read};
use ndarray::Array; use ndarray::Array;
use tvm::runtime::{Graph, GraphExecutor, SystemLibModule, Tensor}; use tvm_runtime::{Graph, GraphExecutor, SystemLibModule, Tensor};
const BATCH_SIZE: usize = 4; const BATCH_SIZE: usize = 4;
const IN_DIM: usize = 8; const IN_DIM: usize = 8;
macro_rules! check_sum { macro_rules! check_sum {
($e:expr, $a:ident, $b:ident) => { ($e:expr, $a:ident, $b:ident) => {
let a = Array::try_from($e.get_input(stringify!($a)).unwrap()).unwrap(); let a = Array::try_from($e.get_input(stringify!($a)).unwrap()).unwrap();
check_sum!(a, $b); check_sum!(a, $b);
}; };
($e:expr, $a:expr, $b:ident) => { ($e:expr, $a:expr, $b:ident) => {
let a = Array::try_from($e.get_output($a).unwrap()).unwrap(); let a = Array::try_from($e.get_output($a).unwrap()).unwrap();
check_sum!(a, $b); check_sum!(a, $b);
}; };
($a:ident, $b:ident) => { ($a:ident, $b:ident) => {
let a_sum: f32 = $a.scalar_sum(); let a_sum: f32 = $a.scalar_sum();
let b_sum: f32 = $b.scalar_sum(); let b_sum: f32 = $b.scalar_sum();
assert!((a_sum - b_sum).abs() < 1e-2, "{} != {}", a_sum, b_sum); assert!((a_sum - b_sum).abs() < 1e-2, "{} != {}", a_sum, b_sum);
}; };
} }
fn main() { fn main() {
let syslib = SystemLibModule::default(); let syslib = SystemLibModule::default();
let mut params_bytes = Vec::new(); let mut params_bytes = Vec::new();
fs::File::open(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/graph.params")) fs::File::open(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/graph.params"))
.unwrap() .unwrap()
.read_to_end(&mut params_bytes) .read_to_end(&mut params_bytes)
.unwrap(); .unwrap();
let params = tvm::runtime::load_param_dict(&params_bytes) let params = tvm_runtime::load_param_dict(&params_bytes)
.unwrap() .unwrap()
.into_iter() .into_iter()
.map(|(k, v)| (k, v.to_owned())) .map(|(k, v)| (k, v.to_owned()))
.collect::<HashMap<String, Tensor<'static>>>(); .collect::<HashMap<String, Tensor<'static>>>();
let graph = let graph =
Graph::try_from(&fs::read_to_string(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/graph.json")).unwrap()).unwrap(); Graph::try_from(&fs::read_to_string(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/graph.json")).unwrap())
let mut exec = GraphExecutor::new(graph, &syslib).unwrap(); .unwrap();
let mut exec = GraphExecutor::new(graph, &syslib).unwrap();
let x = Array::from_shape_vec( let x = Array::from_shape_vec(
.map(|x| x as f32) .map(|x| x as f32)
.collect::<Vec<f32>>(), .collect::<Vec<f32>>(),
).unwrap(); )
let w = Array::try_from(params.get("dense0_weight").unwrap())
.into_shape((IN_DIM * 2, IN_DIM))
.unwrap(); .unwrap();
let b = Array::try_from(params.get("dense0_bias").unwrap()).unwrap(); let w = Array::try_from(params.get("dense0_weight").unwrap())
let dense = + &b; .unwrap()
let left = dense.slice(s![.., 0..IN_DIM]); .into_shape((IN_DIM * 2, IN_DIM))
let right = dense.slice(s![.., IN_DIM..]); .unwrap();
let expected_o0 = &left + 1f32; let b = Array::try_from(params.get("dense0_bias").unwrap()).unwrap();
let expected_o1 = &right - 1f32; let dense = + &b;
let left = dense.slice(s![.., 0..IN_DIM]);
let right = dense.slice(s![.., IN_DIM..]);
let expected_o0 = &left + 1f32;
let expected_o1 = &right - 1f32;
exec.load_params(params); exec.load_params(params);
exec.set_input("data", x.clone().into()); exec.set_input("data", (&x).into());
check_sum!(exec, data, x); check_sum!(exec, data, x);
check_sum!(exec, dense0_weight, w); check_sum!(exec, dense0_weight, w);
check_sum!(exec, dense0_bias, b); check_sum!(exec, dense0_bias, b);;;
check_sum!(exec, 0, expected_o0); check_sum!(exec, 0, expected_o0);
check_sum!(exec, 1, expected_o1); check_sum!(exec, 1, expected_o1);
check_sum!(exec, 2, dense); check_sum!(exec, 2, dense);
} }
...@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ ...@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
name = "test-tvm-basic" name = "test-tvm-basic"
version = "0.0.0" version = "0.0.0"
license = "Apache-2.0" license = "Apache-2.0"
authors = ["Nick Hynes <>"] authors = ["TVM Contributors"]
[dependencies] [dependencies]
ndarray = "0.11.2" ndarray = "0.11.2"
tvm = { path = "../../" } tvm-runtime = { path = "../../" }
[build-dependencies] [build-dependencies]
ar = "0.6.0" ar = "0.6.0"
extern crate ar; extern crate ar;
use std::{env, path::PathBuf, process::Command}; use std::{env, path::Path, process::Command};
use ar::Builder; use ar::Builder;
use std::fs::File; use std::fs::File;
fn main() { fn main() {
let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let output = Command::new(concat!( let output = Command::new(concat!(
"/src/" "/src/"
)).arg(&out_dir) ))
.output() .output()
.expect("Failed to execute command"); .expect("Failed to execute command");
if output.stderr.len() > 0 { assert!(
panic!(String::from_utf8(output.stderr).unwrap()); Path::new(&format!("{}/test.o", out_dir)).exists(),
} "Could not build tvm lib: {}",
let in_path: PathBuf = [&out_dir, "test.o"].iter().collect(); let mut builder = Builder::new(File::create(format!("{}/libtest.a", out_dir)).unwrap());
let out_path: PathBuf = [&out_dir, "libtest.a"].iter().collect(); builder.append_path(format!("{}/test.o", out_dir)).unwrap();
let mut builder = Builder::new(File::create(out_path.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap());
println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=test"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=test");
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", out_dir); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", out_dir);
} }
extern crate ndarray; extern crate ndarray;
#[macro_use] #[macro_use]
extern crate tvm; extern crate tvm_runtime;
use ndarray::Array; use ndarray::Array;
use tvm::{ use tvm_runtime::{DLTensor, Module, SystemLibModule};
runtime::{Module, SystemLibModule},
fn main() { fn main() {
let syslib = SystemLibModule::default(); let syslib = SystemLibModule::default();
let add = syslib let add = syslib
.get_function("default_function") .get_function("default_function")
.expect("main function not found"); .expect("main function not found");
let mut a = Array::from_vec(vec![1f32, 2., 3., 4.]); let mut a = Array::from_vec(vec![1f32, 2., 3., 4.]);
let mut b = Array::from_vec(vec![1f32, 0., 1., 0.]); let mut b = Array::from_vec(vec![1f32, 0., 1., 0.]);
let mut c = Array::from_vec(vec![0f32; 4]); let mut c = Array::from_vec(vec![0f32; 4]);
let e = Array::from_vec(vec![2f32, 2., 4., 4.]); let e = Array::from_vec(vec![2f32, 2., 4., 4.]);
let mut a_dl: DLTensor = (&mut a).into(); let mut a_dl: DLTensor = (&mut a).into();
let mut b_dl: DLTensor = (&mut b).into(); let mut b_dl: DLTensor = (&mut b).into();
let mut c_dl: DLTensor = (&mut c).into(); let mut c_dl: DLTensor = (&mut c).into();
call_packed!(add, &mut a_dl, &mut b_dl, &mut c_dl); call_packed!(add, &mut a_dl, &mut b_dl, &mut c_dl);
assert!(c.all_close(&e, 1e-8f32)); assert!(c.all_close(&e, 1e-8f32));
} }
mod allocator;
mod array;
mod module;
mod packed_func;
mod graph;
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
pub mod sgx;
mod threading;
mod workspace;
use std::os::raw::c_char;
pub use self::{array::*, graph::*, module::*, packed_func::*, threading::*, workspace::*};
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
use self::sgx::ocall_packed_func;
pub extern "C" fn TVMAPISetLastError(cmsg: *const c_char) {
#[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))]
unsafe {
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
ocall_packed!("__sgx_set_last_error__", cmsg);
use std::{any::Any, convert::TryFrom, marker::PhantomData, os::raw::c_void};
use super::Tensor;
use ffi::runtime::{
BackendPackedCFunc, DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat, DLDataTypeCode_kDLInt, DLTensor,
TVMTypeCode_kArrayHandle, TVMTypeCode_kHandle, TVMTypeCode_kNDArrayContainer, TVMValue,
use errors::*;
pub type PackedFunc = Box<Fn(&[TVMArgValue]) -> TVMRetValue + Send + Sync>;
/// Calls a packed function and returns a `TVMRetValue`.
/// # Example
/// `call_packed!(my_tvm_func, &mut arg1, &mut arg2)`
macro_rules! call_packed {
($fn:expr, $($args:expr),+) => {
($fn:expr) => {
/// A borrowed TVMPODValue. Can be constructed using `into()` but the preferred way
/// to obtain a `TVMArgValue` is automatically via `call_packed!`.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct TVMArgValue<'a> {
_lifetime: PhantomData<&'a ()>,
pub(crate) value: TVMValue,
pub(crate) type_code: i64,
impl<'a> TVMArgValue<'a> {
pub fn new(value: TVMValue, type_code: i64) -> Self {
TVMArgValue {
_lifetime: PhantomData,
value: value,
type_code: type_code,
/// Creates a conversion to a `TVMArgValue` for a primitive type and DLDataTypeCode.
macro_rules! impl_prim_tvm_arg {
($type:ty, $field:ident, $code:expr, $as:ty) => {
impl<'a> From<$type> for TVMArgValue<'a> {
fn from(val: $type) -> Self {
TVMArgValue {
value: TVMValue { $field: val as $as },
type_code: $code as i64,
_lifetime: PhantomData,
impl<'a> TryFrom<TVMArgValue<'a>> for $type {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(val: TVMArgValue<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
val.type_code == $code as i64,
"Could not downcast arg. Expected `{}`, got `{}`",
Ok(unsafe { val.value.$field as $type })
($type:ty, $field:ident, $code:expr) => {
impl_prim_tvm_arg!($type, $field, $code, $type);
($type:ty,v_int64) => {
impl_prim_tvm_arg!($type, v_int64, DLDataTypeCode_kDLInt, i64);
($type:ty,v_float64) => {
impl_prim_tvm_arg!($type, v_float64, DLDataTypeCode_kDLFloat, f64);
impl_prim_tvm_arg!(f32, v_float64);
impl_prim_tvm_arg!(f64, v_float64);
impl_prim_tvm_arg!(i8, v_int64);
impl_prim_tvm_arg!(u8, v_int64);
impl_prim_tvm_arg!(i32, v_int64);
impl_prim_tvm_arg!(u32, v_int64);
impl_prim_tvm_arg!(i64, v_int64);
impl_prim_tvm_arg!(u64, v_int64);
/// Creates a conversion to a `TVMArgValue` for an object handle.
impl<'a, T> From<*const T> for TVMArgValue<'a> {
fn from(ptr: *const T) -> Self {
TVMArgValue {
value: TVMValue {
v_handle: ptr as *mut T as *mut c_void,
type_code: TVMTypeCode_kArrayHandle as i64,
_lifetime: PhantomData,
/// Creates a conversion to a `TVMArgValue` for a mutable object handle.
impl<'a, T> From<*mut T> for TVMArgValue<'a> {
fn from(ptr: *mut T) -> Self {
TVMArgValue {
value: TVMValue {
v_handle: ptr as *mut c_void,
type_code: TVMTypeCode_kHandle as i64,
_lifetime: PhantomData,
impl<'a> From<&'a mut DLTensor> for TVMArgValue<'a> {
fn from(arr: &'a mut DLTensor) -> Self {
TVMArgValue {
value: TVMValue {
v_handle: arr as *mut _ as *mut c_void,
type_code: TVMTypeCode_kArrayHandle as i64,
_lifetime: PhantomData,
impl<'a> From<&'a DLTensor> for TVMArgValue<'a> {
fn from(arr: &'a DLTensor) -> Self {
TVMArgValue {
value: TVMValue {
v_handle: arr as *const _ as *mut DLTensor as *mut c_void,
type_code: TVMTypeCode_kArrayHandle as i64,
_lifetime: PhantomData,
impl<'a> TryFrom<TVMArgValue<'a>> for Tensor<'a> {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(val: TVMArgValue<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
val.type_code == TVMTypeCode_kArrayHandle as i64
|| val.type_code == TVMTypeCode_kNDArrayContainer as i64,
"Could not downcast arg. Expected `{}` or `{}`, but got `{}`",
let dlt = unsafe { *(val.value.v_handle as *mut DLTensor as *const DLTensor) };
/// An owned TVMPODValue. Can be converted from a variety of primitive and object types.
/// Can be downcasted using `try_from` if it contains the desired type.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let a = 42u32;
/// let b: i64 = TVMRetValue::from(a).try_into().unwrap();
/// let s = "hello, world!";
/// let t: TVMRetValue = s.into();
/// assert_eq!(String::try_from(t).unwrap(), s);
/// ```
pub struct TVMRetValue {
/// A primitive return value, if any.
prim_value: u64,
/// An object return value, if any.
box_value: Box<Any>,
/// The DLDataTypeCode which determines whether `prim_value` or `box_value` is in use.
type_code: i64,
#[cfg(target_env = "sgx")]
impl TVMRetValue {
pub(crate) fn from_tvm_value(value: TVMValue, type_code: i64) -> Self {
unsafe {
Self {
prim_value: match type_code {
0 | 1 => value.v_int64 as u64,
2 => value.v_float64 as u64,
3 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 => value.v_handle as u64,
11 | 12 => value.v_str as u64,
_ => 0,
} as u64,
box_value: box (),
type_code: type_code,
pub fn into_tvm_value(self) -> (TVMValue, i64) {
let val = match self.type_code {
0 | 1 => TVMValue {
v_int64: self.prim_value.clone() as i64,
2 => TVMValue {
v_float64: self.prim_value.clone() as f64,
3 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 13 => TVMValue {
v_handle: Box::into_raw(self.box_value) as *mut c_void,
11 | 12 => TVMValue {
v_str: Box::into_raw(self.box_value) as *const _,
_ => unreachable!(),
(val, self.type_code)
impl Default for TVMRetValue {
fn default() -> Self {
TVMRetValue {
prim_value: 0,
box_value: box (),
type_code: 0,
macro_rules! impl_prim_ret_value {
($type:ty, $code:expr) => {
impl From<$type> for TVMRetValue {
fn from(val: $type) -> Self {
TVMRetValue {
prim_value: val as u64,
box_value: box (),
type_code: $code,
impl TryFrom<TVMRetValue> for $type {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(ret: TVMRetValue) -> Result<$type> {
if ret.type_code == $code {
Ok(ret.prim_value as $type)
} else {
macro_rules! impl_boxed_ret_value {
($type:ty, $code:expr) => {
impl From<$type> for TVMRetValue {
fn from(val: $type) -> Self {
TVMRetValue {
prim_value: 0,
box_value: box val,
type_code: $code,
impl TryFrom<TVMRetValue> for $type {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(ret: TVMRetValue) -> Result<$type> {
if let Ok(val) = ret.box_value.downcast::<$type>() {
} else {
impl_prim_ret_value!(i8, 0);
impl_prim_ret_value!(u8, 1);
impl_prim_ret_value!(i16, 0);
impl_prim_ret_value!(u16, 1);
impl_prim_ret_value!(i32, 0);
impl_prim_ret_value!(u32, 1);
impl_prim_ret_value!(f32, 2);
impl_prim_ret_value!(i64, 0);
impl_prim_ret_value!(u64, 1);
impl_prim_ret_value!(f64, 2);
impl_prim_ret_value!(isize, 0);
impl_prim_ret_value!(usize, 1);
impl_boxed_ret_value!(String, 11);
impl<'a, 't> From<&'t Tensor<'a>> for TVMRetValue {
fn from(val: &'t Tensor<'a>) -> Self {
TVMRetValue {
prim_value: 0,
box_value: box DLTensor::from(val),
type_code: TVMTypeCode_kNDArrayContainer as i64,
impl<'a> TryFrom<TVMRetValue> for Tensor<'a> {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(ret: TVMRetValue) -> Result<Self> {
ret.type_code == TVMTypeCode_kArrayHandle as i64
|| ret.type_code == TVMTypeCode_kNDArrayContainer as i64,
"Could not downcast arg. Expected `{}` or `{}`, but got `{}`",
let dlt = unsafe { *(ret.prim_value as *mut DLTensor as *const DLTensor) };
// @see `WrapPackedFunc` in ``.
pub(super) fn wrap_backend_packed_func(func: BackendPackedCFunc) -> PackedFunc {
box move |args: &[TVMArgValue]| {
.map(|ref arg| arg.value)
.map(|ref arg| arg.type_code as i32)
.as_ptr() as *const i32,
args.len() as i32,
...@@ -2,24 +2,60 @@ ...@@ -2,24 +2,60 @@
set -e set -e
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export TVM_HOME="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
tvm_root="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$TVM_HOME/lib":"$TVM_HOME/build":"$TVM_HOME/nnvm":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PYTHONPATH="$tvm_root/python":"$tvm_root/nnvm/python":"$tvm_root/topi/python" export PYTHONPATH="$TVM_HOME/python":"$TVM_HOME/nnvm/python":"$TVM_HOME/topi/python"
export RUST_DIR="$TVM_HOME/rust"
#cd rust cd $RUST_DIR
#cargo fmt -- --check cargo fmt -- --check
# test common
cd $RUST_DIR/common
cargo build --features runtime
cargo test --features runtime --tests
cargo build --features frontend
cargo test --features frontend --tests
# test runtime
cd $RUST_DIR/runtime
# run basic tests # run basic tests
#python3 tests/ python3 tests/
#cargo test --tests cargo test --tests
# run TVM module test # run TVM module test
#cd tests/test_tvm_basic cd tests/test_tvm_basic
#cargo run cargo run
#cd - cd -
# run NNVM graph test # run NNVM graph test
#cd tests/test_nnvm cd tests/test_nnvm
#cargo run cargo run
#cd - cd -
# test frontend
cd $RUST_DIR/frontend
cargo test --tests -- --test-threads=1
# run basic tests on cpu
cd tests/basics
cargo build --features cpu
cargo run --features cpu
# uncomment when have more CI resources
# cargo build --features gpu
# cargo run --features gpu
# fi
cd -
# run callback tests separately:
cd tests/callback
cargo build
cargo run --bin int
cargo run --bin float
cargo run --bin array
cargo run --bin string
cd -
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