Commit db841c24 by Steven S. Lyubomirsky Committed by Jared Roesch

[Relay][Testing] Relay-to-Python compilation (#3156)

* First pass at Relay-to-Python converter testing utility

* Indicate astor as a dependency

* Add astor dep to host as well

* Typos and small bugs

* Handle ADTs and matching in Python conversion

* Remove any dependency on ast.parse

* Eliminate unnecessary type var field in Python version of ConstructorValue (already gone on C++ side)

* Update constructor value, fix syntax errors

* Don't forget keywords arg on Call nodes

* Fix some incorrect calls to ast nodes

* Fix more calls, a little more cleaning up

* Missing cases in attr conversion

* Lower op calls instead of running them through interpreter, as in @MarisaKirisame's AoT compiler

* We do still need the module

* Remove changes to op attrs: Will PR separately

* Smoke test and corrections

* More tests and fixes

* Ensure imports are properly global in generated Python code

* Add unit tests for refs

* Add unit test for tuple indexing

* Add unit test for if expression

* Remove astor dependency

* Remove astor from meta.yaml too

* Fix if test and add basic local function test

* Add global function test, refactor earlier tests

* Correct 'clause' field in ADT so Python and C++ field names match

* More fixes and tests for matching and constructors

* Dramatically simplify matching: no need for a thunk

* Improve ref writing test

* Ensure local recursion works

* cleanup

* Add test for global recursion

* Add test for higher-order calls

* Get ops working, add basic tests

* Remove accidentally duplicated test

* More docstrings to appease pylint

* Forgot to fix a test using constructor values

* Reduce optimization level in fusion and fix tuple input to operators

* Test op with tuple output, fix tuple output code

* Add unit test for batch norm

* Add a couple more tricky test cases

* Correct nat constructor to drop unnecessary field

* Fix the op attrs file (accidentally reduced it)

* Address review comments

* Adapt to new ConstructorValue representation (no more runtime dep on module)

* Use pass manager and updated interfaces. Extend module.from_expr to accommodate necessary demands

* Use sequential return value

* Lift out nested conditionals

* Replace triple single quotes with triple double quotes

* Use main variable instead of entry_func
parent 93d1c06d
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class MatchNode : public ExprNode {
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("data", &data);
v->Visit("clause", &clauses);
v->Visit("clauses", &clauses);
v->Visit("span", &span);
v->Visit("_checked_type_", &checked_type_);
......@@ -180,17 +180,19 @@ class ModuleNode : public RelayNode {
/*! \brief Construct a module from a standalone expression.
* Allows one to optionally pass a global function map as
* well.
* Allows one to optionally pass a global function map and
* map of type definitions as well.
* \param expr The expression to set as the main function to the module.
* \param global_funcs The global function map.
* \param type_definitions Map of global type definitions
* \returns A module with expr set as the main function.
TVM_DLL static Module FromExpr(
const Expr& expr,
const tvm::Map<GlobalVar, Function>& global_funcs = {});
const tvm::Map<GlobalVar, Function>& global_funcs = {},
const tvm::Map<GlobalTypeVar, TypeData>& type_definitions = {});
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.Module";
......@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ class Closure(Value):
class ConstructorValue(Value):
def __init__(self, tag, fields, constructor, types):
def __init__(self, tag, fields, constructor):
_make.ConstructorValue, tag, fields, constructor, types)
_make.ConstructorValue, tag, fields, constructor)
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class ExprVisitor(ExprFunctor):
def visit_match(self, m):
for c in m.clause:
for c in m.clauses:
......@@ -179,5 +179,26 @@ class Module(RelayNode):
return _module.Module_LookupTag(self, tag)
def from_expr(expr):
return _module.Module_FromExpr(expr)
def from_expr(expr, functions=None, type_defs=None):
"""Construct a module from a standalone expression.
expr: Expr
The starting expression
global_funcs: Optional[dict]
Map of global vars to function definitions
type_defs: Optional[dict]
Map of global type vars to type definitions
mod: Module
A module containing the passed definitions,
where expr is set as the entry point
(wrapped in a function if necessary)
funcs = functions if functions is not None else {}
defs = type_defs if type_defs is not None else {}
return _module.Module_FromExpr(expr, funcs, defs)
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ from . import yolo_detection
from .config import ctx_list
from .init import create_workload
from .nat import add_nat_definitions, count, make_nat_value, make_nat_expr
from .py_converter import to_python, run_as_python
def run_opt_pass(expr, opt_pass):
......@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ def make_nat_value(prelude, n):
constructs a ConstructorValue representing that value as a nat.
if n == 0:
return ConstructorValue(prelude.z.tag, [], None, [])
return ConstructorValue(prelude.s.tag, [make_nat_value(prelude, n - 1)], None, [])
return ConstructorValue(prelude.z.tag, [], None)
return ConstructorValue(prelude.s.tag, [make_nat_value(prelude, n - 1)], None)
def make_nat_expr(prelude, n):
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Utility for converting Relay code into a Python script with equivalent semantics"""
import ast
from ast import alias, Assign, Load, Name, NameConstant, Num, Return, Store, Str
import re
import tvm
from tvm import relay
from tvm.relay.adt import Pattern
from tvm.relay.backend import compile_engine
from tvm.relay.expr import Expr, Function, GlobalVar, Var
from tvm.relay.expr_functor import ExprFunctor
OUTPUT_VAR_NAME = '_py_out'
# corresponds to:
# import numpy
# import tvm
# from tvm import relay
# from tvm.relay.backend.interpreter import RefValue, TupleValue, TensorValue, ConstructorValue
ast.Import([alias('numpy', None)]),
ast.Import([alias('tvm', None)]),
ast.ImportFrom('tvm', [alias('relay', None)], 0),
[alias('RefValue', None),
alias('TupleValue', None),
alias('TensorValue', None),
alias('ConstructorValue', None)],
class PythonConverter(ExprFunctor):
"""Functor for translating Relay programs into Python ASTs."""
def __init__(self, mod, target) -> None:
self.mod = mod
self.tgt = target
self.engine = compile_engine.get()
self.fun_no = 0
self.var_no = 0
self.var_map = {}
def convert(self, prog: Expr):
"""This method converts the passed Relay expression into a Python
AST object with equivalent semantics.
The Python AST can be executed using exec(); it can be turned
into text and inspected using astor.
optimized = self.optimize(prog)
# start with conversion prelude (imports) and convert global defs
body = []
body += PROLOGUE
body += self.convert_module()
prog_body, extra_defs = self.visit(optimized)
body += extra_defs
# we finally must assign the final expression to the output var
# so it can be read after running EXEC
body.append(Assign([Name(OUTPUT_VAR_NAME, Store())], prog_body))
return ast.fix_missing_locations(ast.Module(body=body))
def optimize(self, prog: Expr):
"""Performs optimizations necessary to be able to generate code for prog."""
# unwrap tuple wrappers (some op calls produce them)
unwrapped = prog.astuple() if isinstance(prog, relay.TupleWrapper) else prog
assert relay.analysis.well_formed(unwrapped)
mod = self.mod.from_expr(unwrapped, self.mod.functions, self.mod.type_definitions)
# necessary pass: SimplifyInference (otherwise we can't generate code for some operators)
# and fusion (to get primitive functions)
opts = relay.transform.Sequential([relay.transform.SimplifyInference(),
mod = opts(mod)
optimized = mod['main']
return optimized if isinstance(unwrapped, Function) else optimized.body
def sanitize(self, name: str) -> str:
"""Removes any invalid characters (only underscores, numbers, and letters permitted)
from the given name. Since we append a number and underscore to var names anyway,
it doesn't matter if the name is the empty string."""
return re.sub(r'\W', '', name)
def generate_var_name(self, name_hint: str) -> str:
"""Generates a unique variable name starting from the hint."""
name = '{}_var_{}'.format(self.sanitize(name_hint), self.var_no)
self.var_no += 1
return name
def generate_function_name(self, name_hint: str) -> str:
"""Generates a unique function name starting from the hint."""
name = '{}_fun_{}'.format(self.sanitize(name_hint), self.fun_no)
self.fun_no += 1
return name
def get_var_name(self, var: Expr) -> str:
"""Returns the var name for the given Realy variable."""
if var in self.var_map:
return self.var_map[var]
name = self.generate_var_name(var.name_hint)
self.var_map[var] = name
return name
def include_var(self, var: Expr, assign=False):
"""Returns a variable AST node for the given Relay var depending on
whether it must appear in an assignment or not."""
name = self.get_var_name(var)
return Name(name, Store() if assign else Load())
def parse_name(self, name: str):
"""Given the name of a Python method with dots (e.g., 'relay.var'),
returns an appropriate AST object corresponding to that name."""
attributes = name.split('.')
ret = Name(attributes[0], Load())
for i in range(len(attributes) - 1):
ret = ast.Attribute(ret, attributes[i+1], Load())
return ret
def parse_numpy_array(self, arr):
"""Given a Numpy array, produces an appropriate Python array
or numerical literal representing its contents."""
parse_single = lambda i: NameConstant(i) if isinstance(i, bool) else Num(i)
if arr.ndim == 0:
return parse_single(arr.item())
if arr.ndim == 1:
return ast.List([parse_single(i.item()) for i in arr], Load())
elts = []
for row in arr:
return ast.List(elts, Load())
def convert_fields(self, fields: [Expr]):
"""Given a list of call args or tuple fields, converts
each and returns their ASTs and their defs lists (in order)."""
bodies = []
defs = []
for field in fields:
member_body, member_defs = self.visit(field)
defs += member_defs
return (bodies, defs)
def convert_to_thunk(self, name_hint: str, expr: Expr):
"""Wraps the passed expression in a thunk."""
body, defs = self.visit(expr)
thunk_name = self.generate_function_name(name_hint)
thunk = self.create_def(thunk_name, [], defs + [Return(body)])
return (thunk, thunk_name)
def convert_func_node(self, func: Function, name_var=None):
"""Converts the given Relay function into a Python function, with
special for named functions (locally or globally)"""
if name_var is None:
func_name = self.generate_function_name('_anon_func')
if isinstance(name_var, GlobalVar):
func_name = name_var.name_hint
if isinstance(name_var, Var):
func_name = self.get_var_name(name_var)
var_names = [self.get_var_name(var) for var in func.params]
body, defs = self.visit(func.body)
ret = self.create_def(func_name, var_names, defs + [Return(body)])
return (ret, func_name)
def convert_module(self):
"""Converts all the global functions defined in the module and returns
them as a list of definitions"""
defs = []
for var, func in self.mod.functions.items():
# optimize the definition so any operators used are lowered
opt_func = self.optimize(func)
converted_func, _ = self.convert_func_node(opt_func, var)
return defs
def create_call(self, func_name: str, arguments):
"""Creates a simple function call."""
return ast.Call(self.parse_name(func_name), arguments, [])
def create_def(self, func_name: str, arguments: [str], body):
"""Wrapper over function definition AST node, whose constructor is inconvenient."""
return ast.FunctionDef(
ast.arguments([ast.arg(argument, None)
for argument in arguments],
None, [], [], None, []),
body, [], None)
def create_op_call(self, op: Function, relay_args, py_args):
"""Lowers the passed primitive function, registers it in TVM's
global compiler, and produces a call to the lowered function in
the generated Python code."""
# compile the function and register globally
cc_key = compile_engine.CCacheKey(op, self.tgt)
func_hash = relay.analysis.structural_hash(op)
op_name = '_lowered_op_{}'.format(func_hash)
if not tvm.get_global_func(op_name, allow_missing=True):
jitted = self.engine.jit(cc_key, self.tgt)
tvm.register_func(op_name, jitted)
def convert_input(py_input, arg_type):
"""Use the types of the function arguments to determine whether we expect
a tensor or tuple (returns list of inputs to the lowered op call)"""
# equivalent:
if isinstance(arg_type, relay.TensorType):
return [ast.Attribute(py_input, 'data', Load())]
assert isinstance(arg_type, relay.TupleType)
# convert each input.fields[i]
ret = []
for i in range(len(arg_type.fields)):
ret += convert_input(
ast.Attribute(py_input, 'fields', Load()),
ast.Index(Num(i)), Load()),
return ret
def convert_output(ret_type):
"""Use the function return type to produce auxiliary variables to store outputs.
Returns ([assignments of output vars], [extra arguments to pass to op call],
expression collecting output)"""
if isinstance(ret_type, relay.TensorType):
output_var_name = self.generate_var_name('_out')
output_var = Name(output_var_name, Load())
shape = ast.Tuple([Num(dim) for dim in ret_type.concrete_shape], Load())
# create a new TensorValue of the right shape and dtype
assign_output = Assign(
[Name(output_var_name, Store())],
self.create_call('TensorValue', [
self.create_call('numpy.empty', [shape, Str(ret_type.dtype)])
# we pass the data field as an argument
extra_arg = ast.Attribute(output_var, 'data', Load())
return ([assign_output], [extra_arg], output_var)
assert isinstance(ret_type, relay.TupleType)
assignments = []
extra_args = []
fields = []
for t in ret_type.fields:
inner_assignments, inner_args, inner_output = convert_output(t)
assignments += inner_assignments
extra_args += inner_args
return (assignments, extra_args, self.create_call('TupleValue', fields))
# create a function to wrap the call of the lowered op and return
# a call to that function
wrap_name = self.generate_function_name('_{}_wrapper'.format(op_name))
wrap_args = [self.generate_var_name('_arg_{}'.format(i)) for i in range(len(py_args))]
inner_call_args = []
for i in range(len(py_args)):
inner_call_args += convert_input(Name(wrap_args[i], Load()),
output_assignments, aux_args, output = convert_output(op.checked_type.ret_type)
# equiv: _op = tvm.get_global_func(op_name)
op_var = self.generate_var_name('_op')
op_call = self.create_call('tvm.get_global_func', [Str(op_name)])
op_assign = Assign([Name(op_var, Store())], op_call)
# equiv: _op(args)
inner_call = self.create_call(op_var, inner_call_args + aux_args)
body = output_assignments + [op_assign, ast.Expr(inner_call), Return(output)]
wrap_def = self.create_def(wrap_name, wrap_args, body)
return wrap_def, self.create_call(wrap_name, py_args)
def create_match_check(self, pattern: Pattern, data):
"""Given an ADT match pattern and a (Python) expression pointing to
an ADT value, this generates a Python expression that checks if the
ADT value matches the given pattern (returning True or False)."""
# wildcard or var match everything
if isinstance(pattern, (relay.PatternWildcard, relay.PatternVar)):
return NameConstant(True)
# constructor patterns check whether the constructors match
# and also the matches of any nested patterns
# equiv: (arg.tag == patern_constructor.tag)
conds = [ast.Compare(ast.Attribute(data, 'tag', Load()),
# now check for any nested patterns
for i in range(len(pattern.patterns)):
nested_pat = pattern.patterns[i]
# can safely skip var or wildcard patterns: they will
# never cause a check to fail
if not isinstance(nested_pat, relay.PatternConstructor):
# index into the value corresponding to the subpattern
field_index = ast.Subscript(ast.Attribute(data, 'fields', Load()),
ast.Index(Num(i)), Load())
conds.append(self.create_match_check(nested_pat, field_index))
# if we do not need to check nested pattern, just return the single check
if len(conds) == 1:
return conds[0]
# otherwise AND together any nested checks
return ast.BoolOp(ast.And(), conds)
def create_match_clause_body(self, pattern: Pattern, body: Expr):
"""Given a match clause pattern and a clause body,
generates a Python function that when called with an ADT
that matches the pattern, returns the result of evaluating
the clause body. This function returns a function definition
and the name of the generated function."""
def collect_var_assignments(pat, val):
"""This helper function ensures that the pattern is used to
properly assign all subfields of the given AST for use
in the clause body
E.g., for PatternConstructor(A, PatternVar(v), PatternWildcard(),
PatternConstructor(B, PatternVar(w)))
we would want to have
v = a.fields[0]
w = a.fields[2].fields[0]
if isinstance(pat, relay.PatternWildcard):
return []
if isinstance(pat, relay.PatternVar):
return [Assign([self.include_var(pat.var, assign=True)], val)]
# constructor pattern: assign each field of the value
# based on subpatterns
assignments = []
for i in range(len(pat.patterns)):
# we want the assignments for val.fields[i]
field = ast.Subscript(ast.Attribute(val, 'fields', Load()),
ast.Index(Num(i)), Load())
assignments += collect_var_assignments(pat.patterns[i], field)
return assignments
func_name = self.generate_function_name('_match_clause_body')
arg_name = self.generate_var_name('_match_clause_body')
clause_body, defs = self.visit(body)
assignments = collect_var_assignments(pattern, Name(arg_name, Load()))
func_def = self.create_def(func_name, [arg_name],
defs + assignments + [Return(clause_body)])
return (func_def, func_name)
# Convention for the expr visitor: Each visit function returns a tuple of two members.
# The first is a Python AST comprised of a single *expression* that evaluates to an equivalent
# result to the desired Relay expression (and executes all effects in the right order).
# The second is a list of function definition *statements* defining thunks and other
# auxiliary functions needed in the translated AST object. The defs in the second object
# will always have unique names and will never perform any effects, so as long as they
# appear in the Python program before the first statement is executed, there should not
# be any problems.
def visit_var(self, var: Expr):
return (self.include_var(var, assign=False), [])
def visit_global_var(self, gvar: Expr):
# we don't need to add numbers to global var names because
# the *names* are checked for uniqueness in the mod
return (Name(gvar.name_hint, Load()), [])
def visit_let(self, letexp: Expr):
# To properly account for scoping and ensure that the entire node produces an expression,
# we translate the let binding as a function that we call with the value we intend to bind.
# Yes, this is somewhat ugly.
let var = value in body
def let_thunk(var):
return body
bind_body, bind_defs = self.visit(letexp.body)
func_name = self.generate_function_name('_let_func')
binding_func = self.create_def(func_name, [self.get_var_name(letexp.var)],
bind_defs + [Return(bind_body)])
# we call the binding func with the intended value for the bound variable
# special case: if the value is a function literal, we must ensure it can be
# recursive by naming it after the var
if isinstance(letexp.value, Function):
value_def, value_name = self.convert_func_node(letexp.value, letexp.var)
return (self.create_call(func_name, [Name(value_name, Load())]),
[value_def, binding_func])
value_body, value_defs = self.visit(letexp.value)
binding_call = self.create_call(func_name, [value_body])
return (binding_call, value_defs)
def visit_tuple(self, tup: Expr):
fields, ret_defs = self.convert_fields(tup.fields)
return (self.create_call('TupleValue', fields), ret_defs)
def visit_tuple_getitem(self, tgi: Expr):
tup, tup_defs = self.visit(tgi.tuple_value)
ret = ast.Subscript(tup, ast.Index(Num(tgi.index)), Load())
return (ret, tup_defs)
def visit_if(self, if_block: Expr):
cond_body, cond_defs = self.visit(if_block.cond)
true_body, true_defs = self.visit(if_block.true_branch)
false_body, false_defs = self.visit(if_block.false_branch)
# need to get the value out of a TensorValue to check the condition
# equvialent to: val.asnumpy()
cond_check = ast.Call(ast.Attribute(cond_body, 'asnumpy', Load()), [], [])
ret = ast.IfExp(cond_check, true_body, false_body)
return (ret, cond_defs + true_defs + false_defs)
def visit_constant(self, constant: Expr):
"""Proceeds by converting constant value to a numpy array
and converting it to the appropriate value in the generated
code (whether it be a Python scalar or a Numpy array)"""
value =
const_expr = ast.Call(ast.Attribute(Name('numpy', Load()), 'array', Load()),
[ast.keyword('dtype', Str(constant.checked_type.dtype))])
return (self.create_call('TensorValue', [const_expr]), [])
def visit_function(self, func: Expr):
# Python's lambdas are very restrictive, so we do "name" inline functions
converted_func, func_name = self.convert_func_node(func)
return (Name(func_name, Load()), [converted_func])
def visit_call(self, call: Expr):
"""For calls, we must distinguish between ordinary functions,
operators, and constructor calls."""
func = call.op
fields, field_defs = self.convert_fields(call.args)
if isinstance(func, relay.Op):
raise Exception('Operators should have been lowered and eliminated')
if isinstance(func, relay.Constructor):
# produce a constructor value
return (self.create_call('ConstructorValue',
ast.List(fields, Load()),
# lowered operator: generate a call to a function that gets the PackedFunc
# from TVM's registry
if isinstance(func, Function) and func.attrs and func.attrs.Primitive.value == 1:
op_call_def, op_call = self.create_op_call(func, call.args, fields)
return (op_call, field_defs + [op_call_def])
# ordinary function
converted_func, defs = self.visit(func)
defs += field_defs
return (ast.Call(converted_func, fields, []), defs)
def visit_ref_create(self, ref: Expr):
val, defs = self.visit(ref.value)
return (self.create_call('RefValue', [val]), defs)
def visit_ref_read(self, read: Expr):
ref, defs = self.visit(read.ref)
return (ast.Attribute(ref, 'value', Load()), defs)
def visit_ref_write(self, write: Expr):
"""For writing refs, we wrap the update in a thunk
(returning an empty tuple to match Relay's semantics)
that we execute at the right time. This ensures such assignments
can be properly nested, since assignments are statements
in Python but expressions in Relay"""
ref, ref_defs = self.visit(write.ref)
val, val_defs = self.visit(write.value)
thunk_name = self.generate_function_name('_ref_write_thunk')
thunk = self.create_def(
thunk_name, [],
ref_defs + val_defs + [
Assign([ast.Attribute(ref, 'value', Store())], val),
Return(self.create_call('TupleValue', []))
return (self.create_call(thunk_name, []), [thunk])
def visit_match(self, match: Expr):
"""For matches, we wrap the entire expression in a thunk
because it is easiest to implement them using if statements.
For each clause, we generate a function that checks if the
pattern matches. If yes, we call a function that assigns
the variables appropriately and invokes the clause body."""
data, defs = self.visit(
data_var = self.generate_var_name('_match_data')
# must ensure the data clause is executed exactly once
thunk_body = [Assign([Name(data_var, Store())], data)]
for clause in match.clauses:
check_expr = self.create_match_check(clause.lhs, Name(data_var, Load()))
body_def, body_name = self.create_match_clause_body(clause.lhs, clause.rhs)
# equiv: if check(data): return body(data)
[Return(self.create_call(body_name, [Name(data_var, Load())]))],
# finally if nothing matches we have a failed assert (should never happen)
thunk_body.append(ast.Assert(NameConstant(False), Str('Match was not exhaustive')))
thunk_name = self.generate_function_name('_match_thunk')
thunk_def = self.create_def(thunk_name, [], defs + thunk_body)
return (self.create_call(thunk_name, []), [thunk_def])
# these are both handled in the "call" case
def visit_constructor(self, _):
def visit_op(self, _):
def to_python(expr: Expr, mod=None,'llvm')):
"""Converts the given Relay expression into a Python script (as a Python AST object).
For easiest debugging, import the astor package and use to_source()."""
mod = mod if mod is not None else relay.Module()
converter = PythonConverter(mod, target)
return converter.convert(expr)
def run_as_python(expr: Expr, mod=None,'llvm')):
"""Converts the given Relay expression into a Python script and
executes it."""
mod = mod if mod is not None else relay.Module()
py_ast = to_python(expr, mod, target)
code = compile(py_ast, '<string>', 'exec')
var_map = {
#pylint: disable=exec-used
exec(code, var_map, var_map)
return var_map[OUTPUT_VAR_NAME]
......@@ -187,8 +187,9 @@ void ModuleNode::Update(const Module& mod) {
Module ModuleNode::FromExpr(
const Expr& expr,
const tvm::Map<GlobalVar, Function>& global_funcs) {
auto mod = ModuleNode::make(global_funcs, {});
const tvm::Map<GlobalVar, Function>& global_funcs,
const tvm::Map<GlobalTypeVar, TypeData>& type_definitions) {
auto mod = ModuleNode::make(global_funcs, type_definitions);
auto func_node =<FunctionNode>();
Function func;
if (func_node) {
......@@ -266,9 +267,14 @@ TVM_REGISTER_API("relay._module.Module_LookupTag")
.set_body_typed<Module(Expr)>([](Expr e) {
return ModuleNode::FromExpr(e);
tvm::Map<GlobalVar, Function>,
tvm::Map<GlobalTypeVar, TypeData>)>([](Expr e,
tvm::Map<GlobalVar, Function> funcs,
tvm::Map<GlobalTypeVar, TypeData> type_defs) {
return ModuleNode::FromExpr(e, funcs, type_defs);
.set_body_typed<void(Module, Module)>([](Module mod, Module from) {
......@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ iterate = p.iterate
# this is an example of creating the adt value in python side
def make_nat(n):
if n != 0:
return ConstructorValue(s, [make_nat(n - 1)], [])
return ConstructorValue(s, [make_nat(n - 1)])
return ConstructorValue(z, [], [])
return ConstructorValue(z, [])
def make_nat_expr(n):
assert n >= 0
......@@ -183,11 +183,11 @@ def test_function_taking_adt_ref_tuple():
prelude = relay.prelude.Prelude(mod)
intrp = create_executor("debug", mod)
nil_value = ConstructorValue(prelude.nil.tag, [], prelude.nil, [])
nil_value = ConstructorValue(prelude.nil.tag, [], prelude.nil)
cons_value = ConstructorValue(prelude.cons.tag, [
TensorValue(np.random.rand(1, 10).astype('float32')),
], prelude.cons, [relay.TensorType((1, 10), 'float32')])
], prelude.cons)
ref_value = RefValue(TensorValue(np.random.rand(1, 10).astype('float32')))
tuple_value = TupleValue(*[
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import numpy as np
import tvm
from tvm import relay
from tvm.relay.testing import to_python, run_as_python
from tvm.relay.prelude import Prelude
from tvm.relay.backend.interpreter import TensorValue, TupleValue, RefValue, ConstructorValue
# helper: uses a dummy let binding to sequence a list
# of expressions: expr1; expr2; expr3, etc.
def seq(*exprs):
ret = exprs[0]
for expr in exprs[1:]:
ret = relay.Let(relay.var('_'), ret, expr)
return ret
# creates a dummy ADT for testing
def init_box_adt(mod):
box = relay.GlobalTypeVar('box')
a = relay.TypeVar('a')
box_ctor = relay.Constructor('box', [a], box)
mod[box] = relay.TypeData(box, [a], [box_ctor])
return (box, box_ctor)
# assert that the candidate is a TensorValue with value val
def assert_tensor_value(candidate, val):
assert isinstance(candidate, TensorValue)
assert np.array_equal(candidate.asnumpy(), np.array(val))
# assert that the candidate is a TupleValue with the indicate number of fields
def assert_tuple_value(candidate, fields):
assert isinstance(candidate, TupleValue)
assert len(candidate.fields) == fields
# assert that the candidate is a ConstructorValue with the approrpaite constructor
# and number of fields
def assert_constructor_value(candidate, constructor, fields):
assert isinstance(candidate, ConstructorValue)
assert candidate.tag == constructor.tag
assert len(candidate.fields) == fields
def test_create_empty_tuple():
empty = relay.Tuple([])
tup_val = run_as_python(empty)
assert_tuple_value(tup_val, 0)
def test_create_scalar():
scalar = relay.const(1)
tensor_val = run_as_python(scalar)
assert_tensor_value(tensor_val, 1)
def test_create_tensor():
tensor = relay.const([[1, 1], [2, 2]])
tensor_val = run_as_python(tensor)
assert_tensor_value(tensor_val, [[1, 1], [2, 2]])
def test_create_nested_tuple():
relay_tup = relay.Tuple([
relay.const(1), relay.const(2),
tup_val = run_as_python(relay_tup)
assert_tuple_value(tup_val, 3)
for i in range(2):
assert_tensor_value(tup_val.fields[i], i + 1)
assert_tuple_value(tup_val.fields[2], 2)
for i in range(2):
assert_tensor_value(tup_val.fields[2].fields[i], i + 3)
def test_tuple_get_item():
relay_tup = relay.Tuple([
relay.const(1), relay.const(2),
for i in range(2):
index = relay.TupleGetItem(relay_tup, i)
val = run_as_python(index)
assert_tensor_value(val, i + 1)
# try the inner value too
for i in range(2):
index = relay.TupleGetItem(relay.TupleGetItem(relay_tup, 2), i)
val = run_as_python(index)
assert_tensor_value(val, i + 3)
def test_create_let():
v = relay.Var('v')
let = relay.Let(v, relay.Tuple([]), relay.Tuple([v, v]))
tup_val = run_as_python(let)
assert_tuple_value(tup_val, 2)
assert_tuple_value(tup_val.fields[0], 0)
assert_tuple_value(tup_val.fields[1], 0)
def test_create_ref():
relay_ref = relay.RefCreate(relay.Tuple([]))
ref_val = run_as_python(relay_ref)
assert isinstance(ref_val, RefValue)
assert_tuple_value(ref_val.value, 0)
def test_ref_read():
v = relay.Var('v')
assign = relay.Let(v, relay.RefCreate(relay.Tuple([])), relay.RefRead(v))
read_val = run_as_python(assign)
assert_tuple_value(read_val, 0)
def test_ref_write():
# check that the result of a ref write is an empty tuple
v = relay.Var('v')
initial_write = relay.Let(v, relay.RefCreate(relay.Tuple([relay.const(1)])),
relay.RefWrite(v, relay.Tuple([relay.const(2)])))
write_val = run_as_python(initial_write)
assert_tuple_value(write_val, 0)
# now ensure that the value, once written, can be read back
# (we read the value before and after mutation)
w = relay.Var('w')
read_after_write = relay.Let(
v, relay.RefCreate(relay.Tuple([relay.const(1)])),
w, relay.RefCreate(relay.RefRead(v)),
seq(relay.RefWrite(v, relay.Tuple([relay.const(2)])),
relay.Tuple([relay.RefRead(w), relay.RefRead(v)]))))
read_val = run_as_python(read_after_write)
assert_tuple_value(read_val, 2)
assert_tuple_value(read_val.fields[0], 1)
assert_tuple_value(read_val.fields[1], 1)
assert_tensor_value(read_val.fields[0].fields[0], 1)
assert_tensor_value(read_val.fields[1].fields[0], 2)
def test_if():
# we will have effects in the blocks to ensure only the intended one is executed
true_cond = relay.const(True)
false_cond = relay.const(False)
v = relay.Var('v')
true_branch = seq(relay.RefWrite(v, relay.const(1)), relay.RefRead(v))
false_branch = seq(relay.RefWrite(v, relay.const(2)), relay.RefRead(v))
true_expr = relay.Let(v, relay.RefCreate(relay.const(0)),
relay.If(true_cond, true_branch, false_branch))
false_expr = relay.Let(v, relay.RefCreate(relay.const(0)),
relay.If(false_cond, true_branch, false_branch))
true_val = run_as_python(true_expr)
assert_tensor_value(true_val, 1)
false_val = run_as_python(false_expr)
assert_tensor_value(false_val, 2)
def test_local_function():
v = relay.Var('v')
ident = relay.Function([v], v)
f = relay.Var('f')
call1 = relay.Let(f, ident, f(relay.Tuple([])))
call2 = relay.Let(f, ident, f(relay.const(2)))
call_val1 = run_as_python(call1)
assert_tuple_value(call_val1, 0)
call_val2 = run_as_python(call2)
assert_tensor_value(call_val2, 2)
def test_global_function():
mod = relay.Module()
ident = relay.GlobalVar('ident')
a = relay.TypeVar('a')
v = relay.Var('v', a)
mod[ident] = relay.Function([v], v, a, [a])
call1 = ident(relay.const(1))
call2 = ident(relay.Tuple([relay.const(2), relay.const(2)]))
call_val1 = run_as_python(call1, mod)
assert_tensor_value(call_val1, 1)
call_val2 = run_as_python(call2, mod)
assert_tuple_value(call_val2, 2)
assert_tensor_value(call_val2.fields[0], 2)
assert_tensor_value(call_val2.fields[1], 2)
def test_constructor():
mod = relay.Module()
box, box_ctor = init_box_adt(mod)
init_box_int = box_ctor(relay.const(1))
box_val_int = run_as_python(init_box_int, mod)
assert_constructor_value(box_val_int, box_ctor, 1)
assert_tensor_value(box_val_int.fields[0], 1)
init_box_tup = box_ctor(relay.Tuple([]))
box_val_tup = run_as_python(init_box_tup, mod)
assert_constructor_value(box_val_tup, box_ctor, 1)
assert_tuple_value(box_val_tup.fields[0], 0)
def test_match_wildcard():
mod = relay.Module()
box, box_ctor = init_box_adt(mod)
v = relay.Var('v')
match = relay.Let(
v, box_ctor(relay.Tuple([])),
relay.Match(v, [
relay.Clause(relay.PatternWildcard(), relay.const(1))
match_val = run_as_python(match, mod)
assert_tensor_value(match_val, 1)
def test_match_var():
mod = relay.Module()
box, box_ctor = init_box_adt(mod)
v = relay.Var('v')
w = relay.Var('w')
match = relay.Let(
v, box_ctor(relay.const(1)),
relay.Match(v, [
relay.Clause(relay.PatternVar(w), w)
match_val = run_as_python(match, mod)
assert_constructor_value(match_val, box_ctor, 1)
assert_tensor_value(match_val.fields[0], 1)
def test_match_pattern():
mod = relay.Module()
box, box_ctor = init_box_adt(mod)
v = relay.Var('v')
w = relay.Var('w')
match = relay.Let(
v, box_ctor(relay.const(1)),
relay.Match(v, [
relay.Clause(relay.PatternConstructor(box_ctor, [relay.PatternVar(w)]), w)
match_val = run_as_python(match, mod)
assert_tensor_value(match_val, 1)
def test_nested_match_pattern():
mod = relay.Module()
box, box_ctor = init_box_adt(mod)
v = relay.Var('v')
w = relay.Var('w')
match = relay.Let(
v, box_ctor(box_ctor(relay.const(2))),
relay.Match(v, [
box_ctor, [
relay.PatternConstructor(box_ctor, [relay.PatternVar(w)])
match_val = run_as_python(match, mod)
assert_tensor_value(match_val, 2)
def test_match_order():
mod = relay.Module()
box, box_ctor = init_box_adt(mod)
v = relay.Var('v')
w = relay.Var('w')
# wildcard pattern goes first
match = relay.Let(
v, box_ctor(box_ctor(relay.const(2))),
relay.Match(v, [
relay.Clause(relay.PatternWildcard(), relay.const(1)),
box_ctor, [
relay.PatternConstructor(box_ctor, [relay.PatternVar(w)])
match_val = run_as_python(match, mod)
assert_tensor_value(match_val, 1)
def test_local_recursion():
mod = relay.Module()
p = Prelude(mod)
v = relay.Var('v')
h = relay.Var('h')
t = relay.Var('t')
f = relay.Var('f')
# just returns the same list
let = relay.Let(f, relay.Function([v], relay.Match(v, [
[relay.PatternVar(h), relay.PatternVar(t)]),
p.cons(h, f(t))),
relay.Clause(relay.PatternConstructor(p.nil, []), p.nil())
p.cons(relay.const(3), p.nil())))))
val = run_as_python(let, mod)
assert_constructor_value(val, p.cons, 2)
assert_tensor_value(val.fields[0], 1)
assert_constructor_value(val.fields[1], p.cons, 2)
assert_tensor_value(val.fields[1].fields[0], 2)
assert_constructor_value(val.fields[1].fields[1], p.cons, 2)
assert_tensor_value(val.fields[1].fields[1].fields[0], 3)
assert_constructor_value(val.fields[1].fields[1].fields[1], p.nil, 0)
def test_global_recursion():
mod = relay.Module()
p = Prelude(mod)
copy = relay.GlobalVar('copy')
# same as above: it copies the given list
a = relay.TypeVar('a')
v = relay.Var('v', p.l(a))
h = relay.Var('h')
t = relay.Var('t')
copy_def = relay.Function([v], relay.Match(v, [
[relay.PatternVar(h), relay.PatternVar(t)]),
p.cons(h, copy(t))),
relay.Clause(relay.PatternConstructor(p.nil, []), p.nil())
]), p.l(a), [a])
mod[copy] = copy_def
call1 = copy_def(p.cons(relay.const(1), p.cons(relay.const(2), p.nil())))
val1 = run_as_python(call1, mod)
assert_constructor_value(val1, p.cons, 2)
assert_tensor_value(val1.fields[0], 1)
assert_constructor_value(val1.fields[1], p.cons, 2)
assert_tensor_value(val1.fields[1].fields[0], 2)
assert_constructor_value(val1.fields[1].fields[1], p.nil, 0)
call2 = copy_def(p.cons(relay.Tuple([]), p.nil()))
val2 = run_as_python(call2, mod)
assert_constructor_value(val2, p.cons, 2)
assert_tuple_value(val2.fields[0], 0)
assert_constructor_value(val2.fields[1], p.nil, 0)
def test_higher_order_call():
# test with anon func
h = relay.Var('h')
f = relay.Var('f')
x = relay.Var('x')
ho_anon = relay.Let(h, relay.Function([f], f(relay.Tuple([]))),
h(relay.Function([x], relay.const(1))))
anon_val = run_as_python(ho_anon)
assert_tensor_value(anon_val, 1)
# test with named func
g = relay.Var('g')
ho_named = relay.Let(h, relay.Function([f], f(relay.Tuple([]))),
relay.Let(g, relay.Function([x], relay.const(2)),
named_val = run_as_python(ho_named)
assert_tensor_value(named_val, 2)
def test_match_effect_exactly_once():
mod = relay.Module()
p = Prelude(mod)
# the list should be of length 1!
# Unless we mistakenly execute the data clause more than once
r = relay.Var('r')
data = seq(relay.RefWrite(r, p.cons(relay.Tuple([]), relay.RefRead(r))), relay.RefRead(r))
match = relay.Let(
r, relay.RefCreate(p.nil()),
relay.Match(data, [
relay.Clause(relay.PatternConstructor(p.nil, []), relay.const(0)),
[relay.PatternWildcard(), relay.PatternConstructor(p.nil, [])]),
relay.Clause(relay.PatternWildcard(), relay.const(2))
match_val = run_as_python(match, mod)
assert_tensor_value(match_val, 1)
def test_arbitrary_let_nesting():
# something that is tricky to do in Python but comes naturally in Relay
mod = relay.Module()
p = Prelude(mod)
x = relay.Var('x')
r = relay.Var('r')
y = relay.Var('y')
z = relay.Var('z')
expr = relay.Tuple([
relay.Let(x, relay.Tuple([relay.const(1), relay.const(2)]),
relay.TupleGetItem(x, 1)),
relay.Let(r, relay.RefCreate(relay.const(1)),
seq(relay.RefWrite(r, relay.const(3)), relay.RefRead(r))),
relay.Let(y,, relay.const(4), z)), y)
tup_val = run_as_python(expr, mod)
assert_tuple_value(tup_val, 3)
assert_tensor_value(tup_val.fields[0], 2)
assert_tensor_value(tup_val.fields[1], 3)
assert_tensor_value(tup_val.fields[2], 4)
def test_ref_execution_order():
# we want to have effects execute from left to right
x = relay.Var('x')
y = relay.Var('y')
f = relay.Var('f')
r = relay.Var('r')
expr = relay.Let(f, relay.Function([x, y], x),
# r = 1
relay.Let(r, relay.RefCreate(relay.const(1)),
# should be 1
# set r to 2 and read back
seq(relay.RefWrite(r, relay.const(2)),
# set r to 3 and read back
seq(relay.RefWrite(r, relay.const(3)),
# set r to 4 and read as first arg to f
# set r to 5 and read as second arg to f
# f should evaluate to 4
seq(relay.RefWrite(r, relay.const(4)),
seq(relay.RefWrite(r, relay.const(5)),
# read back 5
tup_val = run_as_python(expr)
assert_tuple_value(tup_val, 5)
assert_tensor_value(tup_val.fields[0], 1)
assert_tensor_value(tup_val.fields[1], 2)
assert_tensor_value(tup_val.fields[2], 3)
assert_tensor_value(tup_val.fields[3], 4)
assert_tensor_value(tup_val.fields[4], 5)
def test_op_add():
add = relay.add(relay.const(1), relay.const(2))
add_val = run_as_python(add)
assert_tensor_value(add_val, 3)
# test an op with a tuple input
# adapted from test_stack in test_op_level3
def test_op_stack():
def verify_stack(dshapes, axis):
x_data = [np.random.normal(size=shape).astype('int32') for shape in dshapes]
ref_res = np.stack(x_data, axis=axis)
args = []
for data in x_data:
call = relay.stack(relay.Tuple(args), axis)
call_val = run_as_python(call)
assert_tensor_value(call_val, ref_res)
verify_stack([(2,), (2,), (2,)], -1)
verify_stack([(2,), (2,), (2,)], 0)
verify_stack([(2, 2, 4), (2, 2, 4), (2, 2, 4)], 1)
verify_stack([(2, 2, 3, 4), (2, 2, 3, 4), (2, 2, 3, 4), (2, 2, 3, 4)], -1)
# test an op with a tuple output
# adapted from test_split_infer_type in test_op_level3
# and test_split in nnvm's test_top_level1
def test_split():
def verify_split(shape, indices_or_sections, axis=0):
x = np.random.normal(size=shape).astype('float32')
ref_res = np.split(x, indices_or_sections, axis=axis)
call = relay.split(relay.const(x), indices_or_sections, axis=axis)
call_val = run_as_python(call)
assert_tuple_value(call_val, len(ref_res))
for i in range(len(ref_res)):
assert_tensor_value(call_val.fields[i], ref_res[i])
verify_split((2, 3), 2)
verify_split((5, 3), [3])
verify_split((5, 9, 3), [3, 4], 1)
verify_split((5, 5, 2, 2), 5, 1)
verify_split((5, 5, 2, 2), 5, 0)
# ensure we can generate code for batch_norm, since it requires simplify_inference
# adapted from test_batchnorm in nnvm's test_top_level1
def test_batch_norm():
def verify_batch_norm(shapes):
data = [np.absolute(np.random.normal(size=shape).astype('float32'))
for shape in shapes]
relay_args = [relay.const(arg) for arg in data]
eps = 1e-5
def reference(x, gamma, beta, moving_mean, moving_var):
return (x - moving_mean) / np.sqrt(moving_var + eps) * gamma + beta
ref_res = reference(*data)
call = relay.nn.batch_norm(*relay_args, epsilon=eps)[0]
call_val = run_as_python(call)
# there will be a change in accuracy so we need to check
# approximate equality
assert isinstance(call_val, TensorValue)
tvm.testing.assert_allclose(call_val.asnumpy(), ref_res, atol=eps, rtol=eps)
verify_batch_norm([(10, 20), (20,), (20,), (20,), (20,)])
verify_batch_norm([(20, 10), (10,), (10,), (10,), (10,)])
verify_batch_norm([(10, 50), (50,), (50,), (50,), (50,)])
verify_batch_norm([(30, 40), (40,), (40,), (40,), (40,)])
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