Commit db4be63c by Tianqi Chen Committed by GitHub

[TOPI] Numpy consistency: always broadcast binary op. (#1321)

parent 90db723d
......@@ -1934,7 +1934,7 @@ ENABLE_PREPROCESSING = YES
# The default value is: NO.
# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
# If the EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF and MACRO_EXPANSION tags are both set to YES then
# the macro expansion is limited to the macros specified with the PREDEFINED and
......@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ List of operators
......@@ -49,12 +47,16 @@ List of operators
......@@ -94,19 +96,20 @@ topi
.. autofunction:: topi.take
.. autofunction:: topi.full
.. autofunction:: topi.full_like
.. autofunction:: topi.greater
.. autofunction:: topi.less
.. autofunction:: topi.max
.. autofunction:: topi.sum
.. autofunction:: topi.min
.. autofunction:: topi.broadcast_to
.. autofunction:: topi.broadcast_add
.. autofunction:: topi.broadcast_sub
.. autofunction:: topi.broadcast_mul
.. autofunction:: topi.broadcast_div
.. autofunction:: topi.broadcast_maximum
.. autofunction:: topi.broadcast_minimum
.. autofunction:: topi.add
.. autofunction:: topi.subtract
.. autofunction:: topi.multiply
.. autofunction:: topi.divide
.. autofunction:: topi.mod
.. autofunction:: topi.maximum
.. autofunction:: topi.minimum
.. autofunction:: topi.power
.. autofunction:: topi.greater
.. autofunction:: topi.less
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ def compute_conv2d(attrs, inputs, _):
bias = inputs[2]
expand_axis = 1 if layout == "NCHW" else 0
bias = topi.expand_dims(bias, axis=expand_axis, num_newaxis=2)
out = topi.broadcast_add(out, bias)
out = topi.add(out, bias)
return out
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ def compute_contrib_conv2d_NCHWc(attrs, inputs, _):
if attrs.get_bool("use_bias"):
bias = inputs[2]
bias = topi.expand_dims(bias, axis=1, num_newaxis=2)
out = topi.broadcast_add(out, bias)
out = topi.add(out, bias)
return out
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ def compute_conv2d_transpose(attrs, inputs, _):
if attrs.get_bool("use_bias"):
bias = inputs[2]
bias = topi.expand_dims(bias, axis=1, num_newaxis=2)
out = topi.broadcast_add(out, bias)
out = topi.add(out, bias)
output_padding = attrs.get_int_tuple("output_padding")
out = topi.nn.pad(out, \
[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, output_padding[0], output_padding[1]])
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ reg.register_schedule("ones_like", _fschedule_elemwise)
def compute_greater(_, inputs, out_info):
"""Compute definition of greater"""
return topi.tensor.greater(inputs[0], inputs[1], 'float32')
return topi.greater(inputs[0], inputs[1]).astype('float32')
reg.register_pattern("greater", OpPattern.ELEMWISE)
reg.register_schedule("greater", _fschedule_elemwise)
......@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ reg.register_schedule("greater", _fschedule_elemwise)
def compute_less(_, inputs, out_info):
"""Compute definition of less"""
return topi.tensor.less(inputs[0], inputs[1], 'float32')
return topi.less(inputs[0], inputs[1]).astype('float32')
reg.register_pattern("less", OpPattern.ELEMWISE)
reg.register_schedule("less", _fschedule_elemwise)
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ inline bool BinaryBroadcastCorrectLayout(const NodeAttrs& attrs,
return true;
.set_num_inputs(2) \
.set_num_outputs(1) \
......@@ -217,13 +217,13 @@ inline bool BinaryBroadcastCorrectLayout(const NodeAttrs& attrs,
const Array<Tensor>& inputs, \
const Array<Tensor>& out_info) { \
return Array<Tensor>{ \
topi::name(inputs[0], inputs[1]) }; \
topi::TOPIOp(inputs[0], inputs[1]) }; \
}) \
.add_argument("lhs", "Tensor", "first input") \
.add_argument("rhs", "Tensor", "second input")
.describe(R"code(Returns element-wise sum of the input arrays with broadcasting.
......@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Example::
NNVM_REGISTER_BINARY_BROADCAST_OP(broadcast_sub, subtract)
.describe(R"code(Returns element-wise difference of the input arrays with broadcasting.
......@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Example::
NNVM_REGISTER_BINARY_BROADCAST_OP(broadcast_mul, multiply)
.describe(R"code(Returns element-wise product of the input arrays with broadcasting.
......@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ Example::
.describe(R"code(Returns element-wise division of the input arrays with broadcasting.
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ NNVM_REGISTER_ELEMWISE_BINARY_OP(elemwise_add)
"FTVMCompute", [](const NodeAttrs& attrs,
const Array<Tensor>& inputs,
const Array<Tensor>& out_info) {
return Array<Tensor>{ topi::broadcast_add(inputs[0], inputs[1]) };
return Array<Tensor>{ topi::add(inputs[0], inputs[1]) };
"FGradient", [](const NodePtr& n,
......@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ NNVM_REGISTER_ELEMWISE_BINARY_OP(elemwise_sub)
"FTVMCompute", [](const NodeAttrs& attrs,
const Array<Tensor>& inputs,
const Array<Tensor>& out_info) {
return Array<Tensor>{ topi::broadcast_sub(inputs[0], inputs[1]) };
return Array<Tensor>{ topi::subtract(inputs[0], inputs[1]) };
"FGradient", [](const NodePtr& n,
......@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ NNVM_REGISTER_ELEMWISE_BINARY_OP(elemwise_mul)
"FTVMCompute", [](const NodeAttrs& attrs,
const Array<Tensor>& inputs,
const Array<Tensor>& out_info) {
return Array<Tensor>{ topi::broadcast_mul(inputs[0], inputs[1]) };
return Array<Tensor>{ topi::multiply(inputs[0], inputs[1]) };
"FGradient", [](const NodePtr& n,
......@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ NNVM_REGISTER_ELEMWISE_BINARY_OP(elemwise_div)
"FTVMCompute", [](const NodeAttrs& attrs,
const Array<Tensor>& inputs,
const Array<Tensor>& out_info) {
return Array<Tensor>{ topi::broadcast_div(inputs[0], inputs[1]) };
return Array<Tensor>{ topi::divide(inputs[0], inputs[1]) };
"FGradient", [](const NodePtr& n,
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class ExprOp(object):
expr : Expr
Expression with new type
return _make.static_cast(dtype, self)
return _generic.cast(self, dtype)
class EqualOp(NodeGeneric, ExprOp):
......@@ -79,3 +79,19 @@ def divide(lhs, rhs):
The result Expr of divide operaton.
return _make.Div(lhs, rhs)
def cast(src, dtype):
"""Generic cast operator.
src : object
The source operand.
op : tvm.Expr
The result Expr of divide operaton.
return _make.static_cast(dtype, src)
......@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ def test_operator_type_and_tags():
assert isinstance(k + n, tvm.expr.Expr)
assert isinstance(n + n, tvm.expr.Expr)
assert isinstance(k + A, tvm.expr.Expr)
assert isinstance(A + k, tvm.expr.Expr)
assert isinstance(n + A, tvm.expr.Expr)
assert isinstance(A + n, tvm.expr.Expr)
assert isinstance(A + A, tvm.expr.Expr)
assert isinstance(k + A, tvm.tensor.Tensor)
assert isinstance(A + k, tvm.tensor.Tensor)
assert isinstance(n + A, tvm.tensor.Tensor)
assert isinstance(A + n, tvm.tensor.Tensor)
assert isinstance(A + A, tvm.tensor.Tensor)
assert isinstance(k + B, tvm.tensor.Tensor)
assert isinstance(B + k, tvm.tensor.Tensor)
......@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ def test_operator_type_and_tags():
assert (B + k).op.tag == topi.tag.ELEMWISE
assert (n + B).op.tag == topi.tag.ELEMWISE
assert (B + n).op.tag == topi.tag.ELEMWISE
assert (A + B).op.tag == topi.tag.ELEMWISE
assert (B + A).op.tag == topi.tag.ELEMWISE
assert (A + B).op.tag == topi.tag.BROADCAST
assert (B + A).op.tag == topi.tag.BROADCAST
assert (B + B).op.tag == topi.tag.BROADCAST
assert isinstance(k + B2, tvm.expr.Expr)
......@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ def test_operator_type_and_tags():
assert isinstance(n + B2, tvm.expr.Expr)
assert isinstance(B2 + n, tvm.expr.Expr)
assert isinstance(B2 + B2, tvm.expr.Expr)
assert isinstance(B2 + A, tvm.expr.Expr)
assert isinstance(A + B2, tvm.expr.Expr)
assert isinstance(B2 + A, tvm.tensor.Tensor)
assert isinstance(A + B2, tvm.tensor.Tensor)
assert isinstance(B2 + B, tvm.tensor.Tensor)
assert isinstance(B + B2, tvm.tensor.Tensor)
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include "topi/detail/broadcast.h"
#include "topi/detail/constant_utils.h"
#include "topi/tags.h"
......@@ -47,167 +47,215 @@ inline tvm::Tensor broadcast_to(const tvm::Tensor& t,
#define TOPI_DEFINE_BCAST_OP(Name, ComputeRule) \
inline tvm::Expr Name(const tvm::Expr& a, \
const tvm::Expr& b) { \
ComputeRule; \
} \
inline tvm::Tensor Name(const tvm::Tensor& A, \
const tvm::Tensor& B, \
std::string name = "tensor", \
std::string tag = kBroadcast) { \
auto l = [](tvm::Expr a, tvm::Expr b) { ComputeRule; }; \
return detail::WithBroadcast(l, A, B, name, tag); \
} \
inline tvm::Tensor Name(const tvm::Tensor& A, \
const tvm::Expr& B, \
std::string name = "tensor", \
std::string tag = kElementWise) { \
auto l = [](tvm::Expr a, tvm::Expr b) { ComputeRule; }; \
return compute(A->shape, [&](const ::tvm::Array<::tvm::Var>& i) { \
return l(A(i), B); \
}, name, tag); \
} \
inline tvm::Tensor Name(const tvm::Expr& A, \
const tvm::Tensor& B, \
std::string name = "tensor", \
std::string tag = kElementWise) { \
auto l = [&](tvm::Expr a, tvm::Expr b) { ComputeRule; }; \
return compute(B->shape, [&](const ::tvm::Array<::tvm::Var>& i) { \
return l(A, B(i)); \
}, name, tag); \
#define TOPI_DEFINE_OP_OVERLOAD(Name, OpName) \
inline tvm::Tensor Name(const tvm::Tensor& A, \
const tvm::Tensor& B) { \
return topi::OpName(A, B); \
} \
inline tvm::Tensor Name(const tvm::Expr& A, \
const tvm::Tensor& B) { \
return topi::OpName(A, B); \
} \
inline tvm::Tensor Name(const tvm::Tensor& A, \
const tvm::Expr& B) { \
return topi::OpName(A, B); \
* \brief Creates an operation that performs pointwise addition of 2 tensors
* and broadcasts them into a common compatible shape where necessary,
* according to numpy's rules
* \fn add
* \brief Compute A + B with auto-broadcasting.
* \param A The first tensor to add
* \param B The second tensor to add
* \param A The first tensor, or Expr
* \param B The second tensor, or Expr
* \param name The name of the operation
* \param tag The tag to mark the operation
* \return A Tensor whose op member is a pointwise addition with broadcast
* \return The result.
inline tvm::Tensor broadcast_add(const tvm::Tensor& A,
const tvm::Tensor& B,
std::string name = "tensor",
std::string tag = kBroadcast) {
auto l = [&](tvm::Expr a, tvm::Expr b) { return a + b; };
return detail::WithBroadcast(l, A, B, name, tag);
TOPI_DEFINE_BCAST_OP(add, { return a + b; });
TOPI_DEFINE_OP_OVERLOAD(operator+, add);
* \brief Creates an operation that performs pointwise subtraction of 2 tensors
* and broadcasts them into a common compatible shape where necessary,
* according to numpy's rules
* \fn subtract
* \brief Compute A - B with auto-broadcasting.
* \param A The first tensor
* \param B The second tensor to subtract from the first
* \param A The first tensor, or Expr
* \param B The second tensor, or Expr
* \param name The name of the operation
* \param tag The tag to mark the operation
* \return A Tensor whose op member is a pointwise subtraction with broadcast
* \return The result.
inline tvm::Tensor broadcast_sub(const tvm::Tensor& A,
const tvm::Tensor& B,
std::string name = "tensor",
std::string tag = kBroadcast) {
auto l = [&](tvm::Expr a, tvm::Expr b) { return a - b; };
return detail::WithBroadcast(l, A, B, name, tag);
TOPI_DEFINE_BCAST_OP(subtract, { return a - b; });
TOPI_DEFINE_OP_OVERLOAD(operator-, subtract);
* \brief Creates an operation that performs pointwise multiplication of 2
* tensors and broadcasts them into a common compatible shape where necessary,
* according to numpy's rules
* \fn multiply
* \brief Compute A * B with auto-broadcasting.
* \param A The first tensor to multiply
* \param B The second tensor to multiply
* \param A The first tensor, or Expr
* \param B The second tensor, or Expr
* \param name The name of the operation
* \param tag The tag to mark the operation
* \return A Tensor whose op member is a pointwise multiplication with broadcast
* \return The result.
inline tvm::Tensor broadcast_mul(const tvm::Tensor& A,
const tvm::Tensor& B,
std::string name = "tensor",
std::string tag = kBroadcast) {
auto l = [&](tvm::Expr a, tvm::Expr b) { return a * b; };
return detail::WithBroadcast(l, A, B, name, tag);
TOPI_DEFINE_BCAST_OP(multiply, { return a * b; });
TOPI_DEFINE_OP_OVERLOAD(operator*, multiply);
* \brief Creates an operation that performs pointwise division of 2 tensors
* and broadcasts them into a common compatible shape where necessary,
* according to numpy's rules
* \fn divide
* \brief Compute A / B with auto-broadcasting.
* \param A The first tensor
* \param B The second tensor to divide the first tensor with
* \param A The first tensor, or Expr
* \param B The second tensor, or Expr
* \param name The name of the operation
* \param tag The tag to mark the operation
* \return A Tensor whose op member is a pointwise division with broadcast
* \return The result.
inline tvm::Tensor broadcast_div(const tvm::Tensor& A,
const tvm::Tensor& B,
std::string name = "tensor",
std::string tag = kBroadcast) {
auto l = [&](tvm::Expr a, tvm::Expr b) { return a / b; };
return detail::WithBroadcast(l, A, B, name, tag);
TOPI_DEFINE_BCAST_OP(divide, { return a / b; });
TOPI_DEFINE_OP_OVERLOAD(operator/, divide);
* \brief Creates an operation that performs pointwise modulo remainder of 2
* tensors and broadcasts them into a common compatible shape where necessary,
* according to numpy's rules
* \fn mod
* \brief Compute A % B with auto-broadcasting.
* \param A The first tensor
* \param B The second tensor to compute A % B
* \param A The first tensor, or Expr
* \param B The second tensor, or Expr
* \param name The name of the operation
* \param tag The tag to mark the operation
* \return A Tensor whose op member is a pointwise modulo remainder with
* broadcast
* \return The result.
inline tvm::Tensor broadcast_mod(const tvm::Tensor& A,
const tvm::Tensor& B,
std::string name = "tensor",
std::string tag = kBroadcast) {
auto l = [&](tvm::Expr a, tvm::Expr b) { return a % b; };
return detail::WithBroadcast(l, A, B, name, tag);
TOPI_DEFINE_BCAST_OP(mod, { return a % b; });
TOPI_DEFINE_OP_OVERLOAD(operator%, mod);
* \brief Creates an operation that performs pointwise maximum of 2 tensors
* and broadcasts them into a common compatible shape where necessary,
* according to numpy's rules
* \param A The first tensor
* \param B The second tensor
* \param name The name of the operation
* \param tag The tag to mark the operation
* \return A Tensor whose op member is a pointwise maximum with broadcast
inline tvm::Tensor broadcast_maximum(const tvm::Tensor& A,
const tvm::Tensor& B,
std::string name = "tensor",
std::string tag = kBroadcast) {
auto l = [&](tvm::Expr a, tvm::Expr b) { return tvm::max(a, b); }; // NOLINT(*)
return detail::WithBroadcast(l, A, B, name, tag);
* \fn maximum
* \brief Compute maximum(A, B) with auto-broadcasting.
* \param A The first tensor, or Expr
* \param B The second tensor, or Expr
* \param name The name of the operation
* \param tag The tag to mark the operation
* \return The result.
TOPI_DEFINE_BCAST_OP(maximum, { return tvm::max(a, b); });
* \brief Creates an operation that performs pointwise minimum of 2 tensors
* and broadcasts them into a common compatible shape where necessary,
* according to numpy's rules
* \param A The first tensor
* \param B The second tensor
* \param name The name of the operation
* \param tag The tag to mark the operation
* \return A Tensor whose op member is a pointwise minimum with broadcast
inline tvm::Tensor broadcast_minimum(const tvm::Tensor& A,
const tvm::Tensor& B,
std::string name = "tensor",
std::string tag = kBroadcast) {
auto l = [&](tvm::Expr a, tvm::Expr b) { return tvm::min(a, b); }; // NOLINT(*)
return detail::WithBroadcast(l, A, B, name, tag);
* \fn minimum
* \brief Compute minimum(A, B) with auto-broadcasting.
* \param A The first tensor, or Expr
* \param B The second tensor, or Expr
* \param name The name of the operation
* \param tag The tag to mark the operation
* \return The result.
TOPI_DEFINE_BCAST_OP(minimum, { return tvm::min(a, b); });
* \brief Creates an operation that raises one tensor to the power of another
* pointwise and broadcasts them into a common compatible shape where necessary,
* according to numpy's rules
* \param A The first tensor
* \param B The second tensor to compute pow(A, B)
* \param name The name of the operation
* \param tag The tag to mark the operation
* \return A Tensor whose op member is a pointwise pow with
* broadcast
inline tvm::Tensor broadcast_pow(const tvm::Tensor& A,
const tvm::Tensor& B,
std::string name = "tensor",
std::string tag = kBroadcast) {
auto l = [&](tvm::Expr a, tvm::Expr b) { return tvm::pow(a, b); };
return detail::WithBroadcast(l, A, B, name, tag);
* \fn power
* \brief Compute power(A, B) with auto-broadcasting.
* \param A The first tensor, or Expr
* \param B The second tensor, or Expr
* \param name The name of the operation
* \param tag The tag to mark the operation
* \return The result.
TOPI_DEFINE_BCAST_OP(power, { return tvm::pow(a, b); });
* \fn left_shift
* \brief Compute A << B with auto-broadcasting.
* \param A The first tensor, or Expr
* \param B The second tensor, or Expr
* \param name The name of the operation
* \param tag The tag to mark the operation
* \return The result.
TOPI_DEFINE_BCAST_OP(left_shift, { return a << b; });
TOPI_DEFINE_OP_OVERLOAD(operator<<, left_shift);
* \fn right_shift
* \brief Compute A >> B with auto-broadcasting.
* \param A The first tensor, or Expr
* \param B The second tensor, or Expr
* \param name The name of the operation
* \param tag The tag to mark the operation
* \return The result.
TOPI_DEFINE_BCAST_OP(right_shift, { return a >> b; });
TOPI_DEFINE_OP_OVERLOAD(operator>>, right_shift);
* \fn greater
* \brief Compute (A > B) with auto-broadcasting.
* \param A The first tensor, or Expr
* \param B The second tensor, or Expr
* \param name The name of the operation
* \param tag The tag to mark the operation
* \return The result.
TOPI_DEFINE_BCAST_OP(greater, { return (a > b); });
* \fn less
* \brief Compute (A < B) with auto-broadcasting.
* \param A The first tensor, or Expr
* \param B The second tensor, or Expr
* \param name The name of the operation
* \param tag The tag to mark the operation
* \return The result.
TOPI_DEFINE_BCAST_OP(less, { return (a < b); });
} // namespace topi
......@@ -69,55 +69,6 @@ inline Tensor negative(const Tensor& x,
* \brief Creates an operation that raises each element of tensor x to power y
* \param x The input tensor
* \param y The exponent
* \param name The name of the operation
* \param tag The tag to mark the operation
* \return A Tensor whose op member is the pow operation
inline Tensor pow(const Tensor& x,
const Expr& y,
std::string name = "tensor",
std::string tag = kElementWise) {
return compute(x->shape, [&](const Array<Var>& i) {
return tvm::pow(x(i), y);
}, name, tag);
* \brief Creates an operation that performs pointwise left shift by n bits
* \param x The input tensor
* \param n The number of bits to shift by
* \return A Tensor whose op member is the left shift operation
inline Tensor operator<<(const Tensor& x,
const Expr& n) {
return compute(x->shape, [&](const Array<Var>& i) {
return x(i) << n;
}, "tensor", kElementWise);
* \brief Creates an operation that performs pointwise right shift by n bits
* \param x The input tensor
* \param n The number of bits to shift by
* \return A Tensor whose op member is the right shift operation
inline Tensor operator>>(const Tensor& x,
const Expr& n) {
return compute(x->shape, [&](const Array<Var>& i) {
return x(i) >> n;
}, "tensor", kElementWise);
* \brief Creates an operation that clips each element of a tensor to
* the interval [a_min, a_max]
......@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ inline Tensor l2_normalize(const Tensor& data,
std::string tag = "l2_normalize") {
CHECK_EQ(data->shape.size(), 4) << "L2 normalization requires 4-D input";
auto input_shape = data->shape;
Tensor dot_value = pow(data, static_cast<float>(2.0));
Tensor dot_value = topi::power(data, static_cast<float>(2.0));
Tensor sum_value = topi::sum(dot_value, axis, true);
Tensor expand_sum = topi::broadcast_to(sum_value, input_shape);
return topi::broadcast_div(data,
return topi::divide(data,
[&](const Array<Var>& i){
return (max(expand_sum(i), eps));
......@@ -63,13 +63,14 @@ inline Tensor lrn(const Tensor& data,
auto sqrt_sum_up = tvm::compute(input_shape,
auto sqrt_sum_up = tvm::compute(
[&](Var i, Var j, Var k, Var l) {
return tvm::pow(bias +
(alpha * sqr_sum(i, j, k, l) / size),
return topi::broadcast_div(data, sqrt_sum_up);
return topi::divide(data, sqrt_sum_up);
} // namespace nn
} // namespace topi
# pylint: disable=no-member,consider-using-enumerate
"""Broadcast operators"""
from __future__ import absolute_import as _abs
import tvm
from .import tag
from .util import get_const_tuple, equal_const_int, get_const_int
from .import cpp as _cpp
def _get_bcast_info(original_shape, target_shape):
"""Get the broadcasting info.
def broadcast_to(data, shape):
"""Broadcast the src to the target shape
We follows the numpy broadcasting rule.
See also
bcast_info = _get_bcast_info(original_shape, target_shape)
In bcast_info:
-1 means to the padding dim
0 means to to be the same as the original shape
1 means to the broadcasted dim
data : tvm.Tensor
The input data
shape : list or tuple
The target shape to be broadcasted.
ret : tvm.Tensor
return _cpp.broadcast_to(data, shape)
original: (2, 1, 5), target: (2, 4, 5) => bcast_info: (0, 1, 0)
original: (2, 5), target: (4, 2, 5) => bcast_info: (-1, 0, 0)
original: (1, 5), target: (4, 2, 5) => bcast_info: (-1, 1, 0)
def add(lhs, rhs):
"""Addition with auto-broadcasting
original_shape : tuple of tvm.expr.IntImm
The original shape before broadcasting
lhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The left operand
rhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The right operand
ret : tvm.Tensor or Expr
Returns Expr if both operands are Expr.
Otherwise returns Tensor.
return _cpp.add(lhs, rhs)
def subtract(lhs, rhs):
"""Subtraction with auto-broadcasting
target_shape : tuple
The target shape
lhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The left operand
rhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The right operand
bcast_info : list
ret : tvm.Tensor or Expr
Returns Expr if both operands are Expr.
Otherwise returns Tensor.
assert len(target_shape) >= len(original_shape)
bcast_info = [-1 for _ in range(len(target_shape))]
original_shape = [original_shape[i] for i in range(len(original_shape))]
original_shape = original_shape[::-1]
target_shape = target_shape[::-1]
for i in range(len(original_shape)):
if equal_const_int(original_shape[i], target_shape[i]):
bcast_info[i] = 0
elif equal_const_int(original_shape[i], 1):
bcast_info[i] = 1
raise ValueError("Original Shape: {} cannot be broadcast to {}"
.format(original_shape[::-1], target_shape[::-1]))
bcast_info = bcast_info[::-1]
return bcast_info
def _get_binary_op_bcast_shape(lhs_shape, rhs_shape):
"""Get the shape after binary broadcasting.
We will strictly follow the broadcasting rule in numpy.
return _cpp.subtract(lhs, rhs)
def multiply(lhs, rhs):
"""Multiplication with auto-broadcasting
lhs_shape : tuple
rhs_shape : tuple
lhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The left operand
rhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The right operand
ret_shape : tuple
ret : tvm.Tensor or Expr
Returns Expr if both operands are Expr.
Otherwise returns Tensor.
ret_shape = []
if len(lhs_shape) > len(rhs_shape):
lhs_shape, rhs_shape = rhs_shape, lhs_shape
for ptr in range(len(rhs_shape)):
if ptr < len(lhs_shape):
l_val, r_val = lhs_shape[len(lhs_shape) - 1 - ptr], \
rhs_shape[len(rhs_shape) - 1 - ptr]
assert(l_val == 1 or r_val == 1 or l_val == r_val),\
"Shape is NOT broadcastable, lhs=%s, rhs=%s"\
%(str(lhs_shape), str(rhs_shape))
ret_shape.append(max(l_val, r_val))
ret_shape.append(rhs_shape[len(rhs_shape) - 1 - ptr])
ret_shape = ret_shape[::-1]
return ret_shape
def broadcast_to(data, shape):
"""Broadcast the src to the target shape
return _cpp.multiply(lhs, rhs)
We follows the numpy broadcasting rule.
See also
def divide(lhs, rhs):
"""Division with auto-broadcasting
data : tvm.Tensor
lhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The left operand
rhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The right operand
shape : list or tuple
ret : tvm.Tensor or Expr
Returns Expr if both operands are Expr.
Otherwise returns Tensor.
return _cpp.divide(lhs, rhs)
def mod(lhs, rhs):
"""Modulus with auto-broadcasting
lhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The left operand
rhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The right operand
ret : tvm.Tensor
ret : tvm.Tensor or Expr
Returns Expr if both operands are Expr.
Otherwise returns Tensor.
def _bcast_to_arg_eval(data, bcast_info, *indices):
indices_tuple = []
for i, ind in enumerate(indices):
if bcast_info[i] == 0:
elif bcast_info[i] == 1:
return data[tuple(indices_tuple)]
original_shape = data.shape
shape = [get_const_int(i) for i in shape]
bcast_info = _get_bcast_info(original_shape=original_shape, target_shape=shape)
ret = tvm.compute(shape,
lambda *indices: _bcast_to_arg_eval(data,
*indices), + "_broadcast")
return ret
def broadcast_binary_op(lhs, rhs, func, name="bop"):
"""Binary operands that will automatically broadcast the inputs
return _cpp.mod(lhs, rhs)
We follows the numpy broadcasting rule.
See also
def maximum(lhs, rhs):
"""Take element-wise maximum of two tensors with auto-broadcasting
lhs : tvm.Tensor
rhs : tvm.Tensor
func : function
lhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The left operand
rhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The right operand
ret : tvm.Tensor
ret : tvm.Tensor or Expr
Returns Expr if both operands are Expr.
Otherwise returns Tensor.
def _inner_arg_eval(lhs, rhs, lhs_bcast_info, rhs_bcast_info, func, *indices):
lhs_indices = []
rhs_indices = []
for i, ind in enumerate(indices):
if lhs_bcast_info[i] == 0:
elif lhs_bcast_info[i] == 1:
if rhs_bcast_info[i] == 0:
elif rhs_bcast_info[i] == 1:
return func(lhs[tuple(lhs_indices)], rhs[tuple(rhs_indices)])
ret_shape = _get_binary_op_bcast_shape(get_const_tuple(lhs.shape), get_const_tuple(rhs.shape))
lhs_bcast_info = _get_bcast_info(original_shape=lhs.shape, target_shape=ret_shape)
rhs_bcast_info = _get_bcast_info(original_shape=rhs.shape, target_shape=ret_shape)
ret = tvm.compute(ret_shape,
lambda *indices: _inner_arg_eval(lhs, rhs, lhs_bcast_info, rhs_bcast_info,
func, *indices), + "_" + + "_" + name)
return ret
def broadcast_add(lhs, rhs):
"""Binary addition with auto-broadcasting
return _cpp.maximum(lhs, rhs)
def minimum(lhs, rhs):
"""Take element-wise maximum of two tensors with auto-broadcasting
lhs : tvm.Tensor
rhs : tvm.Tensor
lhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The left operand
rhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The right operand
ret : tvm.Tensor
ret : tvm.Tensor or Expr
Returns Expr if both operands are Expr.
Otherwise returns Tensor.
return broadcast_binary_op(lhs, rhs, lambda a, b: a + b, "add")
return _cpp.minimum(lhs, rhs)
def broadcast_mul(lhs, rhs):
"""Binary multiplication with auto-broadcasting
def power(lhs, rhs):
"""Power with auto-broadcasting
lhs : tvm.Tensor
rhs : tvm.Tensor
lhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The left operand
rhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The right operand
ret : tvm.Tensor
ret : tvm.Tensor or Expr
Returns Expr if both operands are Expr.
Otherwise returns Tensor.
return broadcast_binary_op(lhs, rhs, lambda a, b: a * b, "mul")
return _cpp.power(lhs, rhs)
def broadcast_div(lhs, rhs):
"""Binary division with auto-broadcasting
def left_shift(lhs, rhs):
"""Left shift with auto-broadcasting
lhs : tvm.Tensor
rhs : tvm.Tensor
lhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The left operand
rhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The right operand
ret : tvm.Tensor
ret : tvm.Tensor or Expr
Returns Expr if both operands are Expr.
Otherwise returns Tensor.
return broadcast_binary_op(lhs, rhs, lambda a, b: a / b, "div")
return _cpp.left_shift(lhs, rhs)
def broadcast_sub(lhs, rhs):
"""Binary subtraction with auto-broadcasting
def right_shift(lhs, rhs):
"""Right shift with auto-broadcasting
lhs : tvm.Tensor
rhs : tvm.Tensor
lhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The left operand
rhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The right operand
ret : tvm.Tensor
ret : tvm.Tensor or Expr
Returns Expr if both operands are Expr.
Otherwise returns Tensor.
return broadcast_binary_op(lhs, rhs, lambda a, b: a - b, "sub")
return _cpp.left_shift(lhs, rhs)
def broadcast_maximum(lhs, rhs):
"""Take element-wise maximum of two tensors with auto-broadcasting
def greater(lhs, rhs):
"""Compute (lhs>rhs) with auto-broadcasting
lhs : tvm.Tensor
rhs : tvm.Tensor
lhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The left operand
rhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The right operand
ret : tvm.Tensor
ret : tvm.Tensor or Expr
Returns Expr if both operands are Expr.
Otherwise returns Tensor.
return broadcast_binary_op(lhs, rhs, tvm.max, "maximum")
return _cpp.greater(lhs, rhs)
def broadcast_minimum(lhs, rhs):
"""Take element-wise minimum of two tensors with auto-broadcasting
def less(lhs, rhs):
"""Compute (lhs<rhs) with auto-broadcasting
lhs : tvm.Tensor
rhs : tvm.Tensor
lhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The left operand
rhs : tvm.Tensor or Expr
The right operand
ret : tvm.Tensor
ret : tvm.Tensor or Expr
Returns Expr if both operands are Expr.
Otherwise returns Tensor.
return broadcast_binary_op(lhs, rhs, tvm.min, "minimum")
return _cpp.less(lhs, rhs)
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import ctypes
from imp import new_module as _new_module
from tvm._ffi.function import _init_api_prefix
from tvm._ffi import libinfo
import tvm as _tvm
def _get_lib_names():
if sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
......@@ -35,7 +34,6 @@ def _create_module(name):
return mod
# pylint: disable-msg=C0103
nn = _create_module("nn")
_init_api_prefix("topi.cpp.nn", "topi.nn")
generic = _create_module("generic")
......@@ -52,41 +50,3 @@ yolo2 = _create_module("vision.yolo2")
_init_api_prefix("", "")
image = _create_module("image")
_init_api_prefix("topi.cpp.image", "topi.image")
class IntVector(object):
"""Handle to std::vector<int> instance """
_tvm_tcode = 27
def __init__(self, handle):
self.handle = handle
def __del__(self):
_tvm.nd.free_extension_handle(self.handle, 27)
def _tvm_handle(self):
return self.handle.value
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return ivec_get(self, idx)
_tvm.register_extension(IntVector, IntVector)
class Target(object):
"""Handle to C++ Target instance """
_tvm_tcode = 28
def __init__(self, handle):
self.handle = handle
def __del__(self):
_tvm.nd.free_extension_handle(self.handle, 28)
def _tvm_handle(self):
return self.handle.value
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return ivec_get(self, idx)
_tvm.register_extension(Target, Target)
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import as _abs
import tvm
from . import broadcast as _broadcast
from . import tag
from . import math as _math
def _make_bop(elementwise_bop, broadcast_bop, orig_bop):
def _make_bop(broadcast_bop, orig_bop):
"""Make a specific overloaded binary operator of Tensor when applicable;
apply the original operator if it is not supposed to be overloaded.
......@@ -23,9 +23,6 @@ def _make_bop(elementwise_bop, broadcast_bop, orig_bop):
elementwise_bop : operator function
Operator for element-wise tensor-scalar operation, for rule (2).
broadcast_bop : operator function
Operator for broadcast tensor-tensor operation, for rule (1).
......@@ -66,36 +63,9 @@ def _make_bop(elementwise_bop, broadcast_bop, orig_bop):
tvm.Expr (otherwise)
The result of {op} operation.
def _get_rank(x):
"""Get the rank of a value.
If x is Tensor, then return its rank;
if x is scalar_like (i.e., numeric types, Expr, or TensorSlice), return 0;
otherwise, return -1.
if isinstance(x, tvm.tensor.Tensor):
return len(x.shape)
elif isinstance(x, (int, float, tvm.expr.Expr, tvm.tensor.TensorSlice)):
return 0
return -1
rl = _get_rank(lhs)
rr = _get_rank(rhs)
if rl == -1 or rr == -1 or (rl == 0 and rr == 0):
if not isinstance(lhs, tvm.tensor.Tensor) and not isinstance(rhs, tvm.tensor.Tensor):
return orig_bop(lhs, rhs)
elif rl > 0 and rr > 0:
return broadcast_bop(lhs, rhs)
elif rl == 0:
f = lambda *i: elementwise_bop(lhs, rhs(*i))
with tvm.tag_scope(tag=tag.ELEMWISE):
return tvm.compute(rhs.shape, f, "tensor_" + name)
elif rr == 0:
f = lambda *i: elementwise_bop(lhs(*i), rhs)
with tvm.tag_scope(tag=tag.ELEMWISE):
return tvm.compute(lhs.shape, f, "tensor_" + name)
raise AssertionError("Cannot reach this line.")
_tensor_bop_impl.__doc__ = _tensor_bop_impl.__doc__.format(op=name)
return _tensor_bop_impl
......@@ -106,18 +76,10 @@ def _bind_generic_ops():
__op_priority__ = 1
if __op_priority__ > tvm.generic.__op_priority__:
tvm.generic.__op_priority__ = __op_priority__
tvm.generic.add = _make_bop(lambda x, y: x + y,
tvm.generic.subtract = _make_bop(lambda x, y: x - y,
tvm.generic.multiply = _make_bop(lambda x, y: x * y,
tvm.generic.divide = _make_bop(lambda x, y: x / y,
tvm.generic.add = _make_bop(_broadcast.add, tvm.generic.add)
tvm.generic.subtract = _make_bop(_broadcast.subtract, tvm.generic.subtract)
tvm.generic.multiply = _make_bop(_broadcast.multiply, tvm.generic.multiply)
tvm.generic.divide = _make_bop(_broadcast.divide, tvm.generic.divide)
tvm.generic.cast = _math.cast
......@@ -258,14 +258,14 @@ def clip(x, a_min, a_max):
return tvm.compute(x.shape, _compute)
def cast(x, dtype):
"""Cast input to specified data type.
x : tvm.Tensor
x : tvm.Tensor or Expr
Input argument.
dtype : str
Data type.
......@@ -274,4 +274,7 @@ def cast(x, dtype):
y : tvm.Tensor
The result.
return tvm.compute(x.shape, lambda *i: x(*i).astype(dtype))
if isinstance(x, tvm.tensor.Tensor):
return tvm.compute(
x.shape, lambda *i: x(*i).astype(dtype), tag=tag.ELEMWISE)
return tvm.make.static_cast(dtype, x)
......@@ -68,52 +68,3 @@ def full_like(x, fill_value):
dtype = x.dtype
return tvm.compute(x.shape, lambda *i: tvm.const(fill_value, dtype))
def greater(lhs, rhs, out_type=tvm.int8):
"""Compare two input tensors element-wise and return an mask tensor
which contains 1 if lhs > rhs holds else 0
lhs : tvm.Tensor
Left input argument.
rhs : tvm.Tensor
Right argument.
out_type: str
Output data type. Default is int8
y : tvm.Tensor
The result.
return tvm.compute(lhs.shape,
lambda *i:*i) > rhs(*i),
tvm.const(1, out_type),
tvm.const(0, out_type)))
def less(lhs, rhs, out_type=tvm.int8):
"""Compare two input tensors element-wise and return an mask tensor
which contains 1 if lhs < rhs holds else 0
lhs : tvm.Tensor
Left input argument.
rhs : tvm.Tensor
Right argument.
out_type: str
Output data type. Default is int8
y : tvm.Tensor
The result.
return tvm.compute(lhs.shape,
lambda *i:*i) < rhs(*i),
tvm.const(1, out_type),
tvm.const(0, out_type)))
......@@ -67,51 +67,55 @@ Array<Expr> ArrayOrInt(TVMArgValue arg) {
inline bool IsTensorType(TVMArgValue arg) {
return (arg.type_code() == kNodeHandle &&
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *rv) {
*rv = tvm::Target::create(args[0]);
/* Ops from broadcast.h */
#define TOPI_REGISTER_BCAST_OP(OpName, Op) \
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *rv) { \
bool lhs_is_tensor = IsTensorType(args[0]); \
bool rhs_is_tensor = IsTensorType(args[1]); \
if (lhs_is_tensor && rhs_is_tensor) { \
*rv = Op(args[0].operator tvm::Tensor(), \
args[1].operator tvm::Tensor()); \
} else if (!lhs_is_tensor && rhs_is_tensor) { \
*rv = Op(args[0].operator tvm::Expr(), \
args[1].operator tvm::Tensor()); \
} else if (lhs_is_tensor && !rhs_is_tensor) { \
*rv = Op(args[0].operator tvm::Tensor(), \
args[1].operator tvm::Expr()); \
} else if (!lhs_is_tensor && !rhs_is_tensor) { \
*rv = Op(args[0].operator tvm::Expr(), \
args[1].operator tvm::Expr()); \
} \
}); \
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *rv) {
*rv = broadcast_to(args[0], args[1]);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *rv) {
*rv = broadcast_add(args[0], args[1]);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *rv) {
*rv = broadcast_sub(args[0], args[1]);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *rv) {
*rv = broadcast_mul(args[0], args[1]);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *rv) {
*rv = broadcast_div(args[0], args[1]);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *rv) {
*rv = broadcast_maximum(args[0], args[1]);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *rv) {
*rv = broadcast_minimum(args[0], args[1]);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *rv) {
*rv = broadcast_pow(args[0], args[1]);
TOPI_REGISTER_BCAST_OP("topi.add", topi::add);
TOPI_REGISTER_BCAST_OP("topi.subtract", topi::subtract);
TOPI_REGISTER_BCAST_OP("topi.multiply", topi::multiply);
TOPI_REGISTER_BCAST_OP("topi.divide", topi::divide);
TOPI_REGISTER_BCAST_OP("topi.mod", topi::mod);
TOPI_REGISTER_BCAST_OP("topi.maximum", topi::maximum);
TOPI_REGISTER_BCAST_OP("topi.minimum", topi::minimum);
TOPI_REGISTER_BCAST_OP("topi.power", topi::power);
TOPI_REGISTER_BCAST_OP("topi.left_shift", topi::left_shift);
TOPI_REGISTER_BCAST_OP("topi.right_shift", topi::right_shift);
TOPI_REGISTER_BCAST_OP("topi.greater", topi::greater);
TOPI_REGISTER_BCAST_OP("topi.less", topi::less);
/* Ops from elemwise.h */
......@@ -149,25 +153,6 @@ TVM_REGISTER_GLOBAL("topi.negative")
*rv = negative(args[0]);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *rv) {
*rv = pow(args[0], args[1]);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *rv) {
Tensor lhs = args[0];
Expr rhs = args[1];
*rv = lhs >> rhs;
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *rv) {
Tensor lhs = args[0];
Expr rhs = args[1];
*rv = lhs << rhs;
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *rv) {
*rv = clip(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
......@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ import numpy as np
import tvm
import topi
def verify_broadcast_to_ele(in_shape, out_shape):
def verify_broadcast_to_ele(in_shape, out_shape, fbcast):
# Build the logic and compile the function
A = tvm.placeholder(shape=in_shape, name="A")
B = topi.broadcast_to(A, out_shape)
B = fbcast(A, out_shape)
def check_device(device):
ctx = tvm.context(device, 0)
if not ctx.exist:
......@@ -32,24 +32,20 @@ def verify_broadcast_to_ele(in_shape, out_shape):
def verify_broadcast_binary_ele(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, typ="add"):
def verify_broadcast_binary_ele(lhs_shape, rhs_shape,
ftopi, fnumpy,
lhs_min=-100, lhs_max=100,
rhs_min=-100, rhs_max=100,
# Build the logic and compile the function
A = tvm.placeholder(shape=lhs_shape, name="A")
B = tvm.placeholder(shape=rhs_shape, name="B")
if typ == "add":
C = topi.broadcast_add(A, B)
elif typ == "sub":
C = topi.broadcast_sub(A, B)
elif typ == "div":
C = topi.broadcast_div(A, B)
elif typ == "mul":
C = topi.broadcast_mul(A, B)
elif typ == "maximum":
C = topi.broadcast_maximum(A, B)
elif typ == "minimum":
C = topi.broadcast_minimum(A, B)
raise NotImplementedError
A = (tvm.var("A", dtype=dtype) if lhs_shape is None
else tvm.placeholder(shape=lhs_shape, name="A", dtype=dtype))
B = (tvm.var("B", dtype=dtype) if rhs_shape is None
else tvm.placeholder(shape=rhs_shape, name="B", dtype=dtype))
C = ftopi(A, B)
if (isinstance(A, tvm.expr.Expr) and isinstance(B, tvm.expr.Expr)):
assert(isinstance(C, tvm.expr.Expr))
def check_device(device):
ctx = tvm.context(device, 0)
if not ctx.exist:
......@@ -58,54 +54,102 @@ def verify_broadcast_binary_ele(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, typ="add"):
print("Running on target: %s" % device)
s = topi.generic.schedule_broadcast(C)
foo =, [A, B, C], device, name="broadcast_binary" + "_" + typ)
lhs_npy = np.random.uniform(size=lhs_shape).astype(A.dtype)
rhs_npy = np.random.uniform(size=rhs_shape).astype(A.dtype)
if typ == "add":
out_npy = lhs_npy + rhs_npy
elif typ == "sub":
out_npy = lhs_npy - rhs_npy
elif typ == "div":
rhs_npy = np.abs(rhs_npy) + 0.001
out_npy = lhs_npy / rhs_npy
elif typ == "mul":
out_npy = lhs_npy * rhs_npy
elif typ == "maximum":
out_npy = np.maximum(lhs_npy, rhs_npy)
elif typ == "minimum":
out_npy = np.minimum(lhs_npy, rhs_npy)
foo =, [A, B, C], device, name="broadcast_binary" + "_" + ftopi.__name__)
if lhs_shape is None:
lhs_npy = float(np.random.uniform(low=lhs_min, high=lhs_max))
if dtype.startswith('int'):
lhs_npy = int(lhs_npy)
lhs_nd = lhs_npy
raise NotImplementedError
lhs_npy = np.random.uniform(low=lhs_min, high=lhs_max,
lhs_nd = tvm.nd.array(lhs_npy, ctx)
if rhs_shape is None:
rhs_npy = float(np.random.uniform(low=rhs_min, high=rhs_max))
if dtype.startswith('int'):
lhs_npy = int(lhs_npy)
rhs_nd = rhs_npy
rhs_npy = np.random.uniform(low=rhs_min, high=rhs_max,
rhs_nd = tvm.nd.array(rhs_npy, ctx)
out_nd = tvm.nd.array(np.empty(out_npy.shape).astype(B.dtype), ctx)
out_npy = fnumpy(lhs_npy, rhs_npy)
out_nd = tvm.nd.array(np.empty(out_npy.shape).astype(C.dtype), ctx)
for _ in range(1):
foo(lhs_nd, rhs_nd, out_nd)
np.testing.assert_allclose(out_nd.asnumpy(), out_npy, rtol=1E-4, atol=1E-4)
def test_broadcast_to():
verify_broadcast_to_ele((1,), (10,))
verify_broadcast_to_ele((), (10,))
verify_broadcast_to_ele((1, 1, 5, 4), (3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4))
verify_broadcast_to_ele((1, 128, 1, 32), (64, 128, 64, 32))
verify_broadcast_to_ele((1,), (10,), topi.broadcast_to)
verify_broadcast_to_ele((), (10,), topi.broadcast_to)
verify_broadcast_to_ele((1, 1, 5, 4), (3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4), topi.broadcast_to)
verify_broadcast_to_ele((1, 128, 1, 32), (64, 128, 64, 32), topi.broadcast_to)
def test_add():
(5, 2, 3), (2, 1), topi.add, np.add)
def test_subtract():
(5, 2, 3), (), topi.subtract, np.subtract)
(5, 2, 3), None, topi.subtract, np.subtract)
None, None, topi.subtract, np.subtract)
(1, 32), (64, 32), topi.subtract, np.subtract)
def test_multiply():
(5, 64, 128), (2, 5, 64, 1), topi.multiply, np.multiply)
def test_divide():
None, (10,), topi.divide, np.divide, rhs_min=0.0001)
(2, 3, 1, 32), (64, 32), topi.divide, np.divide, rhs_min=0.0001)
def test_maximum_minmum():
(32,), (64, 32), topi.maximum, np.maximum)
(1, 2, 2, 1, 32), (64, 32), topi.minimum, np.minimum)
def test_power():
(1, 2, 2), (2,), topi.power, np.power, lhs_min=0.001, rhs_min=0.001, rhs_max=2)
def test_mod():
(1, 2, 2), (2,), topi.mod, np.mod, lhs_min=0.001, rhs_min=1, dtype="int32")
def test_broadcast_binary():
verify_broadcast_binary_ele((5, 2, 3), (2, 1), typ="add")
verify_broadcast_binary_ele((5, 2, 3), (), typ="add")
verify_broadcast_binary_ele((5, 64, 128), (2, 5, 64, 1), typ="mul")
verify_broadcast_binary_ele((2, 3, 1, 32), (64, 32), typ="div")
verify_broadcast_binary_ele((1, 32), (64, 32), typ="sub")
verify_broadcast_binary_ele((32,), (64, 32), typ="maximum")
verify_broadcast_binary_ele((1, 2, 2, 1, 32), (64, 32), typ="minimum")
def test_cmp():
# explicit specify the output type
def greater(x, y):
return topi.greater(x, y).astype("int8")
def less(x, y):
return topi.less(x, y).astype("int8")
(1, 2, 2), (2,), greater, np.greater)
(2, 1, 2), (2, 3, 1), less, np.less)
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -69,44 +69,6 @@ def verify_full(shape, dtype, fill_value):
def verify_comparator(shape, dtype, out_type='int8'):
A = tvm.placeholder(shape, dtype, name="A")
B = tvm.placeholder(shape, dtype, name="B")
C = topi.less(A, B)
s_less = tvm.create_schedule([C.op])
D = tvm.placeholder(shape, dtype, name="D")
E = tvm.placeholder(shape, dtype, name="E")
F = topi.greater(D, E, out_type)
s_greater = tvm.create_schedule([F.op])
def get_ref_data():
return [np.random.uniform(0, 10, size=shape).astype(dtype),
np.random.uniform(0, 10, size=shape).astype(dtype)]
[np_l, np_r] = get_ref_data()
def check_device(device):
if not tvm.module.enabled(device):
print("Skip because %s is not enabled" % device)
ctx = tvm.context(device, 0)
out = tvm.nd.array(np.zeros(shape, dtype=out_type), ctx)
tvm_l = tvm.nd.array(np_l, ctx)
tvm_r = tvm.nd.array(np_r, ctx)
f =, [A, B, C], device, name="less")
f(tvm_l, tvm_r, out)
np.testing.assert_allclose(out.asnumpy(), np.less(np_l, np_r).astype(out_type), rtol=1e-5)
f =, [D, E, F], device, name="greater")
f(tvm_l, tvm_r, out)
np.testing.assert_allclose(out.asnumpy(), np.greater(np_l, np_r).astype(out_type), rtol=1e-5)
for device in ["llvm"]:
def test_elemwise_sum():
verify_elemwise_sum(1, "float32")
verify_elemwise_sum(5, "float32")
......@@ -118,12 +80,6 @@ def test_full():
verify_full((10,), "int32", 7)
def test_comparator():
verify_comparator((3,4,5), "float32")
verify_comparator((7,), "int32")
verify_comparator((3,4,5), "float32", "int8")
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""Test code for broadcasting operators."""
import os
import numpy as np
import tvm
import topi
def verify_broadcast_to_ele(in_shape, out_shape):
# Build the logic and compile the function
A = tvm.placeholder(shape=in_shape, name="A")
B = topi.cpp.broadcast_to(A, out_shape)
def check_device(device):
if not tvm.module.enabled(device):
print("Skip because %s is not enabled" % device)
print("Running on target: %s" % device)
target = topi.cpp.TEST_create_target(device)
s = topi.cpp.cuda.schedule_injective(target, [B])
ctx = tvm.context(device, 0)
foo =, [A, B], device, name="broadcast_to")
data_npy = np.random.uniform(size=in_shape).astype(A.dtype)
out_npy = np.broadcast_to(data_npy, out_shape)
data_nd = tvm.nd.array(data_npy, ctx)
out_nd = tvm.nd.array(np.empty(out_shape).astype(B.dtype), ctx)
for _ in range(1):
foo(data_nd, out_nd)
np.testing.assert_allclose(out_nd.asnumpy(), out_npy)
def verify_broadcast_binary_ele(lhs_shape, rhs_shape, typ="add"):
# Build the logic and compile the function
A = tvm.placeholder(shape=lhs_shape, name="A")
B = tvm.placeholder(shape=rhs_shape, name="B")
if typ == "add":
C = topi.cpp.broadcast_add(A, B)
elif typ == "sub":
C = topi.cpp.broadcast_sub(A, B)
elif typ == "div":
C = topi.cpp.broadcast_div(A, B)
elif typ == "mul":
C = topi.cpp.broadcast_mul(A, B)
elif typ == "maximum":
C = topi.cpp.broadcast_maximum(A, B)
elif typ == "minimum":
C = topi.cpp.broadcast_minimum(A, B)
elif typ == "pow":
C = topi.cpp.broadcast_pow(A, B)
raise NotImplementedError
def check_device(device):
if not tvm.module.enabled(device):
print("Skip because %s is not enabled" % device)
print("Running on target: %s" % device)
target = topi.cpp.TEST_create_target(device)
s = topi.cpp.cuda.schedule_injective(target, [C])
ctx = tvm.context(device, 0)
foo =, [A, B, C], device, name="broadcast_binary" + "_" + typ)
lhs_npy = np.random.uniform(size=lhs_shape).astype(A.dtype)
rhs_npy = np.random.uniform(size=rhs_shape).astype(A.dtype)
if typ == "add":
out_npy = lhs_npy + rhs_npy
elif typ == "sub":
out_npy = lhs_npy - rhs_npy
elif typ == "div":
rhs_npy = np.abs(rhs_npy) + 0.001
out_npy = lhs_npy / rhs_npy
elif typ == "mul":
out_npy = lhs_npy * rhs_npy
elif typ == "maximum":
out_npy = np.maximum(lhs_npy, rhs_npy)
elif typ == "minimum":
out_npy = np.minimum(lhs_npy, rhs_npy)
elif typ == "pow":
out_npy = lhs_npy ** rhs_npy
raise NotImplementedError
lhs_nd = tvm.nd.array(lhs_npy, ctx)
rhs_nd = tvm.nd.array(rhs_npy, ctx)
out_nd = tvm.nd.array(np.empty(out_npy.shape).astype(B.dtype), ctx)
for _ in range(1):
foo(lhs_nd, rhs_nd, out_nd)
np.testing.assert_allclose(out_nd.asnumpy(), out_npy, rtol=1E-4, atol=1E-4)
def test_broadcast_to():
verify_broadcast_to_ele((1,), (10,))
verify_broadcast_to_ele((), (10,))
verify_broadcast_to_ele((1, 1, 5, 4), (3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4))
verify_broadcast_to_ele((1, 128, 1, 32), (64, 128, 64, 32))
def test_broadcast_binary():
verify_broadcast_binary_ele((5, 2, 3), (2, 1), typ="add")
verify_broadcast_binary_ele((5, 2, 3), (), typ="add")
verify_broadcast_binary_ele((5, 64, 128), (2, 5, 64, 1), typ="mul")
verify_broadcast_binary_ele((2, 3, 1, 32), (64, 32), typ="div")
verify_broadcast_binary_ele((1, 32), (64, 32), typ="sub")
verify_broadcast_binary_ele((32,), (64, 32), typ="maximum")
verify_broadcast_binary_ele((1, 2, 2, 1, 32), (64, 32), typ="minimum")
verify_broadcast_binary_ele((1, 32), (64, 32), typ="pow")
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ def verify_concatenate_broadcast(shapes, axis, rhs_shape):
for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
tensor_l.append(tvm.placeholder(shape, name="A" + str(i)))
out_tensor = topi.cpp.concatenate(tensor_l, axis)
C = topi.cpp.broadcast_add(out_tensor, B)
C = out_tensor + B
def check_device(device):
ctx = tvm.context(device, 0)
if not ctx.exist:
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