Commit d1128ced by Thierry Moreau Committed by Tianqi Chen

[DOC] VTA installation & basic tutorials (#47)

parent d45a9253
......@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ doc:
$(RM) -rf build lib bin *~ */*~ */*/*~ */*/*/*~ */*.o */*/*.o */*/*/*.o
$(RM) -rf cat.jpg quantize_graph.json quantize_params.pkl synset.txt
-include build/*.d
......@@ -7,20 +7,27 @@ VTA(versatile tensor accelerator) is an open-source deep learning accelerator st
It is not just an open-source hardware, but is an end to end solution that includes
the entire software stack on top of VTA open-source hardware.
The key features include:
- Generic, modular open-source hardware
- Streamlined workflow to deploy to FPGAs.
- Simulator support
- Driver and JIT runtime for both simulated backend and FPGA.
- Simulator support to protoype compilation passes on regular workstations.
- Driver and JIT runtime for both simulated and FPGA hardware backend.
- End to end TVM stack integration
- Direct optimization and deploy models from deep learning frameworks via TVM stack.
- Customized and extendible TVM compiler backend
- Flexible RPC support to ease the deployment, you can program it with python :)
- Customized and extendible TVM compiler backend.
- Flexible RPC support to ease the deployment, and program FPGAs with Python
VTA is part of our effort on [TVM Stack](
VTA Installation
To get started with VTA, please follow the [Installation Guide](docs/how_to/
ResNet-18 Inference Example
To offload ResNet-18 inference, follow the [ResNet-18 Guide](examples/resnet18/pynq/
© Contributors, 2018. Licensed under an [Apache-2.0]( license.
# PYNQ RPC Server for VTA
This guide describes how to setup a Pynq-based RPC server to accelerate deep learning workloads with VTA.
## Pynq Setup
Follow the getting started tutorial for the [Pynq board](
* This assumes that you've downloaded the latest Pynq image, PYNQ-Z1 v2.1 (released 21 Feb 2018).
* For this RPC setup, follow the ["Connect to a Computer"]( Pynq setup instructions.
* To be able to talk to the board, you'll need to make sure that you've followed the steps to [assign a static IP address](
Make sure that you can talk to your Pynq board successfully:
When ssh-ing onto the board, the password for the `xilinx` username is `xilinx`.
For convenience let's go ahead and mount the Pynq board's file system to easily access it (this will require sshfs to be installed):
mkdir <mountpoint>
sshfs xilinx@ <mountpoint>
## Pynq TVM & VTA installation
On your **host PC**, go to the `<mountpoint>` directory of your Pynq board file system.
cd <mountpoint>
From there, clone the VTA repository:
git clone --recursive
Now, ssh into your **Pynq board** to build the TVM runtime with the following commands. This build should take about 5 minutes.
ssh xilinx@ # ssh if you haven't done so
cd ~/vta/nnvm/tvm
cp make/ .
echo USE_RPC=1 >>
make runtime -j2
We're now ready to build the Pynq RPC server on the Pynq board, which should take less than 30 seconds.
ssh xilinx@ # ssh if you haven't done so
cd ~/vta
make -j2
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/xilinx/vta/python:/home/xilinx/vta/nnvm/tvm/python
The last stage will build the `vta/lib/` library file. We are now ready to launch the RPC server on the Pynq. In order to enable the FPGA drivers, we need to run the RPC server with `sudo` privileges.
ssh xilinx@ # ssh if you haven't done so
cd ~/vta
sudo PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH ./apps/pynq_rpc/ # pw is xilinx
You should see the following being displayed when starting the RPC server:
INFO:root:Load additional library /home/xilinx/vta/lib/
INFO:root:RPCServer: bind to
Note that it should be listening on port `9091`.
To kill the RPC server, just enter the `Ctrl + c` command.
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/home/xilinx/vta/nnvm/tvm/python:/home/xilinx/vta/python
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/home/xilinx/vta/tvm/python:/home/xilinx/vta/python
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/python3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pynq/drivers/
python -m vta.exec.rpc_server
# Resnet-18 Example on Pynq-based VTA Design
In order to run this example you'll need to have:
* VTA installed
* LLVM 4.0 or newer installed
* TVM installed
* NNVM installed
* MxNet installed
* A Pynq-based RPC server running
* Python packages installed
Required setup time from scratch: ~15 mins.
## VTA installation
Clone the VTA repository in the directory of your choosing:
git clone --recursive
Update your `~/.bashrc` file to include the VTA python libraries in your `PYTHONPATH` (don't forget to source the newly modified `.bashrc` file!):
export PYTHONPATH=<vta root>/python:${PYTHONPATH}
## LLVM installation
We provide the set of commands to install LLVM 6.0 (stable branch) on Ubuntu Xenial. Note that the [LLVM installation process]( can be adapted to different LLVM branches, and operating systems/distros.
wget -O -|sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-add-repository "deb llvm-toolchain-xenial-6.0 main”
sudo apt-get update
apt-get install clang-6.0 lldb-6.0 lld-6.0
To ensure that LLVM 6.0 was properly installed, check that the following command gives the path to your `llvm-config` binary.
which llvm-config-6.0
## TVM installation
Clone the TVM repository in the directory of your choosing:
git clone --recursive
TVM is rapidly changing, and to ensure stability, we keep track of working TVM checkpoints.
As of now, the TVM checkpoint `168f099155106d1188dbc54ac00acc02900a3c6f` is known to work with VTA.
cd <tvm root>
git checkout 168f099155106d1188dbc54ac00acc02900a3c6f
Before building TVM, copy the `make/` file into the root TVM directory:
cd <tvm root>
cp make/ .
In the '' file sure that:
* `LLVM_CONFIG` points to the `llvm-config` executable which path was derived in the TVM installation instructions above (e.g. `LLVM_CONFIG = /usr/bin/llvm-config-6.0`)
* `USE_RPC` should be set to 1
Launch the compilation, this takes about 5-10 minutes on two threads.
cd <tvm root>
make -j2
Finally update your `~/.bashrc` file to include the TVM python libraries in your `PYTHONPATH` (don't forget to source the newly modified `.bashrc` file!):
export PYTHONPATH=<tvm root>/python:<tvm root>/topi/python:${PYTHONPATH}
## NNVM installation
Clone the NNVM repository from `tqchen` in the directory of your choosing:
git clone --recursive
To run this example, we rely on a special branch of NNVM `qt`:
cd <nnvm root>
git checkout qt
Launch the compilation, this takes about a minute on two threads.
cd <nnvm root>
make -j2
Finally update your `~/.bashrc` file to include the NNVM python libraries in your `PYTHONPATH` (don't forget to source the newly modified `.bashrc` file!):
export PYTHONPATH=<nnvm root>/python:${PYTHONPATH}
## MxNet Installation
Follow the [MxNet Installation Instructions](
## Pynq RPC Server Setup
Follow the [Pynq RPC Server Guide](
## Python packages
You'll need the following packages to be installed for the example to run properly. You can use `pip` to install those packages:
* `decorator` (for TVM)
* `enum34` (for NNVM)
* `Pillow`
* `wget`
## Running the example
Configure your environment with the following:
export VTA_PYNQ_RPC_PORT=9091
Follow the first two parts of the [Installation Guide](../../../docs/how_to/ to make sure that the VTA python libraries are installed, and that the RPC server is running on the Pynq FPGA dev board.
Simply run the following python script:
......@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ class DevContext(object):
def __init__(self, env):
self.vta_axis = tvm.thread_axis("vta")
......@@ -157,6 +156,7 @@ class Environment(object):
self.acc_dtype = "int%d" % self.ACC_WIDTH
self.inp_dtype = "int%d" % self.INP_WIDTH
self.wgt_dtype = "int%d" % self.WGT_WIDTH
self.out_dtype = "int%d" % self.OUT_WIDTH
# lazy cached members
self.mock_mode = False
self._mock_env = None
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