Commit be8fa6ac by Zhi Committed by Thierry Moreau

[relay][frontend] clean up tf frontend (#3710)

* clean up tf frontend

* fix get_relay_op
parent 8d5de5ed
......@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
"""Common utilities"""
from __future__ import absolute_import as _abs
import logging
import tvm
from topi.util import get_const_tuple
from .. import expr as _expr
from .. import module as _module
......@@ -224,6 +226,7 @@ class StrAttrsDict(object):
raise AttributeError("Required attribute {} not found.".format(key))
return default
def get_relay_op(op_name):
"""Get the callable function from Relay based on operator name.
......@@ -246,9 +249,10 @@ def get_relay_op(op_name):
if op is not None:
if not op:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to map op_name {} to relay".format(op_name))
raise tvm.error.OpNotImplemented("Unable to map op_name {} to relay".format(op_name))
return op
class ExprTable(object):
"""Table storing Relay expressions by names."""
def __init__(self):
......@@ -298,21 +302,27 @@ class AttrCvt(object):
If set as str, returned operator name is the str.
If set as callable, returned operator is the str returned by calling:
`op_name = func(attr)`
transforms : dict of `new_name, or (new_name, default_value, transform function)`
If only a new_name is provided, it's like renaming the attribute name.
If default_value if provided, then the attribute is considered as optional.
If transform function is provided, the original attribute value is handled
by transform function.
excludes : list
A list of excluded attributes that should `NOT` appear.
Raise NotImplementedError if occurred.
disables : list
A list of attributes that is disabled in relay. Log warnings.
ignores : list
A list of attributes that is ignored in relay. Debug level logging.
extras : dict
A series of additional attributes should be added anyway to the returned
attribute dict.
custom_check : callable
A custom function takes attribute, and return True/False.
Raise RuntimeError if not bool(True) returned.
......@@ -329,6 +339,14 @@ class AttrCvt(object):
self._custom_check = custom_check
def __call__(self, inputs, attrs, *args):
# apply custom check
if self._custom_check:
func, msg = self._custom_check
......@@ -348,7 +366,8 @@ class AttrCvt(object):
new_attrs = {}
for k in attrs.keys():
if k in self._excludes:
raise NotImplementedError("Attribute {} not supported yet.".format(k))
raise NotImplementedError('Attribute %s in operator %s is not' +
' supported.', k, op_name)
elif k in self._disables:
logging.warning("Attribute %s is disabled in relay.sym.%s", k, op_name)
elif k in self._ignores:
......@@ -401,6 +420,7 @@ class AttrCvt(object):
raise AttributeError("Required attribute {} not found.".format(key))
return attr[key]
def get_name(node):
name = ''
if hasattr(node, "name_hint"):
......@@ -410,17 +430,19 @@ def get_name(node):
def infer_type(node):
"""A method to infer the type of an intermediate node in the relay graph."""
mod = _module.Module.from_expr(node)
mod = node if isinstance(node, _module.Module) else _module.Module.from_expr(node)
mod = _transform.InferType()(mod)
entry = mod["main"]
return entry if isinstance(node, _expr.Function) else entry.body
def infer_shape(inputs):
"""A method to get the output shape of an intermediate node in the graph."""
out_type = infer_type(inputs)
out_shapes = get_const_tuple(out_type.checked_type.shape)
return out_shapes
def infer_channels(inputs, transpose=False):
"""A hack for getting 'channels' or 'units' since caffe2 does not provide
these attributes. We check the shape of weights provided to get the number.
......@@ -430,12 +452,14 @@ def infer_channels(inputs, transpose=False):
channels = out_shapes[0][0] if not transpose else out_shapes[0][1]
return channels
def new_var(name_hint,
return _expr.var(name_hint, type_annotation, shape, dtype)
class Renamer(object):
"""A simply renamer for operators.
......@@ -20,13 +20,14 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import as _abs
import json
import tvm
from .. import analysis, transform
from .. import analysis
from .. import expr as _expr
from .. import op as _op
from .. import module as _module
from ... import nd as _nd
from .common import StrAttrsDict
from .common import infer_type as _infer_type
from .nnvm_common import _rename, _binop_scalar, _rbinop_scalar, _reduce
from .nnvm_common import _arg_reduce, _init_op, _softmax_op, _cast
from .nnvm_common import _clip, _transpose, _upsampling
......@@ -41,13 +42,6 @@ _activation_map = {
"relu" : _op.nn.relu
def _infer_type(node):
"""A method to infer the type of an intermediate node in the relay graph."""
mod = _module.Module.from_expr(node)
mod = transform.InferType()(mod)
entry = mod["main"]
return entry if isinstance(node, _expr.Function) else entry.body
def _mx_fully_connected(inputs, attrs):
import mxnet as mx
units = attrs.get_int("num_hidden")
......@@ -19,20 +19,21 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import as _abs
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
# Numpy support
import numpy as np
import tvm
from topi.util import get_const_tuple
from .. import analysis
from .. import transform as _transform
from .. import expr as _expr
from .. import op as _op
from ..expr_functor import ExprMutator
from .. import module as _module
from .common import AttrCvt, get_relay_op
from .common import infer_type as _infer_type
from .common import infer_shape as _infer_shape
from .common import infer_channels as _infer_channels
__all__ = ['from_tensorflow']
......@@ -50,140 +51,6 @@ def _infer_value(input_val, params):
return m.get_output(0)
def _get_relay_op(op_name):
ops = [_op, _op.nn, _op.image,]
for operator in ops:
op = getattr(operator, op_name)
return op
except AttributeError:
raise tvm.error.OpNotImplemented(
'Operator {} is not supported for frontend TensorFlow.'.format(op_name))
class AttrCvt(object):
"""Common attribute converter. An AttrConverter instance is a callable:
attr_converter = AttrConverter(op_name, transforms={'a':'b', 'c':('d', 1)})
new_op_name, new_attr = attr_converter(attrs)
op_name : str or callable
If set as str, returned operator name is the str.
If set as callable, returned operator is the str returned by calling:
`op_name = func(attr)`
transforms : dict of `new_name, or (new_name, default_value, transform function)`
If only a new_name is provided, it's like renaming the attribute name.
If default_value if provided, then the attribute is considered as optional.
If transform function is provided, the original attribute value is handled
by transform function.
excludes : list
A list of excluded attributes that should `NOT` appear.
Raise NotImplementedError if occurred.
disables : list
A list of attributes that is disabled in relay. Log warnings.
ignores : list
A list of attributes that is ignored in relay. Debug level logging.
extras : dict
A series of additional attributes should be added anyway to the returned
attribute dict.
custom_check : callable
A custom function takes attribute, and return True/False.
Raise RuntimeError if not bool(True) returned.
def __init__(self, op_name, transforms=None,
excludes=None, disables=None, ignores=None,
extras=None, custom_check=None):
self._op_name = op_name
self._transforms = transforms if transforms else {}
self._excludes = excludes if excludes else []
self._disables = disables if disables else []
self._ignores = ignores if ignores else []
self._extras = extras if extras else {}
self._custom_check = custom_check
def __call__(self, inputs, attrs, *args):
# apply custom check
if self._custom_check:
func, msg = self._custom_check
if not func(attrs):
raise RuntimeError("Check failed: {}".format(msg))
# get new op_name
if isinstance(self._op_name, str):
op_name = self._op_name
assert callable(self._op_name), "op_name can either be string or callable"
op_name = self._op_name(attrs)
# convert attributes
new_attrs = {}
for k in attrs.keys():
if k in self._excludes:
raise tvm.error.OpAttributeUnImplemented(
'Attribute {} in operator {} is not supported.'.format(k, op_name))
elif k in self._disables:
logging.warning("Attribute %s is disabled in relay.%s", k, op_name)
elif k in self._ignores:
logging.debug("Attribute %s is ignored in relay.%s", k, op_name)
elif k in self._transforms:
new_name, defaults, transform = self._parse_default(self._transforms[k])
if defaults is None:
new_attr = self._required_attr(attrs, k)
new_attr = attrs.get(k, None)
if new_attr is None:
new_attrs[new_name] = defaults
new_attrs[new_name] = transform(new_attr)
# copy
new_attrs[k] = attrs[k]
# add extras
return _get_relay_op(op_name)(*inputs, **new_attrs)
def _parse_default(self, target):
"""Helper function to parse default values."""
if not isinstance(target, (list, tuple)):
k, v, t = target, None, lambda x: x
elif len(target) == 1:
k, v, t = target[0], None, lambda x: x
elif len(target) == 2:
k, v, t = target[0], target[1], lambda x: x
elif len(target) > 2:
k, v, t = target[0], target[1], target[2]
k = None # should raise
if not isinstance(k, str):
msg = "{} is not a valid target, (name, default) expected.".format(target)
raise ValueError(msg)
return k, v, t
def _parse_bool(self, value):
"""Helper function to parse default boolean values."""
if isinstance(value, str):
return value.strip().lower() in ['true', '1', 't', 'y', 'yes']
return bool(value)
def _required_attr(self, attr, key):
"""Wrapper for getting required attributes."""
assert isinstance(attr, dict)
if key not in attr:
raise tvm.error.OpAttributeRequired(
'Attribute {} not found in operator {}'.format(key, self._op_name))
return attr[key]
def _get_pad_pair(input1d, kernel1d, stride1d):
if input1d % stride1d == 0:
pad = max(kernel1d - stride1d, 0)
......@@ -195,12 +62,6 @@ def _get_pad_pair(input1d, kernel1d, stride1d):
return [pad_before, pad_after]
def _get_name_hint(node):
name = ''
if hasattr(node, "name_hint"):
name = node.name_hint
return name
def _math_name_picker(surfix):
def _impl(attr):
return 'broadcast_' + surfix
......@@ -222,30 +83,6 @@ def _dimension_constraint():
return False
return _dim_check, "Only 2d kernel supported."
def _infer_channels(node, params, transpose=False):
"""A hack for getting 'channels' or 'units' since tensorflow don't provide
these attributes. We check the shape of weights provided to get the number.
out_shape = _infer_shape(node, params)
channels = out_shape[0] if not transpose else out_shape[1]
return channels
def _infer_out_shapes(inputs, params):
"""A method to get the output shape of intermediate nodes in the relay graph."""
return [_infer_shape(inputs, params)]
def _infer_type(node):
"""A method to infer the type of an intermediate node in the relay graph."""
mod = _module.Module.from_expr(node)
mod = _transform.InferType()(mod)
entry = mod["main"]
return entry if isinstance(node, _expr.Function) else entry.body
def _infer_shape(node, params=None):
"""A method to get the output shape of an intermediate node in the relay graph."""
out_type = _infer_type(node)
return get_const_tuple(out_type.checked_type.shape)
def _get_param(params, input_node):
return params.pop(input_node.name_hint).asnumpy()
......@@ -280,7 +117,7 @@ def _argx(func, func_name):
def _elemwise(name):
def _impl(inputs, attr, params):
assert len(inputs) == 2, "{} take 2 inputs, {} given".format(name, len(inputs))
return _get_relay_op(name)(*inputs)
return get_relay_op(name)(*inputs)
return _impl
def _pooling(name):
......@@ -300,7 +137,7 @@ def _pooling(name):
msg = 'Value {} of attribute "data_format" of operator Pooling ' \
'is not valid.'
raise tvm.error.OpAttributeInvalid(msg.format(attrs['data_format']))
raise tvm.error.OpAttributeInvalid(msg.format(attr['data_format']))
if attr['_target_layout'] == "NCHW" and attr['data_format'] == "NHWC":
tmp_shape = attr['_input_shapes'][inputs[0]]
......@@ -539,7 +376,7 @@ def _crop_and_resize():
res_crop = _op.strided_slice(inputs[0], begin=begin, end=size)
# 2) Resize
res_resize = _get_relay_op('resize')(res_crop, **attrs)
res_resize = get_relay_op('resize')(res_crop, **attrs)
out = _op.concatenate([out, res_resize], axis=0) if out else res_resize
return out
return _impl
......@@ -598,7 +435,7 @@ def _check_numerics():
def _matmul():
def _impl(inputs, attr, params):
channels = _infer_channels(inputs[1], params, not attr['transpose_b'])
channels = _infer_channels(inputs[1], not attr['transpose_b'])
if attr['transpose_a']:
inputs[0] = _op.transpose(inputs[0], axes=(1, 0))
if not attr['transpose_b']:
......@@ -615,15 +452,10 @@ def _batch_matmul():
adj_y = attr['adj_y']
input_x = _op.transpose(inputs[0], axes=[0, 2, 1]) if adj_x else inputs[0]
input_y = _op.transpose(inputs[1], axes=[0, 2, 1]) if not adj_y else inputs[1]
ret = _get_relay_op('batch_matmul')(input_x, input_y)
ret = get_relay_op('batch_matmul')(input_x, input_y)
return ret
return _impl
def _undef():
def _impl(inputs, attr, params):
return _sym.__undef__()
return _impl
def _identity():
def _impl(inputs, attr, params):
return inputs[0]
......@@ -985,7 +817,7 @@ def _stridedSlice():
if begin_mask or end_mask or ellipsis_mask or new_axis_mask or shrink_axis_mask:
begin, end, stride, fshape_indices = _transform_mask(stride_dim, ellipsis_mask)
out = _op.strided_slice(inputs[0], begin=begin, end=end, strides=stride)
out_shape = _infer_shape(out, params)
out_shape = _infer_shape(out)
if not fshape_indices:
fshape_indices = range(len(out_shape))
......@@ -1178,8 +1010,8 @@ def _softplus():
exp_out = AttrCvt('exp')(inputs, attr)
inputs.append(tvm.relay.const(1, attr['T'].name))
rh = tvm.relay.const(1, attr['T'].name)
add_out = _get_relay_op('add')(exp_out, rh)
return _get_relay_op('log')(add_out)
add_out = get_relay_op('add')(exp_out, rh)
return get_relay_op('log')(add_out)
return _impl
def _topk():
......@@ -1200,7 +1032,7 @@ def _floordiv():
def _impl(inputs, attr, params):
assert len(inputs) == 2
div = AttrCvt('divide')(inputs, attr)
return _get_relay_op('floor')(div)
return get_relay_op('floor')(div)
return _impl
def _logical(name):
......@@ -1234,7 +1066,7 @@ def _space_to_batch_nd():
axes = [2 * i + 2 for i in range(M)] + [0] + [2 * i + 1 for i in range(M)] + \
list(range(1 + 2 * M, 1 + 2 * M + remaining_shape_length))
permuted_reshaped_padded = tvm.relay.transpose(reshaped_padded, axes=axes)
permuted_reshaped_padded_shape = _infer_shape(permuted_reshaped_padded, params)
permuted_reshaped_padded_shape = _infer_shape(permuted_reshaped_padded)
# Reshape permuted_reshaped_padded to flatten block_shape into the batch dimension,
# producing an output tensor of shape:
# [batch * prod(block_shape)] + [padded_shape[1] / block_shape[0], ...,
......@@ -1277,7 +1109,7 @@ def _batch_to_space_nd():
# [batch / prod(block_shape), input_shape[1] * block_shape[0] - crops[0,0] - crops[0,1],
# ..., input_shape[M] * block_shape[M-1] - crops[M-1,0] - crops[M-1,1],
# input_shape[M+1], ..., input_shape[N-1]]
reshaped_permuted_shape = _infer_shape(reshaped_permuted, params)
reshaped_permuted_shape = _infer_shape(reshaped_permuted)
cropped = reshaped_permuted
for axis in range(1, M+1):
crop = crops[axis - 1]
......@@ -1305,8 +1137,8 @@ def _log1p():
# op description:
def _impl(inputs, attr, params):
one = tvm.relay.const(1, attr['T'].name)
add_out = _get_relay_op('add')(inputs[0], one)
return _get_relay_op('log')(add_out)
add_out = get_relay_op('add')(inputs[0], one)
return get_relay_op('log')(add_out)
return _impl
# compatible operators that do NOT require any conversion.
......@@ -2399,7 +2231,7 @@ class GraphProto(object):
convert_map = convert_map if convert_map else _convert_map
convert_map_rnn = _convert_map_rnn
if op_name in identity_list:
sym = _get_relay_op(op_name)(*inputs, **attrs)
sym = get_relay_op(op_name)(*inputs, **attrs)
elif op_name in convert_map:
sym = convert_map[op_name](inputs, attrs, self._params)
elif op_name in convert_map_rnn:
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