Unverified Commit b5352ee2 by Yao Wang Committed by GitHub

[Relay][ADT]Static Tensor Array (#5103)

* Add other static tensor array ops

* Add tensor array get data

* Minor refactor

* Fix pylint

* Update docstring

* Make get data more generic

* Improve test

* Improve split test

* Improve get data

* Minor fix

* Further improvement for static shape

* Improve shape parsing

* Unify get_static_name
parent e63e08fe
......@@ -27,6 +27,545 @@ from .adt import PatternConstructor, PatternVar, PatternWildcard
from . import op
def _get_name_static(canonical, dtype, shape):
"""Get name for static shape tensor array op corresponding
to the canonical name"""
shape_str = '_'.join([str(dim) for dim in shape])
if len(shape_str) == 0:
shape_str = "scalar"
if canonical == 'tensor_t':
return 'static_tensor_{}_{}_t'.format(dtype, shape_str)
return "{}_{}_{}".format(canonical, dtype, shape_str)
class StaticTensorArrayOps(object):
"""Contains tensor array related ops for fixed rank tensor array"""
def __init__(self, prelude, dtype, shape):
"""Create tensor array ops registry"""
self.prelude = prelude
self.dtype = dtype
self.shape = shape
def get_name(self, canonical):
"""Get name corresponding to the canonical name"""
return _get_name_static(canonical, self.dtype, self.shape)
def get_var(self, canonical):
"""Get var corresponding to the canonical name"""
name = self.get_name(canonical)
return getattr(self.prelude, name)
def define_tensor_adt(self):
"""Defines the static tensor ADT, which is the container for tensors
with fixed shapes."""
tensor_type_name = self.get_name('tensor_t')
# Skip register if tensor type is already registered.
global_type_names = set()
for g_ty_var in self.prelude.mod.get_global_type_vars():
if tensor_type_name in global_type_names:
tensor_type_var = GlobalTypeVar(tensor_type_name)
setattr(self.prelude, tensor_type_name, tensor_type_var)
tensor_type = TensorType(self.shape, self.dtype)
tensor_constructor_name = self.get_name('tensor_constructor')
tensor_nil_name = self.get_name('tensor_nil')
tensor_nil_case = Constructor(tensor_nil_name, [], tensor_type_var)
tensor_case = Constructor(tensor_constructor_name, [tensor_type], tensor_type_var)
setattr(self.prelude, tensor_nil_name, tensor_nil_case)
setattr(self.prelude, tensor_constructor_name, tensor_case)
self.prelude.mod[tensor_type_var] = TypeData(tensor_type_var,
[tensor_nil_case, tensor_case])
def define_tensor_array(self):
"""Defines a function to create a tensor array with size n.
tensor_array(n) : Tensor[(), int32] -> list[tensor_t]
tensor_array_constructor_name = self.get_name("tensor_array")
tensor_array_constructor_var = self._create_global_var(tensor_array_constructor_name)
setattr(self.prelude, tensor_array_constructor_name, tensor_array_constructor_var)
tensor_nil_var = self.get_var('tensor_nil')
tensor_type_var = self.get_var('tensor_t')
n = Var("x", scalar_type('int32'))
body = If(equal(n, const(0)),
tensor_array_constructor_var(subtract(n, const(1)))))
self.prelude.mod[tensor_array_constructor_var] = \
Function([n], body, self.prelude.l(tensor_type_var()), [])
def define_tensor_take(self):
"""Defines a function to return a range of tensor_t on axis 0.
tensor_take(t, lower, upper) :
tensor_t -> Tensor[(), int32] -> Tensor[(), int32] -> tensor_t
# We don't register take for scalar tensor.
ndim = len(self.shape)
if ndim == 0:
take_name = self.get_name("tensor_take")
take_var = self._create_global_var(take_name)
setattr(self.prelude, take_name, take_var)
origin_tensor_constructor = self.get_var('tensor_constructor')
output_shape = [Any(),] + list(self.shape[1:])
tensor_type_var, tensor_constructor = \
t = Var('tensor', self.get_var('tensor_t')())
lower = Var('lower', scalar_type('int32'))
upper = Var('upper', scalar_type('int32'))
tvar = Var('t')
case = Clause(PatternConstructor(origin_tensor_constructor, [PatternVar(tvar)]),
op.arange(lower, upper, dtype='int32'),
self.prelude.mod[take_var] = \
Function([t, lower, upper],
Match(t, [case], False), tensor_type_var(), [])
def define_tensor_concatenate(self):
"""Defines a function to concatenate two tensor_t on axis 0.
tensor_concatenate(t) : tensor_t -> tensor_t -> tensor_t
# We don't register concatenate for scalar tensor.
ndim = len(self.shape)
if ndim == 0:
concat_name = self.get_name("tensor_concatenate")
concat_var = self._create_global_var(concat_name)
setattr(self.prelude, concat_name, concat_var)
output_shape = [Any(),] + list(self.shape[1:])
tensor_type_var, tensor_constructor = \
origin_tensor_constructor = self.get_var('tensor_constructor')
origin_tensor_type_var = self.get_var('tensor_t')
x = Var("x", origin_tensor_type_var())
y = Var("y", origin_tensor_type_var())
t1 = Var("t1")
t2 = Var("t2")
case = Clause(PatternConstructor(origin_tensor_constructor, [PatternVar(t1)]),
[Clause(PatternConstructor(origin_tensor_constructor, [PatternVar(t2)]),
tensor_constructor(op.concatenate([t1, t2], axis=0)))],
self.prelude.mod[concat_var] = \
Function([x, y], Match(x, [case], False), tensor_type_var(), [])
def define_tensor_expand_dims(self):
"""Defines a function to grow a tensor_t's rank by adding one dimension in front
of the original tensor_t.
tensor_expand_dims(t) : tensor_t -> tensor_t
expand_dims_name = self.get_name("tensor_expand_dims")
expand_dims_var = self._create_global_var(expand_dims_name)
setattr(self.prelude, expand_dims_name, expand_dims_var)
origin_tensor_type_var = self.get_var('tensor_t')
origin_tensor_constructor = self.get_var('tensor_constructor')
x = Var("x", origin_tensor_type_var())
# Note: we set the added axis to be Any() instead of 1 due to
# in stack op, we need to recursively concatenate.
tensor_type_var, tensor_constructor = \
self._get_adt_by_shape([Any(),] + list(self.shape))
t = Var("t")
case = Clause(PatternConstructor(origin_tensor_constructor, [PatternVar(t)]),
tensor_constructor(op.expand_dims(t, 0, 1)))
self.prelude.mod[expand_dims_var] = \
Function([x], Match(x, [case], False), tensor_type_var(), [])
def define_tensor_array_read(self):
"""Defines a function to get the nth element of a list. Assume the list has at least one
tensor_array_read(ta, n) : list[static_tensor_t] -> Tensor[(), int32] ->
Tensor[self.shape, self.dtype]
read_name = self.get_name("tensor_array_read")
read_var = self._create_global_var(read_name)
setattr(self.prelude, read_name, read_var)
tensor_type_var = self.get_var('tensor_t')
tensor_array = Var("tensor_array", self.prelude.l(tensor_type_var()))
n = Var("x", scalar_type('int32'))
self.prelude.mod[read_var] = \
Function([tensor_array, n], self.prelude.nth(tensor_array, n), tensor_type_var(), [])
def define_tensor_array_write(self):
"""Defines a function to update a tensor array at index n with value v.
tensor_array_write(ta, n, v) :
list[static_tensor_t] -> Tensor[(), int32] -> Tensor[self.shape, self.dtype] ->
write_name = self.get_name("tensor_array_write")
write_var = self._create_global_var(write_name)
setattr(self.prelude, write_name, write_var)
tensor_type_var = self.get_var('tensor_t')
tensor_array = Var("tensor_array", self.prelude.l(tensor_type_var()))
n = Var("x", scalar_type('int32'))
v = Var("v", tensor_type_var())
self.prelude.mod[write_var] = \
Function([tensor_array, n, v], self.prelude.update(tensor_array, n, v),
self.prelude.l(tensor_type_var()), [])
def define_tensor_array_unstack(self):
"""Defines a function to unstack the values of a tensor_t in a tensor array.
tensor_array_unstack_tensor(t) : tensor_t -> list[tensor_t]
ndim = len(self.shape)
# We don't register unstack for scalar tensor array
if ndim == 0:
helper_name = self.get_name("tensor_array_unstack_helper")
helper_var = self._create_global_var(helper_name)
setattr(self.prelude, helper_name, helper_var)
tensor = Var("t", TensorType(self.shape, self.dtype))
up = Var("up", scalar_type('int32'))
i = Var("i", scalar_type('int32'))
tensor_var = Var("tensor", TensorType(self.shape, self.dtype))
reduced_tensor_type_var, tensor_constructor = \
helper_body = \
If(equal(i, up),
self.prelude.cons(tensor_constructor(op.take(tensor, i, axis=0)),
helper_var(add(i, const(1)), up, tensor)))
self.prelude.mod[helper_var] = \
Function([i, up, tensor], helper_body, self.prelude.l(reduced_tensor_type_var()), [])
unstack_name = self.get_name("tensor_array_unstack")
unstack_var = self._create_global_var(unstack_name)
setattr(self.prelude, unstack_name, unstack_var)
shape = op.shape_of(tensor_var)
unstack_length = op.take(shape, const(0))
self.prelude.mod[unstack_var] = \
Function([tensor_var], helper_var(const(0), unstack_length, tensor_var),
self.prelude.l(reduced_tensor_type_var()), [])
def define_tensor_array_scatter(self, indices_shape=None, force_update=False):
"""Defines a function to scatter the values of a tensor_t in indices of a tensor array.
tensor_array_scatter(ta, indices, value) :
list[tensor_t] -> Tensor[(Any), int32] -> tensor_t -> list[tensor_t]
Set static indices shape by specifying indices_shape.
Set force_update to get static indices shape operator.
# When this operator has already been registered, only update
# when force_update is set. This should be used only when we need to
# redefine this op for static indices shape.
tensor_array_scatter_name = self.get_name("tensor_array_scatter")
if hasattr(self.prelude, tensor_array_scatter_name) and not force_update:
tensor_array_scatter_helper_name = self.get_name("tensor_array_scatter_helper")
tensor_array_scatter_helper_var = \
tensor_type_var = self.get_var('tensor_t')
ta = Var("ta", self.prelude.l(tensor_type_var()))
current = Var("current", scalar_type('int32'))
limit = Var("limit", scalar_type('int32'))
indices_ = Var('indices_', TensorType(indices_shape or [Any()], 'int32'))
values_ = Var('values_', self.prelude.l(tensor_type_var()))
write_var = self.get_var('tensor_array_write')
read_var = self.get_var('tensor_array_read')
helper_body = If(equal(current, limit),
write_var(ta, op.take(indices_, current),
read_var(values_, current)),
add(current, const(1)),
limit, indices_, values_))
self.prelude.mod[tensor_array_scatter_helper_var] = \
Function([ta, current, limit, indices_, values_],
helper_body, self.prelude.l(tensor_type_var()), [])
tensor_array_scatter_var = self._create_global_var(tensor_array_scatter_name)
setattr(self.prelude, tensor_array_scatter_name, tensor_array_scatter_var)
tensor_array = Var("tensor_array", self.prelude.l(tensor_type_var()))
indices = Var('indices', TensorType(indices_shape or [Any()], 'int32'))
values = Var('values', self.prelude.l(tensor_type_var()))
if indices_shape is None:
indices_shape = op.shape_of(indices)
limit = op.take(indices_shape, const(0))
limit = const(indices_shape[0])
body = tensor_array_scatter_helper_var(tensor_array, const(0), limit, indices, values)
self.prelude.mod[tensor_array_scatter_var] = \
Function([tensor_array, indices, values], body,
self.prelude.l(tensor_type_var()), [])
def define_tensor_array_split(self,
"""Defines a function to split the values of a tensor_t into a tensor array.
tensor_array_split(ta, value, lengths) :
list[tensor_t] -> tensor_t -> Tensor[(Any), int32] -> list[tensor_t]
Set static value and lengths shapes by specifying value_shape and lengths_shape.
Set force_update to get static value and lengths shape operator.
# Skip scalar case
ndim = len(self.shape)
if ndim == 0:
# When this operator has already been registered, only update
# when force_update is set. This should be used only when we need to
# redefine this op for static value/indices shape.
split_name = self.get_name("tensor_array_split")
if hasattr(self.prelude, split_name) and not force_update:
tensor_type_var = self.get_var('tensor_t')
tensor_array_split_helper_name = self.get_name("ta_split_helper")
tensor_array_split_helper_var = \
setattr(self.prelude, tensor_array_split_helper_name, tensor_array_split_helper_var)
output_shape = [Any(),] + list(self.shape[1:])
output_tensor_type_var, _ = self._get_adt_by_shape(output_shape)
if value_shape is None:
value_type_var = tensor_type_var
take_var = self.get_var('tensor_take')
value_type_var, _ = self._get_adt_by_shape(value_shape)
# Also get static shape take operator
origin_shape = list(self.shape)
self.shape = value_shape
take_var = self.get_var('tensor_take')
self.shape = origin_shape
ta1 = Var("tensor_array", self.prelude.l(output_tensor_type_var()))
value1 = Var('value1', value_type_var())
offset1 = Var('offset1', scalar_type('int32'))
current1 = Var('current1', scalar_type('int32'))
limit1 = Var('limit1', scalar_type('int32'))
lengths1 = Var('lengths', TensorType(lengths_shape or [Any()], 'int32'))
# Register write for output shape
origin_shape = list(self.shape)
self.shape = output_shape
write_var = self.get_var('tensor_array_write')
self.shape = origin_shape
helper1_body = If(equal(current1, limit1),
add(offset1, op.take(lengths1, current1)),
add(current1, const(1)),
add(op.take(lengths1, current1), offset1))))
self.prelude.mod[tensor_array_split_helper_var] = \
Function([ta1, value1, offset1, current1, limit1, lengths1],
helper1_body, self.prelude.l(output_tensor_type_var()), [])
split_var = self._create_global_var(split_name)
setattr(self.prelude, split_name, split_var)
tensor_array = Var("tensor_array", self.prelude.l(output_tensor_type_var()))
value = Var('value', value_type_var())
lengths = Var('lengths', TensorType(lengths_shape or [Any()], 'int32'))
if lengths_shape is None:
lengths_shape = op.shape_of(lengths)
lengths_limit = op.take(lengths_shape, const(0))
lengths_limit = const(lengths_shape[0])
body = tensor_array_split_helper_var(
self.prelude.mod[split_var] = \
Function([tensor_array, value, lengths], body,
self.prelude.l(output_tensor_type_var()), [])
def define_tensor_array_concat(self):
"""Defines a function to return the values in the tensor array as concatenated tensor_t.
tensor_array_concat(ta) : list[tensor_t] -> tensor_t
# We don't register concat for scalar tensor array.
ndim = len(self.shape)
if ndim == 0:
concat_name = self.get_name("tensor_array_concat")
concat_var = self._create_global_var(concat_name)
setattr(self.prelude, concat_name, concat_var)
output_shape = [Any(),] + list(self.shape[1:])
tensor_type_var, _ = self._get_adt_by_shape(output_shape)
# Register tensor concatenate and get tensor_nil var for output shape
origin_shape = self.shape
self.shape = output_shape
tensor_concat_var = self.get_var('tensor_concatenate')
tensor_nil_var = self.get_var('tensor_nil')
self.shape = origin_shape
tensor_array = Var("tensor_array", self.prelude.l(tensor_type_var()))
hd = Var("hd")
tl = Var("tl")
nil_case = Clause(PatternConstructor(self.prelude.nil), tensor_nil_var())
cons_case = Clause(PatternConstructor(self.prelude.cons, [PatternVar(hd), PatternVar(tl)]),
Match(tl, [
Clause(PatternConstructor(self.prelude.nil), hd),
tensor_concat_var(hd, concat_var(tl)))
], False))
self.prelude.mod[concat_var] = \
Match(tensor_array, [nil_case, cons_case], False), tensor_type_var(), [])
def define_tensor_array_stack(self):
"""Defines a function to get the values in the tensor array as a stack tensor_t.
tensor_array_stack(l) : list[tensor_t] -> tensor_t
stack_name = self.get_name("tensor_array_stack")
stack_var = self._create_global_var(stack_name)
setattr(self.prelude, stack_name, stack_var)
tensor_type_var = self.get_var('tensor_t')
tensor_array = Var("tensor_array", self.prelude.l(tensor_type_var()))
expand_dims_var = self.get_var('tensor_expand_dims')
# Register tensor_concatenate for output_shape
origin_shape = self.shape
output_shape = [Any(),] + list(self.shape)
self.shape = output_shape
concat_var = self.get_var('tensor_concatenate')
self.shape = origin_shape
tensor_array_expand_dims = self.prelude.map(expand_dims_var, tensor_array)
tensors = self.prelude.foldl(concat_var,
output_tensor_type_var, _ = self._get_adt_by_shape(output_shape)
self.prelude.mod[stack_var] = Function([tensor_array], tensors,
output_tensor_type_var(), [])
def define_tensor_array_gather(self):
"""Defines a function to return the selected values in a tensor array as tensor_t.
tensor_array_gather(ta, indices) : list[tensor_t] -> Tensor[(Any), int32] -> tensor_t
helper_name = self.get_name("tensor_array_gather_helper")
helper_var = self._create_global_var(helper_name)
setattr(self.prelude, helper_name, helper_var)
tensor_type_var = self.get_var('tensor_t')
output_shape = [Any(),] + list(self.shape)
output_tensor_type_var, _ = self._get_adt_by_shape(output_shape)
stack_var = self.get_var('tensor_array_stack')
read_var = self.get_var('tensor_array_read')
ta = Var("ta", self.prelude.l(tensor_type_var()))
accu = Var("accu", self.prelude.l(tensor_type_var()))
current = Var("current", scalar_type('int32'))
limit = Var("limit", scalar_type('int32'))
indices_ = Var('indices_', TensorType([Any()], 'int32'))
helper_body = \
If(equal(current, const(0)),
ta, op.take(indices_, subtract(current, const(1)))), accu),
subtract(current, const(1)),
limit, indices_))
self.prelude.mod[helper_var] = \
Function([ta, accu, current, limit, indices_],
helper_body, output_tensor_type_var(), [])
gather_name = self.get_name("tensor_array_gather")
gather_var = self._create_global_var(gather_name)
setattr(self.prelude, gather_name, gather_var)
tensor_array = Var("tensor_array", self.prelude.l(tensor_type_var()))
indices = Var('indices', TensorType([Any()], 'int32'))
indices_shape = op.shape_of(indices)
limit = op.take(indices_shape, const(0))
body = helper_var(tensor_array, self.prelude.nil(), limit, limit, indices)
self.prelude.mod[gather_var] = \
Function([tensor_array, indices], body, output_tensor_type_var(), [])
def define_tensor_get_data(self, data_shape):
"""Defines a function to get a Tensor from tensor_t with given shape.
tensor_get_data_name = self.get_name("tensor_get_data")
tensor_get_data_var = self._create_global_var(tensor_get_data_name)
setattr(self.prelude, tensor_get_data_name, tensor_get_data_var)
tensor_type_var, tensor_constructor = self._get_adt_by_shape(data_shape)
t = Var('tensor', tensor_type_var())
tvar = Var('t')
case =\
Clause(PatternConstructor(tensor_constructor, [PatternVar(tvar)]), tvar)
self.prelude.mod[tensor_get_data_var] = \
Function([t], Match(t, [case], False),
TensorType(data_shape, self.dtype), [])
def register(self):
"""Register all tensor array ops in Prelude"""
def _get_adt_by_shape(self, shape):
"""Get ADT type and constructor with given shape."""
origin_shape = self.shape
self.shape = shape
tensor_type_var = self.get_var("tensor_t")
tensor_constructor = self.get_var("tensor_constructor")
self.shape = origin_shape
return tensor_type_var, tensor_constructor
def _create_global_var(self, name):
"""Create a GlobalVar if doesn't exist in prelude."""
global_var_name_set = set()
for g_var_name in self.prelude.mod.get_global_vars():
if name not in global_var_name_set:
gvar = GlobalVar(name)
gvar = self.prelude.mod.get_global_var(name)
return gvar
class TensorArrayOps(object):
"""Contains tensor array related ops"""
......@@ -666,6 +1205,15 @@ class Prelude:
name = self.get_name(canonical, dtype)
return getattr(self, name)
def get_name_static(self, canonical, dtype, shape):
"""Get name corresponding to the canonical name"""
return _get_name_static(canonical, dtype, shape)
def get_var_static(self, canonical, dtype, shape):
"""Get var corresponding to the canonical name"""
name = self.get_name_static(canonical, dtype, shape)
return getattr(self, name)
def load_prelude(self):
"""Parses the Prelude from Relay's text format into a module."""
# TODO(@jroesch): we should remove this helper when we port over prelude
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ from tvm import te
from tvm import relay
from tvm.relay.backend.interpreter import ConstructorValue
from tvm.relay import create_executor
from tvm.relay.prelude import Prelude
from tvm.relay.prelude import Prelude, StaticTensorArrayOps
from tvm.relay.testing import add_nat_definitions, count as count_, make_nat_value, make_nat_expr
import numpy as np
......@@ -980,6 +980,395 @@ def test_tensor_array_split():
def test_static_tensor_take():
def run(dtype, shape):
mod = tvm.IRModule()
p = Prelude(mod)
static_tensor_array_ops = StaticTensorArrayOps(p, dtype, shape)
take = p.get_var_static('tensor_take', dtype, shape)
tensor_constructor = p.get_var_static('tensor_constructor', dtype, shape)
v = relay.var('v')
lower = relay.var('lower')
upper = relay.var('upper')
mod["main"] = relay.Function([v, lower, upper], take(tensor_constructor(v), lower, upper))
v_data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=8.0, size=shape).astype(dtype)
expected = [np.take(v_data, range(2, 5), axis=0)]
check_tensor_array(mod, expected, *(v_data, 2, 5), dtype=dtype)
expected = [np.take(v_data, range(0, 9), axis=0)]
check_tensor_array(mod, expected, *(v_data, 0, 9), dtype=dtype)
run('float32', [10, 10])
run('int32', [15, 11])
def test_static_tensor_concatenate():
def run(dtype, shape):
mod = tvm.IRModule()
p = Prelude(mod)
static_tensor_array_ops = StaticTensorArrayOps(p, dtype, shape)
concat = p.get_var_static('tensor_concatenate', dtype, shape)
tensor = p.get_var_static('tensor_constructor', dtype, shape)
v1 = relay.var('v1')
v2 = relay.var('v2')
mod["main"] = relay.Function([v1, v2], concat(tensor(v1),
v1_data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=8.0, size=shape).astype(dtype)
v2_data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=8.0, size=shape).astype(dtype)
expected = [np.concatenate((v1_data, v2_data))]
check_tensor_array(mod, expected, *(v1_data, v2_data), dtype=dtype)
run('float32', [5,])
run('int32', [2, 3])
def test_static_tensor_expand_dims():
def run(dtype, shape):
x = relay.var('x')
mod = tvm.IRModule()
p = Prelude(mod)
static_tensor_array_ops = StaticTensorArrayOps(p, dtype, shape)
expand_dims_func = p.get_var_static('tensor_expand_dims', dtype, shape)
tensor = p.get_var_static('tensor_constructor', dtype, shape)
mod["main"] = relay.Function([x], expand_dims_func(tensor(x)))
x_np = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=8.0, size=shape).astype(dtype)
expected = [np.expand_dims(x_np, axis=0)]
check_tensor_array(mod, expected, x_np)
run('float32', [])
run('int32', [2,])
def test_static_tensor_array_constructor():
def run(dtype, shape):
mod = tvm.IRModule()
p = Prelude(mod)
static_tensor_array_ops = StaticTensorArrayOps(p, dtype, shape)
tensor_constructor = p.get_name_static('tensor_constructor', dtype, shape)
assert tensor_constructor != None
run('float32', [1, 1])
def test_static_tensor_array_read():
def run(dtype, shape):
mod = tvm.IRModule()
p = Prelude(mod)
static_tensor_array_ops = StaticTensorArrayOps(p, dtype, shape)
np_data_list = []
ta_length = 3
for _ in range(ta_length):
np_data_list.append(np.random.uniform(0, 10, size=shape).astype(dtype))
v0 = relay.var('v0')
v1 = relay.var('v1')
v2 = relay.var('v2')
n = relay.var('n')
tensor = p.get_var_static('tensor_constructor', dtype, shape)
tensor_array = p.get_var_static('tensor_array', dtype, shape)
init_tensor_array = tensor_array(relay.const(ta_length))
read_func = p.get_var_static('tensor_array_read', dtype, shape)
write_func = p.get_var_static('tensor_array_write', dtype, shape)
tensor_array0 = write_func(init_tensor_array, relay.const(0),
tensor_array1 = write_func(tensor_array0, relay.const(1),
tensor_array2 = write_func(tensor_array1, relay.const(2),
mod["main"] = relay.Function([v0, v1, v2, n], read_func(tensor_array2, n))
expected = [np_data_list[0]]
check_tensor_array(mod, expected, *list(np_data_list + [0]), dtype=dtype)
expected = [np_data_list[1]]
check_tensor_array(mod, expected, *list(np_data_list + [1]), dtype=dtype)
expected = [np_data_list[2]]
check_tensor_array(mod, expected, *list(np_data_list + [2]), dtype=dtype)
run('float32', [])
run('int32', [2, 3])
def test_static_tensor_array_write():
def run(dtype, shape):
mod = tvm.IRModule()
p = Prelude(mod)
static_tensor_array_ops = StaticTensorArrayOps(p, dtype, shape)
ta_length = 2
np_data_list = [np.random.uniform(0, 10, size=shape).astype(dtype) for _ in range(ta_length)]
v0 = relay.var('v0')
v1 = relay.var('v1')
tensor_array = p.get_var_static('tensor_array', dtype, shape)
init_tensor_array = tensor_array(relay.const(ta_length))
write_func = p.get_var_static('tensor_array_write', dtype, shape)
tensor = p.get_var_static('tensor_constructor', dtype, shape)
tensor_array0 = write_func(init_tensor_array, relay.const(0),
tensor_array1 = write_func(tensor_array0, relay.const(1), tensor(v1))
mod["main"] = relay.Function([v0, v1], tensor_array1)
expected = np_data_list
check_tensor_array(mod, expected, *np_data_list, dtype=dtype)
run('float32', [])
run('int32', [2, 3])
def test_static_tensor_array_unstack():
def run(dtype, shape):
mod = tvm.IRModule()
p = Prelude(mod)
static_tensor_array_ops = StaticTensorArrayOps(p, dtype, shape)
unstack_tensor = p.get_var_static('tensor_array_unstack', dtype, shape)
v = relay.var('v')
mod["main"] = relay.Function([v], unstack_tensor(v))
t = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=10, size=shape).astype(dtype)
*expected, = t
check_tensor_array(mod, expected, t, dtype=dtype)
run('float32', [4])
run('int32', [2, 3])
def test_static_tensor_array_scatter():
def run(dtype, shape, indices_shape=None):
mod = tvm.IRModule()
p = Prelude(mod)
static_tensor_array_ops = StaticTensorArrayOps(p, dtype, shape)
if indices_shape is not None:
static_tensor_array_ops.define_tensor_array_scatter(indices_shape, True)
# tensor array
v1 = relay.var('v1')
v2 = relay.var('v2')
v3 = relay.var('v2')
tensor_array = p.get_var_static('tensor_array', dtype, shape)
tensor_array0 = tensor_array(relay.const(3))
write_func = p.get_var_static('tensor_array_write', dtype, shape)
scatter_func = p.get_var_static('tensor_array_scatter', dtype, shape)
tensor = p.get_var_static('tensor_constructor', dtype, shape)
tensor_array1 = write_func(tensor_array0, relay.const(0), tensor(v1))
tensor_array1 = write_func(tensor_array1, relay.const(1), tensor(v2))
tensor_array1 = write_func(tensor_array1, relay.const(2), tensor(v3))
# indices array
index = relay.var('index')
# values array
value_0 = relay.var('value_0')
value_1 = relay.var('value_1')
values_array = tensor_array(relay.const(2))
values_array = write_func(values_array, relay.const(0),
values_array = write_func(values_array, relay.const(1),
# create the scatter function
tensor_array_scatter = scatter_func(tensor_array1, index, values_array)
mod["main"] = relay.Function([v1, v2, v3, index, value_0, value_1],
# initialize and check
v1_data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=8.0, size=shape).astype(dtype)
v2_data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=8.0, size=shape).astype(dtype)
v3_data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=8.0, size=shape).astype(dtype)
index_data = np.array([0, 1], dtype="int32")
val1_data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=8.0, size=shape).astype(dtype)
val2_data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=8.0, size=shape).astype(dtype)
expected = [val1_data, val2_data, v3_data]
check_tensor_array(mod, expected, *(v1_data, v2_data, v3_data,
index_data, val1_data,
val2_data), dtype=dtype)
run('float32', [2, 3])
run('int32', [2, 3])
run('float32', [2, 3], [2,])
def test_static_tensor_array_split():
def run(dtype, shape, value_shape=None, lengths_shape=None):
mod = tvm.IRModule()
p = Prelude(mod)
static_tensor_array_ops = StaticTensorArrayOps(p, dtype, shape)
if value_shape is not None or lengths_shape is not None:
static_tensor_array_ops.define_tensor_array_split(value_shape, lengths_shape, True)
# tensor array
v1 = relay.var('v1')
v2 = relay.var('v2')
v3 = relay.var('v2')
adt_shape = [relay.Any(),] + shape[1:]
origin_shape = static_tensor_array_ops.shape
static_tensor_array_ops.shape = adt_shape
tensor_array = p.get_var_static('tensor_array', dtype, adt_shape)
static_tensor_array_ops.shape = origin_shape
tensor_array1 = tensor_array(relay.const(3))
write_func = p.get_var_static('tensor_array_write', dtype, adt_shape)
split_func = p.get_var_static('tensor_array_split', dtype, shape)
tensor = p.get_var_static('tensor_constructor', dtype, adt_shape)
tensor_array1 = write_func(tensor_array1, relay.const(0), tensor(v1))
tensor_array1 = write_func(tensor_array1, relay.const(1), tensor(v2))
tensor_array1 = write_func(tensor_array1, relay.const(2), tensor(v3))
# value tensor
value = relay.var('value')
# lengths tensor
ta_len = relay.var('length')
# create the split function
if value_shape is None:
tensor1 = p.get_var_static('tensor_constructor', dtype, shape)
static_tensor_array_ops = StaticTensorArrayOps(p, dtype, value_shape)
tensor1 = p.get_var_static('tensor_constructor', dtype, value_shape)
tensor_array_split = split_func(tensor_array1, tensor1(value), ta_len)
mod["main"] = relay.Function([v1, v2, v3, value, ta_len],
# initialize and check
v1_data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=8.0, size=[2, 3]).astype(dtype)
v2_data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=8.0, size=[2, 3]).astype(dtype)
v3_data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=8.0, size=[2, 3]).astype(dtype)
value_data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=8.0,
size=value_shape or shape).astype(dtype)
length_data = np.array([2, 2], dtype="int32")
expected = np.concatenate([value_data, v3_data])
expected = np.split(expected, indices_or_sections=[2, 4])
check_tensor_array(mod, expected, *(v1_data, v2_data, v3_data,
value_data, length_data),
run('float32', [4, 3])
run('int32', [4, 3])
run('int32', [relay.Any(), 3], [4, 3], [2,])
def test_static_tensor_array_concat():
def run(dtype, shape):
mod = tvm.IRModule()
p = Prelude(mod)
static_tensor_array_ops = StaticTensorArrayOps(p, dtype, shape)
v1 = relay.var('v1')
v2 = relay.var('v2')
tensor_array = p.get_var_static('tensor_array', dtype, shape)
tensor_array1 = tensor_array(relay.const(2))
write_func = p.get_var_static('tensor_array_write', dtype, shape)
concat_func = p.get_var_static('tensor_array_concat', dtype, shape)
tensor = p.get_var_static('tensor_constructor', dtype, shape)
tensor_array1 = write_func(tensor_array1, relay.const(0), tensor(v1))
tensor_array1 = write_func(tensor_array1, relay.const(1), tensor(v2))
tensor_array_concat = concat_func(tensor_array1)
mod["main"] = relay.Function([v1, v2], tensor_array_concat)
v1_data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=8.0, size=(2, 3)).astype(dtype)
v2_data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=8.0, size=(1, 3)).astype(dtype)
expected = [np.concatenate((v1_data, v2_data), axis=0)]
check_tensor_array(mod, expected, *(v1_data, v2_data), dtype=dtype)
run('float32', [relay.Any(), 3])
run('int32', [relay.Any(), 3])
def test_static_tensor_array_gather():
def run(dtype, shape):
mod = tvm.IRModule()
p = Prelude(mod)
static_tensor_array_ops = StaticTensorArrayOps(p, dtype, shape)
tensor_array = p.get_var_static('tensor_array', dtype, shape)
tensor = p.get_var_static('tensor_constructor', dtype, shape)
write = p.get_var_static('tensor_array_write', dtype, shape)
gather = p.get_var_static('tensor_array_gather', dtype, shape)
v = relay.var('v')
indice = relay.var('indice')
init_tensor_array = tensor_array(relay.const(3))
tensor_array1 = write(init_tensor_array, relay.const(0), tensor(v))
tensor_array2 = write(tensor_array1, relay.const(1), tensor(v))
tensor_array3 = write(tensor_array2, relay.const(2), tensor(v))
out = gather(tensor_array3, indice)
mod["main"] = relay.Function([v, indice], out)
t = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=8.0, size=shape).astype(dtype)
indice_data = np.array([0, 2], dtype="int32")
expected = [np.stack([t, t])]
check_tensor_array(mod, expected, *(t, indice_data), dtype=dtype)
run('float32', [])
run('int32', [2, 3])
def test_static_tensor_array_stack():
def run(dtype, shape):
mod = tvm.IRModule()
p = Prelude(mod)
static_tensor_array_ops = StaticTensorArrayOps(p, dtype, shape)
tensor_array = p.get_var_static('tensor_array', dtype, shape)
tensor = p.get_var_static('tensor_constructor', dtype, shape)
write = p.get_var_static('tensor_array_write', dtype, shape)
stack = p.get_var_static('tensor_array_stack', dtype, shape)
v = relay.var('v')
init_tensor_array = tensor_array(relay.const(3))
tensor_array1 = write(init_tensor_array, relay.const(0), tensor(v))
tensor_array2 = write(tensor_array1, relay.const(1), tensor(v))
tensor_array3 = write(tensor_array2, relay.const(2), tensor(v))
tensor_array4 = stack(tensor_array3)
mod["main"] = relay.Function([v], tensor_array4)
t = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=8.0, size=shape).astype(dtype)
expected = [np.stack([t, t, t])]
check_tensor_array(mod, expected, t, dtype=dtype)
run('float32', [])
run('int32', [2, 3])
def test_static_tensor_get_data():
def run(dtype, shape):
mod = tvm.IRModule()
p = Prelude(mod)
static_tensor_array_ops = StaticTensorArrayOps(p, dtype, shape)
np_data_list = []
ta_length = 3
for _ in range(ta_length):
np_data_list.append(np.random.uniform(0, 10, size=shape).astype(dtype))
v0 = relay.var('v0')
v1 = relay.var('v1')
v2 = relay.var('v2')
n = relay.var('n')
tensor = p.get_var_static('tensor_constructor', dtype, shape)
tensor_array = p.get_var_static('tensor_array', dtype, shape)
init_tensor_array = tensor_array(relay.const(ta_length))
read_func = p.get_var_static('tensor_array_read', dtype, shape)
write_func = p.get_var_static('tensor_array_write', dtype, shape)
get_data_func = p.get_var_static('tensor_get_data', dtype, shape)
tensor_array0 = write_func(init_tensor_array, relay.const(0),
tensor_array1 = write_func(tensor_array0, relay.const(1),
tensor_array2 = write_func(tensor_array1, relay.const(2),
mod["main"] = relay.Function([v0, v1, v2, n], get_data_func(read_func(tensor_array2, n)))
expected = [np_data_list[0]]
check_tensor_array(mod, expected, *list(np_data_list + [0]), dtype=dtype)
expected = [np_data_list[1]]
check_tensor_array(mod, expected, *list(np_data_list + [1]), dtype=dtype)
expected = [np_data_list[2]]
check_tensor_array(mod, expected, *list(np_data_list + [2]), dtype=dtype)
run('float32', [])
run('int32', [2, 3])
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