Commit a349f5ec by Siva Committed by Tianqi Chen

Better to check Infer result with topi results at build time instead of leaving…

Better to check Infer result with topi results at build time instead of leaving to a runtime error. (#476)
parent 3c3eb3b3
......@@ -202,6 +202,22 @@ class CompileEngine {
Array<Tensor> out = fcompute[inode.source->op()](
inode.source->attrs, op_inputs, out_info);
CHECK_EQ(out.size(), inode.source->num_outputs());
// check output dimentions also match
// This check is to make sure the NNVM operator Infer match with Compute result.
// Missing this check may pass the build but leads to runtime errors.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < out.size(); ++i) {
CHECK_EQ(out[i].ndim(), out_info[i].ndim()) << inode.source->op()->name;
tvm::Tensor inferred_tensor = out[i];
tvm::Tensor computed_tensor = out_info[i];
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < inferred_tensor->shape.size(); ++j) {
if ((as_const_int(inferred_tensor->shape[j])) &&
(*as_const_int(computed_tensor->shape[j]))) << inode.source->op()->name;
// schedule on root node, and use master's schedule
for (uint32_t index = 0; index < inode.source->num_outputs(); ++index) {
uint32_t eid = idx.entry_id(nid, index);
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