Commit 7e68d63f by Salem Derisavi Committed by ziheng

1) fixed a functional bug in loop partitioning algorithm that is exposed when…

1) fixed a functional bug in loop partitioning algorithm that is exposed when double splitting with indivisible factors 2) added a testcase (#2956)
parent 8b5b180a
......@@ -38,12 +38,20 @@ using arith::IntSet;
using arith::DeduceBound;
using arith::Intersect;
// a partition means the expr is equal to true in the interval
struct Partition {
Expr expr;
IntSet interval;
using PartitionKey = std::pair<const Node*, bool>;
struct PartitionKeyHash {
std::size_t operator()(PartitionKey const& k) const noexcept {
std::size_t h1 = std::hash<const Node*>{}(k.first);
std::size_t h2 = std::hash<bool>{}(k.second);
return h1 ^ h2;
// Each mapping (cond, cond_value) -> interval represents the fact that
// condition cond is proven to have value cond_value (true or false) in interval.
using Partition = std::unordered_map<PartitionKey, IntSet, PartitionKeyHash>;
bool ExprUseVars(Expr expr, const std::unordered_set<const Variable*>& vars) {
bool success = false;
PostOrderVisit(expr, [&vars, &success](const NodeRef& node) {
......@@ -140,7 +148,9 @@ class CandidateSelector final : public IRVisitor {
std::unordered_map<const Variable*, VarIsUsed> record_;
// Find valid partition for specific variable
// Populate partitions data structure, i.e., for a specific variable,
// find an interval in which each condition
// (currently, "likely" conditions) has fixed true or false value
class PartitionFinder : public IRVisitor {
explicit PartitionFinder(VarExpr current_var,
......@@ -188,10 +198,23 @@ class PartitionFinder : public IRVisitor {
Expr cond = op->args[0];
if (ExprUseVars(cond,
std::unordered_set<const Variable*>({current_var_.get()}))) {
// For cond, find out the interval, if exists, in which we can prove that cond is
// true. Also find the interval, if exists, in which we can prove that cond is
// false.
IntSet interval =
DeduceBound(current_var_, cond, hint_map_, relax_map_);
DeduceBound(current_var_, cond, hint_map_, relax_map_);
if (!interval.is_nothing()) {
partitions[cond.get()] = Partition{cond, interval};
// cond is true within interval
partitions[{cond.get(), true}] = interval;
Expr inverse_cond = InverseCond(cond);
if (inverse_cond.defined()) {
IntSet interval =
DeduceBound(current_var_, inverse_cond, hint_map_, relax_map_);
if (!interval.is_nothing()) {
// cond is false within interval
partitions[{cond.get(), false}] = interval;
} else {
......@@ -199,36 +222,59 @@ class PartitionFinder : public IRVisitor {
std::unordered_map<const Node*, Partition> partitions;
Partition partitions;
Expr InverseCond(const Expr& cond) {
// We expect most condition not to be of EQ or NE form.
// Currently we do not handle inversing EQ or NE.
Expr inverse_cond;
if (const LT* op =<LT>()) {
// a < b -> a >= b
inverse_cond = GE::make(op->a, op->b);
} else if (const GT* op =<GT>()) {
// a > b -> a <= b
inverse_cond = LE::make(op->a, op->b);
} else if (const LE* op =<LE>()) {
// a <= b -> a > b
inverse_cond = GT::make(op->a, op->b);
} else if (const GE* op =<GE>()) {
// a >= b -> a < b
inverse_cond = LT::make(op->a, op->b);
return inverse_cond;
VarExpr current_var_;
std::unordered_set<const Variable*> out_vars_;
std::unordered_map<const Variable*, IntSet> hint_map_;
std::unordered_map<const Variable*, IntSet> relax_map_;
// Eliminate the condition expressions by partitions
// Replace the set of conditions given by ps with cond_value (true or false)
class ConditionEliminator : public IRMutator {
explicit ConditionEliminator(const std::unordered_map<const Node*, Partition>& ps)
: ps_(ps) {}
explicit ConditionEliminator(const std::unordered_set<const Node*>& ps, bool cond_value = true)
: ps_(ps), cond_value_(cond_value) {}
using IRMutator::Mutate;
Expr Mutate(Expr e) final {
if (ps_.count(e.get())) return Mutate(const_true());
if (ps_.find(e.get()) != ps_.end()) {
return Mutate(cond_value_ ? const_true() : const_false());
return IRMutator::Mutate(e);
const std::unordered_map<const Node*, Partition>& ps_;
std::unordered_set<const Node*> ps_;
bool cond_value_;
// Insert the partition branch at the innermost thread scope
class ThreadPartitionInserter : public IRMutator {
explicit ThreadPartitionInserter(const std::unordered_map<const Node*, Partition>& ps,
explicit ThreadPartitionInserter(const std::unordered_set<const Node*>& ps,
Expr cond) : ps_(ps), cond_(cond), innermost_thread_scope_(false) {}
Stmt Mutate_(const AttrStmt* op, const Stmt& s) final {
......@@ -250,12 +296,13 @@ class ThreadPartitionInserter : public IRMutator {
const std::unordered_map<const Node*, Partition>& ps_;
const std::unordered_set<const Node*>& ps_;
Expr cond_;
bool innermost_thread_scope_;
// Try to do partition at the candidate IRs
// Try to partition range of iteration variables in order to remove (some)
// likely conditions
class LoopPartitioner : public IRMutator {
explicit LoopPartitioner(bool split_const_loop)
......@@ -273,7 +320,7 @@ class LoopPartitioner : public IRMutator {
if (s.defined()) return s;
// normal path when loop parittion fails
// normal path when loop partition fails
// normal loop variable can be put into hint map.
IntSet::interval(op->min, op->min + op->extent - 1)});
......@@ -316,6 +363,12 @@ class LoopPartitioner : public IRMutator {
Stmt TryPartition(const Node* op, const Stmt& stmt, VarExpr var,
Expr min, Expr max, Stmt body, bool partition_thread_scope);
std::pair<IntSet, std::unordered_set<const Node*>>
GetIntervalAndCondset(const Partition &partitions,
const arith::Interval &for_interval,
bool cond_value);
inline Stmt MakeFor(const Node* op, Expr extent, Stmt body);
/* Candidate IRs that may be partitioned potentially */
......@@ -324,6 +377,98 @@ class LoopPartitioner : public IRMutator {
CandidateSelector selector;
// Returns an interval (in the first component) in which all the conditions
// given in the second component provably have value given by cond_value
std::pair<IntSet, std::unordered_set<const Node*>>
LoopPartitioner::GetIntervalAndCondset(const Partition &partitions,
const arith::Interval &for_interval,
bool cond_value) {
Array<IntSet> sets;
std::unordered_set<const Node*> cond_set;
for (const auto &kv : partitions) {
if (kv.first.second == cond_value) {
arith::Interval interval =<arith::IntervalSet>()->i;
auto intersection = arith::Interval::make_intersection(interval, for_interval);
// TODO(derisavi): the following if statement needs to be removed as soon as
// TVM uses commit a768f2f0 of HalideIR repo
if (intersection.min.same_as(arith::Interval::pos_inf) ||
intersection.max.same_as(arith::Interval::neg_inf)) {
intersection = arith::Interval::nothing();
} else if (intersection.min.type() == intersection.max.type() &&
(intersection.min.type().is_int() ||
intersection.min.type().is_uint()) &&
can_prove(intersection.min > intersection.max)) {
intersection = arith::Interval::nothing();
if (!intersection.is_empty()) {
IntSet interval = sets.empty() ? IntSet::nothing() : Intersect(sets);
return std::make_pair(interval, cond_set);
Stmt AppendStmts(const Stmt& a, const Stmt& b) {
if (!a.defined()) {
return b;
} else if (!b.defined()) {
return a;
} else {
return Block::make(a, b);
* Tries to recursively partition the range of the variable (given by var) of
* the for loop (given by node and stmt) into a
* number of disjoint ranges such that in some ranges one or more predicates
* in the loopnest are provably true or false in each range. For example, given the
* following loop to partition:
* for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
* for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
* if (likely(i*10 + j < 36))
* A[10*i+j] = B[10*i+j]
* We first partition range of i, i.e., [0,3] into subranges [0,2] and [3,3] because the
* likely condition is always true for the first subrange but not always true for the
* second subrange. Therefore, we'll have
* for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
* for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
* if (likely(1))
* A[10*i+j] = B[10*i+j]
* for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
* for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
* if (likely((i+3)*10 + j < 36))
* A[10*(i+3)+j] = B[10*(i+3)+j]
* Which is simplified as:
* for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
* for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
* A[10*i+j] = B[10*i+j]
* for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) // loopnest 1
* if (likely(j < 6))
* A[30+j] = B[30+j]
* Now, we recursively partition j in loopnest 1 into subranges [0,5] and [6,9] where the
* condition is true for the first subrange and now always true for the second subrange.
* for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
* if (likely(1))
* A[30+j] = B[30+j]
* for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) // loop 2
* if (likely(j < 0))
* A[36+j] = B[36+j]
* Finally we recursively partition loop 2 above into subrange [0,3] where the
* condition is false and empty interval where the condition is not false,
* therefore we generate
* for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
* if (likely(0))
* A[36+j] = B[36+j]
* which will eventually be simplified to empty code. And because only one loop was generated
* from loop 2 we stop recursing.
Stmt LoopPartitioner::TryPartition(const Node* node,
const Stmt& stmt,
VarExpr var,
......@@ -333,29 +478,51 @@ Stmt LoopPartitioner::TryPartition(const Node* node,
bool partition_thread_scope) {
PartitionFinder finder(var, hint_map_, relax_map_);
const auto& partitions = finder.partitions;
if (partitions.empty()) return Stmt();
Array<IntSet> sets;
// merge partitions (take their intersect)
for (const auto& kv : partitions) {
if (finder.partitions.empty()) return Stmt();
arith::Interval for_interval(min, max);
bool cond_value;
IntSet middle_interval;
std::unordered_set<const Node*> cond_set;
// find an interval in which all conditions on var are true
std::tie(middle_interval, cond_set) =
GetIntervalAndCondset(finder.partitions, for_interval, true);
if (middle_interval.is_nothing()) {
// if such interval doesn't exist, find an interval in which all
// conditions on var are false
std::tie(middle_interval, cond_set) =
GetIntervalAndCondset(finder.partitions, for_interval, false);
if (middle_interval.is_nothing())
// we couldn't find an interval in which the condintions are provably true or false
// Therefore, we can't partition the loop based on those conds
return Stmt();
cond_value = false;
} else {
cond_value = true;
IntSet true_itrv = Intersect(sets);
arith::Interval middle_interval_i =<arith::IntervalSet>()->i;
// middle_interval is the subrange of the loop variable range for which a
// set of conditions are true (or false resp.)
// The part of the loop variable range that is before (after resp.) that
// subrange is prefixed with pre- (post- resp.)
// Calculating pre-subrange and generating code for it.
// pre-subrange = [min, body_begin)
Expr body_begin;
Stmt pre_stmt;
arith::Interval true_itrv_i =<arith::IntervalSet>()->i;
if (true_itrv_i.has_lower_bound()) {
body_begin = ir::Simplify(true_itrv.min());
bool pre_stmt_recurse = true;
if (middle_interval_i.has_lower_bound()) {
body_begin = ir::Simplify(middle_interval.min());
if (!can_prove(body_begin == min)) {
Expr cond = (body_begin - min >= 0);
if (!can_prove(cond)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Cannot prove: " << cond
<< ", when generating the pre doubt loop";
body_begin = Max::make(body_begin, min);
// stop recursing on this interval if we can't prove it has non-negative length
pre_stmt_recurse = false;
// [min, body_begin)
if (!partition_thread_scope) {
Stmt pre_body = Substitute(body, {{Var{var}, var + min}});
pre_stmt = MakeFor(node, body_begin - min, pre_body);
......@@ -365,31 +532,27 @@ Stmt LoopPartitioner::TryPartition(const Node* node,
body_begin = min;
// Calculating post-subrange and generating code for it.
// post-subrange = [post_doubt_begin, max]
Expr post_doubt_begin;
Stmt post_stmt;
if (true_itrv_i.has_upper_bound()) {
post_doubt_begin = ir::Simplify(true_itrv.max() + 1);
if (!can_prove(true_itrv.max() == max)) {
bool post_stmt_recurse = true;
if (middle_interval_i.has_upper_bound()) {
post_doubt_begin = ir::Simplify(middle_interval.max() + 1);
if (!can_prove(middle_interval.max() == max)) {
// require the extent to be non-negative
Expr cond = (max - post_doubt_begin + 1 >= 0);
if (!can_prove(cond)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Cannot prove: " << cond
<< ", when generating the post doubt loop";
post_doubt_begin = Min::make(post_doubt_begin, max);
// stop recursing on this interval if we can't prove it has non-negative length
post_stmt_recurse = false;
// [post_doubt_begin, max]
if (!partition_thread_scope) {
Stmt post_body;
// If the loop is going from 0 to 1, replace the loop var with min value
if (as_const_int(max) && as_const_int(post_doubt_begin)) {
if (*as_const_int(max) == *as_const_int(post_doubt_begin)) {
post_body = Substitute(body, {{Var{var}, post_doubt_begin}});
post_stmt = post_body;
} else {
post_body = Substitute(body, {{Var{var}, var + post_doubt_begin}});
post_stmt = MakeFor(node, max - post_doubt_begin + 1, post_body);
Stmt post_body =
Substitute(body, {{Var{var}, var + post_doubt_begin}});
post_stmt = MakeFor(node, max - post_doubt_begin + 1, post_body);
} else {
......@@ -397,25 +560,35 @@ Stmt LoopPartitioner::TryPartition(const Node* node,
Stmt s;
// Generating code for middle subrange
if (!partition_thread_scope) {
// [body_begin, post_doubt_begin)
Stmt simplified_body = ConditionEliminator(partitions).Mutate(body);
Stmt new_body = Substitute(simplified_body, {{Var{var}, var + body_begin}});
s = MakeFor(node, post_doubt_begin - body_begin, new_body);
if (!(pre_stmt.defined() && post_stmt.defined())) s = VisitAndMutate(s);
if (pre_stmt.defined()) s = Block::make(pre_stmt, s);
if (post_stmt.defined()) {
if (as_const_int(max) && as_const_int(post_doubt_begin)) {
post_stmt = VisitAndMutate(post_stmt);
Stmt mid_stmt;
if (!can_prove(body_begin >= post_doubt_begin)) {
// [body_begin, post_doubt_begin)
Stmt simplified_body = ConditionEliminator(cond_set, cond_value).Mutate(body);
Stmt new_body = Substitute(simplified_body, {{Var{var}, var + body_begin}});
mid_stmt = MakeFor(node, post_doubt_begin - body_begin, new_body);
// Recurse for each non-empty subrange only if there are at least
// two non-empty subranges
if (pre_stmt.defined() || post_stmt.defined()) {
mid_stmt = VisitAndMutate(mid_stmt);
if (pre_stmt.defined() && pre_stmt_recurse) {
pre_stmt = VisitAndMutate(pre_stmt);
if (post_stmt.defined() && post_stmt_recurse) {
post_stmt = VisitAndMutate(post_stmt);
s = Block::make(s, post_stmt);
s = AppendStmts(pre_stmt, mid_stmt);
s = AppendStmts(s, post_stmt);
} else {
Expr cond = const_true();
if (!can_prove(body_begin == min)) cond = cond && (var >= body_begin);
if (!can_prove(post_doubt_begin == (max + 1))) cond = cond && (var < post_doubt_begin);
s = ThreadPartitionInserter(partitions, cond).Mutate(stmt);
s = ThreadPartitionInserter(cond_set, cond).Mutate(stmt);
s = ConvertSSA(s);
return s;
......@@ -424,8 +597,13 @@ Stmt LoopPartitioner::TryPartition(const Node* node,
inline Stmt LoopPartitioner::MakeFor(const Node *node, Expr extent, Stmt body) {
const For *for_node = static_cast<const For*>(node);
return For::make(for_node->loop_var, 0, extent,
for_node->for_type, for_node->device_api, body);
if (can_prove(extent == make_const(Int(32), 1))) {
// If the loop extent is 1, do not create the loop anymore
return Substitute(body, {{Var{for_node->loop_var}, make_const(Int(32), 0)}});
} else {
return For::make(for_node->loop_var, 0, extent,
for_node->for_type, for_node->device_api, body);
class RemoveLikelyTags : public IRMutator {
......@@ -15,12 +15,21 @@
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import tvm
import numpy
def collect_visit(stmt, f):
ret = []
tvm.ir_pass.PostOrderVisit(stmt, lambda x : ret.append(f(x)))
return ret
def find_top_produce(stmt):
def f(x, ret):
if isinstance(x, tvm.stmt.ProducerConsumer):
ret = []
tvm.ir_pass.PostOrderVisit(stmt, lambda x : f(x, ret))
return ret[-1]
def lower(sch, args):
binds = {}
arg_list = []
......@@ -344,6 +353,37 @@ def test_conv_tiling():
stmt = tvm.ir_pass.Simplify(stmt)
assert(not any(collect_visit(stmt, lambda x: isinstance(x, tvm.stmt.IfThenElse))))
def test_double_splitting_with_indivisible_factors():
m = 48
A = tvm.placeholder((m,), name='A', dtype=dtype)
C = tvm.compute((m,), lambda i: A[i], name='C')
D = tvm.compute((m,), lambda i: C[i], name='D')
s = tvm.create_schedule(D.op)
co, ci = s[C].split(C.op.axis[0], factor=10)
do, di = s[D].split(D.op.axis[0], 32)
s[C].compute_at(s[D], do)
target = 'llvm'
with tvm.build_config(partition_const_loop=True):
f = tvm.lower(s, [A, C, D], name="fadd1", simple_mode=False)
func =, target=target)
# Find the beginning of the Halide IR corresponding to kernel code
# and make sure it doesn't have an if statements left
top_produce = find_top_produce(f.body)
assert(not any(collect_visit(top_produce, lambda x: isinstance(x, tvm.stmt.IfThenElse))))
# check functional correctness of generated code
ctx = tvm.context(target, 0)
a = tvm.nd.array(numpy.ones(m,).astype(dtype), ctx)
c = tvm.nd.array(numpy.zeros(m,).astype(dtype), ctx)
d = tvm.nd.array(numpy.zeros(m,).astype(dtype), ctx)
func(a, c, d)
tvm.testing.assert_allclose(c.asnumpy(), a.asnumpy(), rtol=1e-5)
tvm.testing.assert_allclose(d.asnumpy(), a.asnumpy(), rtol=1e-5)
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -361,3 +401,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
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