Commit 6fbda22d by eqy Committed by Tianqi Chen

use SetAffinity when logical cores > physical cores (hyperthreading) (#1453)

parent 8dbe7794
......@@ -253,9 +253,6 @@ class ThreadPool {
num_workers_, [this](int worker_id) { this->RunWorker(worker_id); },
exclude_worker0_ /* include_main_thread */));
num_workers_used_ = threads_->Configure(threading::ThreadGroup::kBig, 0, exclude_worker0_);
// if MaxConcurrency restricted the number of workers (e.g., due to
// hyperthreading), respect the restriction
num_workers_used_ = std::min(num_workers_, num_workers_used_);
~ThreadPool() {
for (std::unique_ptr<SpscTaskQueue>& q : queues_) {
......@@ -54,10 +54,16 @@ class ThreadGroup::Impl {
if (nthreads) {
num_workers_used = nthreads;
// if MaxConcurrency restricted the number of workers (e.g., due to
// hyperthreading), respect the restriction. On CPUs with N logical cores
// and N/2 physical cores this will set affinity to the first N/2 logical
// ones.
num_workers_used = std::min(num_workers_, num_workers_used);
const char *val = getenv("TVM_BIND_THREADS");
if (val == nullptr || atoi(val) == 1) {
// Skip if sorted_order.size() is bigger than the number of workers (threads_)
if (!(sorted_order_.size() > static_cast<unsigned int>(num_workers_))) {
// Do not set affinity if there are more workers than found cores
if (sorted_order_.size() >= static_cast<unsigned int>(num_workers_)) {
SetAffinity(exclude_worker0, mode == kLittle);
} else {
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