Unverified Commit 5f0ffe3c by shoubhik Committed by GitHub

Fix for issue #4831. The data_min_idx and data_max_idx were flipped. (#5136)

Existing test cases cover this fix. In addition I have added an assert to make sure that the data_min is always less than equal to data_max.
parent 25d35421
......@@ -1229,6 +1229,7 @@ def _qnn_conv(inputs, attrs, subgraphs, params):
""" Finds the Qnn params for the data expr. """
data_min = _inputs[_data_min_idx]
data_max = _inputs[_data_max_idx]
assert data_min <= data_max
data_dtype = _infer_type(_data).checked_type.dtype
assert data_dtype in {'int8', 'uint8'}
if data_min < 0.0:
......@@ -1420,8 +1421,8 @@ def _qnn_conv(inputs, attrs, subgraphs, params):
# Last 2 indexes are data min and max. If the conv has a sum, then last 2 indexes are
# for the second tensor. So, the data min max indexes are last 3 and 4
data_min_idx = -1
data_max_idx = -2
data_min_idx = -2
data_max_idx = -1
if has_sum:
data_min_idx = -4
data_max_idx = -3
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