Unverified Commit 5d3637f5 by Tianqi Chen Committed by GitHub

[DOCKER] Fix CI script (#1826)

parent ff76b462
......@@ -23,6 +23,13 @@ RUN bash /install/ubuntu_install_redis.sh
COPY install/ubuntu_install_golang.sh /install/ubuntu_install_golang.sh
RUN bash /install/ubuntu_install_golang.sh
# Rust env
COPY install/ubuntu_install_rust.sh /install/ubuntu_install_rust.sh
RUN bash /install/ubuntu_install_rust.sh
# SGX deps
COPY install/ubuntu_install_sgx.sh /install/ubuntu_install_sgx.sh
RUN bash /install/ubuntu_install_sgx.sh
ENV PATH $PATH:/root/.cargo/bin
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ RUN apt-get update
RUN echo 'debconf debconf/frontend select Noninteractive' | debconf-set-selections
RUN echo "Installing utility libraries"
RUN apt-get install -y apt-utils
RUN apt-get install -y apt-utils sudo
RUN apt-get install -y cmake g++ llvm
RUN apt-get install -y git
# make wget unzip libtinfo-dev libz-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends --force-yes curl
curl -sSo rustup.sh 'https://sh.rustup.rs'
# rustc nightly-2018-08-25 is the version supported by the above version of rust-sgx-sdk
bash rustup.sh -y --no-modify-path --default-toolchain nightly-2018-08-25
. $HOME/.cargo/env
rustup component add rust-src
cargo install rustfmt-nightly --force
cargo install xargo
apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -qq \
# for SGX SDK
apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends --force-yes \
build-essential git cmake \
wget python pkg-config software-properties-common \
autoconf automake libtool ocaml ocamlbuild \
# for SGX PSW
libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
autoconf automake libtool ocaml \
libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev curl
git clone https://github.com/intel/linux-sgx.git
cd linux-sgx
......@@ -19,10 +17,3 @@ git clone https://github.com/baidu/rust-sgx-sdk.git /opt/rust-sgx-sdk
cd /opt/rust-sgx-sdk
git checkout bdd75ca05f66d1f5df637182ec335970f769b03a
cd -
curl -sSo rustup.sh 'https://sh.rustup.rs'
# rustc nightly-2018-08-25 is the version supported by the above version of rust-sgx-sdk
bash rustup.sh -y --no-modify-path --default-toolchain nightly-2018-08-25
rustup component add rust-src
cargo install rustfmt-nightly --force
cargo install xargo
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