Commit 58967616 by Tianqi Chen Committed by GitHub

[TESTS] Jenkins test flow (#152)

parent 1ea72d6f
// -*- mode: groovy -*-
// Jenkins pipeline
// See documents at
// tvm libraries
tvm_lib = 'lib/, lib/, lib/libtvm.a, HalideIR/lib/libHalideIR.a,'
// command to start a docker container
docker_run = 'tests/ci_build/'
// timeout in minutes
max_time = 60
// initialize source codes
def init_git() {
checkout scm
retry(5) {
timeout(time: 2, unit: 'MINUTES') {
sh 'git submodule update --init'
def init_git_win() {
checkout scm
retry(5) {
timeout(time: 2, unit: 'MINUTES') {
bat 'git submodule update --init'
stage("Sanity Check") {
timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
node('linux') {
ws('workspace/tvm/sanity') {
sh "${docker_run} lint ./tests/scripts/"
// Run make. First try to do an incremental make from a previous workspace in hope to
// accelerate the compilation. If something wrong, clean the workspace and then
// build from scratch.
def make(docker_type, make_flag) {
timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
try {
sh "${docker_run} ${docker_type} make ${make_flag}"
} catch (exc) {
echo 'Incremental compilation failed. Fall back to build from scratch'
sh "${docker_run} ${docker_type} make clean"
sh "${docker_run} ${docker_type} make ${make_flag}"
// pack libraries for later use
def pack_lib(name, libs=tvm_lib) {
sh """
echo "Packing ${libs} into ${name}"
echo ${libs} | sed -e 's/,/ /g' | xargs md5sum
stash includes: libs, name: name
// unpack libraries saved before
def unpack_lib(name, libs=tvm_lib) {
unstash name
sh """
echo "Unpacked ${libs} from ${name}"
echo ${libs} | sed -e 's/,/ /g' | xargs md5sum
stage('Build') {
parallel 'GPU': {
node('GPU' && 'linux') {
ws('workspace/tvm/build-gpu') {
sh """
cp make/ .
echo USE_CUDA=1 >>
echo USE_OPENCL=1 >>
echo LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config >>
echo USE_RPC=1 >>
echo USE_BLAS=openblas >>
make('gpu', '-j4')
'CPU': {
node('CPU' && 'linux') {
ws('workspace/tvm/build-cpu') {
sh """
cp make/ .
echo USE_CUDA=0 >>
echo USE_OPENCL=0 >>
echo USE_RPC=0 >>
make('cpu', '-j4')
stage('Unit Test') {
parallel 'python2/3: GPU': {
node('GPU' && 'linux') {
ws('workspace/tvm/ut-python-gpu') {
unpack_lib('gpu', tvm_lib)
timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
sh "${docker_run} gpu ./tests/scripts/"
'cpp': {
node('linux') {
ws('workspace/tvm/ut-cpp') {
unpack_lib('cpu', tvm_lib)
timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
sh "${docker_run} cpu ./tests/scripts/"
stage('Integration Test') {
parallel 'python': {
node('GPU' && 'linux') {
ws('workspace/tvm/it-python-gpu') {
timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
sh "${docker_run} gpu ./tests/scripts/"
'docs': {
node('GPU' && 'linux') {
ws('workspace/tvm/docs-python-gpu') {
timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
sh "${docker_run} gpu ./tests/scripts/"
...@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ The documentation of tvm is generated with recommonmark and sphinx. ...@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ The documentation of tvm is generated with recommonmark and sphinx.
- pip install sphinx>=1.5.5 sphinx-gallery sphinx_rtd_theme matplotlib Image recommonmark - pip install sphinx>=1.5.5 sphinx-gallery sphinx_rtd_theme matplotlib Image recommonmark
- Build tvm first in the root folder. - Build tvm first in the root folder.
- To build locally, you need to enable USE_CUDA, USE_OPENCL, USE_LLVM in and then type "make html" in this folder. - To build locally, you need to enable USE_CUDA, USE_OPENCL, LLVM_CONFIG in and then type "make html" in this folder.
...@@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ class Server(object): ...@@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ class Server(object):
def __init__(self, host, port=9091, port_end=9199): def __init__(self, host, port=9091, port_end=9199):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.port = None self.port = None
for port in range(port, port_end): for my_port in range(port, port_end):
try: try:
sock.bind((host, port)) sock.bind((host, my_port))
self.port = port self.port = my_port
break break
except socket.error as sock_err: except socket.error as sock_err:
if sock_err.errno in [98, 48]: if sock_err.errno in [98, 48]:
# For CPU
FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN apt-get update
COPY install/ubuntu_*.sh /install/
RUN bash /install/
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python-pip
RUN bash /install/
RUN bash /install/
FROM nvidia/cuda:cudnn
# Base scripts
RUN apt-get update
COPY install/ubuntu_*.sh /install/
RUN bash /install/
RUN bash /install/
RUN bash /install/
RUN bash /install/
RUN bash /install/
# Environment variables
ENV PATH=/usr/local/nvidia/bin:${PATH}
ENV PATH=/usr/clang+llvm-4.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-14.04/bin:${PATH}
ENV PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:${PATH}
ENV C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/include:${C_INCLUDE_PATH}
ENV LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64:/usr/local/nvidia/lib64:${LIBRARY_PATH}
ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64:/usr/local/nvidia/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
\ No newline at end of file
# For lint test
FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python-pip
RUN apt-get install -y doxygen graphviz
RUN pip install cpplint pylint
# CI Build Scripts
This directory contains the files and setup instructions to run all tests.
## Run locally
To run locally, we need to first install
[docker]( and
Then we can run the tasks defined in the [Jenkinsfile](../../Jenkinsfile) by
using (``)[./]. For example
- lint the python codes
./ lint make pylint
- build codes with CUDA supports
./ gpu make -j$(nproc)
- do the python unittest
./ gpu PYTHONPATH=./python/ nosetests --with-timer --verbose tests/python/unittest'
- build the documents. The results will be available at `docs/_build/html`
tests/ci_build/ gpu make -C docs html
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Execute command within a docker container
# Usage: <CONTAINER_TYPE> [--dockerfile <DOCKERFILE_PATH>] [-it]
# CONTAINER_TYPE: Type of the docker container used the run the build: e.g.,
# (cpu | gpu)
# DOCKERFILE_PATH: (Optional) Path to the Dockerfile used for docker build. If
# this optional value is not supplied (via the --dockerfile
# flag), will use Dockerfile.CONTAINER_TYPE in default
# COMMAND: Command to be executed in the docker container
SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
# Get the command line arguments.
CONTAINER_TYPE=$( echo "$1" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )
shift 1
# Dockerfile to be used in docker build
if [[ "$1" == "--dockerfile" ]]; then
echo "Using custom Dockerfile path: ${DOCKERFILE_PATH}"
echo "Using custom docker build context path: ${DOCKER_CONTEXT_PATH}"
shift 2
if [[ "$1" == "-it" ]]; then
shift 1
if [[ ! -f "${DOCKERFILE_PATH}" ]]; then
echo "Invalid Dockerfile path: \"${DOCKERFILE_PATH}\""
exit 1
# Validate command line arguments.
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ] || [ ! -e "${SCRIPT_DIR}/Dockerfile.${CONTAINER_TYPE}" ]; then
supported_container_types=$( ls -1 ${SCRIPT_DIR}/Dockerfile.* | \
sed -n 's/.*Dockerfile\.\([^\/]*\)/\1/p' | tr '\n' ' ' )
echo "Usage: $(basename $0) CONTAINER_TYPE COMMAND"
echo " CONTAINER_TYPE can be one of [${supported_container_types}]"
echo " COMMAND is a command (with arguments) to run inside"
echo " the container."
exit 1
# Use nvidia-docker if the container is GPU.
if [[ "${CONTAINER_TYPE}" == *"gpu"* ]]; then
# Helper function to traverse directories up until given file is found.
function upsearch () {
test / == "$PWD" && return || \
test -e "$1" && echo "$PWD" && return || \
cd .. && upsearch "$1"
# Set up WORKSPACE and BUILD_TAG. Jenkins will set them for you or we pick
# reasonable defaults if you run it outside of Jenkins.
# Determine the docker image name
# Under Jenkins matrix build, the build tag may contain characters such as
# commas (,) and equal signs (=), which are not valid inside docker image names.
DOCKER_IMG_NAME=$(echo "${DOCKER_IMG_NAME}" | sed -e 's/=/_/g' -e 's/,/-/g')
# Convert to all lower-case, as per requirement of Docker image names
DOCKER_IMG_NAME=$(echo "${DOCKER_IMG_NAME}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
# Print arguments.
echo "COMMAND: ${COMMAND[@]}"
echo ""
# Build the docker container.
echo "Building container (${DOCKER_IMG_NAME})..."
docker build -t ${DOCKER_IMG_NAME} \
# Check docker build status
if [[ $? != "0" ]]; then
echo "ERROR: docker build failed."
exit 1
# Run the command inside the container.
echo "Running '${COMMAND[@]}' inside ${DOCKER_IMG_NAME}..."
# By default we cleanup - remove the container once it finish running (--rm)
# and share the PID namespace (--pid=host) so the process inside does not have
# pid 1 and SIGKILL is propagated to the process inside (jenkins can kill it).
${DOCKER_BINARY} run --rm --pid=host \
-v ${WORKSPACE}:/workspace \
-w /workspace \
-e "CI_BUILD_USER=$(id -u -n)" \
-e "CI_BUILD_UID=$(id -u)" \
-e "CI_BUILD_GROUP=$(id -g -n)" \
-e "CI_BUILD_GID=$(id -g)" \
bash tests/ci_build/with_the_same_user \
# install libraries for building c++ core on ubuntu
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends --force-yes \
git make libgtest-dev cmake wget unzip libtinfo-dev libz-dev\
libcurl4-openssl-dev libopenblas-dev g++
cd /usr/src/gtest && cmake CMakeLists.txt && make && cp *.a /usr/lib
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends --force-yes make bison flex
tar xf verilog-10.1.tar.gz
cd verilog-10.1
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install -j8
cd ..
rm -rf verilog-10.1 verilog-10.1.tar.gz
cd /usr
tar xf clang+llvm-4.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-14.04.tar.xz
chmod -R a+xr clang+llvm-4.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-14.04
rm clang+llvm-4.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-14.04.tar.xz
cd -
# Install OpenCL runtime in nvidia docker.
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends --force-yes \
ocl-icd-libopencl1 \
clinfo && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
mkdir -p /etc/OpenCL/vendors && \
echo "" > /etc/OpenCL/vendors/nvidia.icd
echo "/usr/local/nvidia/lib" >> /etc/ && \
echo "/usr/local/nvidia/lib64" >> /etc/
# install libraries for python package on ubuntu
apt-get update && apt-get install -y python-dev python3-dev
# the version of the pip shipped with ubuntu may be too lower, install a recent version here
cd /tmp && wget && python3 && python2
pip2 install nose pylint numpy nose-timer cython
pip3 install nose pylint numpy nose-timer cython
pip install sphinx>=1.5.5 sphinx-gallery sphinx_rtd_theme matplotlib Image recommonmark
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script is a wrapper creating the same user inside container as the one
# running the outside the container. It also set the home directory
# for the user inside container to match the same absolute path as the workspace
# outside of container. Do not run this manually. It does not make sense. It is
# intended to be called by only.
set -e
if ! touch /this_is_writable_file_system; then
echo "You can't write to your filesystem!"
echo "If you are in Docker you should check you do not have too many images" \
"with too many files in them. Docker has some issue with it."
exit 1
rm /this_is_writable_file_system
getent group "${CI_BUILD_GID}" || addgroup --gid "${CI_BUILD_GID}" "${CI_BUILD_GROUP}"
getent passwd "${CI_BUILD_UID}" || adduser --gid "${CI_BUILD_GID}" --uid "${CI_BUILD_UID}" \
--gecos "${CI_BUILD_USER} (generated by with_the_same_user script)" \
--disabled-password --home "${CI_BUILD_HOME}" --quiet "${CI_BUILD_USER}"
usermod -a -G sudo "${CI_BUILD_USER}"
echo "${CI_BUILD_USER} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/90-nopasswd-sudo
sudo -u "#${CI_BUILD_UID}" --preserve-env\
...@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def test_matmul_add(): ...@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def test_matmul_add():
bb = 10.0 bb = 10.0
f(a, b, d, bb) f(a, b, d, bb)
np.testing.assert_allclose( np.testing.assert_allclose(
d.asnumpy(),, b.asnumpy()) + bb) d.asnumpy(),, b.asnumpy()) + bb, rtol=1e-5)
verify() verify()
make test -j8 || exit -1
for test in tests/cpp/*_test; do
./$test || exit -1
echo "Check codestyle of c++ code..."
make cpplint || exit -1
echo "Check codestyle of python code..."
make pylint || exit -1
echo "Check documentations of c++ code..."
make doc 2>log.txt
(cat log.txt| grep -v ENABLE_PREPROCESSING |grep -v "unsupported tag") > logclean.txt
echo "---------Error Log----------"
cat logclean.txt
echo "----------------------------"
(cat logclean.txt|grep warning) && exit -1
(cat logclean.txt|grep error) && exit -1
rm logclean.txt
rm log.txt
cd docs
PYTHONPATH=../python make html
export PYTHONPATH=python
make cython || exit -1
TVM_FFI=cython python -m nose -v tests/python/integration || exit -1
TVM_FFI=ctypes python3 -m nose -v tests/python/integration || exit -1
export PYTHONPATH=python
TVM_FFI=ctypes python -m nose -v tests/python/unittest || exit -1
TVM_FFI=ctypes python3 -m nose -v tests/python/unittest || exit -1
make cython || exit -1
make cython3 || exit -1
TVM_FFI=cython python -m nose -v tests/python/unittest || exit -1
TVM_FFI=cython python3 -m nose -v tests/python/unittest || exit -1
export PYTHONPATH=python
make verilog || exit -1
nosetests -v tests/verilog/unittest || exit -1
nosetests -v tests/verilog/integration || exit -1
...@@ -2,18 +2,7 @@ ...@@ -2,18 +2,7 @@
if [ ${TASK} == "lint" ] || [ ${TASK} == "all_test" ]; then if [ ${TASK} == "lint" ] || [ ${TASK} == "all_test" ]; then
if [ ! ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == "osx" ]; then if [ ! ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == "osx" ]; then
echo "Check codestyle of c++ code..." ./tests/scripts/ || exit -1
make cpplint || exit -1
echo "Check codestyle of python code..."
make pylint || exit -1
echo "Check documentations of c++ code..."
make doc 2>log.txt
(cat log.txt| grep -v ENABLE_PREPROCESSING |grep -v "unsupported tag") > logclean.txt
echo "---------Error Log----------"
cat logclean.txt
echo "----------------------------"
(cat logclean.txt|grep warning) && exit -1
(cat logclean.txt|grep error) && exit -1
fi fi
fi fi
...@@ -34,32 +23,21 @@ fi ...@@ -34,32 +23,21 @@ fi
if [ ${TASK} == "verilog_test" ] || [ ${TASK} == "all_test" ]; then if [ ${TASK} == "verilog_test" ] || [ ${TASK} == "all_test" ]; then
if [ ! ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == "osx" ]; then if [ ! ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == "osx" ]; then
echo ${PATH} make -f tests/scripts/ iverilog
make -f tests/travis/ iverilog
make verilog || exit -1
make all || exit -1 make all || exit -1
nosetests -v tests/verilog/unittest || exit -1 ./tests/scripts/ || exit -1
nosetests -v tests/verilog/integration || exit -1
fi fi
fi fi
if [ ${TASK} == "cpp_test" ] || [ ${TASK} == "all_test" ]; then if [ ${TASK} == "cpp_test" ] || [ ${TASK} == "all_test" ]; then
make -f dmlc-core/scripts/ gtest make -f dmlc-core/scripts/ gtest
make test || exit -1 ./tests/scripts/ || exit -1
for test in tests/cpp/*_test; do
./$test || exit -1
fi fi
if [ ${TASK} == "python_test" ] || [ ${TASK} == "all_test" ]; then if [ ${TASK} == "python_test" ] || [ ${TASK} == "all_test" ]; then
make all || exit -1 make all || exit -1
if [ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == "osx" ]; then if [ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == "osx" ]; then
python -m nose -v tests/python/unittest || exit -1 ./tests/scripts/ || exit -1
python3 -m nose -v tests/python/unittest || exit -1
make cython || exit -1
make cython3 || exit -1
TVM_FFI=cython python -m nose -v tests/python/unittest || exit -1
TVM_FFI=cython python3 -m nose -v tests/python/unittest || exit -1
else else
nosetests -v tests/python/unittest || exit -1 nosetests -v tests/python/unittest || exit -1
nosetests3 -v tests/python/unittest || exit -1 nosetests3 -v tests/python/unittest || exit -1
...@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ d = tvm.nd.array(np.zeros((n, m), dtype=D.dtype), ctx) ...@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ d = tvm.nd.array(np.zeros((n, m), dtype=D.dtype), ctx)
bb = 10.0 bb = 10.0
f(a, b, d, bb) f(a, b, d, bb)
np.testing.assert_allclose( np.testing.assert_allclose(
d.asnumpy(),, b.asnumpy()) + 10) d.asnumpy(),, b.asnumpy()) + 10, rtol=1e-5)
###################################################################### ######################################################################
# Extern Contrib Wrappers # Extern Contrib Wrappers
...@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ f =, [A, B], "llvm") ...@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ f =, [A, B], "llvm")
a = tvm.nd.array(np.random.uniform(size=(n,)).astype(A.dtype), ctx) a = tvm.nd.array(np.random.uniform(size=(n,)).astype(A.dtype), ctx)
b = tvm.nd.array(np.random.uniform(size=(n,)).astype(B.dtype), ctx) b = tvm.nd.array(np.random.uniform(size=(n,)).astype(B.dtype), ctx)
f(a, b) f(a, b)
np.testing.assert_allclose(b.asnumpy(), a.asnumpy() + 1) np.testing.assert_allclose(b.asnumpy(), a.asnumpy() + 1, rtol=1e-5)
###################################################################### ######################################################################
# Summary # Summary
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