Commit 5445a936 by tqchen

Refactor to use iterVar

parent 7591714a
Subproject commit eb2f7d604a611318fc685172847bcf5ba2fcf835
Subproject commit e96ee0f2fb5239021c0facd5398a9a96644bc411
* Copyright (c) 2016 by Contributors
* \file domain.h
* \brief Defines the domain in AST
#ifndef TVM_DOMAIN_H_
#define TVM_DOMAIN_H_
#include <ir/Range.h>
#include <memory>
#include "./base.h"
#include "./expr.h"
namespace tvm {
/*! \brief container class of reduction domain */
class RDomainNode;
class IterDomainNode;
* \brief same as Halide::IR::Range
* except it provide an constructor with (begin, end)
* \note Traditional Halide's Range have a constructor with
* (begin, extent), which does not match the convention in e.g. python.
* We decided to correct it by removing the constructor in HalideIR,
* and add it back in TVM's range.
class Range : public Halide::IR::Range {
/*! \brief constructor */
Range() {}
explicit Range(std::shared_ptr<Node> n) : Halide::IR::Range(n) {}
* \brief constructor by begin and end
* \param begin The begin of the range.
* \param end The end of the range.
Range(Expr begin, Expr end);
static Range make_with_min_extent(Expr min, Expr extent);
/*! \brief Domain is a multi-dimensional range */
using Domain = Array<Range>;
/*! \brief reduction domain */
class RDomain : public NodeRef {
/*! \brief constructor*/
RDomain() {}
explicit RDomain(std::shared_ptr<Node> n) : NodeRef(n) {}
* constructor by domain
* \param domain The domain of reduction.
explicit RDomain(Domain domain);
* \brief constructor by list of ranges
* \param domain The reduction domain
explicit RDomain(std::initializer_list<Range> domain)
: RDomain(Domain(domain)) {}
* \brief access the internal node container
* \return the pointer to the internal node container
inline const RDomainNode* operator->() const;
/*! \return The dimension of the RDomain */
inline size_t ndim() const;
* \param i the index.
* \return i-th index variable in the RDomain
inline Var index(size_t i) const;
/*! \return the 0-th index of the domain */
inline Var i0() const {
return index(0);
// low level constructor
static RDomain make(Array<Var> index, Domain domain);
/*! \brief use RDom as alias of RDomain */
using RDom = RDomain;
* \brief An iteration variable representing an iteration
* over a one dimensional domain.
class IterVarNode : public Node {
/*! \brief The */
Var var;
/*! \brief the domain of iteration */
Range dom;
/*! \brief additional tag on the iteration variable */
std::string tag;
/*! \brief reduction domain node */
class RDomainNode : public Node {
/*! \brief internal index */
Array<Var> index;
/*! \brief The inernal domain */
Domain domain;
/*! \brief constructor */
RDomainNode() {}
RDomainNode(Array<Var> index, Domain domain)
: index(index), domain(domain) {
void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("index", &index);
v->Visit("domain", &domain);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "RDomain";
inline const RDomainNode* RDomain::operator->() const {
return static_cast<const RDomainNode*>(node_.get());
inline size_t RDomain::ndim() const {
return (*this)->index.size();
inline Var RDomain::index(size_t i) const {
return (*this)->index[i];
// overload print function
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const RDomain& r){ // NOLINT(*)
os << "rdomain(" << r->domain << ")";
return os;
} // namespace tvm
#endif // TVM_DOMAIN_H_
* Copyright (c) 2016 by Contributors
* \file expr.h
* \brief Defines the expressions in AST.
* \brief The Expr and related elements in DataFlow construction.
#ifndef TVM_EXPR_H_
#define TVM_EXPR_H_
#include <ir/Expr.h>
#include <ir/IRPrinter.h>
#include <ir/IROperator.h>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include "./base.h"
namespace tvm {
......@@ -19,20 +21,14 @@ using Halide::Int;
using Halide::UInt;
using Halide::Handle;
// functions
using Halide::cast;
using Halide::min;
using Halide::max;
using Halide::abs;
using Halide::select;
using Halide::Expr;
using Halide::VarExpr;
using Halide::IR::FunctionRef;
using Halide::IR::FunctionBaseNode;
using Halide::Internal::Stmt;
using Halide::Internal::IRPrinter;
/*! \brief a named variable in TVM */
class Var : public Halide::VarExpr {
explicit Var(const std::string& name_hint = "v",
......@@ -41,5 +37,134 @@ class Var : public Halide::VarExpr {
explicit Var(std::shared_ptr<Node> n) : VarExpr(n) {}
/*! \brief container class of iteration variable. */
class IterVarNode;
* \brief same as Halide::IR::Range
* except it provide an constructor with (begin, end)
* \note Traditional Halide's Range have a constructor with
* (begin, extent), which does not match the convention in e.g. python.
* We decided to correct it by removing the constructor in HalideIR,
* and add it back in TVM's range.
class Range : public Halide::IR::Range {
/*! \brief constructor */
Range() {}
explicit Range(std::shared_ptr<Node> n) : Halide::IR::Range(n) {}
* \brief constructor by begin and end
* \param begin The begin of the range.
* \param end The end of the range.
Range(Expr begin, Expr end);
static Range make_with_min_extent(Expr min, Expr extent);
* \brief Iteration Variable,
* represents an iteration over an integer interval.
class IterVar : public NodeRef {
// construct a new iter var without a domain
IterVar() {}
// construct from shared ptr.
explicit IterVar(std::shared_ptr<Node> n) : NodeRef(n) {}
* \brief construction of iteration variable.
* \param dom The iteration domain.
* \param var_name The name of iteration variable.
* \param thread_tag The additional tag to indicate whether the var is binded to fixed-thread.
explicit IterVar(Range dom, std::string var_name = "i", std::string thread_tag = "");
* \brief access the internal node container
* \return the pointer to the internal node container
inline const IterVarNode* operator->() const;
* \return the corresponding var in the IterVar.
inline operator Expr() const;
/*! \brief specify container node */
using ContainerType = IterVarNode;
using Domain = Array<Range>;
// functions
using Halide::cast;
using Halide::min;
using Halide::max;
using Halide::abs;
using Halide::select;
* \brief sum of of source expression over rdom
* \param source The source expression.
Expr sum(Expr source, Array<IterVar> rdom);
* \brief max of of source expression over rdom
* \param source The source expression.
Expr max(Expr source, Array<IterVar> rdom);
* \brief max of of source expression over rdom
* \param source The source expression.
Expr min(Expr source, Array<IterVar> rdom);
// print functions for expr
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const NodeRef& n); // NOLINT(*)
// definition of Node.
* \brief An iteration variable representing an iteration
* over a one dimensional interval.
class IterVarNode : public Node {
/*! \brief The looping variable */
Var var;
* \brief the domain of iteration, if known, can be None
* For the intermediate schedule node, before schedule.
Range dom;
* \brief additional tag on the iteration variable,
* set this if this is binded already to a known thread tag.
std::string thread_tag;
void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("var", &var);
v->Visit("dom", &dom);
v->Visit("thread_tag", &thread_tag);
static IterVar make(Var var, Range dom, std::string thread_tag);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "IterVar";
// inline implementations
inline const IterVarNode* IterVar::operator->() const {
return static_cast<const IterVarNode*>(node_.get());
inline IterVar::operator Expr() const {
return (*this)->var;
} // namespace tvm
#endif // TVM_EXPR_H_
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
#include <type_traits>
#include <string>
#include "./base.h"
#include "./domain.h"
#include "./expr.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace ir {
......@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ struct Reduce : public ExprNode<Reduce> {
std::string op;
/*! \brief The source operand */
Expr source;
/*! \brief The reduction domain */
RDomain rdom;
/*! \brief The reduction domains */
Array<IterVar> rdom;
/*! \brief construct expr from name and rdom */
static Expr make(std::string name, Expr src, RDomain rdom);
/*! \brief construct expr from op and rdom */
static Expr make(std::string op, Expr src, Array<IterVar> rdom);
void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("dtype", &type);
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
#include <string>
#include "./expr.h"
#include "./domain.h"
#include "./tensor.h"
namespace tvm {
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
#include "./base.h"
#include "./expr.h"
#include "./domain.h"
namespace tvm {
......@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
#include "./base.h"
#include "./expr.h"
#include "./domain.h"
namespace tvm {
......@@ -66,8 +65,8 @@ class Tensor : public FunctionRef {
* \return the result expression representing tensor read.
Expr operator()(Array<Expr> indices) const;
// overload print function
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Tensor& t);
/*! \brief specify container node */
using ContainerType = TensorNode;
/*! \brief Operation that produces tensors */
......@@ -87,6 +86,8 @@ class Operation : public NodeRef {
* \return The i-th output.
Tensor output(size_t i) const;
/*! \brief specify container node */
using ContainerType = OperationNode;
/*! \brief Node to represent a tensor */
......@@ -162,11 +163,5 @@ inline size_t Tensor::ndim() const {
return (*this)->shape.size();
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Tensor& t) { // NOLINT(*)
os << "Tensor(shape=" << t->shape
<< ", name=" << t->name << ')';
return os;
} // namespace tvm
#endif // TVM_TENSOR_H_
......@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ def convert(value):
raise ValueError("don't know how to handle type %s" % type(value))
return value
def _push_arg(arg):
a = ArgVariant()
if arg is None:
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import as _abs
from ._ctypes._api import NodeBase, register_node
from . import _function_internal
from . import expr as _expr
class Array(NodeBase):
......@@ -19,11 +20,9 @@ class Array(NodeBase):
class Range(NodeBase):
def __repr__(self):
return ('Range(min='+ str(self.min) +
', extent=' + str(self.extent) + ')')
class RDomain(NodeBase):
class IterVar(_expr.ExprCompatible):
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import as _abs
from ._ctypes._api import NodeBase, register_node
from . import make as _make
class Expr(NodeBase):
class ExprCompatible(NodeBase):
def __add__(self, other):
return _make.Add(self, other)
......@@ -36,6 +36,10 @@ class Expr(NodeBase):
def __neg__(self):
return self.__mul__(-1)
class Expr(ExprCompatible):
class ConstExpr(Expr):
......@@ -103,33 +103,34 @@ def compute(shape, fcompute, name="TensorCompute"):
shape, name, body.dtype, op_node, 0)
def RDomain(dom):
"""Create a reduction domain given domain
def IterVar(dom, name='iter', thread_tag=''):
"""Create a iteration variable
dom : list of Range or list of pairs
The reduction domain.
dom : Range
The domain of iteration.
name : str
The name of iteration variable.
thread_tag : str
The thread tag of the iteration variable.
rdom : RDomain
The result rdomain
iter_var : IterVar
The result itervar
if not isinstance(dom, (list, tuple)):
dom = [dom]
elif not isinstance(dom[0], (list, tuple)):
dom = [dom]
dnorm = []
for x in dom:
if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
if len(x) != 2:
if isinstance(dom, (list, tuple)):
if len(dom) != 2:
raise ValueError("need to list of ranges")
dnorm.append(Range(x[0], x[1]))
dnorm = convert(dnorm)
return _function_internal._RDomain(dnorm)
dom = Range(dom[0], dom[1])
if not isinstance(dom, _collections.Range):
raise ValueError("dom need to be Range")
return _function_internal._IterVar(dom, name, thread_tag)
def sum(expr, rdom):
......@@ -143,10 +144,11 @@ def sum(expr, rdom):
rdom : RDomain
The reduction domainx
assert isinstance(rdom, _collections.RDomain)
rdom = rdom if isinstance(rdom, list) else [rdom]
x = _make.Reduce("Add", expr, rdom)
return x
def min(expr, rdom):
"""Create a min expression over rdom
......@@ -158,11 +160,11 @@ def min(expr, rdom):
rdom : RDomain
The reduction domainx
assert isinstance(expr, _expr.Expr)
assert isinstance(rdom, _collections.RDomain)
rdom = rdom if isinstance(rdom, list) else [rdom]
x = _make.Reduce("Min", expr, rdom)
return x
def max(expr, rdom):
"""Create a min expression over rdom
......@@ -174,8 +176,7 @@ def max(expr, rdom):
rdom : RDomain
The reduction domainx
assert isinstance(expr, _expr.Expr)
assert isinstance(rdom, _collections.RDomain)
rdom = rdom if isinstance(rdom, list) else [rdom]
x = _make.Reduce("Max", expr, rdom)
return x
from __future__ import absolute_import as _abs
from ._ctypes._api import NodeBase, register_node
from ._ctypes._api import NodeBase, register_node, convert
from . import collections as _collections
from . import make as _make
from . import expr as _expr
......@@ -10,7 +11,18 @@ class Tensor(NodeBase):
ndim = self.ndim
if len(indices) != ndim:
raise ValueError("Need to provide %d index in tensor slice" % ndim)
return _make.Call(self.dtype,, indices, _expr.Call.Halide, self, 0)
indices = convert(indices)
args = []
for x in indices:
if isinstance(x, _collections.IterVar):
elif isinstance(x, _expr.Expr):
raise ValueError("The indices must be expression")
return _make.Call(self.dtype,, args, _expr.Call.Halide, self, 0)
def ndim(self):
......@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
* \file
#include <tvm/expr.h>
#include <tvm/domain.h>
#include <tvm/tensor.h>
#include <ir/IROperator.h>
#include "./c_api_registry.h"
namespace dmlc {
......@@ -22,21 +20,9 @@ TVM_REGISTER_API(_format_str)
.set_body([](const ArgStack& args, RetValue *ret) {
using Halide::Internal::BaseExprNode;
using Halide::Internal::BaseStmtNode;
CHECK( == kNodeHandle);
std::ostringstream os;
auto& sptr =;
if (dynamic_cast<const TensorNode*>(sptr.get())) {
os << Tensor();
} else if (dynamic_cast<const RDomainNode*>(sptr.get())) {
os << RDomain();
} else if (dynamic_cast<const BaseExprNode*>(sptr.get())) {
os << Expr();
} else if (dynamic_cast<const BaseStmtNode*>(sptr.get())) {
os << Stmt();
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "don't know how to print input NodeBaseType";
os << NodeRef();
*ret = os.str();
.add_argument("expr", "Node", "expression to be printed");
......@@ -5,10 +5,8 @@
#include <tvm/expr.h>
#include <tvm/tensor.h>
#include <tvm/domain.h>
#include <tvm/split.h>
#include <tvm/schedule.h>
#include <ir/IROperator.h>
#include "./c_api_registry.h"
namespace tvm {
......@@ -95,11 +93,13 @@ TVM_REGISTER_API(_ComputeOp);
.set_body([](const ArgStack& args, RetValue *ret) {
*ret = RDomain( Domain());
*ret = IterVar(,,;
.set_body([](const ArgStack& args, RetValue *ret) {
*ret = DimSplitNode::make(,;
......@@ -125,8 +125,14 @@ class APIVariantValue {
return Expr(static_cast<float>(operator double()));
CHECK_EQ(type_id, kNodeHandle);
if (sptr->is_type<IterVarNode>()) {
return IterVar(sptr)->var;
} else {
CHECK(dynamic_cast<typename Expr::ContainerType*>(sptr.get()))
<< "did not pass in Expr in a place need Expr";
return Expr(sptr);
inline operator double() const {
CHECK_EQ(type_id, kDouble);
return v_union.v_double;
* Copyright (c) 2016 by Contributors
* \file
#include <tvm/base.h>
#include <tvm/domain.h>
namespace tvm {
Range::Range(Expr begin, Expr end)
: Range(std::make_shared<Halide::IR::RangeNode>(begin, end - begin)) {
// TODO(tqchen) add simplify to end - begin
Range Range::make_with_min_extent(Expr min, Expr extent) {
return Range(std::make_shared<Halide::IR::RangeNode>(min, extent));
RDomain::RDomain(Domain domain) {
std::vector<Var> index;
for (size_t i = 0; i < domain.size(); ++i) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "reduction_index" << i;
Array<Var> idx(index);
node_ = std::make_shared<RDomainNode>(
std::move(idx), std::move(domain));
RDomain RDomain::make(Array<Var> index, Domain domain) {
return RDomain(std::make_shared<RDomainNode>(index, domain));
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2016 by Contributors
* \file
#include <tvm/base.h>
#include <tvm/expr.h>
#include <tvm/ir.h>
#include <ir/IRPrinter.h>
#include <memory>
namespace dmlc {
} // namespace dmlc
namespace tvm {
Range::Range(Expr begin, Expr end)
: Range(std::make_shared<Halide::IR::RangeNode>(begin, end - begin)) {
// TODO(tqchen) add simplify to end - begin
Range Range::make_with_min_extent(Expr min, Expr extent) {
return Range(std::make_shared<Halide::IR::RangeNode>(min, extent));
IterVar::IterVar(Range dom, std::string var_name, std::string thread_tag)
: IterVar(IterVarNode::make(Var(var_name, Int(32)), dom, thread_tag)) {}
IterVar IterVarNode::make(Var var, Range dom, std::string thread_tag) {
std::shared_ptr<IterVarNode> n = std::make_shared<IterVarNode>();
n->var = var;
n->dom = dom;
n->thread_tag = thread_tag;
return IterVar(n);
Expr sum(Expr source, Array<IterVar> rdom) {
return ir::Reduce::make("Add", source, rdom);
Expr max(Expr source, Array<IterVar> rdom) {
return ir::Reduce::make("Max", source, rdom);
Expr min(Expr source, Array<IterVar> rdom) {
return ir::Reduce::make("Min", source, rdom);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const NodeRef& n) { // NOLINT(*)
return os;
.set_dispatch<IterVarNode>([](const IterVarNode *op, IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "iter_var(";
if (op->var->name_hint.length() != 0) {
p->stream << op->var->name_hint << ", ";
p->stream << op->dom;
if (op->thread_tag.length() != 0) {
p->stream << ", " << op->thread_tag;
p->stream << ")";
.set_dispatch<Halide::IR::RangeNode>([](const Halide::IR::RangeNode *op, IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "range(min=" << op->min << ", ext=" << op->extent << ')';
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2016 by Contributors
* \file
* \file
#include <tvm/base.h>
#include <tvm/expr.h>
......@@ -9,11 +9,6 @@
#include <ir/IRPrinter.h>
#include <memory>
namespace dmlc {
} // namespace dmlc
namespace Halide {
namespace Internal {
......@@ -53,9 +48,12 @@ TVM_STATIC_IR_FUNCTOR(IRPrinter, vtable)
namespace tvm {
namespace ir {
Expr Reduce::make(std::string op, Expr source, RDomain rdom) {
Expr Reduce::make(std::string op, Expr source, Array<IterVar> rdom) {
auto n = std::make_shared<Reduce>();
for (size_t i = 0; i < rdom.size(); ++i) {
n->type = source.type();
n->source = source;
n->op = op;
......@@ -41,6 +41,12 @@ Tensor TensorNode::make(Array<Expr> shape,
return Tensor(n);
.set_dispatch<TensorNode>([](const TensorNode *t, IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "Tensor(shape=" << t->shape
<< ", name=" << t->name << ')';
} // namespace tvm
......@@ -42,27 +42,29 @@ inline Array<Expr> MutateArray(Array<Expr> arr, IRMutator *m) {
inline RDomain MutateRDom(RDomain rdom, IRMutator *m) {
std::vector<Range> new_dom(rdom->domain.size());
inline Array<IterVar> MutateRDom(Array<IterVar> rdom, IRMutator *m) {
std::vector<IterVar> new_dom(rdom.size());
bool changed = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rdom->domain.size(); i++) {
Range r = rdom->domain[i];
for (size_t i = 0; i < rdom.size(); i++) {
IterVar v = rdom[i];
Range r = v->dom;
Expr new_min = m->Mutate(r->min);
Expr new_extent = m->Mutate(r->extent);
if (!r->min.same_as(new_min)) changed = true;
if (!r->extent.same_as(new_extent)) changed = true;
new_dom[i] = Range::make_with_min_extent(new_min, new_extent);
new_dom[i] = IterVarNode::make(
v->var, Range::make_with_min_extent(new_min, new_extent), v->thread_tag);
if (!changed) {
return rdom;
} else {
return RDomain::make(rdom->index, Domain(new_dom));
return Array<IterVar>(new_dom);
TVM_STATIC_IR_FUNCTOR(IRMutator, vtable_expr)
.set_dispatch<Reduce>([](const Reduce* op, const Expr& e, IRMutator* m) {
RDomain new_rdom = MutateRDom(op->rdom, m);
Array<IterVar> new_rdom = MutateRDom(op->rdom, m);
Expr new_source = m->Mutate(op->source);
if (op->rdom.same_as(new_rdom) &&
op->source.same_as(new_source)) {
......@@ -45,15 +45,15 @@ using namespace Halide::Internal;
void NoOp(const NodeRef& n, IRVisitor* v) {
inline void VisitArray(Array<Expr> arr, IRVisitor* v) {
inline void VisitArray(const Array<Expr>& arr, IRVisitor* v) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
inline void VisitRDom(RDomain rdom, IRVisitor* v) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < rdom->domain.size(); i++) {
Range r = rdom->domain[i];
inline void VisitRDom(const Array<IterVar>& rdom, IRVisitor* v) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < rdom.size(); i++) {
Range r = rdom[i]->dom;
......@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ void MakeLoop(const DimSplitNode* op,
Stmt MakePipeline(const Schedule& sch, Stmt body) {
return body;
#include <dmlc/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <tvm/tvm.h>
......@@ -14,6 +13,19 @@ TEST(Tensor, Basic) {
}, "C");
TEST(Tensor, Reduce) {
using namespace tvm;
Var m("m"), n("n"), l("l");
Tensor A({m, l}, "A");
Tensor B({n, l}, "B");
IterVar rv(Range{0, l}, "k");
auto C = Compute({m, n}, [&](Var i, Var j) {
return sum(max(A(i, rv) * B(j, rv), 1), {rv});
}, "C");
LOG(INFO) << C-><ComputeOpNode>()->body;
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
testing::FLAGS_gtest_death_test_style = "threadsafe";
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ def test_tensor():
A = tvm.placeholder((m, l), name='A')
B = tvm.placeholder((n, l), name='B')
T = tvm.compute((m, n, l), lambda i, j, k: A(i, k) * B(j, k))
assert(tuple(T.shape) == (m, n, l))
assert(A.source is None)
......@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ def test_tensor_reduce():
A = tvm.placeholder((m, l), name='A')
B = tvm.placeholder((n, l), name='B')
T = tvm.compute((m, n, l), lambda i, j, k: A(i, k) * B(j, k))
rd = tvm.RDomain(tvm.Range(A.shape[1]))
C = tvm.compute((m, n), lambda i, j: tvm.sum(T(i, j, rd.index[0]), rdom=rd))
rv = tvm.IterVar((0, A.shape[1]), name="k")
C = tvm.compute((m, n), lambda i, j: tvm.sum(T(i, j, rv+1), rdom=rv))
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