Commit 51fe00fb by Jared Roesch Committed by Tianqi Chen

[High level OPT][RFC] NNVMv2 IR - Relay (#1672)

parent 543c4240
......@@ -104,6 +104,12 @@ file(GLOB COMPILER_SRCS
file(GLOB COMPILER_VERILOG_SRCS src/codegen/verilog/*.cc)
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(curr_path, '../vta/python'))
# General information about the project.
project = u'tvm'
author = u'%s developers' % project
copyright = u'2017, %s' % author
copyright = u'2018, %s' % author
github_doc_root = ''
# add markdown parser
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file tvm/relay/base.h
* \brief Base classes for the Relay IR.
#include <tvm/api_registry.h>
#include <tvm/ir.h>
#include <tvm/node.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace tvm {
* \brief Relay: a high level functional IR for TVM.
* This namespace contains the abstract syntax tree, and other
* essential data structures for the Relay IR.
* You can find more about Relay by reading the language reference.
namespace relay {
* \brief we always used NodeRef for referencing nodes.
* By default, NodeRef is a std::shared_ptr of node
using NodeRef = tvm::NodeRef;
* \brief Content data type.
using DataType = ::tvm::Type;
* \brief Symbolic expression for tensor shape.
using ShapeExpr = ::tvm::Expr;
* \brief Hash function for nodes.
* e.g. std::unordered_map<Expr, Value, NodeHash, NodeEqual>
using NodeHash = ::tvm::NodeHash;
* \brief Equality check function for nodes.
using NodeEqual = ::tvm::NodeEqual;
* \brief Macro to make it easy to define node ref type given node
* \param TypeName The name of the reference type.
* \param NodeName The internal container name.
* \param NodeRefBase The base type.
#define RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(TypeName, NodeName, NodeRefBase) \
class TypeName : public NodeRefBase { \
public: \
TypeName() {} \
explicit TypeName(std::shared_ptr<::tvm::Node> n) : NodeRefBase(n) {} \
const NodeName* operator->() const { \
return static_cast<const NodeName*>(node_.get()); \
} \
operator bool() { return this->defined(); } \
using ContainerType = NodeName; \
* \brief The source name in the Span
* \sa SourceNameNode, Span
class SourceName;
* \brief The name of a source fragment.
class SourceNameNode : public Node {
/*! \brief The source name. */
std::string name;
// override attr visitor
void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) final { v->Visit("name", &name); }
TVM_DLL static SourceName make(std::string name);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.SourceName";
* \brief The source name of a file span.
* \sa SourceNameNode, Span
class SourceName : public NodeRef {
/*! \brief default constructor */
SourceName() {}
/*! \brief constructor from node pointer */
explicit SourceName(std::shared_ptr<Node> n) : NodeRef(n) {}
* \brief access the internal node container
* \return the pointer to the internal node container
inline const SourceNameNode* operator->() const;
* \brief Get an SourceName for a given operator name.
* Will raise an error if the source name has not been registered.
* \param name Name of the operator.
* \return Reference to a SourceName valid throughout program lifetime.
TVM_DLL static const SourceName& Get(const std::string& name);
/*! \brief specify container node */
using ContainerType = SourceNameNode;
* \brief Span information for debugging purposes
class Span;
* \brief Stores locations in frontend source that generated a node.
class SpanNode : public Node {
/*! \brief The source name */
SourceName source;
/*! \brief Line number */
int lineno;
/*! \brief column offset */
int col_offset;
// override attr visitor
void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("source", &source);
v->Visit("lineno", &lineno);
v->Visit("col_offset", &col_offset);
TVM_DLL static Span make(SourceName source, int lineno, int col_offset);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.Span";
RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(Span, SpanNode, NodeRef);
* \brief This is the base node container of all relay structures.
class RelayNode : public Node {
/*! \brief The location of the program in a SourceFragment can be null,
* check with span.defined() */
mutable Span span;
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.Node";
* \brief Get a reference type from a Node ptr type
* It is always important to get a reference type
* if we want to return a value as reference or keep
* the node alive beyond the scope of the function.
* \param ptr The node pointer
* \tparam RefType The reference type
* \tparam NodeType The node type
* \return The corresponding RefType
template <typename RefType, typename NodeType>
RefType GetRef(const NodeType* ptr) {
static_assert(std::is_same<typename RefType::ContainerType, NodeType>::value,
"Can only cast to the ref of same container type");
return RefType(const_cast<NodeType*>(ptr)->shared_from_this());
// TODO(@tqchen, @jroesch): can we move these semantics to HalideIR
template <typename T>
inline const T* As(const NodeRef& node) {
const Node* ptr = static_cast<const Node*>(node.get());
if (ptr && (ptr->is_type<T>() || ptr->derived_from<T>())) {
return static_cast<const T*>(ptr);
return nullptr;
template <typename SubRef, typename BaseRef>
SubRef Downcast(BaseRef ref) {
CHECK(ref->template is_type<typename SubRef::ContainerType>())
<< "Downcast from " << ref->type_key() << " to "
<< SubRef::ContainerType::_type_key << " failed.";
return SubRef(ref.node_);
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
#endif // TVM_RELAY_BASE_H_
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file tvm/relay/environment.h
* \brief The global environment: contains information needed to
* compile & optimize Relay programs.
#include <tvm/relay/error.h>
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
#include <tvm/relay/op.h>
#include <tvm/relay/type.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
struct Environment;
/*! \brief The global environment of Relay programs.
* The global environment contains the global
* information needed to compile a Relay program.
* It contains all global functions, and configuration
* options.
* Many operations require access to the global
* Environment. We pass the Environment by value
* in a functional style as an explicit argument,
* but we mutate the Environment while optimizing
* Relay programs.
* The functional style allows users to construct custom
* environments easily, for example each thread can store
* an Environment while auto-tuning.
* */
class EnvironmentNode : public RelayNode {
/*! \brief A map from ids to all global functions. */
tvm::Map<GlobalVar, Function> functions;
EnvironmentNode() {}
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("functions", &functions);
v->Visit("global_map_", &global_map_);
TVM_DLL static Environment make(tvm::Map<GlobalVar, Function> global_funcs);
/*! \brief Add a function to the global environment.
* \param var The name of the global function.
* \param func The function.
* \param update Controls whether you can replace a definition in the
* environment.
void Add(const GlobalVar& var, const Function& func, bool update = false);
/*! \brief Update a function in the global environment.
* \param var The name of the global function to update.
* \param func The new function.
void Update(const GlobalVar& var, const Function& func);
/*! \brief Remove a function from the global environment.
* \param var The name of the global function to update.
void Remove(const GlobalVar& var);
/*! \brief Lookup a global function by its variable.
* \param str The unique string specifying the global variable.
* \returns The global variable.
GlobalVar GetGlobalVar(const std::string& str);
/*! \brief Lookup a global function by its variable.
* \param var The global var to lookup.
* \returns The function named by the variable argument.
Function Lookup(const GlobalVar& var);
/*! \brief Lookup a global function by its string name
* \param name The name of the function.
* \returns The function named by the argument.
Function Lookup(const std::string& name);
/*! \brief Combine with another Environment.
* \param other The other environment.
void Merge(const Environment& other);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.Environment";
TVM_DECLARE_NODE_TYPE_INFO(EnvironmentNode, Node);
/*! \brief A map from string names to global variables that
* ensures global uniqueness.
tvm::Map<std::string, GlobalVar> global_map_;
struct Environment : public NodeRef {
Environment() {}
explicit Environment(std::shared_ptr<tvm::Node> p) : NodeRef(p) {}
inline EnvironmentNode* operator->() const {
return static_cast<EnvironmentNode*>(node_.get());
using ContainerType = EnvironmentNode;
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file error.h
* \brief The set of errors raised by Relay.
#include <string>
#include "./base.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
struct Error : dmlc::Error {
explicit Error(const std::string &msg) : dmlc::Error(msg) {}
struct InternalError : Error {
explicit InternalError(const std::string &msg) : Error(msg) {}
// TODO(@jroesch): we should change spanned errors to report
// errors against the Environment, inverting control to error definition.
struct FatalTypeError : dmlc::Error {
explicit FatalTypeError(const std::string &s) : dmlc::Error(s) {}
struct TypecheckerError : public dmlc::Error {
explicit TypecheckerError(const std::string &msg) : Error(msg) {}
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
#endif // TVM_RELAY_ERROR_H_
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file tvm/relay/expr.h
* \brief Relay expression language.
#include <tvm/attrs.h>
#include <string>
#include "./base.h"
#include "./type.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
* \brief A Relay expression.
class Expr;
* \brief Base type of the Relay expression hiearchy.
class ExprNode : public RelayNode {
* \brief Stores the result of type inference(type checking).
* \note This can be undefined before type inference.
* This value is discarded during serialization.
mutable Type checked_type_ = Type(nullptr);
* \return The checked_type
const Type& checked_type() const {
CHECK(checked_type_.defined()) << "internal error: the type checker has "
"not populated the checked_type "
"field for this node";
return this->checked_type_;
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.Expr";
RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(Expr, ExprNode, NodeRef);
* \brief Constant tensor, backed by an NDArray on the cpu(0) device.
* \note Scalar constants are represented by rank-0 const tensor.
* Constant folding are handled uniformly via Tensor types.
class Constant;
* \brief Constant tensor type.
class ConstantNode : public ExprNode {
/*! \brief The data of the tensor */
runtime::NDArray data;
/*! \return The corresponding tensor type of the data */
TensorType tensor_type() const;
/*! \return Whether it is scalar(rank-0 tensor) */
bool is_scalar() const { return data->ndim == 0; }
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("data", &data);
v->Visit("span", &span);
v->Visit("_checked_type_", &checked_type_);
TVM_DLL static Constant make(runtime::NDArray data);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.Constant";
RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(Constant, ConstantNode, Expr);
/*! \brief Tuple of multiple Exprs */
class Tuple;
/*! \brief Tuple container */
class TupleNode : public ExprNode {
/*! \brief the fields of the tuple */
tvm::Array<relay::Expr> fields;
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("fields", &fields);
v->Visit("span", &span);
v->Visit("_checked_type_", &checked_type_);
TVM_DLL static Tuple make(tvm::Array<relay::Expr> fields);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.Tuple";
RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(Tuple, TupleNode, Expr);
* \brief Local variables used in the let expression.
* Its semantics are similar to tvm.Var node used in TVM's low level
* tensor expression language.
* \note Each Var is bind only once and is immutable/
class Var;
/*! \brief Container for Var */
class VarNode : public ExprNode {
/*! \brief The name of the variable, this only acts as a hint to the user,
* and is not used for equality.
std::string name_hint;
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("name_hint", &name_hint);
v->Visit("_checked_type_", &checked_type_);
TVM_DLL static Var make(std::string name_hint);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.Var";
* \brief Global variable that leaves in the top-level environment.
* This is used to enable recursive calls between function.
* \note A GlobalVar may only point to functions.
class GlobalVar;
/*! \brief A GlobalId from the node's current type to target type. */
class GlobalVarNode : public ExprNode {
/*! \brief The name of the variable, this only acts as a hint. */
std::string name_hint;
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("name_hint", &name_hint);
v->Visit("_checked_type_", &checked_type_);
TVM_DLL static GlobalVar make(std::string name_hint);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.GlobalVar";
RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(GlobalVar, GlobalVarNode, Expr);
* \brief Function parameter declaration.
class Param;
/*! \brief A parameter. */
class ParamNode : public ExprNode {
/*! \brief The variable */
Var var;
/*! \brief The type of the parameter */
Type type;
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("var", &var);
v->Visit("type", &type);
v->Visit("span", &span);
TVM_DLL static Param make(Var var, Type type);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.Param";
RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(Param, ParamNode, Expr);
* \brief Function (subgraph in computational graph)
class Function;
/*! \brief Function container */
class FunctionNode : public ExprNode {
/*! \brief Function parameters */
tvm::Array<Param> params;
/*! \brief User annotated return type of the function. */
Type ret_type;
* \brief
* The expression which represents the computation of the function,
* the expression may reference the parameters, and the type of it
* or sub-expressions may reference the type variables.
Expr body;
* \brief Type parameters of the function.
* Enables the function to vary its type based on these.
* This corresponds to template paramaters in c++'s terminology.
* \note This can be usually empty for non-polymorphic functions.
tvm::Array<TypeParam> type_params;
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("params", &params);
v->Visit("ret_type", &ret_type);
v->Visit("body", &body);
v->Visit("type_params", &type_params);
v->Visit("span", &span);
v->Visit("_checked_type_", &checked_type_);
Type fn_type() const;
TVM_DLL static Function make(tvm::Array<Param> params, Type ret_type,
Expr body, tvm::Array<TypeParam> ty_params);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.Function";
RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(Function, FunctionNode, Expr);
* \brief Call corresponds to operator invocation.
* Corresponds to the operator in computational graph terminology.
class Call;
/*! \brief Call container. */
class CallNode : public ExprNode {
* \brief The operator(function) being invoked
* - It can be relay::Op which corresponds to the primitive operators.
* - It can also be user defined functions (Function, GlobalVar, Var).
Expr op;
/*! \brief The arguments(inputs) of the call */
tvm::Array<relay::Expr> args;
/*! \brief The additional attributes */
Attrs attrs;
* \brief The type arguments passed to polymorphic(template) function.
* This is the advance feature that is only used when the function is
* polymorphic. It is safe to be ignored in most cases. For example, in the
* following code, the type_args of addone call is [int].
* \code
* template<typename T>
* T addone(T a) { return a + 1; }
* void main() {
* int x = addone<int>(10);
* }
* \endcode
tvm::Array<Type> type_args;
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("op", &op);
v->Visit("args", &args);
v->Visit("attrs", &attrs);
v->Visit("type_args", &type_args);
v->Visit("span", &span);
v->Visit("_checked_type_", &checked_type_);
TVM_DLL static Call make(Expr op, Array<Expr> args, Attrs attrs = Attrs(),
Array<Type> ty_args = Array<Type>());
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.Call";
RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(Call, CallNode, Expr);
* \brief Let binding that binds a local var and optionally a type annotation.
* \note Let is useful to transform the program to be A-normal form.
* where each of the expression corresponds to a let binding.
* For developers who are familar with the computational graph.
* Each of the let can be viewed as a operator node in the computational graph.
* Traversing the list of let bindings is similar to running
* PostDFS-order(topo-order) traversal on the computational graph.
class Let;
/*! \brief A binding of a sub-network. */
class LetNode : public ExprNode {
/*! \brief The variable we bind to */
Var var;
/*! \brief The value we bind var to */
Expr value;
/*! \brief The body of the let binding */
Expr body;
/*! \brief Type annotation of value, this can be null */
Type value_type;
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("var", &var);
v->Visit("value", &value);
v->Visit("body", &body);
v->Visit("value_type", &value_type);
v->Visit("span", &span);
v->Visit("_checked_type_", &checked_type_);
TVM_DLL static Let make(Var var, Expr value, Expr body, Type value_type);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.Let";
* \brief Condition expression
* Unlike traditional statement `if`s, the if evalutes
* to the result of the branch taken.
* let x = if (true) { 1 } else { 0 }; // x is 1
* let y = if (false) { 1 } else { 0 }; // y is 0
* \note This is similar to C's ternary operator.
class If;
/*! \brief container of If */
class IfNode : public ExprNode {
/*! \brief The condition */
Expr cond;
/*! \brief The expression evaluated when condition is true. */
Expr true_branch;
/*! \brief The expression evaluated when condition is false */
Expr false_branch;
IfNode() {}
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("cond", &cond);
v->Visit("true_branch", &true_branch);
v->Visit("false_branch", &false_branch);
v->Visit("span", &span);
v->Visit("_checked_type_", &checked_type_);
TVM_DLL static If make(Expr cond, Expr true_branch, Expr false_branch);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.If";
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
#endif // TVM_RELAY_EXPR_H_
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file tvm/relay/expr_functor.h
* \brief A more powerful visitor which enables defining arbitrary function
* signatures with type based dispatch on first argument.
#include <tvm/ir_functor.h>
#include <string>
#include "./expr.h"
#include "./op.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
* \brief A dynamical functor that dispatches on in the first Expr argument.
* You can use this as a more powerful Visitor, since it allows you to
* define function signatures of Visit Function.
* \sa tvm/ir_functor.h
* \tparam FType function signiture
* This type is only defined for FType with function signature R(const Expr&,
* Args...)
template <typename FType>
class ExprFunctor;
// functions to be overriden.
{ return VisitExprDefault_(op, std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
vtable.template set_dispatch<OP>( \
[](const NodeRef& n, TSelf* self, Args... args) { \
return self->VisitExpr_(static_cast<const OP*>(n.node_.get()), \
std::forward<Args>(args)...); \
template <typename R, typename... Args>
class ExprFunctor<R(const Expr& n, Args...)> {
using TSelf = ExprFunctor<R(const Expr& n, Args...)>;
using FType = tvm::IRFunctor<R(const NodeRef& n, TSelf* self, Args...)>;
/*! \brief the result type of this functor */
using result_type = R;
/*! \brief virtual destructor */
virtual ~ExprFunctor() {}
* \brief Same as call.
* \param n The expression node.
* \param args Additional arguments.
* \return The result of the call
R operator()(const Expr& n, Args... args) {
return VisitExpr(n, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* \brief The functor call.
* \param n The expression node.
* \param args Additional arguments.
* \return The result of the call
virtual R VisitExpr(const Expr& n, Args... args) {
static FType vtable = InitVTable();
return vtable(n, this, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Functions that can be overriden by subclass
virtual R VisitExpr_(const ConstantNode* op,
virtual R VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op,
virtual R VisitExpr_(const VarNode* op,
virtual R VisitExpr_(const GlobalVarNode* op,
virtual R VisitExpr_(const ParamNode* op, Args... args) EXPR_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* op,
virtual R VisitExpr_(const CallNode* op, Args... args) EXPR_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op, Args... args) EXPR_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitExpr_(const IfNode* op,
virtual R VisitExpr_(const OpNode* op,
virtual R VisitExprDefault_(const Node* op, Args...) {
throw dmlc::Error(std::string("Do not have a default for ") + op->type_key());
// initialize the vtable.
static FType InitVTable() {
FType vtable;
// Set dispatch
return vtable;
/*! \brief A simple visitor wrapper around ExprFunctor.
* Exposes two visitors with default traversal strategies, one
* which doesn't compute a result but can mutate internal state,
* and another which functionally builds a new Expr.
class ExprVisitor : public ::tvm::relay::ExprFunctor<void(const Expr& n)> {
void VisitExpr_(const VarNode* op) override;
void VisitExpr_(const GlobalVarNode* op) override;
void VisitExpr_(const ConstantNode* op) override;
void VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op) override;
void VisitExpr_(const ParamNode* op) override;
void VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* op) override;
void VisitExpr_(const CallNode* op) override;
void VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op) override;
void VisitExpr_(const IfNode* op) override;
void VisitExpr_(const OpNode* op) override;
virtual void VisitType(const Type& t);
/*! \brief A wrapper around ExprFunctor which functionally updates the AST.
* ExprMutator uses memoization and self return in order to amortize
* the cost of using functional updates.
class ExprMutator
: public ::tvm::relay::ExprFunctor<Expr(const Expr&, const Expr&)> {
Expr Mutate(const Expr& expr);
Expr VisitExpr_(const VarNode* op, const Expr& e) override;
Expr VisitExpr_(const ConstantNode* op, const Expr& e) override;
Expr VisitExpr_(const GlobalVarNode* op, const Expr& e) override;
Expr VisitExpr_(const OpNode* op, const Expr& expr) override;
Expr VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op, const Expr& e) override;
Expr VisitExpr_(const ParamNode* op, const Expr& e) override;
Expr VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* op, const Expr& e) override;
Expr VisitExpr_(const CallNode* call_node, const Expr& e) override;
Expr VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op, const Expr& e) override;
Expr VisitExpr_(const IfNode* op, const Expr& e) override;
/*! \brief Used to visit the types inside of expressions.
* Can be overloaded to transform the types in arbitrary
* ways, one way would be to define a sub-class of type
* visitor for types which transform them appropriately.
virtual Type VisitType(const Type& t);
/*! \brief Internal map used for memoization. */
tvm::Map<Expr, Expr> memo_;
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file tvm/relay/logging.h
* \brief A wrapper around dmlc-core/logging.h which adds the ability
* to toggle logging via an environment variable.
#include <dmlc/logging.h>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
static bool logging_enabled() {
if (auto var = std::getenv("RELAY_LOG")) {
std::string is_on(var);
return is_on == "1";
} else {
return false;
#define RELAY_LOG(severity) LOG_IF(severity, logging_enabled())
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file tvm/relay/op.h
* \brief Primitive operator definition.
#ifndef TVM_RELAY_OP_H_
#define TVM_RELAY_OP_H_
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "../attrs.h"
#include "./base.h"
#include "./expr.h"
#include "./type.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
// forward declare name.
template <typename ValueType>
class OpMap;
class GenericOpMap;
class OpRegistry;
* \brief Node container of operator structure.
class OpNode : public relay::ExprNode {
/*! \brief name of the operator */
std::string name;
/*! \brief the type of the operator */
mutable FuncType op_type;
* \brief detailed description of the operator
* This can be used to generate docstring automatically for the operator.
std::string description;
/* \brief Information of input arguments to the operator */
Array<AttrFieldInfo> arguments;
* \brief The type key of the attribute field
* This can be empty, in which case it defaults to
std::string attrs_type_key;
* \brief number of input arguments to the operator,
* -1 means it is variable length
int32_t num_inputs = -1;
* \brief support level of the operator,
* The lower the more priority it contains.
* This is in analogies to BLAS levels.
int32_t support_level = 10;
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("name", &name);
v->Visit("op_type", &op_type);
v->Visit("description", &description);
v->Visit("arguments", &arguments);
v->Visit("attrs_type_key", &attrs_type_key);
v->Visit("num_inputs", &num_inputs);
v->Visit("support_level", &support_level);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.Op";
// friend class
friend class GenericOpMap;
friend class OpRegistry;
// Program internal unique index of operator.
// Used to help index the program.
uint32_t index_{0};
* \brief Operator reference class.
class Op : public relay::Expr {
/*! \brief default constructor */
Op() {}
/*! \brief constructor from node pointer */
explicit Op(std::shared_ptr<Node> n) : Expr(n) {}
* \brief access the internal node container
* \return the pointer to the internal node container
inline const OpNode* operator->() const;
* \brief Get additional registered attribute about operators.
* If nothing has been registered, an empty OpMap will be returned.
* \param attr_name The name of the attribute.
* \return An OpMap of specified attr_name.
* \tparam ValueType The type of the attribute.
template <typename ValueType>
inline static OpMap<ValueType> GetAttr(const std::string& attr_name);
* \brief Get an Op for a given operator name.
* Will raise an error if the op has not been registered.
* \param op_name Name of the operator.
* \return Pointer to a Op, valid throughout program lifetime.
TVM_DLL static const Op& Get(const std::string& op_name);
/*! \brief specify container node */
using ContainerType = OpNode;
* \brief Get generic attrmap given attr name
* \param key The attribute key
* \return reference to GenericOpMap
TVM_DLL static const GenericOpMap& GetGenericAttr(const std::string& key);
/*! \brief Helper structure to register operators */
class OpRegistry {
/*! \return the operator */
const Op& op() const { return op_; }
* \brief setter function during registration
* Set the description of operator
* \param descr the description string.
* \return reference to self.
inline OpRegistry& describe(const std::string& descr); // NOLINT(*)
* \brief Add argument information to the function.
* \param name Name of the argument.
* \param type Type of the argument.
* \param description Description of the argument.
* \return reference to self.
inline OpRegistry& add_argument(const std::string& name,
const std::string& type,
const std::string& description);
* \brief Attach the type function corresponding to the return type.
* \param rel_name The type relation name to register.
* \param type_rel_func The backing relation function which can solve an arbitrary
* relation on variables.
* \return reference to self.
inline OpRegistry& add_type_rel(
const std::string& rel_name,
std::function<Array<Type>(const Array<Type>&, int)> type_rel_func);
* \brief Set the type key of attributes.
* \param type_key The type of of the attrs field.x
* \return reference to self.
inline OpRegistry& set_attrs_type_key(const std::string& type_key);
* \brief Set the num_inputs
* \param n The number of inputs to be set.
* \return reference to self.
inline OpRegistry& set_num_inputs(int32_t n); // NOLINT(*)
* \brief Set the support level of op.
* \param level The support level.
* \return reference to self.
inline OpRegistry& set_support_level(int32_t level); // NOLINT(*)
* \brief Register additional attributes to operator.
* \param attr_name The name of the attribute.
* \param value The value to be set.
* \param plevel The priority level of this set,
* an higher priority level attribute
* will replace lower priority level attribute.
* Must be bigger than 0.
* Cannot set with same plevel twice in the code.
* \tparam ValueType The type of the value to be set.
template <typename ValueType>
inline OpRegistry& set_attr(const std::string& attr_name, // NOLINT(*)
const ValueType& value, int plevel = 10);
// set the name of the op to be the same as registry
inline OpRegistry& set_name() { // NOLINT(*)
if (get()->name.length() == 0) {
get()->name = name;
return *this;
/*! \return The global single registry */
TVM_DLL static ::dmlc::Registry<OpRegistry>* Registry();
friend class ::dmlc::Registry<OpRegistry>;
// the name
std::string name;
/*! \brief The operator */
Op op_;
// private constructor
// return internal pointer to op.
inline OpNode* get();
// update the attribute OpMap
TVM_DLL void UpdateAttr(const std::string& key, TVMRetValue value,
int plevel);
* \brief Generic map to store additional information of Op.
class GenericOpMap {
* \brief Check if the map has op as key.
* \param op The key to the map
* \return 1 if op is contained in map, 0 otherwise.
inline int count(const Op& op) const;
* \brief get the corresponding value element at op
* \param op The key to the map
* \return the const reference to the content value.
inline const TVMRetValue& operator[](const Op& op) const;
* \brief get the corresponding value element at op with default value.
* \param op The key to the map
* \param def_value The default value when the key does not exist.
* \return the const reference to the content value.
* \tparam ValueType The content value type.
template <typename ValueType>
inline ValueType get(const Op& op, ValueType def_value) const;
friend class OpRegistry;
// the attribute field.
std::string attr_name_;
// internal data
std::vector<std::pair<TVMRetValue, int> > data_;
// The value
GenericOpMap() = default;
* \brief Map<Op,ValueType> used to store meta-information about Op.
* \tparam ValueType The type of the value stored in map.
template <typename ValueType>
class OpMap {
* \brief Check if the map has op as key.
* \param op The key to the map
* \return 1 if op is contained in map, 0 otherwise.
inline int count(const Op& op) const;
* \brief get the corresponding value element at op
* \param op The key to the map
* \return the const reference to the content value.
inline ValueType operator[](const Op& op) const;
* \brief get the corresponding value element at op with default value.
* \param op The key to the map
* \param def_value The default value when the key does not exist.
* \return the const reference to the content value.
inline ValueType get(const Op& op, ValueType def_value) const;
friend class Op;
// constructor
explicit OpMap(const GenericOpMap& map) : map_(map) {}
/*! \brief The internal map field */
const GenericOpMap& map_;
// internal macros to make
static DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED ::tvm::relay::OpRegistry& __make_##RelayOp
* \brief Register a new operator, or set attribute of the corresponding op.
* \param OpName The name of registry
* \code
* .describe("add two inputs together")
* .set_num_inputs(2)
* .set_attr<OpKernel>("gpu_kernel", AddKernel);
* \endcode
#define RELAY_REGISTER_OP(OpName) \
::tvm::relay::OpRegistry::Registry() \
->__REGISTER_OR_GET__(OpName) \
// implementations
inline const OpNode* Op::operator->() const {
return static_cast<const OpNode*>(node_.get());
template <typename ValueType>
inline OpMap<ValueType> Op::GetAttr(const std::string& key) {
return OpMap<ValueType>(Op::GetGenericAttr(key));
inline OpNode* OpRegistry::get() {
return const_cast<OpNode*>(op_.operator->());
inline OpRegistry& OpRegistry::describe(
const std::string& descr) { // NOLINT(*)
get()->description = descr;
return *this;
inline OpRegistry& OpRegistry::add_argument(const std::string& name,
const std::string& type,
const std::string& description) {
std::shared_ptr<AttrFieldInfoNode> n = std::make_shared<AttrFieldInfoNode>();
n->name = name;
n->type_info = type;
n->description = description;
return *this;
inline OpRegistry& OpRegistry::add_type_rel(
const std::string& rel_name,
std::function<Array<Type>(const Array<Type>&, int)> type_rel_func) {
auto func_name = std::string("tvm.relay.type_relation.") + rel_name;
TypedEnvFunc<Array<Type>(const Array<Type>&, int)> env_type_rel_func;
if (runtime::Registry::Get(func_name)) {
auto env_func = EnvFunc::Get(func_name);
env_type_rel_func = env_func;
} else {
.set_body_typed<Array<Type>(const Array<Type>&, int)>(type_rel_func);
auto env_func = EnvFunc::Get(func_name);
env_type_rel_func = env_func;
std::vector<TypeParam> type_params;
std::vector<Type> arg_types;
// Add inputs.
std::string input_name_prefix = "in";
for (int i = 0; i < get()->num_inputs; i++) {
auto name = input_name_prefix + std::to_string(i);
auto param = TypeParamNode::make(name, TypeParamNode::Kind::kType);
auto ty_call_args = Array<Type>(arg_types);
// Add output type.
auto out_param = TypeParamNode::make("out", TypeParamNode::Kind::kType);
TypeConstraint type_rel =
TypeRelationNode::make(rel_name, env_type_rel_func, ty_call_args);
auto func_type =
FuncTypeNode::make(arg_types, out_param, type_params, {type_rel});
get()->op_type = func_type;
return *this;
inline OpRegistry& OpRegistry::set_num_inputs(int32_t n) { // NOLINT(*)
get()->num_inputs = n;
return *this;
inline OpRegistry& OpRegistry::set_attrs_type_key( // NOLINT(*)
const std::string& type_key) {
get()->attrs_type_key = type_key;
return *this;
inline OpRegistry& OpRegistry::set_support_level(int32_t n) { // NOLINT(*)
get()->support_level = n;
return *this;
template <typename ValueType>
inline OpRegistry& OpRegistry::set_attr( // NOLINT(*)
const std::string& attr_name, const ValueType& value, int plevel) {
CHECK_GT(plevel, 0) << "plevel in set_attr must be greater than 0";
TVMRetValue rv;
rv = value;
UpdateAttr(attr_name, rv, plevel);
return *this;
// member functions of OpMap
inline int GenericOpMap::count(const Op& op) const {
if (op.defined()) {
const uint32_t idx = op->index_;
return idx < data_.size() ? (data_[idx].second != 0) : 0;
} else {
return 0;
inline const TVMRetValue& GenericOpMap::operator[](const Op& op) const {
const uint32_t idx = op->index_;
CHECK(idx < data_.size() && data_[idx].second != 0)
<< "Attribute " << attr_name_ << " has not been registered for Operator "
<< op->name;
return data_[idx].first;
template <typename ValueType>
inline ValueType GenericOpMap::get(const Op& op, ValueType value) const {
const uint32_t idx = op->index_;
if (idx < data_.size() && data_[idx].second != 0) {
return data_[idx].first;
} else {
return value;
template <typename ValueType>
inline int OpMap<ValueType>::count(const Op& op) const {
return map_.count(op);
template <typename ValueType>
inline ValueType OpMap<ValueType>::operator[](const Op& op) const {
return map_[op];
template <typename ValueType>
inline ValueType OpMap<ValueType>::get(const Op& op,
ValueType def_value) const {
return map_.get<ValueType>(op, def_value);
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
#endif // TVM_RELAY_OP_H_
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file tvm/relay/pass.h
* \brief The set of Relay passes written in C++.
#include <tvm/relay/environment.h>
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
/*! \brief Infer the type of an expression with the provided environment.
* The result of type checking is a new expression with unambigous
* type information filled in, as well as it's checked type field
* populated with the result type.
* \param env The environment used for global settings and referencing
* global functions.
* \param e The expression to type check.
* \return A type checked expression with its checked_type field populated.
Expr InferType(const Environment& env, const Expr& e);
Expr InferType(const Environment& env, const GlobalVar& v, const Function& e);
* \brief Check that types are well formed by applying "kinding rules".
* This pass ensures we do not do things that violate the design of the
* type system when writing down types.
* For example tensors are not allowed to contain functions in Relay.
* We check this by ensuring the `dtype` field of a Tensor always contains
* a data type such as `int`, `float`, `uint`.
* \param env The global environment.
* \param t The type to check.
* \return true if the rules are satisified otherwise false
bool KindCheck(const Environment& env, const Type& t);
/*! \brief Compare two expressions for structural equivalence.
* This comparison operator respects scoping and compares
* expressions without regard to variable choice.
* For example: `let x = 1 in x` is equal to `let y = 1 in y`.
* See
* for more details.
* \param e1 The left hand expression.
* \param e2 The right hand expression.
* \return true if equal, otherwise false
bool AlphaEqual(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2);
/*! \brief Compare two types for structural equivalence.
* This comparison operator respects scoping and compares
* expressions without regard to variable choice.
* For example: `forall s, Tensor[f32, s]` is equal to
* `forall w, Tensor[f32, w]`.
* See
* for more details.
* \param t1 The left hand type.
* \param t2 The right hand type.
* \return true if equal, otherwise false
bool AlphaEqual(const Type& t1, const Type& t2);
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
#endif // TVM_RELAY_PASS_H_
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file tvm/relay/type.h
* \brief Relay typed AST nodes.
#include <tvm/api_registry.h>
#include <tvm/ir.h>
#include <tvm/node.h>
#include <string>
#include "./base.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
/*! \brief Base type of the Relay type hiearchy. */
class TypeNode : public RelayNode {
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.Type";
* \brief Type is the base type of relay type hiearchy.
* Relay's type system contains following two key concepts:
* - TensorType: type of certain Tensor values in the expression.
* - FunctionType: the type of the function.
* There are also advanced types to support generic(polymorphic types),
* which can be ignored when first reading the code base.
class Type : public NodeRef {
Type() {}
explicit Type(std::shared_ptr<tvm::Node> p) : NodeRef(p) {}
using ContainerType = TypeNode;
* \brief Base of all Tensor types
* This container can hold TensorType or GenericTensorType.
class BaseTensorTypeNode : public TypeNode {
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.BaseTensorType";
TVM_DECLARE_BASE_NODE_INFO(BaseTensorTypeNode, TypeNode);
RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(BaseTensorType, BaseTensorTypeNode, Type);
* \brief This is the most commonly used type in relay.
* TensorType have a fixed dimension, data type.
* The elements of shape can be either IntImm(constant integer),
* or any symbolic integer expression.
* The symbolic integer allows generic shape inference in certain cases.
* \sa TensorTypeNode The container class of TensorType.
class TensorType;
/*! \brief TensorType container node */
class TensorTypeNode : public BaseTensorTypeNode {
* \brief The shape of the tensor,
* represented by ShapeExpr(tvm::Expr).
Array<ShapeExpr> shape;
/*! \brief The content data type */
DataType dtype;
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("shape", &shape);
v->Visit("dtype", &dtype);
v->Visit("span", &span);
TVM_DLL static TensorType make(Array<ShapeExpr> shape, DataType dtype);
/*! \brief Construct an scalar containing elements of dtype. */
TVM_DLL static TensorType Scalar(DataType dtype);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.TensorType";
TVM_DECLARE_NODE_TYPE_INFO(TensorTypeNode, BaseTensorTypeNode);
RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(TensorType, TensorTypeNode, Type);
* \brief Type parameter in the function.
* This can be viewed as template parameter in c++ template function.
* For example, in the following pesudo code,
* the TypeParam of f is TypeParam(kind=kShapeVar, var=n).
* This function can take in a Tensor with shape=(3, 3) and
* returns a Tensor with shape=(9,)
* \code
* template<i32 n>
* f(x : Tensor[i32, (n, n)]) -> Tensor[i32, (n * n)]
* \endcode
* \sa TypeParamNode The actual container class of TypeParam
class TypeParam;
/*! \brief TypeParam container node */
class TypeParamNode : public TypeNode {
/*! \brief possible kinds of TypeParam */
enum Kind : int {
/*! \brief template variable in shape expression */
kShapeVar = 0,
kShape = 1,
kBaseType = 2,
kType = 3
* \brief The variable itself is only meaningful when
* kind is ShapeVar, otherwise, we only use the name.
tvm::Var var;
/*! \brief The kind of type parameter */
Kind kind;
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("var", &var);
v->Visit("kind", &kind);
v->Visit("span", &span);
TVM_DLL static TypeParam make(std::string name, Kind kind);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.TypeParam";
RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(TypeParam, TypeParamNode, Type);
* \brief Potential Constraints in the type.
* \note This is reserved for future use.
class TypeConstraint;
/*! \brief TypeConstraint container node. */
class TypeConstraintNode : public TypeNode {
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.TypeConstraint";
TVM_DECLARE_BASE_NODE_INFO(TypeConstraintNode, TypeNode);
RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(TypeConstraint, TypeConstraintNode, Type);
class FuncType;
* \brief Function type in Relay.
* Relay support polymorphic function type.
* This can be roughly viewed as template function in C++.
* \sa TypeParam, TypeConstraint
class FuncTypeNode : public TypeNode {
/*! \brief type type of arguments */
tvm::Array<Type> arg_types;
/*! \brief The type of return value. */
Type ret_type;
// The following fields are used in polymorphic(template) functions
// For normal functions, the following two fields will be empty.
/*! \brief The type parameters of the function */
tvm::Array<TypeParam> type_params;
* \brief potential constraint the type need to obey
* \note this field is reserved for futher purposes.
tvm::Array<TypeConstraint> type_constraints;
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("arg_types", &arg_types);
v->Visit("ret_type", &ret_type);
v->Visit("type_params", &type_params);
v->Visit("type_constraints", &type_constraints);
v->Visit("span", &span);
TVM_DLL static FuncType make(tvm::Array<Type> arg_types, Type ret_type,
tvm::Array<TypeParam> type_params,
tvm::Array<TypeConstraint> type_constraints);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.FuncType";
RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(FuncType, FuncTypeNode, Type);
using TypeRelationFn =
TypedEnvFunc<Array<Type>(const Array<Type>&, int)>;
* \brief Opaque type relation, is an input-output relation on types.
class TypeRelation;
* \brief TypeRelation container.
* \note This node is not directly serializable.
* The type function need to be lookedup in the environment.
class TypeRelationNode : public TypeConstraintNode {
/*! \brief The name of the function */
std::string name;
* \brief The function on input and output variables which
* this is not directly serializable,
* need to be looked-up in the environment.
TypeRelationFn func_;
/*! \brief The type arguments to the type function. */
tvm::Array<Type> args;
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final {
v->Visit("name", &name);
TVM_DLL static TypeRelation make(std::string name, TypeRelationFn func_, Array<Type> args);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.TypeRelation";
TVM_DECLARE_NODE_TYPE_INFO(TypeRelationNode, TypeConstraintNode);
RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(TypeRelation, TypeRelationNode, TypeConstraint);
* \brief The type of tuple values.
class TupleType;
* \brief TupleType container.
class TupleTypeNode : public TypeNode {
/*! \brief The type of each field in the tuple. */
tvm::Array<Type> fields;
TupleTypeNode() {}
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final { v->Visit("fields", &fields); }
TVM_DLL static TupleType make(tvm::Array<Type> fields);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.TypeTuple";
RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(TupleType, TupleTypeNode, Type);
// The following fields contains advanced typing
// Only keep the class name and reserved for future usage.
class GenericTensorType;
// stores a DataType.
class GenericDataType;
// stores a DataType.
class GenericShape;
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
#endif // TVM_RELAY_TYPE_H_
# pylint: disable=wildcard-import
"""The Relay IR namespace containing the IR definition and compiler."""
from . import base
from . import ty
from . import expr
from . import env
from . import ir_pass
from . import ir_builder
# Operators
from .op import Op
from .op.tensor import *
# Span
Span = base.Span
# Type
Type = ty.Type
TensorType = ty.TensorType
Kind = ty.Kind
TypeParam = ty.TypeParam
TypeConstraint = ty.TypeConstraint
FuncType = ty.FuncType
# Expr
Constant = expr.Constant
Tuple = expr.Tuple
Var = expr.Var
GlobalVar = expr.GlobalVar
Param = expr.Param
Function = expr.Function
Call = expr.Call
Let = expr.Let
If = expr.If
Var = Var
# pylint: disable=no-else-return, unidiomatic-typecheck, undefined-variable
"""The interface to the Environment exposed from C++."""
from tvm._ffi.function import _init_api
_init_api("relay._env", __name__)
from typing import Union, Tuple, Dict, List
from import GlobalId, OperatorId, Item, NodeBase, Span, FileId
from import ShapeExtension, Operator, Defn
class Environment(NodeBase): ...
\ No newline at end of file
"""FFI exposing the Relay type inference and checking."""
from tvm._ffi.function import _init_api
_init_api("relay._ir_pass", __name__)
from .env import Environment
from . import ir
def check_expr(env: Environment, expr: ir.Expr) -> ir.Type: ...
def generalize(env: Environment, expr: ir.Expr) -> ir.Expr: ...
def _get_checked_type(expr: ir.Expr) -> ir.Type: ...
The constructors for all Relay AST nodes exposed from C++.
This module includes MyPy type signatures for all of the
exposed modules.
from .._ffi.function import _init_api
_init_api("relay._make", __name__)
# pylint: disable=no-else-return, unidiomatic-typecheck
"""The base node types for the Relay language."""
from __future__ import absolute_import as _abs
from .._ffi.node import NodeBase, register_node as _register_tvm_node
from . import _make
NodeBase = NodeBase
def register_relay_node(type_key=None):
"""register relay node type
type_key : str or cls
The type key of the node
if not isinstance(type_key, str):
return _register_tvm_node(
"relay." + type_key.__name__)(type_key)
return _register_tvm_node(type_key)
class Span(NodeBase):
def __init__(self, source, lineno, col_offset):
self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_make.Span, source, lineno, col_offset)
# pylint: disable=no-else-return, unidiomatic-typecheck, undefined-variable, wildcard-import
"""A global environment storing everything needed to interpret or compile a Relay program."""
from .base import register_relay_node, NodeBase
from . import _make
from . import _env
class Environment(NodeBase):
"""The global Relay environment containing functions,
options and more.
def __init__(self, funcs):
"""Construct an environment.
funcs: list of relay.Function
env: A new environment containing :py:class:`~relay.env.Environment`.
self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_make.Environment, funcs)
def add(self, var, func):
"""Add a function to the environment.
var: GlobalVar
The global variable which names the function.
func: Function
The function.
if isinstance(var, str):
var = _env.Environment_GetGlobalVar(self, var)
_env.Environment_Add(self, var, func)
def merge(self, other):
"""Merge two environments.
other: Environment
The environment to merge into the current Environment.
return _env.Environment_Merge(self, other)
def global_var(self, name):
"""Get a global variable by name.
name: str
The name of the global variable.
global_var: GlobalVar
The global variable mapped to :code:`name`.
return _env.Environment_GetGlobalVar(self, name)
def __getitem__(self, var):
"""Lookup a global function by name or by variable.
var: str or GlobalVar
The name or global variable.
func: Function
The function referenced by :code:`var`.
if isinstance(var, str):
return _env.Environment_Lookup_str(self, var)
return _env.Environment_Lookup(self, var)
# pylint: disable=no-else-return, unidiomatic-typecheck, invalid-name
"""The expression nodes of Relay."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from .base import NodeBase, register_relay_node
from ._ir_pass import _get_checked_type
from . import _make
from .. import convert
class Expr(NodeBase):
"""The base type for all Relay expressions."""
def checked_type(self):
return _get_checked_type(self)
def __call__(self, *args):
converted_args = []
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, Param):
return Call(self, args, None, None)
class Constant(Expr):
"""A constant tensor in Relay, see tvm/relay/type.h for more details.
def __init__(self, data):
self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_make.Constant, data)
class Tuple(Expr):
"""A hetereogenous sequence of values.
see tvm/relay/type.h for more details.
def __init__(self, fields):
self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_make.Tuple, fields)
class Var(Expr):
"""A local variable in Relay."""
def __init__(self, name_hint):
self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_make.Var, name_hint)
class GlobalVar(Expr):
"""A global variable in Relay."""
def __init__(self, name_hint):
self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_make.GlobalVar, name_hint)
class Param(Expr):
"""A function type in Relay, see tvm/relay/type.h for more details.
def __init__(self, var, ty):
self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_make.Param, var, ty)
class Function(Expr):
"""A function in Relay, see tvm/relay/expr.h for more details."""
def __init__(self,
if type_params is None:
type_params = convert([])
_make.Function, params, ret_type, body, type_params)
class Call(Expr):
"""A function call in Relay, see tvm/relay/expr.h for more details."""
def __init__(self, op, args, attrs, ty_args=None):
if not ty_args:
ty_args = []
_make.Call, op, args, attrs, ty_args)
class Let(Expr):
"""A variable bindings in Relay, see tvm/relay/expr.h for more details."""
def __init__(self, var, value, body, value_type):
_make.Let, var, value, body, value_type)
class If(Expr):
"""A conditional expression in Relay, see tvm/relay/expr.h for more details."""
def __init__(self, cond, true_value, false_value):
_make.If, cond, true_value, false_value)
from typing import List
import tvm
from .base import Span, NodeBase
from .ty import Type, TypeParam
from ._ir_pass import _get_checked_type
class Expr(NodeBase):
def checked_type(self):
def __call__(self, *args):
class Constant(Expr):
data = ... # type: tvm.nd.NDArray
def __init__(self, data):
# type: (tvm.nd.NDArray) -> None
class Tuple(Expr):
fields = .. # type: List[Expr]
def __init__(self, fields):
# type: (List[Expr]) -> None
class Var(Expr):
"""A local variable in Relay."""
name_hint = ... # type: str
def __init__(self, name_hint):
# type: (str) -> None
class GlobalVar(Expr):
name_hint = ... # type: str
def __init__(self, name_hint):
# type: (str) -> None
class Param(Expr):
var = ... # type: Var
type = ... # type: Type
def __init__(self, var, ty):
# type: (Var, Type) -> None
class Function(Expr):
"""A function in Relay, see tvm/relay/expr.h for more details."""
type_params = ... # type: List[TypeParam]
params = ... # type: List[Param]
ret_type = ... # type: Type
body = ... # type: Expr
def __init__(self,
params, # type: List[Param],
ret_type, # type: Type,
body, # type: Expr,
type_params=None, # type: List[TypeParam]
# type: (...) -> None
class Call(Expr):
"""A function call in Relay, see tvm/relay/expr.h for more details."""
op = ... # type: Expr
args = ... # type: List[Expr]
# todo(@jroesch): add attrs
def __init__(self, op, args, attrs, ty_args=None):
# type: (Expr, List[Expr], Optional[List[Type]]) -> None
if not ty_args:
ty_args = []
_make.Call, op, args, attrs, ty_args)
class Let(Expr):
"""A variable bindings in Relay, see tvm/relay/expr.h for more details."""
var = ... # type: Var
value = ... # type: Expr
body = ... # type: Expr
value_type = ... # type: Type
def __init__(self, var, value, body, value_type):
# type: (Var, Expr, Expr, Type) -> None
class If(Expr):
"""A conditional expression in Relay, see tvm/relay/expr.h for more details."""
cond = ... # type: Expr
true_value = ... # type: Expr
false_value = ... # type: Expr
span = ... # type: Span
def __init__(self, cond, true_value, false_value):
# type: (Expr, Expr, Expr) -> None
# pylint: disable=no-else-return
"""IR builder for the Relay IR.
Enables users to construct Relay programs with a Python API.
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import tvm
from .ty import Type, FuncType, TensorType
from .expr import Expr, Constant, Let, Var, Param, Function, If
from .env import Environment
def _convert_to_value(arg, ctxt=tvm.cpu(0)):
# type: (Any, tvm.Context) -> tvm.nd.NDArray
"""Convert Python values into the appropriate types
for the Relay evaluator.
if isinstance(arg, int):
return tvm.nd.array(np.array(arg, dtype='int32'), ctxt)
elif isinstance(arg, float):
return tvm.nd.array(arg, ctxt)
elif isinstance(arg, bool):
return tvm.nd.array(np.array(arg, dtype='float32'), ctxt)
elif isinstance(arg, np.ndarray):
return tvm.nd.array(arg, ctxt)
elif isinstance(arg, tvm.ndarray.NDArray):
return arg
# raise Exception(f"can't convert {type(arg)} to a Relay AST")
raise Exception("unsupported argument type {0}".format(type(arg)))
def _convert_type(rtype):
if isinstance(rtype, str):
return scalar_type(rtype)
elif isinstance(rtype, Type):
return rtype
raise Exception(
"unsupported conversion to Relay type {0}".format(type(rtype)))
def convert(arg):
# type: (Any) -> Expr
"""Convert some Python objects into a Relay AST fragment.
arg: Any
The Python object
expr: relay.Expr
The converted expression.
if isinstance(arg, Expr):
return arg
elif isinstance(arg, tuple):
return relay.Tuple([convert(el) for el in arg])
elif isinstance(arg, PartialFunc):
return arg.to_func()
value = _convert_to_value(arg)
return Constant(value)
class WithScope(object):
"""A wrapper for builder methods which introduce scoping."""
def __init__(self, enter_value, exit_cb):
self._enter_value = enter_value
self._exit_cb = exit_cb
def __enter__(self):
return self._enter_value
def __exit__(self, ptype, value, trace):
if value:
raise value
class PartialFunc(object):
"""A wrapper around functions while they are being built.
Used by the builder as a user is building up a function,
allows Function nodes which contain partially initialized
def __init__(self, params, ret_type, body, type_params):
self.params = params
self.ret_type = ret_type
self.body = body
self.type_params = type_params
def param_ids(self):
return [p.var for p in self.params]
def to_func(self):
"""Converts a PartialFunc into a :py:class:`~relay.Function`."""
return Function(
#pylint: disable=invalid-name
def _mk_let(bindings, ret_value):
let_expr = ret_value
for var, (value, ty) in reversed(list(bindings.items())):
let_expr = Let(var, value, let_expr, ty)
return let_expr
class IRBuilder(object):
"""The IRBuilder class.
Enables users to build up a Relay environment and program.
fn (x : Tensor[f32, (10, 10)]) {
let t1 = log(x);
let t2 = add(t1, x);
return t1;
..code-block: python
b = IRBuilder()
with b.function(('x', tensor_type(10, 10))) as func:
x, = func.param_ids()
t1 = b.let('t1', log(x))
t2 = b.let('t2', add(t1, x))
def __init__(self):
self.bindings = [OrderedDict({})]
self.scopes = [OrderedDict({})]
self.params = []
self.ret_values = [None]
self.env = Environment({})
def enter_scope(self, params=None):
if not params:
params = []
def exit_scope(self):
bindings = self.bindings.pop()
scopes = self.scopes.pop()
params = self.params.pop()
ret_value = self.ret_values.pop()
return bindings, scopes, params, ret_value
#pylint: disable=invalid-name
def bind(self, name, value, ty):
lv = Var(name)
self.scopes[-1][name] = lv
self.bindings[-1][lv] = (value, ty)
return lv
def let(self, name, value, value_type=None):
if isinstance(value, Param):
value = value.var
if not isinstance(value, Expr):
value = convert(value)
return self.bind(name, value, value_type)
def _convert_params(self, raw_params):
relay_params = []
for raw_param in raw_params:
if isinstance(raw_param, Param):
var = raw_param.var
param = raw_param
elif isinstance(raw_param, tuple):
var, ty = raw_param
if isinstance(var, str):
var = Var(var)
ty = _convert_type(ty)
param = Param(var, ty)
elif isinstance(param, str):
var = Var(raw_param)
ty = None
param = Param(var, ty)
raise Exception("unknown parameter type")
self.scopes[-1][var.name_hint] = var
return relay_params
def function(self, *params):
"""Construct a Relay function."""
relay_params = self._convert_params(params)
pfunc = PartialFunc(relay_params, None, None, [])
def _on_exit():
bindings, _, _, ret_value = self.exit_scope()
body = _mk_let(bindings, ret_value)
pfunc.body = body
return WithScope(pfunc, _on_exit)
def ret(self, x):
"""Set `x` to be the return value of the current function."""
if not self.ret_values[-1]:
self.ret_values[-1] = convert(x)
raise Exception(
"return value already set, a function can only have one return value")
def if_scope(self, cond):
"""Construct the if branch an if expression with scoping."""
def _on_exit():
bindings, _, _, ret_value = self.exit_scope()
assert self.ret_values[-1] is None
true_branch = _mk_let(bindings, ret_value)
self.ret_values[-1] = If(cond, true_branch, None)
return WithScope(10, _on_exit)
def else_scope(self):
"""Construct the else branch of an if expression with scoping."""
def _on_exit():
bindings, _, _, ret_value = self.exit_scope()
partial_if = self.ret_values[-1]
assert isinstance(
partial_if, If) and partial_if.false_branch is None
false_branch = _mk_let(bindings, ret_value)
self.ret_values[-1] = If(
return WithScope(10, _on_exit)
def param(self, name, ty=None):
if not ty:
ty = scalar_type('float32')
ty = _convert_type(ty)
return Param(Var(name), ty)
def global_var(self, name):
# type: (str) -> GlobalVar
"""Construct a global var with `name` as its name hint.
name: str
The name of the global variable.
global_var: relay.GlobalVar
The global variable with `name`.
return self.env.global_var(name)
def decl(self, name, *params, **kwargs):
"""Create a global function.
name: str or GlobalVar
The name of the function.
params: params
The parameters of the function.
with_scope: Scope for the function.
ret_type = kwargs.get('ret_type', None)
def _on_exit():
bindings, _, _, ret_value = self.exit_scope()
exp = _mk_let(bindings, ret_value)
self.env.add(name, Function(params, ret_type, exp))
return WithScope(10, _on_exit)
def get(self):
"""Get the full program.
(prog, env) : (relay.Expr, relay.Environment)
A pair of the partial program, and the modified environment.
bindings = self.bindings.pop()
scope = self.scopes.pop()
if self.bindings:
raise Exception("IRBuilder: binding error")
if self.scopes:
raise Exception("IRBuilder: scoping error")
if bindings and scope and not self.ret_values:
raise Exception("IRBuilder: no return value set")
return _mk_let(bindings, self.ret_values[-1]), self.env
def scalar_type(dtype):
"""Construct a Relay scalar type.
dtype: dtype
The dtype of the scalar type.
scalar_type: relay.Type
The scalar type.
return TensorType(tvm.convert([]), dtype)
def tensor_type(*shape, **kwargs):
"""Construct a Relay Tensor type.
shape: list of tvm.Expr
The shape of the Tensor type.
dtype: dtype
The dtype of the Tensor type.
tensor_type: relay.Type
The resulting tensor types.
dtype = kwargs.get('dtype', 'float32')
return TensorType(tvm.convert(shape), dtype)
def func_type(args, ret_type, type_params=None):
"""Construct a Relay function type.
args: list of relay.Type
The argument types.
ret_type: relay.Type
The return type.
type_params: list of relay.TypeParam
The type parameters.
func_type: The function type.
if not type_params:
type_params = []
args = [_convert_type(arg) for arg in args]
ret_type = _convert_type(ret_type)
return FuncType(args, ret_type, type_params, [])
# pylint: disable=no-else-return,
# pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
"""The set of passes for Relay.
Exposes an interface for configuring the passes and scripting
them in Python.
from . import _ir_pass
# Expose checking expression, should rename to infer_type.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
check_expr = _ir_pass.check_expr
#pylint: disable=wildcard-import
"""Relay core operators."""
# operator defs
from .op import get, register, Op
# Operators
from .tensor import *
# operator registry
from . import _tensor
from ..expr import Expr
from ..base import register_relay_node
"""Constructor APIs"""
from ..._ffi.function import _init_api
_init_api("relay.op._make", __name__)
#pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Backend compiler related feature registration"""
"""The base node types for the Relay language."""
from ..._ffi.function import _init_api
from ..base import register_relay_node
from ..expr import Expr
class Op(Expr):
"""A Relay operator definition."""
def __init__(self):
raise RuntimeError("Cannot create op, use get instead")
def get_attr(self, attr_name):
"""Get additional attribute about the operator.
attr_name : str
The attribute name.
value : object
The attribute value
return _OpGetAttr(self, attr_name)
def get(op_name):
"""Get the Op for a given name
op_name : str
The operator name
op : Op
The op of the corresponding name
return _GetOp(op_name)
def register(op_name, attr_key, value=None, level=10):
"""Register an operator property of an operator.
op_name : str
The name of operator
attr_key : str
The attribute name.
value : object, optional
The value to set
level : int, optional
The priority level
fregister : function
Register function if value is not specified.
def _register(v):
"""internal register function"""
_Register(op_name, attr_key, v, level)
return v
return _register(value) if value else _register
_init_api("relay.op", __name__)
"""Basic tensor operations."""
from __future__ import absolute_import as _abs
from . import _make
from ..expr import Tuple
# We create a wrapper function for each operator in the
# python side to call into the positional _make.OpName function.
# We make this decision so that we can:
# - Have declare python docstring for each function
# - Enable keyword arguments easily
# - Not put too much burden on FFI to support complicated features
# like default value and keyword arguments
def log(data):
"""Take log of data.
data : relay.Expr
The input data
result : relay.Expr
The computed result.
return _make.log(data)
def exp(data):
"""Take exp of data.
data : relay.Expr
The input data
result : relay.Expr
The computed result.
return _make.exp(data)
def sqrt(data):
"""Take sqrt of data.
data : relay.Expr
The input data
result : relay.Expr
The computed result.
return _make.sqrt(data)
def add(lhs, rhs):
"""Elementwise addition.
lhs : relay.Expr
The left hand side input data
rhs : relay.Expr
The right hand side input data
result : relay.Expr
The computed result.
return _make.add(lhs, rhs)
def subtract(lhs, rhs):
"""Elementwise subtraction.
lhs : relay.Expr
The left hand side input data
rhs : relay.Expr
The right hand side input data
result : relay.Expr
The computed result.
return _make.add(lhs, rhs)
def equal(lhs, rhs):
return _make.equal(lhs, rhs)
def concat(*args):
"""Concatenate the input tensors along the zero axis.
args: list of Tensor
tensor: The concatenated tensor.
tup = Tuple(list(args))
return _make.concat(tup)
# pylint: disable=no-else-return, unidiomatic-typecheck, invalid-name
"""The type nodes of the Relay language."""
from enum import IntEnum
from .base import NodeBase, register_relay_node
from . import _make
class Type(NodeBase):
"""The base type for all Relay types."""
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Compare two Relay types for structural equivalence using
alpha equivalence.
return bool(_make._type_alpha_eq(self, other))
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def same_as(self, other):
"""Compares two Relay types by referential equality."""
return super().__eq__(other)
class TensorType(Type):
"""A concrete TensorType in Relay, see tvm/relay/type.h for more details.
This is the type assigned to tensor's with a known dype and shape. For
example a tensor of `float32` and `(5, 5)`.
def __init__(self, shape, dtype):
"""Construct a tensor type.
shape: list of tvm.Expr
dtype: str
tensor_type: The TensorType
self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_make.TensorType, shape, dtype)
class Kind(IntEnum):
"""The kind of a type parameter, represents a variable shape,
base type, type, or dimension.
This controls what a type parameter is allowed to be instantiated
with. For example one's of kind BaseType can only be `float32`, `int32`,
and so on.
ShapeVar = 0
Shape = 1
BaseType = 2
Type = 3
class TypeParam(Type):
"""A type parameter used for generic types in Relay,
see tvm/relay/type.h for more details.
A type parameter represents a type placeholder which will
be filled in later on. This allows the user to write
functions which are generic over types.
def __init__(self, var, kind):
"""Construct a TypeParam.
var: tvm.expr.Var
The tvm.Var which backs the type parameter.
kind: Kind
The kind of the type parameter.
type_param: TypeParam
The type parameter.
self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_make.TypeParam, var, kind)
class TypeConstraint(Type):
"""Abstract class representing a type constraint."""
class FuncType(Type):
"""A function type in Relay, see tvm/relay/type.h for more details.
This is the type assigned to functions in Relay. They consist of
a list of type parameters which enable the definition of generic
fucntions, a set of type constraints which we omit for the time
being, a sequence of argument types, and a return type.
We informally write them as:
`forall (type_params), (arg_types) -> ret_type where type_constraints`
def __init__(self,
"""Construct a function type.
arg_types: list of Type
ret_type: Type
type_params: list of TypeParam
type_constraints: list of TypeConstraint
func_type: FuncType
The function type.
_make.FuncType, arg_types, ret_type, type_params, type_constraints)
class IncompleteType(Type):
"""An incomplete type."""
def __init__(self, kind):
self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_make.IncompleteType, kind)
# pylint: disable=no-else-return, unidiomatic-typecheck, invalid-name
"""The type nodes of the Relay language."""
from enum import IntEnum
from .base import NodeBase, register_relay_node
from . import _make
class Type(NodeBase):
"""The base type for all Relay types."""
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Compare two Relay types for structural equivalence using
alpha equivalence.
return bool(_make._type_alpha_eq(self, other))
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def same_as(self, other):
"""Compares two Relay types by referential equality."""
return super().__eq__(other)
class TensorType(Type):
"""A concrete TensorType in Relay, see tvm/relay/type.h for more details.
This is the type assigned to tensor's with a known dype and shape. For
example a tensor of `float32` and `(5, 5)`.
def __init__(self, shape, dtype):
"""Construct a tensor type.
shape: list of tvm.Expr
dtype: str
tensor_type: The TensorType
self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_make.TensorType, shape, dtype)
class Kind(IntEnum):
"""The kind of a type parameter, represents a variable shape,
base type, type, or dimension.
This controls what a type parameter is allowed to be instantiated
with. For example one's of kind BaseType can only be `float32`, `int32`,
and so on.
ShapeVar = 0
Shape = 1
BaseType = 2
Type = 3
class TypeParam(Type):
"""A type parameter used for generic types in Relay,
see tvm/relay/type.h for more details.
A type parameter represents a type placeholder which will
be filled in later on. This allows the user to write
functions which are generic over types.
def __init__(self, var, kind):
"""Construct a TypeParam.
var: tvm.expr.Var
The tvm.Var which backs the type parameter.
kind: Kind
The kind of the type parameter.
type_param: TypeParam
The type parameter.
self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_make.TypeParam, var, kind)
class TypeConstraint(Type):
"""Abstract class representing a type constraint."""
class FuncType(Type):
"""A function type in Relay, see tvm/relay/type.h for more details.
This is the type assigned to functions in Relay. They consist of
a list of type parameters which enable the definition of generic
fucntions, a set of type constraints which we omit for the time
being, a sequence of argument types, and a return type.
We informally write them as:
`forall (type_params), (arg_types) -> ret_type where type_constraints`
def __init__(self,
"""Construct a function type.
arg_types: list of Type
ret_type: Type
type_params: list of TypeParam
type_constraints: list of TypeConstraint
func_type: FuncType
The function type.
_make.FuncType, arg_types, ret_type, type_params, type_constraints)
class IncompleteType(Type):
"""An incomplete type."""
def __init__(self, kind):
self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_make.IncompleteType, kind)
......@@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ from . import _api_internal
from . import make as _make
from . import expr as _expr
class TensorSlice(NodeGeneric, _expr.ExprOp):
"""Auxiliary data structure for enable slicing syntax from tensor."""
def __init__(self, tensor, indices):
if not isinstance(indices, tuple):
indices = (indices,)
......@@ -31,9 +33,11 @@ class TensorSlice(NodeGeneric, _expr.ExprOp):
itervar_cls = None
class Tensor(NodeBase, _expr.ExprOp):
"""Tensor object, to construct, see function.Tensor"""
def __call__(self, *indices):
ndim = self.ndim
if len(indices) != ndim:
......@@ -104,6 +108,7 @@ class Tensor(NodeBase, _expr.ExprOp):
class Operation(NodeBase):
"""Represent an operation that generate a tensor"""
def output(self, index):
"""Get the index-th output of the operation
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file
* \brief The core base types for Relay.
#include <tvm/api_registry.h>
#include <tvm/relay/base.h>
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
using tvm::IRPrinter;
using namespace tvm::runtime;
SourceName SourceNameNode::make(std::string name) {
std::shared_ptr<SourceNameNode> n = std::make_shared<SourceNameNode>();
n->name = std::move(name);
return SourceName(n);
std::shared_ptr<SourceNameNode> CreateSourceName(const std::string& name) {
SourceName sn = SourceName::Get(name);
CHECK(!sn.defined()) << "Cannot find source name \'" << name << '\'';
std::shared_ptr<Node> node = sn.node_;
return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SourceNameNode>(node);
const SourceName& SourceName::Get(const std::string& name) {
static std::unordered_map<std::string, SourceName> source_map;
auto sn = source_map.find(name);
if (sn == source_map.end()) {
auto source_name = SourceNameNode::make(name);
source_map.insert({name, source_name});
} else {
return sn->second;
.set_body([](tvm::TVMArgs args, tvm::TVMRetValue *ret) {
*ret = SourceNameNode::make(args[0]);
.set_dispatch<SourceNameNode>([](const SourceNameNode *node, tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "SourceNameNode(" << node->name << ", " << node << ")";
.set_global_key([](const Node* n) {
return static_cast<const SourceNameNode*>(n)->name;
Span SpanNode::make(SourceName source, int lineno, int col_offset) {
std::shared_ptr<SpanNode> n = std::make_shared<SpanNode>();
n->source = std::move(source);
n->lineno = lineno;
n->col_offset = col_offset;
return Span(n);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
*ret = SpanNode::make(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
.set_dispatch<SpanNode>([](const SpanNode *node, tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "SpanNode(" << node->source << ", " << node->lineno << ", "
<< node->col_offset << ")";
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file
* \brief The global environment in Relay.
#include <tvm/relay/environment.h>
#include <tvm/relay/pass.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "./../pass/resolve.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
using tvm::IRPrinter;
using namespace runtime;
Environment EnvironmentNode::make(tvm::Map<GlobalVar, Function> global_funcs) {
std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentNode> n = std::make_shared<EnvironmentNode>();
n->functions = std::move(global_funcs);
return Environment(n);
GlobalVar EnvironmentNode::GetGlobalVar(const std::string &str) {
auto global_id = global_map_.find(str);
if (global_id != global_map_.end()) {
return (*global_id).second;
} else {
auto id = GlobalVarNode::make(str);
this->global_map_.Set(str, id);
return id;
/*! \brief Add a new item to the global environment
* \note if the update flag is not set adding a duplicate
* definition will trigger an exception, otherwise we will
* update the definition if and only if it is type compatible.
void EnvironmentNode::Add(const GlobalVar &var, const Function &func,
bool update) {
// Type check the item before we add it to the environment.
auto env = GetRef<Environment>(this);
Expr checked_expr = InferType(env, var, func);
if (const FunctionNode *func_node =<FunctionNode>()) {
auto checked_func = GetRef<Function>(func_node);
auto type = checked_func->checked_type();
if (functions.find(var) != functions.end()) {
if (!update) {
throw dmlc::Error("already have definition for XXXX.");
auto old_type = functions[var].as<FunctionNode>()->checked_type();
if (!AlphaEqual(type, old_type)) {
throw dmlc::Error(
"Environment#update changes type, not possible in this mode.");
this->functions.Set(var, checked_func);
} else {
this->functions.Set(var, checked_func);
} else {
throw Error("internal error: unknown item type, unreachable code");
void EnvironmentNode::Update(const GlobalVar &var, const Function &func) {
this->Add(var, func, true);
void EnvironmentNode::Remove(const GlobalVar & var) {
auto functions_node = this->functions.CopyOnWrite();
Function EnvironmentNode::Lookup(const GlobalVar &var) {
auto func = functions.find(var);
if (func != functions.end()) {
return (*func).second;
} else {
throw Error(std::string("there is no definition of ") + var->name_hint);
Function EnvironmentNode::Lookup(const std::string &str) {
GlobalVar id = this->GetGlobalVar(str);
return this->Lookup(id);
void EnvironmentNode::Merge(const Environment &env) {
for (auto pair : env->functions) {
this->functions.Set(pair.first, pair.second);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
*ret = EnvironmentNode::make(args[0]);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
Environment env = args[0];
env->Add(args[1], args[2], false);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
Environment env = args[0];
*ret = env->GetGlobalVar(args[1]);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
Environment env = args[0];
GlobalVar var = args[1];
*ret = env->Lookup(var);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
Environment env = args[0];
std::string var_name = args[1];
auto var = env->GetGlobalVar(var_name);
*ret = env->Lookup(var);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
Environment env = args[0];
.set_dispatch<EnvironmentNode>([](const EnvironmentNode *node,
tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "EnvironmentNode( " << node->functions << ")";
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file src/tvm/ir/
* \brief The expression AST nodes of Relay.
#include <tvm/ir_functor.h>
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
using tvm::IRPrinter;
using namespace tvm::runtime;
Constant ConstantNode::make(runtime::NDArray data) {
std::shared_ptr<ConstantNode> n = std::make_shared<ConstantNode>();
n->data = std::move(data);
return Constant(n);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
*ret = ConstantNode::make(args[0]);
.set_dispatch<ConstantNode>([](const ConstantNode *node,
tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "ConstantNode(TODO)";
TensorType ConstantNode::tensor_type() const {
auto dtype = TVMType2Type(data->dtype);
Array<tvm::Expr> shape;
for (int i = 0; i < data->ndim; i++) {
shape.push_back(tvm::ir::IntImm::make(HalideIR::Int(64), data->shape[i]));
return TensorTypeNode::make(shape, dtype);
Tuple TupleNode::make(tvm::Array<relay::Expr> fields) {
std::shared_ptr<TupleNode> n = std::make_shared<TupleNode>();
n->fields = std::move(fields);
return Tuple(n);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
*ret = TupleNode::make(args[0]);
.set_dispatch<TupleNode>([](const TupleNode *node, tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "TupleNode(" << node->fields << ")";
Var VarNode::make(std::string name_hint) {
std::shared_ptr<VarNode> n = std::make_shared<VarNode>();
n->name_hint = std::move(name_hint);
return Var(n);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
*ret = VarNode::make(args[0]);
.set_dispatch<VarNode>([](const VarNode *node,
tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "VarNode(" << node->name_hint << ")";
GlobalVar GlobalVarNode::make(std::string name_hint) {
std::shared_ptr<GlobalVarNode> n = std::make_shared<GlobalVarNode>();
n->name_hint = std::move(name_hint);
return GlobalVar(n);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
*ret = GlobalVarNode::make(args[0]);
.set_dispatch<GlobalVarNode>([](const GlobalVarNode *node,
tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "GlobalVarNode(" << node->name_hint << ")";
Param ParamNode::make(Var var, Type type) {
std::shared_ptr<ParamNode> n = std::make_shared<ParamNode>();
n->var = std::move(var);
n->type = std::move(type);
return Param(n);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
*ret = ParamNode::make(args[0], args[1]);
.set_dispatch<ParamNode>([](const ParamNode *node, tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "ParamNode(" << node->var << ", " << node->type << ")";
Function FunctionNode::make(tvm::Array<Param> params, Type ret_type, Expr body,
tvm::Array<TypeParam> type_params) {
std::shared_ptr<FunctionNode> n = std::make_shared<FunctionNode>();
n->params = std::move(params);
n->ret_type = std::move(ret_type);
n->body = std::move(body);
n->type_params = std::move(type_params);
return Function(n);
Type FunctionNode::fn_type() const {
Array<Type> param_types;
for (auto param : this->params) {
return FuncTypeNode::make(param_types, this->ret_type, this->type_params, {});
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
*ret = FunctionNode::make(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
.set_dispatch<FunctionNode>([](const FunctionNode *node,
tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "FunctionNode(" << node->params << ", " << node->ret_type
<< ", " << node->body << ", " << node->type_params << ")";
Call CallNode::make(Expr op, Array<Expr> args, Attrs attrs,
Array<Type> type_args) {
std::shared_ptr<CallNode> n = std::make_shared<CallNode>();
n->op = std::move(op);
n->args = std::move(args);
n->attrs = std::move(attrs);
n->type_args = std::move(type_args);
return Call(n);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
*ret = CallNode::make(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
.set_dispatch<CallNode>([](const CallNode *node, tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "CallNode(" << node->op << ", " << node->args << ", "
<< node->attrs << ", " << node->type_args << ")";
Let LetNode::make(Var var, Expr value, Expr body, Type value_type) {
std::shared_ptr<LetNode> n = std::make_shared<LetNode>();
n->var = std::move(var);
n->value = std::move(value);
n->body = std::move(body);
n->value_type = std::move(value_type);
return Let(n);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
*ret = LetNode::make(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
.set_dispatch<LetNode>([](const LetNode *node, tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "LetNode(" << node->var << ", " << node->value
<< ", " << node->body << ", " << node->value_type << ")";
If IfNode::make(Expr cond, Expr true_branch, Expr false_branch) {
std::shared_ptr<IfNode> n = std::make_shared<IfNode>();
n->cond = std::move(cond);
n->true_branch = std::move(true_branch);
n->false_branch = std::move(false_branch);
return If(n);
TVM_REGISTER_API("relay._make.If").set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
*ret = IfNode::make(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
.set_dispatch<IfNode>([](const IfNode *node, tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "IfNode(" << node->cond << ", " << node->true_branch
<< node->false_branch << ")";
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file src/tvm/relay/
* \brief A wrapper around ExprFunctor which functionally updates the AST.
* ExprMutator uses memoization and self return in order to amortize
* the cost of using functional updates.
#include <tvm/relay/expr_functor.h>
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
Expr ExprMutator::Mutate(const Expr& expr) {
auto cached_expr = this->memo_.find(expr);
if (cached_expr != this->memo_.end()) {
return (*cached_expr).second;
} else {
auto new_expr = this->ExprMutator::VisitExpr(expr, expr);
this->memo_.Set(expr, new_expr);
return new_expr;
Expr ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(const VarNode* op, const Expr& expr) {
return expr;
Expr ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(const ConstantNode* op, const Expr& expr) {
return expr;
Expr ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(const GlobalVarNode* op, const Expr& expr) {
return expr;
Expr ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(const OpNode* op, const Expr& expr) {
return expr;
Expr ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op, const Expr& e) {
tvm::Array<Expr> fields;
bool all_fields_unchanged = true;
for (auto field : op->fields) {
auto new_field = this->Mutate(field);
all_fields_unchanged &= new_field.same_as(field);
if (all_fields_unchanged) {
return e;
} else {
return TupleNode::make(fields);
Expr ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(const ParamNode* op, const Expr& e) {
Var var = Downcast<Var>(this->Mutate(op->var));
auto type = this->VisitType(op->type);
if (var == op->var && type == op->type) {
return e;
} else {
return ParamNode::make(var, type);
Expr ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* op, const Expr& e) {
tvm::Array<TypeParam> ty_params;
bool all_ty_params_changed = true;
for (auto ty_param : op->type_params) {
TypeParam new_ty_param = Downcast<TypeParam>(VisitType(ty_param));
all_ty_params_changed &= new_ty_param.same_as(ty_param);
tvm::Array<Param> params;
bool all_params_changed = true;
for (auto param : op->params) {
Param new_param = Downcast<Param>(this->Mutate(param));
all_params_changed &= param.same_as(new_param);
auto ret_type = this->VisitType(op->ret_type);
auto body = this->Mutate(op->body);
if (ty_params.same_as(op->type_params) && params.same_as(op->params) &&
ret_type.same_as(op->ret_type) && body.same_as(op->body)) {
return e;
} else {
return FunctionNode::make(params, ret_type, body, ty_params);
Expr ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(const CallNode* call_node, const Expr& e) {
auto op = this->Mutate(call_node->op);
tvm::Array<Type> ty_args;
bool all_ty_args_unchanged = true;
for (auto ty_arg : call_node->type_args) {
auto new_ty_arg = this->VisitType(ty_arg);
all_ty_args_unchanged &= new_ty_arg.same_as(ty_arg);
tvm::Array<Expr> call_args;
bool all_args_unchanged = true;
for (auto arg : call_node->args) {
auto new_arg = this->Mutate(arg);
all_args_unchanged &= new_arg.same_as(arg);
if (all_ty_args_unchanged && all_args_unchanged &&
call_node->op.same_as(op)) {
return e;
} else {
return CallNode::make(op, call_args, call_node->attrs, ty_args);
Expr ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op, const Expr& e) {
Var var = Downcast<Var>(this->Mutate(op->var));
auto type = this->VisitType(op->value_type);
auto value = this->Mutate(op->value);
auto body = this->Mutate(op->body);
if (var.same_as(op->var) && type.same_as(op->value_type) &&
value.same_as(op->value) && body.same_as(op->body)) {
return e;
} else {
return LetNode::make(var, value, body, type);
Expr ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(const IfNode* op, const Expr& e) {
auto guard = this->Mutate(op->cond);
auto true_b = this->Mutate(op->true_branch);
auto false_b = this->Mutate(op->false_branch);
if (op->cond == guard && true_b == op->true_branch &&
false_b == op->false_branch) {
return e;
} else {
return IfNode::make(guard, true_b, false_b);
Type ExprMutator::VisitType(const Type& t) { return t; }
void ExprVisitor::ExprVisitor::VisitExpr_(const VarNode* op) { return; }
void ExprVisitor::ExprVisitor::VisitExpr_(const GlobalVarNode* op) { return; }
void ExprVisitor::ExprVisitor::VisitExpr_(const ConstantNode* op) { return; }
void ExprVisitor::ExprVisitor::VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op) {
for (auto field : op->fields) {
void ExprVisitor::ExprVisitor::VisitExpr_(const ParamNode* op) {
void ExprVisitor::ExprVisitor::VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* op) {
for (auto param : op->params) {
void ExprVisitor::VisitExpr_(const CallNode* op) {
for (auto ty_arg : op->type_args) {
for (auto arg : op->args) {
void ExprVisitor::VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op) {
void ExprVisitor::VisitExpr_(const IfNode* op) {
void ExprVisitor::VisitExpr_(const OpNode* op) { return; }
void ExprVisitor::VisitType(const Type& t) { return; }
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file src/tvm/relay/
* \brief Resolve incomplete types to complete types.
#include <tvm/relay/op.h>
#include <tvm/relay/type.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/module.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/packed_func.h>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include "./../pass/type_subst.h"
namespace dmlc {
// enable registry
} // namespace dmlc
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
::dmlc::Registry<OpRegistry>* OpRegistry::Registry() {
return ::dmlc::Registry<OpRegistry>::Get();
// single manager of operator information.
struct OpManager {
// mutex to avoid registration from multiple threads.
std::mutex mutex;
// global operator counter
std::atomic<int> op_counter{0};
// storage of additional attribute table.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<GenericOpMap>> attr;
// frontend functions
std::vector<PackedFunc*> frontend_funcs;
// get singleton of the op manager
static OpManager* Global() {
static OpManager inst;
return &inst;
// find operator by name
const Op& Op::Get(const std::string& name) {
const OpRegistry* reg = dmlc::Registry<OpRegistry>::Find(name);
CHECK(reg != nullptr) << "Operator " << name << " is not registered";
return reg->op();
OpRegistry::OpRegistry() {
OpManager* mgr = OpManager::Global();
std::shared_ptr<OpNode> n = std::make_shared<OpNode>();
n->index_ = mgr->op_counter++;
op_ = Op(n);
// Get attribute map by key
const GenericOpMap& Op::GetGenericAttr(const std::string& key) {
OpManager* mgr = OpManager::Global();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mgr->mutex);
auto it = mgr->attr.find(key);
if (it == mgr->attr.end()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Operator attribute \'" << key << "\' is not registered";
return *it->second.get();
void OpRegistry::UpdateAttr(const std::string& key, TVMRetValue value,
int plevel) {
OpManager* mgr = OpManager::Global();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mgr->mutex);
std::unique_ptr<GenericOpMap>& op_map = mgr->attr[key];
if (op_map == nullptr) {
op_map.reset(new GenericOpMap());
uint32_t index = op_->index_;
if (op_map->data_.size() <= index) {
op_map->data_.resize(index + 1, std::make_pair(TVMRetValue(), 0));
std::pair<TVMRetValue, int>& p = op_map->data_[index];
CHECK(p.second != plevel)
<< "Attribute " << key << " of operator " << this->name
<< " is already registered with same plevel=" << plevel;
if (p.second < plevel) {
op_map->data_[index] = std::make_pair(value, plevel);
// Frontend APIs
.set_body_typed<Array<tvm::Expr>()>([]() {
Array<tvm::Expr> ret;
for (const std::string& name :
dmlc::Registry<OpRegistry>::ListAllNames()) {
return ret;
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* rv) {
Op op = args[0];
std::string attr_name = args[1];
auto op_map = Op::GetAttr<TVMRetValue>(attr_name);
if (op_map.count(op)) {
*rv = op_map[op];
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* rv) {
std::string op_name = args[0];
std::string attr_key = args[1];
runtime::TVMArgValue value = args[2];
int plevel = args[3];
auto& reg =
// enable resgiteration and override of certain properties
if (attr_key == "num_inputs" && plevel > 128) {
} else if (attr_key == "attrs_type_key" && plevel > 128) {
} else {
// normal attr table override.
if (args[2].type_code() == kFuncHandle) {
// do an eager copy of the PackedFunc
PackedFunc f = args[2];
// If we get a function from frontend, avoid deleting it.
OpManager::Global()->frontend_funcs.push_back(new PackedFunc(f));
reg.set_attr(attr_key, f, plevel);
} else {
reg.set_attr(attr_key, args[2], plevel);
std::shared_ptr<OpNode> CreateOp(const std::string& name) {
auto op = Op::Get(name);
CHECK(!op.defined()) << "Cannot find op \'" << name << '\'';
std::shared_ptr<Node> node = op.node_;
return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<OpNode>(node);
.set_global_key([](const Node* n) {
return static_cast<const OpNode*>(n)->name;
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file src/tvm/ir/
* \brief The type system AST nodes of Relay.
#include <tvm/ir_functor.h>
#include <tvm/relay/type.h>
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
using tvm::IRPrinter;
using namespace tvm::runtime;
TensorType TensorTypeNode::make(Array<ShapeExpr> shape, DataType dtype) {
std::shared_ptr<TensorTypeNode> n = std::make_shared<TensorTypeNode>();
n->shape = std::move(shape);
n->dtype = std::move(dtype);
return TensorType(n);
TensorType TensorTypeNode::Scalar(DataType dtype) {
return TensorTypeNode::make({}, dtype);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
Array<ShapeExpr> shape = args[0];
*ret = TensorTypeNode::make(shape, args[1]);
.set_dispatch<TensorTypeNode>([](const TensorTypeNode *node,
tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "TensorTypeNode(" << node->dtype << ", " << node->shape << ")";
TypeParam TypeParamNode::make(std::string name, TypeParamNode::Kind kind) {
std::shared_ptr<TypeParamNode> n = std::make_shared<TypeParamNode>();
n->var = tvm::Var(name);
n->kind = std::move(kind);
return TypeParam(n);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
int kind = args[1];
*ret =
TypeParamNode::make(args[0], static_cast<TypeParamNode::Kind>(kind));
.set_dispatch<TypeParamNode>([](const TypeParamNode *node,
tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "TypeParamNode(" << node->var->name_hint << ", "
<< node->kind << ")";
FuncType FuncTypeNode::make(tvm::Array<Type> arg_types, Type ret_type,
tvm::Array<TypeParam> type_params,
tvm::Array<TypeConstraint> type_constraints) {
std::shared_ptr<FuncTypeNode> n = std::make_shared<FuncTypeNode>();
n->arg_types = std::move(arg_types);
n->ret_type = std::move(ret_type);
n->type_params = std::move(type_params);
n->type_constraints = std::move(type_constraints);
return FuncType(n);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
*ret = FuncTypeNode::make(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
.set_dispatch<FuncTypeNode>([](const FuncTypeNode *node,
tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "FuncTypeNode(" << node->type_params << ", "
<< node->arg_types << ", " << node->ret_type << ", "
<< node->type_constraints << ")";
TypeRelation TypeRelationNode::make(std::string name, TypeRelationFn func, Array<Type> args) {
std::shared_ptr<TypeRelationNode> n = std::make_shared<TypeRelationNode>();
n->name = std::move(name);
n->func_ = std::move(func);
n->args = std::move(args);
return TypeRelation(n);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
*ret = TypeRelationNode::make(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
.set_dispatch<TypeRelationNode>([](const TypeRelationNode *node,
tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "TypeRelationNode(" << node->name << ", " << node->args
<< ")";
TupleType TupleTypeNode::make(Array<Type> fields) {
std::shared_ptr<TupleTypeNode> n = std::make_shared<TupleTypeNode>();
n->fields = std::move(fields);
return TupleType(n);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
*ret = TupleTypeNode::make(args[0]);
.set_dispatch<TupleTypeNode>([](const TupleTypeNode *node,
tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "TupleTypeNode(" << node->fields << ")";
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file
* \brief Elementwise operators.
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
#include <tvm/relay/op.h>
#include "../type_relations.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
// Quick helper macro
// - Expose a positional make function to construct the node.
// - Register op to the registry.
// We make the decision to always only expose positional argument.
// We will do rewrapping in the frontend to support language
// sugars such as keyword arguments and default value.
TVM_REGISTER_API("relay.op._make." OpName) \
.set_body_typed<Expr(Expr)>([](Expr data) { \
static const Op& op = Op::Get(OpName); \
return CallNode::make(op, {data}, Attrs(), {}); \
}); \
.set_num_inputs(1) \
.add_argument("data", "Tensor", "The input tensor.")
.describe(R"code(Returns the log input array, computed element-wise.
.. math::
.add_type_rel("Identity", IdentityRel);
// data : Tensor[shape, dtype]
// result: Tensor[shape, dtype]
.describe(R"code(Returns the exp input array, computed element-wise.
.. math::
.add_type_rel("Identity", IdentityRel);
.describe(R"code(Returns the sqrt input array, computed element-wise.
.. math::
.add_type_rel("Identity", IdentityRel);
// Addition
.set_body_typed<Expr(Expr, Expr)>([](Expr lhs, Expr rhs) {
static const Op& op = Op::Get("add");
return CallNode::make(op, {lhs, rhs}, Attrs(), {});
.add_argument("lhs", "Tensor", "The left hand side tensor.")
.add_argument("rhs", "Tensor", "The right hand side tensor.")
.add_type_rel("Broadcast", BroadcastRel);
// def broadcast(s1, s2):
// ...
// input1: Tensor[dtype, s1]
// input2: Tensor[dtype, s2]
// output: Tensor[dtype, broadcast(s1, s2)]
// Addition
.set_body_typed<Expr(Expr, Expr)>([](Expr lhs, Expr rhs) {
static const Op& op = Op::Get("subtract");
return CallNode::make(op, {lhs, rhs}, Attrs(), {});
.add_argument("lhs", "Tensor", "The left hand side tensor.")
.add_argument("rhs", "Tensor", "The right hand side tensor.")
.add_type_rel("Broadcast", BroadcastRel);
// def broadcast(s1, s2):
// ...
// input1: Tensor[dtype, s1]
// input2: Tensor[dtype, s2]
// output: Tensor[dtype, broadcast(s1, s2)]
// Equality Comparison
.set_body_typed<Expr(Expr, Expr)>([](Expr lhs, Expr rhs) {
static const Op& op = Op::Get("equal");
return CallNode::make(op, {lhs, rhs}, Attrs(), {});
.add_argument("lhs", "Tensor", "The left hand side tensor.")
.add_argument("rhs", "Tensor", "The right hand side tensor.")
.add_type_rel("BroadcastComp", BroadcastCompRel);
// Concat
.set_body_typed<Expr(Expr)>([](Expr tuple) {
static const Op& op = Op::Get("concat");
return CallNode::make(op, { tuple }, Attrs(), {});
.add_argument("tuple", "Tuple", "The tupled tensor arguments.")
.add_type_rel("Concat", ConcatRel);
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file
* \brief A set of utilities and common functionality
* for type relations.
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
#include <tvm/relay/logging.h>
#include <tvm/relay/op.h>
#include <numeric>
#include "../pass/incomplete_type.h"
#include "./type_relations.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
TensorType ToTensorType(const Type& t) {
if (auto tt_node =<TensorTypeNode>()) {
return GetRef<TensorType>(tt_node);
} else {
return TensorType(nullptr);
// TODO(@jroesch) what size value do we extract, 64bit or 32bit?
int ToInt(const tvm::Expr& e) {
auto imm =<tvm::ir::IntImm>();
CHECK(imm) << "TYPE: " << imm << imm->type << std::endl;
return imm->value;
Array<Type> IdentityRel(const Array<Type>& types, int num_args) {
CHECK_EQ(types.size(), 2);
auto t1 = ToTensorType(types[0]);
if (t1 && types[1].as<IncompleteTypeNode>()) {
return {t1, t1};
} else {
return types;
static Type ConcreteBroadcast(const TensorType& t1, const TensorType& t2,
DataType output_dtype) {
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << "ConcreteBroadcast: t1=" << t1 << " t2=" << t2
<< std::endl;
auto sh1 = t1->shape;
auto sh2 = t2->shape;
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << "ConcreteBroadcast: sh1=" << sh1 << " sh2=" << sh2
<< std::endl;
if (sh1.size() == 0 && sh2.size() == 0) {
return TensorTypeNode::make({}, output_dtype);
// We have non-zero shapes so broadcast rules apply.
} else {
auto suffix_len = static_cast<int>(std::min(sh1.size(), sh2.size()));
auto full_len = static_cast<int>(std::max(sh1.size(), sh2.size()));
auto rev_sh1 = sh1.rbegin();
auto rev_sh2 = sh2.rbegin();
while (rev_sh1 != sh1.rend() && rev_sh2 != sh2.rend()) {
auto dim1 = ToInt(*rev_sh1);
auto dim2 = ToInt(*rev_sh2);
if ((dim1 != dim2) && ((dim1 != 1) && (dim2 != 1))) {
CHECK(false) << "Dimension mistmatch "
<< "dim1: " << dim1 << " dim2: " << dim2 << std::endl;
Array<ShapeExpr> larger;
Array<ShapeExpr> smaller;
for (int i = 0; i < (full_len - suffix_len); i++) {
smaller.push_back(tvm::ir::IntImm::make(HalideIR::Int(64), 1));
if (sh1.size() < sh2.size()) {
for (auto sh : sh1) {
larger = sh2;
} else if (sh1.size() > sh2.size()) {
for (auto sh : sh1) {
smaller = sh2;
} else {
larger = sh1;
smaller = sh2;
CHECK_EQ(larger.size(), smaller.size());
Array<HalideIR::Expr> out_shape;
for (size_t i = 0; i < smaller.size(); i++) {
auto left = smaller[i].as<tvm::ir::IntImm>();
auto right = larger[i].as<tvm::ir::IntImm>();
int64_t dim = std::max(left->value, right->value);
out_shape.push_back(tvm::ir::IntImm::make(HalideIR::Int(64), dim));
return TensorTypeNode::make(out_shape, output_dtype);
Array<Type> BroadcastRel(const Array<Type>& types, int num_args) {
CHECK_EQ(types.size(), 3);
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << "In1: " << types[0] << "In2: " << types[1]
<< "Out: " << types[2] << std::endl;
if (auto t1 = ToTensorType(types[0])) {
if (auto t2 = ToTensorType(types[1])) {
CHECK_EQ(t1->dtype, t2->dtype);
return {t1, t2, ConcreteBroadcast(t1, t2, t1->dtype)};
return types;
/* A relation which specifies broadcasting rules for operations which
compute boolean results.
Array<Type> BroadcastCompRel(const Array<Type>& types, int num_args) {
CHECK_EQ(types.size(), 3);
if (auto t1 = ToTensorType(types[0])) {
if (auto t2 = ToTensorType(types[1])) {
return {t1, t2, ConcreteBroadcast(t1, t2, HalideIR::Bool())};
return types;
/*! \brief Handle concrete concat case from known input to output. */
inline Type ConcreteConcatRel(const Type& input_type) {
if (auto tuple_node =<TupleTypeNode>()) {
// NB: For now the axis argument is hardwired to be 0.
std::vector<int> dims;
DataType dtype;
CHECK_LT(1, tuple_node->fields.size());
bool skip_first = true;
// Collect the suffix dimensions since axis is zero.
// TODO(@jroesch): This is a demonstration of how
// to do varargs. It requires a little more work to
// fully type the behavior of concat.
auto first = Downcast<TensorType>(tuple_node->fields[0]);
dtype = first->dtype;
for (auto dim_expr : first->shape) {
if (!skip_first) {
} else {
skip_first = false;
std::vector<int> axis_dims;
for (auto field_ty : tuple_node->fields) {
auto ttype = Downcast<TensorType>(field_ty);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ttype->shape.size(); i++) {
if (i != 0) {
CHECK_EQ(ToInt(dims[i - 1]), ToInt(ttype->shape[i]));
} else {
auto out_axis_dim = std::accumulate(axis_dims.begin(), axis_dims.end(), 0);
Array<tvm::Expr> out_shape = { tvm::ir::IntImm::make(HalideIR::Int(64), out_axis_dim) };
for (auto dim : dims) {
out_shape.push_back(tvm::ir::IntImm::make(HalideIR::Int(64), dim));
return TensorTypeNode::make(out_shape, dtype);
} else {
throw TypeRelationError("concat can only be used with a tuple as its argument");
Array<Type> ConcatRel(const Array<Type>& types, int num_args) {
CHECK_EQ(types.size(), 2);
if (types[0].as<IncompleteTypeNode>() && types[1].as<IncompleteTypeNode>()) {
return types;
} else if (types[1].as<IncompleteTypeNode>()) {
return { types[0], ConcreteConcatRel(types[0]) };
} else {
throw TypeRelationError(
"can not deduce relationship between the " \
"type of concat's input and output");
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file tvm/relay/op/type_relations.h
* \brief A set of utilities and common functionality
* for type relations.
#include <tvm/relay/error.h>
#include <tvm/relay/type.h>
#include <string>
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
/*! \brief The error raised by a type relation.
* This error is how a type relation signals that it has failed.
struct TypeRelationError : Error {
explicit TypeRelationError(const std::string& msg)
: Error(msg) {}
/*! \brief The identity type relation maps a single input variable
* to the output variable.
* \param types The input and output types to the relation.
* \param num_args The number of input arguments.
* \return The (potentially partial) solution to the relation.
Array<Type> IdentityRel(const Array<Type>& types, int num_args);
/*! \brief The broadcast type relation, implements the broadcasting
* rule over the two input types producing the broadcasted type.
* \param types The input and output types to the relation.
* \param num_args The number of input arguments.
* \return The (potentially partial) solution to the relation.
Array<Type> BroadcastRel(const Array<Type>& types, int num_args);
/*! \brief The broadcast type relation, implements the broadcasting
* rule over the two input types producing the broadcasted type.
* This differs from BroadcastRel in the return dtype,
* it instead returns bool, for use in comparsion operators
* such as equal, not_equal, lt, and so on.
* \param types The input and output types to the relation.
* \param num_args The number of input arguments.
* \return The (potentially partial) solution to the relation.
Array<Type> BroadcastCompRel(const Array<Type>& types, int num_args);
/*! \brief The concat relation.
* This relation takes a single input which must be a single tensor
* or an arbitrary sized tuple. It combines these input dimensions
* together to produce the output example.
Array<Type> ConcatRel(const Array<Type>& types, int num_args);
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file src/tvm/relay/pass/
* \brief Compute the set of variables not bound in the expression.
#include <tvm/relay/expr_functor.h>
#include "./type_visitor.h"
#include "tvm/relay/pass.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
using namespace tvm::runtime;
struct TypeAlphaEq : TypeVisitor<const Type&> {
tvm::Map<TypeParam, TypeParam> eq_map;
bool equal;
TypeAlphaEq() : eq_map(), equal(true) {}
void DataTypeEqual(const DataType& dt1, const DataType& dt2) {
equal = equal && dt1 == dt2;
void ShapeEqual(Array<ShapeExpr> s1, Array<ShapeExpr> s2) {}
void VisitType_(const TensorTypeNode *tt1, const Type& t2) final {
if (const TensorTypeNode *tt2 =<TensorTypeNode>()) {
DataTypeEqual(tt1->dtype, tt2->dtype);
ShapeEqual(tt1->shape, tt2->shape);
} else {
equal = false;
void VisitType_(const IncompleteTypeNode *bt1, const Type& t2) final {
if (const IncompleteTypeNode *bt2 =<IncompleteTypeNode>()) {
equal = equal && bt1 == bt2;
} else {
equal = false;
void VisitType_(const TypeParamNode *ti1, const Type& t2) final {
if (const TypeParamNode *ti2 =<TypeParamNode>()) {
auto tid1 = GetRef<TypeParam>(ti1);
auto tid2 = GetRef<TypeParam>(ti2);
// We handle open terms with this rule assuming variables are identical.
// Not sure if we should do this.
if (tid1 == tid2) {
// Check that they are same kind
if (tid1->kind != tid2->kind) {
equal = false;
// Next we see if there is mapping for local1 into the rhs term.
// If there is we check to see if those are equal.
if (eq_map.find(tid1) != eq_map.end()) {
equal = equal && eq_map[tid1] == tid2;
} else {
equal = false;
} else {
equal = false;
void VisitType_(const FuncTypeNode *op, const Type& t2) final {
if (const FuncTypeNode *ta2 =<FuncTypeNode>()) {
if (op->arg_types.size() != ta2->arg_types.size()) {
equal = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < op->arg_types.size(); i++) {
this->VisitType(op->arg_types[i], ta2->arg_types[i]);
if (!equal) {
this->VisitType(op->ret_type, ta2->ret_type);
} else {
equal = false;
void VisitType_(const TypeRelationNode *tr1, const Type& t2) final {
if (const TypeRelationNode *tr2 =<TypeRelationNode>()) {
equal = tr1 == tr2;
} else {
equal = false;
void VisitType_(const TupleTypeNode *op, const Type& t2) final {
if (const TupleTypeNode *pt =<TupleTypeNode>()) {
if (op->fields.size() != pt->fields.size()) {
equal = false;
for (size_t i = 0U; i < op->fields.size(); i++) {
if (!equal) {
this->VisitType(op->fields[i], pt->fields[i]);
} else {
equal = false;
bool AlphaEqual(const Type& t1, const Type& t2) {
TypeAlphaEq aeq;
aeq.VisitType(t1, t2);
return aeq.equal;
struct AlphaEq : ExprFunctor<void(const Expr&, const Expr&)> {
tvm::Map<Var, Var> eq_map;
bool equal;
AlphaEq() : eq_map(), equal(true) {}
void VisitExpr_(const VarNode *e1, const Expr& e2) final {
if (const VarNode *id2 =<VarNode>()) {
auto local1 = GetRef<Var>(e1);
auto local2 = GetRef<Var>(id2);
// We handle open terms with this rule assuming variables are identical.
if (local1 == local2) {
equal = true;
// Next we see if there is mapping for local1 into the rhs term.
// If there is we check to see if those are equal.
if (eq_map.find(local1) != eq_map.end()) {
equal = equal && eq_map[local1] == local2;
} else {
equal = false;
} else {
equal = false;
void VisitExpr_(const GlobalVarNode *g1, const Expr& e2) final {
if (const GlobalVarNode *g2 =<GlobalVarNode>()) {
equal = equal && g1 == g2;
} else {
equal = false;
void VisitExpr_(const TupleNode *pl1, const Expr& e2) final {
Tuple prod1 = GetRef<Tuple>(pl1);
if (const TupleNode *pl2 =<TupleNode>()) {
Tuple prod2 = GetRef<Tuple>(pl2);
if (prod1->fields.size() != prod2->fields.size()) {
equal = false;
for (size_t i = 0U; i < prod1->fields.size(); i++) {
this->VisitExpr(prod1->fields[i], prod2->fields[i]);
} else {
equal = false;
void VisitExpr_(const ParamNode *p1, const Expr& e2) final {
if (const ParamNode *p2 =<ParamNode>()) {
eq_map.Set(p1->var, p2->var);
equal = equal && AlphaEqual(p1->type, p2->type);
} else {
equal = false;
void VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode *func1, const Expr& e2) final {
if (const FunctionNode *func2 =<FunctionNode>()) {
if (func1->params.size() != func2->params.size()) {
equal = false;
for (size_t i = 0U; i < func1->params.size(); i++) {
this->VisitExpr(func1->params[i], func2->params[i]);
this->VisitExpr(func1->body, func2->body);
} else {
equal = false;
void VisitExpr_(const CallNode *op, const Expr& e2) final {
if (const CallNode *call =<CallNode>()) {
this->VisitExpr(op->op, call->op);
if (op->args.size() != call->args.size()) {
equal = false;
for (size_t i = 0U; i < op->args.size(); i++) {
this->VisitExpr(op->args[i], call->args[i]);
} else {
equal = false;
void VisitExpr_(const LetNode *op, const Expr& e2) final {
if (const LetNode *let =<LetNode>()) {
eq_map.Set(op->var, let->var);
this->VisitExpr(op->value, let->value);
this->VisitExpr(op->body, let->body);
} else {
equal = false;
bool AlphaEqual(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2) {
AlphaEq eq;
eq.VisitExpr(e1, e2);
return eq.equal;
// TODO(@jroesch): move to correct namespace?
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
Expr e1 = args[0];
Expr e2 = args[1];
*ret = AlphaEqual(e1, e2);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
Type t1 = args[0];
Type t2 = args[1];
*ret = AlphaEqual(t1, t2);
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file incomplete_type.h
* \brief A way to defined arbitrary function signature with dispatch on types.
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
* \brief Represents a portion of an incomplete type.
class IncompleteType;
/*! \brief IncompleteType container node */
class IncompleteTypeNode : public TypeNode {
TypeParamNode::Kind kind;
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final { v->Visit("kind", &kind); }
TVM_DLL static IncompleteType make(TypeParamNode::Kind kind);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.IncompleteType";
TVM_DECLARE_NODE_TYPE_INFO(IncompleteTypeNode, TypeNode);
RELAY_DEFINE_NODE_REF(IncompleteType, IncompleteTypeNode, Type);
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file
* \brief Check that types are well formed by applying "kinding rules".
* This pass ensures we do not do things that violate the design of the
* type system when writing down types.
* For example tensors are not allowed to contain functions in Relay.
* We check this by ensuring the `dtype` field of a Tensor always
* contains a data type such as `int`, `float`, `uint`.
#include <tvm/ir_functor.h>
#include <tvm/relay/pass.h>
#include "./type_visitor.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
using namespace tvm::runtime;
struct KindChecker : TypeVisitor<> {
bool valid;
KindChecker() : valid(true) {}
bool Check(const Type &t) {
return valid;
bool KindCheck(const Environment& env, const Type &t) {
KindChecker kc;
return kc.Check(t);
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file
* \brief Resolve incomplete types to complete types.
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
#include <tvm/relay/expr_functor.h>
#include "./resolve.h"
#include "./type_visitor.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
struct ResolveTypeType : TypeMutator {
const TypeUnifier &unifier;
explicit ResolveTypeType(const TypeUnifier &unifier) : unifier(unifier) {}
Type VisitType(const Type &t) override {
if (!t.defined()) {
auto inc_ty = IncompleteTypeNode::make(TypeParamNode::Kind::kType);
return inc_ty;
} else {
return TypeMutator::VisitType(t);
Type VisitType_(const IncompleteTypeNode *op) override {
return unifier->Subst(GetRef<IncompleteType>(op));
struct ResolveTypeExpr : ExprMutator {
const TypeUnifier &unifier;
explicit ResolveTypeExpr(const TypeUnifier &unifier) : unifier(unifier) {}
Expr Mutate(const Expr &e) {
// NB: a bit tricky here.
// We want to store resolved type without having
// to re-typecheck the entire term.
// Since we know that e : T[...] under some holes
// then it is the case that if we resolve types
// present in e, then we can type it under T
// with the wholes filled in.
// We will visit e like normal building a new
// term, then resolve e's old type and write
// it back into the new node.
auto new_e = ExprMutator::Mutate(e);
auto resolved_cty = VisitType(e->checked_type_);
new_e->checked_type_ = resolved_cty;
return new_e;
Type VisitType(const Type &t) {
return ResolveTypeType(unifier).VisitType(t);
Type Resolve(const TypeUnifier &unifier, const Type &ty) {
return ResolveTypeType(unifier).VisitType(ty);
Expr Resolve(const TypeUnifier &unifier, const Expr &expr) {
return ResolveTypeExpr(unifier).Mutate(expr);
struct FullyResolved : TypeVisitor<> {
bool incomplete;
FullyResolved() : incomplete(true) {}
void VisitType(const Type &t) override {
if (!t.defined()) {
incomplete = true;
} else {
return TypeVisitor<>::VisitType(t);
void VisitType_(const IncompleteTypeNode *ty_var) override {
incomplete = false;
bool IsFullyResolved(const Type &t) {
auto fr = FullyResolved();
return fr.incomplete;
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file tvm/relay/resolve.h
* \brief Resolve incomplete types to complete types.
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
#include <string>
#include "./unifier.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
/*! \brief Resolve a type containing incomplete types.
* This pass replaces incomplete types with their representative, and
* converts types which are not defined into fresh variables.
* \param unifier The unifier containing the unification data.
* \param ty The type to resolve.
* \returns The resolved type.
Type Resolve(const TypeUnifier& unifier, const Type& ty);
/*! \brief Resolve an expression containing incomplete types.
* This pass replaces incomplete types with their representative, and
* converts types which are not defined into fresh variables.
* \param unifier The unifier containing the unification data.
* \param ty The expression to resolve.
* \returns The resolved expression.
Expr Resolve(const TypeUnifier& unifier, const Expr& expr);
/*! \brief Check if all types have been filled in.
* \param t The type.
* \returns True if the type is resolved, false otherwise.
bool IsFullyResolved(const Type& t);
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file type_functor.h
* \brief A way to defined arbitrary function signature with dispatch on types.
#include <tvm/ir_functor.h>
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
#include "./incomplete_type.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
template <typename FType>
class TypeFunctor;
// functions to be overriden.
{ return VisitTypeDefault_(op, std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
vtable.template set_dispatch<OP>( \
[](const NodeRef& n, TSelf* self, Args... args) { \
return self->VisitType_(static_cast<const OP*>(n.node_.get()), \
std::forward<Args>(args)...); \
template <typename R, typename... Args>
class TypeFunctor<R(const Type& n, Args...)> {
using TSelf = TypeFunctor<R(const Type& n, Args...)>;
using FType = tvm::IRFunctor<R(const NodeRef& n, TSelf* self, Args...)>;
/*! \brief the result type of this functor */
using result_type = R;
/*! \brief virtual destructor */
virtual ~TypeFunctor() {}
* \brief Same as call.
* \param n The expression node.
* \param args Additional arguments.
* \return The result of the call
R operator()(const Type& n, Args... args) {
return VisitType(n, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* \brief The functor call.
* \param n The expression node.
* \param args Additional arguments.
* \return The result of the call
virtual R VisitType(const Type& n, Args... args) {
static FType vtable = InitVTable();
return vtable(n, this, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Functions that can be overriden by subclass
virtual R VisitType_(const TensorTypeNode* op,
virtual R VisitType_(const TypeParamNode* op, Args... args) TYPE_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitType_(const TypeConstraintNode* op, Args... args) TYPE_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitType_(const FuncTypeNode* op, Args... args) TYPE_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitType_(const TypeRelationNode* op, Args... args) TYPE_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitType_(const TupleTypeNode* op, Args... args) TYPE_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitType_(const IncompleteTypeNode* op, Args... args) TYPE_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitTypeDefault_(const Node* op, Args...) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Do not have a default for " << op->type_key();
return R();
// initialize the vtable.
static FType InitVTable() {
FType vtable;
// Set dispatch
return vtable;
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file
* \brief Relay type inference and checking.
* This file implements one of the most important passes to the
* Relay IR. In order to do many transformations and generate the
* most efficient code we need to obtain type information for the
* IR.
* Like computation graphs the IR leaves most type information
* implicit and relies performing analysis of the program to
* generate this information.
* This pass given an expression `e` will infer a type `t` for
* the expression simultaneous checking the property `e : t`
* (i.e we can show e has type t).
* If we can not infer a type or there are conflicting typing
* constraints we will trigger an error.
#include <tvm/relay/error.h>
#include <tvm/relay/expr_functor.h>
#include <tvm/relay/logging.h>
#include <tvm/relay/pass.h>
#include "./incomplete_type.h"
#include "./resolve.h"
#include "./type_subst.h"
#include "./type_visitor.h"
#include "./unifier.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
using namespace tvm::runtime;
// // We declare this for forward compatibility.
struct ConstraintData {};
/*! \brief A more efficient representation of the type relation
* data needed for type checking.
struct TypeRelationData : ConstraintData {
std::string name;
std::vector<Type> args;
TypeRelationFn func;
Span span;
explicit TypeRelationData(const TypeRelation& ty_rel)
: TypeRelationData(ty_rel->args, ty_rel->func_, ty_rel->span) {}
TypeRelationData(const Array<Type>& args, const TypeRelationFn& func, const Span& sp)
: func(func), span(sp) {
for (auto arg : args) {
TypeRelation ToTypeRel() const {
Array<Type> args = Array<Type>(this->args.begin(), this->args.end());
return TypeRelationNode::make(
this->name, this->func, args);
struct TypeContext {
std::unordered_map<Var, Type, NodeHash> var_map;
std::vector<std::vector<TypeRelationData> > constraints;
TypeContext() { constraints.push_back({}); }
void Insert(const Var& id, const Type& t) { var_map[id] = t; }
void AddConstraint(const TypeConstraint& constraint) {
Type Lookup(const Var& var) {
auto type = var_map.find(var);
if (type != var_map.end()) {
return (*type).second;
} else {
throw FatalTypeError(std::string("undeclared local variable: ") + var->name_hint);
struct Scope {
TypeContext& tc;
explicit Scope(TypeContext& tc) : tc(tc) { tc.constraints.push_back({}); }
~Scope() { tc.constraints.pop_back(); }
struct CheckedExpr {
Expr expr;
Type type;
CheckedExpr(Expr e, Type t) : expr(e), type(t) {}
CheckedExpr() {}
enum SolverResult : int;
class TypeInferencer : private ExprFunctor<CheckedExpr(const Expr&)> {
TypeContext context;
Environment env;
TypeUnifier unifier;
template <typename T>
T WithScope(const std::function<T()>& f) {
TypeContext::Scope fr(context);
return f();
TypeInferencer(Environment env, TypeUnifier unifier)
: env(env), unifier(unifier) {}
explicit TypeInferencer(Environment env);
CheckedExpr Infer(const Expr &expr);
FuncType Instantiate(FuncType fn_ty, tvm::Array<Type> &ty_args);
Type Normalize(const Type& t);
void ReportError(const std::string& msg, Span sp);
[[noreturn]] void FatalError(const std::string& msg, Span sp);
Type Unify(const Type &t1, const Type& t2, Span sp);
Type Resolve(const Type &t);
Expr Resolve(const Expr &e);
/*! \brief Attempt to solve a single relation. */
void Solve(TypeRelationData& ty_rel);
/*! \brief Attempt to solve all pending relations.
* If the solver
SolverResult Solve(std::vector<TypeRelationData>& rels);
/*! \brief Check that all relations hold. */
bool RelationsHold(bool scope_only = false);
/*! \brief Visit a function node, extra flag controls behavior. */
CheckedExpr VisitFunction(const Function& f, bool generalize);
CheckedExpr VisitExpr_(const VarNode* op) override;
CheckedExpr VisitExpr_(const GlobalVarNode* op) override;
CheckedExpr VisitExpr_(const ConstantNode* op) override;
CheckedExpr VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op) override;
CheckedExpr VisitExpr_(const ParamNode* op) override;
CheckedExpr VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* op) override;
CheckedExpr VisitExpr_(const CallNode* op) override;
CheckedExpr VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op) override;
CheckedExpr VisitExpr_(const IfNode* op) override;
CheckedExpr VisitExpr_(const OpNode* op) override;
TypeInferencer::TypeInferencer() {
this->env = EnvironmentNode::make({});
this->unifier = TypeUnifierNode::make(UnionFindNode::make({}));
TypeInferencer::TypeInferencer(Environment env) : env(env) {
this->unifier = TypeUnifierNode::make(UnionFindNode::make({}));
CheckedExpr TypeInferencer::Infer(const Expr& expr) {
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << "TypeInferencer::Check expr=" << expr << std::endl;
CheckedExpr checked_expr = this->VisitExpr(expr);
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << "TypeInferencer::Check type=" << checked_expr.type
<< std::endl;
Type final_type = checked_expr.type;
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << "TypeInferencer::Check type_after_subst=" << final_type
<< std::endl;
checked_expr.expr->checked_type_ = final_type;
return checked_expr;
CheckedExpr TypeInferencer::VisitExpr_(const VarNode* op) {
auto var = GetRef<Var>(op);
return {var, this->context.Lookup(var)};
CheckedExpr TypeInferencer::VisitExpr_(const GlobalVarNode* op) {
GlobalVar var = GetRef<GlobalVar>(op);
Expr e = this->env->Lookup(var);
return {var, e->checked_type()};
CheckedExpr TypeInferencer::VisitExpr_(const ConstantNode* const_node) {
return {GetRef<Constant>(const_node), const_node->tensor_type()};
CheckedExpr TypeInferencer::VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op) {
Tuple pl = GetRef<Tuple>(op);
std::vector<Expr> field_exprs;
std::vector<Type> field_types;
for (auto field = pl->fields.begin(); field != pl->fields.end(); field++) {
auto checked_field = Infer(*field);
return {TupleNode::make(field_exprs), TupleTypeNode::make(field_types)};
CheckedExpr TypeInferencer::VisitExpr_(const ParamNode* param) {
// We should trigger error here and move param code direclty into function
// checking.
auto rtype = this->Resolve(param->type);
// This is a special case ... not sure if there is a better way
// to handle this.
param->var->checked_type_ = rtype;
return {ParamNode::make(param->var, rtype), rtype};
CheckedExpr TypeInferencer::VisitFunction(const Function& f, bool generalize) {
// First we add the parameters to the context allowing us to check their
// types.
// TODO(@jroesch): support polymorphism
std::vector<Type> param_types;
std::vector<Param> params;
return this->WithScope<CheckedExpr>([&]() -> CheckedExpr {
for (auto param : f->params) {
CheckedExpr checked_param = this->Infer(param);
Type arg_type;
this->context.Insert(param->var, checked_param.type);
auto checked_body = this->Infer(f->body);
auto inferred_rtype = checked_body.type;
auto annotated_rtype = Resolve(f->ret_type);
auto unified_rtype = this->Unify(inferred_rtype, annotated_rtype, f->span);
Array<TypeConstraint> cs;
for (auto cons : this->context.constraints.back()) {
return {FunctionNode::make(params, unified_rtype, checked_body.expr, {}),
FuncTypeNode::make(param_types, unified_rtype, {}, cs)};
CheckedExpr TypeInferencer::VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* op) {
return this->VisitFunction(GetRef<Function>(op), false);
FuncType TypeInferencer::Instantiate(FuncType fn_ty,
tvm::Array<Type>& ty_args) {
tvm::Map<TypeParam, Type> subst_map;
// Build a subsitituion map up from the function type and type arguments.
// Eventually allow the type vars to be passed in.
for (auto ty_param : fn_ty->type_params) {
IncompleteType fresh = IncompleteTypeNode::make(ty_param->kind);
subst_map.Set(ty_param, fresh);
Type inst_ty = FuncTypeNode::make(fn_ty->arg_types, fn_ty->ret_type, {},
inst_ty = TypeSubst(inst_ty, subst_map);
CHECK(KindCheck(this->env, inst_ty));
return GetRef<FuncType>(<FuncTypeNode>());
CheckedExpr TypeInferencer::VisitExpr_(const CallNode* op) {
Call c = GetRef<Call>(op);
auto checked_op = this->Infer(c->op);
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << "TypeInferencer::VisitExpr_ op=" << c << std::endl
<< "fn_ty=" << checked_op.type << std::endl;
auto fn_ty_node =<FuncTypeNode>();
if (!fn_ty_node) {
this->FatalError("only expressions with function types can be called",
// We now have a function type.
FuncType fn_ty = GetRef<FuncType>(fn_ty_node);
tvm::Array<Type> ty_args;
if (ty_args.size() != 0) {
throw Error("found manually suplied type args, not supported");
fn_ty = Instantiate(fn_ty, ty_args);
std::vector<Type> arg_types;
std::vector<Expr> checked_args;
for (auto arg : c->args) {
auto checked_arg = this->Infer(arg);
auto type_arity = fn_ty->arg_types.size();
auto number_of_args = arg_types.size();
if (type_arity != number_of_args) {
if (type_arity < number_of_args) {
this->FatalError("the function is provided too many arguments", c->span);
} else {
this->FatalError("the function is provided too few arguments", c->span);
for (size_t i = 0; i < fn_ty->arg_types.size(); i++) {
this->Unify(fn_ty->arg_types[i], arg_types[i], c->args[i]->span);
// After we unify the arguments we should know more about the type
// arguments, let's run a quick pass over them to find new
// representatives.
for (size_t i = 0; i < ty_args.size(); i++) {
ty_args.Set(i, this->unifier->Subst(ty_args[i]));
// Add type constraints from the function types.
for (auto cs : fn_ty->type_constraints) {
auto new_call =
CallNode::make(checked_op.expr, checked_args, c->attrs, ty_args);
return {new_call, fn_ty->ret_type};
CheckedExpr TypeInferencer::VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op) {
Let let = GetRef<Let>(op);
CheckedExpr checked_value;
Type annotated_ty = Resolve(let->value_type);
// If we are let-defining a function, we want to be able to
// recursively name the function in order to support recursive
// local definitions.
if (let-><FunctionNode>()) {
context.Insert(let->var, annotated_ty);
checked_value = Infer(let->value);
} else {
checked_value = Infer(let->value);
Type unified_ty = this->Unify(checked_value.type, annotated_ty, let->span);
// Update type context with unified type now that we have
// solved this equation.
context.Insert(let->var, unified_ty);
auto checked_body = Infer(let->body);
auto checked_let = LetNode::make(let->var, checked_value.expr,
checked_body.expr, let->value_type);
return {checked_let, checked_body.type};
CheckedExpr TypeInferencer::VisitExpr_(const IfNode* op) {
If ifn = GetRef<If>(op);
// Ensure the type of the guard is of Tensor[Bool, ()],
// that is a rank-0 boolean tensor.
auto checked_cond = this->Infer(ifn->cond);
auto cond_type = checked_cond.type;
this->Unify(cond_type, TensorTypeNode::make({}, HalideIR::Bool()),
auto checked_true = this->Infer(ifn->true_branch);
auto checked_false = this->Infer(ifn->false_branch);
auto unified_type =
this->Unify(checked_true.type, checked_false.type, ifn->span);
auto checked_if =
IfNode::make(checked_cond.expr, checked_true.expr, checked_false.expr);
return {checked_if, unified_type};
CheckedExpr TypeInferencer::VisitExpr_(const OpNode* op_node) {
auto op = GetRef<Op>(op_node);
return {op, op->op_type};
Type TypeInferencer::Resolve(const Type &t) {
if (t.defined()) {
return ::tvm::relay::Resolve(this->unifier, t);
} else {
return IncompleteTypeNode::make(TypeParamNode::Kind::kType);
Expr TypeInferencer::Resolve(const Expr &e) {
return ::tvm::relay::Resolve(this->unifier, e);
void TypeInferencer::Solve(TypeRelationData & ty_rel) {
Array<Type> normalized_args;
for (auto arg : ty_rel.args) {
auto new_args = ty_rel.func(normalized_args, ty_rel.args.size());
CHECK(new_args.size() == normalized_args.size());
tvm::Array<Type> final_args;
for (size_t i = 0; i < new_args.size(); i++) {
ty_rel.args[i] = Unify(normalized_args[i], new_args[i], ty_rel.span);
int NumSolvedVars(const Array<Type>& vars) {
int num = 0;
for (auto var : vars) {
if (!<IncompleteTypeNode>()) {
num += 1;
return num;
enum SolverResult : int {
Failed = -1,
Progress = 0,
Done = 1,
SolverResult TypeInferencer::Solve(std::vector<TypeRelationData>& rels) {
// We start in the done state with zero progress.
SolverResult status = SolverResult::Done;
int progress = 0;
do {
// Upon rentering the loop we reset the state.
status = SolverResult::Done;
progress = 0;
std::vector<int> complete;
int i = 0;
// We will now process each relation in order.
for (TypeRelationData& ty_rel : rels) {
int arity = ty_rel.args.size();
int pre_solved = NumSolvedVars(ty_rel.args);
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << "TypeInferencer::Solve: "
<< "TypeRelation= "
<< ", Arity=" << arity << ", Solved=" << pre_solved
<< std::endl;
// If the relation is already solved then we will make no progress but try
// to set the status to done.
if (pre_solved == arity) {
status = static_cast<SolverResult>((status && SolverResult::Done));
// If there are unsolved variables we will try to solve some.
} else if (pre_solved < arity) {
int post_solved = NumSolvedVars(ty_rel.args);
// If we solved any variables we will try to downgrade status to
// progress update the type relation, and then bump the progress counter
// by one.
if (post_solved > pre_solved) {
status =
static_cast<SolverResult>((status && SolverResult::Progress));
progress += 1;
// If we made no progress and we aren't finished, then the state should be
// downgraded to fail, then we should exit the loop.
if (progress == 0 && status != SolverResult::Done) {
status = SolverResult::Failed;
// Remove the satisfied relations.
for (auto i : complete) {
if (rels.size() > 1) {
rels[i] = rels.back();
} else {
std::reverse(rels.begin(), rels.end());
} while (status == SolverResult::Progress);
return status;
bool TypeInferencer::RelationsHold(bool scope_only) {
// If we are only checking the top scope,
// slice out the constraints.
// Otherwise we use all of them.
std::vector<std::vector<TypeRelationData> > constraints;
if (scope_only) {
constraints = {context.constraints[0]};
} else {
constraints = context.constraints;
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << "TypeInferencer::RelationsHold: scope_only= " << scope_only
<< std::endl;
bool all_hold = true;
for (auto ty_rels : context.constraints) {
auto status = Solve(ty_rels);
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << "status= " << status << std::endl;
if (status == SolverResult::Failed || status == SolverResult::Progress) {
all_hold = false;
} else if (status == SolverResult::Done) {
} else {
throw InternalError("found invalid value for SolverResult");
return all_hold;
Expr InferType(const Environment& env, const Expr& e) {
TypeInferencer ti(env);
auto checked_expr = ti.Infer(e);
return ti.Resolve(checked_expr.expr);
Expr InferType(const Environment& env, const GlobalVar& var,
const Function& func) {
TypeInferencer ti(env);
auto func_copy = FunctionNode::make(func->params, func->ret_type, func->body,
func_copy->checked_type_ = ti.Resolve(func_copy->fn_type());
env->functions.Set(var, func_copy);
auto checked_expr = ti.Infer(func);
auto map_node = env->functions.CopyOnWrite();
return ti.Resolve(checked_expr.expr);
void TypeInferencer::FatalError(const std::string& msg, Span sp) {
throw FatalTypeError(
"internal error: this exception should"
"be handled and errors reported with Environment::display_errors\n" +
Type TypeInferencer::Unify(const Type& t1, const Type& t2, Span sp) {
try {
return this->unifier->Unify(t1, t2);
} catch (const dmlc::Error &e) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Error unifying `";
ss << t1;
ss << "` and `";
ss << t2;
ss << "`: " << e.what();
this->FatalError(ss.str(), sp);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* ret) {
Environment env = args[0];
Expr e = args[1];
*ret = InferType(env, e);
// TODO(@jroesch): put in a better namespace.
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* ret) {
Expr e = args[0];
*ret = e->checked_type();
/* Incomplete Type */
IncompleteType IncompleteTypeNode::make(TypeParamNode::Kind kind) {
std::shared_ptr<IncompleteTypeNode> n =
n->kind = std::move(kind);
return IncompleteType(n);
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* ret) {
int kind = args[0];
*ret = IncompleteTypeNode::make(static_cast<TypeParamNode::Kind>(kind));
.set_dispatch<IncompleteTypeNode>([](const IncompleteTypeNode* node,
tvm::IRPrinter* p) {
p->stream << "IncompleteTypeNode(" << node->kind << ", " << node << ")";
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file
* \brief Function for substituting a concrete type in place of a type ID
#include "./type_subst.h"
#include "./type_visitor.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
struct TypeSubstV : TypeMutator {
tvm::Map<TypeParam, Type> subst_map;
explicit TypeSubstV(tvm::Map<TypeParam, Type> subst_map)
: subst_map(subst_map) {}
Type VisitType_(const TypeParamNode* op) override {
auto id = GetRef<TypeParam>(op);
if (subst_map.find(id) != subst_map.end()) {
return this->subst_map[id];
} else {
return id;
Type TypeSubst(const Type& type, const TypeParam& target, const Type& subst) {
TypeSubstV ty_sub({ {target, subst} });
return ty_sub.VisitType(type);
Type TypeSubst(const Type& type, tvm::Map<TypeParam, Type> subst_map) {
TypeSubstV ty_sub(subst_map);
return ty_sub.VisitType(type);
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file src/tvm/relay/pass/type_subst.h
* \brief Utility functions for substituting types.
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
Type TypeSubst(const Type& type, const TypeParam& target, const Type& subst);
Type TypeSubst(const Type& type, tvm::Map<TypeParam, Type> subst_map);
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file type_visitor.h
* \brief A wrapper around TypeFunctor for common use cases.
#include <vector>
#include "./type_functor.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
/*! \brief A type visitor for vistiors which make use of internal
* mutable state.
* We recursively visit each type contained inside the visitor.
template <typename... Args>
struct TypeVisitor : ::tvm::relay::TypeFunctor<void(const Type& n, Args...)> {
void VisitType_(const TypeParamNode* op, Args... args) override {}
void VisitType_(const FuncTypeNode* op, Args... args) override {
for (auto type_param : op->type_params) {
this->VisitType(type_param, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
for (auto type_cs : op->type_constraints) {
this->VisitType(type_cs, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
for (auto arg_type : op->arg_types) {
this->VisitType(arg_type, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
this->VisitType(op->ret_type, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
void VisitType_(const TensorTypeNode* op, Args... args) override {}
void VisitType_(const TupleTypeNode* op, Args... args) override {
for (const Type& t : op->fields) {
this->VisitType(t, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
void VisitType_(const TypeRelationNode* op, Args... args) override {
for (const Type& t : op->args) {
this->VisitType(t, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
void VisitType_(const IncompleteTypeNode* op, Args... args) override {}
// A functional visitor for rebuilding an AST in place.
struct TypeMutator : TypeFunctor<Type(const Type& n)> {
Type VisitType_(const TensorTypeNode* op) override {
// TODO(@jroesch): maybe we should recursively visit
return TensorTypeNode::make(op->shape, op->dtype);
Type VisitType_(const TypeParamNode* op) override {
return GetRef<TypeParam>(op);
Type VisitType_(const FuncTypeNode* op) override {
Array<TypeParam> type_params;
for (auto type_param : op->type_params) {
auto new_type_param = VisitType(type_param);
if (const TypeParamNode* tin =<TypeParamNode>()) {
} else {
CHECK(false) << new_type_param << std::endl;
Array<TypeConstraint> type_constraints;
for (auto type_cs : op->type_constraints) {
auto new_type_cs = VisitType(type_cs);
if (const TypeConstraintNode* tin = As<TypeConstraintNode>(new_type_cs)) {
} else {
CHECK(false) << new_type_cs << std::endl;
std::vector<Type> args;
for (auto arg_type : op->arg_types) {
return FuncTypeNode::make(tvm::Array<Type>(args), VisitType(op->ret_type),
type_params, type_constraints);
Type VisitType_(const TupleTypeNode* op) override {
std::vector<Type> new_fields;
for (const Type& t : op->fields) {
return TupleTypeNode::make(new_fields);
Type VisitType_(const TypeRelationNode* type_rel) override {
std::vector<Type> new_args;
for (const Type& t : type_rel->args) {
return TypeRelationNode::make(type_rel->name, type_rel->func_, new_args);
Type VisitType_(const IncompleteTypeNode* op) override {
return GetRef<IncompleteType>(op);
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file tvm/src/relay/pass/
* \brief The type unifier which solves a system of equations between
* incomplete types.
#include "./unifier.h"
#include <tvm/relay/error.h>
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
#include <tvm/relay/logging.h>
#include <tvm/relay/pass.h>
#include <tvm/relay/type.h>
#include "./type_subst.h"
#include "./type_visitor.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
using tvm::IRPrinter;
using namespace tvm::runtime;
UnionFind UnionFindNode::make(tvm::Map<IncompleteType, Type> uf_map) {
std::shared_ptr<UnionFindNode> n = std::make_shared<UnionFindNode>();
n->uf_map = uf_map;
return UnionFind(n);
void UnionFindNode::Insert(const IncompleteType& v) { this->uf_map.Set(v, v); }
void UnionFindNode::debug() {
for (const auto& entry : this->uf_map) {
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << entry.first << " = " << entry.second << std::endl;
void UnionFindNode::AssertAlphaEqual(const Type& l, const Type& r) {
if (!AlphaEqual(l, r)) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Incompatible parent types in UF:" << l << " and " << r;
throw UnionFindError(ss.str());
void UnionFindNode::Unify(const IncompleteType& v1, const Type& t) {
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << "UnionFindNode::Unify v1=" << v1 << ", t=" << t
<< std::endl;
auto parent1 = this->Find(v1);
// if t is a type var, then unify parents
const IncompleteTypeNode *tvn2 =<IncompleteTypeNode>();
if (tvn2) {
auto v2 = GetRef<IncompleteType>(tvn2);
auto parent2 = this->Find(v2);
// if parents are exactly equal, then we're done
if (parent1 == parent2) {
// if first parent is a type var, then can just set its union find map to
// second parent
if (const IncompleteTypeNode *pvn1 =<IncompleteTypeNode>()) {
auto pv1 = GetRef<IncompleteType>(pvn1);
this->uf_map.Set(pv1, parent2);
// if second parent is a type var but first isn't, can set second type var
if (const IncompleteTypeNode *pvn2 =<IncompleteTypeNode>()) {
auto pv2 = GetRef<IncompleteType>(pvn2);
this->uf_map.Set(pv2, parent1);
// if both parents are not type vars themselves, check alpha-equality
AssertAlphaEqual(parent1, parent2);
// if t is not a type var, then unify with v1's parent if parent is a type
// var; else, check alpha-equality for compatibility
if (const IncompleteTypeNode *pvn1 =<IncompleteTypeNode>()) {
auto pv1 = GetRef<IncompleteType>(pvn1);
this->uf_map.Set(pv1, t);
AssertAlphaEqual(parent1, t);
Type UnionFindNode::Find(const IncompleteType& v) {
// The node has no mapping, so its representative is just itself.
if (this->uf_map.find(v) == this->uf_map.end()) {
return v;
Type parent = this->;
if (v == parent) {
return v;
// if parent is not a type var, then it must be the representative type
const IncompleteTypeNode *rep =<IncompleteTypeNode>();
if (!rep) {
return parent;
// otherwise, recurse and perform path compression
IncompleteType pv = GetRef<IncompleteType>(rep);
Type higher_up = this->Find(pv);
this->uf_map.Set(v, higher_up);
return higher_up;
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
if (args.size() == 0) {
*ret = UnionFindNode::make({});
} else {
*ret = UnionFindNode::make(args[0]);
.set_dispatch<UnionFindNode>([](const UnionFindNode *node,
tvm::IRPrinter *p) {
p->stream << "UnionFindNode(" << node->uf_map << ")";
TypeUnifier TypeUnifierNode::make(UnionFind union_find) {
std::shared_ptr<TypeUnifierNode> n = std::make_shared<TypeUnifierNode>();
n->union_find = union_find;
return TypeUnifier(n);
void TypeUnifierNode::Insert(const IncompleteType& v) {
Type TypeUnifierNode::Unify(const Type& t1, const Type& t2) {
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << "TypeUnifierNode::unify: t1=" << t1 << " t2=" << t2
<< std::endl;
Type unified = this->VisitType(t1, t2);
// TODO(@jroesch): Restore this code when we finish kind checker.
// if (!check_kind(unified)) {
// throw UnificationError("Invalid kinds in unified type");
// }
return unified;
struct IncompleteTypeSubst : TypeMutator {
const TypeUnifierNode *unifier;
IncompleteTypeSubst(const TypeUnifierNode *unifier) : unifier(unifier) {}
// type var: look it up in the type map and recurse
Type VisitType_(const IncompleteTypeNode* op) override {
auto tv = GetRef<IncompleteType>(op);
auto parent = unifier->union_find->Find(tv);
if (parent == tv) {
return tv;
return this->VisitType(parent);
Type TypeUnifierNode::Subst(const Type& t) {
IncompleteTypeSubst tvsubst(this);
// normalize first so substitutions in quantifiers will be correct
Type ret = tvsubst.VisitType(t);
// TODO(@jroesch): Restore this code when we finish kind checker.
// if (!check_kind(ret)) {
// std::stringstream ss;
// ss << "Invalid Kinds in substituted type!";
// ss << t << std::endl;
// ss << ret << std::endl;
// throw SubstitutionError(ss.str());
// }
return ret;
Type TypeUnifierNode::VisitType(const Type& t1, const Type t2) {
// When the right hand size is a type variable immediately unify.
if (const IncompleteTypeNode *tvn2 =<IncompleteTypeNode>()) {
return this->UnifyWithIncompleteType(t1, GetRef<IncompleteType>(tvn2));
} else {
return TypeFunctor<Type(const Type &t1, const Type t2)>::VisitType(t1, t2);
Type TypeUnifierNode::UnifyWithIncompleteType(const Type& t1,
const IncompleteType tv2) {
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << "unifyWithIncompleteType: t1=" << t1 << " t2=" << tv2
<< std::endl;
// Fix unify to return new representative
this->union_find->Unify(tv2, t1);
auto rep = this->union_find->Find(tv2);
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << "unifyWithIncompleteType: rep =" << rep << std::endl;
return rep;
Type TypeUnifierNode::VisitType_(const IncompleteTypeNode* t1, const Type rt2) {
IncompleteType tv1 = GetRef<IncompleteType>(t1);
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << "VisitType_: IncompleteTypeNode t1=" << t1 << " = " << rt2
<< std::endl;
this->union_find->Unify(tv1, rt2);
auto rep = this->union_find->Find(tv1);
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << "VisitType_: IncompleteTypeNode rep=" << rep << std::endl;
return rep;
Type TypeUnifierNode::VisitType_(const TypeParamNode* t1, const Type rt2) {
TypeParam ti1 = GetRef<TypeParam>(t1);
if (const TypeParamNode *tin2 =<TypeParamNode>()) {
TypeParam ti2 = GetRef<TypeParam>(tin2);
if (ti1 != ti2) {
throw UnificationError("Attempting to unify non-matching TypeParams");
return ti1;
throw UnificationError("Unable to unify TypeParamNode");
Type TypeUnifierNode::VisitType_(const FuncTypeNode* t1, const Type rt2) {
FuncType ft1 = GetRef<FuncType>(t1);
if (const FuncTypeNode *tan2 =<FuncTypeNode>()) {
FuncType ft2 = GetRef<FuncType>(tan2);
if (ft1->type_params.size() != ft2->type_params.size()) {
throw UnificationError(
"unable to unify functions with differing number of type parameters");
tvm::Map<TypeParam, Type> subst_map;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ft1->arg_types.size(); i++) {
subst_map.Set(ft1->type_params[i], ft2->type_params[i]);
ft1 = Downcast<FuncType>(TypeSubst(ft1, subst_map));
if (ft1->arg_types.size() != ft2->arg_types.size()) {
throw UnificationError("unable to unify functions of different arities");
tvm::Array<Type> unified_args;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ft1->arg_types.size(); i++) {
this->VisitType(ft1->arg_types[i], ft2->arg_types[i]));
Type unified_ret_type = this->VisitType(ft1->ret_type, ft2->ret_type);
return FuncTypeNode::make(unified_args, unified_ret_type, {}, {});
throw UnificationError("unable to unify function types");
Type TypeUnifierNode::VisitType_(const TensorTypeNode* t1, const Type rt2) {
TensorType tt1 = GetRef<TensorType>(t1);
if (const TensorTypeNode *ttn2 =<TensorTypeNode>()) {
TensorType tt2 = GetRef<TensorType>(ttn2);
if (!AlphaEqual(tt1, tt2)) {
throw UnificationError("dtypes do not match");
RELAY_LOG(INFO) << "Unify Tensor Shape s1=" << tt1->shape
<< " s2= " << tt2->shape << std::endl;
if (tt1->shape.size() != tt2->shape.size()) {
throw UnificationError("shapes are not of the same length");
for (size_t i = 0U; i < tt1->shape.size(); i++) {
if (!tt1->shape[i].same_as(tt2->shape[i])) {
throw UnificationError("shapes do not match at index");
return rt2;
throw UnificationError("Cannot unify TensorTypeNode");
Type TypeUnifierNode::VisitType_(const TupleTypeNode* t1, const Type rt2) {
TupleType pt1 = GetRef<TupleType>(t1);
if (const TupleTypeNode *ptn2 =<TupleTypeNode>()) {
TupleType pt2 = GetRef<TupleType>(ptn2);
std::vector<Type> unified_fields;
if (pt1->fields.size() != pt2->fields.size()) {
throw UnificationError("Product types are of different dimensions");
for (size_t i = 0U; i < pt1->fields.size(); i++) {
Type unified = this->VisitType(pt1->fields[i], pt2->fields[i]);
return TupleTypeNode::make(unified_fields);
throw UnificationError("Cannot unify TupleTypeNode");
Type TypeUnifierNode::VisitType_(const TypeRelationNode* tr1, const Type t2) {
throw InternalError("Cannot unify different type relations");
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file include/tvm/relay/pass/unifier.h
* \brief The type unifier which solves a system of equations between
* incomplete types.
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
#include <string>
#include "./type_functor.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
struct UnionFindError : dmlc::Error {
explicit UnionFindError(const std::string& msg) : Error(msg) {}
struct UnificationError : dmlc::Error {
explicit UnificationError(const std::string& msg) : Error(msg) {}
struct SubstitutionError : dmlc::Error {
explicit SubstitutionError(const std::string& msg) : Error(msg) {}
/*! \brief A union-find data structure for the type-checker */
class UnionFind;
class UnionFindNode : public Node {
/*! \brief The inernal map from incomplete types to their representatives. */
tvm::Map<IncompleteType, Type> uf_map;
UnionFindNode() {}
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final { v->Visit("uf_map", &uf_map); }
TVM_DLL static UnionFind make(tvm::Map<IncompleteType, Type> uf_map);
/*! \brief Insert it into the union find.
* \param it The type to add to the union find.
void Insert(const IncompleteType& it);
/*! \brief Union operation, combine two equivalence classes.
* \param it The incomplete type to unify.
* \param ty The other type.
void Unify(const IncompleteType& it, const Type& t);
/*! \brief Find operation, returns the representative of the argument.
* \param it The element to lookup.
Type Find(const IncompleteType& it);
void debug();
void AssertAlphaEqual(const Type& l, const Type& r);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.UnionFind";
class UnionFind : public NodeRef {
UnionFind() {}
explicit UnionFind(std::shared_ptr<tvm::Node> p) : NodeRef(p) {}
// The union find structure is mutable so we do not use the standard macros
// and expose the pointer via `->`.
UnionFindNode* operator->() const {
return static_cast<UnionFindNode*>(node_.get());
using ContainerType = UnionFindNode;
class TypeUnifier;
class TypeUnifierNode : public Node,
private TypeFunctor<Type(const Type&, const Type)> {
UnionFind union_find;
TypeUnifierNode() {}
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) final { v->Visit("union_find", &union_find); }
TVM_DLL static TypeUnifier make(UnionFind uf);
/*! \brief Introduces a new type var into the unifier */
void Insert(const IncompleteType& v);
/*! \brief Unifies two types if possible, throws a unification error if it
* cannot */
Type Unify(const Type& t1, const Type& t2);
/*! \brief Attempts to substitute all type vars in t with concrete types,
* throws substitution error if it cannot concretize*/
Type Subst(const Type& t);
// /*! \brief Checks the kinds in the given type */
// Type CheckKinds(const Type& t);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "relay.TypeUnifier";
/*! \brief Unify incomplete type with another type. */
Type UnifyWithIncompleteType(const Type& t1, const IncompleteType tvn2);
/*! \brief Implements unification between two types with incomplete portions.
Type VisitType(const Type& t1, const Type t2) override;
// Visitor Cases
Type VisitType_(const IncompleteTypeNode* t1, const Type t2) override;
Type VisitType_(const TensorTypeNode* t1, const Type t2) override;
Type VisitType_(const TypeParamNode* t1, const Type t2) override;
Type VisitType_(const FuncTypeNode* t1, const Type t2) override;
Type VisitType_(const TupleTypeNode* t1, const Type t2) override;
Type VisitType_(const TypeRelationNode* s1, const Type t2) override;
class TypeUnifier : public NodeRef {
TypeUnifier() {}
explicit TypeUnifier(std::shared_ptr<tvm::Node> p) : NodeRef(p) {}
// no const so that unifier can be mutable as a member of typechecker
inline TypeUnifierNode* operator->() const {
return static_cast<TypeUnifierNode*>(node_.get());
using ContainerType = TypeUnifierNode;
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
import numpy as np
from tvm.relay.expr import Let, Constant
from tvm.relay.ir_builder import IRBuilder
def test_let():
b = IRBuilder()
x = b.let('x', 1)
prog, _ = b.get()
assert isinstance(prog, Let)
var = prog.var
value = prog.value
assert var.name_hint == 'x'
assert var == prog.body
assert isinstance(value, Constant)
assert == np.array(1)
assert prog.value_type == None
if __name__ == "__main__":
""" test ir"""
import tvm
from tvm import relay
from tvm.expr import *
# Span
def test_span():
span = relay.Span(None, 1, 1)
assert span.source == None
assert span.lineno == 1
assert span.col_offset == 1
assert span.same_as(span)
assert span == span
assert isinstance(span, relay.base.Span)
# Types
def test_tensor_type():
shape = tvm.convert([1, 2, 3])
dtype = 'float32'
tt = relay.TensorType(shape, dtype)
assert tt.dtype == dtype
assert tt.shape == shape
assert tt.span == None
def test_type_param():
tp = relay.TypeParam('name', relay.Kind.Shape)
tp.kind == relay.Kind.Shape
tp.span # TODO allow us to set span
def test_func_type():
type_params = tvm.convert([])
type_constraints = tvm.convert([]) # TODO: fill me in
arg_types = tvm.convert([])
ret_type = None
tf = relay.FuncType(arg_types, ret_type, type_params, type_constraints)
assert tf.type_params == type_params
assert tf.type_constraints == type_constraints
assert tf.arg_types == arg_types
assert tf.ret_type == ret_type
assert tf.span == None
# TODO make sure we can set
def test_constant():
arr = tvm.nd.array(10)
const = relay.Constant(arr)
assert == arr
assert const.span == None
def test_tuple():
fields = tvm.convert([])
tup = relay.Tuple(fields)
assert tup.fields == fields
assert tup.span == None
def test_local_var():
name_hint = 's'
lv = relay.Var(name_hint)
lv.name_hint == name_hint
# assert lv.span == None todo(@jroesch): what do we do about spans
def test_global_var():
name_hint = 'g'
gv = relay.GlobalVar(name_hint)
gv.name_hint == name_hint
# assert lv.span == None todo(@jroesch): what do we do about spans
def test_param():
lv = relay.Var('x')
ty = None
param = relay.Param(lv, ty)
assert param.var == lv
assert param.type == ty
assert param.span == None
def test_function():
param_names = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
params = tvm.convert([relay.Param(relay.Var(n), None) for n in param_names])
ret_type = None
body = None
type_params = tvm.convert([])
fn = relay.Function(params, ret_type, body, type_params)
assert fn.params == params
assert fn.body == body
assert fn.type_params == type_params
assert fn.span == None
def test_call():
op = relay.Var('f')
arg_names = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
args = tvm.convert([relay.Var(n) for n in arg_names])
call = relay.Call(op, args, None, None)
assert call.op == op
assert call.args == args
assert call.span == None
def test_let():
lv = relay.Var('x')
ty = None
arr = tvm.nd.array(10)
value = relay.Constant(arr)
# I would prefer that the order of arguments
# matches syntax let x: t = v in b
let = relay.Let(lv, value, lv, ty)
assert let.var == lv
assert let.value == value
assert let.value_type == ty
assert let.body == lv
assert let.span == None
def test_if():
cond = relay.Var('cond')
left = relay.Var('left')
right = relay.Var('right')
ife = relay.If(cond, left, right)
assert ife.cond == cond
assert ife.true_branch == left
assert ife.false_branch == right
assert ife.span == None
if __name__ == "__main__":
from tvm import relay
def test_op_attr():
log_op = relay.op.get("log")
@relay.op.register("exp", "ftest")
def test(x):
return x + 1
assert log_op.num_inputs == 1
assert log_op.get_attr("ftest") is None
assert relay.op.get("exp").get_attr("ftest")(1) == 2
def test_op_level1():
x = relay.Var("x")
for op_name in ["log", "exp", "sqrt"]:
y = getattr(relay, op_name)(x)
assert == op_name
assert y.op.support_level == 1
assert y.args[0] == x
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""Test that type checker correcly computes types
for expressions.
import tvm
import numpy as np
from tvm.relay.ir_pass import check_expr
from tvm.relay.ir_builder import IRBuilder, func_type
from tvm.relay.ir_builder import scalar_type, convert, tensor_type
from tvm.relay.env import Environment
from tvm.relay.op import log, add, equal, subtract, concat
from tvm.relay.expr import Function
def assert_has_type(expr, typ, env=Environment({})):
checked_expr = check_expr(env, expr)
assert checked_expr.checked_type() == typ
def assert_decl_has_type(env, name, typ):
func = env[name]
assert func.checked_type() == typ
def test_monomorphic_let():
"Program: let x = 1; return x"
b = IRBuilder()
x = b.let('x', 1.0, value_type=scalar_type('float64'))
prog, env = b.get()
assert_has_type(prog, scalar_type('float64'))
def test_single_op():
"Program: fn (x : float32) { let t1 = f(x); t1 }"
b = IRBuilder()
with b.function(('x', 'float32')) as func:
x, = func.param_ids()
t1 = b.let('t1', log(x))
assert_has_type(func.to_func(), func_type(['float32'], 'float32'))
def test_add_op():
fn (x, y) {
return x + y;
b = IRBuilder()
x = b.param('x', tensor_type(5, 5, 5))
y = b.param('y', tensor_type(5, 5, 5))
with b.function(x, y) as func:
b.ret(add(x.var, y.var))
prog, env = b.get()
ttype = tensor_type(5, 5, 5)
expected_ty = func_type([ttype, ttype], ttype)
assert_has_type(func.to_func(), expected_ty)
def test_add_broadcast_op():
fn (x: Tensor[(10, 4), f32], y: Tensor[(5, 10, 1), f32]) -> Tensor[(5, 10, 4), f32] {
return x + y;
b = IRBuilder()
x = b.param('x', tensor_type(10, 4))
y = b.param('y', tensor_type(5, 10, 1))
with b.function(x, y) as func:
b.ret(add(x.var, y.var))
prog, env = b.get()
ttype = tensor_type(5, 5, 5)
expected_ty = func_type([ttype, ttype], ttype)
assert_has_type(func.to_func(), expected_ty)
def test_dual_op():
fn (x : Tensor[f32, (10, 10)]) {
let t1 = log(x);
let t2 = add(t1, x);
return t1;
b = IRBuilder()
with b.function(('x', tensor_type(10, 10))) as func:
x, = func.param_ids()
t1 = b.let('t1', log(x))
t2 = b.let('t2', add(t1, x))
assert_has_type(func.to_func(), func_type(['float32'], 'float32'))
def test_decl():
def f(x : Tensor[f32, (10, 10)]) {
let lx = log(x);
return lx;
b = IRBuilder()
x = b.param('x')
with b.decl('f', x):
lx = b.let('lx', log(x))
_, env = b.get()
assert_decl_has_type(env, 'f', func_type(['float32'], 'float32'))
def test_recursion():
def f(n: i32, data: f32) -> f32 {
if (n == 0) {
return f(n - 1, log(data));
} else {
return data;
f(2, 10000);
b = IRBuilder()
f = b.global_var('f')
n = b.param('n', ty='int32')
data = b.param('data', ty='float32')
with b.decl(f, n, data):
with b.if_scope(equal(n, convert(0.0))):
b.ret(f(subtract(n, convert(1)), log(data)))
with b.else_scope():
b.ret(f(convert(2.0), convert(10000.0)))
assert_decl_has_type(b.env, 'f', func_type(
['int32', 'float32'], 'float32'))
# TODO(@jroesch): need evaluator or new runtime
# to execute this.
def test_concat():
def try_concat2(x: Float(3, 2), y: Float(2, 2)) -> Float(5, 2) {
return concat(x, y);
ib = IRBuilder()
try_concat2 = ib.global_var('try_concat2')
x = ib.param('x', ty=tensor_type(3, 2))
y = ib.param('y', ty=tensor_type(2, 2))
with ib.decl(try_concat2, x, y):
ib.ret(concat(x, y))
fn_ty = func_type([tensor_type(3, 2), tensor_type(2, 2)], tensor_type(5, 2))
assert_decl_has_type(ib.env, try_concat2, fn_ty)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# test_monomorphic_let()
# test_single_op()
# test_add_op()
# test_add_broadcast_op()
# test_dual_op()
# test_decl()
# test_recursion()
......@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ TVM_FFI=cython python -m nose -v tests/python/integration || exit -1
TVM_FFI=ctypes python3 -m nose -v tests/python/integration || exit -1
TVM_FFI=cython python -m nose -v tests/python/contrib || exit -1
TVM_FFI=ctypes python3 -m nose -v tests/python/contrib || exit -1
TVM_FFI=cython python -m nose -v tests/python/relay || exit -1
TVM_FFI=ctypes python3 -m nose -v tests/python/relay || exit -1
# Do not enabke OpenGL
# TVM_FFI=cython python -m nose -v tests/webgl || exit -1
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