Unverified Commit 3d18adf1 by masahi Committed by GitHub

[Tutorial, QNN] Add tutorial for loading quantized PyTorch model (#5321)

* add pytorch tutorial code and doc stub

* add more docs

* formatting, more docs

* typo fix

* try make sphinx happy

* add performance section

* type and nit fix

* format fix
parent 09eb5082
......@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ sequential pass example could be like the following to enable IR dumping for
seq = tvm.transform.Sequential([
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Deploy a Framework-prequantized Model with TVM
**Author**: `Masahiro Masuda <https://github.com/masahi>`_
This is a tutorial on loading models quantized by deep learning frameworks into TVM.
Pre-quantized model import is one of the quantization support we have in TVM. More details on
the quantization story in TVM can be found
`here <https://discuss.tvm.ai/t/quantization-story/3920>`_.
Here, we demonstrate how to load and run models quantized by PyTorch, MXNet, and TFLite.
Once loaded, we can run compiled, quantized models on any hardware TVM supports.
# First, necessary imports
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import torch
from torchvision.models.quantization import mobilenet as qmobilenet
import tvm
from tvm import relay
from tvm.contrib.download import download_testdata
# Helper functions to run the demo
def get_transform():
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
return transforms.Compose([
def get_real_image(im_height, im_width):
img_url = 'https://github.com/dmlc/mxnet.js/blob/master/data/cat.png?raw=true'
img_path = download_testdata(img_url, 'cat.png', module='data')
return Image.open(img_path).resize((im_height, im_width))
def get_imagenet_input():
im = get_real_image(224, 224)
preprocess = get_transform()
pt_tensor = preprocess(im)
return np.expand_dims(pt_tensor.numpy(), 0)
def get_synset():
synset_url = ''.join(['https://gist.githubusercontent.com/zhreshold/',
synset_name = 'imagenet1000_clsid_to_human.txt'
synset_path = download_testdata(synset_url, synset_name, module='data')
with open(synset_path) as f:
return eval(f.read())
def run_tvm_model(mod, params, input_name, inp, target="llvm"):
with relay.build_config(opt_level=3):
json, lib, params = relay.build(mod, target=target, params=params)
runtime = tvm.contrib.graph_runtime.create(json, lib, tvm.context(target, 0))
runtime.set_input(input_name, inp)
return runtime.get_output(0).asnumpy(), runtime
# A mapping from label to class name, to verify that the outputs from models below
# are reasonable
synset = get_synset()
# Everyone's favorite cat image for demonstration
inp = get_imagenet_input()
# Deploy a quantized PyTorch Model
# --------------------------------
# First, we demonstrate how to load deep learning models quantized by PyTorch,
# using our PyTorch frontend.
# Please refer to the PyTorch static quantization tutorial below to learn about
# their quantization workflow.
# https://pytorch.org/tutorials/advanced/static_quantization_tutorial.html
# We use this function to quantize PyTorch models.
# In short, this function takes a floating point model and converts it to uint8.
# The model is per-channel quantized.
def quantize_model(model, inp):
model.qconfig = torch.quantization.get_default_qconfig('fbgemm')
torch.quantization.prepare(model, inplace=True)
# Dummy calibration
torch.quantization.convert(model, inplace=True)
# Load quantization-ready, pretrained Mobilenet v2 model from torchvision
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# We choose mobilenet v2 because this model was trained with quantization aware
# training. Other models require a full post training calibration.
qmodel = qmobilenet.mobilenet_v2(pretrained=True).eval()
# Quantize, trace and run the PyTorch Mobilenet v2 model
# ------------------------------------------------------
# The details are out of scope for this tutorial. Please refer to the tutorials
# on the PyTorch website to learn about quantization and jit.
pt_inp = torch.from_numpy(inp)
quantize_model(qmodel, pt_inp)
script_module = torch.jit.trace(qmodel, pt_inp).eval()
with torch.no_grad():
pt_result = script_module(pt_inp).numpy()
# Convert quantized Mobilenet v2 to Relay-QNN using the PyTorch frontend
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# The PyTorch frontend has support for converting a quantized PyTorch model to
# an equivalent Relay module enriched with quantization-aware operators.
# We call this representation Relay QNN dialect.
# You can print the output from the frontend to see how quantized models are
# represented.
# You would see operators specific to quantization such as
# qnn.quantize, qnn.dequantize, qnn.requantize, and qnn.conv2d etc.
input_name = "input" # the input name can be be arbitrary for PyTorch frontend.
input_shapes = [(input_name, (1, 3, 224, 224))]
mod, params = relay.frontend.from_pytorch(script_module, input_shapes)
# print(mod) # comment in to see the QNN IR dump
# Compile and run the Relay module
# --------------------------------
# Once we obtained the quantized Relay module, the rest of the workflow
# is the same as running floating point models. Please refer to other
# tutorials for more details.
# Under the hood, quantization specific operators are lowered to a sequence of
# standard Relay operators before compilation.
tvm_result, rt_mod = run_tvm_model(mod, params, input_name, inp, target="llvm")
# Compare the output labels
# -------------------------
# We should see identical labels printed.
pt_top3_labels = np.argsort(pt_result[0])[::-1][:3]
tvm_top3_labels = np.argsort(tvm_result[0])[::-1][:3]
print("PyTorch top3 labels:", [synset[label] for label in pt_top3_labels])
print("TVM top3 labels:", [synset[label] for label in tvm_top3_labels])
# However, due to the difference in numerics, in general the raw floating point
# outputs are not expected to be identical. Here, we print how many floating point
# output values are identical out of 1000 outputs from mobilenet v2.
print("%d in 1000 raw floating outputs identical." % np.sum(tvm_result[0] == pt_result[0]))
# Measure performance
# -------------------------
# Here we give an example of how to measure performance of TVM compiled models.
n_repeat = 100 # should be bigger to make the measurement more accurate
ctx = tvm.cpu(0)
ftimer = rt_mod.module.time_evaluator("run", ctx, number=1,
prof_res = np.array(ftimer().results) * 1e3
print("Elapsed average ms:", np.mean(prof_res))
# .. note::
# We recommend this method for the following reasons:
# * Measurements are done in C++, so there is no Python overhead
# * It includes several warm up runs
# * The same method can be used to profile on remote devices (android etc.).
# .. note::
# Unless the hardware has special support for fast 8 bit instructions, quantized models are
# not expected to be any faster than FP32 models. Without fast 8 bit instructions, TVM does
# quantized convolution in 16 bit, even if the model itself is 8 bit.
# For x86, the best performance can be achieved on CPUs with AVX512 instructions set.
# In this case, TVM utilizes the fastest available 8 bit instructions for the given target.
# This includes support for the VNNI 8 bit dot product instruction (CascadeLake or newer).
# Moreover, the following general tips for CPU performance equally applies:
# * Set the environment variable TVM_NUM_THREADS to the number of physical cores
# * Choose the best target for your hardware, such as "llvm -mcpu=skylake-avx512" or
# "llvm -mcpu=cascadelake" (more CPUs with AVX512 would come in the future)
# Deploy a quantized MXNet Model
# ------------------------------
# Deploy a quantized TFLite Model
# -------------------------------
......@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ img = np.expand_dims(img, 0)
# Import the graph to Relay
# -------------------------
# Convert PyTorch graph to Relay graph.
input_name = 'input0' # only one input, set it to this name
# Convert PyTorch graph to Relay graph. The input name can be arbitrary.
input_name = 'input0'
shape_list = [(input_name, img.shape)]
mod, params = relay.frontend.from_pytorch(scripted_model,
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