Commit 2d759439 by Ruslan Baratov Committed by Tianqi Chen

Update iOS RPC README (#2847)

parent bb3c8151
......@@ -4,12 +4,34 @@ This folder contains iOS RPC app that allows us to launch an rpc server on a iOS
and connect to it through python script and do testing on the python side as normal TVM RPC.
You will need XCode and an iOS device to use this.
## RPC proxy
Start the RPC proxy by running in a terminal:
python -m tvm.exec.rpc_proxy
On success, you should see something like this:
INFO:root:RPCProxy: client port bind to
INFO:root:RPCProxy: Websock port bind to 8888
IP-address of this machine will be used to initialize ```TVM_IOS_RPC_PROXY_HOST```
environment variable (see below).
## Building
Before start, please run `````` to update XCode developer metadata. After this step, open
```tvmrpc.xcodeproj``` by using XCode, build the App and install the App on the phone. Usually, we
**do not** use the iOS App directly.
To test an App, you can fill ``Address`` field with IP-address of RPC proxy
(see above), and press ``Connect to Proxy``.
On success, "Disconnected" will change to "Connected".
On RPC proxy side you can see the next message in a log:
INFO:root:Handler ready TCPSocketProxy:<iPhone IP address>:server:iphone
Now App can be closed by pressing the home button (or even removed from a device).
## Workflow
Due to security restriction of iOS10. We cannot upload dynamic libraries to the App and load it from sandbox.
Instead, we need to build a list of libraries, pack them into the app bundle, launch the RPC server and
......@@ -22,8 +44,12 @@ script, we don't need to manually operate the iOS App, this script will build th
- ```TVM_IOS_CODESIGN``` The signature you use to codesign the app and libraries (e.g. ```iPhone Developer: Name (XXXX)```)
- ```TVM_IOS_RPC_ROOT``` The root directory of the iOS rpc project
- ```TVM_IOS_RPC_PROXY_HOST``` The RPC proxy address
- ```TVM_IOS_RPC_DESTINATION``` The Xcode target device(e.g. ```platform=iOS,name=xxxx```)
- ```TVM_IOS_RPC_PROXY_HOST``` The RPC proxy address (see above)
- ```TVM_IOS_RPC_DESTINATION``` The Xcode target device (e.g. ```platform=iOS,id=xxxx```)
See instructions of how to find UUID of the iOS device:
## How it works
Let us explain how it works, the project look for ```rpc_config.txt``` file in the project root folder.
......@@ -36,7 +62,7 @@ The ```rpc_config.txt``` file should be in the following format:
The build script will copy all the dynamic libraries into bundle ``````,
which you will be able to load via RPC using ```remote.load_module```.
It will also create an `````` contaiing the first line.
It will also create an `````` containing the first line.
When we run the testcase, the testcase read the configuration from ``````
and connect to the specified RPC proxy, start serving loop.
......@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ And configure the proxy host field as commented.
import tvm
import os
import re
import sys
from tvm import rpc
from tvm.contrib import util, xcode
import numpy as np
......@@ -15,6 +17,12 @@ proxy_host = os.environ["TVM_IOS_RPC_PROXY_HOST"]
# Set your desination via env variable.
# Should in format "platform=iOS,id=<the test device uuid>"
destination = os.environ["TVM_IOS_RPC_DESTINATION"]
if not re.match(r"^platform=.*,id=.*$", destination):
print("Bad format: {}".format(destination))
print("Example of expected string: platform=iOS,id=1234567890abcabcabcabc1234567890abcabcab")
proxy_port = 9090
key = "iphone"
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