This is a short tutorial on how to use external libraries such as cuDNN, or cuBLAS with NNVM.
NNVM uses TVM internally to generate target specific code. For example, with cuda backend TVM generates cuda kernels for all layers in the user provided network.
But sometimes it is also helpful to incorporate external libraries developed by various vendors into NNVM.
Luckily, TVM has a mechanism to transparently call into these libraries.
For NNVM users, all we need to do is just to set a target string appropriately.
Before we can use external libraries from NNVM, your TVM needs to be built with libraries you want to use.
For example, to use cuDNN, USE_CUDNN option in tvm/make/ needs to be enabled, and cuDNN include and library directories need to be specified.
# Note that if you use cuDNN, NNVM cannot fuse convolution with layers following it.
# This is because layer fusion happens at the level of TVM internal representation(IR).
# NNVM treats external libraries as black box, so there is no way to fuse them with TVM IR.
# The pseudo code below shows that cuDNN convolution + bias add + batch norm + ReLU turned into two stages of computation, one for cuDNN call and the other for the rest of operations.
# This tutorial covered the usage of cuDNN with NNVM.
# We also have support for cuBLAS. If cuBLAS is enabled, it will be used inside a fully connected layer (nnvm.symbol.dense).
# To use cuBLAS, set a target string as "cuda -libs=cublas".
# You can use both cuDNN and cuBLAS with "cuda -libs=cudnn,cublas".
# For ROCm backend, we have support for MIOpen and rocBLAS.
# They can be enabled with target "rocm -libs=miopen,rocblas".
# Being able to use external libraries is great, but we need to keep in mind some cautions.
# First, the use of external libraries may restrict your usage of TVM and NNVM.
# For example, MIOpen only supports NCHW layout and fp32 data type at the moment, so you cannot use other layouts or data type in TVM.
# Second, and more importantly, external libraries restrict the possibility of operator fusion during graph compilation, as shown above.
# TVM and NNVM aim to achieve the best performance on a varity of hardwares, with joint operator level and graph level optimization.
# To achieve this goal, we should continue developing better optimizations for TVM and NNVM, while using external libraries as a nice way to fall back to existing implementation when necessary.