Unverified Commit 2b968204 by Yizhi Liu Committed by GitHub

[Node] Provide guide to user who has difficulty register SEqualReduce (#5300)

parent 99c4f9d5
......@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ SEqualReduce(const Object* self, const Object* other, SEqualReducer equal) const
uint32_t tindex = self->type_index();
if (tindex >= fsequal_reduce_.size() || fsequal_reduce_[tindex] == nullptr) {
LOG(FATAL) << "TypeError: SEqualReduce of " << self->GetTypeKey()
<< " is not registered via TVM_REGISTER_NODE_TYPE";
<< " is not registered via TVM_REGISTER_NODE_TYPE."
<< " Did you forget to set _type_has_method_sequal_reduce=true?";
return fsequal_reduce_[tindex](self, other, equal);
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