Commit 0220abba by Tianqi Chen Committed by GitHub

[METAL] use 32bit indexing for metal until we have a bound adapted pass (#462)

* [METAL] use 32bit indexing for metal until we have a bound adapted pass

* fix lint
parent 324fe165
......@@ -101,21 +101,21 @@ void CodeGenMetal::AddFunction(LoweredFunc f) {
if (work_dim != 0) {
// use ushort by default for now
stream << " ";
PrintType(UInt(16, work_dim), stream);
PrintType(UInt(thread_index_bits_, work_dim), stream);
stream << " blockIdx [[threadgroup_position_in_grid]],\n";
stream << " ";
PrintType(UInt(16, work_dim), stream);
PrintType(UInt(thread_index_bits_, work_dim), stream);
stream << " threadIdx [[thread_position_in_threadgroup]]\n";
// bind thread axis
for (IterVar iv : f->thread_axis) {
std::string vname = iv->thread_tag;
if (work_dim <= 1) {
var_idmap_[iv->var.get()] =
iv->thread_tag.substr(0, iv->thread_tag.length() - 2);
} else {
var_idmap_[iv->var.get()] = iv->thread_tag;
vname = vname.substr(0, iv->thread_tag.length() - 2);
var_idmap_[iv->var.get()] =
CastFromTo(vname, UInt(thread_index_bits_), iv->var.type());
// the function scope.
stream << ") {\n";
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ void CodeGenMetal::AddFunction(LoweredFunc f) {
void CodeGenMetal::BindThreadIndex(const IterVar& iv) {
var_idmap_[iv->var.get()] =
CastFromTo(iv->thread_tag, UInt(16), iv->var.type());
CastFromTo(iv->thread_tag, UInt(thread_index_bits_), iv->var.type());
void CodeGenMetal::PrintType(Type t, std::ostream& os) const { // NOLINT(*)
......@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ class CodeGenMetal final : public CodeGenC {
void BindThreadIndex(const IterVar& iv) final; // NOLINT(*)
// overload visitor
void VisitExpr_(const Broadcast* op, std::ostream& os) final; // NOLINT(*)
int thread_index_bits_{32};
} // namespace codegen
} // namespace tvm
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