Commit dce34162 by nzy

First release

parent a75d7f80
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ def is_valid_python_syntax(string):
pattern = re.compile(r"```python(.+?)```", flags=re.DOTALL)
def extract_code(text: str):
# print(text)
codes =[match.strip() for match in re.findall(pattern, text)]
if len(codes) > 0:
code = "\n".join(codes)
......@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ def collect(res: dict): return [extract_code(choice["message"]["content"]) for c
def raw_query(msgs: list[dict], retries=3, **config) -> list[Optional[str]]:
for i in range(retries):
res = openai.ChatCompletion.create(messages=msgs, **config)
return res
# ANPL - A Natural Programming Language
## requirements
本项目需要`Python >= 3.9`(因为用到了ast.unparse, 辛苦大家装一下环境 TAT)
......@@ -69,6 +71,12 @@ robotA主要有4种命令(比开会说的新增了一种!)
### 我想做...
- 如果想修改自然语言描述怎么办?请edit对应的函数。可以不写函数体,但是必须写docstring。
- 函数名就不对怎么办?没办法,GG。
- 我已经有许多正确的子函数了,突然发现最开始的main函数写错了怎么办?直接edit main函数,在edit结束之前,系统不会删除任何已经生成的函数。
## robotB
......@@ -86,6 +94,10 @@ robotA主要有4种命令(比开会说的新增了一种!)
## 错误处理
ratelimit error,是api key的问题。说明请求过多,请等等再用,或者联系管理员。
## 注意事项
......@@ -4,56 +4,16 @@ from utils import sys_str, system_info, code_input, value_input, print_anpl, pri
from copy import deepcopy
import time
from anpl.anpl import IOExample, ANPL
from anpl.parser import ANPLParser
from anpl.synthesizer import fun_synthesis, batch_fun_synthesis
from anpl.tracer import anpl_check, anpl_trace
hole0_str = """\
def find_smallest_repeating_unit(input_grid: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
for row in range(1, input_grid.shape[0]):
if np.array_equal(input_grid[:row, :], input_grid[row:row*2, :]):
return input_grid[:row, :]
return input_grid
hole1_str = """\
def copy_repeating_unit(unit):
return np.repeat(matrix, 2, axis=0)
hole2_str = """\
def replace_pixels(output_grid):
output_grid[output_grid == blue] = yellow
return output_grid
re_hole1_0_str = """\
def copy_repeating_unit(unit):
raise NotImplementedError
re_hole1_1_str = """\
def copy_repeating_unit(unit):
output_grid = np.empty((9, 3), dtype=unit.dtype)
num_repeats = output_grid.shape[0] // unit.shape[0]
remainder = output_grid.shape[0] % unit.shape[0]
for i in range(num_repeats):
output_grid[i * unit.shape[0]:(i + 1) * unit.shape[0], :] = unit
if remainder:
output_grid[num_repeats * unit.shape[0]:, :] = unit[:remainder, :]
return output_grid
fake_reses = [hole0_str, hole1_str, hole2_str, [re_hole1_0_str, re_hole1_1_str]]
idx = 0
task_id, logger, input_grid, output_grid = select_task()
logger.log("system", "intro", "a")
parser = ANPLParser()
anpl = code_input(parser, logger)
......@@ -61,11 +21,7 @@ def syn_anpl(anpl: ANPL):
holes = anpl.get_holes()
for hole in track(holes, description="Synthesizing..."):
for i in range(5):
res = fun_synthesis(anpl, hole, temp=i*0.1)
# global idx
# res = fake_reses[idx]
# idx += 1
logger.log("gpt", "syn code", res)
if res:
newanpl = parser.try_parse(res, from_user=False)
......@@ -155,13 +111,12 @@ while not is_correct:
find_correct_anpl = False
raw_test_anpl = deepcopy(anpl)
reses = batch_fun_synthesis(test_anpl, fun_name, 10, 0.8) # The same config as CodeT
# reses = fake_reses[3]
reses = batch_fun_synthesis(raw_test_anpl, fun_name, 10, 0.8) # The same config as CodeT
for res in track(reses, description="Checking"):
if res is None:
logger.log("gpt", "resyn", "nothing")
logger.log("gpt", "resyn", "res")
logger.log("gpt", "resyn", res)
newanpl = parser.try_parse(res, from_user=False)
if newanpl is None:
logger.log("system", "resyn_err", "gpt return wrong python")
......@@ -203,6 +158,10 @@ while not is_correct:
if is_correct:
system_info("[green]ANPL CORRECT[/green], and here is the code")
print_anpl(anpl, for_user=False)
import pickle
time_str = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
with open(f"./log/task{task_id}_{time_str}.pkl", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(anpl, f)
system_info("Good luck next time.")
logger.log("system", "exit", str(is_correct))
......@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ while not is_correct:
logger.log("system", "check", f"crash: {e}")
if np.array_equal(out, real_out):
logger.log("system", "check", f"correct")
system_info("[green] Code CORRECT [/green]")
......@@ -14,11 +14,18 @@ colors = ["#000000", "#0000FF", "#FF0000", "#008000", "#FFFF00",
"#808080", "#FFC0CB", "#FFA500", "#008080", "#800000"]
def array_to_str(matrix):
if matrix.ndim == 2:
text = Text()
for row in list(matrix):
for pixel in row:
text.append("⬛", style=colors[pixel])
elif matrix.ndim == 1:
text = Text()
for pixel in list(matrix):
text.append("⬛", style=colors[pixel])
text = Text(str(matrix))
return text
def rich_dumps(obj):
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