// Master AXI Write Response Channel

// A read channel with connects an AXI write response channel to a system
// register read.

// The control interface enables the read channel by raising and holding
// control_enable until control_done is also raised (AXI ready/valid
// handshake). The skid buffer then accepts one (or two, if multiple
// transactions in flight have completed) write response transactions from the
// AXI interface. The channel then raises system_valid to indicate a response
// can be read out.

// The system interface reads out a write response by raising system_ready for
// one cycle. The response is only valid if read while system_valid is high,
// else it is old or undefined data. Once a single response is read out, the
// transaction is done and the control interface must re-enable the read channel
// again.

`default_nettype none

module Master_AXI_Write_Response_Channel
    // Do not alter at instantiation. Set by AXI4 spec.
    parameter BRESP_WIDTH = 2
    input   wire                        clock,

    // System interface
    output  wire    [BRESP_WIDTH-1:0]   system_response,
    input   wire                        system_ready,
    output  wire                        system_valid,

    // Control interface
    input   wire                        control_enable,
    output  reg                         control_done,

    // AXI interface
    input   wire    [BRESP_WIDTH-1:0]   bresp,
    input   wire                        bvalid,
    output  wire                        bready

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Selectively disconnect the master and slave interfaces of the skid buffer.
// This is used to enforce an idle state (accept nothing from AXI and
// system interfaces).

// ---- Slave interface to AXI

    wire s_valid;
    wire s_ready;

        .WORD_WIDTH (1)
        .annul      (control_enable == 1'b0),
        .in         (bvalid),
        .out        (s_valid)

        .WORD_WIDTH (1)
        .annul      (control_enable == 1'b0),
        .in         (s_ready),
        .out        (bready)

// ---- Master interface to system

    wire m_ready;
    wire m_valid;

        .WORD_WIDTH (1)
        .annul      (control_enable == 1'b0),
        .in         (m_valid),
        .out        (system_valid)

        .WORD_WIDTH (1)
        .annul      (control_enable == 1'b0),
        .in         (system_ready),
        .out        (m_ready)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Receive and buffer the AXI write response

        .clock      (clock),

        .s_valid    (s_valid),
        .s_ready    (s_ready),
        .s_data     (bresp),

        .m_valid    (m_valid),
        .m_ready    (m_ready),
        .m_data     (system_response)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Signal that the transaction is done once a single response is read out.

    reg system_read = 1'b0;

    always @(*) begin
        system_read  = (m_valid == 1'b1) && (m_ready == 1'b1);
        control_done = system_read;
