all: test1.status test2.status test3.status test4.status test5.status @grep -H . *.status | sed 's,.status:,\t,; s,PASS,pass,;' | expand -t20 @touch .stamp test1.status: test1.out @(grep -q -e "^Importing module top_veri_v2k(WIDTH=2).$$" $< && \ grep -q -e "^Importing module top_veri_95(WIDTH=2).$$" $< && \ grep -q -e "^Importing module top_vhdl(width=2).$$" $< && \ echo PASS > $@) || echo FAIL > $@ test2.status: test2.out @(grep -q -e "^Importing module top_veri_v2k(greeting=\"hola hola\").$$" $< && \ grep -q -e "^Importing module top_veri_95(greeting=\"hola hola\").$$" $< && \ grep -q -e "^Importing module top_vhdl(greeting=\"hola hola\").$$" $< && \ echo PASS > $@) || echo FAIL > $@ test3.status: test3.out @(grep -q -e "^Importing module top_veri_v2k.$$" $< && \ grep -q -e "^Importing module top_veri_95.$$" $< && \ grep -q -e "^Importing module top_vhdl.$$" $< && \ grep -q -e "^VERIFIC-WARNING \\[VHDL-1676\\] top.vhd:1: unit 'top_vhdl' does not have a generic named 'nonexistent' to override$$" $< && \ grep -q -e "^VERIFIC-WARNING \\[VERI-1928\\] top.v:1: module 'top_veri_v2k' does not have a parameter named 'nonexistent' to override$$" $< && \ grep -q -e "^VERIFIC-WARNING \\[VERI-1928\\] top.v:10: module 'top_veri_95' does not have a parameter named 'nonexistent' to override$$" $< && \ echo PASS > $@) || echo FAIL > $@ test4.status: test4.out @(grep -q -e "^Importing module top_veri_v2k.$$" $< && \ grep -q -e "^Importing module top_veri_95.$$" $< && \ grep -q -e "^Importing module top_vhdl.$$" $< && \ grep -q -e "^-chparam WIDTH already specified: overwriting.$$" $< && \ echo PASS > $@) || echo FAIL > $@ test5.status: test5.out @(grep -q -e "^Importing module top_veri_v2k(WIDTH=2,INIT=0,greeting=\"bonjour \").$$" $< && \ grep -q -e "^Importing module top_veri_95(WIDTH=2,INIT=0,greeting=\"bonjour \").$$" $< && \ grep -q -e "^Importing module top_vhdl(width=2,init='0',greeting=\"bonjour \").$$" $< && \ grep -q -e "^VERIFIC-WARNING \\[VHDL-1676\\] top.vhd:1: unit 'top_vhdl' does not have a generic named 'nonexistent' to override$$" $< && \ grep -q -e "^VERIFIC-WARNING \\[VERI-1928\\] top.v:1: module 'top_veri_v2k' does not have a parameter named 'nonexistent' to override$$" $< && \ grep -q -e "^VERIFIC-WARNING \\[VERI-1928\\] top.v:10: module 'top_veri_95' does not have a parameter named 'nonexistent' to override$$" $< && \ echo PASS > $@) || echo FAIL > $@ test1.out test2.out test3.out test4.out test5.out: test.ys top.v top.vhd @yosys -q -q test.ys clean: rm -f *.status *.out .stamp .PHONY: all clean