{- sv2v - Author: Zachary Snow <zach@zachjs.com> - - Elaboration of the "expression size system function" ($bits) and the "array - query functions" ($dimensions, $unpacked_dimensions, $left, $right, $low, - $high, $increment, and $size). - - Some tools support $bits and some of the other functions in Verilog, but it - is not part of the specification, so we have to convert them ourselves. - - Functions on types are trivially elaborated based on the dimensions of that - type, so long as it has been resolved to a primitive type. - - Functions on expressions relies on the `type` operator and the `TypeOf` - conversion to determine the underlying type of expression. The conversion of - `$bits` on expressions recursively breaks the expression into its subtypes - and finds their sizes. -} module Convert.DimensionQuery (convert) where import Convert.ExprUtils import Convert.Traverse import Language.SystemVerilog.AST convert :: [AST] -> [AST] convert = map $ traverseDescriptions convertDescription convertDescription :: Description -> Description convertDescription = traverseModuleItems $ traverseExprs $ traverseNestedExprs convertExpr -- elaborate integer atom types to have explicit dimensions elaborateType :: Type -> Type elaborateType (IntegerAtom t sg) = IntegerVector TLogic sg [(hi, lo)] where size = atomSize t hi = RawNum $ size - 1 lo = RawNum 0 atomSize :: IntegerAtomType -> Integer atomSize TByte = 8 atomSize TShortint = 16 atomSize TInt = 32 atomSize TLongint = 64 atomSize TInteger = 32 atomSize TTime = 64 elaborateType other = other convertExpr :: Expr -> Expr -- conversion for array dimensions functions convertExpr (DimsFn FnBits v) = convertBits v convertExpr (DimsFn fn (Right e)) = DimsFn fn $ Left $ TypeOf e convertExpr (DimFn fn (Right e) d) = DimFn fn (Left $ TypeOf e) d convertExpr orig@(DimsFn FnUnpackedDimensions (Left t)) = case t of UnpackedType _ rs -> RawNum $ fromIntegral $ length rs TypeOf{} -> orig _ -> RawNum 0 convertExpr orig@(DimsFn FnDimensions (Left t)) = case t of IntegerAtom{} -> RawNum 1 Alias{} -> orig PSAlias{} -> orig CSAlias{} -> orig TypeOf{} -> orig UnpackedType t' rs -> BinOp Add (RawNum $ fromIntegral $ length rs) (DimsFn FnDimensions $ Left t') _ -> RawNum $ fromIntegral $ length $ snd $ typeRanges t -- conversion for array dimension functions on types convertExpr (DimFn f (Left t) (Number n)) = if isUnresolved t then DimFn f (Left t) (Number n) else if d <= 0 || d > length rs then Number $ UnbasedUnsized BitX else case f of FnLeft -> fst r FnRight -> snd r FnIncrement -> endianCondExpr r (RawNum 1) (UniOp UniSub $ RawNum 1) FnLow -> endianCondExpr r (snd r) (fst r) FnHigh -> endianCondExpr r (fst r) (snd r) FnSize -> rangeSize r where rs = case elaborateType t of UnpackedType tInner rsOuter -> rsOuter ++ (snd $ typeRanges $ elaborateType tInner) _ -> snd $ typeRanges $ elaborateType t d = case numberToInteger n of Just value -> fromIntegral value Nothing -> 0 r = rs !! (d - 1) isUnresolved :: Type -> Bool isUnresolved Alias{} = True isUnresolved PSAlias{} = True isUnresolved CSAlias{} = True isUnresolved TypeOf{} = True isUnresolved _ = False convertExpr (DimFn f (Left t) d) = DimFn f (Left t) d convertExpr other = other -- simplify a bits expression convertBits :: TypeOrExpr -> Expr convertBits (Left t) = case elaborateType t of IntegerVector _ _ rs -> dimensionsSize rs Implicit _ rs -> dimensionsSize rs Struct _ fields rs -> BinOp Mul (dimensionsSize rs) (foldl (BinOp Add) (RawNum 0) fieldSizes) where fieldSizes = map (DimsFn FnBits . Left . fst) fields UnpackedType t' rs -> BinOp Mul (dimensionsSize rs) (DimsFn FnBits $ Left t') _ -> DimsFn FnBits $ Left t convertBits (Right e) = case e of Concat exprs -> foldl (BinOp Add) (RawNum 0) $ map (convertBits . Right) $ exprs Stream _ _ exprs -> convertBits $ Right $ Concat exprs Number n -> RawNum $ numberBitLength n Range expr mode range -> BinOp Mul size $ convertBits $ Right $ Bit expr (RawNum 0) where size = case mode of NonIndexed -> rangeSize range IndexedPlus -> snd range IndexedMinus -> snd range _ -> DimsFn FnBits $ Left $ TypeOf e