{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {- sv2v - Author: Zachary Snow <zach@zachjs.com> - - Conversion for `struct packed` and `union packed` -} module Convert.Struct (convert) where import Control.Monad ((>=>), when) import Control.Monad.State.Strict (get) import Data.Either (isLeft) import Data.List (elemIndex, find, partition, (\\)) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Tuple (swap) import Convert.ExprUtils import Convert.Scoper import Convert.Traverse import Language.SystemVerilog.AST type StructInfo = (Type, [(Identifier, Range)]) convert :: [AST] -> [AST] convert = map $ traverseDescriptions convertDescription convertDescription :: Description -> Description convertDescription description@(Part _ _ Module _ _ _ _) = partScoper traverseDeclM traverseModuleItemM traverseGenItemM traverseStmtM description convertDescription other = other convertStruct :: Type -> Maybe StructInfo convertStruct (Struct Unpacked fields _) = convertStruct' True Unspecified fields convertStruct (Struct (Packed sg) fields _) = convertStruct' True sg fields convertStruct (Union (Packed sg) fields _) = convertStruct' False sg fields convertStruct _ = Nothing convertStruct' :: Bool -> Signing -> [Field] -> Maybe StructInfo convertStruct' isStruct sg fields = if canUnstructure then Just (unstructType, unstructFields) else Nothing where zero = RawNum 0 typeRange :: Type -> Range typeRange t = if null ranges then (zero, zero) else let [range] = ranges in range where ranges = snd $ typeRanges t -- extract info about the fields fieldTypes = map fst fields fieldRanges = map typeRange fieldTypes fieldSizes = map rangeSize fieldRanges -- layout the fields into the unstructured type; note that `scanr` is -- used here because SystemVerilog structs are laid out backwards fieldLos = if isStruct then map simplify $ tail $ scanr (BinOp Add) (RawNum 0) fieldSizes else map simplify $ repeat (RawNum 0) fieldHis = if isStruct then map simplify $ init $ scanr (BinOp Add) minusOne fieldSizes else map simplify $ map (BinOp Add minusOne) fieldSizes minusOne = UniOp UniSub $ RawNum 1 -- create the mapping structure for the unstructured fields keys = map snd fields unstructRanges = zip fieldHis fieldLos unstructFields = zip keys unstructRanges -- create the unstructured type; result type takes on the signing of the -- struct itself to preserve behavior of operations on the whole struct structSize = if isStruct then foldl1 (BinOp Add) fieldSizes else head fieldSizes packedRange = (simplify $ BinOp Sub structSize (RawNum 1), zero) unstructType = IntegerVector TLogic sg [packedRange] -- check if this struct can be packed into an integer vector; we only -- pack flat integer vector types; the fields will be flattened and -- converted by other phases isFlatIntVec :: Type -> Bool isFlatIntVec (IntegerVector _ _ rs) = length rs <= 1 isFlatIntVec _ = False canUnstructure = all isFlatIntVec fieldTypes -- convert a struct type to its unstructured equivalent convertType :: Type -> Type convertType t1 = case convertStruct t1 of Nothing -> traverseSinglyNestedTypes convertType t1 Just (t2, _) -> tf2 (rs1 ++ rs2) where (tf2, rs2) = typeRanges t2 where (_, rs1) = typeRanges t1 -- write down the types of declarations traverseDeclM :: Decl -> Scoper Type Decl traverseDeclM decl@Net{} = traverseNetAsVarM traverseDeclM decl traverseDeclM decl = do decl' <- case decl of Variable d t x a e -> do let (tf, rs) = typeRanges t when (isRangeable t) $ scopeType (tf $ a ++ rs) >>= insertElem x scopes <- get let e' = convertExpr scopes t e let t' = convertType t return $ Variable d t' x a e' Param s t x e -> do scopeType t >>= insertElem x scopes <- get let e' = convertExpr scopes t e let t' = convertType t return $ Param s t' x e' _ -> return decl traverseDeclExprsM traverseExprM decl' where isRangeable :: Type -> Bool isRangeable IntegerAtom{} = False isRangeable NonInteger{} = False isRangeable TypeOf{} = False isRangeable TypedefRef{} = False isRangeable _ = True traverseGenItemM :: GenItem -> Scoper Type GenItem traverseGenItemM = traverseGenItemExprsM traverseExprM traverseModuleItemM :: ModuleItem -> Scoper Type ModuleItem traverseModuleItemM = traverseLHSsM traverseLHSM >=> traverseExprsM traverseExprM >=> traverseAsgnsM traverseAsgnM traverseStmtM :: Stmt -> Scoper Type Stmt traverseStmtM (Subroutine expr args) = do argsMapper <- embedScopes convertCall expr let args' = argsMapper args let stmt' = Subroutine expr args' traverseStmtM' stmt' traverseStmtM stmt = traverseStmtM' stmt traverseStmtM' :: Stmt -> Scoper Type Stmt traverseStmtM' = traverseStmtLHSsM traverseLHSM >=> traverseStmtExprsM traverseExprM >=> traverseStmtAsgnsM traverseAsgnM traverseExprM :: Expr -> Scoper Type Expr traverseExprM = embedScopes convertSubExpr >=> return . snd traverseLHSM :: LHS -> Scoper Type LHS traverseLHSM = convertLHS >=> return . snd -- removes the innermost range from the given type, if possible dropInnerTypeRange :: Type -> Type dropInnerTypeRange t = case typeRanges t of (_, []) -> UnknownType (tf, rs) -> tf $ tail rs -- produces the type of the given part select, if possible replaceInnerTypeRange :: PartSelectMode -> Range -> Type -> Type replaceInnerTypeRange NonIndexed r t = case typeRanges t of (_, []) -> UnknownType (tf, rs) -> tf $ r : tail rs replaceInnerTypeRange IndexedPlus r t = replaceInnerTypeRange NonIndexed (snd r, RawNum 1) t replaceInnerTypeRange IndexedMinus r t = replaceInnerTypeRange NonIndexed (snd r, RawNum 1) t traverseAsgnM :: (LHS, Expr) -> Scoper Type (LHS, Expr) traverseAsgnM (lhs, expr) = do -- convert the LHS using the innermost type information (typ, lhs') <- convertLHS lhs -- convert the RHS using the LHS type information, and then the innermost -- type information on the resulting RHS scopes <- get let (_, expr') = convertSubExpr scopes $ convertExpr scopes typ expr return (lhs', expr') structIsntReady :: Type -> Bool structIsntReady = (Nothing ==) . convertStruct -- try expression conversion by looking at the *outermost* type first convertExpr :: Scopes a -> Type -> Expr -> Expr convertExpr _ _ Nil = Nil convertExpr scopes t (Mux c e1 e2) = Mux c e1' e2' where e1' = convertExpr scopes t e1 e2' = convertExpr scopes t e2 convertExpr scopes struct@(Struct _ fields []) (Pattern itemsOrig) = if not (null extraNames) then scopedError scopes $ "pattern " ++ show (Pattern itemsOrig) ++ " has extra named fields " ++ show extraNames ++ " that are not in " ++ show struct else if structIsntReady struct then Pattern items else Concat $ zipWith (Cast . Left) fieldTypes (map snd items) where (fieldTypes, fieldNames) = unzip fields itemsNamed = -- patterns either use positions based or name/type/default if all ((/= Right Nil) . fst) itemsOrig then itemsOrig -- position-based patterns should cover every field else if length itemsOrig /= length fields then scopedError scopes $ "struct pattern " ++ show (Pattern itemsOrig) ++ " doesn't have the same number of items as " ++ show struct -- if the pattern does not use identifiers, use the -- identifiers from the struct type definition in order else zip (map (Right . Ident) fieldNames) (map snd itemsOrig) (typedItems, untypedItems) = partition (isLeft . fst) $ reverse itemsNamed (numberedItems, namedItems) = partition (isNumbered . fst) untypedItems isNumbered :: TypeOrExpr -> Bool isNumbered (Right (Number n)) = if maybeIndex == Nothing then scopedError scopes msgNonInteger else 0 <= index && index < length fieldNames || scopedError scopes msgOutOfBounds where maybeIndex = fmap fromIntegral $ numberToInteger n Just index = maybeIndex msgNonInteger = "pattern index " ++ show (Number n) ++ " is not an integer" msgOutOfBounds = "pattern index " ++ show index ++ " is out of bounds for " ++ show struct isNumbered _ = False extraNames = map (getName . right . fst) namedItems \\ fieldNames right = \(Right x) -> x getName :: Expr -> Identifier getName (Ident x) = x getName e = scopedError scopes $ "invalid pattern key " ++ show e ++ " is not a type, field name, or index" items = zip (map (Right . Ident) fieldNames) (map resolveField fieldNames) resolveField :: Identifier -> Expr resolveField fieldName = convertExpr scopes fieldType $ -- look up by name if valueByName /= Nothing then fromJust valueByName -- recurse for substructures else if isStruct fieldType then Pattern typedItems -- look up by field type else if valueByType /= Nothing then fromJust valueByType -- fall back on the default value else if valueDefault /= Nothing then fromJust valueDefault else if valueByIndex /= Nothing then fromJust valueByIndex else scopedError scopes $ "couldn't find field '" ++ fieldName ++ "' from struct definition " ++ show struct ++ " in struct pattern " ++ show (Pattern itemsOrig) where valueByName = lookup (Right $ Ident fieldName) namedItems valueByType = lookup (Left fieldType) typedItems valueDefault = lookup (Left UnknownType) typedItems valueByIndex = fmap snd $ find (indexCheck . fst) numberedItems fieldType = fst $ fields !! fieldIndex Just fieldIndex = elemIndex fieldName fieldNames isStruct :: Type -> Bool isStruct Struct{} = True isStruct _ = False indexCheck :: TypeOrExpr -> Bool indexCheck item = fromIntegral value == fieldIndex where Just value = numberToInteger n Right (Number n) = item convertExpr scopes _ (Cast (Left t) expr) = Cast (Left t') $ convertExpr scopes t expr where t' = convertType t convertExpr scopes (Implicit _ []) expr = traverseSinglyNestedExprs (convertExpr scopes UnknownType) expr convertExpr scopes (Implicit sg rs) expr = convertExpr scopes (IntegerVector TBit sg rs) expr -- TODO: This is a conversion for concat array literals with elements -- that are unsized numbers. This probably belongs somewhere else. convertExpr scopes t@IntegerVector{} (Concat exprs) = if all isUnsizedNumber exprs then Concat $ map (Cast $ Left t') exprs else Concat $ map (convertExpr scopes t') exprs where t' = dropInnerTypeRange t isUnsizedNumber :: Expr -> Bool isUnsizedNumber (Number n) = not $ numberIsSized n isUnsizedNumber (UniOp _ e) = isUnsizedNumber e isUnsizedNumber (BinOp _ e1 e2) = isUnsizedNumber e1 || isUnsizedNumber e2 isUnsizedNumber _ = False -- TODO: This is really a conversion for using default patterns to -- populate arrays. Maybe this should be somewhere else? convertExpr scopes t orig@(Pattern [(Left UnknownType, expr)]) = if null rs then orig else Repeat count [expr'] where count = rangeSize $ head rs expr' = Cast (Left t') $ convertExpr scopes t' expr (_, rs) = typeRanges t t' = dropInnerTypeRange t -- pattern syntax used for simple array literals convertExpr scopes t (Pattern items) = if all (== Right Nil) names then convertExpr scopes t $ Concat exprs' else Pattern items where (names, exprs) = unzip items t' = dropInnerTypeRange t exprs' = map (convertExpr scopes t') exprs -- propagate types through concatenation expressions convertExpr scopes t (Concat exprs) = Concat exprs' where t' = dropInnerTypeRange t exprs' = map (convertExpr scopes t') exprs convertExpr scopes _ expr = traverseSinglyNestedExprs (convertExpr scopes UnknownType) expr fallbackType :: Scopes Type -> Expr -> (Type, Expr) fallbackType scopes e = (t, e) where t = case lookupElem scopes e of Nothing -> UnknownType Just (_, _, typ) -> typ pattern MakeSigned :: Expr -> Expr pattern MakeSigned e = Call (Ident "$signed") (Args [e] []) -- converting LHSs by looking at the innermost types first convertLHS :: LHS -> Scoper Type (Type, LHS) convertLHS l = do let e = lhsToExpr l (t, e') <- embedScopes convertSubExpr e -- per IEEE 1800-2017 sections 10.7 and 11.8, the signedness of the LHS does -- not affect the evaluation and sign-extension of the RHS let Just l' = exprToLHS $ case e' of MakeSigned e'' -> e'' _ -> e' return (t, l') -- try expression conversion by looking at the *innermost* type first convertSubExpr :: Scopes Type -> Expr -> (Type, Expr) convertSubExpr scopes (Dot e x) = if isntStruct subExprType then fallbackType scopes $ Dot e' x else if structIsntReady subExprType then (fieldType, Dot e' x) else (fieldType, undottedWithSign) where (subExprType, e') = convertSubExpr scopes e (fieldType, bounds, dims) = lookupFieldInfo scopes subExprType e' x base = fst bounds len = rangeSize bounds undotted = if null dims || rangeSize (head dims) == RawNum 1 then Bit e' (fst bounds) else Range e' IndexedMinus (base, len) -- retain signedness of fields which would otherwise be lost via the -- resulting bit or range selection IntegerVector _ fieldSg _ = fieldType undottedWithSign = if fieldSg == Signed then MakeSigned undotted else undotted convertSubExpr scopes (Range (Dot e x) NonIndexed rOuter) = if isntStruct subExprType then (UnknownType, orig') else if structIsntReady subExprType then (replaceInnerTypeRange NonIndexed rOuter' fieldType, orig') else if null dims then scopedError scopes $ "illegal access to range " ++ show (Range Nil NonIndexed rOuter) ++ " of " ++ show (Dot e x) ++ ", which has type " ++ show fieldType else (replaceInnerTypeRange NonIndexed rOuter' fieldType, undotted) where (roLeft, roRight) = rOuter (subExprType, e') = convertSubExpr scopes e (_, roLeft') = convertSubExpr scopes roLeft (_, roRight') = convertSubExpr scopes roRight rOuter' = (roLeft', roRight') orig' = Range (Dot e' x) NonIndexed rOuter' (fieldType, bounds, dims) = lookupFieldInfo scopes subExprType e' x [dim] = dims rangeLeft = ( BinOp Sub (fst bounds) $ BinOp Sub (fst dim) roLeft' , BinOp Sub (fst bounds) $ BinOp Sub (fst dim) roRight' ) rangeRight =( BinOp Add (snd bounds) $ BinOp Sub (snd dim) roLeft' , BinOp Add (snd bounds) $ BinOp Sub (snd dim) roRight' ) undotted = Range e' NonIndexed $ endianCondRange dim rangeLeft rangeRight convertSubExpr scopes (Range (Dot e x) mode (baseO, lenO)) = if isntStruct subExprType then (UnknownType, orig') else if structIsntReady subExprType then (replaceInnerTypeRange mode (baseO', lenO') fieldType, orig') else if null dims then scopedError scopes $ "illegal access to range " ++ show (Range Nil mode (baseO, lenO)) ++ " of " ++ show (Dot e x) ++ ", which has type " ++ show fieldType else (replaceInnerTypeRange mode (baseO', lenO') fieldType, undotted) where (subExprType, e') = convertSubExpr scopes e (_, baseO') = convertSubExpr scopes baseO (_, lenO') = convertSubExpr scopes lenO orig' = Range (Dot e' x) mode (baseO', lenO') (fieldType, bounds, dims) = lookupFieldInfo scopes subExprType e' x [dim] = dims baseLeft = BinOp Sub (fst bounds) $ BinOp Sub (fst dim) baseO' baseRight = BinOp Add (snd bounds) $ BinOp Sub (snd dim) baseO' baseDec = baseLeft baseInc = if mode == IndexedPlus then BinOp Add (BinOp Sub baseRight lenO') one else BinOp Sub (BinOp Add baseRight lenO') one base = endianCondExpr dim baseDec baseInc undotted = Range e' mode (base, lenO') one = RawNum 1 convertSubExpr scopes (Range e mode (left, right)) = (replaceInnerTypeRange mode r' t, Range e' mode r') where (t, e') = convertSubExpr scopes e (_, left') = convertSubExpr scopes left (_, right') = convertSubExpr scopes right r' = (left', right') convertSubExpr scopes (Bit (Dot e x) i) = if isntStruct subExprType then (dropInnerTypeRange backupType, orig') else if structIsntReady subExprType then (dropInnerTypeRange fieldType, orig') else if null dims then scopedError scopes $ "illegal access to bit " ++ show i ++ " of " ++ show (Dot e x) ++ ", which has type " ++ show fieldType else (dropInnerTypeRange fieldType, Bit e' iFlat) where (subExprType, e') = convertSubExpr scopes e (_, i') = convertSubExpr scopes i (backupType, _) = fallbackType scopes $ Dot e' x orig' = Bit (Dot e' x) i' (fieldType, bounds, dims) = lookupFieldInfo scopes subExprType e' x [dim] = dims left = BinOp Sub (fst bounds) $ BinOp Sub (fst dim) i' right = BinOp Add (snd bounds) $ BinOp Sub (snd dim) i' iFlat = endianCondExpr dim left right convertSubExpr scopes (Bit e i) = if t == UnknownType then (UnknownType, Bit e' i') else (dropInnerTypeRange t, Bit e' i') where (t, e') = convertSubExpr scopes e (_, i') = convertSubExpr scopes i convertSubExpr scopes (Call e args) = (retType, Call e args') where (retType, _) = fallbackType scopes e args' = convertCall scopes e args convertSubExpr scopes (Cast (Left t) e) = (t, Cast (Left t) e') where (_, e') = convertSubExpr scopes e convertSubExpr scopes (Pattern items) = if all (== Right Nil) $ map fst items' then (UnknownType, Concat $ map snd items') else (UnknownType, Pattern items') where items' = map mapItem items mapItem (x, e) = (x, e') where (_, e') = convertSubExpr scopes e convertSubExpr scopes (Mux a b c) = (t, Mux a' b' c') where (_, a') = convertSubExpr scopes a (t, b') = convertSubExpr scopes b (_, c') = convertSubExpr scopes c convertSubExpr scopes (Ident x) = fallbackType scopes (Ident x) convertSubExpr scopes e = (UnknownType, ) $ traverseExprTypes typeMapper $ traverseSinglyNestedExprs exprMapper e where exprMapper = snd . convertSubExpr scopes typeMapper = convertType . traverseNestedTypes (traverseTypeExprs exprMapper) -- get the fields and type function of a struct or union getFields :: Type -> Maybe [Field] getFields (Struct _ fields []) = Just fields getFields (Union _ fields []) = Just fields getFields _ = Nothing isntStruct :: Type -> Bool isntStruct = (== Nothing) . getFields -- get the field type, flattened bounds, and original type dimensions lookupFieldInfo :: Scopes Type -> Type -> Expr -> Identifier -> (Type, Range, [Range]) lookupFieldInfo scopes struct base fieldName = if maybeFieldType == Nothing then scopedError scopes $ "field '" ++ fieldName ++ "' not found in " ++ show struct ++ ", in expression " ++ show (Dot base fieldName) else (fieldType, bounds, dims) where Just fields = getFields struct maybeFieldType = lookup fieldName $ map swap fields Just fieldType = maybeFieldType dims = snd $ typeRanges fieldType Just (_, unstructRanges) = convertStruct struct Just bounds = lookup fieldName unstructRanges -- attempts to convert based on the assignment-like contexts of TF arguments convertCall :: Scopes Type -> Expr -> Args -> Args convertCall scopes fn (Args pnArgs kwArgs) = Args (map snd pnArgs') kwArgs' where Just fnLHS = exprToLHS fn pnArgs' = map (convertArg fnLHS) $ zip idxs pnArgs kwArgs' = map (convertArg fnLHS) kwArgs idxs = map show ([0..] :: [Int]) convertArg :: LHS -> (Identifier, Expr) -> (Identifier, Expr) convertArg lhs (x, e) = (x, e') where details = lookupElem scopes $ LHSDot lhs x typ = maybe UnknownType thd3 details thd3 (_, _, c) = c (_, e') = convertSubExpr scopes $ convertExpr scopes typ e