{- sv2v - Author: Zachary Snow <zach@zachjs.com> - - Conversion for unbased, unsized literals ('0, '1, 'z, 'x) - - The literals are given a binary base, a size of 1, and are made signed to - allow sign extension. For context-determined expressions, the converted - literals are repeated to match the context-determined size. - - When an unbased, unsized literal depends on the width a module port, the - constant portions of the instantiated module are inlined alongside synthetic - declarations matching the size of the port and filled with the desired bit. - This allows port widths to depend on functions or parameters while avoiding - creating hierarchical or generate-scoped references. -} module Convert.UnbasedUnsized (convert) where import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict import Data.Either (isLeft) import Data.Maybe (isNothing, mapMaybe) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Monoid (Any(Any), getAny) import Convert.Package (inject, prefixItems) import Convert.Traverse import Language.SystemVerilog.AST type Part = [ModuleItem] type Parts = Map.Map Identifier Part type PortBit = (Identifier, Bit) data ExprContext = SelfDetermined | ContextDetermined Expr convert :: [AST] -> [AST] convert files = map (traverseDescriptions convertDescription) files where parts = execWriter $ mapM (collectDescriptionsM collectPartsM) files convertDescription = traverseModuleItems $ convertModuleItem parts collectPartsM :: Description -> Writer Parts () collectPartsM (Part _ _ _ _ name _ items) = tell $ Map.singleton name items collectPartsM _ = return () convertModuleItem :: Parts -> ModuleItem -> ModuleItem convertModuleItem parts (Instance moduleName params instanceName ds bindings) = if null extensionDecls || isNothing maybeModuleItems then convertModuleItem' $ instanceBase bindings else if hasTypeParams || not moduleIsResolved then instanceBase bindings else Generate $ map GenModuleItem $ stubItems ++ [instanceBase bindings'] where instanceBase = Instance moduleName params instanceName ds maybeModuleItems = Map.lookup moduleName parts Just moduleItems = maybeModuleItems -- checking whether we're ready to inline hasTypeParams = any (isLeft . snd) params moduleIsResolved = isEntirelyResolved selectedStubItems -- transform the existing bindings to reference extension declarations (bindings', extensionDeclLists) = unzip $ map (convertBinding blockName) bindings extensionDecls = map (MIPackageItem . Decl) $ concat extensionDeclLists -- inline the necessary portions of the module alongside the selected -- extension declarations stubItems = map (traverseDecls overrideParam) $ prefixItems blockName selectedStubItems selectedStubItems = inject rawStubItems extensionDecls rawStubItems = createModuleStub moduleItems blockName = "sv2v_uu_" ++ instanceName -- override a parameter value in the stub overrideParam :: Decl -> Decl overrideParam (Param Parameter t x e) = Param Localparam t x $ case lookup xOrig params of Just val -> e' where Right e' = val Nothing -> e where xOrig = drop (length blockName + 1) x overrideParam decl = decl convertModuleItem _ other = convertModuleItem' other -- convert a port binding and produce a list of needed extension decls convertBinding :: Identifier -> PortBinding -> (PortBinding, [Decl]) convertBinding blockName (portName, expr) = ((portName, exprPatched), portBits) where exprRaw = convertExpr (ContextDetermined PortTag) expr (exprPatched, portBits) = runWriter $ traverseNestedExprsM (replaceBindingExpr blockName portName) exprRaw -- identify and rewrite references to the width of the current port replaceBindingExpr :: Identifier -> Identifier -> Expr -> Writer [Decl] Expr replaceBindingExpr blockName portName (PortTaggedUU v k) = do tell [extensionDecl portBit] return $ Ident $ blockName ++ "_" ++ extensionDeclName portBit where portBit = (portName, bitForBased v k) replaceBindingExpr _ _ other = return other -- standardized name format for the synthetic declarations below extensionDeclName :: PortBit -> Identifier extensionDeclName (portName, bit) = "ext_" ++ portName ++ "_" ++ show bit -- synthetic declaration with the type of the port filled with the given bit extensionDecl :: PortBit -> Decl extensionDecl portBit@(portName, bit) = Param Localparam t x e where t = Alias portName [] x = extensionDeclName portBit e = literalFor bit -- create an all-constant stub for an instantiated module createModuleStub :: [ModuleItem] -> [PackageItem] createModuleStub = mapMaybe stub where stub :: ModuleItem -> Maybe PackageItem stub (MIPackageItem (Decl decl)) = fmap Decl $ stubDecl decl stub (MIPackageItem item) = Just item stub _ = Nothing -- transform declarations into appropriate constants and type params stubDecl :: Decl -> Maybe Decl stubDecl (Variable d t x a _) = makePortType d t x a stubDecl (Net d _ _ t x a _) = makePortType d t x a stubDecl decl = Just decl -- make a type parameter for each port declaration makePortType :: Direction -> Type -> Identifier -> [Range] -> Maybe Decl makePortType Input UnknownType x [] = Just $ ParamType Localparam x t where t = IntegerVector TLogic Unspecified [] makePortType Input t x [] = Just $ ParamType Localparam x t makePortType _ _ _ _ = Nothing -- ensure inlining the constants doesn't produce generate-scoped exprs or -- expression type references isEntirelyResolved :: [ModuleItem] -> Bool isEntirelyResolved = not . getAny . execWriter . mapM (collectNestedModuleItemsM collectModuleItem) where collectModuleItem :: ModuleItem -> Writer Any () collectModuleItem item = collectExprsM collectExpr item >> collectTypesM collectType item collectExpr :: Expr -> Writer Any () collectExpr Dot{} = tell $ Any True collectExpr expr = collectExprTypesM collectType expr >> collectSinglyNestedExprsM collectExpr expr collectType :: Type -> Writer Any () collectType TypeOf{} = tell $ Any True collectType typ = collectTypeExprsM collectExpr typ >> collectSinglyNestedTypesM collectType typ convertModuleItem' :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem convertModuleItem' = traverseExprs (convertExpr SelfDetermined) . traverseTypes (traverseNestedTypes convertType) . traverseAsgns convertAsgn literalFor :: Bit -> Expr literalFor = Number . (uncurry $ Based 1 True Binary) . bitToVK pattern PortTag :: Expr pattern PortTag = Ident "~~uub~~" -- a converted literal which depends on the current port's width pattern PortTaggedUU :: Integer -> Integer -> Expr pattern PortTaggedUU v k <- Repeat (DimsFn FnBits (Right PortTag)) [Number (Based 1 True Binary v k)] bitForBased :: Integer -> Integer -> Bit bitForBased 0 0 = Bit0 bitForBased 1 0 = Bit1 bitForBased 0 1 = BitX bitForBased _ _ = BitZ sizedLiteralFor :: Expr -> Bit -> Expr sizedLiteralFor expr bit = Repeat size [literalFor bit] where size = DimsFn FnBits $ Right expr convertAsgn :: (LHS, Expr) -> (LHS, Expr) convertAsgn (lhs, UU bit) = (lhs, literalFor bit) convertAsgn (lhs, expr) = (lhs, convertExpr context expr) where context = ContextDetermined $ lhsToExpr lhs convertExpr :: ExprContext -> Expr -> Expr convertExpr _ (DimsFn fn (Right e)) = DimsFn fn $ Right $ convertExpr SelfDetermined e convertExpr _ (Cast te e) = Cast te $ convertExpr SelfDetermined e convertExpr _ (Concat exprs) = Concat $ map (convertExpr SelfDetermined) exprs convertExpr context (Pattern [(Left UnknownType, e@UU{})]) = convertExpr context e convertExpr _ (Pattern items) = Pattern $ zip (map fst items) (map (convertExpr SelfDetermined . snd) items) convertExpr _ (Call expr (Args pnArgs [])) = Call expr $ Args pnArgs' [] where pnArgs' = map (convertExpr SelfDetermined) pnArgs convertExpr _ (Repeat count exprs) = Repeat count $ map (convertExpr SelfDetermined) exprs convertExpr SelfDetermined (MuxA a cond e1@UU{} e2@UU{}) = MuxA a (convertExpr SelfDetermined cond) (convertExpr SelfDetermined e1) (convertExpr SelfDetermined e2) convertExpr SelfDetermined (MuxA a cond e1 e2) = MuxA a (convertExpr SelfDetermined cond) (convertExpr (ContextDetermined e2) e1) (convertExpr (ContextDetermined e1) e2) convertExpr (ContextDetermined expr) (MuxA a cond e1 e2) = MuxA a (convertExpr SelfDetermined cond) (convertExpr context e1) (convertExpr context e2) where context = ContextDetermined expr convertExpr SelfDetermined (BinOpA op a e1 e2) = if isPeerSizedBinOp op || isParentSizedBinOp op then BinOpA op a (convertExpr (ContextDetermined e2) e1) (convertExpr (ContextDetermined e1) e2) else BinOpA op a (convertExpr SelfDetermined e1) (convertExpr SelfDetermined e2) convertExpr (ContextDetermined expr) (BinOpA op a e1 e2) = if isPeerSizedBinOp op then BinOpA op a (convertExpr (ContextDetermined e2) e1) (convertExpr (ContextDetermined e1) e2) else if isParentSizedBinOp op then BinOpA op a (convertExpr context e1) (convertExpr context e2) else BinOpA op a (convertExpr SelfDetermined e1) (convertExpr SelfDetermined e2) where context = ContextDetermined expr convertExpr context (UniOpA op a expr) = if isSizedUniOp op then UniOpA op a (convertExpr context expr) else UniOpA op a (convertExpr SelfDetermined expr) convertExpr SelfDetermined (UU bit) = literalFor bit convertExpr (ContextDetermined expr) (UU bit) = sizedLiteralFor expr bit convertExpr _ other = other pattern UU :: Bit -> Expr pattern UU bit <- Number (UnbasedUnsized bit) convertType :: Type -> Type convertType (TypeOf e) = TypeOf $ convertExpr SelfDetermined e convertType other = traverseTypeExprs (convertExpr SelfDetermined) other isParentSizedBinOp :: BinOp -> Bool isParentSizedBinOp BitAnd = True isParentSizedBinOp BitXor = True isParentSizedBinOp BitXnor = True isParentSizedBinOp BitOr = True isParentSizedBinOp Mul = True isParentSizedBinOp Div = True isParentSizedBinOp Mod = True isParentSizedBinOp Add = True isParentSizedBinOp Sub = True isParentSizedBinOp _ = False isPeerSizedBinOp :: BinOp -> Bool isPeerSizedBinOp Eq = True isPeerSizedBinOp Ne = True isPeerSizedBinOp TEq = True isPeerSizedBinOp TNe = True isPeerSizedBinOp WEq = True isPeerSizedBinOp WNe = True isPeerSizedBinOp Lt = True isPeerSizedBinOp Le = True isPeerSizedBinOp Gt = True isPeerSizedBinOp Ge = True isPeerSizedBinOp _ = False isSizedUniOp :: UniOp -> Bool isSizedUniOp = (/= LogNot)