{- sv2v - Author: Zachary Snow <zach@zachjs.com> - - Conversion of elaborated type casts - - Much of the work of elaborating various casts into explicit integer vector - type casts happens in the TypeOf conversion, which contains the primary logic - for resolving the type and signedness of expressions. It also removes - redundant explicit casts to produce cleaner output. - - Type casts are defined as producing the result of the expression assigned to - a variable of the given type. In the general case, this conversion generates - a pass-through function which performs this assignment-based casting. This - allows for casts to be used anywhere expressions are used, including within - constant expressions. - - It is possible for the type in a cast to refer to localparams within a - procedure. Without evaluating the localparam itself, a function outside of - the procedure cannot refer to the size of the type in the cast. In these - scenarios, the cast is instead performed by adding a temporary parameter or - data declaration within the procedure and assigning the expression to that - declaration to perform the cast. - - A few common cases of casts on number literals are fully elaborated into - their corresponding resulting number literals to avoid excessive noise. -} module Convert.Cast (convert) where import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Data.Maybe (isJust) import Convert.ExprUtils import Convert.Scoper import Convert.Traverse import Language.SystemVerilog.AST convert :: [AST] -> [AST] convert = map $ traverseDescriptions convertDescription convertDescription :: Description -> Description convertDescription = traverseModuleItems dropDuplicateCaster . evalScoper . scopePart scoper where scoper = scopeModuleItem traverseDeclM traverseModuleItemM traverseGenItemM traverseStmtM type SC = Scoper () traverseDeclM :: Decl -> SC Decl traverseDeclM decl = do decl' <- case decl of Variable d t x a e -> do enterStmt e' <- traverseExprM e exitStmt details <- lookupLocalIdentM x if isPrefixOf "sv2v_cast_" x && details /= Nothing then return $ Variable Local t DuplicateTag [] Nil else do insertElem x () return $ Variable d t x a e' Net d n s t x a e -> do enterStmt e' <- traverseExprM e exitStmt insertElem x () return $ Net d n s t x a e' Param _ _ x _ -> insertElem x () >> return decl ParamType _ _ _ -> return decl CommentDecl _ -> return decl traverseDeclExprsM traverseExprM decl' pattern DuplicateTag :: Identifier pattern DuplicateTag = ":duplicate_cast_to_be_removed:" dropDuplicateCaster :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem dropDuplicateCaster (MIPackageItem (Function _ _ DuplicateTag _ _)) = Generate [] dropDuplicateCaster other = other traverseModuleItemM :: ModuleItem -> SC ModuleItem traverseModuleItemM (Genvar x) = insertElem x () >> return (Genvar x) traverseModuleItemM item = traverseExprsM traverseExprM item traverseGenItemM :: GenItem -> SC GenItem traverseGenItemM = traverseGenItemExprsM traverseExprM traverseStmtM :: Stmt -> SC Stmt traverseStmtM stmt = do enterStmt stmt' <- traverseStmtExprsM traverseExprM stmt exitStmt return stmt' traverseExprM :: Expr -> SC Expr traverseExprM (Cast (Left (IntegerVector kw sg rs)) value) | kw /= TBit = do value' <- fmap simplify $ traverseExprM value size' <- traverseExprM size convertCastM size' value' signed where signed = sg == Signed size = dimensionsSize rs traverseExprM other = traverseSinglyNestedExprsM traverseExprM other convertCastM :: Expr -> Expr -> Bool -> SC Expr convertCastM (Number size) _ _ | maybeInt == Nothing = illegal "an integer" | int <= 0 = illegal "a positive integer" where maybeInt = numberToInteger size Just int = maybeInt illegal = scopedErrorM . msg msg s = "size cast width " ++ show size ++ " is not " ++ s convertCastM (Number size) (Number value) signed = return $ Number $ numberCast signed (fromIntegral size') value where Just size' = numberToInteger size convertCastM size@Number{} (String str) signed = convertCastM size (stringToNumber str) signed convertCastM size value signed = do sizeUsesLocalVars <- embedScopes usesLocalVars size inProcedure <- withinProcedureM if not sizeUsesLocalVars || not inProcedure then do let name = castFnName size signed let item = castFn name size signed if sizeUsesLocalVars then do details <- lookupLocalIdentM name when (details == Nothing) (injectItem item) else do details <- lookupElemM name when (details == Nothing) (injectTopItem item) return $ Call (Ident name) (Args [value] []) else do name <- castDeclName 0 insertElem name () useVar <- withinStmt injectDecl $ castDecl useVar name value size signed return $ Ident name -- checks if a cast size references any vars not defined at the top level scope usesLocalVars :: Scopes a -> Expr -> Bool usesLocalVars scopes = getAny . execWriter . collectNestedExprsM collectLocalVarsM where collectLocalVarsM :: Expr -> Writer Any () collectLocalVarsM expr@(Ident x) = if isLoopVar scopes x then tell $ Any True else resolve expr collectLocalVarsM expr = resolve expr resolve :: Expr -> Writer Any () resolve expr = case lookupElem scopes expr of Nothing -> return () Just ([_, _], _, _) -> return () Just (_, _, _) -> tell $ Any True castType :: Expr -> Bool -> Type castType size signed = IntegerVector TLogic sg [r] where r = (simplify $ BinOp Sub size (RawNum 1), RawNum 0) sg = if signed then Signed else Unspecified castFn :: Identifier -> Expr -> Bool -> ModuleItem castFn name size signed = MIPackageItem $ Function Automatic t name [decl] [stmt] where inp = "inp" t = castType size signed decl = Variable Input t inp [] Nil stmt = Asgn AsgnOpEq Nothing (LHSIdent name) (Ident inp) castFnName :: Expr -> Bool -> String castFnName size signed = "sv2v_cast_" ++ sizeStr ++ suffix where sizeStr = case size of Number n -> show v where Just v = numberToInteger n _ -> shortHash size suffix = if signed then "_signed" else "" castDecl :: Bool -> Identifier -> Expr -> Expr -> Bool -> Decl castDecl useVar name value size signed = if useVar then Variable Local t name [] value else Param Localparam t name value where t = castType size signed castDeclName :: Int -> SC String castDeclName counter = do details <- lookupElemM name if details == Nothing then return name else castDeclName (counter + 1) where name = if counter == 0 then prefix else prefix ++ '_' : show counter prefix = "sv2v_tmp_cast" -- track whether procedural casts should use variables withinStmtKey :: Identifier withinStmtKey = ":within_stmt:" withinStmt :: SC Bool withinStmt = fmap isJust $ lookupElemM withinStmtKey enterStmt :: SC () enterStmt = do inProcedure <- withinProcedureM when inProcedure $ insertElem withinStmtKey () exitStmt :: SC () exitStmt = do inProcedure <- withinProcedureM when inProcedure $ removeElem withinStmtKey