{- sv2v - Author: Zachary Snow <zach@zachjs.com> - - Conversion for `always_latch`, `always_comb`, and `always_ff` - - `always_comb` and `always_latch` become `always @*`, or produce an explicit - sensitivity list if they need to pick up sensitivities from the functions - they call. `always_ff` simply becomes `always`. - - TODO: `always_comb` blocks do not run at time zero -} module Convert.AlwaysKW (convert) where import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe) import Convert.Scoper import Convert.Traverse import Language.SystemVerilog.AST convert :: [AST] -> [AST] convert = map $ traverseDescriptions traverseDescription traverseDescription :: Description -> Description traverseDescription description@Part{} = evalState (evalScoperT $ scopePart op description) mempty where op = traverseModuleItem >=> scoper traverseDescription description = description type SC = ScoperT Kind (State (Any, [Expr])) type PortDir = (Identifier, Direction) data Kind = Const Expr | Var | Proc [Expr] [PortDir] scoper :: ModuleItem -> SC ModuleItem scoper = scopeModuleItem traverseDecl return traverseGenItem traverseStmt -- track declarations and visit expressions they contain traverseDecl :: Decl -> SC Decl traverseDecl decl = do case decl of Param s _ x e -> do -- handle references to local constants e' <- if s == Localparam then scopeExpr e else return Nil insertElem x $ Const e' ParamType _ x _ -> insertElem x $ Const Nil Variable _ _ x _ _ -> do -- don't let the second visit of a function or task overwrite the -- Proc entry that was just generated details <- lookupLocalIdentM x case details of Just (_, _, Proc{}) -> return () _ -> insertElem x Var Net _ _ _ _ x _ _ -> insertElem x Var CommentDecl{} -> return () traverseDeclExprsM traverseExpr decl -- track expressions and subroutines in a statement traverseStmt :: Stmt -> SC Stmt traverseStmt (Subroutine expr args) = traverseCall Subroutine expr args traverseStmt stmt = traverseStmtExprsM traverseExpr stmt -- visit tasks, functions, and always blocks in generate scopes traverseGenItem :: GenItem -> SC GenItem traverseGenItem (GenModuleItem item) = traverseModuleItem item >>= return . GenModuleItem traverseGenItem other = return other -- identify variables referenced within an expression traverseExpr :: Expr -> SC Expr traverseExpr (Call expr args) = traverseCall Call expr args traverseExpr expr = do prefix <- embedScopes longestStaticPrefix expr case prefix of Just expr' -> push (Any False, [expr']) >> return expr _ -> traverseSinglyNestedExprsM traverseExpr expr -- turn a reference to a variable into a canonicalized longest static prefix, if -- possible, per IEEE 1800-2017 Section 11.5.3 longestStaticPrefix :: Scopes Kind -> Expr -> Maybe Expr longestStaticPrefix scopes expr@Ident{} = asVar scopes expr longestStaticPrefix scopes (Range expr mode (l, r)) = do expr' <- longestStaticPrefix scopes expr l' <- asConst scopes l r' <- asConst scopes r Just $ Range expr' mode (l', r') longestStaticPrefix scopes (Bit expr idx) = do expr' <- longestStaticPrefix scopes expr idx' <- asConst scopes idx Just $ Bit expr' idx' longestStaticPrefix scopes orig@(Dot expr field) = case asVar scopes orig of Just orig' -> Just orig' _ -> do expr' <- longestStaticPrefix scopes expr Just $ Dot expr' field longestStaticPrefix _ _ = Nothing -- lookup an expression as an outwardly-visible variable asVar :: Scopes Kind -> Expr -> Maybe Expr asVar scopes expr = do (accesses, _, Var) <- lookupElem scopes expr if visible accesses then Just $ accessesToExpr accesses else Nothing visible :: [Access] -> Bool visible = not . elem (Access "" Nil) -- lookup an expression as a hoist-able constant asConst :: Scopes Kind -> Expr -> Maybe Expr asConst scopes expr = case runWriter $ asConstRaw scopes expr of (expr', Any False) -> Just expr' _ -> Nothing asConstRaw :: Scopes Kind -> Expr -> Writer Any Expr asConstRaw scopes expr = case lookupElem scopes expr of Just (accesses@[_, _], _, Const{}) -> return $ accessesToExpr accesses Just (_, _, Const Nil) -> recurse Just (_, _, Const expr') -> asConstRaw scopes expr' Just{} -> tell (Any True) >> return Nil Nothing -> recurse where recurse = traverseSinglyNestedExprsM (asConstRaw scopes) expr -- special handling for subroutine invocations and function calls traverseCall :: (Expr -> Args -> a) -> Expr -> Args -> SC a traverseCall constructor expr args = do details <- lookupElemM expr expr' <- traverseExpr expr args' <- case details of Just (_, _, Proc exprs ps) -> do when (not $ null exprs) $ push (Any True, exprs) traverseArgs ps args _ -> traverseArgs [] args return $ constructor expr' args' -- treats output ports as assignment-like contexts traverseArgs :: [PortDir] -> Args -> SC Args traverseArgs ps (Args pnArgs kwArgs) = do pnArgs' <- zipWithM usingPN [0..] pnArgs kwArgs' <- mapM usingKW kwArgs return (Args pnArgs' kwArgs') where usingPN :: Int -> Expr -> SC Expr usingPN key val = do if dir == Output then return val else traverseExpr val where dir = if key < length ps then snd $ ps !! key else Input usingKW :: (Identifier, Expr) -> SC (Identifier, Expr) usingKW (key, val) = do val' <- if dir == Output then return val else traverseExpr val return (key, val') where dir = fromMaybe Input $ lookup key ps -- append to the non-local expression state push :: (Any, [Expr]) -> SC () push x = lift $ modify' (x <>) -- custom traversal which converts SystemVerilog `always` keywords and tracks -- information about task and functions traverseModuleItem :: ModuleItem -> SC ModuleItem traverseModuleItem (AlwaysC AlwaysLatch stmt) = do e <- fmap toEvent $ findNonLocals $ Initial stmt return $ AlwaysC Always $ Timing (Event e) stmt traverseModuleItem (AlwaysC AlwaysComb stmt) = do e <- fmap toEvent $ findNonLocals $ Initial stmt return $ AlwaysC Always $ Timing (Event e) stmt traverseModuleItem (AlwaysC AlwaysFF stmt) = return $ AlwaysC Always stmt traverseModuleItem item@(MIPackageItem (Function _ _ x decls _)) = do (_, s) <- findNonLocals item insertElem x $ Proc s (ports decls) return item traverseModuleItem item@(MIPackageItem (Task _ x decls _)) = do insertElem x $ Proc [] (ports decls) return item traverseModuleItem (MIAttr attr item) = MIAttr attr <$> traverseModuleItem item traverseModuleItem other = return other toEvent :: (Bool, [Expr]) -> Event toEvent (False, _) = EventStar toEvent (True, exprs) = EventExpr $ foldl1 EventExprOr $ map (EventExprEdge NoEdge) exprs -- turn a list of port declarations into a port direction map ports :: [Decl] -> [PortDir] ports = filter ((/= Local) . snd) . map port port :: Decl -> PortDir port (Variable d _ x _ _) = (x, d) port _ = ("", Local) -- get a list of non-local variables referenced within a module item, and -- whether or not this module item references any functions which themselves -- reference non-local variables findNonLocals :: ModuleItem -> SC (Bool, [Expr]) findNonLocals item = do scopes <- get lift $ put mempty _ <- scoper item (anys, exprs) <- lift get let nonLocals = mapMaybe (longestStaticPrefix scopes) exprs return (getAny anys, nonLocals)