{- sv2v
 - Author: Zachary Snow <zach@zachjs.com>
 - Conversion for moving top-level package items into modules

module Convert.NestPI (convert, reorder) where

import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST

type PIs = Map.Map Identifier PackageItem
type Idents = Set.Set Identifier

convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert =
    map (filter (not . isPI)) . nest
        nest :: [AST] -> [AST]
        nest = traverseFiles
            (collectDescriptionsM collectDescriptionM)
            (traverseDescriptions . convertDescription)
        isPI :: Description -> Bool
        isPI (PackageItem Import{}) = False
        isPI (PackageItem item) = piName item /= ""
        isPI _ = False

reorder :: [AST] -> [AST]
reorder = map $ traverseDescriptions reorderDescription

-- collects packages items missing
collectDescriptionM :: Description -> Writer PIs ()
collectDescriptionM (PackageItem item) = do
    case piName item of
        "" -> return ()
        ident -> tell $ Map.singleton ident item
collectDescriptionM _ = return ()

-- nests packages items missing from modules
convertDescription :: PIs -> Description -> Description
convertDescription pis (orig @ Part{}) =
    if Map.null pis
        then orig
        else Part attrs extern kw lifetime name ports items'
        Part attrs extern kw lifetime name ports items = orig
        items' = addItems pis Set.empty items
convertDescription _ other = other

-- attempt to fix simple declaration order issues
reorderDescription :: Description -> Description
reorderDescription (Part attrs extern kw lifetime name ports items) =
    Part attrs extern kw lifetime name ports items'
        items' = addItems localPIs Set.empty items
        localPIs = Map.fromList $ mapMaybe toPIElem items
        toPIElem :: ModuleItem -> Maybe (Identifier, PackageItem)
        toPIElem (MIPackageItem item) = Just (piName item, item)
        toPIElem _ = Nothing
reorderDescription other = other

-- iteratively inserts missing package items exactly where they are needed
addItems :: PIs -> Idents -> [ModuleItem] -> [ModuleItem]
addItems pis existingPIs (item : items) =
    if not $ Set.disjoint existingPIs thisPI then
        -- this item was re-imported earlier in the module
        addItems pis existingPIs items
    else if null itemsToAdd then
        -- this item has no additional dependencies
        item : addItems pis (Set.union existingPIs thisPI) items
        -- this item has at least one un-met dependency
        addItems pis existingPIs (head itemsToAdd : item : items)
        thisPI = execWriter $ collectPIsM item
        runner f = execWriter $ collectNestedModuleItemsM f item
        usedPIs = Set.unions $ map runner
            [ collectStmtsM collectSubroutinesM
            , collectTypesM $ collectNestedTypesM collectTypenamesM
            , collectExprsM $ collectNestedExprsM collectExprIdentsM
            , collectLHSsM  $ collectNestedLHSsM  collectLHSIdentsM
        neededPIs = Set.difference (Set.difference usedPIs existingPIs) thisPI
        itemsToAdd = map MIPackageItem $ Map.elems $
            Map.restrictKeys pis neededPIs
addItems _ _ [] = []

-- writes down the names of package items
collectPIsM :: ModuleItem -> Writer Idents ()
collectPIsM (MIPackageItem item) =
    case piName item of
        "" -> return ()
        ident -> tell $ Set.singleton ident
collectPIsM _ = return ()

-- writes down the names of subroutine invocations
collectSubroutinesM :: Stmt -> Writer Idents ()
collectSubroutinesM (Subroutine (Ident f) _) = tell $ Set.singleton f
collectSubroutinesM _ = return ()

-- writes down the names of function calls and identifiers
collectExprIdentsM :: Expr -> Writer Idents ()
collectExprIdentsM (Call (Ident x) _) = tell $ Set.singleton x
collectExprIdentsM (Ident x)          = tell $ Set.singleton x
collectExprIdentsM _ = return ()

-- writes down the names of identifiers
collectLHSIdentsM :: LHS -> Writer Idents ()
collectLHSIdentsM (LHSIdent x) = tell $ Set.singleton x
collectLHSIdentsM _ = return ()

-- writes down aliased typenames
collectTypenamesM :: Type -> Writer Idents ()
collectTypenamesM (Alias       x _) = tell $ Set.singleton x
collectTypenamesM (PSAlias _   x _) = tell $ Set.singleton x
collectTypenamesM (CSAlias _ _ x _) = tell $ Set.singleton x
collectTypenamesM _ = return ()

-- returns the "name" of a package item, if it has one
piName :: PackageItem -> Identifier
piName (Function _ _ ident _ _) = ident
piName (Task     _   ident _ _) = ident
piName (Typedef    _ ident    ) = ident
piName (Decl (Variable _ _ ident _ _)) = ident
piName (Decl (Param    _ _ ident   _)) = ident
piName (Decl (ParamType  _ ident   _)) = ident
piName (Decl (CommentDecl          _)) = ""
piName (Import x y) = show $ Import x y
piName (Export    _) = ""
piName (Directive _) = ""