{- sv2v - Author: Zachary Snow <zach@zachjs.com> - - Conversion for checking and standardizing port declarations - - Non-ANSI style port declarations can be split into two separate declarations. - Section of IEEE 1800-2017 defines rules for determining the - resulting details of such declarations. This conversion is part of the - initial phases to avoid requiring that downstream conversions handle these - unusual otherwise conflicting declarations. - - To avoid creating spurious conflicts for redeclared ports, this conversion is - also responsible for defaulting variable ports to `logic`. -} module Convert.PortDecl (convert) where import Data.List (intercalate, (\\)) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Convert.ExprUtils (simplifyDimensions) import Convert.Traverse import Language.SystemVerilog.AST convert :: [AST] -> [AST] convert = map $ traverseDescriptions traverseDescription traverseDescription :: Description -> Description traverseDescription (Part attrs extern kw liftetime name ports items) = Part attrs extern kw liftetime name ports items' where items' = convertPorts name ports items traverseDescription (PackageItem item) = PackageItem $ convertPackageItem item traverseDescription other = other convertPackageItem :: PackageItem -> PackageItem convertPackageItem (Function l t x decls stmts) = Function l t x (convertTFDecls decls) stmts convertPackageItem (Task l x decls stmts) = Task l x (convertTFDecls decls) stmts convertPackageItem other = other convertPorts :: Identifier -> [Identifier] -> [ModuleItem] -> [ModuleItem] convertPorts name ports items | not (null name) && not (null extraPorts) = error $ "declared ports " ++ intercalate ", " extraPorts ++ " are not in the port list of " ++ name | otherwise = map traverseItem items where portDecls = mapMaybe (findDecl True ) items dataDecls = mapMaybe (findDecl False) items extraPorts = map fst portDecls \\ ports -- rewrite a declaration if necessary traverseItem :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem traverseItem (MIPackageItem (Decl decl)) | Variable d _ x _ e <- decl = rewrite decl (combineIdent x) d x e | Net d _ _ _ x _ e <- decl = rewrite decl (combineIdent x) d x e | otherwise = MIPackageItem $ Decl decl traverseItem (MIPackageItem item) = MIPackageItem $ convertPackageItem item traverseItem other = other -- produce the combined declaration for a port, if it has one combineIdent :: Identifier -> Maybe Decl combineIdent x = do portDecl <- lookup x portDecls dataDecl <- lookup x dataDecls Just $ combineDecls portDecl dataDecl -- wrapper for convertPorts enabling its application to task or function decls convertTFDecls :: [Decl] -> [Decl] convertTFDecls = map unwrap . convertPorts "" [] . map wrap where wrap :: Decl -> ModuleItem wrap = MIPackageItem . Decl unwrap :: ModuleItem -> Decl unwrap item = decl where MIPackageItem (Decl decl) = item -- given helpfully extracted information, update the given declaration rewrite :: Decl -> Maybe Decl -> Direction -> Identifier -> Expr -> ModuleItem -- implicitly-typed output ports default to `logic` in SystemVerilog rewrite (Variable Output (Implicit sg rs) x a e) Nothing _ _ _ = MIPackageItem $ Decl $ Variable Output (IntegerVector TLogic sg rs) x a e -- not a relevant port declaration rewrite decl Nothing _ _ _ = MIPackageItem $ Decl decl -- turn the non-ANSI style port and data declarations into fully-specified ports -- and optional continuous assignments, respectively rewrite _ (Just combined) d x e | d /= Local = MIPackageItem $ Decl combined | e /= Nil = Assign AssignOptionNone (LHSIdent x) e | otherwise = MIPackageItem $ Decl $ CommentDecl $ "combined with " ++ x -- combine the two declarations defining a non-ANSI style port combineDecls :: Decl -> Decl -> Decl combineDecls portDecl dataDecl | eP /= Nil = mismatch "invalid initialization at port declaration" | simplifyDimensions aP /= simplifyDimensions aD = mismatch "different unpacked dimensions" | simplifyDimensions rsP /= simplifyDimensions rsD = mismatch "different packed dimensions" | otherwise = base (tf rsD) ident aD Nil where -- signed if *either* declaration is marked signed sg = if sgP == Signed || sgD == Signed then Signed else Unspecified -- the port cannot have a variable or net type Implicit sgP rsP = case tP of Implicit{} -> tP _ -> mismatch "redeclaration" -- pull out the base type, signedness, and packed dimensions (tf, sgD, rsD) = case tD of Implicit s r -> (IntegerVector TLogic sg, s, r ) IntegerVector k s r -> (IntegerVector k sg, s, r ) IntegerAtom k s -> (\[] -> IntegerAtom k s , s, []) -- TODO: other basic types may be worth supporting here _ -> mismatch "non-ANSI port declaration with unsupported data type" -- extract the core components of each declaration Variable dir tP ident aP eP = portDecl (base, tD, aD) = case dataDecl of Variable Local t _ a _ -> (Variable dir, t, a) Net Local n s t _ a _ -> (Net dir n s, t, a) _ -> undefined -- not possible given findDecl -- helpful error message utility mismatch :: String -> a mismatch msg = error $ "declarations `" ++ p portDecl ++ "` and `" ++ p dataDecl ++ "` are incompatible due to " ++ msg where p = init . show -- used to build independent lists of port and data declarations findDecl :: Bool -> ModuleItem -> Maybe (Identifier, Decl) findDecl isPort (MIPackageItem (Decl decl)) | Variable d _ x _ _ <- decl, (d /= Local) == isPort = Just (x, decl) | Net d _ _ _ x _ _ <- decl, (d /= Local) == isPort = Just (x, decl) findDecl _ _ = Nothing