{- sv2v
 - Author: Zachary Snow <zach@zachjs.com>
 - High-level elaboration for struct constant accesses
 - This greatly simplifies designs with long sequences of struct parameters
 - which extend and reference one another, as seen in BlackParrot.

module Convert.StructConst (convert) where

import Control.Monad (join, mplus, when)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST

type StructType = [Field]
type StructValue = [(TypeOrExpr, Expr)]

type Const = (StructType, StructValue)
type Consts = Map.Map Identifier Const
type Types = Map.Map Identifier StructType

type SC = State (Types, Consts)

convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert = map $ traverseDescriptions convertDescription

convertDescription :: Description -> Description
convertDescription =
    flip evalState mempty .
    traverseModuleItemsM (traverseDeclsM elaborateDecl)

insertType :: Identifier -> [Field] -> SC ()
insertType ident typ = do
    (types, consts) <- get
    let types' = Map.insert ident typ types
    put (types', consts)

insertConst :: Identifier -> Const -> SC ()
insertConst ident cnst = do
    (types, consts) <- get
    let consts' = Map.insert ident cnst consts
    put (types, consts')

lookupType :: Type -> SC [Field]
lookupType (Alias ident []) = do
    maybeFields <- gets $ Map.lookup ident . fst
    return $ fromMaybe [] maybeFields
lookupType (Struct (Packed Unspecified) fields []) =
    return fields
lookupType _ = return []

lookupConst :: Identifier -> SC (Maybe Const)
lookupConst param = gets $ Map.lookup param . snd

elaborateDecl :: Decl -> SC Decl
-- track struct type parameters
elaborateDecl decl@(ParamType Localparam x t)
    | Struct (Packed Unspecified) fields [] <- t =
        insertType x fields >> return decl
-- track and resolve struct constants
elaborateDecl (Param Localparam t x e) = do
    e' <- elaborateExpr e
    fields <- lookupType t
    when (not $ null fields) $ do
        maybeValues <- extractStructValue e'
        case maybeValues of
            Just values -> insertConst x (fields, values)
            Nothing -> return ()
    return $ Param Localparam t x e'
elaborateDecl decl = return decl

-- extract the pattern items, including for simple aliases
extractStructValue :: Expr -> SC (Maybe StructValue)
extractStructValue (Pattern values) = return $ Just values
extractStructValue (Ident param) = fmap (fmap snd) $ lookupConst param
extractStructValue _ = return Nothing

-- elaborate constant field accesses
elaborateExpr :: Expr -> SC Expr
elaborateExpr expr@(Dot (Ident param) field) =
    fmap (fromMaybe expr . join . fmap (resolveParam field)) (lookupConst param)
elaborateExpr expr =
    traverseSinglyNestedExprsM elaborateExpr expr

-- lookup value in struct constant
resolveParam :: Identifier -> Const -> Maybe Expr
resolveParam field (fields, values) = do
    fieldType <- lookup field (map swap fields)
    value <- mplus
        (lookup (Right $ Ident field) values)
        (lookup (Left UnknownType) values)
    Just $ Cast (Left fieldType) value