Commit f44e3e80 by Zachary Snow

add option to skip preprocessing

parent f5881919
......@@ -77,8 +77,9 @@ Preprocessing:
-D --define=NAME[=VALUE] Define a macro for preprocessing
--siloed Lex input files separately, so macros from
earlier files are not defined in later files
--skip-preprocessor Disable preprocessor
-E --exclude=CONV Exclude a particular conversion (always,
-E --exclude=CONV Exclude a particular conversion (always, assert,
interface, or logic)
-v --verbose Retain certain conversion artifacts
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ data Job = Job
, incdir :: [FilePath]
, define :: [String]
, siloed :: Bool
, skipPreprocessor :: Bool
, exclude :: [Exclude]
, verbose :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
......@@ -45,8 +46,10 @@ defaultJob = Job
&= help "Define a macro for preprocessing"
, siloed = nam_ "siloed" &= help ("Lex input files separately, so"
++ " macros from earlier files are not defined in later files")
, skipPreprocessor = nam_ "skip-preprocessor" &= help "Disable preprocessor"
, exclude = nam_ "exclude" &= name "E" &= typ "CONV"
&= help "Exclude a particular conversion (always, assert, interface, or logic)"
&= help ("Exclude a particular conversion (always, assert, interface,"
++ " or logic)")
&= groupname "Conversion"
, verbose = nam "verbose" &= help "Retain certain conversion artifacts"
......@@ -11,29 +11,30 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST (AST)
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Lex (lexStr)
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Parse (parse)
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Preprocess (preprocess, Env)
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Preprocess (preprocess, annotate, Env)
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Tokens (Position(..), tokenPosition)
-- parses a compilation unit given include search paths and predefined macros
parseFiles :: [FilePath] -> [(String, String)] -> Bool -> [FilePath] -> IO (Either String [AST])
parseFiles includePaths defines siloed paths = do
parseFiles :: [FilePath] -> [(String, String)] -> Bool -> Bool -> [FilePath] -> IO (Either String [AST])
parseFiles includePaths defines siloed skipPreprocessor paths = do
let env = (\a -> (a, [])) $ Map.fromList defines
runExceptT (parseFiles' includePaths env siloed paths)
runExceptT (parseFiles' includePaths env siloed skipPreprocessor paths)
-- parses a compilation unit given include search paths and predefined macros
parseFiles' :: [FilePath] -> Env -> Bool -> [FilePath] -> ExceptT String IO [AST]
parseFiles' _ _ _ [] = return []
parseFiles' includePaths env siloed (path : paths) = do
(ast, envEnd) <- parseFile' includePaths env path
parseFiles' :: [FilePath] -> Env -> Bool -> Bool -> [FilePath] -> ExceptT String IO [AST]
parseFiles' _ _ _ _ [] = return []
parseFiles' includePaths env siloed skipPreprocessor (path : paths) = do
(ast, envEnd) <- parseFile' includePaths env skipPreprocessor path
let envNext = if siloed then env else envEnd
asts <- parseFiles' includePaths envNext siloed paths
asts <- parseFiles' includePaths envNext siloed skipPreprocessor paths
return $ ast : asts
-- parses a file given include search paths, a table of predefined macros, and
-- the file path
parseFile' :: [String] -> Env -> FilePath -> ExceptT String IO (AST, Env)
parseFile' includePaths env path = do
preResult <- liftIO $ preprocess includePaths env path
parseFile' :: [String] -> Env -> Bool -> FilePath -> ExceptT String IO (AST, Env)
parseFile' includePaths env skipPreprocessor path = do
let runner = if skipPreprocessor then annotate else preprocess
preResult <- liftIO $ runner includePaths env path
(contents, env') <- liftEither preResult
result <- liftIO $ uncurry lexStr $ unzip contents
tokens <- liftEither result
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
module Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Preprocess
( preprocess
, annotate
, Env
) where
......@@ -66,6 +67,21 @@ preprocess includePaths env path = do
output = reverse $ ppOutput finalState
env' = ppEnv finalState
-- position annotator entrypoint used for files that don't need any
-- preprocessing
annotate :: [String] -> Env -> FilePath -> IO (Either String ([(Char, Position)], Env))
annotate _ env path = do
contents <-
if path == "-"
then getContents
else loadFile path
let positions = scanl advance (Position path 1 1) contents
return $ Right (zip contents positions, env)
advance :: Position -> Char -> Position
advance (Position f l _) '\n' = Position f (l + 1) 1
advance (Position f l c) _ = Position f l (c + 1)
-- read in the given file
loadFile :: FilePath -> IO String
loadFile path = do
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import System.IO
import System.Exit
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Job (readJob, files, exclude, incdir, define, siloed)
import Job (readJob, files, exclude, incdir, define, siloed, skipPreprocessor)
import Convert (convert)
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser (parseFiles)
......@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ main = do
job <- readJob
-- parse the input files
let defines = map splitDefine $ define job
result <- parseFiles (incdir job) defines (siloed job) (files job)
result <- parseFiles (incdir job) defines (siloed job)
(skipPreprocessor job) (files job)
case result of
Left msg -> do
hPutStr stderr $ msg ++ "\n"
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